Articles of Incorporation, financial documents, correspondence, notes, press releases, flyers, and other materials documenting
activity of the Gay United Fund, 1979-1982. According to its literature, "The United Fund is an outgrowth of a resolution
to create an annual charity function passed by the Imperial Council of Courts" in 1978. The Fund was intended to "raise and
distribute funds to charitable organizations for the purchase of tangible items as a lasting tribute to the community's efforts."
According to its literature, the Gay United Fund is "an outgrowth of a resolution to create an annual charity function passed
by the Imperial Council of Courts, December 14, 1978. After passing this resolution a committee was formed to plan and stage
an affair. To create a non-profit, corporation papers were filed with the state (of California) on December 27, 1979. The
Gay United Fund is to raise and distribute funds to charitable organizations for tangible items [...] The Fund is administered
by a volunteer board of directors; and honorary board of directors and a committee to plan and stage the function."
0.1 linear foot.
[1 folder]
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