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Minutes 1875-2009

Language of Material: English.

Scope and Content

The Board Minutes are the Los Angeles Unified School District's official record of business transacted during regular, special and closed session meetings. Regular Board Minutes reflect a standard Order of Business which shifts over time but historically occurs in the following order: Roll Call of Members, Approval of Minutes, Reports from Standing and Special Committees, Special Reports from the Superintendent, Communications and Petitions, Miscellaneous Business and Adjournment. Noticed motions and resolutions are voted upon by the Board and when carried, result in the creation of District policy. In addition to regular meeting Minutes, the Board generates Minutes for its special meetings which are open to the public and agendas for its closed sessions. Annual meetings are held on July 1st of each year during which the Board elects one of its members as President whose term of office continues for one year or until a successor is elected. At the annual meeting, the Board President designates the standing committees for the year. Standing committees change over time with the Board's shifting functions and priorities. For example, in 1964 the President appointed a chairman and two other members to each of the following standing committees: Budget and Finance, Building, Cafeterias, Insurance, Law and Rules, Personnel and Schools, Purchasing, Transportation and the Committee of the Whole which consists of all Board members.
The Minutes include the following documents as attachments: Census Marshal's Reports, Controller's Annual Financial Reports, bond election returns, Communications and Reports from Standing Committees, Ad-Hoc Committees, Superintendents and speakers who address the Board.

Los Angeles Unified School District 1875 May 19-2009 June 23

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Volume A Board of Education Minutes 1875 May 19-1880 November

Scope and Content

Board meetings held in the rooms of the Commercial Bank or at Board members' residences and offices. Board President M. Kremer called the May 19, 1875 meeting to order with Board members Alfred James, Dr. Joseph Kurtz, Dr. J.P. Widney and Secretary W.T. Lucky present and H.D. Barrows absent.
On June 25, 1875, the Board carried a motion to change the salary of the teacher of the colored school from $70 to $80 a month. At a special meeting on December 18, 1875, Mr. James suggested that rules be adopted for regular transactions of business and formed a committee of one to study this issue. On January 13, 1876, the Board adopted its rules and carried a motion to support drafting a bill to be forwarded to Sacramento to enable the Board to issue bonds. On February 11, 1876, the Board carried a resolution concerning "houses of ill repute" in the vicinity of the Bath Street School. On August 17, 1876, due to overcrowding of public schools, the Board resolved to exclude all pupils who are not residing within the District's limits. On April 5, 1879, the Board received a communication concerning misappropriation of funds by the Vernon School District. On August 18, 1879, the Board discussed salaries of certificated teachers. On March 6, 1880, the Board moved that the Committee on Discipline examine conditions of two overcrowded schools. On March 15, 1880, the Board adopted a resolution to allow the Trustees of the State Normal School use of rooms in the High School to accommodate a branch of the Normal School until a building is erected. On July 19, 1880, the Board elected Mrs. C.B. Jones as Superintendent of the Public Schools of the City. On August 7, 1880, Mrs. C.B. Jones was also assigned Principal of the High School Building.
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Volume B Board of Education Minutes 1880 December-1885 September 26

Scope and Content

During a Saturday meeting in December 1880, the Board carried a motion to discontinue the colored school at the end of the current term. On October 25, 1881, the Board received a legal opinion as to its power to purchase property and build school houses. On January 12, 1882, President Brousseau announced the following four standing committees for the new year: Finance, Supplies and Repairs, Teachers and Visiting Schools and Library. On June 5, 1882, the Board carried its custom of promotion of scholars from lower to higher grades with 75 percent as the standard for promotion. These "Rules and Standards of Promotion" are described in the December 22, 1883 Minutes. On July 3, 1882, the Board received communication from the Clerk of the Council offering use of the Council rooms for Board meetings. On September 6, 1883, the Superintendent reported enrollment of pupils to date: 2,400. During a special session on September 3, 1884, the Superintendent was authorized to redistrict the City for the Board. On December 3, 1884, the Board adopted its governing rules and regulations. The September 11, 1885 Minutes include the newsclipping, "City Schools: A New Division of the School Districts" which describes schools by district and includes attendance boundaries and names of principals.
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Volume C Board of Education Minutes 1885 September 8-1889 March 21

Scope and Content

On November 14, 1885, the Board received a petition of 53 teachers praying for the abolition of morning and afternoon recesses. On December 21, 1885, the Committee on Rules and Regulations reported on a conference with City Attorney J.W. McKinley concerning the necessary restrictions for the prevention of contagious diseases in the public schools. On April 6, 1886, a resolution was presented and read with no response or action taken by the Board, asking the School Department's cooperation in ridding the City of the Chinese, a curse to youth in immorality. On May 17, 1886, the Board met in special session to arrange the move of Central School house in whole or in part. On September 18, 1886, the Secretary was instructed to ask the Chief of Police to station a policeman at the Central Building while it was being moved across Temple Street. On February 12, 1887, the Board discussed amendments to the Charter which would be more beneficial to the School Department than those proposed by the City Council. On September 27, 1887, the Secretary was directed to correspond with the Secretary of the San Francisco School Board concerning the manner of conducting night schools so that Los Angeles may establish its own. On January 17, 1888, the Secretary was instructed to notify the City Council that the Board is in need of funds because the Council does not provide money on the Bonds already voted on by the people. On April 3, 1888, a verbal communication was offered with reference to the establishment of separate schools for the District's 75 colored pupils. On April 3, 1888, the Superintendent reported the total enrollment for March at 5,475 with an average daily attendance of 4,524.
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Volume 1 Board of Education Minutes 1889 March 21-1893 January 3

Scope and Contents

The Board approved the election of teachers without discrimination based on sex. Mr. A.E. Pomeroy was elected President on March 21, 1889. Building and Finance Committees discussed the necessity of school bonds. The Board approved the July 1, 1889 resolution in favor of resident teachers. The Board approved high school subject segregation. The Library Committee discussed incorporation of the school library into the city library.
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Volume 2 Board of Education Minutes 1893 January 3-1897 May 24

Scope and Contents

The Board approved high school course of study changes, a Resolution on married ladies, and a Resolution for City Council to pass an ordinance prohibiting saloons from opening within 500 feet of school buildings and requested "laws to abate this social evil." The Board discussed issuing and calling elections for school bonds.
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Volume 3 Board of Education Minutes 1897 June 14-1898 June 27

Scope and Contents

The Board discussed charges against employees, deaf children's oral education, entertainment in school buildings, Sloyd Tools purchases, and sending representatives to the National Educational Association Convention. The La Fiesta Committee reported against school children's participation. Superintendent Foshay was authorized to attend the National Teacher's Association Convention.
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Volume 4 Board of Education Minutes 1898 July 11-1899 November 6

Scope and Contents

The City Attorney presented an opinion on the bond issue and the Board discussed bond elections. The Board decided to establish a school for deaf children. The Board discussed District boundaries and deeds for school property. The Board granted permission for girls to attend Spring Street Night School with boys. The Board adopted text books and periodicals purchased for use by high school teachers and pupils.
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Volume 5 Board of Education Minutes 1899 November 13-1901 April 13

Scope and Contents

The Board discussed building sites and bonds. The Board asked the City Council to issue bond funding to purchase sites, erect buildings and furnish schools. The Board approved the purchase of a library accessions book and a course of study resolution. A Board discussion favored the entire Board visiting schools.
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Volume 6 Board of Education Minutes 1901 April 24-1902 December 10

Scope and Contents

The Board created the Assistant Superintendent's office, discussed District boundary changes, ordered three hundred High School diplomas, established a Kindergarten at University School, authorized a Librarian for the High School, and approved pay for teachers quarantined for health reasons.
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Volume 7 Board of Education Minutes 1902 December 23-1904 September 12

Scope and Contents

The Board approved the schools' observance of Arbor Day, discussed the enactment of Compulsory Education Law, the opening of a parental school in conjunction with the Detention Home, redistricting and the idea of high school students living outside the city to pay tuition to cover maintenance. The Juvenile Court Board requested that the Detention House be kept open in the summer and the Board request to the Police Commission for an on call officer was denied due to shortage of officers.
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Volume 8 Board of Education Minutes 1904 September 19-1905 June 1

Scope and Contents

The Board unanimously carried the motion for departmental horses. The Board discussed the dangers of ice cream vendors to school children. The Board ordered a map of city and adopted rules regarding quorum. The School Census Marshal's Report is included in this volume.
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Volume 9 Board of Education Minutes 1905 June 10-1908 April 25

Scope and Contents

The Board discussed annexation, advertising in schools, boundary lines of school districts and orders of Annual Reports. The Board moved to elect M.C. Bettinger as Assistant Superintendent. Superintendent Foshay resigned. The Board decided that high schools be districted by the Superintendent. The Board carried resolutions on bond issues, Spring Street property and the subway under Olive Street. The Board decided to establish truant schools and examine teachers by Committee and Superintendent.
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Volume 10 Board of Education Minutes 1908 April 27-1910 June 29

Scope and Contents

M.C. Bettinger was elected the first Assistant Superintendent for a term of four years. Principal of Polytechnic High School, John H. Francis was appointed Superintendent for a four year term. The Board held a Special Election for School Bonds.
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Volume 11 Board of Education Minutes 1910 July 11-1912 April 25

Scope and Contents

The Board discussed salary schedules, number of teachers, average daily attendance, cost per pupil, the wrecking of Utah Street School, bids and the decision that the recently enacted 8 hours law does not apply to janitresses.
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Volume 12 L.A. City School District Minutes 1912 May 2-1913 May 22

Scope and Contents

The Board received Communication from Parent-Teacher Associations. On May 22, 1913, the Board discussed section 308b of the California State Penal Code, "Any teacher, principal, employee or school official who doesn't use the prescribed text books in elementary or secondary schools is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be charged a fine of not more than 100 dollars."
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Volume 13 L.A. City School District Minutes 1913 May 29-1914 June 3

Scope and Contents

The Board adopted the Committee of the Whole resolution that the Ministerial Association and the Church Federation be invited to submit to the Board in writing, any charges against the conduct of the Board, its employees or the schools under the laws of California concerning the conduct of the Board affecting the moral welfare of the public school children. The Board approved a resolution and order for the May 14, 1914 School Bond Election.
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Volume 14 L.A. City School District Minutes 1914 June 4-1915 April 20

Scope and Contents

The Board carried the decision that the new Los Angeles High School be in the West Central part of the city. The Board joined the City Council and other civic organizations to have the Liberty Bell of Philadelphia routed to stop in Los Angeles on its way to the Panama-Pacific Exposition. The Board instructed teachers to have children of all grades write letters on December 15th to their friends in the Eastern United States to tell them that the Exposition will not be harmed by the European War.
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Volume 15 L.A. City School District Minutes 1915 April 27-1915 November 4

Scope and Contents

The Juvenile Exposition and Fiesta Committee requested the free use of school trucks to transport the 1915 School Exhibit from the schools to the old Normal School Building. The Board received official notification from County Superintendent Mark Keppel of the annexation of other school districts to Los Angeles by an election on May 14, 1915.
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Volume 16 L.A. City School District Minutes 1915 November 8-1916 March 23

Scope and Contents

The Board received communications from Assistant Superintendent Susan Miller Dorsey. Mrs. C.C. Noble reported that speakers at the National Conventions held by the Congress of Mothers have publicly stated that the Los Angeles City Schools lead all others in "up to date" teaching. Parent Teacher Associations, principals, teachers and community requested bond expenditures for their school sites.
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Volume 17 L.A. City School District Minutes 1916 March 27-1916 August 7

Scope and Contents

The Board carried a motion for pupils to construct furniture for the Parent-Teacher Clinic and a resolution regarding the importance of the Americanization of foreigners through the use of public school evening classes to teach English and to understand the duties of citizenship. The Board discussed teacher dissatisfaction about not receiving monthly warrants on time. The Board allocated budget funds for a limited number of Home Teachers to teach foreign women how to "make better homes for their families and how to live up to the American standard of home ideals."
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Volume 18 L.A. City School District Minutes 1916 August 10-1916 December 28

Scope and Contents

The Board granted a request to take the Peace Flag to Balboa on August 12, 1916 to be used in connection with a celebration in honor of the discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Parents and school children presented petitions for the erection of new kindergartens. Community members protested against school grounds used as public playgrounds.
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Volume 19 L.A. City School District Minutes 1917 January 2-1917 May 24

Scope and Contents

The Law and Rules Committee discussed a school law amendment to permit greater freedom of selection and publication of free text books for elementary schools. The City's Principals Club requested employment of additional substitute teachers to support the custom of each principal teaching for his teachers on visiting day. The Board adopted a resolution granting Board employees leaves of absence for military service during warfare, insurrection, or actual or threatened invasion and that their positions be open to them upon return from duty.
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Volume 20 L.A. City School District Minutes 1917 May 28-1917 October 25

Scope and Contents

The Board granted a request for the use of the Cookery Laboratories in the schools for Red Cross Dietetics instruction. The Board received communication about American Flag protocol for schools. The Board heard communication about medical attention for children and progress made with each neighborhood school nurse on the average of one half day each week. The Board discussed the creation of an eye glasses fund for those unable to buy them.
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Volume 21 L.A. City School District Minutes 1917 October 29-1918 March 21

Scope and Contents

Report from the Law and Rules Committee in communication with the Morals Efficiency Association regarding the existence of a gambling club located at 204 Mercantile Place, known as the Colony Club and recommendation that notice be served to leave their quarters. Teachers and Schools Committee reported communication with Bryson Publishing Company regarding their weekly war map service of drawings and bulletins showing changes as they take place on the Western Front.
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Volume 22 L.A. City School District Minutes 1918 March 25-1918 July 22

Scope and Contents

Employees returning from military service receive assignments. Recommendation for provisions of a suitable, dry, fire-proof room at the Warehouse for the storage of "old but valuable" records and files. Discussions of cookery provisions for girls and Sloyd provisions for curriculum. Discussion of annexed portions of Sawtelle City School District.
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Volume 23 L.A. City School District Minutes 1918 July 25-1918 November 18

Scope and Contents

On July 25, 1918 in Superintendent Shiels' absence, Assistant Superintendent Susan Dorsey occupied the Superintendent's Chair. County Superintendent of Schools Mark Keppel informed the Board that no teacher in the City Schools can be employed for a day of more than 6 hours. Requests from Parent-Teacher Associations to use school facilities during off hours for community and entertainment programming.
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Volume 24 L.A. City School District Minutes 1918 November 21-1919 April 24

Scope and Contents

Adoption of University of Southern California request for permission to use Jefferson Street School equipment for a nurses training course. Resolution adopted regarding the City Council's October 11, 1918 Ordinance No. 38522 mandate to close all places of public assembly due to the Spanish Influenza, an international epidemic. The Board closed all schools on December 10, 1918 and considered action toward the opening of schools under certain regulations.
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Volume 25 L.A. City School District Minutes 1919 April 28-1919 August 18

Scope and Contents

Finance Committee reported communication that some of the returned war workers have not received their automatic increase of salary. Communications regarding payment from teachers quarantined on account of influenza during the epidemic period. Discussion of salaries of janitors, sanitation issues at school sites, ongoing school site construction and the safety of children.
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Volume 26 L.A. City School District Minutes 1919 August 21-1919 December 22

Scope and Contents

The Southern California Dental Association urged the Board to continue and expand dental services for all school children. Authorization by Board to purchase "Non-Beverage Alcohol" for use in emergency medical cases, for sterilizing instruments and for other school purposes for which "Tax-Free Alcohol" is not permitted.
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Volume 27 L.A. City School District Minutes 1919 December 29-1920 May 6

Scope and Contents

Superintendent's Report on the decrease of women detained in the City Jail and the division of Principal Edythe D. Simpson's time between the Juvenile Hospital School and the City Jail School. Objections from teachers having no choice in volunteering their services for the task of taking the school census. Discussion of State Board of Education's distinction between Health Inspections and Physical Examinations. Board recommendation of an additional full time Health Department Physician to deal with economic conditions causing people to put their children to work and the need for work permits which require physical examinations.
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Volume 28 L.A. City School District Minutes 1920 May 10-1920 August 23

Scope and Contents

Board extends probation period for teachers to two years. Discussion of April 28, 1920 smallpox containment and vaccinations. May 13, 1920 Communication from Patriotic Order Sons of America that teachers of "Free Public Schools" should have the very highest qualifications and that in order to hold such educators in our schools, satisfactory salaries must be paid.
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Volume 29 L.A. City School District Minutes 1920 August 26-1920 December 20

Scope and Contents

Teachers and Schools Committee reported on liberal attention given during the past few years to the Study of Thrift and Economy and the simplification of the sale of Thrift Stamps and War Savings Stamps. Discussion of smallpox outbreak at Central Intermediate School and the need for vaccinations. Discussion of the proposed establishment of an Institute of Technology as part of the Los Angeles City Schools and the power of the Board to establish and maintain this institution.
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Volume 30 L.A. City School District Minutes 1920 December 22-1921 April 25

Scope and Contents

Communication presented from the Women's Christian Temperance Union requesting Dr. Sara Wise's proposed speaking engagements at the Los Angeles City Schools. Communication from the Los Angeles Federation Parent-Teachers' Association and the Assistance League of Southern California to secure the endorsement of the Board for a Children's Exposition in Los Angeles from May 28, 1921 to June 5, 1921.
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Volume 31 L.A. City School District Minutes 1921 April 28-1921 August 4

Scope and Contents

Law and Rules Committee recommended adoption of two forms of employment contracts, Regular and Probationary, to be used for the school year beginning July 1, 1921. Committee of the Whole recommended adoption of Salary Schedule for the school year. Superintendent Dorsey reported to the Teachers and Schools Committee that she desires to extend visual education and set aside $300.00 to the Elementary School Library for the rental of films.
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Volume 32 L.A. City School District Minutes 1921 August 8-1921 November 14

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Dorsey communicated that the printing of the annual financial report benefits principals and other employees of the schools. Superintendent Dorsey presented statement from the Grand Parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West regarding its adoption of resolutions asking that a picture of George Washington be prominently displayed in every school building of this state and as soon as funds permit.
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Volume 33 L.A. City School District Minutes 1921 November 17-1922 February 23

Scope and Contents

Finance Committee reported that the Board now owns two sites on First Street: Lot A, Belmont Grounds, recently acquired for a High School, and the Alvarado Parental School site. Communication reported that there has been propaganda against insuring school buildings in so-called foreign companies. Superintendent Dorsey reported that instructions have been issued from the State Superintendent of Schools concerning the transportation of pupils.
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Volume 34 L.A. City School District Minutes 1922 February 27-1922 May 29

Scope and Contents

Statement of M.C. Bettinger concerning Resolution introduced by I.J. Muma at February 23, 1922 Board Meeting regarding increasing the importance of the educational element and reducing three injurious elements: the Political, the Military, and the Factory. Superintendent Dorsey reports support of school agricultural departments planting trees, some of which are memorial and engaging students in planting shrubs on and around school properties, and the observance of Arbor Day.
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Volume 35 L.A. City School District Minutes 1922 June 1-1922 September 7

Scope and Contents

Building Committee reports valuations of Elementary school property buildings for the school year ending June 30, 1922. Record of Board member payroll for services rendered at Board meetings for the month of June, 1922. Tabulation of votes at Bond Election held in Los Angeles City School District on June 6, 1922.
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Volume 36 L.A. City School District Minutes 1922 September 11-1922 December 14

Scope and Contents

Elementary petitions regarding the erections of buildings to relieve over-crowded classrooms, the dangers of children traveling as far as 20 blocks to school along Central Avenue because there are not enough schools in this rapidly growing area, and requests for a school site in the vicinity of 108th St. between Main and Figueroa Streets. Bulk of Minutes relate to Building Committee Reports.
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Volume 37 L.A. City School District Minutes 1922 December 18-1923 March 29

Scope and Contents

On March 29, 1923, the Committee of the Whole reported communication from M.E. Peterson concerning the proposed erection of a crematory in the Hollywood cemetery located near two schools. The Committee of the Whole also presented communication regarding military training in the high schools and the need for teachers to instruct without their political or religious beliefs.
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Volume 38 L.A. City School District Minutes 1923 April 2-1923 June 18

Scope and Contents

Election of Emergency Substitute Elementary teachers effective immediately. Superintendent Dorsey presents Communication, Elementary and High School, on the matter of instruction against the use of narcotics and the decision to distribute this report to teachers and principals. Resolution passed that Assistant Superintendent Arthur Gould attend and participate in the upcoming Annual High School Principal's Convention to be held at Camp Curry in Yosemite Valley, from May 14 through May 18, 1923.
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Volume 39 L.A. City School District Minutes 1923 June 21-1923 September 13

Scope and Contents

Board Secretary reports that the County Superintendent of Schools approved and authorized numerous transportation contracts. Superintendent Dorsey's communication of a draft to be sent to principals of senior and junior high schools regarding more careful attention to the handling of student body funds.
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Volume 40 L.A. City School District Minutes 1923 September 17-1923 December 3

Scope and Contents

Bulk of reports from Building Committee on purchase of school sites, construction bids, architecture, erection of additional bungalows, and lighting and heating installation at school buildings. Elementary, Teacher and Schools Committee Report on Elementary Principal salaries for 1923-1924. Finance Committee Report on Elementary and High School Transportation Carriers.
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Volume 41 L.A. City School District Minutes 1923 December 6-1924 February 25

Scope and Contents

Warren G. Harding Memorial Association request of donations from school children for the erection of a memorial and mausoleum in Marion, Ohio, ratified by the Board with Superintendent Dorsey's request that children who wish to contribute to the late President's memorial and maintenance not exceed ten cents. Communication presented from the Principal of Grant School concerning danger to school children from traffic in the general area of Sunset Boulevard and Western Avenue where approximately 120 Grant school children cross daily.
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Volume 42 L.A. City School District Minutes 1924 February 28-1924 May 22

Scope and Contents

Communication from the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce in favor of a bond issue for the Board of Education in the amount of $34,640,000. Petition for a temporary school presented from residents in the northern portion of Lankershim, recently annexed to the City of Los Angeles. Resolution and Order calling for School Bond Elections on June 3, 1924.
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Volume 43 L.A. City School District Minutes 1924 May 26-1924 August 14

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Dorsey's correspondence with Miramonte School indicates that "finances of the school are open to the examination of the public at any time." Discussion of teachers feeding hungry school children at their own expense.
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Volume 44 L.A. City School District Minutes 1924 August 18-1924 October 30

Scope and Contents

Communication from the Bureau of Housing and Sanitation calling attention to the fact that the Maintenance Department is using school property at 6th and Mott Streets in Boyle Heights as a dump and requesting cooperation with the Department of Health to keep the area sanitary. Communication from Clinton J. Taft of the American Civil Liberties Union, Southern California Branch, stating that the Board's recent action of introducing the Boy Scout movement into the public schools of the city is "deplorable and insulting to the progressive thinkers of this community…."
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Volume 45 L.A. City School District Minutes 1924 November 3-1925 January 12

Scope and Contents

Building Committee communication with Janss Investment Company over land deed with restrictions based on race and intoxicating liquors with Board movement to release these restrictions under "Modifications of Restrictions." Committee of the Whole reports on Board's intention to move its quarters from the Security Building on February 28, 1925 to the third floor of the new Chamber of Commerce Building.
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Volume 46 L.A. City School District Minutes 1925 January 15-1925 March 16

Scope and Contents

Teachers and Schools Committee reports on protests from the Florence School Parent-Teacher Association against the erection of a boxing arena in the Florence District and requests of the Board's support. Law and Rules Committee presents "Present Policy on Pay Entertainments" for the purpose of raising funds for schools.
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Volume 47 L.A. City School District Minutes 1925 March 19-1925 May 18

Scope and Contents

Resolution regarding petitions for ornamental lighting on property owned by the Board of Education. Superintendent Dorsey acknowledges difficulties in providing physical examinations of pupils desiring work permits and recommends assistance from additional physicians.
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Volume 48 L.A. City School District Minutes 1925 May 21-1925 July 13

Scope and Contents

Board endorses the matter of having a program for Defense Test Day including all students giving salute to the Flag using the pledge that is currently used in schools. Committee of the Whole's report from Superintendent Dorsey that immediate action be taken to house pupils now attending the Training School of the University of California, Southern Branch and land must be secured to erect temporary buildings. Communication from the President of the Belvedere Gardens Civic Organization stating that at a meeting of over 400 citizens the organization resolved that it is against incorporation and believes it would be "suicidal" to separate from the City of Los Angeles School District.
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Volume 49 L.A. City School District Minutes 1925 July 16-1925 September 21

Scope and Contents

Law and Rules Committee reported on proposed employee vacation regulations. Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Resolution expressed appreciation of the Board giving preference to local products of home industry in contracts for school supplies.
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Volume 50 L.A. City School District Minutes 1925 September 24-1925 November 23

Scope and Contents

Board Secretary reported on earthquake insurance policies prepared with assistance from the Los Angeles Fire Insurance Exchange. Bulk of reports from Building Committee on bids, leases, deeds, cost, and construction of new school sites.
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Volume 51 L.A. City School District Minutes 1925 November 27-1926 January 25

Scope and Contents

Communication from Mark Keppel, County Superintendent of Schools regarding a hearing on a petition to annex a portion of the Los Angeles City School District to La Ballona School District and a hearing on a petition for a change in the boundaries of Los Angeles City and Huntington Park City School Districts.
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Volume 52 L.A. City School District Minutes 1926 January 28-1926 April 5

Scope and Contents

Communication on Los Angeles City Schools representatives' attendance at the Annual State Music Conference of public school music teachers organized by the State Board of Education. Superintendent Dorsey approved to attend the convention of the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association in Washington D.C., headquarters of the National Education Association and the Bureau of Education.
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Volume 53 L.A. City School District Minutes 1926 April 8-1926 June 7

Scope and Contents

On May 13, 1926, the Law and Rules Committee reported allowance of a Mexican group to use a room in the Brooklyn Avenue Branch of the Utah Street Evening high school for Spanish language entertainment and charge admission to replenish their treasury, to benefit the neighborhood and uplift their community. Building Committee reported that the President's Association of Los Angeles resolved a protest against the condemnation of property at the corner of Vista and Santa Monica for school purposes and requested that the property be reserved for park purposes.
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Volume 54 L.A. City School District Minutes 1926 June 10-1926 August 16

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Dorsey presented a statistical report on Elementary and High School Pupil Enrollment and Attendance, including times tardy for teachers and pupils for 1925 and 1926. Teachers and Schools Committee requested the Board's distribution and posting of the "Careful Crossing Campaign Posters." Board heard the case of "permanent" teacher A. Clarence Smith against petitioner Susan M. Dorsey that resulted in Smith's dismissal from the District.
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Volume 55 L.A. City School District Minutes 1926 August 19-1926 October 25

Scope and Contents

Board granted request of Mexican Mutual Aid society, Melchor Ocampo to use auditorium at San Fernando High School for a free and open to the public literary and musical celebration for the 40th anniversary of the organization. Communication from the Westwood Improvement Association petitioning the Board to assign 7th and 8th grades to the Westwood School. Petition request denied by Superintendent Dorsey and supported by the Board.
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Volume 56 L.A. City School District Minutes 1926 October 28-1927 January 13

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole reported that petitions are circulating for the annexation of Bell District for school purposes only. Discussion of general Board policy regarding principal and teacher elections or assignments to schools, "no two employees who are husband and wife shall hold positions as principal and teacher at the same school at the same time." Board reiterated this regulation is for the "welfare of the entire school system."
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Volume 57 L.A. City School District Minutes 1927 January 17-1927 March 28

Scope and Contents

Communication by County Superintendent of Schools Mark Keppel that a petition is circulating for a change in the boundaries of the Los Angeles City School District and of Huntington Park City School District via annexation of Huntington Park to Los Angeles. Building Committee reported the purchase of an addition to the Woodlawn Avenue School site with the Guarantee of the Title subject to Liquor and race restrictions with reversionary clauses.
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Volume 58 L.A. City School District Minutes 1927 March 31-1927 June 20

Scope and Contents

Secretary reported that the State Supreme Court is to hear a case involving the possible unconstitutionality of the Teachers' Tenure Law. Superintendent Dorsey called attention to requests made by teachers to attend the World Federation of Education Association. Insurance Committee reported reductions of insurance rates of 15% allowed by the Board of Fire Underwriters on school buildings located within the "protected" or "Metropolitan" area, the portion of Los Angeles considered well protected by the City Fire Department.
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Volume 59 L.A. City School District Minutes 1927 June 23-1927 September 12

Scope and Contents

Communication from Elysian Terrace Improvement Association regarding the Palos Verdes School on Effie Street and attendance lines due to their belief that it is unfair to ask Caucasian children to attend a school predominated by Mexicans as "experience has shown it is almost impossible to Americanize those people." Committee of the Whole reported the Rules of the Board of Education on June 27, 1927.
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Volume 60 L.A. City School District Minutes 1927 September 15-1927 November 28

Scope and Contents

Secretary reported Board named as a defendant in a court case involving the widening and extending of Broadway affecting the John Adams Junior High School site. Teachers and Schools Committee reported that the Official Source Records of the Great War have been endorsed and sponsored by the American Legion and requested that the Board purchase these materials for use in junior high and high schools.
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Volume 61 L.A. City School District Minutes 1927 December 1-1928 March 1

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole reported on Los Angeles High School pupil suspensions based on fraternity membership which is forbidden by the Board. Communication from the Editor and General Manager of the Japan Times and Mail regarding publishing letters between American and Japanese students to provide for a better understanding of future generations of Japan and America.
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Volume 62 L.A. City School District Minutes 1928 March 5-1928 May 24

Scope and Contents

Communication from Saticoy Improvement Association requesting permission to use the Saticoy School on the evening of March 27th and indicating their desire to enforce racial restrictions in their neighborhood. The Board unanimously agreed to deny the use of the Saticoy School building for the discussion of enforcement of race restrictions.
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Volume 63 L.A. City School District Minutes 1928 May 28-1928 August 13

Scope and Contents

Communication from West Side Property Owners' Improvement and Protective Association regarding an exclusionary poster on the Thirty-seventh Street School auditorium which their Association uses once each month, "Be a Boy Scout. Be Prepared. Troup 181 meets at 37th Street School corner Raymond Ave. at 7:30 every Friday evening. White boys, 12 yrs. of age and older will be welcomed at any meeting." Superintendent reported that such a notice is not permissible in schools and has notified principals.
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Volume 64 L.A. City School District Minutes 1928 August 16-1928 November 5

Scope and Contents

Law and Rules Committee reported on the Rules Governing Use of School Premises by Outside Groups. Committee of the Whole recommended that the Board enter into a contract with the Los Angeles Tenth District California Congress of Parents and Teachers for the printing and publishing in the "Parent-Teacher Bulletin" of monthly notices and articles from the Board of Education and Superintendent of Schools.
box 65

Volume 65 L.A. City School District Minutes 1928 November 8-1929 February 4

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Dorsey called attention to the numerous text books written by Los Angeles City School teachers, and further that in the last few years, 80 different authors in the schools have written books which have been published by 40 different publishers. On December 17, 1928, the Board discussed the legality of corporal punishment at the Alvarado Street Special School.
box 66

Volume 66 L.A. City School District Minutes 1929 February 7-1929 May 6

Scope and Contents

The Board heard communication on Assembly Bill No. 459 known as the California Tax Payers Association County Unit School Bill that proposes "great changes" in the educational system. Communication from the Loyal Temperance Legion for permission to use the Cabrillo Avenue School building for their second meeting.
box 67

Volume 67 L.A. City School District Minutes 1929 May 9-1929 July 29

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole reported on the establishment of an industrial trade school to train pupils in the trades of manufacturing or basic industrial units. Committee of the Whole discussed teacher group requests for salary adjustments and the need to investigate salary schedules of comparable cities.
box 68

Volume 68 L.A. City School District Minutes 1929 August 1-1929 October 14

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole recommendation to create a Division of Administrative Research adopted unanimously. Committee of the Whole reported on Los Angeles City School levies from 1929-1930. Superintendent Bouelle responded to requests from Culver City mothers for a class on parental education that "under the law it is not possible for the Los Angeles City School District to establish any classes in another school district."
box 69

Volume 69 L.A. City School District Minutes 1929 October 17-1930 January 20

Scope and Contents

Teachers and Schools Committee reported on the Board's appointment of the Library Advisory Committee to assist the Purchasing and Distribution Committee in the selection of books for high school libraries. Superintendent Bouelle reported on community communication protesting white children being required to attend the Palo Verde School and the Paducah Street Development School with predominantly Mexican children and reminded that State Law does not permit the segregation of pupils according to race and nationality.
box 70

Volume 70 L.A. City School District Minutes 1930 January 23-1930 April 28

Scope and Contents

Communication presented by the Secretary of The Filipino next hit Youth suggesting that the magazine "The previous hit Filipino Youth" be included in the list of magazines used by the Board. The Committee of the Whole reported on conferences held with the State Board of Education regarding the creation of a Junior College District coterminous with the Los Angeles City High School District.
box 71

Volume 71 L.A. City School District Minutes 1930 May 1-1930 July 21

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Bouelle reported that Memorial Day is one of the legal holidays on which the schools of the State will be closed and that children's participation in the decoration of soldiers' graves or parade activities will be voluntary. Teachers and Schools Committee responded to communication regarding science class participation in vivisection or dissection and reiterated the Board rules against the dissection of pet animals.
box 72

Volume 72 L.A. City School District Minutes 1930 July 24-1930 October 13

Scope and Contents

Secretary reported on legal action against the Board for the accidental death of a woman attending a school entertainment event when sparklers set fire to her dress. Finance Committee reported on payment each year by the Elementary District to the High School District for the tuition of seventh and eighth grade pupils. Committee of the Whole discussed providing instruction to adult students who are blind.
box 73

Volume 73 L.A. City School District Minutes 1930 October 16-1931 January 12

Scope and Contents

Building Committee reported on Board policy regarding the erection of structures by pupils on school premises. Committee of the Whole replied to the "Report to Accompany the Petition to Establish a Beverly Hills High School District."
box 74

Volume 74 L.A. City School District Minutes 1931 January 15-1931 April 6

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole reported that it is against Board policy to dismiss classes or allow pupils to be absent from their regular classes to attend plays or other events during school hours. Committee of the Whole discussed the transfer of territory from Montebello School District to Los Angeles City School District. Report on a study of evening high schools in the Los Angeles City High School District distributed to the Superintendent and Board.
box 75

