Guide to the Pitzer History Project collection

Finding aid prepared by Lisa L. Crane, MLIS
Special Collections, Honnold/Mudd Library
800 North Dartmouth Ave
Claremont, CA, 91711
Phone: (909) 607-3977

Title: Pitzer History Project collection
Collection number: H.Mss.0636
Contributing Institution: Special Collections, Honnold/Mudd Library
Language of Material: English
Physical Description: 119.0 linear feet
Date (inclusive): 1964-1998
Physical location: Please consult repository.
Language of materials: Languages represented in the collection: English.
creator: Pitzer College.
creator: Warmbrunn, Werner, 1920-2009


This collection is open for research.

Publication Rights

All requests for permission to reproduce or to publish must be submitted in writing to Special Collections.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Pitzer History Project (H.Mss.0636). Special Collections, Honnold/Mudd Library, Claremont University Consortium.

Provenance/Source of Acquisition

Gift of Werner Warmbrunn.


No additions to the collection are anticipated.

Scope and Contents

Collection consists of documents from a variety of departments within Pitzer College including but not limited to Admissions, Registrar's Office, Financial Aid and President's Office; faculty and course documentation; student papers; college publications; oral histories; and photographs.

Organization and Arrangement

Collection is arranged into 4 series and 12 subseries:
Series 1: Vertical files
Subseries 1: Vertical files, 1964
Subseries 2: Vertical files, 1965
Subseries 3: Vertical files, 1966
Subseries 4: Vertical files, 1967
Subseries 5: Vertical files, 1968
Subseries 6: Vertical files, 1969
Subseries 7: Vertical files, 1969-1971
Subseries 8: Verticall files, 1970-1975
Subseries 9: Vertical files, 1975-1980
Subseries 10: Vertical files, 1980-1985
Subseries 11: Vertical files, 1985-1990
Subseries 12: Vertical files, 1990-1995
Series 2: Oral history transcripts
Series 3: Photographs
Series 4: Boxed papers and records

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Pitzer College Archives


Series 1   Vertical Files, 1964-1995

Physical Description: 50.0 linear feet

Subseries 1   Vertical Files, 1964

Physical Description: 3.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 6:92

521 5th Course

Mixed materials 6:84

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 6:87

421 Academic Computing Committee

Mixed materials 6:96

530 Academic Requirements and Regulations

Mixed materials 6:13

107 Accreditation

Mixed materials 6:52

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 6:8

100 Administration

Mixed materials 6:46

232 Admissions

Mixed materials 6:35

160 Admissions and Financial Aid

Mixed materials 6:102

550 Advising System

Mixed materials 6:20

113 Architectural Design Committee / Master Plans

Mixed materials 6:105

710 Archives

Mixed materials 6:2

010 Articles of Incorporation

Mixed materials 6:1

000 Basic Constitutional Documents

Mixed materials 6:75

351.1 Bert Meyer's Poetry Room [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:3

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws)

Mixed materials 6:55

249.1 Bookstore

Mixed materials 6:88

425 Budgetary Implementation Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:104

590 Catalogue Copy

Mixed materials 6:37

195.1 CMC The Associate 1964-1965

Mixed materials 6:21

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 6:53

247 Committee on Students and Student Services (1964-65)

Mixed materials 6:11

101.1 Committees-- Administration

Mixed materials 6:58

260 Communications by Individual Faculty Members

Mixed materials 6:59

260.1 Communications from Werner Warmbrunn

Mixed materials 6:4

020 Community By-Laws (to 1972)

Mixed materials 6:6

040 Community Conference

Mixed materials 6:7

040.1 Community Conference April 1968

Mixed materials 6:67

320 Community Council (1965 - 69)

Mixed materials 6:97

531 Concentration Requirements

Mixed materials 6:29

143 Convocation

Mixed materials 6:60

308 Corridor info.

Mixed materials 6:34

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 6:44

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 6:27

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 6:26

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 6:31

146 Dean of Housing / Assistant Dean of Students

Mixed materials 6:22

120 Development Office - College Advancement

Mixed materials 6:98

532 Distribution Requirements

Mixed materials 6:70

331 Dormitory Social Life

Mixed materials 6:51

241 Educational Facilities Committee

Mixed materials 6:66

319 Electoral Board / Elections

Mixed materials 6:57

252.8 English

Mixed materials 6:49

236 Faculty Budget

Mixed materials 6:89

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 6:39

201 Faculty Organization and Committees to 1972

Mixed materials 6:43

222 Faculty Recruitments

Mixed materials 6:91

510 Faculty Workload - Faculty Adhoc Workload Committee (1987-1988)

Mixed materials 6:82

410.2 Financial Aid Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:14

108 Funds

Mixed materials 6:101

540 Grading System

Mixed materials 6:74

351 Grove House

Mixed materials 6:61

309 Honor Code

Mixed materials 6:63

312 House Council (1964)

Mixed materials 6:94

526 Independent Study

Mixed materials 6:54

249 Intercollegiate Academic Committees (Faculty )

Mixed materials 6:99

533 Intercollegiate Fields / Courses

Mixed materials 6:90

480 Judicial Council -- Judicial Boards

Mixed materials 6:68

325 Judicial Council memo [my title]

Mixed materials 6:41

210.1 June 1964 Faculty Conference

Mixed materials 6:50

237 Lectureship -- Public Affairs

Mixed materials 6:25

128.1 Letters from Pitzer College (1963-1967)

Mixed materials 6:56

249.2 Library Council

Mixed materials 6:103

570 Monsour Counseling Center

Mixed materials 6:85

415.1 MUN - Model United Nations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:24

128 News Releases

Mixed materials 6:73

350 Non-Residential Student-Managed Facilities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:28

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 6:81

399 Personal Communications by Students

Mixed materials 6:36

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Administration

Mixed materials 6:65

313 Planning Board (1964)

Mixed materials 6:64

313 Planning Board-Atherton

Mixed materials 6:17

110. 01 President Atherton's Inauguration, November 6, 1964

Mixed materials 6:16

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 6:18

110 .1 President's Speeches

Mixed materials 6:23

127 Press Articles about Pitzer

Mixed materials 6:45

230.2 Proposals, Position Papers

Mixed materials 6:33

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 6:83

411 Registration

Mixed materials 6:40

210 Regular Faculty Meetings and Conferences

Mixed materials 6:93

523 Seminars

Mixed materials 6:42

210.2 September 1964 Faculty Conference

Mixed materials 6:38

199.1 Snollygoster

Mixed materials 6:100

535 Social Science

Mixed materials 6:95

528 Social Science Center

Mixed materials 6:5

021 Socialization Process at Pitzer College - Year One - Adoption Community Government 1965 -Nancy Dutton

Mixed materials 6:9

100.2 Staff Assignments

Mixed materials 6:15

109 Staff Meetings

Mixed materials 6:69

330 Student Dormitories (see also 146) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:72

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance

Mixed materials 6:32

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 6:78

390 Student Publications / Student Handbook [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:48

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 6:71

332 Student Social Activities

Mixed materials 6:86

416 Study Abroad [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:47

233 Study Abroad and External Studies

Mixed materials 6:79

391 The Other Side [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:62

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 6:77

360 Transfer Students

Mixed materials 6:12

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 6:10

101 Trustees

Mixed materials 6:19

111 WASC Accreditation Report / Application

Mixed materials 6:76

352 Women's Center [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 6:30

144 Year One (1964-1965) Miscellaneous Materials

Mixed materials 6:80

395 Yearbook


Subseries 2   Vertical Files, 1965

Physical Description: 3.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 7:80

521 5th Course

Mixed materials 7:73

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 7:42

231 Academic Standing -- Registration

Mixed materials 7:8

107 Accreditation

Mixed materials 7:49

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 7:50

245.1 Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Change

Mixed materials 7:4

100 Administration

Mixed materials 7:44

232 Admissions

Mixed materials 7:31

160 Admissions and Financial Aid 1964

Mixed materials 7:72

412 Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

Mixed materials 7:91

550 Advising System

Mixed materials 7:57

252.5 American Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 7:54

252.4 Black Studies

Mixed materials 7:5

101 Board of Trustees

Mixed materials 7:1

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws)

Mixed materials 7:51

249.1 Bookstore

Mixed materials 7:32

170 Campus Maintenance

Mixed materials 7:93

590 Catalogue Copy

Mixed materials 7:55

252.5 Chicano Studies

Mixed materials 7:70

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 7:13

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 7:52

251.2 Committee B

Mixed materials 7:53

251.3 Committee C

Mixed materials 7:6

101.2 Committees

Mixed materials 7:58

260 Communications by Faculty Members

Mixed materials 7:2

020 Community By-Laws (to 1972)

Mixed materials 7:63

320 Community Council (1965 - 1969)

Mixed materials 7:87

531 Concentration Requirements

Mixed materials 7:22

143 Convocation

Mixed materials 7:86

529 Course Proposals

Mixed materials 7:29

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 7:41

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 7:20

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 7:18

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 7:23

146 Dean of Housing / Assistant Dean of Students

Mixed materials 7:14

120 Development Office

Mixed materials 7:88

532 Distribution Requirements

Mixed materials 7:24

146 Dormitories and Dining Hall --Dean of Housing

Mixed materials 7:25

146.1 Dormitory: Life and Regulations

Mixed materials 7:48

241 Educational Facilities Committee

Mixed materials 7:74

415 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 7:75

416 External Studies

Mixed materials 7:47

236 Faculty Budget

Mixed materials 7:76

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 7:19

139.1 Faculty Handbook

Mixed materials 7:37

201 Faculty Organization and Committees to 1972

Mixed materials 7:40

222 Faculty Recruitments

Mixed materials 7:7

101.11 Faculty Trustee Committee on By-Laws (1965-1966 )

Mixed materials 7:78

510 Faculty Workload - Faculty Adhoc Workload Committee (1987-1988)

Mixed materials 7:69

410 First College Council

Mixed materials 7:85

527 Foreign Languages

Mixed materials 7:94

650 Foundations and Fellowships

Mixed materials 7:15

120 Frenaye

Mixed materials 7:81

522 Freshman Seminars

Mixed materials 7:11

111 Funds

Mixed materials 7:90

540 Grading System

Mixed materials 7:59

309 Honor Code

Mixed materials 7:84

526 Independent Study

Mixed materials 7:12

112 Institutes and Proposals

Mixed materials 7:92

561 Joint Science

Mixed materials 7:77

480 Judicial Council -- Judicial Boards

Mixed materials 7:17

128.1 Letters from Pitzer College (1963-196 7)

Mixed materials 7:56

252.18 Linguistics

Mixed materials 7:66

350 Non-Residential Student-Managed Facilities

Mixed materials 7:21

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 7:35

199 Other miscellaneous Pitzer publications

Mixed materials 7:82

523 Other Special Seminars

Mixed materials 7:68

399 Personal Communications by Students

Mixed materials 7:79

519 Physical Education

Mixed materials 7:34

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Faculty

Mixed materials 7:62

313 Planning Board (1964)

Mixed materials 7:10

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 7:16

127 Press Articles about Pitzer

Mixed materials 7:33

189 Public Information / Public Affairs

Mixed materials 7:71

411 Registration

Mixed materials 7:30

159.9 Registration and Cross Registration Lists

Mixed materials 7:38

210 Regular Faculty Meetings and Conferences

Mixed materials 7:36

199.1 Snollygoster

Mixed materials 7:89

535 Social Science Emphasis

Mixed materials 7:3

021 Socialization Process at Pitzer College - Year One - Adoption Community Government 1965 -Nancy Dutton

Mixed materials 7:26

148 Sound-Off

Mixed materials 7:9

109 Staff Meetings

Mixed materials 7:65

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance

Mixed materials 7:60

310 Student Governance Structures

Mixed materials 7:27

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 7:46

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 7:64

332 Student Social Activities

Mixed materials 7:28

150 Students on Leave Withdrawal etc.

Mixed materials 7:45

233 Study Abroad and External Studies

Mixed materials 7:39

220.9 Summer Executive Committee

Mixed materials 7:61

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 7:43

231.1 Transfer Credits

Mixed materials 7:83

525 Tutorials

Mixed materials 7:67

395 Yearbook


Subseries 3   Vertical Files, 1966

Physical Description: 3.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 8:74

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 8:69

410.4 Academic and Cultural Events Committee

Mixed materials 8:87

530 Academic Requirements and Regulations

Mixed materials 8:37

231 Academic Standing -- Registration

Mixed materials 8:43

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 8:44

245.1 Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Change

Mixed materials 8:45

245.2 Ad Hoc Committee on Direction of Pitzer

Mixed materials 8:46

245.3 Ad Hoc Committee on Future

Mixed materials 8:3

100 Administration

Mixed materials 8:27

160 Admissions and Financial Aid

Mixed materials 8:91

550 Advising System

Mixed materials 8:84

527.1 American College invitation (my title)

Mixed materials 8:34

221 APT Policies and their Application

Mixed materials 8:8

113 Architectural Design Committee / Master Plans

Mixed materials 8:76

419 Athletics

Mixed materials 8:21

146.2 Bernard Library [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 8:48

249.1 Bookstore

Mixed materials 8:94

590 Catalogue Copy

Mixed materials 8:72

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 8:80

524 Colloquia

Mixed materials 8:9

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 8:51

251.1 Committee A

Mixed materials 8:52

251.2 Committee B

Mixed materials 8:53

251.3 Committee C

Mixed materials 8:56

260 Communications by Individual Faculty Members

Mixed materials 8:59

320 Community Council (1965 - 69)

Mixed materials 8:88

531 Concentration Requirements

Mixed materials 8:96

900 Confidential

Mixed materials 8:86

529 Course Proposals

Mixed materials 8:25

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 8:79

519 Curriculum and Course Offerings

Mixed materials 8:36

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 8:15

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 8:13

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 8:50

250 Department Organizations

Mixed materials 8:11

120 Development Office

Mixed materials 8:89

532 Distribution Requirements

Mixed materials 8:22

146.3 Dorm Staff Meeting and Counsellors [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 8:17

145 Dormitories and Dining Hall --Dean of Housing

Mixed materials 8:18

146.1 Dormitory: Life and Regulations

Mixed materials 8:42

241 Educational Facilities Committee

Mixed materials 8:70

410.5 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 8:75

415 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 8:40

236 Faculty Budget

Mixed materials 8:77

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 8:14

139.1 Faculty Handbook

Mixed materials 8:32

201 Faculty Organization and Committees

Mixed materials 8:35

222 Faculty Recruitments

Mixed materials 8:49

249.3 Faculty Senate

Mixed materials 8:67

410.2 Financial Aid and Admissions

Mixed materials 8:65

410 First College Council (1965-69)

Mixed materials 8:83

527 Foreign Languages

Mixed materials 8:95

650 Foundations and Fellowships

Mixed materials 8:90

540 Grading System

Mixed materials 8:54

252.15 History

Mixed materials 8:82

526 Independent Study

Mixed materials 8:7

112 Institutes and Proposals

Mixed materials 8:92

560 Intercollegiate / Joint Academic Department Programs

Mixed materials 8:47

249 Intercollegiate Academic Committees (Faculty)

Mixed materials 8:60

329 Joint Meetings with College Council

Mixed materials 8:93

561 Joint Science

Mixed materials 8:78

480 Judicial Council -- Judicial Boards

Mixed materials 8:41

237 Lectureship -- Public Affairs

Mixed materials 8:12

128.1 Letters from Pitzer College

Mixed materials 8:19

146.1 Mead Library [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 8:16

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 8:31

199 Other miscellaneous Pitzer publications

Mixed materials 8:30

191 Participant

Mixed materials 8:29

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Faculty

Mixed materials 8:68

410.3 Political Activities

Mixed materials 8:73

413 Political Activities

Mixed materials 8:55

252.24 Political Studies

Mixed materials 8:10

120 President's Advisory Council

Mixed materials 8:6

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 8:28

189 Public Information / Public Affairs Office

Mixed materials 8:26

159.9 Registration and Cross Registration Lists

Mixed materials 8:66

410.1 Registration Committee

Mixed materials 8:33

210 Regular Faculty Meetings and Conferences

Mixed materials 8:39

235 Resources and Development / Student Research Committee

Mixed materials 8:20

146.2 Review Board [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 8:85

528 Social Science Center

Mixed materials 8:23

148 Sound-Off

Mixed materials 8:5

109 Staff Meetings

Mixed materials 8:62

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance

Mixed materials 8:1

35 Student Governance

Mixed materials 8:57

310 Student Governance Structures

Mixed materials 8:24

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 8:63

390 Student Publications

Mixed materials 8:38

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 8:61

332 Student Social Activities

Mixed materials 8:71

410.6 Study Abroad

Mixed materials 8:58

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 8:4

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 8:2

41.1 Trustee-Faculty Meeting May 1966

Mixed materials 8:81

525 Tutorials

Mixed materials 8:64

395 Yearbook


Subseries 4   Vertical Files, 1967

Physical Description: 3.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 9:79

