This collection primarily consists of photographs related to the 1909 Willie Boy manhunt, taken and collected by journalist
Randolph White (R. W.) Madison (1886-1946). Madison covered the manhunt for the
Los Angeles Record and other California newspapers. Willie Boy (born 1882) was a Chemehuevi man pursued by a sheriff's posse in Southern California
in September and October 1909. The manhunt began after Willie Boy was involved in the death of Chemehuevi leader William Mike
in Banning, California. The case received extensive, often sensational, news coverage.
Randolph White (R. W.) Madison (1886-1946) was a journalist, editor, and newspaper executive. Born in Pennsylvania, Madison
began his career at the Los Angeles Record, where he covered the 1909 Willie Boy manhunt.
0.42 linear feet
(1 box )
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This collection is open for research.