Scope and Content
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) was founded in May 1973 at the first International Symposium on
Pain held in Issaquah, Washington and organized by University of Washington anesthesiology professor John J. Bonica. IASP
was incorporated in May 1974 as a non-profit international organization and professional forum for science, practice and education
in the field of pain. The organization holds a biennial World Congress on Pain and publishes the research journal, PAIN. Dubner
served the IASP as a member and leader on its Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Scientific Program Committee.
Box 1: World Congress correspondence, notes, addresses, Refresher Courses on Pain Management Book of Abstracts, financial
statements, International Pain Foundation (IPF) establishment press release, brochure and correspondence and Refresher Courses
on Pain Management Syllabus.
Box 2: Financial statements, annual reports, newsletters, brochures, Council meeting minutes, World Congress correspondence,
PAIN journal correspondence and marketing reports, International Data Base Outline, membership lists, The Management of Acute
Pain: A Practical Manual and notes.
Box 3: General correspondence, Executive Committee minutes, Council meeting minutes, annual budgets and financial statements,
newsletters, Executive Committee memoranda, newsletter manuscripts, Dubner and Dr. P.D. Wall's 1992 Report on the journal,
PAIN, Young Investigator Award correspondence, Fifth World Conference on Pain invitations and a copy of Dubner and Kenneth
L. Casey's "Animal Models of Chronic Pain: Scientific and Ethical Issues" submission to the journal, PAIN.
Box 4: IASP Eastern USA Regional Chapter Final Program First Annual Scientific Meeting.