Volume 75 L.A. City School District Minutes 1931 April 7-1931 June 15

Scope and Contents

Board continued to canvass the returns of the March 27, 1931 Bond Election. Board Resolution approved regarding final official returns of the School District Bond Election. Approval of telegram to President Hoover and Mrs. Hoover to urge their attendance at the National Education Association Convention to be held in Los Angeles June 27 – July 3, 1931.
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Volume 76 L.A. City School District Minutes 1931 June 18-1931 August 31

Scope and Contents

Permission granted to Principal Shimano of a Japanese School at 318 North Hewitt Street to assist in the presentation of a Japanese Fiesta at Roosevelt High School during the National Education Association Convention. Communication regarding the urgent need for police protection at school crossings.
box 77

Volume 77 L.A. City School District Minutes 1931 September 3-1931 November 12

Scope and Contents

Finance Committee's recommendation for transportation contracts to transport handicapped, crippled, deaf and hard of hearing pupils approved. Communication from the Los Angeles Central Labor Council regarding the increasing number of working permits issued to boys so that these boys may stay out of school and take jobs where men are laid off. The Labor Council requested the cooperation of the Board to cease the Labor Commissioner's issuance of labor permits to boys.
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Volume 78 L.A. City School District Minutes 1931 November 16-1932 January 18

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole reported on the Manual Arts High School Principal and Vice Principal's concerns about the guidance and control of students on their way between home and school. Insurance Committee recommended that the Board adopt a resolution to continue its current practice of having all Student Body activities operated and maintained on a non-profit basis.
box 79

Volume 79 L.A. City School District Minutes 1932 January 21-1932 March 17

Scope and Contents

Communication from Superintendent Bouelle on a meeting with the Los Angeles County Dental Society where it was agreed that during the present economic depression, each dentist in the community would take care of the dental work of three to five children. Superintendent Bouelle reported that the Commission for Vocational Education is calling for a state conference on vocational education in Sacramento, January 25-30, 1932 to revise the California Plan for Trade and Industrial Education, work out standards and requirements for the certification of vocational teachers, and to discuss and solve problems in vocational education.
box 80

Volume 80 L.A. City School District Minutes 1932 March 21-1932 May 19

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole recommended that the Board approve the issuance of a statement regarding the desirability of Federal encouragement and support for vocational education. Committee of the Whole reported on police classes within adult education and clarified that the Board does not operate a police school. Board replied to communication from the Pacific Palisades "Bible in the School" Committee regarding the introduction of the Lincoln Public School Bible Plan in California Schools as unconstitutional.
box 81

Volume 81 L.A. City School District Minutes 1932 May 23-1932 July 11

Scope and Contents

Board approved request for use of school athletic fields and other facilities to the Xth Olympiad Committee for the training of athletes one week prior to the opening of the Olympic Games scheduled for the last two weeks in July and first two weeks in August. Teachers and Schools Committee reported on the practice and policy of detaining children after school.
box 82

Volume 82 L.A. City School District Minutes 1932 July 14-1932 September 19

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Bouelle reported on School District boundary changes and additions made to meet transportation requirements. Communication addressed to the Board President protesting against the proposed reduction in pay of teachers by 25%. Superintendent Bouelle submitted list of evening high school centers with principals assigned for the year 1932-33.
box 83

Volume 83 L.A. City School District Minutes 1932 September 22-1932 November 14

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole adopted recommendation to waive tuition fees for Adult Special Day and Evening Classes for persons in receipt of County Aid.
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Volume 84 L.A. City School District Minutes 1932 November 17-1933 January 30

Scope and Contents

Teachers and Schools Committee reported on the changes of assignment of teachers to School Census work. Recommendation adopted that the central census file maintained in the Attendance and Employment of Minors section be discontinued. Board adopted the Committee of the Whole's recommendation of clerical work for probationary teachers.
box 85

Volume 85 L.A. City School District Minutes 1933 February 1-1933 April 10

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole recommended that Superintendent Bouelle investigate whether or not students attending high schools live in sections of the city served by these schools. Board approved minimum school day during visit of U.S. Frigate Constitution, "Old Ironsides" so that school children may visit the ship. Communication from the City Department of Health regarding the recent discovery of a case of Typhus Fever in Los Angeles and advice on education and protective measures for school nurses.
box 86

Volume 86 L.A. City School District Minutes 1933 April 13-1933 June 21

Scope and Contents

Communication presented from James F. Maloney concerning resolution under caption of "Object to Employees in Political Activity." Communication presented from the President of the Federated American Patriotic Societies, Incorporated regarding articles in two Los Angeles papers that "attack" the administration of the schools and employees of the Board of Education.
box 87

Volume 87 L.A. City School District Minutes 1933 June 23-1933 September 7

Scope and Contents

Finance Committee reported receipt of Certificate of Registration of School Publication entitled "Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Narcotics, Course of Study, Elementary Schools." Teachers and Schools Committee reported on community petition requesting Board to appoint entire new teaching personnel at the El Sereno School. Law and Rules Committee recommended Janitors to be called Custodians and requested amendments of Board's regulations.
box 88

Volume 88 L.A. City School District Minutes 1933 September 11-1933 November 13

Scope and Contents

Teachers and Schools Committee Report recommended permission granted to the University of California at Los Angeles to use the facilities at Beverly Hills High School for the training of secondary teachers. Teachers and Schools Committee presented request that special consideration be given to World War veterans taking examinations for school positions.
box 89

Volume 89 L.A. City School District Minutes 1933 November 15-1934 February 8

Scope and Contents

Law and Rules Committee recommended Columbia Pictures Corporation be allowed to use grounds of the Los Angeles Junior College to film scenes for picture entitled, "The Most Precious Thing in Life." Board moved to adopt "Statement of Policies Regarding the Rehabilitation of Schools."
box 90

Volume 90 L.A. City School District Minutes 1934 February 12-1934 April 23

Scope and Contents

Board adopted Committee of the Whole Report on bond issue election funds to be used to rehabilitate and strengthen school buildings. Committee of the Whole Report recommended Superintendent Bouelle and a Board Member attend State Board of Education Meeting regarding the application for Beverly Hills to withdraw from the Los Angeles City High School District. Board adopted resolution regarding final official returns of the District bond election on March 20, 1934.
box 91

Volume 91 L.A. City School District Minutes 1934 April 26-1934 June 29

Scope and Contents

Board granted request from Teachers and Schools Committee for the University of Southern California to use Polytechnic High School and Thirty Second Street School in conjunction with its 1934 summer session. Board passed resolution regarding liquor near schools and adopted policy in opposition to the sale of liquor within 1000 feet of a school's nearest boundary line.
box 92

Volume 92 L.A. City School District Minutes 1934 July 2-1934 September 8

Scope and Contents

Allan E. Sedgwick elected Board President for year beginning July 1, 1934. Resolution adopted regarding the Board's application to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for grant funding for rehabilitation and reconstruction of schools. Committee of the Whole reported on "The Administration of School Cafeterias in Los Angeles."
box 93

Volume 93 L.A. City School District Minutes 1934 September 11-1934 October 29

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole reported on the City Council Ordinance providing for the registration of students' bicycles as a crime prevention measure. Superintendent Bouelle presented Emergency Communication to the Building Committee regarding approval of school sites as polling places for the November 6, 1934 General Election. Building Committee and Finance Committee reports comprise bulk of Minutes.
box 94

Volume 94 L.A. City School District Minutes 1934 November 1-1935 January 3

Scope and Contents

Budget and Research Division requested payment of express bills for distribution of the "Survey of the Los Angeles City Schools" to districts across the United States. Communication from the United Council of East Los Angeles on the legality of speakers on bond and city government issues giving presentations to children during election times.
box 95

Volume 95 L.A. City School District Minutes 1935 January 7-1935 March 4

Scope and Contents

Instruction and Curriculum Division reported on requirements for graduation from evening high schools. Budget and Research Division reported on recommended changes in school district boundaries. Emergency Business Manager's Communications to the Building Committee and Building Committee Reports comprise bulk of Minutes.
box 96

Volume 96 L.A. City School District Minutes 1935 March 7-1935 April 29

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Bouelle reported that a State-wide Committee on Higher Education has called a meeting in Sacramento on March 15, 1935 to discuss questions of legislation and requested that Edward Webb, Director of the Division of Budget and Research, attend.
box 97

Volume 97 L.A. City School District Minutes 1935 May 2-1935 June 21

Scope and Contents

Commendation from Treasurer of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War on the Board's requirement of the pledge of allegiance to the United States and a salute to the Flag from all persons and organizations using school buildings for public meetings. Communication from Committee of the Whole requiring examinations for teachers of evening classes and special day classes for adults.
box 98

Volume 98 L.A. City School District Minutes 1935 June 24-1935 August 26

Scope and Contents

Communication from the Director of the Los Angeles County Relief Administration requesting Federal funds to provide for an extra meal a day for malnourished children. Secretary's communication to the Finance Committee regarding the last royalty revenue paid to the District from the oil well on the Beverly Hills High School site by reason that Beverly Hills High School is under the jurisdiction of the Beverly Hills School District Board of Education, effective July 1, 1935.
box 99

Volume 99 L.A. City School District Minutes 1935 August 29-1935 October 24

Scope and Contents

Business Manager's report to Finance Committee recommending award of contracts for transportation of handicapped pupils. Resolution adopted to accept federal grant funds to aid in construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of school buildings. Building Committee and Finance Committee reports comprise bulk of Minutes.
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Volume 100 L.A. City School District Minutes 1935 October 28-1935 December 26

Scope and Contents

Teachers and Schools Committee reported on regulations governing eligibility of Certificated Personnel for Sabbatical leave. Building Committee and Finance Committee reports comprise bulk of Minutes.
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Volume 101 L.A. City School District Minutes 1935 December 28-1936 February 20

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole presented resolution on Board's acceptance of Federal Emergency of Public Works grant funds for construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of school buildings. Building Committee and Finance Committee reports comprise bulk of Minutes.
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Volume 102 L.A. City School District Minutes 1936 February 24-1936 April 9

Scope and Contents

Emergency Secretary's Communication to the Building Committee regarding acceptance of grant deed for portion of a new junior high school site to serve the Atwater and Verdugo Road area. Building Committee and Finance Committee reports comprise bulk of Minutes.
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Volume 103 L.A. City School District Minutes 1936 April 13-1936 May 21

Scope and Contents

Board approved Committee of the Whole's recommended Personnel Policies for Certificated Personnel. Board approved Emergency Secretary's communication to the Building Committee regarding grant deed for a new junior high school site serving South Los Angeles.
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Volume 104 L.A. City School District Minutes 1936 May 25-1936 June 25

Scope and Contents

Communication from the Women's Progressive League petitioning the Board to maintain the Yale Street Clinic to provide medical care for Los Angeles school children referred to the Parent-Teacher Association for funding. Committee of the Whole reported public hearing for 1936-1937 Budget set for August 3, 1936 at Polytechnic High School. Board adopted Committee of the Whole resolution that the Board of Education business be transacted in open meeting except for matters the Board deems in the best public interest to be transacted in "secret committee meeting."
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Volume 105 L.A. City School District Minutes 1936 June 29-1936 August 6

Scope and Contents

Board approved Law and Rules Committee amendments to Board Rules regarding Parent-Teacher Associations as auxiliaries to the public schools and not as outside groups or persons. Secretary's Communication to the Law and Rules Committee recommended recodification of Board Rules and Regulations.
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Volume 106 L.A. City School District Minutes 1936 August 6-1936 September 8

Scope and Contents

Mayor of Los Angeles Frank L. Shaw transmitted a communication from the Federal Emergency Administration regarding prompt return of the corrected plans to the Public Works Administration for final approval in order to receive the allocated funds for the District. Board President stated that the "Federal Government is not spending ten million dollars simply to build up the school system but is doing that to make work for the people, that they demand speed and action and that it may be a serious problem . . ."
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Volume 107 L.A. City School District Minutes 1936 September 10-1936 October 19

Scope and Contents

Communication from The Los Angeles Forum commending the action of the Board in appointing three persons of African descent to the faculty of Jefferson High and Lafayette Jr. High Schools. The Superintendent addressed the Board stating that "race, color, political or religious beliefs do not influence the appointments in this school system…"
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Volume 108 L.A. City School District Minutes 1936 October 22-1936 December 10

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Bouelle commended the Division of Research in compiling and printing a book entitled, "Standard Equipment for Elementary, Junior and Senior High Schools, Los Angeles, California" and distributed copies to the Board. Members of the Personnel Commission and County Counsel's Office met to discuss personnel matters.
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Volume 109 L.A. City School District Minutes 1936 December 14-1937 January 28

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole recommended approval and filing of report concerning conference held with the Judge of the Juvenile Court, County Probation Department and others with reference to cooperating with County Agencies in the care of delinquents. Conference agreed that corporal punishment in the Los Angeles schools is so infrequent that it does not constitute a problem. Conference also agreed that facilities at Juvenile Hall and the County Jail are inadequate and fail to provide proper remedial treatment.
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Volume 110 L.A. City School District Minutes 1937 January 29-1937 March 11

Scope and Contents

Board approved resolution for application prepared to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for grant assistance to continue the program of construction and reconstruction of school buildings. February 1, 1937, Vierling Kersey addressed the Board on his first day as Superintendent. Kersey outlined his priorities for the District and stated that the Superintendent and the Board share responsibility for the conduct of the schools.
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Volume 111 L.A. City School District Minutes 1937 March 15-1937 May 10

Scope and Contents

Chief Deputy Superintendent's Emergency Communication to the Law and Rules Committee on "Procedure for Controlling Search for Talented Pupils by Studios, Broadcasting Companies and Similar Organizations." Superintendent Kersey reported that the election held in Torrance on March 16, 1937 for the charter amendment that would remove Torrance from the Los Angeles City School District resulted in a vote of three to one against the withdrawal of Torrance.
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Volume 112 L.A. City School District Minutes 1937 May 11-1937 July 1

Scope and Contents

Board continued to canvass returns of the School District Retirement Plan Election held May 4, 1937. Communication from Titus Alexander in protest against the use of James A. Foshay Junior High School for a black-faced Minstrel Show on May 28, 1937. Board Secretary replied that communication would be filed and referred to the Superintendent but clarified that the show is being presented by an outside group, The Girl Scouts under permit by the Board.
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Volume 113 L.A. City School District Minutes 1937 July 6-1937 August 30

Scope and Contents

Secretary presented statistical attendance report to the Teachers and Schools Committee for 1937 and included 1936 report for growth comparison. Communication from the Los Angeles Central Labor Council to advise the Board that "… the labor movement of this City believes that now is the right and proper time to completely restore all pay reductions that have been made since 1929 to both certificated and non-certificated employees of the Board."
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Volume 114 L.A. City School District Minutes 1937 September 2-1937 October 21

Scope and Contents

Finance Committee recommended approval of agreements between Los Angeles City School District and Glendale Unified School District and Montebello Unified School District for 1937-1938 interchange of pupils. Board adopted Resolution to petition the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to provide traffic guards in portions of the District outside of the City of Los Angeles for the safety of the 250,000 children returning to schools on September 13, 1937.
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Volume 115 L.A. City School District Minutes 1937 October 25-1937 December 30

Scope and Contents

Mrs. Faustina Johnson addressed the Board on November 1, 1937 as a representative of the community of Watts as well as of patrons of the 96th Street School. Johnson stated that the 96th Street School has been established for approximately 14 years, that two-thirds of the children are Negroes, that they worked to secure a Colored teacher at this school and have had one Colored teacher for two years but this teacher was transferred. Johnson requested that they be given some representation at the school. The President ordered this matter referred to the Superintendent for consideration and report back to the Board.
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Volume 116 L.A. City School District Minutes 1938 January 3-1938 March 7

Scope and Contents

Informative Minutes of the Personnel Commission Meetings from November 16, 1937 to January 3, 1938 communicated to the Committee of the Whole. Additional Regular Meeting held on January 24, 1938 to discuss the procedures for the examinations of candidates. All Board members were present at this meeting, including Superintendent Kersey and Assistant Superintendent Travers who presented the January 24, 1938 Communication from the Personnel Commission to the Committee of the Whole.
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Volume 117 L.A. City School District Minutes 1938 March 10-1938 May 9

Scope and Contents

Informative Communication to the Committee of the Whole from the Business Division regarding school robberies and investigations for the month of February, 1938. Personnel Commission's Informative Communication to the Committee of the Whole regarding suspension, demotion and dismissal of classified employees. Communication presented on April 21, 1938 from W.A. Easter, Supervisor, Specialist in the Education of Negroes, inviting the Board to attend an address by Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, National Director of the National Youth Administration for Negroes at the Second Baptist Church, corner of Griffith and 24th Street, on Sunday, April 24, 1938. The Secretary replied by order of the President and unanimous consent of the Board that those members who can attend will do so.
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Volume 118 L.A. City School District Minutes 1938 May 12-1938 July 7

Scope and Contents

On May 12, 1938, President Becker addressed the Board during a special meeting called for the purpose of hearing information presented by the Labor's Non-Partisan League (LNPL) and the American Legion in connection with the denial of the request from the LNPL to use school buildings under the Civic Center Act. The Board discussed and reviewed evidence regarding the connection between the LNPL and the Communist Party. These Minutes include questioning by Hugo Harris representing the American Legion to a Mr. Chase about the International Communist Party, the American Communist Party, its local organizations and his affiliation with the Party.
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Volume 119 L.A. City School District Minutes 1938 July 11-1938 August 29

Scope and Contents

Board adopted the Committee of the Whole Resolution authorizing the filing of an a additional application to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a grant to aid with construction of buildings, furniture and apparatus, and purchase of lands for school purposes. On August 1, 1938, the Board held a public meeting on its budget prior to its adoption. The President emphasized that the school budget is the major responsibility of the Board of Education and that the Board, Superintendent and staff have worked "to give the children of this tremendously large and rapidly growing School District the best educational advantages in keeping with the ability of the taxpayers to pay the bill."
box 120

Volume 120 L.A. City School District Minutes 1938 September 1-1938 October 31

Scope and Contents

Emergency Communication to the Finance Committee from the Educational Housing Section recommended agreements between Los Angeles City High and Redondo Union High School Districts for the 1938-39 interchange of pupils and agreements between Los Angeles City High School District and Culver City and Palos Verdes School Districts for 1938-39 attendance of certain pupils. William W. Clary and a committee of residents and property owners in the West Hollywood area appeared before the Board to protest against the construction of a junior high school on land located on North Kings Road. The Superintendent and other Board members and employees responded to this matter from the standpoint of the schools.
box 121

Board Reports 1933 December 14-1934 January 29

Scope and Contents

On December 14, 1933, the Board denied the Japanese Farmers' Association's request to use Eton Avenue School quarters on Saturdays for conducting a Japanese language class due to the appearance of "some feeling between the Japanese and Mexican elements in the vicinity of the school, and that the granting of the request might tend to increase the feeling between the races." On January 8, 1934, the Board discussed the March 10, 1933 earthquake and reviewed a General Report on Rebuilding Damaged Schools. The January 22, 1934 Report includes an audit of the accounts of the Military Department for U.S. War Department equipment loaned to and used by the Los Angeles City High Schools. On January 29, 1934, the Board adopted the Superintendent's recommended changes in school district boundaries, discussed the general policy to give elementary schools the names of the streets upon which they face and prohibited the introduction of advertising into the schools.

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Board Reports 1934 February 1-1934 March 12

Scope and Contents

On February 4, 1934, the Board filed a report on Deputy County Counsel W.B. McKesson's conference with Public Works Administration Officials at Washington to work out legal matters wherein the Administration's requirements conflict with California State Law. On February 12, 1934, the Board approved the request to increase Polytechnic Training at Belmont High School with increased shop facilities. On February 19, 1934, the Board denied the Annandale Parent-Teacher Association's request to place the Women's Christian Temperance Union's monthly publication, "The Young Crusader" in the Los Angeles School libraries based on the belief that the best results can be obtained through the regular channels of the curriculum.

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box 123

Board Reports 1934 March 15-1934 April 26

Scope and Content

On April 16, 1934, the Board approved the Committee of the Whole's recommendation that the Teachers' Examination be eliminated for the year 1934 and that no examinations be given until the new eligible list is exhausted. On April 23, 1934, the Board approved the Committee of the Whole Resolution on the Establishment of the Five-Day Week for Offices of the Board for the month of May 1934 to determine the practicability of a five-day week.

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box 124

Board Reports 1934 April 30-1934 June 7

Scope and Contents

On April 30, 1934, the Board approved the Law and Rules Committee's recommendation to enter an agreement with the California State Board for Vocational Education for the 1933-1934 school year. On May 14, 1934, the Teachers and Schools Committee's recommended that the Board approve a request from the Classroom Teachers' Federation that teachers have access to their present ratings and all past ratings from their principals.

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Board Reports 1934 June 11-1934 July 16

Scope and Contents

On June 18, 1934, the Teachers and Schools Committee presented a complaint regarding the teaching of Communism and Socialism in schools and recommended that no instruction bordering on Communism be given in schools. The June 25, 1934 Superintendent's Report includes a list showing the location of the Americanization Classes formerly authorized under the Emergency Educational Project.

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box 126

Board Reports 1934 July 19-1934 August 23

Scope and Contents

On July 30, 1934, the Superintendent's Report includes a report covering Los Angeles City School courses on temperance education. On August 13, 1934, the Law and Rules Committee reported on the rules for determining residence of pupils attending Los Angeles City Schools and the general policy according to the Bureau of Educational Housing. The August 9, 1934 Board Report includes the Annual Budget.

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box 127

Board Reports 1934 August 27-1934 September 28

Scope and Contents

On August 27, 1934, the Finance Committee reported payment to the Los Angeles Testing Company for tests at the Ninety-seventh Street School. On September 4, 1934, the Committee of the Whole recommended Board approval of the plan, "The Administration of School Cafeterias in Los Angeles." The September 28, 1934 Report includes folded blueprints entitled, "Construction Cost Charts."

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box 128

Board Reports 1934 October 1-1934 October 29

Scope and Contents

Part 2 of the October 1, 1934 Board Report includes the Secretary's Report with comparative enrollment figures for the end of the second week of school in 1933 and 1934. Part 2 of the October 15, 1934 Board Report includes the Committee of the Whole recommendation on automatic salary increases for teachers.

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box 129

Board Reports 1934 November 1-1934 November 28

Scope and Contents

The November 5, 1934 Board Report includes the Business Manager's Cost Reports on the Public Works Administration grant dockets. The November 28, 1934 Board Report includes the Controller's Special Report Concerning Employees.

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box 130

Board Reports 1934 December 3-1935 January 7

Scope and Contents

Bulk consists of Building Committee Reports. On December 3, 1934, the Teachers and Schools Committee recommended the adoption of teacher schedules, contracts and elections.

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Board Reports 1935 January 10-1935 February 11

Scope and Contents

On January 21, 1935, the Teachers and Schools Committee recommended that the Board adopt requirements for graduation from the evening high schools and establish procedures for the award of graduation diplomas.

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Board Reports 1935 February 14-1935 March 14

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Board Reports 1935 March 18-1935 April 22

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Board Reports 1935 April 25-1935 May 20

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Board Reports 1935 May 23-1935 June 21

Scope and Contents

On May 23, 1935, the Superintendent reported on a Board requested study of establishments selling intoxicating liquors near junior and senior high school sites and the junior college site. The Superintendent recommended that the State Board of Equalization investigate these establishments and revoke their licenses if substantial evidence is found.

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box 136

Board Reports 1935 June 24-1935 July 25

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box 137

Board Reports 1935 July 29-1935 August 26

Scope and Contents

On July 8, 1935, the Service Division presented the Committee of the Whole with a Petition from the United Consumers Against the High Cost of Living requesting that the Yale Street Clinic be kept open during vacation and that health centers be opened at schools throughout the city with visiting nurses and doctors in charge, and that this care be free. On August 22, 1935, the Service Division presented the Committee of the Whole with Recommended Procedures for the Administration of the Junior College Salary Schedule.

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box 138

Board Reports 1935 August 29-1935 September 30

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Board Reports 1935 October 3-1935 October 31

Scope and Content

On October 3, 1935, Emergency Communication presented to the Finance Committee from the Instruction and Curriculum Division recommending that the Board authorize a Works Progress Administration application for the Health Project Within The Los Angeles Schools. October 3, 1935 Instruction and Curriculcum Division Emergency Communication presented to the Committee of the Whole recommending an agreement between the University of California and the Board for the Operation of the University High School and the Ralph Waldo Emerson Junior High School as Teacher Training Centers.

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box 140

Board Reports 1935 November 4-1935 December 2

Scope and Content

On November 12, 1935, the Committee of the Whole presented Communication from the Los Angeles Central Labor Council regarding their complaint against the Hoover Street School Band's use of German made harmonicas.

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box 141

Board Reports 1935 December 5-1936 January 9

Scope and Content

On December 19, 1935, the Superintendent presented the Report of the National Youth Administration High School Aid Program. This program was established by President Roosevelt on June 26, 1936 and provided financial assistance to needy high school students between the ages of 16 and 25 from families on relief.

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box 142

Board Reports 1936 January 13-1936 February 10

Scope and Contents

On January 23, 1936, the Service Division's Personnel Section reported on incompetent teachers to the Teachers and Schools Committee pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.652 of the School Code and recommended that Notices of Incompetency be sent out immediately to the identified teachers.

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Board Reports 1936 February 13-1936 March 19

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Board Reports 1936 March 23-1936 April 16

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box 145

Board Reports 1936 April 20-1936 May 18

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box 146

Board Reports 1936 May 21-1936 June 18

Scope and Contents

On June 1, 1936, the Committee of the Whole recommended the adoption of a Resolution that all business of the Board be transacted in open meeting except matters that the Board determines by action in open meeting should be transacted in secret committee meeting.

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Board Reports 1936 June 22-1936 July 27

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Board Reports 1936 July 30-1936 August 27

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Board Reports 1936 August 31-1936 October 5

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Board Reports 1936 October 8-1936 November 12

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Board Reports 1936 November 16-1936 December 21

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Board Reports 1936 December 23-1937 January 29

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Board Reports 1937 February 1-1937 March 1

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Board Reports 1937 March 4-1937 April 12

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Board Reports 1937 April 15-1937 May 13

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Board Reports 1937 May 17-1937 June 17

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Board Reports 1937 June 21-1937 July 26

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Board Reports 1937 July 29-1937 September 7

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Board Reports 1937 September 10-1937 October 11

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Board Reports 1937 October 14-1937 November 29

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Board Reports 1937 December 2-1938 January 24

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Board Reports 1938 January 27-1938 March 14

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Board Reports 1938 March 17-1938 May 2

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Board Reports 1938 May 5-1938 June 30

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Board Reports 1938 July 5-1938 August 18

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Board Reports 1938 August 22-1938 October 6

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Board Reports 1938 October 10-1938 November 28

Scope and Content

On November 3, 1938, the name and format of the Board Reports changed. At an additional regular meeting on November 3, 1938, Assistant Superintendent Travers, Chairman of the Committee that studied the functions of the Board's Secretarial Division reported on findings and procedural changes. Travers stated that the elimination of the work of copying the Minutes into the "Big Books" was a procedural change approved by the Board and a direct outcome of the study.

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Board Reports 1938 December 1-1939 January 30

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Board Reports 1939 February 2-1939 March 30

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Board Reports 1939 April 3-1939 May 22

Scope and Content

On May 11, 1939, during an Additional Regular Meeting, the Board moved to invite newly elected Board member, Mrs. Fay E. Allen to observe the Additional Regular Meetings of the Board about the proposed budget for 1939-1940. During an Additional Regular Meeting on May 18, 1939, President Larrabee stated that the Board authorized Fay E. Allen's unanimous election to membership on the Board to fill the vacancy created by Mrs. Margarete Clark. Larrabee drafted a letter to Allen dated May 16, 1939 to request her acceptance of office to be effective June 1, 1939.

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Board Reports 1939 May 25-1939 July 10

Scope and Contents

On May 25, 1939, the Board discussed that upon receipt of a communication from Fay E. Allen accepting the election, the City Clerk will be notified that the Board has elected Mrs. Allen to fill the vacancy, effective June 1, 1939, for the unexpired term ending June 30, 1939. On June 1, 1939, President Larrabee introduced and welcomed newly elected Board Member, Mrs. Fay E. Allen to the audience. At the July 1, 1939 Annual Meeting, communication was received from the Los Angeles City Clerk regarding the results of the May 2, 1939 General Municipal Election and announced the four candidates who received the highest number of votes as elected for the office of Member of the Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles: Lawrence L. Larrabee, Roy J. Becker, Gertrude H. Rounsavelle, and Fay E. Allen.

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Board Reports 1939 July 13-1939 September 7

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Board Reports 1939 September 11-1939 October 30

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Board Reports 1939 November 2-1940 January 8

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Board Reports 1940 January 11-1940 March 14

Scope and Contents

On January 11, 1940, students from the City College presented their opinions about party politics and religious differences on campus. Joseph Elliott, a student representative, stated that a peace conference held on campus last semester was propaganda for the Communist Party and that they have had a communistic element on their campus for some time.

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Board Reports 1940 March 18-1940 May 23

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Board Reports 1940 May 27-1940 June 22

Scope and Contents

On June 3, 1940, Board member Larrabee stated that it is a good time within appropriate courses to stress the principles of democracy and to build unity to the principles of Americanism because many pupils do not have a real conception of what democracy means and if this is emphasized through courses of study then pupils will prefer Americanism to any other "ism" and pass it on to their parents.

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Board Reports 1940 July 25-1940 September 10

Scope and Contents

On September 10, 1940, Communication presented from the National Negro Congress, Los Angeles Council, by Fay E. Allen, President and Robert S. Robinson, Executive Secretary, enclosing a resolution demanding the opening and maintenance of all classes in cultural subjects for the school year 1940-41 as were in existence during the 1938-39 school year. On August 12, 1940, Dr. P. Price Cobbs addressed the Board and presented a communication signed by him as Chairman and four other members representing a cross-section of the Thomas Jefferson High School community stating that sixty to eighty percent of its students are Negroes yet there are only three Negro teachers in the school. Cobbs made requests for changes to teachers' examinations practices and policies and requested fifteen Negro teachers, two Negro counselors, and one Negro principal to be appointed within two years' time.

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Board Reports 1940 September 12-1940 November 7

Scope and Contents

On September 12, 1940, Superintendent Kersey addressed the Board to make a public statement regarding national defense as a theme motivating the emphasis of the upcoming educational year. Further, Kersey stated that the emphasis in teaching will guarantee adequate training in the "fundamentals of learning, the Three R's, and to be more specific - reading, language, writing, spelling, arithmetic, geography, and history."

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Board Reports 1940 November 12-1941 January 20

Scope and Content

On January 2, 1941, Attorney Loren Miller addressed the Board as a representative of a community based Committee on Schools of which Reverend E.E. Lightner, Pastor of Lincoln Memorial Congregational Church (Hooper and Vernon Avenues), is Chairman. Miller made comments concerning the adult education classes at Thomas Jefferson Evening High School and the "almost complete absence" of Negro teachers employed by the Board. Miller also indicated that Thomas Jefferson Evening High School should be reorganized. Miller added that there are no National Defense Classes conducted at Thomas Jefferson High School or at David Starr Jordan High School and urged the Board to seriously consider a program that will train Negroes for employment in this industry. Miller also mentioned the small number of Negro teachers in the Los Angeles City Schools compared to the number of Negro pupils attending the Schools and pointed out that there is no Negro Attendance Officer employed in the Los Angeles City School system.

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Board Reports 1941 January 23-1941 April 3

Scope and Contents

On January 23, 1941, the Board adopted a schedule of service charges and fees in connection with the use of school premises and the issuance of permits for Civic Center purposes.
On January 27, 1941, Dr. P. Price Cobbs addressed the Board, stating that on August 12, 1940, he appeared before the Board and presented grievances and complaints in writing from a group of citizens regarding an unbiased report and picture of the Negro situation as they found it from their study. Cobbs explained that the conditions still continue and requested action from the Board.
Reverend William A. Washington also addressed the Board to affirm that his community asked Attorney Miller to address the Board and request justice on January 2, 1941 in the matter of their quota of teachers on the East Side. Clarence Muse also addressed the Board to call attention to the defense program and discrimination against schools on the East Side. Muse asked the Board, "as a citizen and a taxpayer that it very carefully find out why there is a difference in education of colored youth in regard to making them capable and worthwhile in connection with this defense program."
A.N. Ward and the President of the Student Body of Thomas Jefferson Evening High School also addressed the Board on this matter. Attorney Loren Miller addressed the Board about the $100,000 allocated for National Defense training classes belonging to all American citizens whether black or white but clarified this money is being used to train white youth to get jobs in defense industries. Miller also informed the Board that if they doubt Negroes are being discriminated against, he will bring the students to the Board who are "being refused on the basis that there is no where to place them after they receive training."
Mr. Miller also requested that the Board take action on their preferential policy that a white substitute teacher may teach at any school while a Negro teacher may only teach at certain schools. Reverend E.E. Lightner also addressed the Board regarding his objection to a Trade School bulletin's call for training that states, "the persons you recommend need not be 'master minds,' only ordinary students, but they should be of the Caucasian race." Walter L. Gordeon addressed the Board stating that 90%-95% of the children at 39th Street School are Negroes yet there is only one Negro teacher.
On April 3, 1941, Wm. B. Elconin addressed the Board as a representative of the C.I.O. Anti-Jim Crow Committee, the Statewide C.I.O, and the Mothers and Citizens' Committee for Democracy in Education and stated that they have been coming to the Board for some time regarding the mock lynching and posting of discriminatory placards against the Negro people. Elconin stated that he represents 85,000 people in opposition to this situation and that the Board must move and take responsibility for this matter. Ramon Welch also addressed the Board on April 3, 1941 as a representative of the Spanish Speaking People's Congress to inform the Board that Spanish-speaking American citizens are also discriminated against in the public schools and his organization supports the C.I.O on the issue of the incident at John C. Fremont High School.

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Board Reports 1941 April 7-1941 June 2

Scope and Content

On April 7, 1941, multiple community representatives, including Mr. Ramon Welch of the Spanish Speaking People's Congress, addressed the Board to call for an open hearing regarding the mock lynching and posting of racist placards at John C. Fremont High School.

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Board Reports 1941 June 5-1941 July 21

Scope and Contents

On July 10, 1941, Chas. E. Pearl, Chairman for the Los Angeles Council of the National Negro Congress requested the Board's endorsement of the Los Angeles Council's program of 5000 jobs for Negroes in defense industries of Southern California.

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Board Reports 1941 July 24-1941 September 8

Scope and Contents

On July 31, 1941, Chairman James L. Beebe, Government Cost Study Committee, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce called attention to a marked copy of the University of California Clip Sheet and stating that due to the elaborate and expensive public education system in California, they urge the Board to "use its best efforts to hold down costs locally, that the surest way to wreck public education is to expand it in curriculum and cost beyond reasonable bounds."

