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Gillespie (George A.) Papers
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George A. Gillespie was a California pioneer, businessman, and politician. This collection consists of material related to California politics and Gillespie's family from 1849-1899.
George A. Gillespie was born in St. Louis, Missouri on December 7, 1830. Gillespie attended Kemper College near St. Louis and moved to California in 1850. After spending two years in the mines in Nevada and California, he settled in Solano County. He became county assessor in 1860 and engrossing clerk of the state senate in 1861. His newspaper activities, which began in 1866 when he purchased the Solano press, brought him some political prominence in his county. He married Mary E. Crousy in 1862; the couple had two children. Gillespie died in 1908.
3 Linear Feet (2 boxes) 123 pieces
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