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Material of Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux of Grace World Mission
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Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux serve as 20th-21st century missionary evangelists, primarily in Baja, Mexico as well as Sweden, Spain, England, Germany, Norway, France, Latvia, Japan, and Argentina. Their non-profit organization Grace World Mission incoroporates power evangelism and a focus on the work of the Holy Spirit. Charismatic leader and Lutheran minister Harald Bredeson (1918-2006) served as a founding board member. The Material of Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux of Grace World Mission documents the mission work, primarily in Baja, Mexico. Materials consist of DVDs and newsletters within two boxes.
Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux serve as 20th-21st century missionary evangelists, primarily in Baja, Mexico as well as Sweden, Spain, England, Germany, Norway, France, Latvia, Japan, and Argentina. Their non-profit organization Grace World Mission incoroporates power evangelism and a focus on the work of the Holy Spirit. Charismatic leader and Lutheran minister Harald Bredeson (1918-2006) served as a founding board member. Facets within the Mission include Evangelistic outreach and crusades, preaching, teaching the history of Christianity, Renewal ministry, relief ministry, and crafting newsletters and teaching resources. It also includes a radio program “Sólo Por Gracia” (Grace Alone), a bilingual teaching series on the Holy Spirit in Christian history. Bryan Marleaux is also known for his competitive surfing career with the NSSA, ASA, and PSSA. The ASA hosted “The Bryan Marleaux Open” after a series of competition wins in which Marleaux hosted the play by plays. His competitors included Tom Curren, Brad Gerlach, Sonny Garcia, and Kelly Slator. Marleaux’s coaches included Australian surfing legend Ian Carins (high school), world champion Peter Townend (American Explorer-NSSA National Team), and Laird Hayes (college). As a regular finalist and winner, Marleaux transitioned to professional surfing with sponserships from Quiksilver, Aleeda Wetsuits, and Hurley Surfboards. Marleaux’s sponsorships transitioned him into fashion modeling and commercials for companies such as Giorgio Armani, the Lost Angeles Times, Levi’s, and Yamaha. His professional career ended with a significant knee injury. Marleaux pursued divine healing for his injury during the Third-Wave Revival at a church revival meeting. He experienced a “radical baptism in the Holy Spirit,” while Lonnie Frisbee, a minister who participated in the Jesus People movement, prayed and prophesied over him. The encounter transitioned Marleaux to pursue theological education at Fuller Theological Seminary and evangelistic ministry, emphasizing the Holy Spirit’s power.
2 Boxes, 0.63 linear feet
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