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 9:47

231 Academic Standing -- Registration

Mixed materials 9:11

107 Accreditation

Mixed materials 9:53

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 9:54

245.3 Ad Hoc Committee on Future

Mixed materials 9:32

160 Admissions and Financial Aid

Mixed materials 9:62

252.162 American Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 9:44

221 APT Policies and their Application

Mixed materials 9:16

113 Architectural Design Committee / Master Plans

Mixed materials 9:81

419 Athletics

Mixed materials 9:33

163 Attrition Statistics Memo (my title)

Mixed materials 9:1

000 Basic Constitutional Documents

Mixed materials 9:95

562 Black Studies Center

Mixed materials 9:2

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 9:77

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 9:17

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 9:58

251.1 Committee A

Mixed materials 9:59

251.2 Committee B

Mixed materials 9:60

251.3 Committee C

Mixed materials 9:9

101.1 Committees

Mixed materials 9:64

260 Communications by Individual Faculty Members

Mixed materials 9:3

020 Community By-Laws (to 1972)

Mixed materials 9:5

040 Community Conference

Mixed materials 9:68

320 Community Council (1965 - 69)

Mixed materials 9:91

531 Concentration Requirements

Mixed materials 10:3

900 Confidential

Mixed materials 9:71

341 Corridor Presidents

Mixed materials 9:90

529 Course Proposals

Mixed materials 9:31

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 9:86

519 Curriculum and Course Offerings

Mixed materials 9:83

427 Curriculum Committee

Mixed materials 9:46

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 9:23

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 9:21

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 9:57

250 Department Organization

Mixed materials 9:25

145 Dormitories and Dining Hall --Dean of Housing

Mixed materials 9:70

331 Dormitory Social Life

Mixed materials 9:76

410.5 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 9:43b

220.9 Executive Committee Agenda - Minutes 1967 L. C. Marquis

Mixed materials 9:51

236 Faculty Budget

Mixed materials 9:84a

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 9:84c

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 9:84d

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 9:84b

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) Reviews

Mixed materials 9:22

139.1 Faculty Handbook

Mixed materials 9:82

420 Faculty Meeting, College Council and Committee

Mixed materials 9:38

200 Faculty Meetings and Committees (1967-1969)

Mixed materials 9:39

201 Faculty Organization and Committees

Mixed materials 9:45

222 Faculty Recruitments

Mixed materials 9:34

165 Financial Aid Office

Mixed materials 9:74

410 First College Council (1965-69)

Mixed materials 9:87

522 Freshman Seminars

Mixed materials 9:14

111 Funds

Mixed materials 9:94

540 Grading System

Mixed materials 9:61

252.15 History

Mixed materials 9:88

526 Independent Study

Mixed materials 9:15

112 Institutes and Proposals

Mixed materials 9:56

249 Intercollegiate Academic Committees (Faculty )

Mixed materials 9:92

534 Intercollegiate Fields--Requirements

Mixed materials 9:65

299 Intercollegiate Senate and Curriculum Committee correspondence

Mixed materials 9:72

355 Inter-Office Memos

Mixed materials 9:69

329 Joint Meetings with College Council

Mixed materials 9:85

480 Judicial Council -- Judicial Boards

Mixed materials 9:41

210.1 June 1964 Faculty Conference

Mixed materials 9:52

237 Lectureship -- Public Affairs

Mixed materials 9:20

128.1 Letters from Pitzer College

Mixed materials 9:10

101.9 Make-up Board Proposals

Mixed materials 9:42

219 Meetings of the Faculty (1972 - )

Mixed materials 9:24

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 9:36

199 Other miscellaneous Pitzer publications

Mixed materials 10:1

700 Pitzer History Project

Mixed materials 9:35

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Administration

Mixed materials 9:78

413 Political Activities

Mixed materials 9:63

252.24 Political Studies

Mixed materials 9:18

120 President's Advisory Council

Mixed materials 9:13

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 9:19

127 Press Articles about Pitzer

Mixed materials 9:29

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 9:75

410.1 Registration Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 9:40

210 Regular Faculty Meetings and Conferences

Mixed materials 9:50

235 Resources and Development

Mixed materials 9:6

41 Rogers-Farson Claremont Colleges Workshop

Mixed materials 9:37

199.1 Snollygoster

Mixed materials 9:89

528 Social Science Center

Mixed materials 9:93

535 Social Science Emphasis and Institute

Mixed materials 9:55

246 Social Science Research Institute (1967)

Mixed materials 9:27

148 Sound-Off

Mixed materials 9:12

109 Staff Meetings

Mixed materials 9:66

300 Student Governance Structures (1964-1972)

Mixed materials 9:28

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 9:30

158 Student on Leave, Withdrawal, etc.

Mixed materials 9:49

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 9:80

416 Study Abroad

Mixed materials 9:43a

220.9 Summer Executive Committee

Mixed materials 10:2f

721 Tapes, 1968, Academic and Intellectual Background, excerpts

Mixed materials 10:2a

721 Tapes, 1968, Apathy and Involvement

Mixed materials 10:2b

721 Tapes, 1968, Community Government, excerpts

Mixed materials 10:2c

721 Tapes, 1968, Dorm Life, excerpts

Mixed materials 10:2e

721 Tapes, 1968, Financial Problems, excerpts

Mixed materials 10:2h

721 Tapes, 1968, First Impressions of Pitzer

Mixed materials 10:2d

721 Tapes, 1968, Social Regulations

Mixed materials 10:2g

721 Tapes, 1968, Study Abroad

Mixed materials 10:2j

721 Tapes, Interview, 1967 Questions, Concerning Advisors

Mixed materials 10:2i

721 Tapes, Interview, 1967 Questions, Sponsors at Pitzer

Mixed materials 9:26

146.9 Thematic Corridor

Mixed materials 9:67

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 9:48

231.1 Transfer Credits [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 9:7

41.1 Trustee-Faculty Meeting May 1967 [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 9:8

101 Trustees

Mixed materials 9:4

030 Unified By-Laws, 1972 -- College Governance [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 9:73

363 Werner Warmbrunn letter to Robert Hind, 1968 March 25


Subseries 5   Vertical Files, 1968

Physical Description: 3.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 10:45

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 10:47

423 Academic Planning Committee

Mixed materials 10:56

530 Academic Requirements and Regulations

Mixed materials 10:9

107 Accreditation

Mixed materials 10:7

100 Administration

Mixed materials 10:22

160 Admissions and Financial Aid

Mixed materials 10:50

433 Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

Mixed materials 10:14

122 Alumni

Mixed materials 10:12

113 Architectural Design Committee

Mixed materials 10:35

252.3 Asian Studies

Mixed materials 10:36

252.4 Black Studies

Mixed materials 10:60

562 Black Studies Center

Mixed materials 10:4

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws)

Mixed materials 10:61

566 Claremont Colleges AAUP (American Association of University Professors)

Mixed materials 10:44

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 10:39

260 Communications by Individual Faculty Members

Mixed materials 10:5

020 Community By-Laws (to 1972)

Mixed materials 10:6

040.1 Community Conference April 1968

Mixed materials 10:41

320 Community Council (1965 - 69)

Mixed materials 10:55

529 Course Proposals

Mixed materials 10:21

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 10:27

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 10:16

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 10:15

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 10:57

532 Distribution Requirements

Mixed materials 10:32

241 Educational Facilities Committee

Mixed materials 10:46

415 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 10:54

527.3 External Semester Studies

Mixed materials 10:49

431 Faculty and Student Research and Awards

Mixed materials 10:31

236 Faculty Budget

Mixed materials 10:48

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 10:59

539 Faculty Meeting

Mixed materials 10:25

222 Faculty Recruitments

Mixed materials 10:33

249.3 Faculty Senate

Mixed materials 10:34

252 Field Groups

Mixed materials 10:43

410 First College Council (1965-69)

Mixed materials 10:53

527 Foreign Languages

Mixed materials 10:37

252.15 History

Mixed materials 10:11

112 Institutes and Proposals

Mixed materials 10:42

370 Intercollegiate Student Organizations

Mixed materials 10:26

226 John S. Belmont letter to Pres. Atherton, 1969 May 12

Mixed materials 10:51

480 Judicial Council -- Boards

Mixed materials 10:17

142 Orientation / Convocation

Mixed materials 10:64

707 PHP: Misc. Reports; Status Reports

Mixed materials 10:52

520 Physical Education

Mixed materials 10:62

700 Pitzer History Project

Mixed materials 10:63a

706 Pitzer History Project's Beginnings

Mixed materials 10:63b

706 Pitzer History Project's Beginnings 1968-1970

Mixed materials 10:13

120.3 President's Advisory Council

Mixed materials 10:10

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 10:28

230.2 Proposals, Positions and Papers

Mixed materials 10:24

210 Regular Faculty Meetings and Conferences

Mixed materials 10:30

235 Resources and Development Committee

Mixed materials 10:38

252.28 Science, Technology, and Society

Mixed materials 10:58

535 Social Science Emphasis and Institution

Mixed materials 10:19

148 Sound-Off

Mixed materials 10:20

149 Student Lists

Mixed materials 10:29

233 Study Abroad and External Studies

Mixed materials 10:18

146.9 Thematic Corridors

Mixed materials 10:40

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 10:8

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 10:23

199.3 What Is Happening at Pitzer (1968 - 1969)


Subseries 6   Vertical Files, 1969

Physical Description: 2.75 linear feet
Mixed materials 11:124

521 5th Course [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:100

414 Academic and Cultural Events [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:93

410.4 Academic and Cultural Events Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:106

421 Academic Computing Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:107

422 Academic Events Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:108

423 Academic Planning Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:139

530 Academic Requirements and Regulations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:109

424 Academic Standards Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:92

410.3 Action Program [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:98

412 Admissions [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:117

433 Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

Mixed materials 11:29

252.1 Anthropology [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:159

710 Archives / Special Collections in Honnold Library

Mixed materials 11:30

252.2 Art [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:31

252.3 Asian Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:104

419 Athletics [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:6

044 Barron's Profile of the Claremont Colleges

Mixed materials 11:80

351.1 Bert Meyer's Poetry Room [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:32

252.4 Black Studies

Mixed materials 11:149

562 Black Studies Center

Mixed materials 11:2

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws)

Mixed materials 11:27

249.1 Bookstore

Mixed materials 11:110a

425 Budget Committee

Mixed materials 11:110d

425 Budget Committee

Mixed materials 11:110e

425 Budget Committee

Mixed materials 11:110f

425 Budget Committee

Mixed materials 11:110g

425 Budget Committee

Mixed materials 11:110b

425 Budgetary Implementation Committee

Mixed materials 11:110c

425 Budgetary Implementation Committee

Mixed materials 11:156

590 Catalogue Copy [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:152

562.7 Center for Continuing Education

Mixed materials 11:33

252.5 Chicano Studies

Mixed materials 11:151a

562.5 Chicano Studies Center

Mixed materials 11:151b

562.5 Chicano Studies Center [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:34

252.6 Classics [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:96

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 11:127

524 Colloquia [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:12

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 11:61

260 Communications by Individual Faculty Members

Mixed materials 11:3

020 Community By-Laws (to 1972) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:5

040 Community Conference

Mixed materials 11:70

320 Community Council (1965 - 1969)

Mixed materials 11:111

426 Community Relations Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:112

426.1 Community SVCS Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:140

531 Concentration Requirements [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:162

900 Confidential

Mixed materials 11:78

341 Corridor Presidents [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:138

529 Course Proposals [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:121

519 Curriculum and Course Offerings

Mixed materials 11:113

427 Curriculum Committee

Mixed materials 11:136

528 Curriculum Models [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:15

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 11:141

532 Distribution Requirements

Mixed materials 11:73

331 Dormitory Social Life [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:35

252.7 Economics [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:26

241 Educational Facilities Committee

Mixed materials 11:101

415 Educational Inquiry [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:69

319 Electoral Board / Elections [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:36

252.8 English [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:131

527.1 English as a Second Language [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:37

252.9 Environmental Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:150

562.1 Establishment of Ethnic Study Centers 1969-1970

Mixed materials 11:38

252.11 European Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:133

527.3 External Semester Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:114

428 External Studies Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:116

431 Faculty and Student Research and Awards

Mixed materials 11:120

500 Faculty and Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 11:115

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 11:145

539 Faculty Meeting

Mixed materials 11:105

420 Faculty Meeting (1972-1983) and their committees [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:22

201 Faculty Organization and Committees to 1972

Mixed materials 11:62

290 Faculty Publication [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:28

252 Field Groups

Mixed materials 11:39

252.12 Film and Video Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:91

410.2 Financial Aid [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:89

410 First College Council (1965-69) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:130

527 Foreign Languages [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:157

650 Foundations and Fellowships [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:40

252.13 French [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:125

522 Freshman Seminars

Mixed materials 11:41

252.14 German [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:146

540 Grading System [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:42

252.15 History

Mixed materials 11:43

252.16 History of Ideas

Mixed materials 11:64

309 Honor Code [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:67

312 House Council (1969) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:129

526 Independent Study [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:147

560 Intercollegiate / Joint Department Programs [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:142

533 Intercollegiate Fields--Requirements

Mixed materials 11:83

370 Intercollegiate Student Committees and Organizations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:160

720 Interview Transcripts (Duplicates )

Mixed materials 11:71

329 Joint Meetings with College Council [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:148

561 Joint Science [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:143

534 Joint Science Requirements [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:119

480 Judicial Council -- Judicial Boards

Mixed materials 11:44

252.17 Latin American Studies

Mixed materials 11:45

252.18 Linguistics [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:46

252.19 Mathematics [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:60

258 Mellon Grants [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:153

570 Monsour Counseling Center [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:102

415.1 MUN - Model United Nations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:47

252.21 Music [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:95

410.7 New Community Council

Mixed materials 11:135

527.5 New Resources [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:79

350 Non-Residential Student-Managed Facilities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:155

584 Opp. Org. Prausaes Program [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:48

252.22 Organizational Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:126

523 Other Special Seminars [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:132

527.2 Pace [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:75

335 PACT Activities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:87

399 Personal Communications by Students [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:49

252.23 Philosophy [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:122

520 Physical Education

Mixed materials 11:158

700 Pitzer History Project

Mixed materials 11:68

313 Planning Board (1964)

Mixed materials 11:99

413 Political Activities

Mixed materials 11:50

252.24 Political Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:7

050 Presidential Search Committee

Mixed materials 11:13

120.3 President's Advisory Council

Mixed materials 11:10

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 11:24

230.2 Proposals, Position, Papers

Mixed materials 11:51

252.25 Psychobiology [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:52

252.26 Psychology [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:97

411 Registration [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:90

410.1 Registration Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:23

210 Regular Faculty Meetings and Conferences

Mixed materials 11:77

340.1 Resident Advisors [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:25

235 Resources and Development Committee

Mixed materials 11:53

252.27 Science [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:54

252.28 Science, Technology, and Society [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:144

535 Social Science [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:137

528 Social Science Center [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:55

252.29 Sociology [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:56

252.31 Spanish [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:123

521 Special Course Offerings

Mixed materials 11:154

580 Special Programs [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:118

435 Student Appointments Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:72

330 Student Dormitories (see also 146) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:76

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:63

300 Student Governance Structures (1964-1972) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:65

310 Student Governance Structures [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:84

390 Student Publications / Student Handbook [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:74

332 Student Social Activities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:94

410.6 Study Abroad [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:103

416 Study Abroad [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:85

391 The Other Side [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:57

252.32 Theater

Mixed materials 11:161

721 Topical Classification of Interview Tapes

Mixed materials 11:66

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 11:82

360 Transfer Students [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:11

115 Treasurer's Office

Mixed materials 11:8

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 11:128

525 Tutorials [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:4

030 Unified By-Laws, 1972 -- College Governance

Mixed materials 11:88


Mixed materials 11:134

527.4 Washington, D.C. Semester [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:81

352 Women's Center [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:59

252.33 Women's Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:58

252.321 Writing and Teaching Writing [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 11:86

395 Yearbook [Empty folder]


Subseries 7   Vertical Files, 1969-1971

Physical Description: 0.25 linear feet
Mixed materials 11:9

108.1 Administration / Faculty Salaries

Mixed materials 11:1

010 Articles of Incorporation

Mixed materials 11:17

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 11:14

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 11:21

200 Faculty Meetings 1964-1972, Committees To 1972

Mixed materials 11:19

165 Financial Aid Office

Mixed materials 11:18

164.1 PSDS

Mixed materials 11:20

195 Publication -- other schools

Mixed materials 11:16

149 Student Lists


Subseries 8   Vertical Files, 1970-1975

Physical Description: 6.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 13:148

