Otto Klemperer was a German conductor and composer born in Breslau, Germany on May 14th, 1885. After studying at the Hoch
Conservatory in Frankfurt and the Stern Conservatory in Berlin until 1918, he became one of the leading German conductors
of his generation. Klemperer had already been a conductor at the German Opera in Prague in 1907 through the recommendation
of his friend, Gustav Mahler. He went on to hold a number of prominent positions in Hamburg, the Strasbourg Opera, the Cologne
Opera, and the Wiesbaden Opera House. He championed in not only conducting classic pieces from Mozart and Bach, but also new
works by composers of his own time.
Otto Klemperer was a German conductor and composer born in Breslau,
Germany on May 14th, 1885. After studying at the Hoch Conservatory in
Frankfurt and the Stern Conservatory in Berlin until 1918, he became one of the
leading German conductors of his generation. Klemperer had already been a
conductor at the German Opera in Prague in 1907 through the recommendation
of his friend, Gustav Mahler. He went on to hold a number of prominent positions
in Hamburg, the Strasbourg Opera, the Cologne Opera, and the Wiesbaden
Opera House. He championed in not only conducting classic pieces from Mozart
and Bach, but also new works by composers of his own time.
The Otto Klemperer Collection of Musical Scores is the physical
property of California State University, Los Angeles, John F. Kennedy Memorial
Library, Special Collections and Archives.