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Ward (Max) Collection of Powerviolence Material
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box 1

Series 1: Correspondence, photographs and zines 1990s-early 2000s

Scope and Content

Contains over 400 pieces of correspondence to Max Ward, much of which is written on the back of fliers, including notes from Tony Foresta of the band Municipal Waste and Michael Thorn of Inept; band photographs, including Capitalist Casualties live in Japan; and approximately 20 zines including Inhuman Conditions, Scream, Fear No Love, and The Crass Menagerie.
box 2, box 3, box 4, box 5, box 6, box 7, box 8, box 9, box 10, box 11, box 12

Series 2: Fliers and stickers 1990s-early 2000s

Scope and Content

Contains original fliers, posters, handbills, stickers, and patches from powerviolence bands in the 1990s. Some of the bands represented include Crossed Out, Capitalist Casualties, Plutocracy, Dystopia, Spazz, and others booked by Ward or his record label 625 Thrashcore. The majority of fliers are from California but the collection also includes fliers from Japan in both English and Japanese.