700 10 Year History of Pitzer 1963-73

Mixed materials 13:115

521 5th Course [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:91

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 13:83

410.4 Academic and Cultural Events Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:97

421 Academic Computing Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:98

422 Academic Events Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:99

423 Academic Planning Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:112

501 Academic Program and Regulations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:130

530 Academic Requirements and Regulations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:100

424 Academic Standards Committee

Mixed materials 13:14

231 Academic Standing -- Registration [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:18

107 Accreditation

Mixed materials 13:82

410.3 Action Program

Mixed materials 13:24

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 13:25

245.1 Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Change -- 4 course [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:26

245.2 Ad Hoc Committee on Direction of Pitzer [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:27

245.3 Ad Hoc Committee on Future [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:11

100 Administration

Mixed materials 12:58a

160 Admissions

Mixed materials 12:58b

160 Admissions

Mixed materials 13:89

412 Admissions and Financial Aid [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:138

550 Advising System

Mixed materials 12:30

122 Alumni

Mixed materials 13:38

252.1 Anthropology [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:8

221 APT Policies and their Application [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:24

113 Architectural Design Committee

Mixed materials 13:150

710 Archives [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:39

252.2 Art [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:2

010 Articles of Incorporation

Mixed materials 13:40

252.3 Asian Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:34

130.1 Associate Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 13:95

419 Athletics

Mixed materials 12:55

157 Attrition Studies

Mixed materials 12:9

044 Barron's Profile of the Claremont Colleges

Mixed materials 12:1

000 Basic Constitutional Documents

Mixed materials 12:43

146.2 Bernard Library

Mixed materials 13:70

351.1 Bert Meyer's Poetry Room [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:51

291.2 Bert Meyers, 1970

Mixed materials 13:41

252.4 Black Studies

Mixed materials 13:140

562 Black Studies Center

Mixed materials 12:3

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws)

Mixed materials 13:28

249.1 Bookstore

Mixed materials 13:110

437 Budget Committee

Mixed materials 13:101a

425 Budgetary Implementation Committee, 1970

Mixed materials 13:101b

425 Budgetary Implementation Committee, 1971-1975

Mixed materials 12:62

170 Campus Maintenance [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:47

147 Career Planning Office

Mixed materials 13:145

590 Catalogue Copy [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:42

252.5 Chicano Studies

Mixed materials 13:141

562.5 Chicano Studies Center [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:71

198.1 Collage [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:87

410.8 College Council [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:23

242 College Planning Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:118

524 Colloquia

Mixed materials 12:26

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 13:34

251.1 Committee A [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:35

251.2 Committee B [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:36

251.3 Committee C [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:14

101.1 Committees

Mixed materials 13:49

260 Communications by Faculty Members

Mixed materials 12:5

020 Community By-Laws (to 1972)

Mixed materials 12:7

040 Community Conference

Mixed materials 13:59

320 Community Council (1965 - 69) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:102a

426 Community Relations Committee

Mixed materials 13:102b

426 Community Relations Committee

Mixed materials 13:103

426.1 Community SVCS Committee

Mixed materials 13:131

531 Concentration Requirements

Mixed materials 13:156

900 Confidential [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:67

341 Corridor Presidents [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:129

529 Course Proposals

Mixed materials 12:56

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 13:113

519 Curriculum and Course Offerings

Mixed materials 13:104

427 Curriculum Committee

Mixed materials 13:11

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 13:127

528 Curriculum Models

Mixed materials 12:37

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 12:33

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 12:40

146 Dean of Housing

Mixed materials 12:70

198 Dean's Diary [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:32

250 Department Organization

Mixed materials 12:27

120 Development Office

Mixed materials 13:132

532 Distribution Requirements [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:44

146.3 Dorm Staff Meeting and Counsellors

Mixed materials 13:62

331 Dormitory Social Life

Mixed materials 12:41

146.1 Dormitory: Life and Regulations

Mixed materials 12:64

181 Duplicating Services [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:48

147.1 Early Outreach [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:22

241 Educational Facilities Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:92

415 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 13:84

410.5 Educational Inquiry [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:39

145 Educational Inquiry, 1970

Mixed materials 13:58

319 Electoral Board

Mixed materials 13:43

252.8 English and World Literature

Mixed materials 13:122

527.1 English as a Second Language

Mixed materials 12:53

152 Enrollment and Admissions Studies (1968-1982)

Mixed materials 13:44

252.9 Environmental Studies

Mixed materials 13:124

527.3 External Studies

Mixed materials 13:105

428 External Studies Committee

Mixed materials 12:10

099 Fact Book [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:10

223 Faculty Appointments [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:19

236 Faculty Budget

Mixed materials 13:106

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 12:36

139.1 Faculty Handbook

Mixed materials 13:136

539 Faculty Meeting [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:96

420 Faculty Meeting and their committees [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:1

201 Faculty Organization and Committees to 1972

Mixed materials 13:50

290 Faculty Publication

Mixed materials 13:9

222 Faculty Recruitments

Mixed materials 13:30

249.3 Faculty Senate

Mixed materials 12:17

101.11 Faculty Trustee Committee on By-Laws (1965-66 ) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:75

200 Faculty, Faculty Meetings (1964-1972 )

Mixed materials 13:37

252 Field Groups

Mixed materials 12:61

165 Financial Aid

Mixed materials 13:81

410.2 Financial Aid

Mixed materials 13:79

410 First College Council (1965-69)

Mixed materials 13:121

527 Foreign Languages [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:146

650 Foundations and Fellowships

Mixed materials 12:28

120.2 Frenaye

Mixed materials 13:116

522 Freshman Seminars

Mixed materials 12:19

108 Funds [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:137

540 Grading System

Mixed materials 13:69

351 Grove House [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:45

252.15 History

Mixed materials 13:53

309 Honor Code [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:56

312 House Council (1964) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:120

526 Independent Study

Mixed materials 13:155

750 Institutional Goals Inventory 1972 / Pitzer College Internal Studies

Mixed materials 13:31

249.4 Intercollegiate Committee on Study Abroad

Mixed materials 13:133

533 Intercollegiate Fields / Requirements

Mixed materials 13:73

370 Intercollegiate Student Organizations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:151

720 Interview Transcripts (Duplicates ) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:60

329 Joint Meetings with College Council [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:139

561 Joint Science [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:134

534 Joint Science Requirements [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:111

480 Judicial Council -- Judicial Boards

Mixed materials 13:3

210.1 June 1964 Faculty Conference

Mixed materials 13:20

237 Lectureship -- Public Affairs [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:29

249.2 Library Council

Mixed materials 12:63

175 Mailroom [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:16b

101.9 Make-up Board Proposals

Mixed materials 12:16a

101.9 Make-up Board Proposals [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:46

252.19 Mathematics

Mixed materials 12:45

146.4 Mead Library / Lucian Marquis Library [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:59

164.1 Minority Special Admissions Program [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:72

199 Miscellaneous Pitzer publications

Mixed materials 13:142

570 Monsour Counseling Center

Mixed materials 13:93

415.1 MUN - Model United Nations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:86

410.7 New Community Council (1969- )

Mixed materials 13:126b

527.5 New Resources

Mixed materials 13:126a

527.5 New Resources [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:126c

527.5 New Resources [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:32

128 News Releases [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:68

350 Non-Residential Student-Managed Facilities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:144

584 OPP: Org. Prausaes Program [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:38

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 13:117

523 Other Special Seminars

Mixed materials 13:21

240 Other Standing Faculty Committees (to 1972 ) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:123

527.2 Pace / Programs in American College English [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:64

335 PACT Activities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:29

121 Parent's Association [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:77

399 Personal Communications by Students [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:149

707 PHP: Misc. Reports; Status Reports

Mixed materials 13:147a

700 Pitzer History Project

Mixed materials 13:147b

700 Pitzer History Project

Mixed materials 12:68

190.1 Pitzer Parent

Mixed materials 12:74

199.2 Pitzer Press [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:67

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Administration

Mixed materials 13:57

313 Planning Board

Mixed materials 13:90

413 Political Activities

Mixed materials 13:47

252.24 Political Studies

Mixed materials 13:33

251 Pre-Field Group Organization [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:21a

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 12:21b

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 12:22

110 .1 President's Speeches [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:31

127 Press Articles about Pitzer

Mixed materials 13:13

230.2 Proposals, Position Papers

Mixed materials 12:60

164.1 PSDS [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:66

189 Public Information [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:69

195 Publication -- other schools

Mixed materials 12:51a

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 12:51b

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 13:88

411 Registration

Mixed materials 12:57

159.9 Registration and Cross Registration [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:80

410.1 Registration Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:54

153 Registration Procedures Questionnaire, April 1971

Mixed materials 13:6

219 Regular Faculty Meetings

Mixed materials 13:2

210 Regular Faculty Meetings and Conferences, 1970-1976

Mixed materials 13:107

431 Research and Awards Committee

Mixed materials 13:18

235 Research Awards Committee

Mixed materials 13:66

340.1 Resident Advisors [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:42

146.2 Review Board [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:109

437 Sabbaticals Committee

Mixed materials 13:154

740 Senior Papers on Pitzer College

Mixed materials 13:4

210.2 September 1964 Faculty Conference [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:73

199.1 Snollygoster

Mixed materials 13:128

528 Social Science Center

Mixed materials 13:135

535 Social Science Emphasis and institutions

Mixed materials 12:49

148 Sound-Off [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:4

013.2 Special Committee on Intercollegiate Registration, 1974

Mixed materials 13:114

521 Special Course Offerings [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:143

580 Special Programs [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:12

100.2 Staff Assignments [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:20

109 Staff Meetings

Mixed materials 13:108

435 Student Appointments Committee

Mixed materials 13:61

330 Student Dormitories (see also 146) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:65

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance

Mixed materials 13:54

310 Student Governance Structures

Mixed materials 13:52

300 Student Governance Structures (1964-1972) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:50

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 13:74

390 Student Publications / Student Handbook

Mixed materials 13:17

234 Student Services [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:63

332 Student Social Activities

Mixed materials 12:52

150 Students on Leave, Withdrawal

Mixed materials 13:85

410.6 Study Abroad

Mixed materials 13:16

233 Study Abroad and External Studies

Mixed materials 13:94

416 Study Abroad [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:35

132 Study on Cross-Registration, 1973

Mixed materials 13:12

230.1 Subcommittee on 2nd Study [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:7

220.9 Summer Executive Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:5

211 Summer Faculty Meeting and Special Meetings

Mixed materials 13:75

391 The Other Side [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:46

146.9 Thematic Corridors

Mixed materials 13:152

721 Topical Classification of Interview Tapes

Mixed materials 13:153

721 Topical Classification of Interview Tapes [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:55

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 13:15

231.1 Transfer Credits [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:72

360 Transfer Students [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 12:25

115 Treasurer's Office

Mixed materials 12:15a

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 12:15b

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 12:13

101 Trustees

Mixed materials 13:119

525 Tutorials

Mixed materials 12:6

030 Unified By-Laws, 1972 -- College Governance

Mixed materials 13:78


Mixed materials 12:8

043 United Council of the Claremont Colleges - Calendar Change, 1973

Mixed materials 12:65

182 Visual Aids and Educational Resources

Mixed materials 12:23

111 WASC Accreditation Report / Application

Mixed materials 13:125

527.4 Washington, D.C. Semester [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:71

352 Women's Center [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 13:48

252.33 Women's Studies

Mixed materials 13:76

395 Yearbook


Subseries 9   Vertical Files, 1975-1980

Physical Description: 6.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 15:63

521 5th Course [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 15:43

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 15:49

421 Academic Computing Committee

Mixed materials 15:50a

423 Academic Planning Committee

Mixed materials 15:50b

423 Academic Planning Committee

Mixed materials 15:50c

423 Academic Planning Committee

Mixed materials 15:51

424 Academic Standards Committee

Mixed materials 14:12

107 Accreditation

Mixed materials 14:73

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 14:74

245.1 Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Change -- 4 course [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 14:75