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Board Reports 1941 September 11-1941 October 16

Scope and Contents

On October 6, 1941, Superintendent Kersey called attention to a case before the Court regarding the Board's decision to charge for the use of school facilities and called attention to requests from the School Use Committee of the Community Welfare Federation and the case of the Hollywood Rifle Club who have been using the R.O.T.C. Rifle Range at Los Angeles High School.

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Board Reports 1941 October 20-1941 December 15

Scope and Contents

On December 1, 1941, Superintendent Kersey addressed the Board regarding the School District obtaining revenue from the Housing Projects as there is a general increase in elementary enrollment and these schools are under-teachered. On December 8, 1941, Superintendent Kersey issued Emergency Bulletin #1 "Our Schools on the Alert" to the Board for authorization as a basis for action in all schools during war time. Kersey added that this preliminary statement will be followed regularly by bulletins of detailed instructions. On December 11, 1941, Kersey addressed the Board regarding the War Emergency Bulletins issued from the Superintendent and then commended the volunteers working around the clock to "protect our schools against any direct action."

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Board Reports 1941 December 18-1942 February 9

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Board Reports 1942 February 13-1942 April 6

Scope and Contents

On February 19, 1942, the Custodians and Engineers' Club of the Los Angeles City School District presented the Board with a petition for a blanket increase in salary to maintain their homes and living conditions. The petition stated that as ten month employees, Los Angeles City School custodians are the lowest paid in any school district in the state. On March 5, 1942, the Board approved the use of the Los Angeles High School rifle range by the Women's Ambulance and Defense Corps. On March 16, 1942, the Superintendent reported on the process of making final preparations for the District's sugar rationing.

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Board Reports 1942 April 9-1942 May 25

Scope and Contents

On May 21, 1942, the Board approved a request from the Optimist Club of Hollywood to use the Hollywood High School auditorium on June 12, 1942 for staging a vaudeville and minstrel show with proceeds to be used to purchase Defense Bonds for the boys in the Hollywood Junior Optimist Club.

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Board Reports 1942 May 28-1942 July 13

Scope and Contents

On May 28, 1942, the Superintendent presented communication regarding the Board's response to the delegation that appeared before the Board requesting the establishment of war emergency and defense training classes in schools that serve areas where Negroes and Mexicans reside. The Superintendent stated that war preparation curricula will be offered at various high schools including Jefferson High School and Garfield High School. On June 1, 1942, the Superintendent addressed the Board to explain that the teaching, instruction, and schools of Los Angeles are working toward victory in the War, including a letter writing exchange between the Superintendent and every fourth, fifth and sixth grade child in the district regarding what they are doing to contribute to victory.

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Board Reports 1942 July 16-1942 September 14

Scope and Content

On August 3, 1942, Augustus F. Hawkins, Sixty-second Assembly District and Member of the California Legislature addressed the Board as Chairman of a group of citizens representing a cross-section of Los Angeles. Reverend Clayton D. Russell, Pastor of the Independent Church of Christ was elected spokesman for this group and addressed the Board concerning discrimination in the training of minority groups and women for the defense industry classes. Russell pointed out that there is no equipment available at Garfield High School or Jefferson High School for these classes. Russell also raised community complaints about the re-zoning of high school districts and students being forced to pay for transportation when they could otherwise walk to school. The Superintendent stated that the re-zoning affected every pupil within a certain area and Board Member Allen clarified that the area would be in a Negro district.

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Board Reports 1942 September 17-November 9, 1942

Scope and Contents

On September 24, 1942, President Esther H. Walker, Los Angeles Tenth District, California Congress of Parents and Teachers presented the following communication, "Knowing that the Los Angeles Secondary Schools are gearing their curriculum to the war effort - we, the Executive Board of California Parents and Teachers, Tenth District, are desirous of knowing if sex education is to be stressed and the program enlarged for both our young girls and boys."
On October 10, 1942, the Committee of the Whole discussed the extension of trade, industrial, and vocational training in the schools since the war effort. Assistant Superintendent Campion stated that a September 22 meeting was held with representatives of the Mexican people to discuss the problem of vocational training for Mexican groups. In response to the problem of Mexican access to defense training classes, the Superintendent stated that the Board has no policy of segregation and the Assistant Superintendent addressed the Board's extension of defense training facilities at either Belvedere Junior High School or Theodore Roosevelt High School.

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Board Reports 1942 November 12-January 11, 1943

Scope and Contents

On December 7, 1942, Superintendent Kersey addressed the Board concerning the thousands of boys and girls asking to be excused from school by parents, employers and themselves to accept employment for duty toward the war emergency. Kersey urged the Board's full cooperation and emphasized that these boys and girls have a legal right to accept employment and render war service during this holiday time.

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Board Reports 1943 January 14-1943 March 15

Scope and Contents

On January 14, 1943, Superintendent Kersey called the Board's attention to "Home Work" as an intended program of richer educational activity. During the February 18, 1943 Additional Regular Meeting, Dr. Frank O. Evans, Supervisor of the Educational Housing Section addressed the Board and presented a report entitled, "A Program of Postwar Construction." On February 23, 1943, the Board approved the use of the Richard Henry Dana Jr. High School auditorium by the San Pedro Optimist Club for a minstrel show on April 9, 1943.

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Board Reports 1943 March 18-1943 May 13

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Board Reports 1943 May 17-1943 July 1

Scope and Contents

On May 20, 1943, Board member Allen moved that upon recommendation by Superintendent Kersey, that the name of McKinley Junior High School be changed to George Washington Carver Junior High School. This motion was carried unanimously and adopted effective July 1, 1943. On June 24, 1943, President Becker called attention to a letter of departure from Board member Mrs. Fay E. Allen.

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Board Reports 1943 July 6-1943 August 26

Scope and Contents

On August 2, 1943, Communication was presented from The Los Angeles Forum and the Hollywood Democratic Committee requesting that Mrs. Fay E. Allen be appointed to replace Mr. John F. Dalton as a member of the Los Angeles City Board of Education.
On August 5, 1943, Communication was presented from Los Angeles Federation of Teachers and Screen Office Employees Guild, Local 1391 AFL, requesting the appointment of Mrs. Fay E. Allen to fill the vacancy on the Board of Education created by the resignation of Mr. Dalton.
On August 9, 1943, Communication was presented from Film Technicians, Local 683, Elizabeth W. Burbank and Mrs. Lillian Spector urging the appointment of Fay. E. Allen to fill Dalton's vacancy.
On August 12, 1943, Communication was presented from the Conference of Studio Unions, the Los Angeles Auxiliary Council, Affiliated with Congress of Women's Auxiliaries of the C.I.O., the Los Angeles Branch, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and Anna L. Halprin requesting the appointment of Mrs. Fay E. Allen to fill Dalton's vacancy.

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Board Reports 1943 August 30-1943 October 18

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Board Reports 1943 October 21-1943 December 16

Scope and Contents

On December 13, 1943, the Board heard proposals for their consideration as part of the observance of Bill of Rights Week. The Los Angeles Federation of Teachers presented a Resolution on Inter-Racial Democracy in the Schools, stated that the school system does not include a course on racial prejudice in its curriculum, and urged its adoption to support building unity on the home front during the war.

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Board Reports 1943 December 20-1944 February 10

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Board Reports 1944 February 14-1944 April 6

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Board Reports 1944 April 10-1944 June 1

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Board Reports 1944 June 5-1944 July 17

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Board Reports 1944 July 20-1944 September 7

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Board Reports 1944 September 11-1944 October 26

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Board Reports 1944 October 30-1944 December 14

Scope and Contents

On December 11, 1944, the Board approved a request from Westlake Communist Club, Echo Park Communist Club, and East Hollywood Communist Club, affiliated with the Communist Political Association to use the Rosemont Avenue School on Friday evening, December 15, 1944 for a meeting to celebrate "Bill of Rights" week.

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Board Reports 1944 December 18-1945 February 1

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Board Reports 1945 February 5-1945 March 19

Scope and Contents

On February 5, 1945, the Board approved the Communist Political Club's request to use the auditorium at Carthay Center School on Wednesday evening, February 21, 1945 for a program commemorating George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

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Board Reports 1945 March 22-1945 May 3

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Board Reports 1945 May 7-1945 June 14

Scope and Contents

On June 14, 1945, Communication was presented from the Los Angeles Federation of Teachers, Local 430, protesting the proposed increase in the pupil norm and recommending a decrease in the pupil norm at all levels of the educational system. On June 14, 1945, a letter from the Los Angeles Junior High School Vice Principals with recommendations regarding pupil norms and vice principal assignments was read to the Board.

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Board Reports 1945 June 18-1945 July 19

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Board Reports 1945 July 23-1945 August 27

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On July 30, 1945, the Board adopted Committee of the Whole Report, No.1, which authorized that, effective August 1, 1945, the present Superintendent's Advisory Council be superseded by The Division Heads' Council. The July 26, 1945 Communication to the Committee of the Whole from the Office of Chief Assistant Superintendent states the objective of The Division Heads' Council is to encourage the development of basic policies, regulations and procedures for the efficient administration of the work of the District and the improvement of the educational program.
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Board Reports 1945 August 30-1945 September 24

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Board Reports 1945 September 27-1945 November 1

Scope and Contents

On September 27, 1945, the Board approved use of the Harrison Street School on Wednesday evening, October 17, 1945 for the City Terrace Club of the Communist Party's public meeting to discuss "Labor and Reconversion."
On October 1, 1945, the Board approved the use of the Los Angeles High School Rifle Range on Sunday mornings in October by the Cavalwood Rifle Club.
On October 29, 1945, the Board held an additional regular meeting to answer questions concerning the future use of the Central Junior High School Property.
On November 1, 1945, the Board discussed the high school student picket and protest on the Board of Education for granting Gerald L.K. Smith use of the Polytechnic High School Auditorium for a second mass meeting.

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Board Reports 1945 November 5-1945 December 13

Scope and Contents

On November 5, 1945, the Board issued a Resolution regarding the granting of Civic Center permits for the use of school buildings and Board member J. Paul Elliott addressed the Board regarding the Civic Center Act and the recent high school protests against Gerald L. K. Smith.
On December 13, 1945, the Los Angeles Central Labor Council presented a resolution requesting the Board to instruct all school principals and department heads to post notices in conspicuous places to the effect that all school employees have every right to join a labor organization or not as they see fit, free from discrimination or intimidation.

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Board Reports 1945 December 17-1946 January 24

Scope and Contents

On December 20, 1945, the Board adopted a Resolution issued by Committee of the Whole Chairman Elliott regarding the teaching of moral and spiritual values in the schools and the encouragement of the recognition of "a power greater than our own."

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Board Reports 1946 January 28-1946 March 21

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Board Reports 1946 March 25-1946 May 16

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Board Reports 1946 May 20-1946 June 29

Scope and Contents

On May 20, 1946, Communication presented from William C. Ring stating that the American Civil Liberties Union is sponsoring a petition in the California Supreme Court for a writ of mandate to invalidate Section 19432 of the Education Code, and certain rules of the District concerning the use of public school property for subversive and non-school purposes; and that he hopes that the Board will record itself as officially opposed to the "Red falange subverting the youth and schools of the land."
On June 28-29, 1946, the Board continued the canvass of returns from the June 4, 1946 Consolidated School Bond Election.

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Board Reports 1946 July 1-1946 August 15

Scope and Contents

On July 1, 1946 at the Continued Additional Meeting, the Board presented the Declaration of the Results of the June 4, 1946 Consolidated School Bond Election for Proposition No. 1, Proposition No. 2, and Proposition No. 3. At the regular July 1, 1946 meeting, President Elliott stated the Board's objectives for the 1946-47 school year.
On July 3, 1946, at the request of the Board, Superintendent Kersey presented a statement on The Standards of the Los Angeles City Schools in Relation to College Preparatory Education.
On July 22, 1946 at an Additional Meeting, the Committee of the Whole received the Supreme Court decision on Section 19432 of the California Education Code Related to the Civic Center Act. This opinion held that Section 19432 of the Educational Code, as amended in 1945 is unconstitutional and void.
On July 25, 1946, President Elliott commented that this was the last Board of Education meeting in the administrative quarters of the Chamber of Commerce Building where the Board had met for the last 21 years. Beginning Monday, July 29, 1946, the Board of Education will meet in Room 110, Los Angeles City Board of Education Administrative Offices, 451 North Hill Street until otherwise directed by Board action.

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Board Reports 1946 August 19-1946 October 3

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Board Reports 1946 October 7-1946 December 2

Scope and Contents

On October 10, 1946, Board President J. Paul Elliott presented a statement concerning Un-American Activities in the schools particularly in relation to alleged activities at Canoga Park High School. This was approved as a statement of the sentiment of the Board of Education.

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Board Reports 1946 December 5-1947 January 30

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Board Reports 1947 February 3-1947 March 27

Scope and Contents

On March 24, 1947, Communication was presented from Los Angeles Federation of Teachers, Local 430, stating that they agree with Superintendent Kersey's condemnation of the Un-American demonstration by students at Fremont High School and that material on racial tolerance and intercultural relations be sent to the parents of the Fremont students. On March 24, 1947, Communication was presented from National Association for the Advancement of Colored People commending the Board, the Superintendent and the Principal of Fremont High School for their containment of the recent racial outbreak at Fremont.

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Board Reports 1947 March 31-1947 May 22

Scope and Contents

On May 22, 1947, Communication was presented by Los Angeles Federation of Teachers regarding recent incidents of inter-racial tension and conflict in the Los Angeles City Schools with the suggestion that a directive be sent from the Board to each school official and every teacher recommending that attendance in any school should not be advised or permitted entirely on the basis of race, creed or color.

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Board Reports 1947 May 26-1947 July 7

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Board Reports 1947 July 10-1947 August 25

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Board Reports 1947 August 28-1947 October 6

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Board Reports 1947 October 9-1947 November 26

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Board Reports 1947 December 1-1948 January 29

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Board Reports 1948 February 2-1948 March 18

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Board Reports 1948 March 22-1948 May 13

Scope and Contents

On April 29, 1948, Mr. Elliott, Chairman of the Personnel and Schools Committee, read a Report concerning the April 15, 1948 charges made by Mr. Harry S. Jung, International Representative, United Public Workers of America, CIO and Mr. Harold Orr, President of Los Angeles Federation of Teachers. Jung claimed to possess evidence that in one elementary district at least, principals expressed to the Assistant Superintendent "the most anti-labor policies, the most vicious anti-Semitism, and the most contemptuous attitude towards professional Negro people."

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Board Reports 1948 May 17-1948 June 24

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Board Reports 1948 June 28-1948 August 2

Scope and Contents

On July 22, 1948, Harold Orr, representative of the Los Angeles Federation of Teachers, Local 430, American Federation of Labor, Harry S. Jung, representative of the United Public Workers of America, C.I.O., Local 246, Rachel Konisgsberg, representative of the Citizens' Committee for Better Education, Dr. Sanford Goldner, Chairman of the Committee to Combat Discrimination in the Los Angeles District School System and John W. Porter of the National Lawyers' Guild addressed the Board to protest its findings in connection with the Report of the Special Hearing Committee Concerning Charges Against the Principal of 28th Street School.
Board Member Elliott replied and then asked Orr, Jung and Goldner to affirm or deny statements concerning them and their organizations which are contained in the Fourth Report of the Senate Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities.
On July 29, 1948, the Board adopted the Committee of the Whole Report, No. 2 concerning the establishment and organization of the District's Security Section.

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Board Reports 1948 August 5-1948 September 20

Scope and Contents

On August 5, 1948, the Board denied the request of the Los Angeles Federation of Teachers to reconsider its findings and conclusions relative to the Principal of Twenty-eighth Street School or the "Haas Case." Board President Olin E. Darby sent a letter to the Los Angeles Federation of Teachers regarding this matter.
The August 5, 1948 Minutes contain a Report from the Personnel and Schools Committee to the Committee of the Whole regarding the April 29, 1948 Board resolution concerning American democracy in public schools and the Loyalty Affirmation for employees of the school system.
On August 23, 1948, new Superintendent Alexander J. Stoddard addressed the Board for the first time. At a Special Meeting on August 26, 1948, the Board invited the Personnel Commission to discuss a possible loyalty check of all employees of the school system. On September 7, 1948, Board Member Mrs. Eleanor B. Allen and Superintendent Stoddard presented Statements of Policy for Teaching the American Ideology in Los Angeles City Schools. On September 16, 1948, the Board adopted the Proposed Loyalty Reaffirmation of Employees of Los Angeles City Schools.

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Board Reports 1948 September 23-1948 November 1

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Board Reports 1948 November 4-1948 December 23

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Board Reports 1948 December 27-1949 February 10

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Board Reports 1949 February 14-1949 April 4

Scope and Contents

On February 21, 1949, Superintendent Stoddard called attention to a communication from the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County stating that on February 15th the Board of Supervisors authorized the County Superintendent of Schools to assume the administration and responsibility for the Juvenile Hall School as of June 21, 1949.
On March 28, 1949, the Board received a communication from City Clerk Walter C. Peterson concerning a Resolution adopted by the City Council relating to setting aside some day in the near future to be known as "Ralph J. Bunche Day."
On April 4, 1949, Miss Marietta Gregory (L.A.H.S., Winter Class of 1915) addressed the Board to request the preservation of the original Los Angeles High School.

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Board Reports 1949 April 7-1949 May 26

Scope and Contents

On April 18, 1949, Superintendent Stoddard reported that there have been hundreds of requests from all over the United States for Board of Education Publication No. 402, Moral and Spiritual Values. On April 25, 1949, Superintendent Stoddard announced that the Governor signed A.B. 111, establishing the Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts and Sciences.

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Board Reports 1949 May 31-1949 July 7

Scope and Contents

On June 9, 1949, Superintendent Stoddard remarked that in the preliminary report of the Educational Policies Commission, the statement was made that a communist should be excluded from employment as a teacher in the public schools. On July 1, 1949, Board President J. Paul Elliott presented the Board's "Statement of Objectives" for 1949-50.

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Board Reports 1949 July 11-1949 August 11

Scope and Contents

On July 18, 1949, the Board welcomed Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, a graduate of Jefferson High School and the University of California at Los Angeles. Dr. Bunche thanked his former teachers and friends present at the meeting to honor him.

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Board Reports 1949 August 15-1949 September 26

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Board Reports 1949 September 29-1949 November 14

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Board Reports 1949 November 17-1950 January 9

Scope and Contents

A summary of annexations and withdrawals from Los Angeles City School Districts from 1931-1949 is attached to the November 17, 1949 Minutes. On January 5, 1950, Superintendent Stoddard addressed the Board concerning the dispensing of marijuana and the subversive philosophy of Communism. Stoddard also stated that there is a need for legislation to assist boards of education in dealing with Communism as it relates to the public schools.

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Board Reports 1950 January 12-1950 February 23

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Board Reports 1950 February 27-1950 April 13

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Board Reports 1950 April 17-1950 May 25

Scope and Contents

On May 18 and 22, 1950, the Board discussed The Citizens Schools Committee and its critique of the Los Angeles Schools' alleged over emphasis of "progressive education" and alleged lack of emphasis on fundamentals.

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Board Reports 1950 May 29-1950 July 6

Scope and Content

On June 1, 1950, a Special Meeting was held for interested citizens to express their approval or disapproval of the Los Angeles City Schools' teaching policies and theories of education. Board President Elliott stated that as far back as 1945 and 1946 the Board of Education established a "middle of the road" teaching policy and denied the claims of the Citizens Schools Committee that this school system favored the "Progressive" education system.

Processing Information

BR 129
box 250

Board Reports 1950 July 10-1950 August 14

Processing Information

BR 130
box 251

Board Reports 1950 August 17-1950 September 25

Scope and Contents

The September 5, 1950 Minutes include the 1949-50 Annual Report on the organization, activities and policies of the Security Section at the end of its first complete year of full time operation.

Processing Information

BR 131
box 252

Board Reports 1950 September 28-1950 November 13

Processing Information

BR 132
box 253

Board Reports 1950 November 16-1950 December 26

Processing Information

BR 133
box 254

Board Reports 1950 December 28-1951 February 8

Scope and Contents

On February 1, 1951, the Superintendent and the Board of Education issued a statement in response to newspaper accounts of charges made against the District by a principal. These charges were made before a Grand Jury on January 30, 1951 and concern school safety, spoiled cafeteria food, a severe teacher shortage, non-accredited teachers, class rooms with no teachers, two members of the Board of Education reaping large profits through the sale of insurance to firms with District contracts and that the Board's expenditures have not been adequately audited by an outside agency since 1936.

Processing Information

BR 134
box 255

Board Reports 1951 February 13-1951 March 26

Scope and Contents

On March 1, 1951, the Board issued a Detailed Statement on the Report of the Los Angeles County 1950 Grand Jury regarding the investigation of the Telephone Examination case. The Board's Statement denies statements of the Grand Jury Report that allege discrimination, interference in administrative matters, and "rigging of examinations." On March 5, 1951, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole, Mrs. Eleanor B. Allen read statements of charges against the Board of Education and responded to each for public clarification.

Processing Information

BR 135
box 256

Board Reports 1951 March 29-1951 May 10

Processing Information

BR 136
box 257

Board Reports 1951 May 14-1951 June 25

Scope and Contents

On June 21, 1951, after sixteen years of service on the Board of Education, Mrs. Gertrude H. Rounsavelle resigned. She stated that she wished to resign earlier but due to those who called for her removal during the recent Superior Court proceedings, she felt that a resignation would have been construed as an admission of fault.

Processing Information

BR 137
box 258

Board Reports 1951 June 28-1951 July 30

Scope and Contents

On June 28, 1951, Mr. Earle D. Baker resigned from the Board of Education in order to be seated on the Los Angeles City Council on July 1, 1951.

Processing Information

BR 138
box 259

Board Reports 1951 August 2-1951 September 11

Scope and Contents

On August 2, 1951, Board President Eleanor B. Allen opened the Special Meeting for the Budget with an invocation taken from the Prayers offered by the Reverend Peter Marshall at the opening of the Senate of the United States of America, Eightieth and Eighty-first Congress.
On August 27, 1951, President Allen made a statement addressing the court judgment finding of Board Member Roy J. Becker's guilt of willful and corrupt misconduct in office and recent criticisms of the Board. On September 6, 1951, the Board approved Roy J. Becker's resignation.
On September 11, 1951, the Board adopted the "Open Book" resolution which recognizes that parents and citizens have the right to hold the Board accountable for its government of the schools.

Processing Information

BR 139
box 260

Board Reports 1951 September 13-1951 October 30

Scope and Contents

On September 20, 1951, Mr. Arthur F. Gardner addressed the Board regarding the decision of the Judge in the case of the Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles vs. Ione L. Dresden Swan. Gardner stated that although the case was terminated with a judgement for the Board in support of Swan's termination due to insubordination, it is a "hollow victory." Gardner pointed out that many of Swan's charges against the Board have been upheld by the Grand Jury and a judge of the Superior Court. Swan charged irregularities in the purchase of meat for cafeterias, challenged the legality of interests of Board members in school contracts, charged that blacktop apparatus was unsafe, and finally, that employees of the school system are intimidated by the administration and now the Board.
On October 11, 1951, Superintendent Stoddard presented Emergency Communication to the Board regarding hearings, investigations, suspensions, resignations, procedures, practices and policies involved in The Telephone Case. During the October 15, 1951 meeting at 5:22 pm, Mrs. Eleanor B. Allen's resignation letter was read to the Board. On October 16, 1951, Superintendent Stoddard addressed the Board to answer a newspaper's question of his possible resignation with a response that he does not contemplate resignation now nor does he anticipate resignation in the future.
On October 18, 1951, Board Member J. Paul Elliot charged that biased and unlawful trial by the press and District Attorney of Los Angeles Mr. S. Ernest Roll has incited unwarranted public distrust in the officials of the public schools.
On October 25, 1951, the Board discussed allegations by Mr. Harry D. Smith, Congressional Candidate from the 22nd District regarding subversive and communistic elements within the Board approved Iowa Tests of Educational Development, national weekly news magazines and dangerous school books such as Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

Processing Information

BR 140
box 261

Board Reports 1951 November 1-1951 December 20

Scope and Contents

On November 29, 1951, the Board discussed the investigation into Un-American activities in the schools by the State Senate Committee on Education and moved that the Board President send a letter on behalf of the Board to Senator Dilworth regarding the legality of the employee loyalty affirmation and dismissal of employees for refusal to affirm that they are not members of the Communist Party. On December 10, 1951, the Board approved Superintendent Stoddard's recommendation to dismiss Principal of the Wilshire Crest Elementary School, Mrs. Ione L. Dresden Swan.

Processing Information

BR 141
box 262

Board Reports 1951 December 27-1952 February 11

Processing Information

BR 142
box 263

Board Reports 1952 February 14-1952 April 7

Processing Information

BR 143

Scope and Content

On February 25, 1952, Board Member Olin E. Darby presented a statement of resignation to the Board of Education. Darby's statement placed his resignation in context with the recent resignations of Rounsavelle, Becker, Elliott, Allen and Edwards. On March 13, 1952, Board Member J. Paul Elliott did not answer roll call and did not participate in the meeting other than to issue a statement of resignation pursuant to a jury verdict returned against him on March 6, 1952 and a judgment made on March 11, 1952, terminating his office as a member of the Board of Education under the provisions of Section 3060 of the Government Code.
box 264

Board Reports 1952 April 10-1952 May 22

Processing Information

BR 144
box 265

Board Reports 1952 May 26-1952 July 2

Processing Information

BR 145
box 266

Board Reports 1952 July 3-1952 August 4

Processing Information

BR 146
box 267

Board Reports 1952 August 7-1952 August 28

Processing Information

BR 146-A

Scope and Contents

Board Reports contain discussions and public approval and disapproval of the study of the United Nations and the UNESCO Program. On August 28, 1952, the Board approved two Resolutions related to the impartial and factual treatment of controversial courses of study and matters presented in the public schools.
box 268

Board Reports 1952 September 2-1952 October 6

Processing Information

BR 147

Scope and Content

On September 22, 1952, the Board under recommendation by Superintendent Stoddard adopted Rules and Orders to be incorporated in the Administrative Guide to prevent Communist infiltration of the Los Angeles City School System.
box 269

Board Reports 1952 October 13-1952 November 20

Processing Information

BR 148
box 270

Board Reports 1952 November 24-1953 January 8

Processing Information

BR 149
box 271

Board Reports 1953 January 12-1953 February 26

Processing Information

BR 150

Scope and Contents

On January 19, 1953, the Board outlined the history of the "UNESCO Program" as a form of curriculum in the public schools from 1946 until January 1952 and amended two resolutions regarding "UNESCO in the Los Angeles City Schools."
box 272

Board Reports 1953 March 2-1953 April 9

Processing Information

BR 151
box 273

Board Reports 1953 April 13-1953 May 21

Processing Information

BR 152

Scope and Content

On May 7,1953, Superintendent Stoddard presented and filed charges against Bonnie Jean Beale, a permanent certificated employee for striking pupils in her classes during the last three years while assigned as a music teacher at Berendo Junior High School, Gage Avenue Junior High School, and at Stevenson Junior High School. On May 11, 1953, Superintendent Stoddard stated that the first ordinance establishing public schools in Los Angeles was passed by the Common Council July 26, 1853 and the first official public school was opened on March 19, 1855.
box 274

Board Reports 1953 May 21-1953 June 25

Processing Information

BR 153
box 275

Board Reports 1953 June 29-1953 August 6

Processing Information

BR 154
box 276

Board Reports 1953 August 10-1953 September 17

Processing Information

BR 155
box 277

Board Reports 1953 September 21-1953 October 29

Processing Information

BR 156
box 278

Board Reports 1953 November 2-1953 December 10

Processing Information

BR 157

Scope and Contents

On November 19, 1953, the Board discussed Superintendent Stoddard's "Answers to Questions and Statements Regarding Tests of Basic Facts, Knowledge, and Skills." After this discussion, Superintendent Stoddard stated that over the last six years there had been 304 names referred for loyalty checks and of these 304 cases 48 have already resigned.
box 279

Board Reports 1953 December 14-1954 January 18

Processing Information

BR 158
box 280

Board Reports 1954 January 21-1954 February 23

Processing Information

BR 159
box 281

Board Reports 1954 February 23-1954 March 29

Processing Information

BR 160

Scope and Contents

On March 22, 1954, the Board adopted Superintendent Stoddard's recommendation that the Board purchase a sufficient number of copies of House Document No. 213 "Permit Communist-Conspirator's To Be Teachers?" so that each Principal has a small supply available to teachers who request copies to read.
box 282

Board Reports 1954 April 1-1954 May 3

Processing Information

BR 161
box 283

Board Reports 1954 May 6-1954 June 7

Processing Information

BR 162

Scope and Contents

On May 6, 1954, the Board approved the resolution to express approval of resolutions pending in both Houses of Congress to include the words "under God" in the official text of the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag which is recited in the classrooms of the public schools under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles City Board of Education. On May 24, 1954, Board Member Edith K. Stafford commented favorably on the authorization of the new Curriculum Publication on the Moral and Spiritual Values Program in the Schools.
box 284

Board Reports 1954 June 10-1954 July 6

Processing Information

BR 163
box 285

Board Reports 1954 July 8-1954 July 29

Processing Information

BR 164
box 286

Board Reports 1954 August 2-1954 August 30

Processing Information

BR 165
box 287

Board Reports 1954 September 2-1954 October 4

Processing Information

BR 166
box 288

Board Reports 1954 October 7-1954 November 10

Processing Information

BR 167
box 289

Board Reports 1954 November 15-1954 December 20

Processing Information

BR 168

Scope and Contents

On December 2, 1954, the Board discussed the Proposed Board Rule Requiring the Answering of Certain Loyalty Questions to comply with the Dilworth Act of 1953, the Federal Communist Control Act of 1954, and Article XX, Section 19 of the California Constitution. On December 20, 1954, the Board offered the Superintendency to Claude Lamar Reeves, Acting Superintendent. Mr. Reeves accepted and spoke to serving his four year sentence with a smile.
box 290

Board Reports 1954 December 23-1955 January 31

Processing Information

BR 169

Scope and Contents

On December 30, 1954, the Board passed the Resolution Consolidating Bond Elections To Be Held April 5, 1955. On January 13, 1955 at the 2:00 p.m. meeting, the Board discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the all-year school.
box 291

Board Reports 1955 February 3-1955 March 10

Processing Information

BR 170
box 292

Board Reports 1955 March 14-1955 April 15

Processing Information

BR 171
box 293

Board Reports 1955 April 18-1955 May 19

Processing Information

BR 172
box 294

Board Reports 1955 May 23-1955 June 20

Processing Information

BR 173

Scope and Contents

On June 9, 1955, Board President Willett presented Mrs. Georgiana Hardy, member-elect of the Board of Education.
box 295

Board Reports 1955 June 23-1955 July 18

Processing Information

BR 174

Scope and Contents

On June 23, 1955 at 1:20 p.m., the Board discussed Civil Defense plans and procedures in the Los Angeles City Schools. Superintendent Reeves presented Mr. Lawrence E. Houston, Director, Physical Education, Safety, and Youth Services Branch, the official representative for the School System in the area of Civil Defense. Houston presented a plan of action in the event of an emergency and introduced Mr. Lee Hansen, Coordinator, School Defense Activities, who presented a film entitled "Let's Face It" and related his recent experiences at Yucca Flats, Nevada, where he was directed by the Board to attend the Nevada Nuclear Weapon Testing Program.
box 296

Board Reports 1955 July 21-1955 August 22

Processing Information

BR 175
box 297

Board Reports 1955 August 25-1955 September 29

Processing Information

BR 176

Scope and Contents

On September 22, 1955, the Personnel Division, under direction of Associate Superintendent William B. Brown, presented a report of the teacher recruitment program. The attached report includes fifteen "Teacher Supply and Demand" charts with explanations.
box 298

Board Reports 1955 October 3-1955 November 17

Processing Information

BR 177
box 299

Board Reports 1955 November 21-1956 January 5

Processing Information

BR 178
box 300

Board Reports 1956 January 9-1956 February 20

Processing Information

BR 179
box 301

Board Reports 1956 February 23-1956 April 2

Processing Information

BR 180
box 302

Board Reports 1956 April 5-1956 May 10

Processing Information

BR 181

Scope and Contents

On May 10, 1956, Board member Burke called attention to a May 9, 1956 Los Angeles Times editorial, "Let's Face It: Teaching is Underpaid" and a May 10, 1956 Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express editorial, "Teachers' Salary Problem." Both editorials provide commentary on the current salary schedule for teachers prior to the Board's adoption of the final salary schedule on May 17, 1956.
box 303

Board Reports 1956 May 11-1956 June 18

Processing Information

BR 182

Scope and Contents

On May 17, 1956, the Board approved Superintendent Reeves' recommendations for certificated personnel salaries for the 1956-57 school year. On May 24, 1956, Superintendent Reeves addressed the Board regarding his final recommendation for the establishment of the certificated salary schedule for the 1956-57 school year. On June 7, 1956, the Board discussed the clarification of its policy on teaching the UN and UNESCO.
box 304

Board Reports 1956 June 21-1956 July 16

Processing Information

BR 183
box 305

Board Reports 1956 July 19-1956 August 20

Processing Information

BR 184
box 306

Board Reports 1956 August 23-1956 September 27

Processing Information

BR 185
box 307

Board Reports 1956 October 1-1956 November 8

Processing Information

BR 186

Scope and Contents

On November 1, 1956, Deputy Superintendent Ellis Adams Jarvis signed a four year Superintendent contract with the Board. Board President Edith K. Stafford remarked that this was the first occasion on which the Deputy has been placed in the Superintendency.
box 308

Board Reports 1956 November 13-1956 December 20

Processing Information

BR 187
box 309

Board Reports 1956 December 27-1957 February 4

Processing Information

BR 188

Scope and Contents

On January 31, 1957, Superintendent Jarvis reported that a disabled airplane in flames fell on the physical education playground at Pacoima Junior High School during the morning. Jarvis stated that there was an explosion, parts of the plane scattered on the grounds, some children were injured, two fatally.
box 310

Board Reports 1957 February 7-1957 March 18

Processing Information

BR 189
box 311

Board Reports 1957 March 21-1957 April 29

Processing Information

BR 190
box 312

Board Reports 1957 May 2-1957 June 6

Processing Information

BR 191

Scope and Contents

On May 6, 1957, Superintendent Jarvis suggested a Board endorsement of Propositions B and C for the May 28, 1957 general municipal election. After Jarvis explained that Proposition B deals with the recreational and park facilities and Proposition C the library bonds, the Board approved statements in favor of both.
box 313

