This collection contains the records of Town and Gown of the University of Southern California, a non-profit organization
begun in 1904 as the Women's Club of USC, which raises money for scholarships, campus projects, and cultural programs. Much
of the collection centers on the planning and work needed produce Town and Gown benefit events, most notably the annual luncheon
and fashion show.
Town and Gown of the University of Southern California is a non-profit that raises money for scholarships, campus projects,
and cultural programs. Town and Gown began in 1904 as the Women's Club of USC, and the name was changed to Town & Gown by
Elisabeth Von KleinSmid, who served as president from 1922 to 1947. In 1982, the group was incorporated as a non-profit corporation.
33.77 Linear Feet
40 boxes
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