245.2 Ad Hoc Committee on Direction of Pitzer

Mixed materials 15:1

245.3 Ad Hoc Committee on Future

Mixed materials 14:9

100 Administration

Mixed materials 14:41

160 Admissions

Mixed materials 15:75

550 Advising System

Mixed materials 14:24

122 Alumni

Mixed materials 15:10

252.1 Anthropology

Mixed materials 14:60

221 APT Policies and their Application

Mixed materials 15:46

419 Athletics

Mixed materials 14:1

000 Basic Constitutional Documents

Mixed materials 15:11

252.4 Black Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 15:77

562 Black Studies Center

Mixed materials 15:52

425 Budgetary Implementation Committee

Mixed materials 14:43

170 Campus Maintenance

Mixed materials 14:37

147 Career Planning Office

Mixed materials 15:12

252.5 Chicano Studies

Mixed materials 15:78

563 Chicano Studies Center

Mixed materials 15:79

564 Claremont Graduate School

Mixed materials 14:51

198.1 Collage

Mixed materials 15:42

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 14:72

242 College Planning Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 14:20

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 15:3

245.4 Committee on the Future of Pitzer College 1978

Mixed materials 15:22

260 Communications by Individual Faculty Members

Mixed materials 14:3

040 Community Conference

Mixed materials 15:73

531 Concentration Requirements

Mixed materials 14:40

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 15:60

519 Curriculum and Course Offerings

Mixed materials 15:53

427 Curriculum Committee

Mixed materials 14:62

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 15:72

528 Curriculum Models

Mixed materials 14:31

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 14:27

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 14:28

130.5 Dean of Faculty Search (1976-1977)

Mixed materials 14:33

146 Dean of Housing / Assistant Dean of Students

Mixed materials 14:49

198 Dean's Diary [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 15:8

250 Department Organization

Mixed materials 15:74

532 Distribution Requirements

Mixed materials 14:35

146.3 Dorm Staff Meeting and Counsellors

Mixed materials 14:34

146.1 Dormitory: Life and Regulations

Mixed materials 14:64

232 Duplicates, 1982

Mixed materials 14:44

181 Duplicating Services

Mixed materials 14:71

241 Educational Facilities Committee

Mixed materials 15:44

415 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 15:28

319 Electoral Board

Mixed materials 15:13

252.8 English

Mixed materials 15:68

527.1 English as a Second Language

Mixed materials 15:45

415.5 Enrollment Trends

Mixed materials 15:67

527 External Semester

Mixed materials 15:54

428 External Studies Committee

Mixed materials 14:8

099 Fact Book

Mixed materials 14:68

236 Faculty Budget

Mixed materials 15:55a

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 15:55b

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 15:55c

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 15:55d

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 15:25

291 Faculty Files: Connie Kovar Atwell

Mixed materials 14:30

139.1 Faculty Handbook

Mixed materials 14:56

210 Faculty Meeting

Mixed materials 15:48

420 Faculty Meeting

Mixed materials 15:47

420 Faculty Meeting (1972-1983) and committees

Mixed materials 14:54

201 Faculty Organization and Committees

Mixed materials 15:24

290 Faculty Publication

Mixed materials 15:7

249.3 Faculty Senate

Mixed materials 15:9

252 Field Groups

Mixed materials 14:42

165 Financial Aid

Mixed materials 15:66

527 Foreign Languages

Mixed materials 15:83

650 Foundations and Fellowships

Mixed materials 14:22

120.2 Frenaye

Mixed materials 15:64

522 Freshman Seminars

Mixed materials 14:59

219.1 Friday Wine and Cheeser

Mixed materials 14:13

108 Funds

Mixed materials 15:2

245.3 Future Size Committee

Mixed materials 15:14a

252.15 History

Mixed materials 15:14b

252.25 History

Mixed materials 15:58

436 Instructional Budget Committee

Mixed materials 15:59a

437 Instructional Budget Committee

Mixed materials 15:59b

437 Instructional Budget Committee

Mixed materials 15:5

249 Intercollegiate Academic Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 15:4

249 Intercollegiate Academic Committees (Faculty ) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 14:5

042 Intercollegiate Cross-Registration

Mixed materials 15:32

370 Intercollegiate Student Organizations

Mixed materials 15:76

561 Joint Science

Mixed materials 15:15

252.17 Latin American Studies

Mixed materials 14:69

237 Lectureship -- Public Affairs

Mixed materials 15:6

249.2 Library Council

Mixed materials 15:16

252.18 Linguistics

Mixed materials 15:17

252.19 Mathematics

Mixed materials 14:36

146.4 Mead Library / Lucian Marquis Library

Mixed materials 14:58

219 Meetings of the Faculty (1972 - )

Mixed materials 15:23

265 Miscellaneous Correspondence

Mixed materials 14:52

199 Miscellaneous Pitzer publications

Mixed materials 15:80

570 Monsour Counseling Center

Mixed materials 15:40

410.7 New Community Council (1969- )

Mixed materials 15:71

527.5 New Resources

Mixed materials 14:26

128 News Releases

Mixed materials 15:82

584 OPP: Org. Prauses Program

Mixed materials 14:32

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 15:65

523 Other Special Seminars

Mixed materials 14:70

240 Other Standing Faculty Committees (to 1972 )

Mixed materials 15:69

527.2 Pace / Programs in American College English [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 15:30

335 PACT Activities

Mixed materials 14:23

121 Parent's Association

Mixed materials 15:33

385 Patrick Boarman Interview Announcement

Mixed materials 15:37

399 Personal Communications by Students

Mixed materials 14:19

117 Personnel

Mixed materials 15:61

520 Physical Education

Mixed materials 14:50

198 Pitzer - History and Background Information

Mixed materials 15:84

700 Pitzer History Project

Mixed materials 14:47

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Administration

Mixed materials 15:39

410.3 Political Activities

Mixed materials 15:18

252.24 Political Studies

Mixed materials 14:7

050.1 Presidential Search

Mixed materials 14:21

120.1 President's Assistant

Mixed materials 14:15

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 14:16

110 .1 President's Speeches

Mixed materials 14:25

127 Press Articles about Pitzer

Mixed materials 14:63

230.2 Proposals, Position Papers

Mixed materials 15:19

252.26 Psychology

Mixed materials 14:46

189 Public Affairs Office / Communications

Mixed materials 14:48

195 Publication -- other schools

Mixed materials 14:39

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 14:55

210 Regular Faculty Meetings

Mixed materials 15:56

431 Research and Awards Committee

Mixed materials 14:67

235 Research Awards Committee

Mixed materials 14:61

224 Retirement Policies

Mixed materials 15:85

937 Sabbaticals Committee

Mixed materials 14:53

199.1 Snollygoster

Mixed materials 15:20

252.29 Sociology

Mixed materials 15:62

521 Special Course Offerings

Mixed materials 15:81

580 Special Programs

Mixed materials 14:14

109 Staff Meetings

Mixed materials 15:57

435 Student Appointments Committee

Mixed materials 15:31

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance

Mixed materials 15:26

310 Student Governance Structures

Mixed materials 14:38

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 15:34

390 Student Publications / Student Handbook

Mixed materials 14:66

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 15:29

332 Student Social Activities

Mixed materials 15:41

410.6 Study Abroad

Mixed materials 14:65

233 Study Abroad and External Studies

Mixed materials 14:29

132 Study on Cross-Registration (Feb. 1978 )

Mixed materials 14:57

211 Summer Faculty Meeting and Special Meetings

Mixed materials 15:35

391 The Other Side

Mixed materials 15:27

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 14:18

115 Treasurer's Office

Mixed materials 14:11

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 14:4

41 Trustee-Faculty Conference

Mixed materials 14:10

101 Trustees

Mixed materials 14:2

030 Unified By-Laws, 1972 -- College Governance

Mixed materials 15:38


Mixed materials 14:6

043 United Council of the Claremont Colleges - Calendar Change

Mixed materials 14:17

114 Vice President(s) --Administration

Mixed materials 14:45

182 Visual Aids and Educational Resources

Mixed materials 15:70

527.4 Washington, D.C. Semester [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 15:21

252.33 Women's Studies

Mixed materials 15:36

395 Yearbook


Subseries 10   Vertical Files, 1980-1985

Physical Description: 6.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 16:44

143 "Knowing the Past…." Convocation / Inauguration

Mixed materials 17:122

521 5th Course [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:102

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 17:94

410.4 Academic and Cultural Events Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:108

421 Academic Computing Committee

Mixed materials 17:109

422 Academic Events Committee

Mixed materials 17:155

901 Academic Handbook

Mixed materials 17:110

423 Academic Planning Committee

Mixed materials 17:119

501 Academic Program and Regulations

Mixed materials 17:135

530 Academic Requirements and Regulations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:111

424 Academic Standards Committee

Mixed materials 17:4

231 Academic Standing -- Registration [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:18

107 Accreditation

Mixed materials 17:15

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 17:16

245.1 Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Change

Mixed materials 17:17

245.2 Ad Hoc Committee on Direction of Pitzer

Mixed materials 17:18

245.3 Ad Hoc Committee on Future [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:11

100 Administration

Mixed materials 16:61

160 Admissions

Mixed materials 17:100

412 Admissions

Mixed materials 17:117

433 Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

Mixed materials 17:139

550 Advising System

Mixed materials 16:30

117 Affirmative Action

Mixed materials 16:36

122 Alumni

Mixed materials 17:29

252.1 Anthropology

Mixed materials 16:25

113 Architectural Design Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:152

710 Archives [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:30a

252.2 Art

Mixed materials 17:30b

252.2 Art

Mixed materials 17:30c

252.2 Art

Mixed materials 16:2

010 Articles of Incorporation [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:31

252.3 Asian Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:40

130.1 Associate Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 17:106

419 Athletics

Mixed materials 16:1

000 Basic Constitutional Documents [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:48

146.2 Berbard Library [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:32

252.4 Black Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:142

562 Black Studies Center

Mixed materials 16:4

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws)

Mixed materials 16:3b

011 Board of Trustees Agenda January 10, 1984

Mixed materials 16:3c

011 Board of Trustees Agenda March 13, 1984

Mixed materials 16:3a

011 Board of Trustees Agenda September 20, 1983

Mixed materials 17:20

249.1 Bookstore [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:65

170 Campus Maintenance

Mixed materials 16:52

147 Career Planning Office

Mixed materials 17:146

590 Catalogue Copy

Mixed materials 17:34

252.5 Chicano Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:143

563 Chicano Studies Center

Mixed materials 17:35

252.6 Classics [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:73

198.1 Collage [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:98

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 16:7

030 College Governance

Mixed materials 17:14

242 College Planning Committee

Mixed materials 17:125

524 Colloquia [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:31a

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 16:31b

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 17:25

251.1 Committee A [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:26

251.2 Committee B [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:27

251.3 Committee C [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:14

101.1 Committees-- Administration

Mixed materials 17:65

260 Communications by Faculty Members

Mixed materials 16:6

020 Community By-Laws (to 1972)

Mixed materials 16:9

040 Community Conference

Mixed materials 17:74

320 Community Council (1965 - 69) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:112

426 Community Relations Committee

Mixed materials 17:136

531 Concentration Requirements [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:154

900 Confidential [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:26

113.1 Construction of Recreational Facilities, including pool

Mixed materials 17:82

341 Corridor Presidents [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:134

529 Course Proposals [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:59

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 17:120

519 Curriculum and Course Offerings

Mixed materials 17:113

427 Curriculum Committee

Mixed materials 17:1

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 16:42

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 16:39

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 16:41

130.4 Dean of Faculty Search

Mixed materials 16:45

146 Dean of Housing / Assistant Dean of Students

Mixed materials 16:72

198 Dean's Diary

Mixed materials 17:23

250 Department Organization [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:32

120 Development Office

Mixed materials 17:137

532 Distribution Requirements [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:49

146.3 Dorm Staff Meeting and Counsellors

Mixed materials 17:77

331 Dormitory Social Life

Mixed materials 16:46

146.1 Dormitory: Life and Regulations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:66

181 Duplicating Services

Mixed materials 16:53

147.1 Early Outreach [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:37

252.7 Economics [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:13

241 Educational Facilities Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:103

415 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 17:95

410.5 Educational Inquiry [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:73

319 Electoral Board [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:38

252.8 English [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:129

527.1 English as a Second Language

Mixed materials 16:58

152 Enrollment and Admissions Studies

Mixed materials 17:39

252.9 Environmental Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:40

252.11 European Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:132

527.3 External Studies

Mixed materials 17:114

428 External Studies Committee

Mixed materials 16:10

099 Fact Book

Mixed materials 16:86

223 Faculty Appointments [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:10

236 Faculty Budget Committee

Mixed materials 17:115a

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 17:115b

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 17:115c

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

Mixed materials 17:107

420 Faculty Meeting (1972-1983)

Mixed materials 16:78

201 Faculty Organization and Committees

Mixed materials 17:66

290 Faculty Publication

Mixed materials 16:85

222 Faculty Recruitments

Mixed materials 17:22

249.3 Faculty Senate

Mixed materials 16:17

101.11 Faculty Trustee Committee on By-Laws

Mixed materials 16:77

200 Faculty, Faculty Meetings (1964-1972 ) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:28

252 Field Groups

Mixed materials 17:41

252.12 Film and Video Studies

Mixed materials 16:64

165 Financial Aid

Mixed materials 17:128

527 Foreign Languages

Mixed materials 17:147

650 Foundations and Fellowships

Mixed materials 17:42

252.13 French [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:123

522 Freshman Seminars

Mixed materials 16:21

110 Funds

Mixed materials 17:43

252.14 German [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:138

540 Grading System [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:44

252.15 History

Mixed materials 17:45

252.16 History of Ideas [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:68

309 Honor Code [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:71

312 House Council (1964) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:127

526 Independent Study [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:23

112 Institutes and Proposals [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:149

701 Intellectual Background Interviews

Mixed materials 17:140

560 Intercollegiate / Joint Department Programs

Mixed materials 17:19

249 Intercollegiate Academic Committees [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:86

370 Intercollegiate Student Organizations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:153

720 Interview Transcripts (Duplicates ) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:75

329 Joint Meetings with College Council

Mixed materials 17:141

561 Joint Science

Mixed materials 17:118

480 Judicial Council -- Judicial Boards

Mixed materials 16:80

210.1 June 1964 Faculty Conference [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:46

252.17 Latin American Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:11

237 Lectureship -- Public Affairs [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:21

249.2 Library Council

Mixed materials 17:47

252.18 Linguistics

Mixed materials 16:16

101.9 Make-up Board Proposals [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:48

252.19 Mathematics [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:50

146.6 Mead Library

Mixed materials 16:83

219 Meetings of the Faculty

Mixed materials 17:64

258 Mellon Grants

Mixed materials 16:62

164.1 Minority Special Admissions Program

Mixed materials 17:144

570 Monsour Counseling Center

Mixed materials 17:104

415.1 MUN - Model United Nations [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:49

252.21 Music [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:97

410.7 New Community Council (1969- ) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:131

527.2 New Resources

Mixed materials 16:38

128 News Releases

Mixed materials 17:83

350 Non-Residential Student-Managed Facilities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:145

584 OPP: Org. Prausaes Program

Mixed materials 17:50

252.22 Organizational Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:43

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 16:74

199 Other miscellaneous Pitzer publications

Mixed materials 17:124

523 Other Special Seminars

Mixed materials 17:12

240 Other Standing Faculty Committees (to 1972 ) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:79

335 PACT Activities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:35

121 Parent's Association [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:90

399 Personal Communications by Students

Mixed materials 17:36

Phebe Estelle Spaulding Visiting Women Series

Mixed materials 17:51

252.23 Philosophy [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:151

707 PHP: Misc. Reports; Status Reports

Mixed materials 17:148

700 Pitzer History Project

Mixed materials 16:70a

190.1 Pitzer Parent

Mixed materials 16:70b

190.1 Pitzer Parent

Mixed materials 16:76

199.2 Pitzer Press [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:69

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Administration

Mixed materials 17:72

313 Planning Board (1964) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:101

413 Political Activities

Mixed materials 17:93

410.3 Political Activities [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:52

252.24 Political Studies

Mixed materials 17:24

251 Pre-Field Group Organization [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:5

011.2 Presidential Speech

Mixed materials 16:34

120.3 President's Advisory Council [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:33

120 President's Assistant

Mixed materials 16:20

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 16:22

110 .1 President's Speeches

Mixed materials 16:37

127 Press Articles about Pitzer

Mixed materials 17:63

252.9 Program in Food, Land, and Power

Mixed materials 17:3

230.2 Proposals, Position Papers

Mixed materials 16:63

164.1 PSDS [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:53

252.25 Psychobiology

Mixed materials 17:54

252.26 Psychology

Mixed materials 16:68

189 Public Information

Mixed materials 16:71

195 Publication -- other schools [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:150

702.1 Recommendations on Student Participation by Sandra Corbett, March 1989

Mixed materials 16:56

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 16:57

150 Registrar--Students on Leave, Withdrawl

Mixed materials 17:99

411 Registration

Mixed materials 16:60

159.9 Registration and Cross Registration [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:92

410.1 Registration Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:79

210 Regular Faculty Meetings

Mixed materials 16:24

112 Reorganization Proposals to FEC

Mixed materials 17:116

431 Research and Awards Committee

Mixed materials 17:81

340.1 Resident Advisors [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:9

235 Resources and Development

Mixed materials 16:47

146.2 Review Board [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:62

252.8 Rhetoric and Composition

Mixed materials 17:55

252.27 Science [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:56

252.28 Science, Technology, and Society [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:81

210.2 September 1964 Faculty Conference [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:75

199.1 Snollygoster [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:133

528 Social Science Center

Mixed materials 17:57

252.29 Sociology

Mixed materials 16:54

148 Sound-Off

Mixed materials 17:58

252.31 Spanish [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:121

521 Special Course Offerings

Mixed materials 16:12

100.2 Staff Assignments

Mixed materials 16:19

109 Staff Meetings

Mixed materials 17:76

330 Student Dormitories (see also 146) [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:80

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance

Mixed materials 17:69

310 Student Governance Structures

Mixed materials 17:67

300 Student Governance Structures [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:87a

390 Student Handbook

Mixed materials 16:55a

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 16:55b

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 16:55c

149 Student Lists / Roster

Mixed materials 17:87b

390 Student Publications [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:6

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 17:8

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 17:78

332 Student Social Activities

Mixed materials 17:105

416 Study Abroad

Mixed materials 17:96

410.6 Study Abroad [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:7

233 Study Abroad and External Studies

Mixed materials 17:2

230.1 Subcommittee on 2nd Study [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:84

220.9 Summer Executive Committee

Mixed materials 16:82

211 Summer Faculty Meeting and Special Meetings

Mixed materials 17:88

391 The Other Side

Mixed materials 17:59

252.32 Theater [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:51

146.9 Thematic Corridors [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:70

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 17:5

231.1 Transfer Credits [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:85

360 Transfer Students [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:28

115 Treasurer's Office

Mixed materials 16:29

115.1 Treasurer's Office - Long-Range Planning - Assumptions 1982

Mixed materials 16:15

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 16:13

101 Trustees [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:126

525 Tutorials [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 16:8

030 Unified By-Laws, 1972 -- College Governance

Mixed materials 17:91


Mixed materials 16:27

114 Vice President(s) --Administration

Mixed materials 16:67

182 Visual Aids and Educational Resources

Mixed materials 17:130

527.1 Washington, D.C. Semester

Mixed materials 17:84

352 Women's Center [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 17:61

252.33 Women's Studies

Mixed materials 17:33

252.5 Work in Progress Series

Mixed materials 17:60

252.321 Writing and Teaching Writing

Mixed materials 17:89

395 Yearbook


Subseries 11   Vertical Files, 1985-1990

Physical Description: 6.25 linear feet
Mixed materials 19:81

521 5th Course

Mixed materials 19:58

414 Academic and Cultural Events

Mixed materials 19:51

410.4 Academic and Cultural Events Committee

Mixed materials 19:63

421 Academic Computing Committee

Mixed materials 19:64

422 Academic Events Committee

Mixed materials 19:65

423 Academic Planning Committee

Mixed materials 19:66

424 Academic Standards Committee

Mixed materials 18:12a

107 Accreditation

Mixed materials 20:23

900 Accreditation

Mixed materials 18:12b

107 Accreditation 1989 (WASC)

Mixed materials 18:30

146 Activities

Mixed materials 18:76

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 18:77

245.2 Ad Hoc Committee on Direction of Pitzer

Mixed materials 18:78

245.3 Ad Hoc Committee on Future [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 18:8

100 Administration

Mixed materials 18:45

160 Admissions

Mixed materials 19:56

412 Admissions and Financial Aid

Mixed materials 19:73

433 Admissions and Financial Aid Committee

Mixed materials 20:7

550 Advising System

Mixed materials 18:24

122 Alumni

Mixed materials 18:17

113 Architectural Design Committee

Mixed materials 20:17

710 Archives

Mixed materials 19:2

252.2 Art

Mixed materials 19:3

252.3 Asian Studies

Mixed materials 18:32

146 Assistant Dean of Housing

Mixed materials 19:61

419 Athletics

Mixed materials 19:41a


Mixed materials 19:41b


Mixed materials 19:4

252.4 Black Studies

Mixed materials 20:9

562 Black Studies Center

Mixed materials 18:2

012 Board of Trustees

Mixed materials 18:1

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws)