Board Reports 1957 June 10-1957 July 8

Processing Information

BR 192
box 314

Board Reports 1957 July 11-1957 August 19

Processing Information

BR 193
box 315

Board Reports 1957 August 22-1957 October 7

Processing Information

BR 194
box 316

Board Reports 1957 October 10-1957 November 21

Processing Information

BR 195
box 317

Board Reports 1957 November 25-1958 January 13

Processing Information

BR 196
box 318

Board Reports 1958 January 16-1958 February 27

Processing Information

BR 197
box 319

Board Reports 1958 March 3-1958 April 10

Processing Information

BR 198
box 320

Board Reports 1958 April 14-1958 May 22

Processing Information

BR 199
box 321

Board Reports 1958 May 26-1958 June 30

Processing Information

BR 200

Scope and Contents

On June 30, 1958, the Board approved the Resolution Finding and Declaring Results of Bond Elections held on June 3, 1958. Propositions D, E and F for the Los Angeles City School District, the Los Angeles City High School District and the Los Angeles City Junior College District were carried by the two-thirds vote required by law.
box 322

Board Reports 1958 July 1-1958 August 11

Processing Information

BR 201

Scope and Contents

On July 1, 1958, Georgiana Hardy was elected Board President for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1958.
box 323

Board Reports 1958 August 14-1958 September 29

Processing Information

BR 202
box 324

Board Reports 1958 October 2-1958 November 24

Processing Information

BR 203
box 325

Board Reports 1958 November 26-1959 January 12

Processing Information

BR 204
box 326

Board Reports 1959 January 15-1959 February 26

Processing Information

BR 205
box 327

Board Reports 1959 March 2-1959 April 13

Processing Information

BR 206
box 328

Board Reports 1959 April 16-1959 May 21

Processing Information

BR 207
box 329

Board Reports 1959 May 25-1959 June 29

Processing Information

BR 208

Scope and Contents

On June 18, 1959, Board Member Willett reported on the progress made by the County Committee on School District Organization towards unification of the Los Angeles City School District. Dr. Willett stated that the Committee is augmented by representatives of the Los Angeles City School District, the Los Angeles City High School District, the Topanga School District, the Las Virgenes School District, and the Palos Verdes School District.
box 330

Board Reports 1959 July 1-1959 August 6

Processing Information

BR 209
box 331

Board Reports 1959 August 10-1959 September 24

Processing Information

BR 210
box 332

Board Reports 1959 September 28-1959 November 12

Processing Information

BR 211

Scope and Contents

On October 15, 1959, Chairman Ralph Richardson announced at the Committee of the Whole meeting that Board President Willett phoned the following message from Sacramento: "The State Board of Education a few minutes ago unanimously approved the plan for the unification of the Los Angeles City School District, without discussion and without debate."
box 333

Board Reports 1959 November 16-1959 December 30

Processing Information

BR 212
box 334

Board Reports 1960 January 4-1960 February 10

Processing Information

1960 BR (1 of 10)
box 335

Board Reports 1960 February 11-1960 March 21

Processing Information

1960 BR (2 of 10)
box 336

Board Reports 1960 March 24-1960 April 28

Processing Information

1960 BR (3 of 10)
box 337

Board Reports 1960 May 2-1960 June 6

Processing Information

1960 BR (4 of 10)
box 338

Board Reports 1960 June 9-1960 July 14

Processing Information

1960 BR (5 of 10)
box 339

Board Reports 1960 July 18-1960 July 23

Processing Information

BR 1960 (6 of 10)
box 340

Board Reports 1960 August 1-1960 September 12

Processing Information

BR 1960 (7 of 10)
box 341

Board Reports 1960 September 15-1960 October 24

Processing Information

BR 1960 (8 of 10)
box 342

Board Reports 1960 October 27-1960 November 28

Processing Information

BR 1960 (9 of 10)
box 343

Board Reports 1960 December 1-1960 December 27

Processing Information

BR 1960 (10 of 10)
box 344

Board Reports 1961 January 3-1961 February 9

Processing Information

BR 213

Scope and Contents

On January 30, 1961, Superintendent Jarvis presented communication from the Los Angeles County Counsel regarding American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, et. al., v. Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles, California Supreme Court, No. LA25788. This communication concerns two recent California Supreme Court majority opinions holding unconstitutional the "Statement of Information" required by the State Legislature of all applicants for civic center permits.
box 345

Board Reports 1961 February 14-1961 March 27

Processing Information

BR 214

Scope and Content

On March 6, 1961, Mr. J.C. Chambers appeared before the Board and stated, "The California Supereme Court, in a decision which recently became final in the case of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California v. Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles, has held to be unconstitutional the Statement of Information for Civic Center applicants as now contained in Section 16565 of the California Education Code, which implements Section 16564."
box 346

Board Reports 1961 March 30-1961 May 11

Processing Information

BR 215

Scope and Contents

On April 6, 1961, the Board adopted the Resolution As To Civic Center Permits.
box 347

Board Reports 1961 May 15-1961 June 19

Processing Information

BR 216
box 348

Board Reports 1961 June 22-1961 July 27

Processing Information

BR 217

Scope and Contents

At the Annual Meeting on July 3, 1961, Dr. Ralph Richardson was elected Board President for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1961.
box 349

Board Reports 1961 July 31-1961 August 31

Processing Information

BR 218

Scope and Contents

On August 24, 1961, Board President Richardson shared a letter from Superintendent Jarvis requesting that he be released from his contract as Superintendent of Schools, as of January 1, 1962.
box 350

Board Reports 1961 September 5-1961 October 12

Processing Information

BR 219
box 351

Board Reports 1961 October 16-1961 November 30

Processing Information

BR 220
box 352

Board Reports 1961 December 4-1962 January 8

Processing Information

BR 221

Scope and Contents

On January 2, 1962, Jack P. Crowther signed his contract for the Superintendent position and made a statement of acceptance.
box 353

Board Reports 1962 January 11-1962 February 21

Processing Information

BR 222
box 354

Board Reports 1962 February 26-1962 April 2

Processing Information

BR 223
box 355

Board Reports 1962 April 5-1962 May 14

Processing Information

BR 224
box 356

Board Reports 1962 May 17-1962 June 21

Processing Information

BR 225

Scope and Contents

On June 7, 1962, members of the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California (ACLU), the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Los Angeles Branch and others addressed the Board on the subject of integration in the Los Angeles City Schools. Board member Hardy's motion for the President to appoint an ad hoc committee of Board members to consider the proposals presented by the ACLU and the NAACP was carried unanimously.
box 357

Board Reports 1962 June 25-1962 July 30

Processing Information

BR 226
box 358

Board Reports 1962 August 2-1962 September 17

Processing Information

BR 227

Scope and Contents

On September 13, 1962, Superintendent Crowther stated that on Tuesday at Baldwin Hills Elementary School, fifteen children with representatives from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) arrived at the school and asked for admission. The enrollment applications of all students were rejected by the Baldwin Hills School principal when it was determined that the parents had not followed the established procedures of first receiving a transfer permit from the parent school.
Crowther also reported that a similar procedure was followed at 9 a.m. this morning at Huntington Park High School when fourteen students attempted to enroll without first securing permits from parent schools. Following the Huntington Park High School incident, at 10 a.m., five students attempted to enroll at South Gate High School. Again, their applications were rejected and referred to the parent school.
On September 17, 1962, Superintendent Crowther read a statement from the NAACP expressing satisfaction that Board of Education is concerned with the problems of schools in which housing conditions create a pattern of segregation and that the school system is attempting to arrive at solutions equitable to all.
box 359

Board Reports 1962 September 20-1962 November 5

Processing Information

BR 228
box 360

Board Reports 1962 November 8-1962 December 27

Processing Information

BR 229
box 361

Board Reports 1963 January 3-1963 February 14

Processing Information

BR 230

Scope and Contents

On February 14, 1963, Board member Willett presented a resolution with regard to to the proposed discontinuance of the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps Program, a part of the Los Angeles City senior high schools since 1919. The resolution urging the United States Congress to direct the Department of Defense to re-allocate funding for the program was carried by 6 members of the Board of Education. President Mary Tinglof indicated that she voted against the resolution as she did not believe in the program.
box 362

Board Reports 1963 February 18-1963 March 28

Processing Information

BR 231
box 363

Board Reports 1963 April 1-1963 May 6

Processing Information

BR 232

Scope and Contents

On May 2, 1963, Board member Hardy, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee to study the question of Equal Educational Opportunities within the District, presented and read an Interim Report with four recommendations that she moved be held until the regular May 16, 1963 Board meeting at which time she would move its adoption.
box 364

Board Reports 1963 May 9-1963 June 13

Processing Information

BR 233

Scope and Contents

On May 20, 1963, the Board discussed the language of the Interim Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Equal Educational Opportunities in the District. The Board motion that the Superintendent be authorized to prepare rules and regulations for inclusion in the Administrative Guide, was carried unanimously. On June 6, 1963, Board member Richardson moved that the Board request the Superintendent to report whether contractors bidding on school construction are required by Board policies or applicable law to pledge an absence of racial discrimination in the contractors' employment practices. Dr. Richardson's motion was carried unanimously.
box 365

Board Reports 1963 June 17-1963 July 22

Processing Information

BR 234

Scope and Contents

During the July 11, 1963 3:30 p.m. meeting, Mrs. Hardy took the President's chair and on behalf of the Board presented to the outgoing President, Mrs. Mary Tinglof, a gavel hewn from the handrail of the stairs of the old Los Angeles High School.
During the July 11, 1963 regular meeting, Mr. Jose Montevideo Perez addressed the Board, "Petitioning propria persona under the Constitutional procedure for petitions of grievances and a redress of justice for the resignation of this Board of Education."
On July 22, 1963, Mrs. Marnesba T. Tackett, Chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - United Civil Rights Council, addressed the Board and presented a written statement concerning "Failure of the Los Angeles Board of Education to Take Affirmative Action to Alleviate De Facto Segregation in the Public Schools."
box 366

Board Reports 1963 July 25-1963 August 29

Processing Information

BR 235

Scope and Contents

On August 5, 1963, the Board received Summons and Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Injunction, Order to Show Cause, Plaintiffs' Memorandum of Points and Authorities on Order to Show Cause, Superior Court Action No. 822854, Mary Ellen Crawford, a Minor, by Ellen Crawford, her Guardian Ad Litem; et al, Plaintiffs, vs. Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles, Defendant, asking judgment requiring Board to correct racial imbalance at Jordan High School.
On August 8, 1963, Robert B. Young of the Citizen Resource Group working with the Board's Ad Hoc Committee, read a letter of concern regarding statements made by members of the Board of Education indicating that they still interpret Board policy as being against segregation but not for integration.
On August 8, 1963, speakers from the NAACP, the UCRC, Congress of Racial Equality, Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, and Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations addressed the Board on the subject of de facto segregation in District schools. Later, Board member Arthur Gardner read a statement of concession on faculty racial imbalance and de facto segregation within the schools and Board member Charles Reed Smoot read a statement which compared Board member Mary Tinglof's social policies and those of the NAACP and the ACLU as "vicious" and "totalitarian."
On August 12, 1963, Tinglof responded to Smoot, "This wave of indignation has been brought about by our own shortsightedness, whether in Birmingham or Los Angeles, and I shall ride that crest so long as some Americans continue to wear blinders on Justice for all."
On August 15, 1963, President Hardy presented Recommendations to the Board submitted by Dr. Francisco Bravo at the Mexican-American Education Conference held on August 9, 1963.
box 367

Board Reports 1963 September 5-1963 October 17

Processing Information

BR 236

Scope and Contents

On September 12, 1963, the Ad Hoc Committee on Equal Educational Opportunity submitted its report to the Board. Committee members included Chairman Georgiana Hardy, Arthur F. Gardner and Hugh C. Willett.
On September 16, 1963, Board member Smoot read a letter from Kenneth B. Fry, Chairman, Education Committee, Los Angeles Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) that asked for the resignation or dismissal of Associate Superintendent Robert E. Kelly based on his recent statements to the Los Angeles Times on September 7, 1963, "Preponderance of one race (at a school) is not harmful to school children."
Board member Smoot made a statement against Fry and CORE and made a motion of public support for the Associate Superintendent. President Hardy declared the motion carried with 6 ayes and one abstention from Board member Tinglof.
On October 3, 7, 10 and 17, 1963, the Board discussed the postponed motion to adopt the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Equal Educational Opportunity.
On October 14, 1963, Board member Chambers moved that the Board call on CORE to retract the following untrue statements contained in a bulletin circulated by CORE at many Los Angeles City Schools on October 10, 1963, "The Los Angeles Board of Education says 'Segregate'...For too long the Board has been herding vast numbers of Negroes and Mexicans into inadequate, overcrowded, segregated schools."
box 368

Board Reports 1963 October 21-1963 November 26

Processing Information

BR 237

Scope and Contents

On October 24, 1963, President Hardy presented and read a statement regarding the Congress Of Racial Equality (CORE) demonstrations over "racial issues" which included marches, sit-ins and study-ins in the Board of Education halls.
On October 31, 1963, the Board discussed the September 19, 1963 march to the Board organized by CORE, allegations against administrators who locked the gates and doors of Jordan High School to prevent students from leaving and the presence of police on or near this campus.
On November 18, 1963, a group of approximately forty representatives from the Los Angeles CORE began singing while President Hardy called for order without success. Hardy read Education Code Section 16701 regarding willful disturbance of a public school meeting as a misdemeanor while the group continued the "loud singing" until the meeting was adjourned due to the disturbance.
On November 21, 1963, Board member Richardson moved to seek an injunction against CORE and that the Superintendent be authorized to direct Security Officers to place participants of future disruptions of Board meetings under arrest. The motion was passed with 6 ayes and an abstention from Mrs. Tinglof.
box 369

Board Reports 1963 November 27-1963 December 30

Scope and Content

On December 23, 1963, a special meeting was held for additional motions and discussions concerning the Ad Hoc Committee Report.

Processing Information

BR 238
box 370

Board Reports 1964 January 2-1964 February 10

Processing Information

BR 239

Scope and Contents

On January 9, 1964, the Board received a copy of Resolution No. 4878 adopted by the City Council of the City of Huntington Park protesting the recent changes in school attendance area boundaries within the city of Huntington Park and requesting the Board re-establish its policy of permitting students who reside in Huntington Park to attend public schools located in Huntington Park.
box 371

Board Reports 1964 February 13-1964 March 16

Processing Information

BR 240
box 372

Board Reports 1964 March 19-1964 April 23

Processing Information

BR 241
box 373

Board Reports 1964 April 30-1964 June 1

Processing Information

BR 242

Scope and Contents

On May 14, 1964, President Hardy acknowledged the tenth anniversary of the May 17, 1954 decision of the United States Supreme Court in the historic case of Brown v. Board of Education and stated, "While the Los Angeles City School Districts have not imposed racial segregation on their students, the Brown case and the public actions and expressions which followed have stirred this Board and the community to undertake broad programs of action to eliminate discrimination wherever found, and to ensure that equality of educational opportunity is provided for all pupils in our schools, regardless of race or socio-economic conditions."
box 374

Board Reports 1964 June 4-1964 July 9

Processing Information

BR 243
box 375

Board Reports 1964 July 13-1964 August 13

Processing Information

BR 244
box 376

Board Reports 1964 August 17-1964 September 28

Processing Information

BR 245
box 377

Board Reports 1964 October 1-1964 November 12

Processing Information

BR 246

Scope and Content

The October 22, 1964 2:00 p.m. Minutes include an informative report to the Board from the Division of Secondary Education entitled The Adjustment Center School "Another Opportunity." Adjustment center high schools is a title designating those institutions enrolling students whose emotional, behavior, or concomitant learning problems are of such serious nature and complexity that regular schools are unable to adequately cope with them. The title adjustment center school was officially adopted as a result of Board action on April 24, 1961.
box 378

Board Reports 1964 November 16-1964 December 31

Processing Information

BR 247
box 379

Board Reports 1965 January 4-1965 February 4

Processing Information

1965 BR (1 of 10)
box 380

Board Reports 1965 February 8-1965 March 11

Processing Information

1965 BR (2 of 10)

Scope and Contents

On February 18, 1965, the Board amended its proposed Teacher Transfer Policy so that requests for transfers of permanent teachers be granted at the earliest possible date.
box 381

Board Reports 1965 March 15-1965 April 15

Processing Information

1965 BR (3 of 10)
box 382

Board Reports 1965 April 19-1965 May 20

Processing Information

1965 BR (4 of 10)
box 383

Board Reports 1965 May 24-1965 June 21

Processing Information

1965 BR (5 of 10)
box 384

Board Reports 1965 June 24-1965 July 22

Processing Information

1965 BR (6 of 10)
box 385

Board Reports 1965 July 26-1965 August 30

Processing Information

1965 BR (7 of 10)

Scope and Contents

On August 16, 1965, Superintendent Crowther reported that school buses continue to transport the National Guard to the southeast section of the School District and 18 schools are in use as centers of the National Guard. Crowther also reported that at a morning meeting with a member of Governor Brown's staff, it was determined that the Los Angeles City Schools will not be involved in the community feeding problem if the situation does not worsen. Additionally, Crowther stated that as an aftermath of this emergency the District is receiving requests for transfer from school personnel and as a result, a staffing problem may develop near the opening of school.
box 386

Board Reports 1965 September 2-1965 October 4

Processing Information

1965 BR (8 of 10)
box 387

Board Reports 1965 October 7-1965 November 10

Processing Information

1965 BR (9 of 10)
box 388

Board Reports 1965 November 15-1965 December 30

Processing Information

1965 BR (10 of 10)
box 389

Board Reports 1966 January 3-1966 February 7

Processing Information

BR 248
box 390

Board Reports 1966 February 10-1966 March 14

Processing Information

BR 249

Scope and Contents

On February 10, 1966, the Reverend Mr. James Hargett addressed the Board on the subject: "Does Separate Education Plus Compensation Equal Integrated Education?" Hargett expressed concern that there had not been serious debate about the school system's concern for integration and its relationship to the 1966 Bond Issue.
box 391

Board Reports 1966 March 17-1966 April 14

Processing Information

BR 250
box 392

Board Reports 1966 April 18-1966 May 16

Processing Information

BR 251

Scope and Contents

On May 5, 1966, the Reverend James E. Jones moved the adoption of a resolution to relieve overcrowding in disadvantaged areas by making use of schools with unused classroom facilities and allowing students intra-district transfers to schools with available classroom space under the Board's "Open School" plan. President Richardson declared the motion failed for lack of four affirmative votes.
box 393

Board Reports 1966 May 19-1966 June 13

Processing Information

BR 252

Scope and Contents

On May 26, 1966, Mrs. Hardy moved that the Reverend James E. Jones be directed to attend the White House conference "To Fulfill These Rights," on request of the President of the United States, to be held on June 1 through June 2, 1966 in Washington D.C.. The motion was carried unanimously.
box 394

Board Reports 1966 June 20-1966 July 11

Processing Information

BR 253
box 395

Board Reports 1966 July 14-1966 August 15

Processing Information

BR 254
box 396

Board Reports 1966 August 18-1966 September 26

Processing Information

BR 255

Scope and Contents

On September 15, 1966, the Honorable Augustus F. Hawkins, Member of Congress, addressed the Board concerning the development and implementation of the Compensatory Education Program in the Los Angeles City Schools. Hawkins stated that he believed there was de facto segregation in the Los Angeles City Schools, that the Board was not complying with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and urged the Board to take action to correct this situation.
box 397

Board Reports 1966 September 29-1966 November 7

Processing Information

BR 256
box 398

Board Reports 1966 November 10-1966 December 12

Processing Information

BR 257
box 399

Board Reports 1966 December 15-1966 December 29

Processing Information

BR 258
box 400

Board Reports 1967 January 3-1967 January 30

Processing Information

BR 259
box 401

Board Reports 1967 February 2-1967 March 2

Processing Information

BR 260
box 402

Board Reports 1967 March 6-1967 April 3

Processing Information

BR 261
box 403

Board Reports 1967 April 6-1967 May 1

Processing Information

BR 262
box 404

Board Reports 1967 May 4-1967 May 22

Processing Information

BR 263
box 405

Board Reports 1967 May 25-1967 June 19

Processing Information

BR 264
box 406

Board Reports 1967 June 22-1967 July 13

Processing Information

BR 265

Scope and Contents

On July 3, 1967, the City Clerk of Los Angeles certified the re-election of J.C. Chambers, Georgiana Hardy, Arthur F. Gardner and the election of Julian Nava as members of the Board of Education. Georgiana Hardy was elected President for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1967. On July 6, 1967, the Reverend Mr. Jones moved that the Board set as its goal a policy of complete desegregation and work toward this goal at all levels and divisions of the system, and further that the staff be directed to devise and execute such plans as rapidly as possible. The President declared the motion carried.
box 407

Board Reports 1967 July 17-1967 August 14

Processing Information

BR 266
box 408

Board Reports 1967 August 17-1967 September 18

Processing Information

BR 267
box 409

Board Reports 1967 September 21-1967 October 19

Processing Information

BR 268
box 410

Board Reports 1967 October 23-1967 November 13

Processing Information

BR 269

Scope and Contents

On October 23, 1967, the Board approved a statement concerning a situation at Manual Arts High School. Dr. Richardson presented the statement that the Board is seeking court action to establish and maintain order at Manual Arts High School, that Principal Robert Denahy remain at Manual Arts at least until the end of the semester, that the faculty return to duty on Tuesday morning, and that the Board pledges to provide all possible funds and staff necessary to achieve improved education at Manual Arts High School.
box 411

Board Reports 1967 November 16-1967 December 11

Processing Information

BR 270
box 412

Board Reports 1967 December 14-1967 December 28

Processing Information

BR 271

Scope and Contents

On December 21, 1967, the Reverend Mr. Jones read a prepared statement about segregation, disparities in education as a result of racial isolation and presented a statement of policy intent to eliminate de facto segregation in the Los Angeles School System. The Reverend Mr. Jones moved that the Board reaffirm Directive No. 1 of the Ad Hoc Committee Report of 1963. Said motion was seconded by Dr. Nava and carried following discussion.
box 413

Board Reports 1968 January 2-1968 January 25

Processing Information

BR 272
box 414

Board Reports 1968 January 29-1968 February 21

Processing Information

BR 273
box 415

Board Reports 1968 February 26-1968 March 21

Processing Information

BR 274

Scope and Contents

On February 26, 1968, Superintendent Crowther presented a twenty page statement entitled: "First Informative Progress Report On District Integration Policy To The Los Angeles City Board of Education." President Hardy stated that there would be no action taken to implement the Superintendent's report until after the Board had time to study it in depth.
On March 7, 1968, Mr. Thomas Reddin, Chief of Police, Los Angeles Police Department addressed the Board and discussed student walk outs and school disturbances at various Los Angeles City Schools. Dr. Nava presented a request from student representatives of various high schools that members of the Board meet with them at Abraham Lincoln High School at 10 a.m. on March 8, 1968 to discuss student problems.
During the March 11, 1968 Special Meeting at 3:00 p.m., students and faculty including Sal Castro, from eight high schools including Garfield, Lincoln, Wilson, Belmont, Roosevelt, Jefferson, Hamilton and Marshall addressed the Board concerning student unrest.
box 416

Board Reports 1968 March 25-1968 April 15

Processing Information

BR 275

Scope and Contents

During a Special Meeting on March 26, 1968 at 4:00 p.m., in the auditorium of Abraham Lincoln High School, Mr. Sal Castro, Adviser of the Blow-out Committee introduced Blow-out representatives from Garfield, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Wilson High Schools and Chairman Mr. Vahac Mardirosian of the Educational Issues Coordinating Committee to give presentations and open discussion with the Board regarding the East Los Angeles student walkouts.
These Meeting Minutes also contain a document from Superintendent Crowther entitled "Staff Response to Demands and Requests Presented in Connection With Student Walkouts."
box 417

Board Reports 1968 April 18-1968 May 9

Processing Information

BR 276
box 418

Board Reports 1968 May 13-1968 June 6

Processing Information

BR 277
box 419

Board Reports 1968 June 10-1968 June 27

Processing Information

BR 278
box 420

Board Reports 1968 July 1-1968 July 29

Processing Information

BR 279

Scope and Contents

On July 1, 1968, newly elected Board President James E. Jones referred to this Board's custom of opening the first meeting of each month with a prayer of invocation and introduced the Reverend Ray Pedrotti, First United Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, who delivered the prayer of invocation.
On July 18, 1968, the Reverend Vahac Mardirosian, Chairman, Educational Issues Coordinating Committee, addressed the Board expressing concern for the large dropout rate among Mexican American high school students and stating that the high schools are not adequately preparing students to enter college. Following discussion, Dr. Richardson's motion that the Chairman of the Committee on Urban Affairs convene a meeting of this committee to meet with Reverend Mardirosian was carried unanimously.
box 421

Board Reports 1968 August 1-1968 August 26

Processing Information

BR 280

Scope and Content

On August 26, 1968, Mr. Frederick J. Dumas, representing the Council of Black Administrators (COBA), addressed the Board and announced the organization of the Council concerned with the resolution of educational problems of the Black community. Mr. Dumas offered the Council's services of to the Board and presented its statement of purpose and objectives.
box 422

Board Reports 1968 August 29-1968 September 19

Processing Information

BR 281

Scope and Contents

On August 29, 1968, representatives from the Mexican-American Political Association, the Educational Issues Coordinating Committee and the American Federation of Teachers, Local 1021 addressed the Board and urged that Mr. Sal Castro be reassigned as a classroom teacher at Abraham Lincoln High School. On September 12, 1968, President Jones announced that the Board considered the Sal Castro matter and after long conferences with the Superintendent and staff, has agreed to sustain the action of the administration and stated that Mr. Castro will not be returned to the classroom.
box 423

Board Reports 1968 September 23-1968 October 14

Processing Information

BR 282

Scope and Contents

On September 30, 1968, Dr. Richardson made reference to the current sit-in at the Board of Education Administrative Offices being conducted by community members in connection with the reassignment of teacher Sal Castro. The Board discussed President Jones' recommendation of bringing together a group of Board members, teachers, people in the community and experts in human relations that would have dialogue and conciliatory responsibilities. On October 3, 1968, the Board carried the motion to return Mr. Sal Castro to a classroom assignment at Abraham Lincoln High School immediately. On October 14, 1968, Board member Chambers read a statement regarding questions concerning Sal Castro and the amendment of Board Rules.
box 424

Board Reports 1968 October 17-1968 November 12

Processing Information

BR 283

Scope and Contents

On October 31, 1968, Mr. Jesus Trevino read a statement prepared by his mother, Mrs. Evangeline Farley, who had requested an opportunity to address the Board concerning an incident at a high school in East Los Angeles. Mrs. Farley's statement alleged that her daughter had been offered assistance in finding a job and thus encouraged to drop out of school. On November 4, 1968, Dr. Robert J. Purdy, Associate Superintendent, Division of Elementary Education, responded to speakers to clarify the development of plans to implement the voluntary busing program.
box 425

Board Reports 1968 November 14-1968 December 5

Processing Information

BR 284
box 426

Board Reports 1968 December 9-1968 December 16

Processing Information

BR 285

Scope and Contents

On December 16, 1968, Acting Superintendent Sullivan commented on his visit to John C. Fremont High School today and his observance of students, staff and community working in large and small groups to attack the school's problems. Following Sullivan's report, members of the Fremont High School Student Body, the Fremont Black Student Union, Parents of Students at Fremont and the Fremont Faculty Association addressed the Board concerning problems at the school and presented requests for curriculum changes and for an opportunity for members of the community, faculty, and student body to select a principal for this school.
box 427

Board Reports 1968 December 19-1968 December 30

Processing Information

BR 285-A

Scope and Contents

On December 19, 1968, the Honorable Bill Greene, Assemblyman, Fifty-third District, addressed the Board concerning the situation at John C. Fremont High School and requested that the Board consider holding a meeting in the Fremont community to afford an opportunity for parents, students, faculty and others to discuss possible solutions. Mr. Greene noted that his office has taken official actions requesting that the State Board of Education consider an investigation into the District and that similar requests have been directed to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the United States Civil Rights Commission.
On December 23, 1968, Mrs. Julia Sherman of Women for Legislative Action, addressed the Board concerning the needs of minority students, requesting that police not be allowed on school campuses and urging that students suspended from Alexander Hamilton High School be reinstated.
box 428

Board Reports 1969 January 2-1969 January 20

Processing Information

BR 286
box 429

Board Reports 1969 January 23-1969 February 10

Processing Information

BR 287
box 430

Board Reports 1969 February 13-1969 March 3

Processing Information

BR 288

Scope and Contents

On March 3, 1969 at 3:00 p.m., the Board met in executive session to discuss Superintendent Crowther's February 27, 1969 memorandum to the Board on the subject: Crawford vs. Board of Education -- Rules 2010 and 2011 of Title 5 of the State Administrative Code. A copy of this memo is attached to these minutes and contains the Superintendent's recommendations for consideration by the Board.
box 431

Board Reports 1969 March 6-1969 March 24

Processing Information

BR 289

Scope and Contents

On March 17, 1969, Superintendent Crowther read a memorandum addressed to the Boad concerning the conditions in South Central area schools. Superintendent Crowther reported that attendance throughout the area is less than 10 percent below normal for a typical Monday morning, approximately 50 percent of the students at Jefferson High School are back in school, nearly one-third of the students at Carver Junior High School have returned to classes today and clearly, the proposed boycott of schools has failed.
box 432

Board Reports 1969 March 27-1969 April 10

Processing Information

BR 290
box 433

Board Reports 1969 April 17-1969 May 1

Processing Information

BR 291

Scope and Contents

On April 24, 1969, the Board carried Dr. Richardson's motion that the Board request the Mexican-American Education Commission to make positive recommendations concerning joint efforts by which the Board and the Commission can encourage cooperation with groups and organizations which seek to achieve desirable educational change through orderly methods that lessen the disruptions of normal school operation.
box 434

Board Reports 1969 May 5-1969 May 19

Processing Information

BR 292
box 435

Board Reports 1969 May 22-1969 June 5

Processing Information

BR 293
box 436

Board Reports 1969 June 9-1969 June 19

Processing Information

BR 294
box 437

Board Reports 1969 June 23-1969 June 30

Processing Information

BR 295
box 438

Board Reports 1969 July 1-1969 July 29

Processing Information

BR 296

Scope and Content

On July 14, 1969 at 2:30 p.m., President Gardner announced this special joint meeting of the Board and the Mexican American Education Commission for the purpose of discussing needs of the schools, particularly in the East Los Angeles area and noted that the meeting will result in a series of progress reports from the Commission.
box 439

Board Reports 1969 July 31-1969 August 25

Processing Information

BR 297

Scope and Contents

On August 7, 1969, the Board carried Dr. Docter's motion for the establishment of a staff committee appointed by the Superintendent to explore the ramifications for the District if the State were to require racially balanced schools as defined in Rules 2010-2011 of Title 5 of the State Administrative Code.
box 440

Board Reports 1969 August 28-1969 September 22

Processing Information

BR 298

Scope and Contents

On August 28, 1969 at 2:00 p.m., the Board discussed the July 1969 report of the Los Angeles City Charter Commission with members of the City Charter Commission. Dr. Henry Reining, Jr., Chairman of the Los Angeles City Charter Commission stated the need for increasing the membership of the Board of Education from 7 to 11 members and electing the members by districts rather than at large. Dr. Reining added that the Charter Commission also believes Board members should serve on a full time basis with a salary adequate to permit them to serve full time.
box 441

Board Reports 1969 September 25-1969 October 20

Processing Information

BR 299

Scope and Contents

On October 9, 1969 at 2:00 p.m., the Board held a special meeting with the representatives of the Los Angeles Association of Secondary School Administrators (LAASSA) to discuss "student rights." Dr. Frank B. Snyder, Executive Secretary, LAASSA, requested guidance from the Board in four specific areas: free speech, free press, dress standards and the right to publish an underground newspaper on school campuses.
On October 13, 1969, Dr. Nava reported on his visit earlier in the day to Thomas Jefferson High School in connection with student unrest at that school. Dr. Nava expressed the opinion that the presence of police officers on campus had contributed to the unrest. Nava suggested the Board may want to meet with the Chief of Police to discuss present practices and future guidelines for the dispatch of officers to campuses. Additionally, Nava noted a request that the Board meet with students at this school, that teachers indicated that they have not received supplies for this year and that the trees and shrubs are dying for lack of water.
box 442

Board Reports 1969 October 23-1969 November 17

Processing Information

BR 300

Scope and Contents

On October 23, 1969 at 10:00 a.m., the Board held a special meeting with Senate and Assembly members of the California Legislature Joint Committee on Reorganization of Large Urban Unified School Districts for the purpose of discussing the District's organization and possible reorganization if it will bring about a higher quality of education, a more effective utilization of resources and a greater degree of representation of the people whom the District serves.
box 443

Board Reports 1969 November 20-1969 December 11

Scope and Content

On November 20, 1969 at 10:00 a.m., the Board held a special meeting with Chief of Police Edward M. Davis, Los Angeles Police Department, to discuss problems facing both the Police Department and the School District.

