The Yuen Ren Chao papers document the life and career of the celebrated linguist, phonologist, theorist, poet, and teacher.
The materials are varied in nature and range in origin from Chao’s early school years to the time of his death, encompassing
both his personal life and the development of his professional career and endeavors across China and the United States. They
include Chao’s personal and professional correspondence; his research files, readings, notes, and fieldwork material; the
material generated by his work for governmental, intergovernmental, academic, and professional organizations; manuscripts
for many of his major books and articles; course material and administrative documents related to his teaching; and his personal
material, which includes diaries, notebooks, undergraduate and graduate schoolwork, and documentation of travel and personal
accounts. Together, these materials form a comprehensive illustration of Chao’s life and work, from his early years and studies
at Cornell and Harvard, to his involvement with Tsing Hua and Academia Sinica, his work with the Committee on Unification
of the National Language in China and the Ministry of Education, and his work as a scholar, consultant, and educator, both
abroad and in the Unites States, and in particular at the University of California, Berkeley. While materials have been arranged
to maximize accessibility, an effort has been made to adhere to Chao’s original organization.
研究文檔、讀物、筆記和田野調查資料;參與政府、學術和專業機構有關事務的情況;主要著作和文章的手稿;授課的課程材料和有關的行政文件; 個人文檔,包括日記、筆記、大學和研究院時期的作業、旅行檔案和個人帳號. 從整體來看,這些檔案完整地呈現了趙元任的一生,從他早年到康乃爾和哈佛大學求學,到任職於清華大學和中央研究院,擔任國語統一籌備委員會委員和參與教育部有關事務,以及他集學者、顧問和教育家為一身在海外和國內,尤其是任教於加州大學柏克萊分校期間取得的傑出成就,是他一生的綜合寫照.
Yuen Ren Chao was born in Tianjin, China, on November 3, 1892. When he was nine years old, his family moved back to their
home town of Changzhou. At 14 years old, he entered Changzhou Xishan elementary school for modern education. At 15 years
old he was sent to the Kiangnan High School in Nanjing. In 1910 he won a Boxer Indemnity Scholarship and went to Cornell University
to study mathematics and physics. After graduating in 1914, he was accepted at Harvard for graduate work in philosophy. During
this time, he helped establish the Science Society of China (1915). After completing his Ph.D. dissertation, “Continuity,
a Study in Methodology,” in 1918, he taught physics for a year at Cornell.
50.1 Linear Feet
37 cartons, 1 document box, 9 card file boxes
50.1英呎 37 個紙板箱, 1個文件箱, 9個卡片檔案盒
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