Mixed materials 19:67

425 Budgetary Implementation Committee

Mixed materials 18:47

170 Campus Maintenance

Mixed materials 18:36

147 Career Planning Office

Mixed materials 20:14

590 Catalogue Copy [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 19:5

252.5 Chicano Studies

Mixed materials 20:10

562.5 Chicano Studies Center

Mixed materials 19:53a

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 19:53b

410.8 College Council

Mixed materials 19:62

420 College Council

Mixed materials 19:33

329 College Council and Faculty Meetings 1989-90 Minutes FEC, APC, Budgetary [?]

Mixed materials 18:75

242 College Planning Committee

Mixed materials 19:84

524 Colloquia [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 18:21a

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 18:21b

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 18:80

251.1 Committee A

Mixed materials 18:11

101.1 Committees-- Administration

Mixed materials 19:26

260 Communications by Faculty Members And Addr. to mem.

Mixed materials 19:25

260 Communications by Individual Faculty Members

Mixed materials 18:4

020 Community By-Laws (to 1972)

Mixed materials 18:7

040 Community Conference

Mixed materials 19:68

426 Community Relations Committee

Mixed materials 20:22

900 Confidential [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 19:40

341 Corridor Presidents [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 18:43

159 Cross Registration

Mixed materials 19:78

519 Curriculum and Course Offerings

Mixed materials 19:69

427 Curriculum Committee

Mixed materials 18:65

230 Curriculum Committee to 1972

Mixed materials 18:28

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 18:27

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 18:31

146 Dean of Housing / Assistant Dean of Students

Mixed materials 18:22

120 Development Office

Mixed materials 20:1

532 Distribution Requirements [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 18:35

146.6 Dorm #2

Mixed materials 18:34

146.3 Dorm Staff Meeting and Counsellors

Mixed materials 19:35

331 Dormitory Social Life

Mixed materials 18:33

146.1 Dormitory: Life and Regulations

Mixed materials 18:49

181 Duplicating Services

Mixed materials 18:37

147.1 Early Outreach

Mixed materials 18:74

241 Educational Facilities Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 19:52

410.5 Educational Inquiry

Mixed materials 19:32

319 Electoral Board

Mixed materials 19:88

527.1 English as a Second Language

Mixed materials 19:87

527 External Studies

Mixed materials 19:90

527.3 External Studies

Mixed materials 19:70

428 External Studies Committee

Mixed materials 18:64

223 Faculty Appointments

Mixed materials 18:72

236 Faculty Budget

Mixed materials 19:71a

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), 1 of 3

Mixed materials 19:71b

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), 2 of 3

Mixed materials 19:71c

429 Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), 3 of 3

Mixed materials 19:77

502 Faculty Handbook

Mixed materials 19:27

290 Faculty Publication

Mixed materials 18:63

222 Faculty Recruitments

Mixed materials 18:56

200 Faculty, Faculty Meetings (1964-1972 ), and Faculty Committees (to 1972, except FEC)

Mixed materials 19:1

252 Field Groups

Mixed materials 19:7

252.12 Film and Video Studies

Mixed materials 18:46

165 Financial Aid

Mixed materials 19:49

410 First College Council

Mixed materials 20:15

650 Foundations and Fellowships [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 19:8

252.13 French

Mixed materials 20:6

550 Freshman Advising Proposals to College Council 1989-90

Mixed materials 19:82

522 Freshman Seminars

Mixed materials 18:13

110 Funds

Mixed materials 19:9

252.14 German

Mixed materials 18:5

30 Governance Proposals and Revisions

Mixed materials 20:5

540 Grading System [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 19:12a

252.15 History

Mixed materials 19:12b

252.15 History

Mixed materials 19:10

252.15 History 137 Course

Mixed materials 19:11

252.15 History 199 Seminar in History

Mixed materials 20:21

740 History Food Cooperative

Mixed materials 19:13

252.151 History of Western Civilization and The World Since 1942 (Warmbrunn and Segal)

Mixed materials 19:14

252.16 Humanities and History of Ideas

Mixed materials 18:67

232 Incoming Freshman Profile

Mixed materials 19:86

526 Independent Study

Mixed materials 18:16

112 Institutes and Proposals

Mixed materials 20:2

533 Intercollegiate Fields / Requirements [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:18

720 Interview Transcripts (Duplicates )

Mixed materials 20:8

561 Joint Science

Mixed materials 20:3

534 Joint Science Requirements

Mixed materials 19:76

480 Judicial Council

Mixed materials 19:75

480 Judicial Council -- Judicial Boards

Mixed materials 18:58

210.1 June 1964 Faculty Conference

Mixed materials 18:73

237 Lectureship -- Public Affairs

Mixed materials 18:79

249.2 Library Council

Mixed materials 18:48

175 Mailroom

Mixed materials 19:15

252.19 Mathematics

Mixed materials 19:24

258 Mellon Grants

Mixed materials 18:54

199 Miscellaneous Pitzer publications

Mixed materials 20:11

570 Monsour Counseling Center

Mixed materials 19:59

415.1 MUN - Model United Nations

Mixed materials 19:16

252.21 Music

Mixed materials 19:79

515 New Resources

Mixed materials 19:91

527.5 New Resources

Mixed materials 18:26

128 News Releases

Mixed materials 20:13

584 OPP: Org. Prausaes Program [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 18:29

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 19:83

523 Other Special Seminars

Mixed materials 19:44

380 Outdoors Club

Mixed materials 19:37

335 PACT Activities

Mixed materials 19:48

399 Personal Communications by Students

Mixed materials 18:20

117 Personnel Office

Mixed materials 18:3

012.1 Pete Gold, Chairman

Mixed materials 19:17

252.23 Philosophy

Mixed materials 20:16

700 Pitzer History Project

Mixed materials 18:52

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Administration

Mixed materials 19:31

313 Planning Board

Mixed materials 19:50

410.3 Political Activities

Mixed materials 19:57

413 Political Activities

Mixed materials 19:18

252.24 Political Studies

Mixed materials 18:23

120.3 President's Advisory Council

Mixed materials 18:14

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 18:15

110 .1 President's Speeches

Mixed materials 18:25

127 Press Articles about Pitzer

Mixed materials 18:66

230.2 Proposals, Position Papers

Mixed materials 18:6

035 Proposed By-laws Revised 1990 C. W. W.

Mixed materials 19:19

252.26 Psychology

Mixed materials 18:51

189 Public Information

Mixed materials 18:53

195 Publication -- other schools

Mixed materials 19:42

350.5 Rape Task Force / Security / Escort Service, etc .

Mixed materials 18:41

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 19:55

411 Registration

Mixed materials 18:44

159.9 Registration and Cross Registration Lists

Mixed materials 18:61

219 Regular Faculty Meetings

Mixed materials 18:57

210 Regular Faculty Meetings and Conferences

Mixed materials 19:72

431 Research and Awards Committee

Mixed materials 18:71

235 Research Awards Committee

Mixed materials 19:39

340.1 Resident Advisors

Mixed materials 18:70

235 Resources and Development Committee

Mixed materials 19:20

252.28 Science, Technology, and Society

Mixed materials 18:59

210.2 September 1964 Faculty Conference

Mixed materials 18:55

199.1 Snollygoster

Mixed materials 19:92

528 Social Science Center

Mixed materials 20:4

535 Social Science Emphasis and institutions [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 18:38

148 Sound-Off

Mixed materials 18:39

148.5 Sound-Off and Perestroika Papers

Mixed materials 19:80

521 Special Course Offerings

Mixed materials 20:12a

580a Special Programs

Mixed materials 20:12b

580 Special Programs

Mixed materials 18:9

100.2 Staff Assignments

Mixed materials 19:74

435 Student Appointments Committee

Mixed materials 19:34

330 Student Dormitories (see also 146)

Mixed materials 19:38

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance

Mixed materials 19:29

310 Student Governance Structures

Mixed materials 18:40a

149 Student Lists

Mixed materials 18:40b

149 Student Lists

Mixed materials 18:42

158 Student on Leave, Withdrawal, etc.

Mixed materials 20:20

722 Student Opinions on Pitzer College 1987-1989 (Corbett Report) - In back of book

Mixed materials 19:45

390 Student Publications / Student Handbook

Mixed materials 19:54

410.9 Student Senate (1990- )

Mixed materials 18:69

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 19:36

332 Student Social Activities

Mixed materials 19:60

416 Study Abroad

Mixed materials 18:68

233 Study Abroad and External Studies

Mixed materials 19:28

309 Study on Plagarism and Cheating

Mixed materials 18:62

220.9 Summer Executive Committee

Mixed materials 18:60

211 Summer Faculty Meeting and Special Meetings

Mixed materials 19:46

391 The Other Side

Mixed materials 19:21

252.32 Theater

Mixed materials 20:19

721 Topical Classification of Interview Tapes

Mixed materials 19:30

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 19:43

360 Transfer Students

Mixed materials 18:19

115 Treasurer's Office

Mixed materials 18:10

101 Trustees

Mixed materials 19:85

525 Tutorials

Mixed materials 18:18

114 Vice President(s) --Administration

Mixed materials 18:50

182 Visual Aids and Educational Resources

Mixed materials 19:89

527.1 Washington, D.C. Semester

Mixed materials 19:23

252.33 Women's Studies

Mixed materials 19:6

252.8 Writing

Mixed materials 19:22

252.321 Writing and Teaching Writing

Mixed materials 19:47

395 Yearbook


Subseries 12   Vertical Files, 1990-1995

Physical Description: 7.75 linear feet
Mixed materials 20:61

135 Academic Computing

Mixed materials 21:33

231 Academic Standing -- Registration [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:34

050.2 Acting Vice Presidential Search - 1991

Mixed materials 21:43

245 Ad Hoc and Special Committees

Mixed materials 21:44

245.1 Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Change -- 4 course

Mixed materials 21:45

245.2 Ad Hoc Committee on Direction of Pitzer [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:46

245.3 Ad Hoc Committee on Future [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:36

100 Administration

Mixed materials 20:41

108.1 Administration / Faculty Salaries

Mixed materials 21:7

160 Admissions and Financial Aid

Mixed materials 21:8

160 Admissions Figures 1990-1997

Mixed materials 21:89

260 .2 Al Wachtel Congressional Campaign, 1992

Mixed materials 20:64

141 Alcohol Policy

Mixed materials 21:103

333 Alcohol Policy

Mixed materials 20:54

122 Alumni

Mixed materials 20:55

122.1 Alumni Reunion (1993 )

Mixed materials 21:71

252.162 American Studies

Mixed materials 21:55

252.1 Anthropology

Mixed materials 20:47

113 Architectural Design Committee / Master Plans

Mixed materials 21:56

252.2 Art

Mixed materials 21:57

252.3 Asian Studies

Mixed materials 20:60

130.1 Associate Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 21:108

342 BACCHUS [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:113

351.1 Bert Meyer's Poetry Reading Room

Mixed materials 21:58

252.4 Black Studies

Mixed materials 20:28

013 Board Meetings

Mixed materials 20:24

011 Board of Trustee's (By-Laws)

Mixed materials 20:25

011.1 Board of Trustee's (Meetings)

Mixed materials 21:48

249.1 Bookstore

Mixed materials 21:11

170 Campus Maintenance

Mixed materials 21:111

350.6 Campus Watch Program [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:75

147 Career Resources Office

Mixed materials 21:59

252.5 Chicano Studies

Mixed materials 21:60

252.6 Classics

Mixed materials 21:21a

198.1 Collage

Mixed materials 21:21b


Mixed materials 21:42

242 College Planning Committee [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:51

119 Commencement

Mixed materials 20:38

101.1 Committees-- Administration

Mixed materials 21:86

260 Communications by Faculty Members

Mixed materials 21:87

260.1 Communications from Werner Warmbrunn

Mixed materials 20:29

020 Community By-Laws

Mixed materials 21:29

211.3 Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning (Sept. 1995)

Mixed materials 21:61

252.65 Conflict Resolution Studies Program

Mixed materials 20:66

143 Convocation

Mixed materials 21:107

341 Corridor Presidents [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:5

159 Cross Registration [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:63

140 Dean of College / Dean of Students

Mixed materials 20:59

130 Dean of Faculty

Mixed materials 20:68

146 Dean of Housing / Assistant Dean of Students

Mixed materials 21:20

198 Dean's Diary [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:50

249.3 Department Organization [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:52

250 Department Organization [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:52

120 Development Office

Mixed materials 20:71

146.3 Dorm Staff Meeting and Counsellors

Mixed materials 20:67

146 Dormitories and Dining Hall

Mixed materials 21:101

331 Dormitory Social Life

Mixed materials 20:69

146.1 Dormitory: Life and Regulations

Mixed materials 21:13

181 Duplicating Services

Mixed materials 20:76

147.1 Early Outreach

Mixed materials 21:62

252.7 Economics

Mixed materials 21:41

241 Educational Facilities Committee

Mixed materials 21:98

319 Electoral Board / Elections [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:44

110.2 Emergency Preparedness Committee

Mixed materials 21:63

252.8 English

Mixed materials 21:64

252.9 Environmental Studies

Mixed materials 21:65

252.11 European Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:25

200 Faculty

Mixed materials 21:38

236 Faculty Budget [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:62

139.1 Faculty Handbook

Mixed materials 21:91

290 Faculty Publication

Mixed materials 21:51

249.3 Faculty Senate [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:28

211.2 Faculty Workshop on Student Life, 1991 May 20

Mixed materials 21:54

252 Field Groups

Mixed materials 21:66

252.12 Film and Video Studies

Mixed materials 21:10

165 Financial Aid Office

Mixed materials 20:40

108 Funds

Mixed materials 21:90

261 George Parks Visit to Pitzer, 1990

Mixed materials 21:67

252.14 German

Mixed materials 21:115

353 Gold Student Center

Mixed materials 21:112

351 Grove House

Mixed materials 21:68

252.15 History

Mixed materials 21:69

252.16 History of Ideas

Mixed materials 21:93

309 Honor Code [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:96

312 House Council [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:27

012.2 Individual Trustees: Eli Broad

Mixed materials 20:46

112 Institutes and Proposals

Mixed materials 21:47

249 Intercollegiate Academic Committees

Mixed materials 21:3

151 Intercollegiate Course Catalog

Mixed materials 21:117

370 Intercollegiate Student Organizations

Mixed materials 21:84

252.34 International / Transcultural Studies

Mixed materials 21:70

252.161 Jewish Studies

Mixed materials 21:99

329 Joint Meetings with College Council [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:39

237 Lectureship -- Public Affairs

Mixed materials 21:49

249.2 Library Council

Mixed materials 21:72

252.18 Linguistics

Mixed materials 21:12

175 Mailroom

Mixed materials 21:30

219.1 Marching and Chowder Society

Mixed materials 21:73

252.19 Mathematics

Mixed materials 20:73

146.6 Mead Library and Reading Room

Mixed materials 20:72

146.4 Mead Library / Lucian Marquis Library

Mixed materials 21:85

258 Mellon Grants

Mixed materials 21:74

252.21 Music

Mixed materials 20:57

128 News Releases

Mixed materials 21:109

350 Non-Residential Student-Managed Facilities

Mixed materials 20:65

142 Orientation

Mixed materials 21:22

199 Other miscellaneous Pitzer publications

Mixed materials 21:40

240 Other Standing Faculty Committees [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:118

380 Outdoors Club

Mixed materials 21:104

335 PACT Activities

Mixed materials 20:53

121 Parent's Association

Mixed materials 21:18a

191 Participant

Mixed materials 21:18b

191 Participant

Mixed materials 20:78

148.5 Perestroika Papers [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:50

117 Personnel

Mixed materials 21:75

252.23 Philosophy

Mixed materials 20:58

129 Photo Exhibit Committee - 1993

Mixed materials 21:17

190.1 Pitzer Parent

Mixed materials 21:24

199.2 Pitzer Press

Mixed materials 21:16

190 Pitzer Publications issued by Administration

Mixed materials 21:97

313 Planning Board [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:76

252.24 Political Studies

Mixed materials 21:53

251 Pre-Field Group Organization [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:33a

050.1 Presidential Search 1991-1992

Mixed materials 20:33b

050.1 Presidential Search 1991-1992

Mixed materials 20:32

050 Presidential Search Committee

Mixed materials 20:42a

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 20:42b

110 President's Office

Mixed materials 20:43

110 .1 President's Speeches

Mixed materials 20:56

127 Press Articles about Pitzer

Mixed materials 21:9

164.1 Program for Space Directed Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:32

230.2 Proposals, Position Papers [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:30

035 Proposed Bylaw Revision (WW 1990)

Mixed materials 21:77

252.26 Psychology

Mixed materials 21:15

189 Public Affairs Office / Communications

Mixed materials 21:19

195 Publication -- other schools

Mixed materials 21:110

350.5 Rape Task Force / Security / Escort Service, etc .

Mixed materials 21:2a

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 21:2b

150 Registrar

Mixed materials 21:6

159.9 Registration and Cross Registration Lists [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:26

210 Regular Faculty Meetings

Mixed materials 21:106

340.1 Resident Advisors

Mixed materials 21:37

235 Resources and Development [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:70

146.2 Review Board

Mixed materials 21:78

252.27 Science

Mixed materials 21:79

252.28 Science, Technology, and Society

Mixed materials 20:35

060 Sexual Harassment Policy

Mixed materials 21:23

199.1 Snollygoster [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:80

252.29 Sociology

Mixed materials 20:77

148 Sound-Off [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 20:45

110.3 Staff Advisory Committee (1996 -

Mixed materials 21:100

330 Student Dormitories (see also 146)

Mixed materials 21:105

340 Student Dormitory -- Self-Governance

Mixed materials 21:92

300 Student Governance Structures

Mixed materials 21:94

310 Student Governance Structures

Mixed materials 21:1

149 Student Lists

Mixed materials 21:4

158 Student on Leave, Withdrawal, etc.

Mixed materials 21:119

390 Student Publications / Student Handbook

Mixed materials 21:36

234 Student Services

Mixed materials 21:102

332 Student Social Activities

Mixed materials 21:35

233 Study Abroad and External Studies [Empty folder]

Mixed materials 21:31

220.9 Summer Executive Committee

Mixed materials 21:27

211 Summer Faculty Meeting and Special Meetings

Mixed materials 21:120

391 The Other Side

Mixed materials 21:81

252.32 Theater

Mixed materials 20:74

146.9 Thematic Corridors

Mixed materials 21:95

311 Town Meeting

Mixed materials 21:34

231.1 Transfer Credits

Mixed materials 21:116

360 Transfer Students

Mixed materials 20:49

115 Treasurer's Office

Mixed materials 20:39

101.2 Trustee Budget Committee

Mixed materials 20:37

101 Trustees

Mixed materials 20:26

011.2 Trustees: Meetings

Mixed materials 20:31

043 United Council of the Claremont Colleges

Mixed materials 20:48

114 Vice President(s) --Administration

Mixed materials 21:14

182 Visual Aids and Educational Resources

Mixed materials 21:88

260.11 Werner Warmbrunn "The Demise of Pitzer College", 1994

Mixed materials 21:114

352 Women's Center

Mixed materials 21:83

252.33 Women's Studies

Mixed materials 21:82

252.321 Writing


Series 2   Oral History Transcripts, 1967-1998

Physical Description: 13.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 4:742