Processing Information

BR 301
box 444

Board Reports 1969 December 15-1969 December 29

Processing Information

BR 302
box 445

Board Reports 1970 January 5-1970 January 26

Processing Information

BR 303

Scope and Contents

On January 15, 1970, Dr. Hardy referenced the forthcoming retirement of Superintendent Crowther on January 16, 1970 and recalled the Board announcement of its selection of Dr. Robert E. Kelly, Deputy Superintendent, Business and Educational Services, to serve as Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District for an interim period commencing January 17, 1970 and ending June 30, 1970.
box 446

Board Reports 1970 January 29-1970 February 24

Processing Information

BR 304

Scope and Contents

On February 16, 1970, Superintendent Kelly noted that members of the Board have been provided with a copy of the opinion of the Court issued February 11, 1970, in connection with Los Angeles Superior Court No. 822 854, Crawford v. Board of Education. Superintendent Kelly then stated, "The nature of the proposed judgement has such a wide impact, both from the standpoint of responsibility of school districts to the elimination of de facto segregation and to the issue of feasibility of complying with the proposed order, that appeal of the decision in my opinion is necessary." The Board carried Mr. Ferraro's motion that the Superintendent and Legal Counsel be authorized to file the necessary appeal of the decision in connection with Crawford v. Board of Education.
box 447

Board Reports 1970 February 26-1970 March 19

Processing Information

BR 305
box 448

Board Reports 1970 March 23-1970 April 16

Processing Information

BR 306

Scope and Contents

On April 16, 1970, the Board discussed the current teachers' strike and back-to-work negotiations with United Teachers - Los Angeles for the purpose of resolving the strike action.
box 449

Board Reports 1970 April 20-1970 May 10

Processing Information

BR 307

Scope and Contents

On April 20, 1970, Superintendent Kelly made a statement about the back-to-work negotiations with the Los Angeles Unified District Negotiating Council for the purpose of resolving the teachers' strike action and noted that throughout the District, about fifty percent of the staff is absent. Following discussion, Dr. Hardy's motion that the Superintendent be directed to explore the possibility of inviting the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to assist this School District in the resolution of its problems was carried unanimously.
box 450

Board Reports 1970 May 11-1970 May 28

Processing Information

BR 308
box 451

Board Reports 1970 June 3-1970 June 18

Processing Information

BR 309
box 452

Board Reports 1970 June 22-1970 July 13

Processing Information

BR 310

Scope and Contents

On June 29, 1970, Dr. Hardy's motion, "That, in accordance with Board Rule 171, Board Rule 3161 be suspended for the submission of all certificated personnel assignments related to demotions and terminations caused by the reduction in force, the reorganization of the District, and revised credential requirements, and that such assignments be submitted for Board action in summary form in employee number order," was carried unanimously. At the 9:00 a.m. annual meeting, Dr. Julian Nava was elected President for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1970.
box 453

Board Reports 1970 July 16-1970 August 17

Processing Information

BR 311
box 454

Board Reports 1970 August 20-1970 September 21

Processing Information

BR 312
box 455

Board Reports 1970 September 24-1970 October 19

Processing Information

BR 313
box 456

Board Reports 1970 October 22-1970 November 23

Processing Information

BR 314
box 457

Board Reports 1970 November 30-1970 December 28

Processing Information

BR 315

Scope and Contents

At a special meeting on December 3, 1970, the Board selected Dr. William J. Johnston as Superintendent and offered him a contract extending from January 11, 1971 through January 10, 1975.
box 458

Board Reports 1971 January 4-1971 January 28

Processing Information

BR 316

Scope and Content

On January 14, 1971, the Board held a special meeting at 11:00 a.m. for presentations on decentralization. On January 25, 1975, the Board held a special meeting at 2:00 p.m. for alternative decentralization proposals.
box 459

Board Reports 1971 February 1-1971 February 22

Processing Information

BR 317

Scope and Contents

During the February 22, 1971 special meeting, Superintendent Johnston distributed "Educational Renewal: A Proposed Decentralization Plan for the Los Angeles Unified School District" and made a statement on the District's decentralization progress.
box 460

Board Reports 1971 February 25-1971 March 15

Processing Information

BR 318

Scope and Contents

The February 25, 1971 Minutes contain the first volume summary of "Educational Renewal: A Decentralization Proposal for the Los Angeles Unified School District" prepared by the Decentralization Task Force on February 22, 1971.
box 461

Board Reports 1971 March 18-1971 April 8

Processing Information

BR 319

Scope and Content

On March 22, 1971, following considerable discussion of area organizations, Dr. Hardy's motion that her proposed area organization in the document she presented today was approved. A copy of Georgiana Hardy's area organization is attached to these Minutes.
box 462

Board Reports 1971 April 12-1971 May 3

Processing Information

BR 320
box 463

Board Reports 1971 May 6-1971 May 27

Processing Information

BR 321
box 464

Board Reports 1971 June 3-1971 June 21

Processing Information

BR 322
box 465

Board Reports 1971 June 24-1971 July 15

Processing Information

BR 323

Scope and Contents

On June 28, 1971, the Board discussed Ad Hoc Decentralization Committee Communication No. 20 with a focus on community participation and a review of community involvement and advisory groups.
box 466

Board Reports 1971 July 19-1971 August 12

Processing Information

BR 324

Scope and Contents

The August 9, 1971 Minutes contain the Board's "Affirmative Written Argument" for Proposition A, the School Earthquake Safety Bond Election.
box 467

Board Reports 1971 August 16-1971 September 7

Processing Information

BR 325
box 468

Board Reports 1971 September 13-1971 October 7

Processing Information

BR 326

Scope and Contents

On October 7, 1971, the Board held a special meeting for the purpose of receiving a report prepared by the Los Angeles High School-Community Advisory Planning Committee on the planning of a "superior school" and invited Superintendent Johnson to introduce the presentation.
box 469

Board Reports 1971 October 11-1971 November 4

Processing Information

BR 327

Scope and Contents

On October 11, 1971, the Board approved Dr. Hardy's resolution in support of the State Board action requiring compliance to State Code 9305 which requires "correct portrayal of the role and contributions of minorities" in state-adopted textbooks.
box 470

Board Reports 1971 November 8-1971 December 9

Processing Information

BR 328

Scope and Contents

On December 9, 1971, Superintendent Johnston made a statement regarding the death today of Dr. Ralph Johnson Bunche who although born in Detroit, belonged to Los Angeles where he attended John Adams Junior High School, graduated with honors from Thomas Jefferson High School and graduated summa cum laude from the University of California at Los Angeles where he majored in international relations.
box 471

Board Reports 1971 December 13-1972 January 10

Processing Information

BR 329

Scope and Contents

On December 13, 1971, Dr. Docter's motion concerning a plan to vacate all buildings which do not comply with Field Act standards was carried after dissention about the motion's viewpoint that school integration and racial balance are of paramount importance.
box 472

Board Reports 1972 January 13-1972 February 10

Processing Information

BR 330

Scope and Contents

On January 27, 1972, the Board discussed the Superintendent's recommendations regarding amendment to Board Rule 2268, Corporal Punishment, and a proposed new Board Rule 1269, Control of Pupil Behavior. Mr. Bardos' motion that the matter be referred to the Superintendent for a report back to the Board was carried unanimously.
box 473

Board Reports 1972 February 17-1972 March 9

Processing Information

BR 331

Scope and Contents

On February 17, 1972, Mr. Chambers' motion that the Board officially dissolve the Black, Asian American and Mexican American Education Commissions was lost for lack of four affirmative votes.
box 474

Board Reports 1972 March 13-1972 April 10

Processing Information

BR 332
box 475

Board Reports 1972 April 13-1972 May 4

Processing Information

BR 333

Scope and Contents

On April 20, 1972, Mr. William S. Lambert, Executive Director, United Teachers - Los Angeles, addressed the Board concerning the Sacramento Act Now On Education (SANE) program and presented a petition demanding that the political leadership of California introduce and support emergency legislation to make further budget cuts in the Los Angeles Unified School District unnecessary and that said legislation provide funds necessary to restore the programs and prestige lost by the School District during the past decade.
box 476

Board Reports 1972 May 8-1972 June 1

Processing Information

BR 334

Scope and Contents

On June 1, 1972, the Board carried a motion to send a letter today to California Governor Ronald Reagan concerning funds allocated to this School District for program improvement under provisions of Senate Bill 1053.
box 477

Board Reports 1972 June 5-1972 June 19

Processing Information

BR 335
box 478

Board Reports 1972 June 22-1972 July 17

Processing Information

BR 336

Scope and Content

On July 10, 1972, Superintendent Johnston commented on the success of OPERATION TRIPLE S, State Support for Schools--NOW!
On July 13, 1972 at 2:00 p.m., the Board met to receive the Controller's report on the District's overall Information Processing Plan for the creation of a Management Information System.
box 479

Board Reports 1972 July 20-1972 August 21

Processing Information

BR 337

Scope and Contents

On August 21, 1972, Dr. Hardy noted the receipt of a letter from Assemblyman Floyd L. Wakefield, Fifty-second District, requesting the Board's position on the Assignment of Students to Schools Initiative which will appear on the November 1972 ballot.
box 480

Board Reports 1972 August 24-1972 September 18

Processing Information

BR 338

Scope and Contents

On September 14, 1972, the Board discussed the legal effect that the adoption of Proposition 21 would have on the appeal in the Crawford v. Board of Education case. Following discussion, the Board carried Dr. Hardy's motion to take a position in opposition to Proposition 21, the so-called Wakefield Anti-busing initiative.
box 481

Board Reports 1972 September 21-1972 October 19

Processing Information

BR 339

Scope and Contents

On October 9, 1972, Superintendent Johnston made a statement about school violence and and mentioned today's tragic shooting of students at Jefferson High School and Locke High School as cases in point. Johnston added that in three and one-half weeks of this semester, 40 substantiated incidents involving the use or possession of guns on school premises have already been reported. On October 12, 1972, the Board passed a resolution for District policy on the immediate suspension and initiation of expulsion procedures for students in possession of deadly weapons.
box 482

Board Reports 1972 October 26-1972 November 20

Processing Information

BR 340

Scope and Contents

On November 9, 1972, Superintendent Johnston made a special presentation to express his pleasure at the election outcomes for Propositions 5, 9 and 14. On November 13, 1972, Superintendent Johnston mentioned the five young victims of a shooting at Jefferson High School last Friday and outlined steps for the maintenance of school safety.
box 483

Board Reports 1972 November 27-1972 December 29

Processing Information

BR 341

Scope and Contents

On December 11, 1972, the Board carried Dr. Hardy's noticed motion for the purpose of Board Rule 3785 that the Board of Education designate Opportunity Schools as Inner-City Schools. On December 14, 1972 at 2:00 p.m., the Board held a meeting for the purpose of reexamining the concept of a year-round school.
box 484

Board Reports 1973 January 4-1973 February 1

Processing Information

BR 342

Scope and Contents

On February 1, 1973, the Board adopted the "Revision of Graduation Requirements and Curricula for Junior and Senior High Schools." The Educational Development Committee Report No. 1 contains extensive documentation of these changes.
box 485

Board Reports 1973 February 5-1973 March 5

Processing Information

BR 343
box 486

Board Reports 1973 March 8-1973 April 2

Processing Information

BR 344
box 487

Board Reports 1973 April 5-1973 April 30

Processing Information

BR 345

Scope and Contents

On April 9, 1973, the Board adopted a resolution to go on record in opposition to Senate Bill 400 calling for collective bargaining for teachers.
box 488

Board Reports 1973 May 3-1973 May 31

Processing Information

BR 346

Scope and Contents

On May 10, 1973, Sugar Ray Robinson addressed the Board concerning the Sugar Ray Robinson Foundation and its objective to reduce juvenile delinquency by providing worthwhile leisure activities and supervised recreation programs.
box 489

Board Reports 1973 June 4-1973 June 25

Processing Information

BR 347

Scope and Contents

On June 21, 1973, the Board heard a presentation on the history of Los Angeles High School and the Board adopted a resolution proclaiming 1973 as Los Angeles High School Centennial Year.
box 490

Board Reports 1973 June 28-1973 July 19

Processing Information

BR 348
box 491

Board Reports 1973 July 23-1973 August 20

Processing Information

BR 349
box 492

Board Reports 1973 August 23-1973 September 17

Processing Information

BR 350
box 493

Board Reports 1973 September 20-1973 October 18

Processing Information

BR 351

Scope and Contents

On September 24, 1973, Acting Superintendent Taylor made a statement rejecting the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California's allegation that this District operates under the assumption that "blacks are an innately inferior race." Following discussion, the Board adopted Dr. Nava's resolution that the Los Angeles Unified School District is dedicated to equal education for all students and that the Board of Education believes that all mankind is created equal.
box 494

Board Reports 1973 October 25-1973 November 19

Processing Information

BR 352

Scope and Contents

On November 12, 1973, the Board adopted a resolution of sympathy to family, colleagues and friends of the recently murdered Marcus Foster, Superintendent of the Oakland Unified School District.
box 495

Board Reports 1973 November 26-1973 December 17

Processing Information

BR 353

Scope and Contents

On November 26, 1973, the Reverend Claude Evans, representing Community Coalition Committee, addressed the Board concerning a public meeting regarding crime and violence in the schools and city to be held January 13, 1974 at the Los Angeles Coliseum. Evans requested all Board members attend this meeting and that the Superintendent make a presentation.
box 496

Board Reports 1973 December 20-1974 January 21

Processing Information

BR 354

Scope and Contents

On January 7, 1974, Superintendent Johnston called attention to the Los Angeles City Council action taken today to appropriate $700,000 so that the Board of Education may continue the Model Cities education programs until July 1, 1974.
box 497

Board Reports 1974 January 24-1974 February 14

Processing Information

BR 355

Scope and Contents

On February 11, 1974, President Robert Unruhe, United Teachers Los Angeles, Executive Director Ramona Ripston, American Civil Liberties Union, President Raoul Teilhet, California Federation of Teachers and Los Angeles City Councilman David Cunningham, Tenth District, addressed the Board concerning integration and the Gitelson decision in the Crawford v. Board of Education case.
On February 14, 1974, Board members discussed the Gitelson decision and Dr. Nava's motion to reconsider the Board's decision to appeal the Gitelson decision in Crawford vs. Board of Education was lost.
box 498

Board Reports 1974 February 21-1974 March 14

Processing Information

BR 356

Scope and Contents

On February 21, 1974, President Bardos distributed a February 20, 1974 letter which he sent to Los Angeles Mayor Thomas Bradley concerning the Board's recommendation to form an integration ad-hoc committee comprised of members of the Board appointed by the President and representatives appointed by the Mayor.
box 499

Board Reports 1974 March 18-1974 April 11

Processing Information

BR 357

Scope and Contents

On March 25, 1974, the Board held a special meeting with students, staff, parents, representatives from Mayor Bradley's office and law enforcement members of the Juvenile Justice Committee for the purpose of holding a conference on community and school violence.
box 500

Board Reports 1974 April 15-1974 May 6

Processing Information

BR 358

Scope and Contents

On April 22, 1974, the Board adopted new Board Rule 1275 pertaining to school newspapers as vehicles for instruction and means of communication after discussion and various amendments.
box 501

Board Reports 1974 May 9-1974 June 3

Processing Information

BR 359

Scope and Contents

On May 9, 1974, Mr. Ferraro moved that the Board go on record in opposition to the Rodda Bill, S.B. 1857, in that it proposes repeal of the Winton Act and that the Board communicate its position to members of the Legislature and the Governor.
box 502

Board Reports 1974 June 6-1974 June 27

Processing Information

BR 360

Scope and Content

On June 27, 1974, the Board adopted Dr. Docter's motion that the Board reaffirm its commitment to the establishment of balanced teaching and administrative staffs and that the District accomplish this objective by July 1, 1976 in all of its schools.
box 503

Board Reports 1974 July 1-1974 July 25

Processing Information

BR 361
box 504

Board Reports 1974 July 29-1974 August 22

Processing Information

BR 362

Scope and Contents

On August 8, 1974, President Newman announced that, in view of the momentous announcement from the President of the United States to be broadcast at 6:00 p.m., the Board meeting will adjourn at 5:15 p.m.
box 505

Board Reports 1974 August 26-1974 September 26

Processing Information

BR 363

Scope and Contents

On September 10, 1974, Mr. Ferraro's motion that the Board establish a one year minimum expulsion of any student who has assaulted with bodily harm, any school employee in any school-related incident was lost for lack of four affirmative votes.
box 506

Board Reports 1974 September 30-1974 October 28

Processing Information

BR 364

Scope and Contents

On October 3, 1974, the Board approved a telegram to send to the California State Governor urging a special session of the California Legislature to enact Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley's proposed legislation to end the eight-week-old transportation strike in Los Angeles.
box 507

Board Reports 1974 October 31-1974 November 25

Processing Information

BR 365

Scope and Contents

The November 21, 1974 Minutes contain a copy of correspondence from the Los Angeles League of Women Voters expressing interest in the progress of the Staff Integration Unit and hope that the District staff will promptly bring an Affirmative Action policy to the Board for adoption.
box 508

Board Reports 1974 December 2-1974 December 30

Processing Information

BR 366

Scope and Contents

On December 30, 1974, the Board held a special meeting for the purpose of receiving information and discussion with representatives of the police, judiciary, juvenile agencies, the City-Wide Student Affairs Council and key District staff regarding the problems with narcotics use and sales on school campuses. Superintendent Johnston provided background information concerning a recent undercover police operation conducted for the purpose of apprehending those selling drugs on campuses.
box 509

Board Reports 1975 January 6-1975 January 27

Processing Information

BR 367

Scope and Contents

On January 13, 1975, the Board unanimously carried Dr. Docter's motion that the Board support the introduction of legislation to permit school districts to be designated as prime sponsors of programs conducted under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.
box 510

Board Reports 1975 January 30-1975 February 20

Processing Information

BR 368

Scope and Contents

On February 18, 1975, the Board went on record in opposition to Senate Bill 275 in its present form calling for collective bargaining and resolved to convey this position to both Houses of the State Legislature and to the Governor.
box 511

Board Reports 1975 February 24-1975 March 13

Processing Information

BR 369

Scope and Contents

On February 27, 1975 at 2:00 p.m., the Board held a meeting for the purpose of receiving the Bilingual Task Force Progress Report and understanding the efforts of the District in meeting the needs of pupils of diverse languages and cultural backgrounds.
box 512

Board Reports 1975 March 17-1975 April 7

Processing Information

BR 370

Scope and Contents

On March 17, 1975, members of the Coalition for Excellent Schools Through Integration and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People addressed the Board concerning integration and the significance of the decision rendered by the Court of Appeal in Crawford v. Board of Education. On April 3, 1975, Mr. Ed Griffith, Chairman of the City-Wide Student Affairs Council, urged the Board to reaffirm its commitment to equal education for all students regardless of racial-genetic origins.
box 513

Board Reports 1975 April 10-1975 April 28

Processing Information

BR 371

Scope and Contents

On April 24, 1975, there was no second to Mr. Ferraro's motion concerning perversion as destructive to society in his resolution that the Board oppose Assembly Bill 489.
box 514

Board Reports 1975 May 1-1975 May 22

Processing Information

BR 372

Scope and Contents

On May 12, 1975, the Board endorsed Assemblyman Julian Dixon's AB 1428 as a legislative proposal to deal with juvenile violence and justice.
box 515

Board Reports 1975 May 29-1975 June 16

Processing Information

BR 373

Scope and Contents

On June 9, 1979, due to budgetary restraints and a reduction of instructional periods from 6 to 5, the Board carried Dr. Docter's motion to reduce graduation requirements for the senior high program from 160 required units of enrollment to 150 required units. Later that meeting, there was no second for Mr. Ferraro's motion to discontinue the Board's policy of providing "sergeant-at-arms-driven" automobiles for members of the Board.
box 516

Board Reports 1975 June 19-1975 July 7

Processing Information

BR 374

Scope and Contents

On June 19, 1975, community members presented the Board with "A Bill of Rights for American Indian Education" and requested the establishment of an Indian Education Commission. Dr. Georgiana Hardy's last day in office was June 30, 1975. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley attended the July 1, 1975 annual meeting during which the City Clerk certified the election of the following Board members: Kathleen Brown Rice, Julian Nava, Diane Edith Watson and Phillip G. Bardos.
box 517

Board Reports 1975 July 10-1975 July 28

Processing Information

BR 375

Scope and Contents

On July 10, 1975, the Board unanimously carried Mrs. Rice's motion for the establishment of a Citizen's Management Review Committee for the general review of District operations. On July 14, 1975, the Board carried Mrs. Rice's motion that the Board support the concept of collective bargaining for public school employees as long as it did not grant the right to strike and so long as it did not require compulsory arbitration of interest disputes.
box 518

Board Reports 1975 July 31-1975 August 25

Processing Information

BR 376

Scope and Contents

On August 4, 1975, the Board unanimously carried Miss Watson's motion that the Board go on record endorsing Senate Bill 637 which would require all public schools and educational institutions to observe January 15, the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with exercises commemorating civil rights history and particularly the role of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..
box 519

Board Reports 1975 August 28-1975 September 15

Processing Information

BR 377

Scope and Contents

On September 4, 1975, President Docter requested that Superintendent Johnston make arrangements for an appearance before the Charter and Administrative Code Committee of the Los Angeles City Council on September 8, 1975, when the subject of restructuring the Los Angeles City Board of Education will be on the agenda.
box 520

Board Reports 1975 September 18-1975 October 9

Processing Information

BR 378

Scope and Contents

On October 2, 1975, President Docter introduced the Citizens' Management Review Committee and read their charge to study "the manner in which the District is managed." Also on October 2, 1975, the Board carried Dr. Nava's motion to abolish corporal punishment and President Docter declared this effective November 1, 1975.
box 521

Board Reports 1975 October 13-1975 November 3

Processing Information

BR 379
box 522

Board Reports 1975 November 6-1975 December 1

Processing Information

BR 380

Scope and Contents

On November 6 and 17, 1975, the Board held special meetings to discuss the structure of the Board, to explore and identify the best ways for District governance and to discuss the proposal by the Charter and Administrative Code Committee of the Los Angeles City Council to restructure the Board. On November 13, 1975 at 2:00 p.m., the Board held a meeting at the request of the Personnel and Schools Committee to receive an update concerning the Permits With Transportation Program.
box 523

Board Reports 1975 December 4-1975 December 22

Processing Information

BR 381

Scope and Contents

On December 8, 1975, the Board carried Dr. Nava's motion to approve a new Board Rule which will authorize the President to appoint a series of committees, each comprised of two Board members to facilitate communication among parents, community, students, District staff and the Board in each of the twelve administrative areas.
box 524

Board Reports 1975 December 29-1976 January 19

Processing Information

BR 382

Scope and Contents

On January 5, 1976, the Board carried Dr. Nava's motion that the District reaffirm its December 1967 policy of seeking to integrate at all levels and divisions and request that Superintendent Johnston bring recommendations concerning racial isolation to the Board for its consideration.
box 525

Board Reports 1976 January 22-1976 February 13

Processing Information

BR 383

Scope and Contents

On February 5, 1976, the Board carried Mr. Bardos' motion that the Board establish a Citizens' Advisory Committee on School Integration, that membership on the Committee be derived from nominations submitted by organizations or groups which have demonstrated interest in equal educational opportunity and that it prepare and present to the Board a definitive strategy or strategies to assist the District in reducing racial isolation.
box 526

Board Reports 1976 February 19-1976 March 11

Processing Information

BR 384

Scope and Contents

On February 23, 1976, the Board adopted Mr. Bardos' resolution that the Board request that the City Council seek ways to permit all electors of the Los Angeles Unified School District to determine simultaneously the results of the proposed charter amendment designed to restructure the Board of Education.
On March 1, 1976, the Board carried Mr. Miller's motion concerning the Board's commitment to a policy of integration and that consistent with the law, there be no compulsory busing of students in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
box 527

Board Reports 1976 March 15-1976 April 1

Processing Information

BR 385

Scope and Contents

On March 15, 1976, the Board unanimously carried Miss Watson's motion that the Superintendent be directed to conduct a study of the course offerings in each of the District's senior high schools with a focus on determining the extent to which each high school is providing the opportunity for students to enroll in advanced courses in all subject areas and further that a report includes recommendations directed toward the equalization of opportunities for all students in each of the senior high schools.
box 528

Board Reports 1976 April 5-1976 April 26

Processing Information

BR 386

Scope and Contents

On April 5, 1976, Miss Watson introduced the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, President and founder of People United to Save Humanity (PUSH) for his presentation to the Board concerning school integration and the problems facing students and schools. On April 8, 1976, the Board unanimously carried Miss Watson's motion that the Board support the high school students' efforts in their PUSH for Excellence Program and look into ways to assist them in its implementation on campuses.
box 529

Board Reports 1976 April 29-1976 May 17

Processing Information

BR 387

Scope and Contents

On May 3, 1976, the Board adopted the Committee of the Whole Report No. 1, the Staff Integration Program Proposal prepared by the Office of the Superintendent on April 29, 1976. A copy of this proposal is included with the May 3, 1976 Minutes.
box 530

Board Reports 1976 May 20-1976 June 10

Processing Information

BR 388

Scope and Contents

On June 1, 1976 at 11:00 a.m., the Board held a special meeting to consider "Procedures for implementing the Staff Integration Program and the determination of an emergency requiring cessation of any further proceedings under the Winton Act with regard to the Program." Superintendent Johnston stressed that by June 30, 1976, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare requires a complete Staff Integration Plan based upon the preliminary program submitted to the Office of Civil Rights on May 3, 1976.
box 531

Board Reports 1976 June 14-1976 July 1

Processing Information

BR 389

Scope and Contents

On June 28, 1976, President Docter announced that the Board received a decision today from the State Supreme Court in the case of Crawford v. Board of Education and declared a recess in order that the Board might convene in executive session concerning this matter.
box 532

Board Reports 1976 July 8-1976 July 26

Processing Information

BR 390

Scope and Contents

On July 19, 1976, President Pro Tempore Watson referenced noticed motions pertaining to the Crawford v. Board of Education case presented on behalf of six Board members. On behalf of Mr. Bardos, Dr. Docter, Mr. Miller, Miss Watson, President Nava and Mrs. Rice, the Board carried the motion that the Superintendent be instructed not to file a petition for rehearing with the State Supreme Court in the case of Crawford v. Board of Education.
box 533

Board Reports 1976 July 29-1976 August 23

Processing Information

BR 391

Scope and Contents

On August 23, 1976, the Board carried Mrs. Rice's amended motion that the Los Angeles Unified School District reaffirm its intent to negotiate with the Certificated Employee Council to find and implement an acceptable plan for teacher transfers for staff integration, to meet Office of Civil Rights requirements for September, 1977 which does not use random selection or the so-called lottery.
box 534

Board Reports 1976 August 26-1976 September 16

Processing Information

BR 392

Scope and Contents

On August 30, 1976, the Board adopted Miss Watson's resolution that the Board recommends that the California School Boards Association commit itself to an evaluation of the studies and literature of the Mexican American student and to disseminate the relevant findings of these studies to member districts of the California School Boards Association.
box 535

Board Reports 1976 September 20-1976 October 11

Processing Information

BR 393

Scope and Contents

On September 27, 1976, the Board carried Mrs. Rice's substitute motion that the Citizens' Management Review Committee be asked to report back to the Board of Education, their current findings related to the question: "Is the District over-managed?"
box 536

Board Reports 1976 October 14-1976 November 4

Processing Information

BR 394

Scope and Content

On October 18, 1976, the Board carried Mrs. Rice's motion that the Superintendent be directed to send a copy of the Crawford decision to each principal of every regular school in the District, every Parent Teacher Association president and every school advisory council president.
box 537

Board Reports 1976 November 8-1976 December 2

Processing Information

BR 395

Scope and Contents

On November 22, 1976, President Nava read a statement regarding the process for Board consideration of presentations by the Citizens' Advisory Committee on School Integration (CACSI) and the Board approved Section (1), Committee of the Whole No. 2, to establish a Superintendent's Staff Unit for Student Integration.
box 538

Board Reports 1976 December 6-1976 December 20

Processing Information

BR 396

Scope and Contents

On December 13, 1976, a group of students from University High School addressed the Board to express their opposition to the tactics used in connection with the investigations and arrests of drug dealers on high school campuses. After discussion, Dr. Docter advised Board members that this matter is under deliberation by the Student Life Committee and the City-Wide Student Affairs Council.
box 539

Board Reports 1977 January 3-1977 January 20

Processing Information

BR 397

Scope and Contents

On January 10, 1977, the Preliminary Report of the Citizens' Advisory Committee on School Integration (CACSI) was presented to the Board at the Committee of the Whole Meeting preceding this Board meeting. On January 17, 1977, the Board presented its Initial Response to the Preliminary Report of the CACSI.
box 540

Board Reports 1977 January 24-1977 February 10

Processing Information

BR 398

Scope and Content

On February 10, 1977, the Board adopted a resolution instructing the Superintendent to renegotiate District objectives for the Staff Integration Program, 1977-1978, with the Office for Civil Rights to include faculty balance goals of "not less than 20% nor more than 50% minority teaching staff."
box 541

Board Reports 1977 February 14-1977 February 28

Processing Information

BR 399

Scope and Contents

On February 22, 1977, Associate Superintendent Dr. Jerry F. Halverson announced that Judge Paul Egly, Presiding Judge of the Pomona Branch of the California Superior Court, agreed to hear the Board of Education's student integration plan. Superintendent Johnston presented the "Preliminary Response of Staff to Guidelines and Directions, Issued by the Board of Education on January 17, 1977 for the Development of a Proposed Plan for Integration of Students in the Los Angeles Unified School District" on February 22, 1977. A copy of the Preliminary Response document is included with these Minutes.
box 542

Board Reports 1977 March 3-1977 March 14

Processing Information

BR 400

Scope and Contents

On March 3, 1977, Board members made statements about the Crawford Decision and integration and they discussed, amended and approved the District's Pupil Integration Plan for submission to the Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles, in compliance with the Order of the California Supreme Court of June 28, 1976. Prior to Board adoption of the District's Pupil Integration Plan, President Nava called this meeting "undoubtedly, one of the most important meetings ever conducted in the history of the Los Angeles City Board of Education...."
box 543

Board Reports 1977 March 17-1977 April 11

Processing Information

BR 401

Scope and Contents

On March 31, 1977, the Board carried Mrs. Rice's motion that representatives from United Teachers Los Angeles be allowed to meet informally with any recognized certificated employee organization upon request for the purpose of discussing staff integration for 1977-78 and that Board Rules 3100-3119 be rescinded.
box 544

Board Reports 1977 April 11-1977 May 2

Processing Information

BR 402

Scope and Contents

On April 21, 1977, the Board considered a resolution at the request of Superior Court Judge Paul Egly concerning the intervention of Board Member Diane E. Watson in the Crawford v. Board of Education litigation. Board member roll call concerning Miss Watson's proposed intervention resulted in the following vote: 4 in support, 2 in opposition and 1 neutral. President Nava stated that District counsel will report these results to Judge Egly.
box 545

Board Reports 1977 May 5-1977 May 23

Processing Information

BR 403

Scope and Contents

On May 23, 1977, the Board carried Miss Watson's motion that a building at 36th Street School be named in honor of Birdielee Velores Bright, a Los Angeles native and graduate of Los Angeles City Schools, UCLA and USC. Bright was a teacher at 36th Street School from 1943-1953, one of the first minority teachers assigned to a westside school and the first Black administrator assigned to a Westchester school. She recently retired as Principal of Loyola Village School after 41 years of service to public education as a teacher and administrator.
box 546

Board Reports 1977 May 26-1977 June 13

Processing Information

BR 404

Scope and Contents

On May 26, 1977, the Board convened a special meeting to receive Final Reports from the Subcommittees of the Citizens' Management Review Committee. A copy of this May 1977 Final Report is attached to these Minutes.
box 547

Board Reports 1977 June 16-1977 June 30

Processing Information

BR 405

Scope and Contents

On June 20, 1977, Miss Watson moved that the Board attorneys request specific guidelines from Judge Paul Egly to accompany the return of the Board's plan for student integration and President Nava made a statement about alternative plans, guidelines and the forthcoming Board request to reopen the Crawford hearings.
box 548

Board Reports 1977 July 1-1977 July 28

Processing Information

BR 406

Scope and Contents

On July 18, 1977, the Board carried Dr. Nava's substitute motion that the Board make public that it will not appeal the Minute Order of July 5, 1977 and that it publicly indicate its willingness to cooperate with the Court for the benefit of the District. On July 21, 1977, the Board held the first in a series of special meetings to deal solely with the District's integration plan in order to meet a 90-day deadline imposed on the District by the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles Minute Order issued on July 5, 1977. The second special meeting was held on July 28, 1977 at 3:30 p.m..
box 549

Board Reports 1977 August 1-1977 August 22

Processing Information

BR 407

Scope and Contents

On August 1, 1977, the Board adopted Section (2), Committee of the Whole Report No. 2, that an Open Structure Magnet School, within the Schools of Choice enrollment guidelines, be opened in September 1977. On August 4, 11 and 18, 1977, the Board held its third, fourth and fifth in the series of special meetings to consider a District pupil integration plan.
box 550

Board Reports 1977 August 22-1977 September 6

Processing Information

BR 408

Scope and Contents

On September 1, 1977, the Board held its sixth in a series of special meetings to consider a District pupil integration plan. A copy of the Staff Report to Members, Board of Education on Pupil Integration, also referred to as "Summary of Analyses of Factors Relevant to Development of a Plan for Pupil Desegregation/Integration." This Staff Report to the Board is attached to these Minutes.
box 551

Board Reports 1977 September 8-1977 September 26

Processing Information

BR 409

Scope and Contents

On September 8, 15 and 23, 1977, the Board held its seventh, eighth and ninth in the series of special meetings to consider a District pupil integration plan. On September 26, 1977, after much discussion, dissent and numerous amended motions, the Board carried the motion to adopt Concept L - Draft B (Exhibit B), "Integrated Educational Excellence Through Choice," as the District's integration plan to present to Superior Court Judge Paul Egly on October 3, 1977.
box 552

Board Reports 1977 September 26-1977 October 24

Processing Information

BR 410

Scope and Contents

On October 24, 1977, the Board adopted the proposed contract with PUSH for Excellence, Inc. contained within Committee of the Whole Report No. 2.
box 553

Board Reports 1977 October 27-1977 November 14

Processing Information

BR 411

Scope and Contents

On October 27, 1977 at 3:00 p.m., the Board held a special meeting to receive reports on legislative mandates which seek to provide equal opportunity for education and employment to the handicapped: Public Law 92-142, Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 and Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973. On November 10, 1977, the Board held a special meeting to review and discuss the District's bilingual needs and plans to comply with the Lau v. Nichols decision and Assembly Bill 1329 requirements.
box 554

Board Reports 1977 November 21-1977 December 15

Processing Information

BR 412

Scope and Contents

On November 28, 1977, the Board carried Mr. Bardos' motion that the Superintendent recommend means to conduct a study of all Federal, State and Court legislative and legal mandates for District compliance dating back five fiscal years.
box 555

Board Reports 1977 December 19-1978 January 16

Processing Information

BR 413

Scope and Contents

On December 19, 1977, the Board carried Mrs. Rice's motion for the establishment of a Committee on Schools of Choice and Magnet Schools which will serve to foster such schools and make them "exciting and novel" educational opportunities in the District. On January 9, 1978, Dr. Nava made a statement concerning Superior Court Judge Paul Egly's Order of December 29, 1977 and stressed that it did not approve the Board's Plan, rather it set out the procedure which would be followed in connection with the hearings on the Plan.
box 556

Board Reports 1978 January 23-1978 February 14

Processing Information

BR 414

Scope and Contents

On February 14, 1978, the Board discussed bilingual education and the Lau Program developed to meet the needs of non-English and limited-English speaking students and to provide specialized programs to enhance their chances of success. The Board reviewed the following Special Reports: "Lau vs. Nichols Decision" and the "District's Response to Lau Concerns" at this meeting.
box 557

