The personal and official papers of
John Campbell, 4th Earl of Loudoun (1705-1782): commander-in-chief of British forces
in America during the Seven Years War and Indian War and titular governor of
Virginia. Also, the personal and official papers of Pierre de Rigaud, marquis de
Vaudreuil (1698-1778), Governor of Trois Riviéres (1733-1743); Governor of Louisiana
(1743-1755); Governor and Lieutenant General of Canada (1755-1760).
John Campbell, 4th Earl of Loudoun (1705-1782) was commander-in-chief of British
forces in America during the Seven Years War and Indian War and titular governor of
Virginia. He was recalled to England in March of 1758, following the downfall of his
patron, Duke of Cumberland. He served in Portugal in 1762 and was promoted to
general in 1770.
approximately 8,000 pieces
141 boxes
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