Abney, Veronica, 1993 May 2, pp. 14

Mixed materials 4:725

Ackerman, Linda, 1991 May 31, pp. 26

Mixed materials 3:368-B

Adeosun, Temitope, 1989 April 16, pp. 18

Mixed materials 4:483

Akagawa, Alexis, 1996 May 10, pp. 43

Mixed materials 5:950.9

Albert, Bob, 1990 January 19, pp. 46

Mixed materials 5:951.1

Albert, Bob, 1990 January 30, pp. 42

Mixed materials 5:960.3-B

Albert, Bob, 1990 March 31

Mixed materials 5:960.4-B

Albert, Bob, 1992 April 20, pp. 27

Mixed materials 5:960.5

Albert, Bob, 1992 April 20, pp. 27

Mixed materials 5:960.4-A

Albert, Bob, 1992 April 7, pp. 30

Mixed materials 4:856.1

Albert, Bob, 1992 January 29, pp. 13

Mixed materials 5:960.3-A

Albert, Bob, 1992 March 20

Mixed materials 4:706

Alperstein, Ellen, 1985 April 20, pp. 6

Mixed materials 3:107

Alport, Meredith, 1969 December 15, pp. 20

Mixed materials 3:124

Anderson, Heidi, 1968 May 20, pp. 6

Mixed materials 3:195

Angle, Sally, 1973 May 10, pp. 22

Mixed materials 24:55

Appleton, Tina, 1968 May 29, pp. 20

Mixed materials 5:96 0. 23

Arguelles, Lourdes, 1995 October 25, pp. 24

Mixed materials 3:342

Aronson, stuart, 1988 March 2, pp. 26

Mixed materials 24:33

Ashbrook, Nancy, 1968 May 14, pp. 8

Mixed materials 25:97

Asher, Lorraine, 1970 April 30, pp. 22

Mixed materials 5:961.1

Atherton, John, 1970 May/June, pp. 187

Mixed materials 4:914.5

Atherton, John, 1977 September 16, pp. 10

Mixed materials 4:880.3

Atherton, John, 1993 December 8, pp. 18

Mixed materials 4:917

Atwell, Robert, 1981 November 23, pp. 10

Mixed materials 4:853.88

Atwell, Robert, 1989 November 1, pp. 10

Mixed materials 5:962A/B

Atwell, Robert, 1998 March, pp. 46

Mixed materials 5:962C/D

Atwell, Robert, 1998 March, pp. 51

Mixed materials 4:734

Augarten, May, 1993 April 30, pp. 31

Mixed materials 3:324-B

Azim, Khalid, 1987 February 16, pp. 10

Mixed materials 24:40

Baker, Sarah, 1968 May 6, pp. 20

Mixed materials 3:317-A

Bale, Jennifer, 1987 February 17, pp. 18

Mixed materials 4:478

Balkan, Aaron, 1996 April 19, pp. 27

Mixed materials 4:486

Balkan, Aaron, 1998 April 2, pp. 25

Mixed materials 24:57

Bamford, Betsy, 1968 May 22, pp. 47

Mixed materials 5:960.2

Banaian, King, 1995 June 21, pp. 12

Mixed materials 3:350-B

Barlow, Cheryl, 1988 April 12, pp. 5

Mixed materials 3:324-A

Barnett, Scott, 1987 February 16, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:125

Barrett Stanton, Betsy, 1993 January 6, pp. 40

Mixed materials 3:108

Barrientos, Darlene, 1970 April 17, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:137-B

Bassett, Emilie, 1971 February/April, pp. partial

Mixed materials 24:56(B)

Batteen, Ann, 1968 May 20, pp. 16

Mixed materials 24:56(A)

Batteen, Ann, 1968 May 20, pp. 77

Mixed materials 24:50

Beaudette, Louise, 1968 May 20, pp. 48

Mixed materials 3:137-A

Beebe, Betsy, 1971 February/April, pp. 16

Mixed materials 5:950.1

Bell, Inge, 1982 May 20, pp. 30

Mixed materials 4:924

Bell, Inge, 1992 April 9, pp. 25

Mixed materials 4:902

Belmont, John, 1969 June 24, pp. 49

Mixed materials 3:120

Berman, Barbara, 1969 May 5, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:111

Bernardo, Shelley, 1970 May 18, pp. 38

Mixed materials 3:438

Bien, J.J., 1991 April 24, pp. 12

Mixed materials 4:485

Block, Adam, 1997 May 1, pp. 18

Mixed materials 5:953.8

Bloom, Alfred, 1991 June 11, pp. 49

Mixed materials 5:953.7

Bloom, Alfred, 1991 June 4, pp. 47

Mixed materials 3:379

Bock, Anthony, 1989 May 5, pp. 65

Mixed materials 3:195.1

Body, Carla, 1973 May 31, pp. 33

Mixed materials 4:816

Bogen, Jim, on Grove House, 1989 July 10, pp. 16

Mixed materials 4:738

Bonnar, Mary Catharine, 1993 April 30, pp. 32

Mixed materials 3:141

Bonner, Poozle, 1971 February 4, pp. 20

Mixed materials 3:202-B

Bordy, Val, 1978 April 25, pp. 7

Mixed materials 5:953

Botwin, Harvey, 1991 January 15, pp. 43

Mixed materials 5:960.22

Botwin, Harvey, 1995 October 11, pp. 23

Mixed materials 24:5

Bowen, Barbara, 1968 April 4, pp. 27

Mixed materials 3:132

Brashear, Lindsey, 1969 April 26, pp. 46

Mixed materials 5:970.9A/B

Brenneis, Donald, 1996 August 7, pp. 44

Mixed materials 3:204-B

Breton, Brook, 1978 April 28, pp. partial

Mixed materials 25:100

Brock, Sue, 1970 March 20, pp. 31

Mixed materials 3:329

Brown, Alison, 1987 February 11, pp. 24

Mixed materials 4:481

Brown, Tamara, 1996 May 8, pp. 36

Mixed materials 3:1 58 - A

Bruce, Marnie, 1971 February/April, pp. 9

Mixed materials 4:477

Burson, Quinn, 1996 April 19, pp. 26

Mixed materials 4:477B

Burson, Quinn, 1997 May 22, pp. 15

Mixed materials 4:880.4

Calderon, Jose, 1993 December 9, pp. 17

Mixed materials 3:355

Callies, David, 1988 April 15, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:361.1A

Calvin, Chris, 1988 April 1, pp. 18

Mixed materials 24:32

Cameron, Barbara, 1968 May 13, pp. 30

Mixed materials 3:380

Campbell, Angela, 1989 May 6, pp. 10

Mixed materials 4:720

Campbell-North, Chris, 1991 June 1, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:190

Cancellier, Patty, 1973 April 27, pp. 20

Mixed materials 4:723

Canning, Lynne, 1991 June 1, pp. 25

Mixed materials 24:13

Carlsmith, Gayle, 1968 May 4, pp. 15

Mixed materials 4:703-B

Carlsmith, Gayle, 1978 April 1, pp. 20

Mixed materials 4:740

Carlsmith, Gayle, 1993 April 30, pp. 27

Mixed materials 24:44

Carmona, Linda, 1968 May 17, pp. 18

Mixed materials 24:71A/B

Carne, Joyce, 1968 June 7, pp. 63

Mixed materials 3:128

Carr, Carol, 1990 May 31, pp. 18

Mixed materials 25:92

Cavanaugh, Terri, 1970 February 18, pp. 25

Mixed materials 3:318-A2

Clignett, Robert, 1987 February 20, pp. 7

Mixed materials 3:320-A

Conboy, Megan, 1987 Spring, pp. 8

Mixed materials 4:480

Cooke, Matthew, 1996 May 3, pp. 26

Mixed materials 3:185.1

Cooper, Jill, 1973 May 9, pp. 24

Mixed materials 3:422

Corbett/Forman Sigler (free-ranging conversation), 1990 February 28, pp. 56

Mixed materials 24:58

Corden, Carol, 1968 May 17, pp. 62

Mixed materials 4:908

Crippin, Gary, 1971 April 1, pp. 17

Mixed materials 24:74

Crosby, Harriet, 1968 May 13, pp. 48

Mixed materials 4:729

Crosby, Harriet, 1993 May 1, pp. 47

Mixed materials 4:709

Crowell McMannus, Anna, 1985 April 20, pp. 7

Mixed materials 24:60

Culver, Sue, 1968 June 2, pp. 33

Mixed materials 3:382

Cunningham, Mark, 1989 May 5, pp. 18

Mixed materials 4:710

Dart O'Bryon, Eleanor, 1990 February 26, pp. 25

Mixed materials 4:728

de Baun, Linda, 1993 May 2, pp. 13

Mixed materials 24:48

Deutsch, Debbi, 1968 May 19, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:323

Devaugn, Cad, 1987 March 20, pp. 4

Mixed materials 3:147

DeVine, Laura, 1971 February/April, pp. partial

Mixed materials 3:361

Domena, Maria, 1988 April 29, pp. 7

Mixed materials 3:199-C

Donlon, David, 1977 May 5, pp. 15

Mixed materials 3:145-B

Douglas, Diantha, 1971 Spring, pp. 25

Mixed materials 3:398

Dowell, Jeremy, 1990 February 5, pp. 32

Mixed materials 3:200-B

Duggan, Richard, 1978 May 6, pp. 7

Mixed materials 24:77

Dutton, Nancy, 1968 June 3, pp. 29

Mixed materials 4:853.54

Duvall, Robert, 1989 February 11, pp. 34, 2 of 2

Mixed materials 4:853.53

Duvall, Robert, 1989 February 11, pp. 35, 1 of 2

Mixed materials 3:200-A

East, Tom, 1978 April 5, pp. 12

Mixed materials 24:53

Ehmke, Marne, 1968 May 23, pp. 16

Mixed materials 4:911

Eisenstein, Sam, 1972 March 1, pp. 19

Mixed materials 5:960.27

Ellenhorn, Lew, 1990 July 10, pp. 16 (located on side 2 of tape #952.1)

Mixed materials 5:952.1

Ellenhorn, Lew, 1990 July 10, pp. 25

Mixed materials 5:951.6

Ellenhorn, Lew, 1990 May 18, pp. 33

Mixed materials 5:960.271

Ellenhorn, Lew, 1996 May 6, pp. 34

Mixed materials 4:901

Ellis, Judith, 1969 June 17, pp. 29

Mixed materials 4:900

Ellis, Russ, 1969 June 2, pp. 66

Mixed materials 24:1

Erickson, Mistie, 1968 April 1, pp. 20

Mixed materials 4:731

Erickson, Mistie, 1993 May 1, pp. 17

Mixed materials 3:462(A)

Eschen, Chris, 1992 April 17, pp. 34

Mixed materials 3:462(B)

Eschen, Chris, 1992 April 24, pp. 32

Mixed materials 4:906

Everett, Miles, 1971 April 1, pp. 21

Mixed materials 5:953.9

Everett, Miles, 1991 October 23, pp. 26

Mixed materials 3:318-A

Ferguson, Dean, 1987 February 18, pp. 9

Mixed materials 3:315-A

Fernandez, Rafael, 1987 March 24, pp. 8

Mixed materials 3:193.3

Field, Maggie, 1973 May 9, pp. 34

Mixed materials 3:105

Field, Norma Moore, 1969 June 29, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:320-B

Fisk, Jim, 1987 Spring, pp. 19

Mixed materials 24:38-A/B

Fitzhenry, Robyn, 1968 May 12, pp. 73

Mixed materials 3:143-A

Fleming, Carol, 1971 Spring, pp. 11

Mixed materials 25:85

Flemming, Toria, 1968 June 4, pp. 85

Mixed materials 3:135

Foot, Mary, 1969 May 5, pp. 31

Mixed materials 3:431

Foreman, Bill, 1991 May 3, pp. 48

Mixed materials 3:324-D

Fraccia, Charles, 1987 February 16, pp. 6

Mixed materials 24:9

Francis, Louisa, 1968 April 22, pp. 13

Mixed materials 3:185

Frankel, Gladys, 1972 March 16, pp. 38

Mixed materials 4:903/904

Frenaye, Bill, 1969 June 24, pp. 111

Mixed materials 3:122

Frieden, Ilona, 1969 January 28, pp. 43

Mixed materials 3:452

Friedman, Susannah, 1992 April 9, pp. 23

Mixed materials 4:854.45

Friedman, Susannah, 1992 April 9, pp. 23 (see also #452)

Mixed materials 4:920-A

Frishman, Madeline, 1985 July 19, pp. 36

Mixed materials 4:920-B

Frishman, Madeline, 1988 November 17, pp. 35

Mixed materials 3:196.2

Fuller, Betsy, 1973 May 31, pp. 20

Mixed materials 5:927

Ganhal, Anna, 1997 April 17, pp. 20

Mixed materials 5:951.8

Garcia, Homer, 1990 May 22, pp. 28

Mixed materials 5:951.7

Garcia, Homer, 1990 May 22, pp. 47

Mixed materials 5:951.9

Garcia, Homer, 1990 May 23, pp. 46

Mixed materials 5:952

Garcia, Homer, 1990 May 24, pp. 39

Mixed materials 4:737

Gardes, Kit McKercher, 1993 April 30, pp. 16

Mixed materials 4:905

Gardiner, David, 1971 April 1, pp. 15

Mixed materials 4:468

Gearhart, Mark, 1992 November 2, pp. 20

Mixed materials 4:735

Gillen Ann, Kitty, 1993 April 30, pp. 31

Mixed materials 24:75

Gillen, Kitty, 1968 June 4, pp. 54

Mixed materials 5:952.8

Glass, Steve, 1990 October 24, pp. 30

Mixed materials 5:960.25

Glass, Steve, 1995 November 9, pp. 28

Mixed materials 4:851

Glass, Steve, Faculty Conference 1964, 1983 April 1, pp. 15

Mixed materials 3:455

Glickman, David, 1992 April 2, pp. 41

Mixed materials 3:460

Gomez, Reiko, 1992 April 20, pp. 36

Mixed materials 4:854.49

Gomez. Reiko, 1992 April 20, pp. 36 (see also #460)

Mixed materials 3:350-A

Gonzalez, Juanita, 1988 April 12, pp. 8

Mixed materials 5:950.2

Goodwin, Glenn, 1982 July 29, pp. 33

Mixed materials 4:853.31-B

Goodwin, Glenn, 1989 February 22, pp. 19

Mixed materials 3:116

Graham, Julie, 1970 May 8, pp. 29

Mixed materials 3:187.1

Grass, Ann, 1973 April 11, pp. 18

Mixed materials 3:345

Greenberg, David, 1988 April 6, pp. 14

Mixed materials 4:915.3

Greenberger, Allen, 1977 April 27, pp. 37

Mixed materials 4:853.11

Greenberger, Allen, 1989 March 9, pp. 52

Mixed materials 5:952.9

Greenberger, Allen, 1990 November 21, pp. 43

Mixed materials 5:960.0-A/B

Greenberger, Allen, 1992 February 18, pp. 41

Mixed materials 5:960.0-B/960.1-A

Greenberger, Allen, 1992 February 25, pp. 39

Mixed materials 5:960.1-A/B

Greenberger, Allen, 1992 March 3, pp. 25

Mixed materials 4:843.2

Greenberger, Allen, 1993 June 2, pp. 16

Mixed materials 24:80

Greenwood, Betty, 1968 May 31, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:708-A

