Dr. Ronald Dubner is a professor in the Department of Neural and Pain Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.
The collection consists of materials related to his professional service on the Board of Directors for the International Association
for the Study of Pain, the American Pain Society, and the International Pain Foundation.
Ronald Dubner is a professor in the Department of Neural and Pain Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry
where he chaired the Department of Biomedical Science from 1995-2008. Prior to joining University of Maryland, Dr. Dubner
directed a multidisciplinary intramural Branch at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) investigating pain mechanisms and
pain control. He holds a DDS degree from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in Physiology from University of Michigan. Dr. Dubner
served on the Board of Directors for the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), the American Pain Society
(APS) and the International Pain Foundation (IPF). He was Editor in Chief of the IASP journal, PAIN, President of the APS
and has authored over 275 articles in journals and books. Dr. Dubner conducts research on changes in the peripheral and central
nervous system following tissue and nerve injury and the development of new pharmacological strategies for acute and chronic
pain. The Ronald Dubner Research Prize, an award for trainees, has been presented at the biennial World Congress on Pain since
1993. This award honors the best clinical or basic science research paper, series of papers, or doctoral thesis in the field
of pain.
3.2 linear ft.
(3 record storage cartons and 1 half letter size document box)
Property rights to the physical object belong to UCLA Library Special Collections. Literary rights, including copyright, are
retained by the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright
and pursue the copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish where The UC Regents do not hold the copyright.
COLLECTION STORED OFF-SITE AT SRLF: Open for research. Advance notice required for access. Please contact the History and
Special Collections for the Sciences, Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library Reference Desk for paging information.