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Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology Records
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box 1-3, box 4-8

Series 1: Printed Material 1964-2015

box 8, box 11, box 12

Series 2: Photographs 1978-2011

box 8

Academy for School Board Members 1977 May 13

box 8

Adopt-A-School Program- Photographs 1987 February

box 8

Alumni Banquet- Photographs 2002 May 9

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 8

Alumni Reception- Photographs 1986 March 8

box 8

Andy Benton Reception at GSEP- Photographs 1989 May

box 8

Black and White Photographs (Candid) undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 8

Board Members- Photographs 1991

box 8

Brochure Photography 2002 May, 2003 November, 2007 July

Physical Description: (4 CDs)
box 8

Brunch- Photographs 1988 June

box 8

Call to Leadership Conference 2001 October 27, 2003 May 3

Physical Description: (2 CDs)
box 8

CAPS 2006 April 12

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 8

Catalog- Negatives 1977 June 8

box 8

Catalog- Negatives 1983 January 16

box 8

Catalog- Photographs 1982 March 31

Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 8

Celebration of Excellence Banquet 2007 October

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 8

Christopher Nance- Colleagues Dinner- Photographs undated

box 8

Classroom 2002 April, 2006 September, 2007 September

Physical Description: (3 CDs)
box 8

Classroom Candids- Photographs 1994 March

box 8

Classroom Proofs- Photographs 1989-1992

box 8

Classrooms- Photographs 1985-1987

box 8

Classrooms- Photographs 1994 December

box 8

Classrooms- Photographs 1996

box 8

Classrooms, Inside- Photographs 1997 July

box 8

Colleague Cover Shoot 2003 July 31

Physical Description: (2 CDs)
box 8

Colleague Cover Shoot of Three Deans 2001 September

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 8

Colleague Depression Story 2002 November

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 8

Colleagues- Photographs 1990 June

box 8

Colleagues- Photographs 1992 September

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1984 November

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1985

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1986

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1986 November

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1987 June

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1988

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1989 November

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1991 November 7

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1992 November

box 8

Colleagues Dinner- Photographs 1994 December

box 11

Colleagues Dinner- Christopher Nance Album- Photographs undated

box 11

Computer Class- Photographs 1984 June

box 11

Convocation Awards to International Programs 2002 November

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Counseling Center 1991 July

box 11

Dean and Buildings 1977 June 8

box 11

Dean Weber Dinner 2011 August 26

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Dean Weber- Staff 2006 October

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Dean's Brunch 2002 June 5

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Development Team- Photographs undated

box 11

Dr. E.V. Pullias- Photographs undated

box 11

Dr. Kenneth Moffat- Photographs 1994 May

box 11

Educational Associates Banquet- Photographs 1980-1984

box 11

Education Association Banquet- Photographs 1985

box 11

Educational Computing- Photographs 1982-1987

box 11

Educational Technology Doctoral Program- Photographs 1995 September

box 11

Faculty- Photographs 1980-1989

box 11

Faculty- Photographs 1985-1988, undated

box 11

Faculty- Photographs 1992

Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 11

Faculty- Photographs 1992-1993

box 11

Faculty- Photographs 1993

box 11

Faculty- Photographs 1996

box 11

Faculty 2002, 2006, 2008

Physical Description: (3 CDs)
box 11

Faculty and Staff- Photographs 2004 October

box 11

Faculty in Classrooms- Photographs 1985-1988

box 11

Family Life Conference- Photographs 1994 June

box 11

Family Strengths Conference- Photographs 1986

box 11

50th Anniversary Reception 2002 May

Physical Description: (1 CD) (2 folders)
box 11

GSEP Colleagues- Photographs 1990

box 11

GSEP LA Campus Catalogue- Photographs 1980-1981

box 11

GSEP/Pepperdine University Plaza- Photographs 1997

box 11

GSEP/Pepperdine University Plaza, Students Inside- Photographs 1997 July

box 11

GSEP Quarterly- Photographs 1989 December

box 11

Honor Roll- Photographs 1993 January

box 11

Jacquelyn Tribulato 2003 August

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Jonathan Kozel at Reception with Faculty 2001 October 26

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Kearns Luncheon 1989 November

box 11

Model Technology School Program- Photographs undated

box 11

Multicultural Conference 2006 October

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Multimedia People (Dr. C and Dr. Stimac)- Photographs 1997 July 18

box 11

Neighborhood, People, and Buildings- Photographs 1992

box 11

OLM Doctorial Program 2006 August-September

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Personnel and Activities for the 1979-1980 Catalog- Photographs 1979-1980

box 11

PhD Program- London, England 2002 April

Physical Description: (2 CDs)
box 11

Phone-A-Thon- Photographs 1984 December

box 11

Professional Development Seminar- Photographs 1992 March

box 11

Reading Center- Photographs 1977 April 6

box 11

Retirement Brunch 2003 June 4

Physical Description: (2 CDs)
box 11

Seminar- Photographs 1985

box 11

Seminar- Photographs 1992

box 11

Soviet Seminar- Photographs 1990 May

box 11

Staff- Photographs undated

box 11

Student Profiles 2008 January

Physical Description: (2 CDs)
box 11

Students- Photographs 1985-1988

box 11

Students- Photographs 2002 June 5

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Students- Photographs undated

box 11

Students and Staff- Photographs 1988 November

box 11

Students in Classrooms- Photographs 1992, undated

box 11

Students Indoors- Photographs 1986-1993

box 11

Teacher Education- Photographs 1980, no date

box 11

35th Anniversary Banquet 2006 March 11

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

20th Anniversary Banquet 2006 October, November

Physical Description: (2 CDs)
box 11

Wade Horn Dinner 2003 November

Physical Description: (1 CD)
box 11

Women's Symposium 1985 January

box 11

Various Events- Photographs 1983-1989

box 12

Various Faculty Photographs 1994, undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 12

Various Functions- Photographs circa 1996

box 12

Various Negatives 1978 March 8

box 12

Various Photographs 1970s-1980s

box 12

Various Photographs circa 1970s-1980s

box 12

Various Photographs 1981

box 12

Various Photographs 1994-2000

box 12

Various Photographs undated

Physical Description: (2 folders)
box 8, box 9-10

Series 3: Audiovisual Material 1994-1998