This collection consists of correspondence between Elfrida “Elfy” Stoeger-Joseph, her former husband Rudolph “Rudy” Joseph,
and Thornton Wilder, 1945-2011. The correspondence of this collection ranges from about 1945 to 1974, which also corresponds
to the years of Elfy and Rudy's marriage. Topics discussed in the letters include opera, writing, film, and every day matters.
The letters provide a small glimpse of the lives of Elfrida, Rudolph, and Wilder.
Thornton Wilder was an American writer and a graduate of Yale and Princeton. He won three Pulitzer Prizes during his lifetime
and is widely regarded as one of America’s great literary talents. Elfrida Stoeger-Joseph and Rudolph Joseph were friends
of Wilder's, who divorced in 1974. Wilder maintained an epistolary friendship with Elfy after the divorce.
Thornton Wilder was an American writer and a graduate of Yale and Princeton. He won three Pulitzer Prizes during his lifetime
and is widely regarded as one of America’s great literary talents. Elfrida Stoeger-Joseph and Rudolph Joseph were friends
of Wilder's, who divorced in 1974. Wilder maintained an epistolary friendship with Elfy after the divorce.
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