This collection consists of 2" broadcast quadruplex magnetic tapes and 16mm broadcast kinescope film reels of The David Susskind
Show and other television programs produced by Susskind and his production company, Talent Associates, Ltd. The majority of
materials are episodes of "The David Susskind Show" from 1968-1983 with a selection of reels of various programs produced
by Susskind including "The Art Carney Special," "The Dupont Show of the Month," and "Armstrong Circle Theater."
David Susskind (1920-1987) was an American producer and television talk show host. His talk show began in 1958 under the title
"Open End" and was broadcast locally in New York City, and in 1961 was nationally televised. The program was retitled "The
David Susskind Show" in 1966, and continued until its cancellation in 1986, six months before Susskind's death.
605 Linear Feet
1747 Tapes
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