Groch, Robin Richman, 1985 April 20, pp. 6

Mixed materials 24:78

Gronjberg, Kirsten, 1968 June 8, pp. 24

Mixed materials 24:30

Gustke, Pat, 1968 May 13, pp. 9

Mixed materials 3:118

Haas, Karen, 1969 June 19, pp. 18

Mixed materials 4:718

Haas, Kathryn Rupp, 1991 June 1, pp. 32

Mixed materials 4:704-A

Haas, Kathy Rupp, 1978 April 1, pp. 10

Mixed materials 24:22

Habecker, Margaret, 1968 May 7, pp. 34

Mixed materials 3:194.2

Hadley, Susan, 1973 May 8, pp. 24

Mixed materials 24:45

Halouchko, Irene, 1968 May 18, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:324

Hamilton, Jean, 1987 February 16, pp. 8

Mixed materials 5:960.6

Hamilton, Margaret, 1992 March 24, pp. 27

Mixed materials 3:191.1

Hamilton, Michael, 1973 April 27, pp. 22

Mixed materials 24:54

Handley, Janet, 1968 May 28, pp. 23

Mixed materials 3:145- A

Harestead, Chris, 1971 Spring, pp. 16

Mixed materials 3:101

Harris, Lynn, 1970 May 19, pp. 24

Mixed materials 3:377-B

Hart, Lisa, 1989 May 3, pp. 47

Mixed materials 4:854.12

Hart, Madeline, 1990 August 27, pp. 40

Mixed materials 3:158-B

Hawkins, Sharon, 1971 February/April, pp. 9

Mixed materials 3:322

Hawthorne, Jill, 1987 March 23, pp. 32

Mixed materials 3:186

Hecker, Carol, 1973 March 24, pp. 38

Mixed materials 3:127

Hehmeyer, Tina, 1969 June 5, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:707

Heikes, Bonnie, 1985 April 20, pp. 5

Mixed materials 3:139

Helmsoth, Michelle, 1971 Spring, pp. 36

Mixed materials 4:739

Henning, Melinda, 1993 April 30, pp. 25

Mixed materials 25:86

Henning-Hartnett, Melinda, 1968 June 13, pp. 58

Mixed materials 24:49

Hermanson, Holly, 1968 May 21, pp. 26

Mixed materials 24:49

Hermanson, Holly, 1968 May 21, pp. 26

Mixed materials 3:173

Hernandez, Alicia, 1970 August 20, pp. 38

Mixed materials 5:950.3

Hertel, Carl, 1982 June 9, pp. 24

Mixed materials 5:960.14

Hertel, Carl, 1993 February 15, pp. 26

Mixed materials 5:960.19

Hertel, Carl, 1994 April 16, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:126

Herzberg, Beryl, 1969 June 4, pp. 30

Mixed materials 4:702-A

Herzberg, Beryl, 1978 April 1, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:329

Hill, Tom, 1987 February 12, pp. 22

Mixed materials 4:467

Hirsh, Joel, 1992 March 26, pp. 34

Mixed materials 3:140-A

Hoffman, Karen, 1971 Spring, pp. 14

Mixed materials 3:194

Holder, Mary, 1973 May 8, pp. 17

Mixed materials 4:469

Horwitz, Gail, 1993 April 14, pp. 26

Mixed materials 4:842.1

Horwitz, Gail, 1993 May 13, pp. 40

Mixed materials 4:915/915.1

Houston, Beverle, 1982 May 20, pp. 35

Mixed materials 3:104

Hudelson, Ann, 1970 March 23, pp. 28

Mixed materials 24:61

Hunt, Marcia, 1968 June 1, pp. 48

Mixed materials 4:701-A

Hunt, Marcia, 1978 April 1, pp. 24

Mixed materials 5:970.8A

Ilgen, Tom, 1993 June 14, pp. 24

Mixed materials 5:970.8B

Ilgen, Tom, 1993 June 15, pp. 24

Mixed materials 3:376-B

Inoway, Winston, 1988 April 24, pp. 34

Mixed materials 5:960.8

Inoway, Winston, 1992 June 29, pp. 23

Mixed materials 3:133

J. L. [Anonymous], 1968 February 1, pp. 26

Mixed materials 5:953.5

Jackson, Agnes, 1991 April 30, pp. 30

Mixed materials 5:953.6

Jackson, Agnes, 1991 June 6, pp. 59

Mixed materials 4:880.2

Jackson, Agnes, 1993 December 3, pp. 44

Mixed materials 5:960.29

Jackson, Agnes, 1998 March 30, pp. 57

Mixed materials 3:347-B

Jackson, Elizabeth, 1988 April 5, pp. 11

Mixed materials 3:134

Jackson, Mary Ann, 1968 May 2, pp. 33

Mixed materials 4:919-B

Jamieson, Jim, 1983 November 15, pp. 22

Mixed materials 4:919-A

Jamieson, Jim, 1983 October 25, pp. 29

Mixed materials 3:364-B

Janney, David, 1988 April 12, pp. 12

Mixed materials 3:149

Johnson, Ann, 1971 February/April, pp. partial

Mixed materials 24:8

Jolly, Robin, 1968 April 6, pp. 22

Mixed materials 5:970.1

Jones, Alan, 1992 November 12, pp. 26

Mixed materials 5:970

Jones, Alan, 1992 October 12, pp. 22

Mixed materials 3:198

Jones, Laverne (faculty tape), 1977 April 30, pp. partial

Mixed materials 5:971

Jones, Terry, 1997 August 26, pp. 20

Mixed materials 5:96 0 .11

Judson, Pieter, 1992 November 10, pp. 38

Mixed materials 5:960.1

Judson, Pieter, 1992 October 9, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:914

Kaplan, Roy, 1977 May 9, pp. 22

Mixed materials 4:715

Karmatz, Bernard, 1991 June 1, pp. 12

Mixed materials 3:157- B

Karmatz, Bernie, 1971 February 1, pp. 10

Mixed materials 4:711

Kates, Gary, 1991 February 25, pp. 49

Mixed materials 3:351-B

Kelly, Pat, 1988 April 7, pp. 13

Mixed materials 3:344-B

Kenney, Dan, 1988 March 23, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:376-A

Kerman, Laura, 1989 April 28, pp. partial

Mixed materials 3:318-B

Kesser, Connie, 1987 February 21, pp. 10

Mixed materials 24:6

Kidde, Jennifer, 1968 April 13, pp. 16

Mixed materials 3:109

Kircher, Jenny, 1970 March 30, pp. 34

Mixed materials 4:743

Klassen, Margreta, 1993 April 28, pp. 11

Mixed materials 3:367

Klemperer, Anne, 1988 April 15, pp. 16

Mixed materials 25:89

Koburg, Jeannette, 1970 February 20, pp. 23

Mixed materials 3:31

Koppel, Claudia, 1987 February 17, pp. 10

Mixed materials 3:146-A

Kropp, Johanna, 1971 February/April, pp. partial

Mixed materials 24:62

Kugler, Penny, 1968 May 20, pp. 32

Mixed materials 24:62.1

Kugler, Penny, 1968 May 30, pp. 32

Mixed materials 3:319

Labby, Karen, 1987 February 22, pp. 11

Mixed materials 3:349-A

Landesman, Jeff, 1988 March 7, pp. 34

Mixed materials 5:960.16

Lehman, Jim, 1993 May 10, pp. 23

Mixed materials 4:733

Leovy Beckstrand, Katie, 1993 May 1, pp. 23

Mixed materials 3:115

Lester, Marilyn, 1970 March 11, pp. 25

Mixed materials 3:458

Levin, Rachel, 1992 April 14, pp. 26

Mixed materials 4:854.48

Levin, Rachel, 1992 April 14, pp. 26 (see also #458)

Mixed materials 4:730

Levine Shoey, Iris, 1993 May 1, pp. 16

Mixed materials 24:64

Levine, Iris, 1968 June 10, pp. 52

Mixed materials 24:79

Lewis, Cathy, 1968 June 8, pp. 30

Mixed materials 5:960.2

Ling, Jack, 2009 March 31, pp. 25

Mixed materials 4:853.41-A

Ling, Jack, Dean of Students, 1989 February 23, pp. 19

Mixed materials 4:471

Lingenbrink, Claus-Charles, 1993 April 28, pp. 23

Mixed materials 3:327

Lomayesva, Mary, 1987 February 4, pp. 18

Mixed materials 24:65B

Lowe, Margaret, 1968 June 5, pp. 18

Mixed materials 24:4

Lucan, Carole, 1968 April 4, pp. 29

Mixed materials 5:966

Lyon, President and Mrs. Lyon, 1985 March 28

Mixed materials 5:953.2

Maberry, Ann, 1991 February 22, pp. 27

Mixed materials 5:960.7

Maberry, Ann, 1992 June 12, pp. 38

Mixed materials 5:950.6

Macaulay, Ron, 1983 June 8, pp. 29

Mixed materials 4:853.51-A

Macaulay, Ron, 1989 March 8, pp. 18

Mixed materials 5:960.243

Macaulay, Ronald, 1995 October 24, pp. 25

Mixed materials 5:960.242

Macaulay, Ronald, 1995 October 4, pp. 22

Mixed materials 5:960.241

Macaulay, Ronald, 1995 September 20, pp. 25

Mixed materials 24:41

MacGregor, Anita, 1968 May 15, pp. 14

Mixed materials 3:121

MacNulty, Molly, 1969 April 21, pp. 39

Mixed materials 3:103

MacNulty, Molly, 1970 January 24, pp. 30

Mixed materials 4:475

MacWilliamson, Amy, 1996 April 17, pp. 27

Mixed materials 4:853.43

Malan (later Lockhart), Diana, Dean of Students, 1989 March 19, pp. 35

Mixed materials 4:476

Manriquez, Cindy, 1996 April 19, pp. 37

Mixed materials 3:189.1

Markson, Paul, 1973 April 26, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:918

Marquis, Lucian, 1983 February 10, pp. 21

Mixed materials 4:922

Marquis, Lucian, 1988 March 28, pp. 17

Mixed materials 4:853.21

Marquis, Lucian, 1989 March 7, pp. 17

Mixed materials 5:960.15

Marquis, Lucian, 1993 March 1, pp. 24

Mixed materials 5:960.17

Marquis, Lucian, 1993 May 11, pp. 23

Mixed materials 3:390

Marshall-Klein, Jill, 1989 December 15, pp. 12

Mixed materials 24:67

Martin, Maxine, 1968 June 6, pp. 62

Mixed materials 25:90

Martin, Nancy, 1970 February 16, pp. 27

Mixed materials 3:348-B

Martinez, Rick, 1988 May 14, pp. 14

Mixed materials 4:701-B

Masguelier, Marilyn, 1978 April 1, pp. 22

Mixed materials 3:113

Masquelier, Marilyn, 1970 January 14, pp. 28

Mixed materials 4:877

Massey, Marilyn Chapin, President Massey's Remarks at Faculty Conference - Cal Poly, 1993 February 6, pp. 13

Mixed materials 5:953.16

Massey, Marilyn, 1993 July 14 and 20, pp. 34

Mixed materials 3:351-A

Masson, Sarah, 1988 April 7, pp. 16

Mixed materials 24:31

May, Careen, 1968 May 13, pp. 11

Mixed materials 4:853.12

McConnell, Stuart, 1989 March 7, pp. 54

Mixed materials 4:854.51

McConnell, Stuart, 1990 March 5, pp. 32

Mixed materials 24:37

McCoul, Eldora, 1968 May 6, pp. 38

Mixed materials 5:964

McDermott, Brendan, 1997 September 17, pp. 38

Mixed materials 4:472

McDevitt, Jessica, 1993 May 13, pp. 20

Mixed materials 24:16

McGuire, Elizabeth, 1968 May 5, pp. 9

Mixed materials 4:736

McKelvey, Marilee Castenholz, 1993 May 1, pp. 17

Mixed materials 4:854.19

McReynolds, Madeline, 1990 March 13, pp. 6

Mixed materials 4:873.3

Memorial for Bert Meyers, 1979 December 13, pp. 29

Mixed materials 25:93

Meub, Karen, 1970 February 25, pp. 38

Mixed materials 3:130

Michael, Simone, 1969 May 18, pp. 22

Mixed materials 24:24

Michaels, Sarah, 1968 May 8, pp. 9

Mixed materials 3:194.1

Michaelson, Ellen, 1973 May 4, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:461

Milam, Claire, 1992 April 21, pp. 25

Mixed materials 24:51

Miles, Ann, 1968 May 22, pp. 10

Mixed materials 24:51

Miles, Ann, 1968 May 22, pp. 10

Mixed materials 3:197

Millan, Jose, 1977 April 5, pp. 15

Mixed materials 4:712

Miller, Char, 1991 April 9, pp. 34

Mixed materials 3:352-B

Miller, Craig, 1988 February 19, pp. partial

Mixed materials 24:59

Millyard, Lynn, 1968 May 29, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:841.2

Minority Protest at Trustees Meeting, 1991 November 18, pp. 56

Mixed materials 4:484

Mohan, Mahesh, 1997 April 29, pp. 30

Mixed materials 24:36

Mooney, Diane, 1968 May 15, pp. 11

Mixed materials 4:714

Moore Field, Norma, 1991 March 15, pp. 28

Mixed materials 24:20/21

Moscote, Raquel, 1968 April 27, pp. 75

Mixed materials 25:94

Moskowitz, Diane, 1969 December 16, pp. 37

Mixed materials 4:719

Moskowitz-Ross, Randy, 1991 June 1, pp. 15

Mixed materials 3:457

Mucarsel, Debbie, 1992 April 13, pp. 25

Mixed materials 4:854.47

Mucarsel, Debbie, 1992 April 13, pp. 25 (see also #457)

Mixed materials 24:73

Mulira, Maria and Iossif, Marina, 1968 June 3, pp. 44

Mixed materials 5:952.4

Munroe, Lee, 1990 October 2, pp. 28

Mixed materials 4:856.3

Munroe, Robert L. and Munroe, Ruth H., 1991 December 6, pp. 20

Mixed materials 5:951.5

Munroe, Ruth, 1990 April 18, pp. 45

Mixed materials 5:960.12

Munroe, Ruth, 1993 February 3, pp. 29

Mixed materials 5:960.13

Munroe, Ruth, 1993 February 8, pp. 46

Mixed materials 4:907

Murphy, John, 1971 April 1, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:389

Murray, Carol, 1989 October 26, pp. 28

Mixed materials 24:50

Neal, Mary Beth, 1968 May 20, pp. 48

Mixed materials 24:69

Nelson, Secret, 1968 June 4, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:321-B

Neubert, David, 1987 Spring, pp. 24

Mixed materials 25:98

Nichols, Ginnie, 1970 April 28, pp. 29

Mixed materials 24:70A/B

Noonan, Patricia, 1968 June 5, pp. 65

Mixed materials 25:88

Normand, Kathy, 1970 February 18, pp. 34

Mixed materials 24:15

Norwick, Sue, 1968 May 4, pp. 26

Mixed materials 25:84

Oakie, Sarah, 1968 June 7, pp. 20

Mixed materials 4:721

O'Brien Morris, S. Paddy, 1991 June 1, pp. 26

Mixed materials 3:143-B

O'Brien, Paddy, 1971 Spring, pp. 23

Mixed materials 3:160

Ochi, Holly, 1972 March 22, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:348-A

Ochondorena, Angeles, 1988 May 12, pp. 14

Mixed materials 4:854.11

O'Connor, Cindy, 1990 March 14, pp. 35

Mixed materials 4:724

Olsen, Kirsten, 1991 June 1, pp. 19

Mixed materials 24:29

Olsen, Roberta, 1968 May 13, pp. 32

Mixed materials 25:87

Olsen, Robyn, 1968 June 8, pp. 38

Mixed materials 4:913

Palmer, Beverly, 1977 May 13, pp. 33

Mixed materials 5:951.3

Park, George, 1990 March 28, pp. 44

Mixed materials 5:951.4

Park, George, 1990 March 29, pp. 43

Mixed materials 3:157 - A

Parson, Dorie, 1971 February/April, pp. 7

Mixed materials 4:853.55

Parsons, Abby and Carothers, Margaret, 1989 March 2, pp. 54

Mixed materials 25:96

Pasnick, Georgiann, 1970 May 5, pp. 43

Mixed materials 3:185.2

Petersen, Lynn, 1973 May 26, pp. 30

Mixed materials 4:916

Phillip, Katie and David, 1985 April 8, pp. 21

Mixed materials 4:800

Pitzer Dedication, 1964 November 6, pp. 12

Mixed materials 3:193.1

Pocock, Patsy, 1973 May 8, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:345-B

