"An extensive and well-preserved series of transcribed notes for lectures given by the French surgeon Landré-Beauvais at
the Hôpital de la Saltpêtrière in Paris at the opening of the nineteenth century. Landré-Beauvais was one of the most
distinguished students of Pinel and had presented his doctoral thesis (in which he correctly identified rheumatoid arthritis
for the first time) in 1800. Typically, medical lecture notes would have been made available to students in manuscript transcriptions
made by professional copyists, rather than as published (i.e. printed) texts, and this is an excellent example of such a transcript.
Volume 1 covers fever, volume 2 is devoted to female medicine (including 'Témperament', 'Menstruation', 'Réténtion des
Régles', 'Moyens hygéniques à employer après la cessation', 'Hysterie' and 'Epilepsie') and volumes three and four are
entitled Seméologie (i.e. the identification and interpretation of symptoms). Landré-Beauvais' major published work, appearing
several years later (in 1809), was entitled Séméiotique and was presumably developed from the work presented in these lectures."--Antiquarian
bookseller's description, 2015.