The files contained in the Anne L. Armstrong series reflect her responsibilities as Counselor to the President, as the first
head of the Office of Women’s Programs, and as a member of the Cost of Living Council (a part of the Economic Stabilization
Program) and the Bicentennial Commission. The files, in addition, cover other domestic issues, including minority affairs,
youth, the Federal Property Council, and the Domestic Council. Prior to her appointment as Counselor on January 19, 1973,
Anne L. Armstrong served as Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee.
32 linear feet, 10 linear inches; 75 boxes
Most government records are in the public domain, however, this series includes commercial materials, such as newspaper clippings,
that may be subject to copyright restrictions. Researchers should contact the copyright holder for information.
Collection is open for research. Some materials may be unavailable based upon categories of materials exempt from public release
established in the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974.