Pont, Beatriz, 1988 April 13, pp. 9

Mixed materials 4:744

Potter, Nancy Dutton and Schlickelsen, Susan Culver, 1993 April 30, pp. 35

Mixed materials 4:482

Praul, Aaron, 1996 May 6, pp. 39

Mixed materials 4:874

Presidential Symposium, 1989 November 1, pp. 51

Mixed materials 3:102

Price, Susan, 1970 January 8, pp. 14

Mixed materials 4:702-B

Price, Susan, 1978 April 1, pp. 21

Mixed materials 4:853.52-A

Ranslow, Paul, 1989 March 1, pp. 21

Mixed materials 5:970.2

Ranslow, Paul, 1992 July 7, pp. 32

Mixed materials 5:960.28

Ranslow, Paul, 1998 April 17

Mixed materials 5:960.281

Ranslow, Paul, 1998 April 17, pp. 8

Mixed materials 3:319

Rapozo, Leonard, 1987 February 22, pp. 6

Mixed materials 24:12

Reed, June, 1968 April 30, pp. 34

Mixed materials 25:95

Reed, Lois, 1970 February 23, pp. 40

Mixed materials 4:732

Reid McAllister, Caroline, 1993 May 1, pp. 12

Mixed materials 24:42

Reid, Caroline, 1968 May 16, pp. 10

Mixed materials 3:377-A

Reilly, Kathleen, 1989 April 24, pp. 22

Mixed materials 3:365

Ressler, Robin, 1988 April 13, pp. 29

Mixed materials 4:745

Retter, Yolanda, 1996 March 28, pp. 32 (also classified as #926)

Mixed materials 5:926

Retter, Yolanda, 1996 March 28, pp. 32 (see also #745)

Mixed materials 25:82(B)

Reznikoff, Carolyn, 1968 June 5, pp. 2

Mixed materials 25:82

Reznikoff, Carolyn, 1968 June 5, pp. 38

Mixed materials 4:479

Richman, Kim, 1996 May 1, pp. 30

Mixed materials 4:853.71

Ringler-Henderson, Ellin, 1989 February 16, pp. 8

Mixed materials 5:952.6

Ringler-Henderson, Ellin, 1990 November 1, pp. 57

Mixed materials 5:960.213

Ringler-Henderson, Ellin, 1995 November 6, pp. 24

Mixed materials 5:960.211

Ringler-Henderson, Ellin, 1995 October 2, pp. 24

Mixed materials 5:960.212

Ringler-Henderson, Ellin, 1995 October 23, pp. 24

Mixed materials 5:960 . 21

Ringler-Henderson, Ellin, 1995 September 18, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:348-A

Rivera, Gilbert, 1988 April 6, pp. 6

Mixed materials 4:853.24

Rodman, John, 1989 March 1, pp. 35

Mixed materials 4:853.22

Rodman, John, 1989 March 13, pp. 19

Mixed materials 5:952.7

Rodman, John, 1990 November 15, pp. 34

Mixed materials 4:880.1

Rodman, John, 1992 November 17, pp. 17

Mixed materials 4:843.1

Rogers, Kate, 1993 September 27, pp. 26

Mixed materials 3:319-A

Rosenfeld, Andy, 1987 February 22, pp. 11

Mixed materials 4:717

Ross, Bruce, 1991 June 1, pp. 12

Mixed materials 24:68

Ross-Dike, Diana, 1968 June 5, pp. 22

Mixed materials 3:346-B

Roybal, Ross, 1988 April 5, pp. 14

Mixed materials 3:196.1

Russell, Elizabeth, 1973 May 31, pp. 23

Mixed materials 3:354

Russo, Anne-Marie, 1988 April 13, pp. 17

Mixed materials 4:910

Ryan, Mary, 1972 March 10, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:193.2

Sallnas, Lidwina, 1973 May 8, pp. 21

Mixed materials 5:967

Sanders, Barry, 1993 May 14, pp. 20

Mixed materials 5:925

Sanders, Barry, 1995 December 4, pp. 48

Mixed materials 3:346-A

Sanders, Gregg, 1987 April 9, pp. 22

Mixed materials 3:140-B

Savage, Ellen, 1971 Spring, pp. 14

Mixed materials 3:123

Schaffer, Nancy, 1968 May 20, pp. 8

Mixed materials 3:316-A

Schenck, Luke, 1987 Spring, pp. 21

Mixed materials 3:119

Schlaf, Kathie, 1970 January 16, pp. 18

Mixed materials 4:853.83

Schnapp, Bill, 1989 September 14, pp. 27

Mixed materials 3:196

Schnurr, Sally, 1973 May 31, pp. 37

Mixed materials 4:853.31-A

Schwartz, Al, 1989 Spring, pp. 12

Mixed materials 5:952.5

Schwartz, Al, 1990 October 11, pp. 38

Mixed materials 5:960.9

Schwartz, Al, 1992 October 1, pp. 39

Mixed materials 24:66

Schwartz, Edith, 1968 May 29, pp. 44

Mixed materials 3:202-A

Schweitzer, Tab, 1978 May 3, pp. 12

Mixed materials 5:970.7

Segal, Dan, 1993 June 15, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:842.3

Segal, Dan, 1993 June 15, pp. 31 (same as #970.7)

Mixed materials 5:970.6

Segal, Dan, 1993 June 4, pp. 37

Mixed materials 4:842.2

Segal, Dan, 1993 June 4, pp. 37 (same as #970.6)

Mixed materials 5:970.3

Senn, Harry, 1993 March 8, pp. 24

Mixed materials 25:99

Shafrock, Beth, 1970 April 30, pp. 40

Mixed materials 4:746

Shapinski, David, Atherton Society Dinner, 1996 April 11, pp. 28

Mixed materials 5:953.1

Shepard, Paul, 1992 May 5, pp. 23

Mixed materials 5:960.18

Shepard, Paul, 1993 May 12, pp. 11

Mixed materials 3:193

Sielen, Joy, 1973 May 3, pp. 14

Mixed materials 3:388

Sigler, Gretchen, 1989 October 4, pp. 34

Mixed materials 24:19

Silverman, Sue, 1968 April 26, pp. 38

Mixed materials 4:474

Simpson-Stratton, Matthew, 1993 July 23, pp. 13

Mixed materials 3:454

Singer, Jason, 1992 March 31, pp. 32

Mixed materials 4:854.46

Singer, Jason, 1992 March 31, pp. 32 (see also #454)

Mixed materials 24:17

Singer, Jean, 1968 May 6, pp. 26

Mixed materials 3:117

Slayen, Marylynne, 1970 May 21, pp. 41

Mixed materials 3:142-B

Snell, Hattie, 1971 February/April, pp. 10

Mixed materials 3:136

Snipper, Ann Stanton, 1970 August 10, pp. 34

Mixed materials 5:953.1

Snowiss, Sharon, 1991 February 14, pp. 35

Mixed materials 3:189

Snyder, Sylvia, 1973 April 26, pp. 28

Mixed materials 3:110

Sokol, Rebecca, 1970 May 6

Mixed materials 3:129

Speer, Vicky, 1969 May 26, pp. 36

Mixed materials 4:470

Sperry, David, 1993 April 21, pp. 33

Mixed materials 4:909

Spitzberg, Irving, 1971 April 1, pp. 41

Mixed materials 25:83

Squires, Taffy, 1967 December 5, pp. 29

Mixed materials 3:352-A

Stalnaker, Maria, 1988 February 12, pp. 24

Mixed materials 24:10

Stanton, Brooksie, 1968 April 26, pp. 18

Mixed materials 3:315-A

Stein, Daniel, 1987 March 24, pp. 25

Mixed materials 3:112

Stein, Laura, 1970 March 23

Mixed materials 24:47

Stover, Kathy, 1968 May 20, pp. 41

Mixed materials 3:347-A

Struck, Raynard, 1988 April 5, pp. 8

Mixed materials 4:853.44

Sullivan, Jack, 1989 March 14, pp. 29

Mixed materials 4:853.23

Sullivan, Jack, 1989 March 3, pp. 23

Mixed materials 24:14

Tadano, Marsha, 1968 May 4, pp. 16

Mixed materials 3:368-A

Thigpen, Kelly, 1989 April 15, pp. 13

Mixed materials 25:81

Thomas, Noel, 1968 June 7, pp. 4

Mixed materials 24:72

Thompson, Lynn, 1968 June 8, pp. 47

Mixed materials 3:318

Thum, Laura, 1987 February 24, pp. 10

Mixed materials 3:271

Tipple, Terrence, 1983 May 10, pp. 21

Mixed materials 4:880.5

Torres, Maria, 1993 December 9, pp. 21

Mixed materials 24:11

Tremmeling, Linda, 1968 April 26, pp. 19

Mixed materials 3:142-A

Tuell, Cynthia, 1971 February 4, pp. 18

Mixed materials 3:192.1

Turcotte, Adrian, 1973 May 2, pp. 37

Mixed materials 5:965

Tutuncu, Mehmet, 1998 April 14, pp. 35

Mixed materials 3:325

Van Zandt, Saskia, 1987 February 6, pp. 18

Mixed materials 5:953.15

Volti, Rudi, 1991 February 1, pp. 27

Mixed materials 4:856.4

Wachtel, Al, speaking at Freshman Seminar, 1992 November 10, pp. 37

Mixed materials 24:52

Wade, Kate, 1968 May 22, pp. 26

Mixed materials 24:52

Wade, Kate, 1968 May 22, pp. 26

Mixed materials 5:950.7

Wagner, Esther, 1989 April 20, pp. 29

Mixed materials 5:950.8

Wagner, Esther, 1989 April 21, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:871.1

Wagner, Esther, Atherton Society Dinner (conclusion), 1989 April 1, pp. pp 35-40

Mixed materials 4:871

Wagner, Esther, Atherton Society Dinner (part one), 1989 April 1, pp. pp 1-35

Mixed materials 4:704-B

Wakeland, Jeanie, 1978 April 1, pp. 11

Mixed materials 4:853.51-B

Walker, Emery, 1989 April 11, pp. 28, 1 of 2

Mixed materials 4:853.515

Walker, Emery, 1989 April 11, pp. 28, 2 of 2

Mixed materials 3:199-A

Wall, Deborah, 1977 April 28, pp. 32

Mixed materials 5:950.5

Warmbrunn, Werner, 1983 June 8, pp. 21

Mixed materials 5:950.4

Warmbrunn, Werner, 1983 May 31, pp. 29

Mixed materials 4:921

Warmbrunn, Werner, 1988 March 5, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:853.41-B

Warmbrunn, Werner, 1989 March 10, pp. 22

Mixed materials 4:853.14

Warmbrunn, Werner, 1989 March 8, pp. 31

Mixed materials 4:856.2

Warmbrunn, Werner, 1991 October 28, pp. 12

Mixed materials 5:970.5

Warmbrunn, Werner, 1993 June 4, pp. 32

Mixed materials 5:970.4

Warmbrunn, Werner, 1993 March 12, pp. 37

Mixed materials 4:852

Warmbrunn, Werner, Faculty Conference 1964, 1983 April 1, pp. 12

Mixed materials 3:161

Watkins, Lucia, 1971 February/April, pp. 32

Mixed materials 3:343-A

Wellman, Becky, 1988 March 10, pp. 15

Mixed materials 25:91

White, Laurel, 1969 December 16, pp. 19

Mixed materials 3:321-A

Whitely, Charlotte, 1987 Spring, pp. 12

Mixed materials 3:159

Willen, Sara, 1972 March 14, pp. 35

Mixed materials 4:853.42

Williams, Norvetta, 1989 March 20, pp. 40

Mixed materials 24:76

Wilson, Lynn, 1968 June 6, pp. 43

Mixed materials 3:421.1

Wilson, Rob, 1990 April 1, pp. 10

Mixed materials 24:26

Witte, Liz, 1968 May 9, pp. 30

Mixed materials 4:473

Witten, Tunde, 1993 May 11

Mixed materials 4:853.89

Witten, Tunde, 1993 May 11, pp. 19

Mixed materials 4:841.1

Witten, Tunde, 1993 May 3, pp. 29

Mixed materials 5:951.2

Yale, Dorothea, 1990 March 23, pp. 46

Mixed materials 5:960.26

Yale, Dorothea, 1995 December 5, pp. 20

Mixed materials 5:960.261

Yale, Dorothea, reflections

Mixed materials 24:63

Young, Jamie, 1968 June 6, pp. 43


Series 3   Photographs, 1964-1998

Physical Description: 9.0 linear feet
Mixed materials PHO 1

Photograph #1-426

Mixed materials PHO 2

Photograph #427-755

Mixed materials PHO 3

Photograph #756-1074

Mixed materials PHO 4

Photograph #1075-1453

Mixed materials PHO 5

Photograph #1454-1984

Mixed materials PHO 6

Oversize (O/S) #96-1826

Mixed materials PHO 7

Oversize (O/S) #?-?

Mixed materials PHO 8

Oversize (O/S) #?-?

Mixed materials PHO 9

Oversize (O/S) Pitzer History Exhibit Photos

Mixed materials PHO 10

Pitzer History Exhibit Photos #2000-2111


Series 4   Boxed Papers and Records, 1964-1998

Physical Description: 47.0 linear feet
Mixed materials 24

Carl Hertel papers

Mixed materials 40

Catalogues and bulletins, 1964-1997

Mixed materials 30

Collage, 1978-1993

Mixed materials 2

Curriculum Committee files, 1964-1974, from Registrar's Office

Mixed materials 3

Curriculum Committee files, 1975-1987, from Registrar's Office

Mixed materials 8

Dean of Faculty's Office, miscellaneous committee files, 1964-1983

Mixed materials 31

Directories, 1963-1993

Mixed materials 20

English Field Group, 1982-1995

Mixed materials 13

External Studies Communication, 1973-1987, and miscellaneous materials from Registrar's Office

Mixed materials 11

Faculty Executive Committee, 1972-1978

Mixed materials 12

Faculty Executive Committee, 1972-1978

Mixed materials 15

Faculty files, 1978-1980, from Bernard Secretary Station

Mixed materials 16

Faculty files, 1979-1980, from Bernard Secretary Station

Mixed materials 7

Faculty meeting files, 1964-1982, from Registrar's Office

Mixed materials 1

Finding guides

Mixed materials 22

Frank L. Ellsworth, 1979-1985, papers

Mixed materials 23

Frank L. Ellsworth, 1979-1989, presidential papers

Mixed materials 19

Grove House papers and photos

Mixed materials 17

History Project Master Plan, Peter Wormser Associates

Mixed materials 21

John W. Atherton, 1964-1969, presidential papers

Mixed materials 14

Miscellaneous committee files, 1975-1995, from E. Ringler-Henderson

Mixed materials 41

Miscellaneous publications and student publications

Mixed materials 45

Miscellaneous reel to reel tapes, 1960's and 1970's

Mixed materials 46

Miscellaneous reel to reel tapes, unclassified

Mixed materials 43

Miscellaneous unclassified photographs, slides and contact prints

Mixed materials 18

Miscellaneous unclassified serial documents

Mixed materials 37

News releases, 1976-1978

Mixed materials 38

News releases, 1979-1980

Mixed materials 4

Orientation files, 1964-1987, from Registrar's Office

Mixed materials 36

Participant Magazine, 1972-1985

Mixed materials 35

Participant Magazine, 1986-1995

Mixed materials 32

Pitzer College Fact Book of Basic Institutional Data, 1973-1995

Mixed materials 32

Pitzer College Faculty Handbook, 1972-1973

Mixed materials 26

Pitzer College, the first year, 1964-1965

Mixed materials 5

Pre-Registration files, 1964-1976, from Registrar's Office

Mixed materials 6

Pre-Registration files, 1976-1986, from Registrar's Office

Mixed materials 9

Presidential Search Committee, 1969-1970

Mixed materials 30

Press articles and public affairs clippings, 1990-1995

Mixed materials 39

Publications for students and student handbooks, 1965-1997

Mixed materials 10

Registration files, 1964-1986, from Registrar's Office

Mixed materials 22

Robert A. Atwell, 1970-1980, papers

Mixed materials 24

Robert Albert papers

Mixed materials 28

Student Papers, 1965-1992, bulk 1982-1989

Mixed materials 29

Student Papers, 1977-1995, bulk 1989-1990

Mixed materials 27

Student Papers, 1990-1992, War in the Gulf

Mixed materials 42

The Other Side, 1979-1996, student newspaper

Mixed materials 44

Unclassified audio tapes and reel to reel tapes

Mixed materials 47

Unclassified documents, bulk 1996-1998

Mixed materials 25

Werner Warmbrunn, 1964-1989, papers

Mixed materials 33

Yearbooks, 1964-1983

Mixed materials 34

Yearbooks, 1984-1997