Board Reports 1978 February 21-1978 March 13

Processing Information

BR 415

Scope and Contents

On February 27, 1978, the Board adopted the amended Section (2) of Board of Education (Integration) Report No. 1 on the following subject: Integrated Programs to Maintain the State Gifted Programs of the District. On March 6, 1978, President Miller made a statement concerning the Board's assignment criteria for Schools of Choice and Magnet Schools that must result in an integrated student body so that these schools are part of the integration program and not an escape from it.
box 558

Board Reports 1978 March 20-1978 April 10

Processing Information

BR 416

Scope and Contents

On April 3, 1978, the Board carried Miss Watson's motion for the establishment of Administrative Guidelines for the Implementation of Integrated Educational Excellence Through Choice.
box 559

Board Reports 1978 April 24-1978 May 8

Processing Information

BR 417

Scope and Contents

On May 8, 1978, Dr. Josie G. Bain, Associate Superintendent, Instruction presented a report on Competency Standards and Promotional Policies aligned with the District's Integration Plan policies.
box 560

Board Reports 1978 May 15-1978 May 30

Processing Information

BR 418

Scope and Contents

On May 22, 1978, Dr. Nava distributed correspondence dated May 16, 1978, addressed to Bilingual-ESL Services Branch Director Robert R. Rangel concerning the District's liability with regard to the Lau v. Nichols Decision and Chacon-Moscone Bilingual Education legislation. A copy of this correspondence is included with these Minutes. At the May 30, 1978 special meeting, the Board adopted the Committee of the Whole Report No. 1 which contains the District's Lau Plan, a response to to the concerns identified by Justice Douglas in the opinion he delivered for the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case of Lau v. Nichols, 414 U.S. 563. A copy of the May 25, 1978 L.A.U.S.D. Lau Plan is included with these Minutes.
box 561

Board Reports 1978 June 5-1978 June 12

Processing Information

BR 419

Scope and Contents

The bulk of these Minutes concern budget cuts.
box 562

Board Reports 1978 June 19-1978 July 10

Processing Information

BR 420
box 563

Board Reports 1978 July 17-1978 August 7

Processing Information

BR 421

Scope and Contents

On July 31, 1978, the Board carried Mrs. Rice's motion that the Board direct the Superintendent to explore concerns raised by the Parent Teacher Association and community groups regarding the implementation of the revision of the desegregation plan recently submitted to the Court and explore alternative courses of action with the schools affected to ensure successful implementation of the integration plan in September.
box 564

Board Reports 1978 August 14-1978 September 18

Processing Information

BR 422

Scope and Contents

On August 14, 1978, Assistant Superintendent Miss Shizuko Akasaki of the Compensatory Instructional Programs Division advised the Board that in the current 182 Title I elementary, junior and senior high schools, 43 schools are involved in pairs and clusters, 136 schools are racially isolated and one school is currently integrated. On September 18, 1978, the Reverend Jesse Jackson addressed the Board to review the objectives and progress to date of the PUSH Program in District schools.
box 565

Board Reports 1978 September 25-1978 October 16

Processing Information

BR 423

Scope and Contents

On October 9, 1978, the Board adopted Committee of the Whole Report No. 2, the negotiation agreement between the District and United Teachers Los Angeles (U.T.L.A.). Miss Watson stated that this was the first time in the history of the District where the Board met with teachers and negotiated the conditions in which they work. Board members against corporal punishment expressed their concerns about its place in this document. A copy of the 1978-79 Agreement between L.A.U.S.D. and U.T.L.A. is attached to these Minutes.
box 566

Board Reports 1978 October 23-1978 November 20

Processing Information

BR 424

Scope and Contents

On November 20, 1978, the Board carried Miss Watson's motion that the Superintendent be directed to prepare a plan for Board approval that would provide for a comprehensive instructional program to accomplish seven specific actions detailed in these Minutes.
box 567

Board Reports 1978 November 27-1978 December 21

Processing Information

BR 425

Scope and Contents

On November 27, 1978, President Miller announced that Miss Watson will be resigning from the Board to assume a seat in the California State Senate as the Senator from the 30th Senatorial District. The Board received presentations from individuals and organizations who requested the opportunity to honor her leadership and service to the Board and the L.A.U.S.D. since July 1, 1975. On December 21, 1978, the Board held a special meeting to appoint a candidate to fill Watson's vacancy in Office No. 5. After rotating through 209 ballots, the deadlocked Board adjourned without an appointment.
box 568

Board Reports 1979 January 8-1979 January 15

Processing Information

BR 426

Scope and Contents

On January 15, 1979, California Senator Diane E. Watson, 30th District, addressed the Board concerning filling the vacancy in Office No. 5 and informed the Board that the community and Black leaders are united in endorsing the appointment of Mr. Arnett Hartsfield, an attorney, to serve as a "caretaker" Board member in Office No. 5 for the remainder of the term. Dr. Nava's motion to appoint Attorney Arnett Hartsfield was lost for lack of four affirmative votes.
box 569

Board Reports 1979 January 18-1979 February 5

Processing Information

BR 427

Scope and Contents

On January 29, 1979, the Board carried Mr. Bardos' motion that the Board establish a committee for continued meetings and dialogue concerning the Crawford case, that each of the cities within the L.A.U.S.D., as well as the County of Los Angeles, together with the Board, coordinate their resources to examine causes and problems related to student segregation and propose remedies for their resolution and finally, that Father Lewis P. Bohler, Jr., of the Episcopal Church of the Advent, be appointed to fill the balance of the unexpired term of Board Office No. 5.
box 570

Board Reports 1979 February 13-1979 March 5

Processing Information

BR 428

Scope and Contents

On February 20, 1979, Superintendent Johnston presented an integration report that surveyed and summarized Los Angeles public education, its geography, its transportation system, the effects of "White Flight", the District's failing financial base, the varying degrees of success in the current plan, the findings of the Court-appointed experts and a series of recommendations for changes and improvements in the District's integration program. On February 22, 1979, the Board held a special integration meeting to receive a report from the staff concerning the District's current plan. A copy of this report is attached to these Minutes and covers Racially Isolated Minority Schools (RIMS), Currently Integrated Schools (CIS), Magnet Schools, Permits With Transportation (PWT), Mid-site Reassignments and Adjustment of Pairs and Clusters. On February 26, 1979, the Board discussed, amended and adopted the Student Integration Plan Proposals document which is attached to these Minutes.
box 571

Board Reports 1979 March 12-1979 April 2

Processing Information

BR 429

Scope and Contents

On April 2, 1979, the Board unanimously carried Mrs. Rice's motion that the Superintendent form a broad-based, diverse Ad-Hoc Committee to work toward recommendations for the improvement of the bilingual program for the 1979-80 school year with specific attention to the following areas: Intake criteria, Exit criteria and What kind of services the NES/LES students need that they are not currently getting.
box 572

Board Reports 1979 April 16-1979 April 30

Processing Information

BR 430

Scope and Contents

On April 16, 1979, Dr. Robert Smith, Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Southern California, presented a special report on the student integration plan entitled: Student Integration Plan Evaluation Component/Research Design.
box 573

Board Reports 1979 May 7-1979 June 4

Processing Information

BR 431

Scope and Content

On May 7, 1979, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion that the Superintendent be requested to review the Districtwide effects of gang-related violence on and around school campuses and to advise the Board as to the programs, staff, equipment or other resources and procedures necessary to reduce or eliminate such violence.
box 574

Board Reports 1979 June 11-1979 July 2

Processing Information

BR 432

Scope and Contents

On June 25, 1979, President Bardos noted that Dr. Nava, Father Bohler and he are retiring and this will be their last meeting as Board members. On July 2, 1979, Rita Walters, Kathleen Brown Rice, Richard E. Ferraro and John R. Greenwood's election to the Board was certified and Mrs. Roberta L. Weintraub was elected President for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979.
box 575

Board Reports 1979 July 9-1979 August 16

Processing Information

BR 433

Scope and Content

On August 13, 1979, the Board carried Mr. Greenwood's motion that the Board seek a writ from the Court of Appeal, or otherwise appeal from Judge Egly's order of July 30, 1979, wherein the District was ordered to pay attorneys' fees to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
At a special meeting on August 16, 1979, Assemblyman Richard Alatorre, 55th District addressed the Board regarding the vacancy in Board of Education Office No. 6. Alatorre urged the Board make a decision today to avoid the expense of a special election and to appoint a Hispanic candidate to represent the District's large number of Hispanic students.
box 576

Board Reports 1979 August 20-1979 September 13

Processing Information

BR 434

Scope and Contents

On August 20, 1979, the Board held a special meeting to receive an update from District staff concerning the student integration plan and to review statistical information concerning the progress of the District's pairs, clusters and mid-sites.
On August 27, 1979, the Board carried President Weintraub's amended motion that on October 15, the Board direct counsel in the Crawford Case to discontinue mandatory reassignments of pupils at the junior high school level, effective as soon as possible and that the staff be directed to commence development of voluntary options for the affected junior high schools for implementation during the second semester of the 1979-80 school year.
The Board also carried Mrs. Fiedler's amended motion that the District request permission from the Courts on October 15 to modify its desegregation plan so that no student shall be involuntarily reassigned away from his neighborhood school if the travel time involved in a pair, cluster or mid-site exceeds 60 minutes.
box 577

Board Reports 1979 September 17-1979 October 8

Processing Information

BR 435

Scope and Contents

On September 17, 1979, the Board unanimously adopted President Weintraub's resolution that the Board strongly oppose the educational voucher initiative known as the Family Choice in Education Initiative proposed for the June 1980 State ballot. On September 24, 1979, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion that the Board request its legal counsel to petition the Court on October 15, 1979, to permit all assignments to the pairs, clusters and mid-sites to be made solely on a voluntary basis so that the unsuccessful mandatory desegregation process may be reorganized into the most effective possible voluntary integration program.
box 578

Board Reports 1979 October 15-1979 November 19

Processing Information

BR 436

Scope and Contents

On October 22, 1979, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion to restore corporal punishment as contained in the teachers' contract for 1978-79 and that the proposed guidelines for implementation be referred to the Personnel and Schools Committee. On November 11, 1979, the Board unanimously carried President Weintraub's motion that the Board adopt a policy against the selling and serving of "junk food" in secondary schools and student stores, to become effective in September, 1980.
box 579

Board Reports 1979 December 3-1980 January 7

Processing Information

BR 437

Scope and Content

On January 1, 1980, the Board adopted Mrs. Rice's resolution concerning the District's desegregation plan. Mrs. Rice's resolution states that the Board formally adopts, ratifies and approves its proposed voluntary desegregation plan as that plan is described in its submission to the Court and reaffirms its request of the Court that the mandatory component of the current Court-ordered plan be terminated at the earliest possible date. Ms. Walters declined to vote with the majority and stated, "I think that we are playing with mirrors here and playing with shells. You can't say that you want the mandatory component to be terminated and say that you believe in obeying the Court decision."
box 580

Board Reports 1980 January 14-1980 February 11

Processing Information

BR 438

Scope and Contents

On January 14, 1980, the Board unanimously carried Mrs. Weintraub's amended motion that the status of the District's Resource Committee for Sex Equality be changed to that of an Independent Commission reporting directly to the Board through the Personnel and Schools Committee and that this new Commission serve as advisor to the Board on all matters related to women's issues, including but not limited to sex equality as delineated under Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments.
box 581

Board Reports 1980 February 18-1980 March 24

Processing Information

BR 439

Scope and Contents

On February 25, 1980, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion that Court approval be sought to exempt all students who have met their travel obligations under the current desegregation plan from any further mandatory reassignment. On March 3, 1980, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion that the Board support Senate Bill 1244 (Robbins) which would apply established due process of law to school desegregation cases so that students would be protected from mandatory cross-town busing unless a plaintiff or petitioner could prove intentional segregation on the part of a board of education.
box 582

Board Reports 1980 April 7-1980 April 28

Processing Information

BR 440

Scope and Contents

On April 21, 1980, the Board carried President Weintraub's amended motion concerning lowering the crime age. Weintraub's motion instructs the Superintendent to seek a legislative study on whether the 14 years of age should be substituted for the present 16 years of age set forth in Welfare and Institutions Code Section 707.
box 583

Board Reports 1980 May 5-1980 June 9

Processing Information

BR 441

Scope and Contents

On May 12, 1980, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's amended resolution that it be District policy that Armed Forces recruiters receive at least equal treatment with college and private industry recruiters.
On June 2, 1980, members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Black Education Coalition, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Hispanic Urban Center and California Senator Diane E. Watson's, 30th District expressed their concerns regarding the Intended Order issued by Superior Court Judge Paul Egly on May 19, 1980, concerning the District's Integration Plan and the Board President's alleged remarks concerning this matter.
box 584

Board Reports 1980 June 16-1980 July 3

Processing Information

BR 442

Scope and Contents

On June 30, 1980, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's amended motion that the Superintendent be directed to prepare a report for submission to the Board indicating the status of values education in the District.
box 585

Board Reports 1980 July 7-1980 August 25

Processing Information

BR 443

Scope and Contents

On July 7, 1980, the President referred to a decision concerning the District's integration plan handed down earlier today by Superior Court Judge Paul Egly. Associate Superintendent Jerry F. Halverson, Business and Personnel Services made a statement regarding Egly's decision. On August 11, 1980, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion that the Board instruct its legal counsel to take all steps most likely to result in a full application of Proposition 1 to the Crawford Case, including a petition for a Writ of Mandate before the California Supreme Court and if necessary, a petition to the United States Supreme Court.
box 586

Board Reports 1980 August 29-1980 October 6

Processing Information

BR 444

Scope and Contents

On September 22, 1980, State Assemblywoman Maxine Waters, 48th Assembly District, City Councilman Gilbert W. Lindsay, 9th Council District, and City Councilman Robert C. Farrell, 8th Council District expressed their objections to a remark made by Board President Roberta L. Weintraub concerning Ms. Rita D. Walters during a radio interview and asked that President Weintraub apologize for her remark. President Weintraub offered regret to Ms. Walters for the remark she made while Ms. Walters declined to accept the apology and voiced reasons for her rejection.
box 587

Board Reports 1980 October 13-1980 November 24

Processing Information

BR 445

Scope and Contents

On October 20, 1980, Ms. Walters moved that the Board fully disclose to the public by November 3, 1980, any and all sums of monies spent on private counsel in the Crawford Case and that the rate of pay agreed to for private counsel be disclosed. The President declared this motion lost as Ms. Walters was the only affirmative vote. On November 24, 1980, Ms. Walters moved that the Board go on record in favor of the following: "We, the Board of Education of the Los Angeles Unified School District, do hereby declare that we accept as our responsibility the duty to adhere to and obey all orders of the Court related to the Crawford Case. Further, we enjoin all our staff members to assist us in such compliance." There was no second to this motion.
box 588

Board Reports 1980 December 8-1981 January 22

Processing Information

BR 446

Scope and Contents

On December 8, 1980, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion that the Board petition the Governor and the State Legislature immediately to appropriate funds to delay the early release during the next 18 months of 800 California Youth Authority inmates. On January 1, 1981, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion that the Board request the Superintendent to commence staff planning necessary for the termination of all Court-ordered mandatory student busing and that, upon Board approval of such plans, the Board terminate such busing immediately after the final appellate decision in the Crawford case.
box 589

Board Reports 1981 January 26-1981 March 2

Processing Information

BR 447
box 590

Board Reports 1981 March 9-1981 April 6

Processing Information

BR 448

Scope and Contents

On March 16, 1981, Mr. John Mack, President of the Los Angeles Urban League, read a statement to the Board on behalf of Ms. Rita D. Walters concerning the proposed dismantling of school desegregation programs. Following multiple speakers on this issue, the Board carried Dr. Ferraro's motion that Board Rule 72, Motions and Resolutions, be waived in order that the Board may act on a motion concerning the reassignment of children to their respective neighborhood schools. The March 23, 1981 Minutes contain the District's Proposed Plan for Senior High School Desegregation.
box 591

Board Reports 1981 April 21-1981 May 18

Processing Information

BR 449

Scope and Contents

On April 21, 1981, the Board carried Mr. Greenwood's motion that the Board instruct the Superintendent to inform the present congressional delegation of the serious instructional and other educational problems which will be imposed upon over two hundred thousand youngsters who are currently enrolled in and benefiting from Title I Compensatory Education Programs by proposed cutbacks and eliminations.
box 592

Board Reports 1981 May 23-1981 July 13

Processing Information

BR 450

Scope and Contents

On June 22, 1981, Acting Superintendent Handler announced that in closed session today the Board discussed overcrowding, specifically that additional schools would be required to go on year-round schedule. Handler reported that the Board instructed its legal counsel to attempt to obtain the Court's consideration of other alternatives for the relief of overcrowding, such as class size, additional portable facilities and back-to-back first and second grades.
box 593

Board Reports 1981 July 20-1981 August 31

Processing Information

BR 451

Scope and Contents

At the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 20, 1981, Superintendent Handler delivered a statement concerning his goals for the District. An additional copy of this statement is attached to the August 24, 1981 Minutes. On July 20, 1981, the Board carried Mrs. Weintraub's motion that the Superintendent be requested to renew his efforts to persuade the Office for Civil Rights to accept the District's proposed staff integration program with an additional five components for improvement.
box 594

Board Reports 1981 September 10-1981 October 19

Processing Information

BR 452

Scope and Contents

On October 12, 1981, Superintendent Handler and the Board discussed comparable worth standards in setting job salaries in the context of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the position of the L.A.U.S.D. as a national leader in sex equity concerns via its historic consent decree to promote certificated women into administrative positions. Following discussion, the Board carried Mr. Gershman's substitute motion that the District reiterate and review its commitment to full and open fair recruitment, employment, advancement and assure that all those qualified have full job opportunities.
box 595

Board Reports 1981 October 26-1981 December 7

Processing Information

BR 453

Scope and Contents

On October 26, 1981, Mr. Gershman and Ms. Walters moved to change the position of Student Representative to the Board of Education to Student Member with the power to cast an advisory vote on all matters decided by the Board at regular, annual and special meetings. Following discussion, the President recognized Mr. Jess Bravin, the newly-elected Chairperson of the Districtwide Association of Student Councils and 1981-82 Student Representative to the Board of Education, for the purpose of making a statement. On roll call, this modified motion was carried. 7 ayes. (Student Member advisory vote: Aye)
box 596

Board Reports 1981 December 14-1982 January 25

Processing Information

BR 454
box 597

Board Reports 1982 February 1-1982 March 15

Processing Information

BR 455
box 598

Board Reports 1982 March 29-1982 May 17

Processing Information

BR 456

Scope and Contents

On April 12, 1982, the Board adopted Mr. Gershman's resolution that the Board strongly endorses the passage of A.B. 3133 to reaffirm a continuing commitment to equal educational opportunity on the basis of sex. On May 17, 1982, the Board carried Mr. Gershman's motion that the Board rescind Board Rule 136 which reads, "No person less than eighteen years of age may address the Board in meeting unless accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or teacher."
box 599

Board Reports 1982 May 24-1982 June 28

Processing Information

BR 457

Scope and Contents

On June 21, 1982, the Board carried Mrs. Weintraub's amended motion that the schools closed in 1981-82 because of low enrollments and underutilization be placed on the open market for rental or lease in accordance with the established policy of the Board of Education.
box 600

Board Reports 1982 July 8-1982 September 9

Processing Information

BR 458

Scope and Contents

On August 9, 1982, the Board carried Mrs. Weintraub's motion that the Board support the passage of Senate Bill 1351, as currently amended, to further the efforts to stop the sales of marijuana on school grounds. Mrs. Weintraub added that the latest amendment changed the language to state that every person guilty of the possession of more than one ounce of marijuana on school grounds during school hours or school-related programs is to be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum fine of $500.00 and not more than ten days in the County jail.
box 601

Board Reports 1982 September 13-1982 November 1

Processing Information

BR 459

Scope and Contents

On October 25, 1982, the Board adopted Mr. Bartman's resolution that the Board strongly support Proposition 1 on the November 2, 1982 State Ballot to provide $500 million in general obligation bonds for the construction or improvement of public schools.
box 602

Board Reports 1982 November 8-1982 December 20

Processing Information

BR 460

Scope and Contents

On November 8, 1982, the Board carried Ms. Walters' motion that District policy require that all students from grade 4 to grade 12 maintain an average grade of "C" in all subjects with no failing grades as a condition of participating in any and all extra-curricular activities.
box 603

Board Reports 1983 January 10-1983 February 28

Processing Information

BR 461

Scope and Contents

On January 17, 1983, Chief of Police Daryl F. Gates reviewed the statistics regarding drug use in the schools, including the number of arrests made for the sale of narcotics on school campuses. Gates expressed concern that while sales are down, the use of narcotics has risen and offered the support and cooperation of his department toward the development of a drug abuse program for students in the lower grades.
box 604

Board Reports 1983 March 7-1983 May 2

Processing Information

BR 462

Scope and Contents

On April 25, 1983, the Board unanimously carried Mr. Gershman's resolution that the Board support Senate Bill 947, as amended April 7, 1983, to mandate the establishment of demonstration youth suicide prevention school programs in Los Angeles and San Mateo counties.
box 605

Board Reports 1983 May 9-1983 June 27

Processing Information

BR 463

Scope and Contents

On June 20, 1983, the Superintendent recognized Chief of Police Daryl F. Gates and asked that he provide an update on the progress of the Los Angeles Police Department/Los Angeles Unified School District cooperative substance-abuse prevention education program. Chief Gates described the efforts of the Los Angeles Police Department, in conjunction with the Board, in an undercover program over the past ten years.
box 606

Board Reports 1983 July 5-1983 August 31

Processing Information

BR 464

Scope and Contents

On July 5, 1983, the Oath of Office was administered to newly elected Board members: Rita D. Walters, Jackie Goldberg, M. Larry Gonzalez and John R. Greenwood. Senator Diane Watson expressed her feeling of encouragement and hope for the future of the District with the inauguration of the new Board members. On July 18, 1983, prior to the adoption of Committee of the Whole Report No. 3, Ms. Goldberg indicated a lack of consistency in recommended dispositions for seemingly similar expulsion cases and in some cases, recommended dispositions inconsistent with the gravity of the infraction. Additionally, Goldberg reiterated her personal distaste for the undercover police narcotics program in schools.
box 607

Board Reports 1983 September 1-1983 October 24

Processing Information

BR 465

Scope and Contents

On October 3, 1983, Mrs. Lois Feldman, representing Los Angeles School Library Association, addressed the Board and expressed her concerns regarding half-time school libraries. On October 17, 1983, Dr. Santiago Jackson, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Deputy Superintendent, under direction by the Board, presented a report entitled Study of Year-Round Schools by Category. A copy of this report is attached to these Minutes.
box 608

Board Reports 1983 October 31-1983 December 19

Processing Information

BR 466
box 609

Board Reports 1984 January 5-1984 February 27

Processing Information

BR 467

Scope and Content

On February 27, 1984, Deputy Superintendent Anton presented a statement regarding the tragic shooting last Friday at Forty-Ninth Street School during which ten-year-old Shala Eubanks was killed, thirteen children and two adults wounded, and the shooter took his own life.
box 610

Board Reports 1984 March 5-1984 April 9

Processing Information

BR 468

Scope and Contents

On March 19, 1984, the Board carried Mrs. Weintraub's motion that the Superintendent be given the authority to make appointments to qualified women in order to comply with the requirements of the Consent Decree entered into between the plaintiff class and the District in Case No. CV 80-03348 WMB, U.S. District Court, Central District of California. This action is intended to apply to all certificated and promotional classes within the scope of the referenced Consent Decree.
box 611

Board Reports 1984 April 23-1984 June 4

Processing Information

box 612

Board Reports 1984 June 11-1984 July 9

Processing Information

BR 470

Scope and Contents

On June 18, 1984, Superintendent Handler described the progress made by the District to comply with the Consent Decree to ensure that there are no gender-based barriers to entry into any classification of District employment and to ensure that salary determinations are made in a non-discriminatory manner.
box 613

Board Reports 1984 July 23-1984 August 27

Processing Information

BR 471
box 614

Board Reports 1984 August 30-1984 September 24

Processing Information

BR 472
box 615

Board Reports 1984 October 1-1984 October 15

Processing Information

BR 473

Scope and Contents

On October 15, 1984, the Board carried Ms. Goldberg and Ms. Walters' motion that pursuant to sound educational and humanitarian principles, the Board of Education remove and prohibit all forms of corporal punishment.
box 616

Board Reports 1984 October 22-1984 November 19

Processing Information

BR 474

Scope and Contents

On October 22, 1984, the Board unanimously adopted Mrs. Weintraub's motion that the Board go on record in support of Senate Bill 1 which will provide $32 million to repay California school districts for funds expended for integration programs. The Los Angeles Unified School District will receive approximately $21 million as reimbursement for its 1982-83 integration program.
box 617

Board Reports 1984 December 3-1985 January 17

Processing Information

BR 475

Scope and Contents

On January 7, 1985, the Board carried Ms. Walters' motion that the vote taken in Closed Session on whether the Board would appeal the December 21, 1984, decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Los Angeles Branch NAACP, et al. vs. LAUSD, et al. be announced. The President declared the motion passed and announced that the vote taken in Closed Session was 5 ayes, 2 noes, Ms. Goldberg and Ms. Walters.
box 618

Board Reports 1985 January 21-1985 February 11

Processing Information

BR 476

Scope and Contents

On February 4, 1985, Dr. Robert L. Martin, Assistant Superintendent, Assessment and Reconfiguration, presented the report of findings from the Student Dropout Prevention/Recovery Program Committee. Dr. Martin distributed copies of "A Study of Student Dropout in the Los Angeles Unified School District" and touched upon seven areas of concern that the Committee addressed.
box 619

Board Reports 1985 February 12-1985 March 18

Processing Information

BR 477

Scope and Contents

On February 25, 1985, the Board carried Ms. Goldberg's motion that the Board direct its staff to prepare an in-service training program thereby offering opportunities for teachers to acquire methods and materials for teaching students how to understand and deal with problems inherent in the nuclear age in which they live and further, that the Board instruct its staff to prepare balanced curriculum materials appropriate for use at each grade level.
box 620

Board Reports 1985 March 25-1985 May 13

Processing Information

BR 478

Scope and Content

On May 6, 1985, the Board unanimously carried Mr. Gonzalez's motion to move the attendance boundary between South Gate and Jordan High Schools to relieve overcrowding.
box 621

Board Reports 1985 May 20-1985 June 17

Processing Information

BR 479

Scope and Contents

On June 3, 1985, the Board carried Mr. Greenwood's motion that all children's centers, elementary and secondary schools, with fences and gates, will lock all gates at the beginning of classes in the morning, to be opened at the close of the last class in the afternoon. The June 17, 1985 Minutes contain the L.A.U.S.D. Districtwide Underutilized School Sites Committee Report on Alternate Uses of Closed Schools and Surplus Sites, presented to the Board by the School Utilization Task Force on June 10, 1985.
box 622

Board Reports 1985 June 24-1985 July 22

Processing Information

BR 480

Scope and Contents

On July 1, 1985, the Board elected Ms. Rita D. Walters to the Presidency for the fiscal year. President Walters indicated that Board members have a tremendous task ahead of them in dealing with overcrowding, the low academic achievement of students, unequal educational opportunities and collective bargaining.
box 623

Board Reports 1985 July 29-1985 August 26

Processing Information

BR 481
box 624

Board Reports 1985 September 9-1985 October 7

Processing Information

BR 482

Scope and Content

On September 9, 1985, the Board adopted the Belmont High School, Third Addition to help relieve existing overcrowded conditions at Belmont High School. A copy of the California Environmental Quality Act Initial Study is included as an attachment to these Minutes.
box 625

Board Reports 1985 October 14-1985 November 25

Processing Information

BR 483

Scope and Contents

On October 14, 1985, the Board unanimously adopted Mrs. Weintraub's amended resolution that the L.A.U.S.D. produce and distribute materials that will explain to students of the District how to be safe, and how to avoid acquiring AIDS and other diseases which can be sexually or intravenously transmitted. On November 4, 1985, the Board adopted Mrs. Weintraub's amended resolution that the Board seek funding from private foundations in order to establish and staff a primary health care center that would offer a wide range of medical services with full and informed consent of parents, including the dispensing of birth control information and devices on the campus of a District high school.
box 626

Board Reports 1985 December 5-1986 January 21

Processing Information

BR 484
box 627

Board Reports 1986 January 27-1986 February 11

Processing Information

BR 485
box 628

Board Reports 1986 February 24-1986 March 17

Processing Information

BR 486

Scope and Contents

On February 24, 1986, the Board voted individually on each Committee of the Whole Report No. 6 element to relieve overcrowding for 1986-87 and 1987-88.
box 629

Board Reports 1986 March 31-1986 April 21

Processing Information

BR 487
box 630

Board Reports 1986 April 28-1986 June 5

Processing Information

BR 488

Scope and Contents

On May 5, 1986, the Board unanimously adopted Ms. Goldberg's amended resolution concerning the disastrous fire at the Central Library on April 29, 1986 wherein the Board expressed its sorry and concern over the consequences of this tragedy to the Los Angeles Board of Library Commissioners and the staff of the Los Angeles Public Library. On May 19, 1986, the Board unanimously carried Mr. Gershman's motion that the District immediately begin a fundraising campaign called "Save the Books" for the restoration of the Central Library collections damaged in a fire three weeks ago.
box 631

Board Reports 1986 June 9-1986 June 23

Processing Information

BR 489

Scope and Contents

Volume II of the June 9, 1986 Minutes contains a copy of the Phase II Agreement between the District and the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) which is part of a comprehensive three-year agreement and presented to the Board on June 2, 1986 as a joint recommendation by the parties.
box 632

Board Reports 1986 June 30-1986 July 21

Processing Information

BR 490

Scope and Contents

On June 30, 1986, the Board adopted Mr. Gershman's resolution that the Board request the Superintendent to direct staff to develop a proposal for implementing the concept of a Spanish Bilingual Immersion Program for both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking students.
box 633

Board Reports 1986 July 28-1986 August 18

Processing Information

BR 491

Scope and Contents

On July 28, 1986, the Board unanimously carried Mr. Gonzalez's motion that the Superintendent be directed to review existing programs aimed at prevention of gang affiliation, including Community Youth Gang Services Project, the United Way's Youth Violence Reduction Project and other programs to propose a plan of action for a curriculum aimed at fourth, fifth and sixth grade students within the Los Angeles Unified School District.
box 634

Board Reports 1986 August 25-1986 August 25

Processing Information

BR 492
box 635

Board Reports 1986 September 4-1986 October 30

Processing Information

BR 493
box 636

Board Reports 1986 November 3-1986 December 8

Processing Information

BR 494
box 637

Board Reports 1986 December 10-1987 January 21

Processing Information

BR 495

Scope and Contents

The January 5, 1987 Minutes are accompanied by two attachments: A Listing of Projected Capital Needs as of December 1986 and Background Materials and Findings Report, Developer Fees Public Hearing.
box 638

Board Reports 1987 January 26-1987 February 26

Processing Information

BR 496

Scope and Contents

On January 26, 1987, the Board unanimously carried Ms. Walters' motion that the Board join Superintendent Honig in opposing Governor Deukmejian's proposed 1987-88 budget for K-12 education.
box 639

Board Reports 1987 March 2-1987 March 26

Processing Information

BR 497
box 640

Board Reports 1987 March 30-1987 May 11

Processing Information

BR 498
box 641

Board Reports 1987 May 11-1987 June 8

Processing Information

BR 499
box 642

Board Reports 1987 June 15-1987 June 29

Processing Information

BR 500

Scope and Contents

On June 22, 1987, the Board carried Ms. Walters and Ms. Weintraub's motion that the Board present a formal request to the Los Angeles City Council, that it take action to bring the office of Member of the Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles, within the provisions of Section 312 of the Los Angeles City Charter in order to impose the limitations of said Section upon campaign contributions for persons seeking the office of Member of the Board of Education. This motion further states that the limitations on campaign contributions for Members of the Board of Education be the same as those imposed by said Section upon persons seeking the office of Member of the Los Angeles City Council.
box 643

Board Reports 1987 June 29

Processing Information

BR 501
box 644

Board Reports 1987 July 6-1987 August 27

Processing Information

BR 502

Scope and Content

On July 20, 1987, the Board adopted Ms. Goldberg's resolution that the Board express its strong support of Assembly Bill 37 (W. Brown) and urge Governor Deukmejian to sign this measure which would modify the bilingual education provisions to enhance the flexibility of the program, assist the District in meeting the needs of its more than 150,000 limited-English-proficient students and enable parents to receive more information about the options available to their children.
box 645

Board Reports 1987 August 31-1987 September 14

Processing Information

BR 503

Scope and Contents

On September 14, 1987, the Board adopted Ms. Walters' resolution that the Board join with other governmental bodies and organizations in the private sector to recognize October 1987 as "AIDS Education Month" in the City and County of Los Angeles and encourage its staff, students and parents to make a conscientious effort to become as informed as possible about the transmission and prevention of this disease.
box 646

Board Reports 1987 September 21-1987 October 30

Processing Information

BR 504

Scope and Contents

On October 12, 1987, the Board held a Special Meeting to consider additional year round school proposals. An attachment includes copies of presentation materials from Superintendent Leonard M. Britton and Associate Superintendent, Priority Housing and Integration Programs, Sara Coughlin.
box 647

Board Reports 1987 November 2-1987 December 10

Processing Information

BR 505

Scope and Contents

On November 16, 1987, the Board adopted Ms. Goldberg's resolution that the Board direct staff to begin the McKinney process at each Magnet school or center in the District that has more than thirty percent Other White students enrolled and further that these school-by-school studies be used for determinations regarding integration prior to the 1988-89 school year Magnet admissions.
box 648

Board Reports 1987 December 14-1988 January 21

Processing Information

BR 506

Scope and Contents

On December 14, 1987, Ms. Kathleen Brown, Commissioner, City of Los Angeles Board of Public Works, emphasized the need to "reduce, reuse and recycle" and expressed the City's request that the District include information in its curriculum explaining the complexity of trash disposal, and the civic and environmental importance of the City's recycling effort.
box 649

Board Reports 1988 January 25-1988 February 22

Processing Information

BR 507

Scope and Contents

On February 1, 1988, the Board adopted Ms. Walters' resolution that the Board support the efforts of the American Library Association's campaign to ensure that during the 1987-88 "Year of the Reader" school year, every student obtain and use a library card and that the Superintendent notify all schools of this campaign for the purpose of eliciting their active participation in making the value of libraries known to their students, and in encouraging all students to make frequent use of library services and resources.
box 650

