Southern Pacific: Hours of Service Act 1929-04-01
Safety Meetings 1935-04-15
Time book (loose pages) 1947-1948
Receipt for Over Payment and Watch Cleaning Notice 1948-1949
Southern Pacific Payroll-Statement of Earnings and Deductions 1949-1957
Time Recording Books 1950-1953
Southern Pacific Rules and Regulations of the Transportation Department 1951-12-01
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Dues Card 1953
USA Railroad Retirement Board: Record of Service Months and Compensation 1953-1959
Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ladies Auxiliary 1955
Careful Car Handling 1955
5 Day Work Week Rules 1955-10-04
Southern Pacific Vacation Agreement 1956
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Certificate 1957-01-01
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Brochure 1958
Reissue of Los Angeles Terminal Yard Notices 1958
Switchmen's Union of North America (correspondence) 1959-03-10
Southern Pacific Hospital Department (correspondence) 1960-08-24
Southern Pacific (correspondence) Life Insurance 1960
Correspondence (from friends) 1960
Correspondence (get well cards from friends) 1960
Correspondence (post cards from friends) 1960-1961
Ladies Auxiliary to the Switchmen's Union of North America Members Receipt Book 1961-1966
Swtchmen's Union of North America (Correspondence/Get well cards) 1961-1962
Union Donation Record-Switchmen's Donations 1962
Cedars of Lebanon Hospital Bill 1962-06-28-1962-07-04
San Francisco Chronicle Newspaper Article 1962-11-02
Southern Pacific Annual Pass 1958-1960
Rules and Regulations of Southern Pacific Employees Group Hospital and Medical Benefits Service Plan 1965-08-01
Funeral Floral Cards 1973-02-14
Obituary 1973-02-23