RLS. Five Original manuscript poems: Ditty; (To an Air from Bach); Tempest tosses and sore afflicted; Peace be Thy Name; Fearful Children I hold You; To Harry out of Hill and den. undated
RLS. Nine original manuscript unfinished poems: "I now, O Friend; And Montaigne gossiped; Flower after flower, I have plucked them; Gone are the quite, twilight dreams; Like Monarchs; On Windy Heights for me and you; No Friend, We Shall Despond no More; Are you in Africa of Ind; I've got as much to tell as you. undated
RLS - Eleven Holograph Poems: Prelude; The Old World; Take not my Hand; The Whole Day; The Old Chimaeras; Here He Comes; All Influences; The Moon is Sinking; The Vanquishes Knight; Linck Your Arm in Mine; Epistle to Baxter undated
RLS. To Kalakaua. Holograph Poem of 2 Stanzas, dated Honolulu, 3 February 1889; also "The Well-Head, unpublished holograph poem of 10 stanzas each of 4 lines, dated March 1869 March 1869; 3 February 1889
RLS. Original draft manuscript: Earliest draft for the "Envoi" of The House of Tembinoka (To Tembinoka). undated
RLS. Original manuscripts: "Conversation of Tembinoka; Studies in Samoan and Tahitian" undated