Board Reports 1988 February 22-1988 March 21

Processing Information

BR 508

Scope and Contents

On March 21, 1988, Ms. Goldberg announced that the Board was recognizing the efforts of School Counselor Ms. Virginia Uribe in establishing the Project 10 program. Ms. Goldberg described Project 10 as a program to counsel students who have questions about their sexuality. On behalf of the Board, Ms. Goldberg and Mr. Gershman presented Ms. Uribe with a certificate of recognition.
box 651

Board Reports 1988 April 4-1988 May 2

Processing Information

BR 509

Scope and Contents

On April 25, 1988, the Board unanimously carried Ms. Walters' motion that the Board express its strong support for the development of a District-wide After School Education and Child Care Program, as proposed by Mayor Tom Bradley and that the Board and District staff work cooperatively to provide all necessary assistance to aid in the planning and implementation of the Mayor's proposal. On May 2, 1988, the Board adopted Ms. Goldberg's resolution that the District create a task force to plan for how to provide: greater employment, recreational and latchkey opportunities in the neighborhoods where gang activity is high, that the District develop a curriculum which teaches the history and methodology of non-violence as conflict resolution and that the L.A.U.S.D. convene a District-wide task force to make recommendations on actions to take to immediately address issues of safety on and near school campuses.
box 652

Board Reports 1988 May 5-1988 June 9

Processing Information

BR 510

Scope and Contents

On May 5, 1988, the Board held a special meeting to receive and discuss the L.A.U.S.D. Master Plan for the Education of Limited-English-Proficient (LEP) Students. A copy of this Master Plan is attached to these Minutes.
box 653

Board Reports 1988 June 13-1988 June 27

Processing Information

BR 511

Scope and Contents

On June 13, 1988, Anthony Thigpenn, representing Jobs With Peace, addressed the Board prior to its adoption of Ms. Goldberg's resolution that the Board endorse the L.A. Jobs With Peace Child Care Project and its goal of expanding the L.A.U.S.D.'s School-Age (Latchkey) Program by 20,000 children through new local, State and Federal funding, as a positive example of the social and economic benefits of funding for human needs.
box 654

Board Reports 1988 June 27-1988 August 11

Processing Information

BR 512

Scope and Contents

On July 25, 1988, the Board adopted Mr. Gershman's resolution that the L.A.U.S.D. conduct a study for the purpose of determining the feasibility of initiating the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program for its high school students.
box 655

Board Reports 1988 August 15-1988 September 8

Processing Information

BR 513

Scope and Contents

On August 22, 1988, during the "Board Member Remarks: This Week in Education" portion of the meeting, Mr. Furutani shared the thrill of opening the first elementary school in the past 17 years located in his district, the South Gate New Elementary School No. 2. President Weintraub shared a portion of a national syndicated column which stated that good teachers cost money and that school districts should consider salary increases as investments in the future.
box 656

Board Reports 1988 September 19-1988 October 31

Processing Information

BR 514

Scope and Contents

On October 10, 1988, the Board carried Ms. Goldberg's motion that the Board approve the procedures promulgated by staff with respect to child care and other permits, including the restrictions placed upon the issuance of permits at District schools with an "Other White" student population of 70% or greater and that the Superintendent prepare for adoption by the Board a recommended appeal procedure based on a hardship criterion. On October 17, 1988, the Board adopted Ms. Goldberg's resolution that acts motivated by hate or bigotry will not be tolerated within the L.A.U.S.D. and that any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.
box 657

Board Reports 1988 November 3-1988 December 12

Processing Information

BR 515

Scope and Content

On December 5, 1988, the Board adopted Mr. Furutani's resolution that the Board endorse and support the 6th Annual Washington Preparatory High School Non-Violence and Peace March on December 11, 1988, and urged support and participation of students, parents and communities throughout the District. On December 12, 1988, the Board adopted Ms. Goldberg's resolution that the Board establish the order of business section, Student Concerns, on an ongoing basis to provide the opportunity for Student Members to express the ideas and concerns of the students they represent and further more open communication between the Board and students.
box 658

Board Reports 1988 December 12-1989 February 5

Processing Information

BR 516

Scope and Contents

On December 19, 1988, the Board adopted Ms. Goldberg's resolution that the Board determine that a misdemeanor conviction related to an applicant's participation in civil disobedience should not be a bar to employment and that the Superintendent make Board Rule recommendations to change this policy. On January 23, 1989, President Weintraub read a statement on the high school student walkouts over the issue of grades being withheld or not reported by teachers and called upon union leadership to disavow this tactic. Student Member Todd Cobin stated that the "present stalemate between the District and UTLA seemed a form of academic child abuse, and that students needed their final grades to apply for college and university admittance." On January 30, 1989, Ms. Walters clarified a statement she made at the last Board meeting concerning the student walkouts as an observation that the walkouts occurred at schools with predominantly minority student populations across South Central Los Angeles.
box 659

Board Reports 1989 February 6-1989 March 6

Processing Information

BR 517

Scope and Contents

On February 14, 1989, Ms. Walters made a statement about the late Dr. Georgiana Hardy's legacy of District leadership beginning in 1955, a record of 20 years of Board service that still stands. Walters stated that those who believe in an integrated District and an integrated society "owe our gratitude to the pathfinder role she played on this Board of Education."
box 660

Board Reports 1989 March 20-1989 April 3

Processing Information

BR 518

Scope and Contents

On March 27, 1989, the Superintendent presented the final Core Team Report, "The Children Can No Longer Wait: An Action Plan to End Low Achievement and Establish Educational Excellence" that began with a request from Ms. Walters to specifically address the needs of the low achieving students of the District. A copy of this report is attached to these Minutes.
box 661

Board Reports 1989 April 17-1989 May 8

Processing Information

BR 519

Scope and Contents

On April 24, 1989, the Board adopted Ms. Goldberg's resolution that the Board affirm its desire to continue to strengthen education in the history-social science curriculum and incorporate and adopt in principle the 1987 History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools.
box 662

Board Reports 1989 May 11-1989 June 15

Processing Information

BR 520

Scope and Contents

On June 12, 1989, Mr. Furutani on behalf of Ms Goldberg, Ms. Korenstein and himself, noticed a resolution that the Board invite UTLA and all appropriate parent, labor, administrator, community and student organizations to co-sponsor a Districtwide conference on Shared Decision Making and Site Based Management. The President assigned the resolution to the Educational Development and Student Life Committee.
box 663

Board Reports 1989 June 19-1989 June 29

Processing Information

BR 521

Scope and Contents

On June 19, 1989, the Board adopted Ms. Goldberg's resolution that the Board formally adopt the principles and strategies delineated in the English-Language Arts Framework for the State of California and further, direct the Office of Instruction to assist with the implementation of literature-based/content-based integrated language arts programs in every classroom in the District.
box 664

Board Reports 1989 July 10-1989 August 21

Processing Information

BR 522

Scope and Contents

At the July 10, 1989 Annual Meeting, the Board elected Ms. Jackie Goldberg as President for the 1989-90 fiscal year. Ms. Walters stated that she could not vote for Ms. Goldberg because of the singling out of District administrators for disparate treatment and expressed concern for the morale of the District. Ms. Goldberg stated her expectation that 1989-90 would be remembered as the year of student achievement and emphasized that the District should become more student centered. The July 10, 1989 Minutes contain a special report on the District's fiscal status that includes description of the June 26 adoption of the $3.8 billion dollar Tentative Budget for 1989-90, the largest budget in the District's history.
box 665

Board Reports 1989 August 28-1989 September 25

Processing Information

BR 523

Scope and Contents

On September 25, 1989, Student Member Alfredo Hernandez expressed concern regarding the role students would have in the Shared Decision Making Process and requested that information regarding shared decision making be more readily available to students. Mr. Thompson noted that the next training session would include student representatives.
box 666

Board Reports 1989 October 2-1989 November 13

Processing Information

BR 524

Scope and Contents

On October 23, 1989, the Board unanimously adopted Ms. Weintraub's resolution that the Board strongly urge the State Board of Education to oppose the inclusion of creationism in the Science Framework and to adopt the framework as proposed by the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission. On October 30, 1989, Mr. Furutani commented on a special graduation for the Los Angeles High School 1942 senior class of Japanese-American ancestry who were denied diplomas.
box 667

Board Reports 1989 November 20-1989 December 15

Processing Information

BR 525

Scope and Contents

On December 4, 1989, Ms. Goldberg called on Student Member Sonja Mason from Dorsey High School. Ms. Mason voiced concerns on the maintenance of lighting fixtures in classrooms, the use of closed classrooms, locked sanitary facilities and unclear water from drinking fountains.
box 668

Board Reports 1990 January 4-1990 January 29

Processing Information

BR 526

Scope and Contents

On January 16, 1990, Student Member Sofia Paiz expressed students' concerns on overcrowding, classes that are too large, the lack of time for teachers to meet with individual students, scheduling, lack of seats and materials, class programming problems and the lack of time available for counselors to meet with students.
On January 16, 1990, the Board unanimously adopted Ms. Walters' resolution that Administrative Region C Ethnic Center located at Seventy-Fifth Street School be converted to a parent/community center with the primary purpose of enhancing parent involvement in South Central Los Angeles, and that the name be changed to the "Lucinda Clark Parent/Community Center" to become operational July 1, 1990.
box 669

Board Reports 1990 February 5-1990 February 26

Processing Information

BR 527

Scope and Contents

On February 5, 1990, the Superintendent made a statement concerning the District's critical student housing situation and presented 19 recommendations to the Board for immediate action so that staff will have the direction and authority to respond toward the satisfactory housing of all students.
box 670

Board Reports 1990 March 5-1990 April 2

Processing Information

BR 528

Scope and Contents

On March 19, 1990, President Goldberg welcomed Student Member Juan Carlos Cortez from Venice High School who expressed concern regarding the lack of curriculum to promote pride in a student's heritage, limited information available to bilingual students related to curriculum and graduation requirements and the unavailability of counselors to encourage a student's pursuit of higher education.
On April 2, 1990, Ms. Walters stated she had received a photograph of a swastika painted on the wall of a District school, as well as a sticker that was on that wall which read, "Niggers get out." Walters asked that the District have workshops in human relations and to have teachers assert that the District will not tolerate such manifestations.
box 671

Board Reports 1990 April 16-1990 May 7

Processing Information

BR 529

Scope and Contents

On April 30, 1990, the Board adopted Ms. Weintraub's resolution that the Superintendent be directed to review the terms of the District's 1980 Consent Decree designed to improve the promotional opportunities for women in certificated administrative positions and with the assistance of legal counsel, recommend a proposal for the continuance of the programs and policies established by the Decree to the fullest extent permitted by the law.
box 672

Board Reports 1990 May 14-1990 June 18

Processing Information

BR 530

Scope and Contents

On May 14, 1990, the Board adopted Mr. Furutani's amended resolution that the Superintendent direct staff to look into the possible problems and their solutions as related to the timely translation and availability of information and applications in languages other than English.
box 673

Board Reports 1990 June 21-1990 July 30

Processing Information

BR 531

Scope and Contents

The June 25, 1990 Minutes contain a copy of the Proposed Integration Program Changes for 1990-91 within the Committee of the Whole Report No. 2.
box 674

Board Reports 1990 August 1-1990 September 17

Processing Information

BR 532

Scope and Content

On September 10, 1990, the Board adopted Mr. Furutani's resolution that the Board direct the Superintendent to implement, in the Spring of 1991, a ten-week ethnic studies course to be added to the list of options in District graduation requirements. Mr. Sal B. Castro, representing the Mexican American Education Commission, addressed the Board prior to the vote on Mr. Furutani's motion.
box 675

Board Reports 1990 September 24-1990 November 26

Processing Information

BR 533 Missing BR 534-548

Scope and Contents

On November 19, 1990, Superintendent Anton made a statement about a lesser known portion of the mandates to State schools under Proposition 98 which requires each school district to prepare and make available to the public, an annual school-accountability report. He added that the report would provide more information to parents and the public about District schools.
box 676

Board Reports 1993 March 1-1993 April 19

Processing Information

BR 549 Missing BR 534-548

Scope and Contents

On March 1, 1993, the Board adopted Mr. Slavkin's resolution that the Board immediately convene an Emergency Task Force on Youth Violence and charge this Task Force with the responsibility of developing specific recommendations for the Board and all other appropriate governmental agencies within 30 days. At a special meeting on March 25, 1993, the Board adopted Board of Education Report No. 1, Decision on the Open School Charter Petition. A copy of this Report is attached to these Minutes.
box 677

Board Reports 1993 April 26-1993 June 14

Processing Information

BR 550

Scope and Contents

On May 3, 1993, the Board adopted President Quezada's resolution that the Board declare the first Wednesday in June beginning this year as Cesar Chavez day for the L.A.U.S.D. At a special meeting on May 10, 1993, the Board received Board of Education Report No. 1, Los Angeles Educational Alliance for Restructuring Now (LEARN) Plan Phase I - List of Selected Schools. The Superintendent noted that on March 15 the Board adopted the LEARN Plan which is the framework for restructuring the District.
box 678

Board Reports 1993 June 21-1993 July 26

Processing Information

BR 551

Scope and Contents

On June 21, 1993, numerous groups and individuals recognized Roberta Weintraub's fourteen years of service to the students of the District. Former Board member and 13th District Los Angeles City Councilperson-elect Jackie Goldberg presented Ms. Weintraub with long-stemmed roses and on behalf of the Los Angeles City Council, Superintendent Thompson presented Ms. Weintraub with a resolution by Councilwoman Rita Walters.
box 679

Board Reports 1993 August 16-1993 October 11

Processing Information

BR 552

Scope and Contents

On September 7, 1993, the Board adopted Mr. Slavkin's resolution that the Board receive the recommendations of the Emergency Task Force on Youth Violence, direct the Superintendent to return to the Board within 60 days a suggested action plan for implementation and that the Superintendent be directed to work with City and County agencies to develop educational placements for the supervision and rehabilitation of minor students who are expelled for bringing guns to school.
On October 4, 1993, the Board adopted Ms. Castro and Ms. Korenstein's resolution that the Superintendent be directed to implement a policy that all school police officers assigned as resident campus police officers at District middle and high schools be in full police uniform, effective immediately.
box 680

Board Reports 1993 October 18-1993 December 16

Processing Information

BR 553

Scope and Contents

On November 29, 1993, the Board held a special meeting for a public hearing concerning the State Waiver Application for Use of Four Pupil-free Days to Implement Limited English Proficient (LEP) Training Program. The Superintendent explained that the District would request a waiver to allow the use of four pupil-free days to conduct a State Department of Education required LEP training program at 79 schools. He stated that the District had been found to be non-compliant with State mandates at the secondary school level in regard to the LEP program and was now required to comply or risk losing $60 million.
box 681

Board Reports 1994 January 3-1994 April 11

Processing Information

BR 554

Scope and Contents

On January 21, 1994, the Board held a special meeting to discuss the impact of the Northridge earthquake on District schools. President Quezada added that the purpose of this meeting is to focus on the needs of the District and commented that preliminary estimates place the possible financial setback as high as $700 million. On January 27, 1994, the Board held a special meeting for an update on the impact of the Northridge earthquake on District schools. President Quezada commented on the recent visit of President Bill Clinton, United States Secretary of Education Richard Riley and today's visit to the Hyde Park School by First Lady Hillary Clinton. President Quezada introduced California State Controller Gray Davis who presented a check for $10 million to address the District's earthquake damage needs.
box 682

Board Reports 1994 April 18-1994 June 27

Processing Information

BR 555

Scope and Contents

On April 18, 1994, the Board discussed Office of the Superintendent Report No. 1, Proposed Expansion of Magnet Programs for 1993-94 and 1994-95. President Quezada expressed concern over the lack of equitable distribution of magnet centers throughout the District and the Superintendent indicated that court-ordered mandates as well as policy issues guided the placement of students.
On May 2, 1994, the Board supported Mrs. Boudreaux's motion that the Board activate the publication, The Children Can No Longer Wait, with funding for implementation. On May 16, 1994, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution that the Board "commit itself to doing whatever it can to ensure that per pupil spending in California's K-12 public schools is raised to the national average by 1999 by whatever means necessary."
box 683

Board Reports 1994 July 11-1994 September 26

Processing Information

BR 556

Scope and Contents

On August 15, 1994, the Board adopted Ms. Quezada's resolution that the Board go on record opposing Proposition 187 also known as the Save Our State (SOS) initiative. Ms. Quezada's resolution explains that a major component of this proposal would make undocumented immigrants ineligible for enrollment at public elementary and secondary schools and would impose verification and reporting requirements on school districts. On September 19, 1994, Student Member Alejandra Moreno from Hollywood High School expressed students' concerns regarding the adverse effects Proposition 187 would have on students if enacted and stressed the importance of voting by eligible students.
box 684

Board Reports 1994 October 3-1994 December 12

Processing Information

BR 557

Scope and Contents

On October 3, 1994, the Board adopted Mrs. Boudreaux's resolution that the Board "enthusiastically endorse the participation of every member of the school and larger community in the 'Books Brighten Youth Life' campaign to build a legacy of literacy, library use and achievement for our students." On October 17, 1994, Mr. Horton applauded the Gay and Lesbian Education Commission for sponsorship of the Second Annual Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Youth Conference held Saturday at Occidental College.
box 685

Board Reports 1995 January 9-1995 March 30

Processing Information

BR 558

Scope and Contents

On January 23, 1995, the Board adopted Mrs. Boudreaux's and Mr. Furutani's resolution that the Board strengthen its existing policy to ensure that the ethnically diverse community served by the District and women are fairly represented in any contractor's/subcontractor's work force, consistent with the District's 50% minority work force utilization goal on all construction contracts.
In response to a "heinous crime" against a kindergarten student at 66th Street School on January 24, 1995, the Board adopted Mrs. Boudreaux, Mr. Horton and Ms. Quezada's resolution that the Superintendent direct all schools to immediately implement a policy that all students seeking permission to leave their classrooms or other supervised activity, shall be accompanied by one or more students as appropriate.
box 686

Board Reports 1995 April 3-1995 June 20

Processing Information

BR 559

Scope and Contents

On May 8, 1995, the Board held a special meeting to discuss, amend and adopt Board of Education Report No. 2, Los Angeles Educational Alliance for Restructuring Now (LEARN) Schools for Phase Three Implementation.
On June 12, 1995, Mr. Horton commented on the 2nd Annual Gay Prom held at the Omni Sheraton Hotel at no cost to the District.
On June 19, 1995, Student Member Jessica Saint Paul from Bravo Medical Magnet shared concerns regarding the distribution of condoms in the schools, the uncertainty of graduation for seniors given finals the day before graduation and the need for college scholarships and financial aid for higher education.
box 687

Legal Board Reports 1995 June 26-1995 September 18

Processing Information

Binder 560 is the first binder where the Board referred to its Minutes as Legal Board Reports.

Scope and Content

On July 24, 1995, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution that the Board join the Emergency/Coalition to Save Los Angeles in its effort to avoid massive County service reductions and layoffs and that the Board request that the California Legislature adopt the measures requested to meet the needs of County residents and to fully fund public education.
On August 7, 1995, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution that the Superintendent review the existing District memo on pregnant and parenting teens to ensure the rights of these students under Title IX and to eliminate any unlawful barrier to school continuation for this population of young women.
On September 5, 1995, President Slavkin reported that the Board will review staff prepared criteria regarding legislative proposals to break-up the District.
box 688

Legal Board Reports 1995 September 18-1995 November 6

Processing Information

LBR 561

Scope and Contents

On October 16, 1995, the Board adopted Mrs. Boudreaux's resolution that the Parent Collaborative be formally identified as one of the District's reorganized organizations and that it be an invited presenter at the beginning of the first regular Board meeting of the month. On May 2, 1994, the Board adopted the L.A.U.S.D. restructuring plan and from this action, the Parent Community Services Branch established the Parent Collaborative to provide a regular District parent forum.
box 689

Legal Board Reports 1995 November 13-1996 January 22

Processing Information

LBR 562

Scope and Contents

On November 20, 1995, student Board member Quynh Dang from Los Angeles High School expressed equity concerns regarding her school being on a year round multitrack calendar. She explained that classes are not open to all students on all tracks; Honors Advanced Placement classes are offered only on C-track and are unavailable to students on other tracks.
On November 20, 1995, President Slavkin called on Mr. Richard Mason, General Counsel to report on a Proposition 187 Federal Court development. Mason explained that because of the United States Supreme Court's decision in Plyler v. Doe, related to the obligations of school districts to educate children regardless of their immigration status, the Federal Court in Los Angeles concluded that Federal Law preempts the K-12 portions of Proposition 187.
box 690

Legal Board Reports 1996 January 22-1996 March 14

Processing Information

LBR 563

Scope and Contents

On January 22, 1996, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky's precatory motion that the Board support the continued operation of the juvenile probation camps and urge the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to identify funding needed to prevent the closure of the probation camps.
On February 20, 1996, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution that the Board support the concept of high school magnet programs jointly supported by the Los Angeles Police Department and the District to prepare students for careers in law enforcement.
On February 26 and March 14, 1996, the Board held special meetings for action upon the proposed Consent Decree in the case of Chanda Smith, et al. v. LAUSD, et al.. In November 1993 this class action lawsuit was filed against the District on behalf of students with disabilities alleging that the District had failed to search for, identify, track, and timely and properly serve the educational needs of students with disabilities in violation of federal law.
box 691

Legal Board Reports 1996 March 18-1996 May 28

Processing Information

LBR 564

Scope and Contents

On March 18, 1996, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's precatory motion that the Board go on record in support of the Living Wage Act of 1996 Ballot Initiative and other efforts to increase the minimum wage.
On May 6, 1996, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's amended resolution that the Board go on record in support of the Labor/Community Strategy Center and the Bus Riders Union civil rights class action lawsuit against the MTA for engaging in policies and practices which result in disparate impact on racial minorities in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
box 692

Legal Board Reports 1996 June 3-1996 August 5

Processing Information

LBR 565

Scope and Contents

On June 3, 1996, the Board adopted Mr. Kiriyama's motion regarding continued support for character education and Mrs. Boudreaux's motion that Board Rule 1995 be amended to change the name of the Sex Equity Commission to the Gender Equity Commission.
On June 17, 1996, the Board adopted Mrs. Boudreaux's amended resolution that the Board reaffirm its commitment to help black students achieve at higher levels and endorse the "Blueprint for Action" document as a comprehensive guide to assist school communities in raising achievement for black students.
During the June 17, 1996 "This Week In Education," Mrs. Bourdreaux announced that many Board members attended COBA's 21st Annual Black Child Conference and Attorney General Janet Reno visited Marvin Avenue School.
On July 1, 1996, the Board held a special meeting to adopt Ms. Korenstein's amended motion that the Board strongly oppose the repeal of the statutes that assure reimbursement of the costs of desegregation programs conducted in compliance with court orders or voluntarily to avoid imposition of a court order.
On July 15, 1996, speakers from South Central Youth Empowered thru Action (SCYEA) addressed the Board regarding Mrs. Boudreaux's motion in opposition to the California Civil Rights Initiative.
box 693

Legal Board Reports 1996 August 5-1996 September 3

Processing Information

LBR 566

Scope and Contents

On August 19, 1996, Ms. Castro recognized El Centro de Pueblo as an important community based organization that provides services to students who have difficulty in a regular high school environment. Ms. Castro introduced and commended Peter Shire, artist and former Belmont High School student, who benefitted El Centro de Pueblo through the donation of his art work.
On August 19, 1996, the Board adopted Mr. Kiriyama's amended motion regarding the restoration of the music education program for all elementary school students. During this meeting, the Board also adopted Board of Education Report No. 6, the Report from the Citizens Committee on Superintendent Selection. A copy of this report is included as an attachment to these Minutes.
box 694

Legal Board Reports 1996 September 9-1996 November 25

Processing Information

LBR 567

Scope and Contents

On October 7, 1996, the Board acknowledged Proposition 187, Proposition 209, The California Civil Rights Initiative and the Gallegly Amendment as restrictive legislation concerning educational opportunities for many immigrant children and resolved to endorse the Latino Civil Rights March and Rally in Washington, D.C. on October 12, 1996.
box 695

Legal Board Reports 1996 December 2-1997 February 10

Processing Information

LBR 568

Scope and Contents

On December 2, 1996, Mr. Tokofsky moved that the Board adjourn the meeting in memory of Ms. Brenda Hughes, a Franklin High School student who was tragically shot. On January 27, 1997, the Board adopted Mr. Slavkin's resolution that the Superintendent be directed to communicate in writing to the Governor and the District's legislative delegation that it is imperative that the Class Size Reduction Program be fully funded in the 1997-98 State budget.
box 696

Legal Board Reports 1997 February 10-1997 March 31

Processing Information

LBR 569

Scope and Contents

On February 10, 1997, Student Member Sergio VIlla encouraged all students and parents to work together in support of Proposition BB so that students can work in a safe and clean environment.
On February 10, 1997, the Board adopted Mr. Slavkin's substitute reading program motion for Mrs. Boudreaux's motion. This resolution includes a review of existing programs which seek to help African American students master standard English, including a determination of which have proven most effective.
On March 31, 1997, the Board adopted Ms. Korenstein's motion regarding the California PTA's 100th Anniversary.
box 697

Legal Board Reports 1997 April 7-1997 April 21

Processing Information

LBR 570

Scope and Contents

On April 21, 1997, the Board adopted Board of Education Report No. 2 as amended, The Belmont Learning Complex Project and Disposition and Development Agreement with Temple-Beaudry Partners to Construct Career Development Partnership High School Portion of Project. A copy of this report is attached to these Minutes.
box 698

Legal Board Reports 1997 April 23-1997 June 16

Processing Information

LBR 571

Scope and Content

At a special meeting on June 10, 1997, the Board adopted the receipt of the resubmitted implementation plans 1 and 2 regarding the Chanda Smith Consent Decree and Process for Review and Action. On June 16, 1997, Ms. Jo Ann Semon representing the American Indian Commission addressed the Board to express "School Mascot" concerns.
box 699

Legal Board Reports 1997 June 17-1997 September 2

Processing Information

LBR 572

Scope and Contents

On July 21, 1997, the Board adopted Mr. Kiriyama's motion that the Board strongly support Federal Senate Bill 882 as introduced by California's United States Senator Barbara Boxer. On July 28, 1997, the Board held a special meeting concerning the Class Size Reduction Program.
box 700

Legal Board Reports 1997 September 4-1997 November 13

Processing Information

LBR 573

Scope and Contents

At a special meeting on September 8, 1997, the Board adopted Mr. Kiriyama's resolution that the use of American Indian mascots and names such as Apaches, Mohicans, Warriors and Braves will not be used by any LAUSD school. On September 15, 1997, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution that Board create an Armenian Education Commission equivalent to the other seven education commissions. On October 6, 1997, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution on Rebuilding LAUSD Libraries.
box 701

Legal Board Reports 1997 November 17-1998 January 12

Processing Information

LBR 574

Scope and Contents

On November 17, 1997, Superintendent Ruben Zacarias made a statement in which he addressed allegations of "secret" or "illegal" Board meetings regarding his compensation. On December 15, 1997, the Board adopted Ms. Castro's resolution that the Board go on record in opposition to the proposed "English Language Education for Immigrant Children Initiative" (the Unz Initiative) which severely limits educational options for non-English and limited English speaking students.
box 702

Legal Board Reports 1998 January 20-1998 March 16

Processing Information

LBR 575

Scope and Contents

On February 9, 1998, Mr. Tokofsky remarked on the visit of Vice President Al Gore, Senator Barbara Boxer and Lieutenant Governor Gray Davis to Pacoima Elementary School where they focused on school libraries.
At a special meeting on February 17, 1998, the Board adopted Mrs. Boudreaux's resolution that the Board authorize staff and counsel to immediately go to court and seek appropriate relief with respect to the administration of student achievement tests to those students who are unable to substantially comprehend the content of tests administered in English.
On March 9, 1998, the Board adopted Ms. Fields' resolution that the Board oppose the Anti-Worker Initiative on the June 1998 ballot.
box 703

Legal Board Reports 1998 March 23-1998 May 26

Processing Information

LBR 576

Scope and Contents

On March 23, 1998, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution that the Board direct the Superintendent to appoint a Task Force on Accountability.
On April 13, 1998, the Board adopted Ms. Korenstein's resolution that the Board support California Legislature Assembly Bill 1753 (Escutia) which would amend the State Education Code to include among graduation requirements, the completion of a one-semester course in health education.
On May 4, 1998, the Board adopted Ms. Fields' resolution that the Board urge the California State Senate to pass Senate Bill 6 and the Governor to approve this measure to ensure English Learners access to the core curriculum and equal opportunity for academic achievement.
box 704

Legal Board Reports 1998 June 1-1998 July 14

Processing Information

LBR 577

Scope and Content

At the annual meeting on July 1, 1998, the Board elected Victoria M. Castro President for the 1998-99 fiscal year.
At a special meeting on July 1, 1998, the Board adopted Ms. Korenstein's resolution that all secondary students who are recommended for expulsion for having guns in their possession be removed from regular schools and transferred to alternative educational programs while they await a resolution to their expulsion proceedings.
On July 14, 1998, Mrs. Boudreaux mentioned Dr. Martin Luther King's daughter, Yolanda King's visit to Wilshire Crest Elementary School.
box 705

Legal Board Reports 1998 July 16-1998 September 29

Processing Information

LBR 578

Scope and Contents

On September 24, 1998, Student Member Martha Sandoval from Huntington Park High School commented on an article in the Los Angeles Times which stated that persons within the approximate area of 2700 South Indiana Street in the City of Vernon and 5909 East Randolph Street in the City of Commerce were exposed to lead and candium at a level determined by the State of California to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm and cancer.
On September 24, 1998, the Board unanimously adopted Board of Education Report No. 13, Waiver of Proposition 227 for Project M.O.R.E., Dual Language Programs, and Sections Related to Parental Exception Waivers.
box 706

Legal Board Reports 1998 October 6-1998 December 15

Processing Information

LBR 579

Scope and Contents

On October 13, 1998, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution that the Board opposes the "Permanent Class Size Reduction and Educational Opportunity Act," Proposition 8, which would increase education bureaucracy, reduce accountability, force classroom education cuts and ignore California's new, uniform academic standards.
On December 8, 1998, Student Member Jesenia Mares of Fremont High School expressed student concerns regarding the following issues at her campus: the poor condition of the campus, students unable to participate in after school activities due to outdated equipment and lack of funds for textbooks.
box 707

Legal Board Reports 1999 January 5-1999 March 11

Processing Information

LBR 580

Scope and Contents

On January 12, 1999, Student Member Jesenia Mares of Fremont High School indicated her school has been missing a college counselor since the beginning of the year and students are concerned that they are not receiving appropriate college information. Student Member Mares also expressed concern about attending a school of 2,400 students with only one of three available bathrooms open for use during the regular lunch period.
On January 26, 1999, Student Member Rosa Salvador of Jefferson High School reported on her attendance at the Association of Student Body Presidents' meeting where the issue of student restroom problems across the District was discussed. Most of the restrooms are closed or only one is open which poses a problem. Students also requested that seat covers be provided.
On February 23, 1999, the Board adopted Mr. Horton's resolution regarding the events at the Belmont Learning Complex as well as Jefferson Middle School which raised concerns about regulatory oversight of school sites and the multiple local and state agencies involved in environmental assessment and remediation of school projects.
box 708

Legal Board Reports 1999 March 16-1999 May 11

Processing Information

LBR 581

Scope and Contents

On May 11, 1999, the Board adopted Ms. Fields' resolution that the Board seek legislation to hold the parent or guardian accountable if a gun is brought onto a school campus by their child, that the parent or guardian be subject to civil and criminal liability and that this resolution be transmitted to the L.A.U.S.D.'s delegation in the California Legislature.
box 709

Legal Board Reports 1999 May 18-1999 June 22

Processing Information

LBR 582

Scope and Contents

At a special meeting on June 1, 1999, the Board adopted Ms. Fields' resolution in support of Charter Amendment 2 - Election of Members of the Board of Education of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
At a special meeting on June 15, 1999, President Castro called on Mr. Barry Groveman who made a presentation of the preliminary report from the Environmental Strategies Corporation which conducted a survey to determine whether the site assessment at the Belmont Learning Complex was sufficient.
box 710

Legal Board Reports 1999 June 29-1999 August 20

Processing Information

LBR 583

Scope and Contents

On July 1, 1999, the Board elected Genethia Hudley Hayes as President for the fiscal year. On July 6, 1999, the Board held a special meeting for the adoption of General Environmental Legislative Policy.
On July 13, 1999, Student Member Dayreca Leach from Manual Arts High School expressed her opinion that the Stanford 9 test has discrepancies between what is taught in the school curriculum and what the test assesses.
On July 20, 1999, the Board held a special meeting to take a series of actions on the Belmont Learning Center, including the establishment of an independent commission to make recommendations to the Board concerning the future of this project. On August 20, 1999, the Board held a special meeting to adopt a report concerning the confirmation of the Belmont Learning Center Project's Independent Commission and related matters.
box 711

Legal Board Reports 1999 August 24-1999 September 28

Processing Information

LBR 584

Scope and Contents

On September 14, 1999, President Hayes announced that the District's Internal Auditor delivered his report to the Board today on the Belmont Learning Center Project and explained that this report, based on a seven-month investigation, "...is the beginning of the process to take corrective action that will safeguard the public's trust in the Los Angeles Unified School District and ensure fairness and accountability."
box 712

Legal Board Reports 1999 October 5-1999 December 14

Processing Information

LBR 585

Scope and Content

On October 12, 1999, President Hayes announced that today in executive session, the Board adopted a resolution which established the Office of Chief Executive Officer, appointed Howard Miller to this position effective immediately until the end of fiscal year, June 30, 1999 and explained that Mr. Miller is charged with assembling a crisis management team to do a top to bottom management review of the L.A.U.S.D. including recommendations on the immediate status of all District personnel recommended for discipline in the Belmont Report of the Director of Internal Audit and Special Investigations. On October 12, 1999, the Board adopted Ms. Young's resolution concerning the Board's commitment to ensure safety of all students and staff and to ensure that environmental safety decisions are made with integrity, sound judgement and open process.
box 713

Legal Board Reports 2000 January 6-2000 March 7

Processing Information

LBR 586

Scope and Contents

At a special meeting on January 11, 2000, Interim Superintendent Ramon Cortines presented a Concept Paper for Changing Los Angeles Unified School District: Multiple District Plan. A copy of this paper is attached to these Minutes.
On January 11, 2000, the Board adopted Ms. Fields' resolution that the Board support Assembly Bill 961 (Steinberg), Challenged-School Teacher Attraction and Retention.
On January 25, 2000, the Board adopted Board of Education Report No. 14, Future of the Belmont Learning Complex. This report is attached to these Minutes and describes the Belmont Learning Complex as a tragedy for the Belmont community and the District.
At a special meeting on February 1, 2000, the Board adopted the Citizen's Committee's Criteria for the Selection of the Superintendent.
On February 22, 2000, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky and Ms. Hayes' resolution that the Board oppose Proposition 22, the "Defense of Marriage Initiative" and its attempt to make some citizens less equal than others.
box 714

Legal Board Reports 2000 March 14-2000 April 11

Processing Information

LBR 587

Scope and Contents

The March 14 and April 11, 2000 Minutes include copies of a blueprint document for changing the LAUSD, "Eleven Local Districts, One Mission: A Multiple District Plan for Transforming the Los Angeles Unified School District." On April 11, 2000, the Board adopted this amended document as the District's Reorganization Plan for School Year 2000-2001.
On March 28, 2000, Student Member Valerie Rae Horn from University High School stated the following student concerns at her school: overcrowded classrooms, a lack of classroom seats, unsanitary restrooms and students asked to purchase their own textbooks.
box 715

Legal Board Reports 2000 April 25-2000 June 13

Processing Information

LBR 588

Scope and Contents

On May 9, 2000, the Board adopted a motion by the Superintendent concerning the lack of fully credentialed teachers to meet the District's staffing and instructional needs and the necessity to employ teachers with emergency permits under provisions of Education Code 44300.
On May 23, 2000, the Board adopted Ms. Fields' resolution concerning the District's fine art collection estimated to be valued at over 4 million dollars and its endorsement of the submission of a preservation grant proposal to the Getty Grant Foundation.
box 716

Legal Board Reports 2000 June 13-2000 June 20

Processing Information

LBR 589

Scope and Contents

The 1998-99 Stanford 9 Individual Student NCE Gains by District, School and Grade Level are attached to the June 13, 2000 Minutes.
box 717

Legal Board Reports 2000 June 22-2000 July 18

Processing Information

LBR 590

Scope and Contents

At the regular meeting on June 27, 2000, the Board adopted the Waiver of California Credential Requirements (Waiver of Board Rule 72) for Mr. Roy Romer who was appointed as Superintendent of Schools, effective July 1, 2000, for so long as he serves as the District's Superintendent. At the annual meeting on July 6, 2000, Ms. Genethia Hudley Hayes was elected President for the 2000-2001 fiscal year, 6 ayes, 1 no, Ms. Castro.
box 718

Legal Board Reports 2000 July 25-2000 August 29

Processing Information

LBR 591

Scope and Contents

On July 25, 2000, the Board adopted Ms. Fields' motion that the Board support the efforts of the Los Angeles Teacher Mortgage Assistance Program in providing teachers with information about the housing assistance programs offered at the federal, state and local levels.
The July 25, 2000 Minutes include the attachment, "Chanda Smith Consent Decree Review of Expenditures/Search for Additional Funding" submitted to the Board by the Consent Decree Administrators.
On August 29, 2000, the Board adopted Ms. Korenstein's resolution that the Board oppose Proposition 38, the School Voucher Initiative.
box 719

Legal Board Reports 2000 September 5-2000 December 12

Processing Information

LBR 592

Scope and Contents

On November 14, 2000, the Board adopted Ms. Fields' and Mr. Lansing's resolution that the Board encourages and supports the application for funding the school-to-career activities through the Urban Network for Improving Training and Education in Los Angeles (UNITE-LA).
box 720

Legal Board Reports 2000 December 12-2001 January 30

Processing Information

LBR 593

Scope and Contents

The December 12, 2000 Minutes include copies of overviews for Expenditures and Funding, Staff Development and Busing and Transportation areas of the Chanda Smith Consent Decree Implementation Plan.
box 834

Legal Board Reports 2001 February 13-2001 March 20

Processing Information

BR 594
On February 24, 2012, Mr. James Perry of the Board Secretariat's Office removed Legal Board Report #594 from Research Locker #29. This binder was returned to Storage Room 102 at the LASPD warehouse on June 27, 2012.

