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Hayes (Dorothy)
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The materials consist of brochures, catalogs, newspaper clippings, certificates, awards, diplomas, photographs, slides, negatives, transparencies, floppy discs, film portfolios and other materials. Also included is Dorothy Hayes' research, teaching, patent material and material about the 1970's exhibit "Black Artist in Graphic Communication," awards, slides of the exhibit and her work in sculptures
Dorothy Hayes was a Black graphic designer and educator. She was born on December 1, 1935 in Mobile Alabama. Hayes graduated from Alabama State College and moved to New York in 1958 where she graduated from the Cooper Union School of Art with a graphic design degree. In 1970 she co-curated the Black Artist in Graphic Communication exhibition. Hayes was a professor of art and advertising design at New York Technical College and owned Dorothy's Door, a commercial design agency. Hayes also created abstract plastics sculptures. Hayes died on July 31, 2015.
2.15 Linear Feet (4 manuscript boxes and 1 flat box)
While Special Collections is the owner of the physical and digital items, permission to examine collection materials is not an authorization to publish. These materials are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Any transmission or reproduction beyond that allowed by fair use requires permission from the owners of rights, heir(s) or assigns. See: http://library.stanford.edu/spc/using-collections/permission-publish
The collection is open for research except restricted materials which are closed until the date noted at the file level. Note that material is stored off-site and must be requested at least 36 hours in advance of intended use. Audiovisual materials are not available in original format, and must be reformatted to a digital use copy.