Scope and Content

On February 13, 2001, Student Member Miguel Hernandez from Jordan High School reported that students have accomplished a positive working relationship with the school police and commented on the demoralizing campus environment at his school. On February 13, 2001, the Board adopted a resolution to support endeavors like Black Technology Awareness Week and emphasize mastery of higher-level mathematics and computer science in addition to literacy to ensure that the students of Los Angeles can bridge the digital divide.
box 721

Legal Board Reports 2001 March 27-2001 May 29

Processing Information

LBR 595

Scope and Content

On May 8, 2001, Dr. Lawrence H. Moore representing the Western Regional Council for Education of Black Children, Dr. Owen Knox, Ms. Grace Strauther representing Council of Black Administrators (COBA), Bishop Leon D. Ralph representing Interdenominational Church of God, Ms. Sheri Osborne of Advocates for Valley African American Students and Dr. Geraldine Washington, President of the Los Angeles NAACP addressed the Board concerning the Crisis in Education of African American Students.
box 722

Legal Board Reports 2001 June 12-2001 June 26

Processing Information

LBR 596

Scope and Contents

On June 12, 2001, Mr. Lansing commented on the first annual District 7 Future Leaders of Los Angeles Awards Banquet honoring 30 students from high schools within the District; guest speaker Connie Rice and outstanding students were honored for their leadership in schools and the community.
On June 26, 2001, Mr. Matt Rezvani of BP (formerly known as British Petroleum) stated that to celebrate its commitment to the community, BP has donated $1 million to the District.
On June 26, 2001, the Board adopted Ms. Hayes, Ms. Fields and Ms. Young's resolution that within 90 days, staff submit an action plan and timeline to the Board recommending the 2002-2003 implementation of policies and procedures to eliminate the disparities in educational outcomes for African American students.
box 723

Legal Board Reports 2001 July 3-2001 August 28

Processing Information

LBR 597

Scope and Contents

On July 3, 2001, the Board elected Caprice Young President for the fiscal year. On July 17, 2001, the Board adopted Ms. Hayes' resolution that the Board support the first annual Nonviolence Works Youth Conference hosted by 18 local youth organizations and the Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence.
On August 28, 2001, Mr. Huizar commended the Los Angeles Police Department, District School Police and Belmont High School Staff in their effort to protect students from a potentially disastrous situation which occurred at the school on July 30, 2001.
On August 28, 2001, Mr. Tokofsky thanked representatives of the Shell Oil Company for their continued support of the District. Superintendent Roy Romer's Five Year Strategic Plan is attached to these Minutes.
box 724

Legal Board Reports 2001 September 4-2001 October 9

Processing Information

LBR 598

Scope and Contents

On September 4, 2001, the Board adopted Board of Education Report No. 3 (Contract with Floraline I. Stevens and Associates for Planning and Evaluating a Pre-12 Action Plan to Provide Culturally Relevant Education that Benefits African American Students as well as Other Students). Ms. Hayes amended it to explain that that this is part of the District's obligations under Crawford to combat the harms of racial isolation and will be funded by the Student Integration Budget.
On September 25, 2001, the Board adopted Mr. Lansing's motion that the Board authorize a fundraising campaign to assist the families of the World Trade Center, Pentagaon and Pennsylvania terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The Board also adopted Ms. Korenstein's motion to direct the Superintendent to encourage all school site staff to lead students in age-appropriate discussions about the context and consequences of the terrorist attacks in ways that help them work through their loss and fear.
box 725

Legal Board Reports 2001 October 23-2001 December 11

Processing Information

LBR 599

Scope and Contents

On November 13, 2001, the Board adopted Ms. Canter's motion that the Board authorize and permit employees to procure and place a United States flag or an image of it on District-owned vehicles. On November 27, 2001, the Board adopted Ms. Korenstein's resolution regarding the development of a bullying policy. On December 6, 2001, the Board held a special meeting to recognize and honor legislators and others who sponsored measures for the District.
box 726

Legal Board Reports 2002 January 8-2002 February 26

Processing Information

LBR 600

Scope and Contents

The January 22, 2002 regular meeting Minutes include a copy of a letter from State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin to Superintendent Roy Romer and copies of the final Joint Intervention Agreements for schools in the scholastic audit process.
On February 12, 2002, the Board held a special meeting to discuss the Belmont Learning Center Request For Proposals (RFP) and Initial Findings of the Independent Evaluation Panel.
On February 12, 2002, the Board adopted the Whistleblower Protection Policy, established as Board Rule 1907 and the Revision of the Structured English Immersion Program for English Learners.
box 727

Legal Board Reports 2002 February 26-2002 March 12

Processing Information

LBR 601

Scope and Contents

On February 26, 2002, Superintendent Romer, elected officials, community members and members of the Independent Evaluation Panel addressed the Board concerning the negotiations to complete the Belmont Learning Center Project.
box 728

Legal Board Reports 2002 March 14-2002 April 23

Processing Information

LBR 602

Scope and Contents

On April 9, 2002, the Board adopted Ms. Hayes' resolution that the Board supports efforts to enroll every high school student in the A-G curriculum to enhance postsecondary educational and vocational opportunities. On April 23, 2002, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar's resolution that the Board express its support for AB 2027 which establishes a reasonable time frame to phase out Concept 6 calendars and to ensure that all students receive at least 180 days per year in the classroom.
box 729

Legal Board Reports 2002 April 25-2002 May 30

Processing Information

LBR 603

Scope and Contents

On May 28, 2002, President Young introduced and thanked Anne and Kirk Douglas for their playground program and noted that they have funded over $3.5 million to District schools and are committed to fund an additional $10 million over the next four years. During this meeting, the Board adopted Ms. Hayes' amended resolution that the District authorize the Program Evaluation and Research Branch to conduct a study of assessments that could be used by the District as alternatives to the Stanford 9 and the High School Exit Exam.
box 730

Legal Board Reports 2002 June 11-2002 July 9

Processing Information

LBR 604

Scope and Contents

At the regular meeting on June 11, 2002, Superintendent Romer introduced and swore in Mr. Allen B. Kerstein as the new School District Chief of Police. On July 9, 2002, Mr. Manuel Criollo of the Bus Riders Union addressed the Board on Ms. Hayes and Mr. Huizar's motion regarding the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Student Bus Passes.
box 731

Legal Board Reports 2002 August 8-2002 September 3

Processing Information

LBR 605

Scope and Contents

On August 27, 2002, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar's resolution that the Board open and operate Central Los Angeles High School No. 9 (450 Grand Avenue) as a community-based visual and performing arts high school to serve youth living in the area. On September 3, 2002, the Board adopted Ms. Young and Mr. Huizar's resolution that the Board endorse Operation Bright Future, a collaboration between the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office and the District to combat truancy.
box 732

Legal Board Reports 2002 September 6-2002 October 22

Processing Information

LBR 606

Scope and Contents

At the regular meeting on September 24, 2002, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky's resolution that the Superintendent review the current District debarment policy and assess what role the District's ethics policy should play in business decisions.
At the regular meeting on October 8, 2002, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky, Ms. Hayes and Ms. Young's resolution that the Superintendent and staff present recommendations for the expansion of the number of magnet schools and the number of magnet seats at existing schools.
On October 22, 2002, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar and Ms. Hayes' resolution calling for the full implementation of the Title III Initiative for English Learners and Immigrant Students.
box 733

Legal Board Reports 2002 October 22-2002 December 17

Processing Information

LBR 607

Scope and Content

At the regular meeting on November 26, 2002, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky's resolution directing the Superintendent to examine the roles and relationship between the District and the Citywide System of Neighborhood Councils.
At the regular meeting on December 10, 2002, Student Member Justin Brimmer from King/Drew Medical Magnet High School expressed concerns regarding required courses for graduation which are unavailable to students on small magnet campuses and requested an alternative to the current "lock down" policy for students who are tardy rather than sitting in a room and missing an entire class period.
At the regular meeting on December 17, 2002, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar, Ms. Hayes and Mr. Tokofsky's resolution to direct the Superintendent to develop a comprehensive plan to close the achievement gap for African American and Latino students.
box 734

Legal Board Reports 2003 January 14-2003 February 11

Processing Information

LBR 608

Scope and Contents

On January 21, 2003, Superintendent Romer discussed the District's objective to increase learning in the classroom, particularly at the secondary level in order to close the achievement gap and described three components to improve secondary instruction: 1) Smaller Learning Communities, 2) Periodic Assessments and 3) the 180 Day Calendar. The January 28, 2003 Minutes contain a copy of the report, "Making LAUSD the District of First Resort: A Teacher Quality Strategic Plan."
The February 11, 2003 regular meeting Minutes contain the January 2003 Strategic Execution Plan for new construction projects.
box 735

Legal Board Reports 2003 February 25-2003 March 25

Processing Information

LBR 609

Scope and Contents

On March 25, 2003, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky, Ms. Canter and Mr. Lansing's resolution that the Board promote the use of partnerships between the District, schools and community providers to enhance the availability of health services and Ms. Canter's resolution on Terrorism Preparedness.
box 736

Legal Board Reports 2003 April 8-2003 April 24

Processing Information

LBR 610

Scope and Contents

At the regular meeting on April 8, 2003, Local District representatives from Local Districts B, E, F, G, H, I and K presented their Quarterly Reports on the State Scholastic Audits and responded to Board member questions. These Quarterly Reports include summaries of monitoring visits to targeted schools by the California Department of Education and are attached to these Minutes. Schools targeted for joint District and State intervention include: Avalon Gardens, Gompers, Mann, Mount Vernon, Sun Valley, Fremont, Jefferson, Locke, Roosevelt and Wilson.
box 737

Legal Board Reports 2003 May 1-2003 June 3

Processing Information

LBR 611

Scope and Contents

On May 22, 2003, the Board adopted the amended Board of Education Report No. 200 02/03 which concerns the Authorization to Proceed with Feasibility Studies for the Completion of the Proposed Central Los Angeles High School No. 11 (Formerly the Belmont Learning Center) and other facilities matters.
On May 27, 2003, Student Member Lorena Garcia from Los Angeles High School expressed concern regarding overcrowding which results in "traveling" teachers who have no permanent classroom.
box 738

Legal Board Reports 2003 June 10-2003 July 8

Processing Information

LBR 612

Scope and Contents

At the regular June 24, 2003, the Board heard a presentation regarding some of the training and instruction being used to support the African American Learners Initiative and at the special meeting, adopted Ms. Hayes' resolution concerning the African American Learners Initiative Action Plan.
At the annual meeting on July 1, 2003, Marguerite Poindexter LaMotte was sworn in by former Board member, Barbara Boudreaux for District Office No. 1 and Jose Huizar was elected President for the fiscal year.
box 739

Legal Board Reports 2003 July 22-2003 September 30

Processing Information

LBR 613

Scope and Contents

On July 22, 2003, the Board adopted a motion by the Superintendent to delegate authority to the Superintendent or designee on the use of cellular telephones by students on school campuses.
On September 2, 2003, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar and Ms. Canter's resolution requesting state funds for Central Los Angeles Learning Center No. 1 (Ambassador Hotel School Project). The District had spent $80 million to date in pursuit of the historic Ambassador Hotel site, home of the Coconut Grove nightclub, host of six Oscar ceremonies, the site where Richard Nixon wrote his 1952 "Checkers" speech and the site of the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy.
On September 9, 2003, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar and Ms. LaMotte's resolution that the Board opposes Proposition 54, the October 7, 2003 ballot initiative to ban Classification by Race, Ethnicity, Color or National Origin.
box 740

Legal Board Reports 2003 October 14-2003 November 25

Processing Information

LBR 614

Scope and Contents

On October 28, 2003, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar, Ms. Canter and Ms. LaMotte's resolution that the Board reaffirms its support for the continued collaboration between the District School Police and other local policing agencies such as the Anti-Gang Task Force.
On November 25, 2003, the Board adopted Ms. Canter's resolution that the Superintendent prioritize hate-based incidents and crimes and utilize the LASPD/LAPD Cadre in developing an anti-bias and hate crime prevention training program for school personnel.
The November 25, 2003 Minutes contain the Library and Information Services Measure K Strategic Execution Plan.
box 741

Legal Board Reports 2003 December 9-2004 February 10

Processing Information

LBR 615

Scope and Contents

On January 13, 2004, the Board adopted Mr. Lauritzen, Mr. Huizar and Ms. Korenstein's resolution that the Superintendent present to the Board, a Master Plan for the creation of small learning communities with a focus on career and technical education on District occupational center campuses and elsewhere.
On January 20, 2004 at 11:30 a.m., the Board held a special meeting for a presentation on a weighted student formula which would enable budgeting for smaller size schools and would allow individual schools to utilize funds in areas of need.
On February 10, 2004, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar and Ms. Canter's resolution to partner and collaborate with the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office to present the "No Secrets Program," a child sexual abuse and awareness program to parents of students in the District.
box 742

Legal Board Reports 2003 February 24-2004 March 30

Processing Information

LBR 616

Scope and Contents

On March 8, 2004, Chief Operating Officer Mr. Tim Buresh explained his proposal to augment the School Police Division's budget for a total of approximately $12 million. Buresh stated that this decision is based on increased demand for services within the District, increased danger in the communities surrounding the schools and lack of adequate community policing resources outside of the District.
At a special meeting on March 11, 2004, the Board adopted Ms. Canter's motion mandating a 180 Day Single Track Calendar for all Elementary, Middle and Senior High Schools.
box 743

Legal Board Reports 2004 April 13-2004 June 8

Processing Information

LBR 617

Scope and Contents

On April 13, 2004, the Board adopted Mr. Lauritzen and Mr. Huizar's resolution that civic education be an integral part of the social studies curriculum at every level from kindergarten through grade twelve. On May 25, 2004, the Board adopted Mr. Lansing's resolution that the District grant high school diplomas to those interred during World War II.
box 744

Legal Board Reports 2004 June 15-2004 2004 July 22

Processing Information

LBR 618

Scope and Contents

On June 15 and 21, 2004, the Board held a special meeting to establish core beliefs and begin vision development.
On July 1, 2004, the Board unanimously elected Jose Huizar as Board President for the fiscal year. President Huizar stated his belief that the District would be in the top 10 percent of urban school districts and emphasized continued focus on closing the achievement gap, the success of the construction program and greater parental involvement.
The July 13, 2004 Minutes contain a copy of the proposal, "District-Wide Plan, Policies, and Strategies to Enhance Student Attendance."
box 745

Legal Board Reports 2004 July 27-2004 September 21

Processing Information

LBR 619

Scope and Contents

On August 24, 2004, the Board adopted Mr. Huizar and Ms. Canter's resolution that the Board support the proposed Federal Dream Act (H.R. 1684).
box 746

Legal Board Reports 2004 September 23-2004 November 9

Processing Information

LBR 620

Scope and Contents

On September 30, 2004, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky and Mr. Lauritzen's resolution on the District's implementation of Small Learning Communities.
On October 12, 2004, Superintendent Romer introduced the Certification of the Environmental Impact Report for the Central Los Angeles Learning Center No. 1 Project and Project Approval (Ambassador Site). Numerous speakers addressed the Board regarding this report including Assemblyman Fabian Nunez, Councilmember Martin Ludlow, Ms. Dolores Huerta and Ms. Connie Rice.
box 747

Legal Board Reports 2004 November 16-2005 January 19

Processing Information

LBR 621
box 748

Legal Board Reports 2005 January 25-2005 March 8

Processing Information

LBR 622
box 749

Legal Board Reports 2005 March 15-2005 May 3

Processing Information

LBR 623

Scope and Contents

On April 12, 2005, the Board adopted a Statement of Mission, Vision and Goals for the District. On April 26, 2005, the Board adopted Mr. Lauritzen and Ms. Korenstein's resolution that the District join the California School Boards Association in urging Congress to review and address the necessary amendments to the No Child Left Behind Act so that schools can successfully implement the act.
box 750

Legal Board Reports 2005 May 10-2005 June 14

Processing Information

LBR 624

Scope and Contents

On May 24, 2005, Senator Richard Alarcon addressed the Board on Mr. Huizar's Resolution to Create Educational Equity in Los Angeles Through the Implementation of the A-G Course Sequence as Part of the High School Graduation Requirement. Later in the meeting, Ms. Isabel Rutledge of Community Coalition and Ms. Sandy Rodriguez of South Central Youth Empowered thru Action addressed the Board on Mr. Huizar's A-G Resolution for Educational Equity.
box 751

Legal Board Reports 2005 June 14-2005 June 28

Processing Information

LBR 625
box 752

Legal Board Reports 2005 July 5-2005 September 13

Processing Information

LBR 626

Scope and Contents

On July 12, 2005, the Board adopted Ms. Korenstein's resolution regarding Reactivation of the District's Human Relations Education Commission, Mr. Huizar and Ms. Korenstein's resolution to Promote Safe Schools and Safe Neighborhoods by Implementing a Violence Prevention/Intervention Program and Ms. LaMotte's resolution Providing Basic Resources to Improve Achievement and Eliminate the Achievement Gap Among the Four Lowest Performing Groups of Standard English Learners.
box 753

Legal Board Reports 2005 September 13-2005 October 11

Processing Information

LBR 627

Scope and Contents

On September 13, 2005, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky and Ms. LaMotte's resolution concerning the District's Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort and care for incoming evacuees.
box 754

Legal Board Reports 2005 October 11-2005 November 29

Processing Information

LBR 628
box 755

Legal Board Reports 2005 December 6-2006 January 17

Processing Information

LBR 629

Scope and Contents

On December 13, 2005, the Board recognized Ms. Alicia Mayoraga, a 5th grader who started her own non-profit in an effort to make a positive difference for canine units. Even though she is not a District student, Ms. Mayoraga used funds raised to purchase custom fitted bulletproof vests for Los Angeles School Police dogs.
On January 10, 2006, during the "Inspirational Moment" portion of the meeting, Ms. Wendy Kopp, President and Founder of Teach for America shared that seeing the success of young teachers in low income, low achieving areas is truly inspiring.
box 756

Legal Board Reports 2006 January 24-2006 January 31

Processing Information

LBR 630

Scope and Contents

On January 24, 2006, the Board adopted Mr. Lauritzen, Ms. Korenstein and Mr. Tokofsky's resolution "Access for All" concerning the District's homeless children and Ms. Sandra Tsing Loh, an L.A. based author, performer and musician shared District stories of cultural richness, academic achievement and success during the "Inspirational Moment" portion of the meeting. On January 31, 2006, the Board adopted Ms. Canter's resolution regarding raising awareness of college financial aid options.
box 757

Legal Board Reports 2006 February 7-2006 March 7

Processing Information

LBR 631

Scope and Contents

On March 7, 2006, the Board adopted the amended report regarding authority for staff to enter into a development agreement for the delivery of Central Los Angeles High School No. 9 (450 North Grand Avenue).
box 758

Legal Board Reports 2006 March 14-2006 March 23

Processing Information

LBR 632

Scope and Contents

On March 22-23, 2006, the Board participated in a LAUSD Health and Welfare Retreat, "LAUSD Charting a New Course" at the Hotel Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro, California.
box 759

Legal Board Reports 2006 March 28-2006 April 25

Processing Information

LBR 633

Scope and Contents

On March 28, 2006, in honor of National Women's History Month, Mr. Lauritzen recognized his Deputy in Board District 3, Ms. Donna Smith who had been Principal of Chatsworth High School as well as a teacher who has served the District for 41 years. Mr. Lauritzen also noted that rock legend, Ritchie Valens, had recognized her in a song he had written.
On March 30, 2006, the Board adopted the proposal to officially change the name of Central High School #10 to the Miguel Contreras High School.
On April 25, 2006, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky's resolution in support of District students' families and in opposition to H.R. 4437, legislation aimed at criminalizing undocumented people and those that provide assistance to them which would result in a dispersal of families.
box 760

Legal Board Reports 2006 May 2-2006 June 13

Processing Information

LBR 634

Scope and Contents

On June 13, 2006, the Board adopted Mr. Lansing and Ms. LaMotte's resolution on school site security staffing and Mr. Lauritzen's resolution on Charter schools.
box 761

Legal Board Reports 2006 June 20-2006 June 29

Processing Information

LBR 635

Scope and Contents

The June 26, 2006 Minutes contain PowerPoint slides for the presentation entitled "Progress Report Council of Great City Schools Recommendations." On June 29, 2006, the Board held a special meeting to adopt the resolution reaffirming its strong opposition to A.B. 1381, modeled after the Mayoral takeover of school districts in New York and Chicago public schools, and any similar legislation that bypasses the District electorate in seeking changes to school district governance.
box 762

Legal Board Reports 2006 July 6-2006 September 12

Processing Information

LBR 636

Scope and Contents

On July 6, 2006, Hon. Jose Huizar, Los Angeles City Councilman, administered the Oath of Office to Board member Monica Garcia. At the September 12, 2006 meeting, President Canter remembered Hurricane Katrina and shared that the District opened its doors to 160 or more students and their families.
box 763

Legal Board Reports 2006 September 19-2006 October 10

Processing Information

LBR 637
box 764

Legal Board Reports 2006 October 12-2006 November 21

Scope and Content

On November 14, 2006, the Board recognized Superintendent Romer's service to the District. Mr. Romer thanked the Board for their kindness and welcomed Superintendent David L. Brewer to the District.

Processing Information

LBR 638
box 765

Legal Board Reports 2006 November 28-2006 December 19

Processing Information

LBR 639

Scope and Contents

On December 12, 2006, the Board adopted Mr. Tokofsky and Ms. Korenstein's resolution in support of H.R. 5709, No Child Left Behind Improvements Act of 2006.
box 766

Legal Board Reports 2007 January 3-2007 February 27

Processing Information

LBR 640

Scope and Contents

On January 23, 2007, the Board heard from Ms. Connie Rice concerning her special report, "A Call to Action: A Case for a Comprehensive Solution to Los Angeles' Gang Violence Epidemic."
box 767

Legal Board Reports 2007 March 8-2007 April 19

Processing Information

LBR 641

Scope and Contents

On March 22, 2007, Mr. Marqueece Harris-Dawson of Community Coalition, Ms. Maria Brenes, Executive Director for Inner City Struggle and other speakers addressed the Board on SB 1133, the Application for Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA).
box 768

Legal Board Reports 2007 April 24-2007 May 24

Processing Information

LBR 642

Scope and Contents

On April 24, 2007, speakers from the Brown Berets addressed the Board concerning military recruitment at high schools and speakers from the Los Angeles School Police Department addressed the Board on the shortage of police officers.
box 769

Legal Board Reports 2007 May 24-2007 June 28

Processing Information

LBR 643
box 770

Legal Board Reports 2007 July 3-2007 September 4

Processing Information

LBR 644

Scope and Contents

On July 10, 2007, President Garcia called on Superintendent Brewer for a presentation regarding legislative bill AB 1014 sponsored by Assemblywoman Karen Bass, SB 121 sponsored by Senator Gloria Romero and AB 818 sponsored by Assemblyman Paul Krekorian. Superintendent Brewer indicated that all bills are supported by the District and concern school facilities.
On July 10, 2007, the Board adopted a resolution concerning the problematic Business Tools for Schools payroll system which resulted in inaccurate pay for District employees since its implementation in February 2007.
On July 10, 2007, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia's "Diplomas for All" resolution which includes the Board's belief that "it is unacceptable that only 28,421 students graduated from the 12th grade in 2006-07 in spite of the fact that over 68,802 students started in the 9th grade four years earlier."
box 771

Legal Board Reports 2007 September 11-2007 October 16

Processing Information

LBR 645

Scope and Contents

On September 25, 2007, embracing the "garden in every school" program established by the California Department of Education, the Board adopted Ms. Canter, Ms. Korenstein and Ms. Galatzan's resolution concerning preserving and sustaining school gardens.
box 772

Legal Board Reports 2007 October 23-2007 December 11

Processing Information

LBR 646

Scope and Contents

On October 23, 2007, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia, Ms. Flores Aguilar and Dr. Vladovic's resolution that the Board support S 774 and HR 1275, the American DREAM Act.
On July 13, 2007, the Board adopted Ms. LaMotte's resolution that the Board serves as a committed advocate for equality of every student and a champion of social justice and civil rights.
On November 27, 2007, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia's resolution to declare the Board's support for Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis' Providing Resources to Improve Dual Language Education (PRIDE) Act or HR 3842.
box 773

Legal Board Reports 2007 December 18-2008 February 12

Processing Information

LBR 647

Scope and Contents

On December 18, 2007, Superintendent Brewer provided information regarding the Strategic Plan for High Priority Schools to be submitted to the State Board of Education by January 9 or 10, 2008. On January 8, 2008, Superintendent Brewer updated the Board on District efforts made in response to the "Diplomas for All" Board resolution which included the Community College Partner Program and the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Boot Camp.
box 774

Legal Board Reports 2008 February 12-2008 February 26

Processing Information

LBR 648

Scope and Contents

On February 12, 2008, the Board adopted a resolution regarding computer literacy and providing students with substantial and adequate access to up-to-date computing facilities. On February 21, 2008, the Board held a special meeting to discuss the Achieving A+ Summit: Acquisition of English + Academic Achievement for All.
box 775

Legal Board Reports 2008 February 28-2008 March 11

Processing Information

LBR 649

Scope and Contents

On February 28, 2008 at 10:00 a.m., the Board held a special meeting for a High Priority Secondary Schools Study Session during which Superintendent Brewer discussed the importance of supporting high priority schools and the urgency of action as it relates to State mandates.
On February 28, 2008 at 2:30 p.m., the Board held a special meeting to review the framework of the iDivision as a District school improvement initiative. On February 28, 2008 at 4:00 p.m., the Board held a special meeting to discuss the LAUSD Budget Crisis 2008-09: Protecting Education Funding for Our Students Communications Plan.
On March 11, 2008, the Board held a special meeting during which City Controller Laura Chick addressed the Board on the Comprehensive Citywide Anti-Gang Strategy and audit of the Los Angeles City's anti-gang efforts. The report mirrors the findings of the Advancement Project's "Gang Activity Reduction Strategy Report" authored by Ms. Connie Rice.
box 776

Legal Board Reports 2008 March 25-2008 April 22

Processing Information

LBR 650

Scope and Contents

On March 25, 2008, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia, Ms. Canter and Dr. Vladovic's resolution, Naming Central Los Angeles High School No. 11 After Civil Rights Leader Edward R. Roybal. On April 8, 2008, the Board adopted Ms. Galatzan, Ms. Flores Aguilar and Dr. Vladovic's resolution, Accountability for Student Safety that affirms the District's commitment to maintaining a learning environment that is free from sexual abuse of students and ensuring that allegations of sexual abuse of students are dealt with promptly and effectively.
box 777

Legal Board Reports 2008 April 29-2008 June 10

Processing Information

LBR 651

Scope and Contents

On May 13, 2008, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia, Ms. Korenstein and Ms. Galatzan's Resolution to Effectively Prevent Gang Violence On and Around District Campuses and Ms. Garcia, Ms. Flores Aguilar and Dr. Vladovic's Resolution to Support S.B. 1301 (Cedillo), The California Dream Act and AB 2083 (Nunez), The Student Financial Aid Eligibility Act. On May 27, 2008, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia, Ms. Flores Aguilar and Dr. Vladovic's resolution, Standing Up for Children: Opposition to An Anti-Urban, Anti-Poor Student Budget.
box 778

Legal Board Reports 2008 June 10 -2008 June 24

Processing Information

LBR 652

Scope and Contents

On June 10, 2008, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia's resolution that the Board supports Assembly Bill 531 (Salas) which requires the State Board of Education and the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission ensure that the history/social science framework includes the case of Mendez vs. Westminster School District and the role of this case in the civil rights movement and the desegregation of public schools in California and the nation.
On June 24, 2008, the District adopted Ms. Galatzan, Ms. Canter and Ms. Garcia's resolution, Core Values to Keep Our Students Safe, Ms. Galatzan and Ms. Canter's resolution, Prevent Future Harm to Students and Ms. Garcia, Ms. Korenstein and Ms. LaMotte's resolution, Oppostion to Initiative 07-0094 -- Invest in Students, Not Prisons.
box 779

Legal Board Reports 2008 July 1-2008 September 2

Processing Information

LBR 653

Scope and Contents

On July 1, 2008, the Board elected Monica Garcia President, 6 ayes, 1 abstention, Ms. LaMotte.
box 780

Legal Board Reports 2008 September 9-2008 October 7

Processing Information

LBR 654

Scope and Contents

On September 23, 2008, Dr. Cynthia Lim, Interim Assistant Superintendent, Planning and Assessment Division presented the 2007-08 CAHSEE results based on 10th graders who took the test for the first time and reported that African American and Hispanic students are making progress in passing the English Language Arts and Math. Pass rates in English Language Arts and Math decreased for English Learners but increased for reclassified English Learners.
box 781

Legal Board Reports 2008 October 14-2008 October 30

Processing Information

LBR 655

Scope and Contents

On October 28, 2008, Superintendent Brewer led a recognition of officers from the Los Angeles School Police and the Los Angeles Police Departments for their exemplary response to a shooting incident in the vicinity of Jefferson High School and the Board adopted the resolution Endorsing Multiple Pathways as a Comprehensive School Reform Strategy at the Los Angeles Unified School District.
box 782

Legal Board Reports 2008 November 18-2008 December 16

Processing Information

LBR 656

Scope and Contents

On November 25, 2008, the Board heard the presentation, Increasing Graduation Through Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID).
During a closed session on December 9, 2008, the Board approved Ms. Garcia's resolution to buy out Superintendent David L. Brewer's contract, effective December 31, 2008. Ms. Garcia's motion was seconded by Ms. Galatzan and the vote: 5 ayes, 2 noes, Ms. LaMotte and Ms. Korenstein. At a special closed session on December 16, 2008, the Board approved the appointment of Ramon Cortines as Superintendent for a three year term beginning January 1, 2009.
box 783

Legal Board Reports 2009 January 6-2009 February 3

Processing Information

LBR 657

Scope and Contents

On February 3, 2009, the Board adopted Ms. Flores Aguilar's resolution regarding Support of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and Board members commented on the importance of the Act for public education.
box 784

Legal Board Reports 2009 February 10-2009 March 17

Processing Information

LBR 658

Scope and Contents

On February 10, 2009, students shared their experiences while attending the inauguration of President Barack Obama in Washington D.C.. On March 10, 2009, Superintendent Cortines announced that the District is facing a deficit of $718 million and stated that he is recommending that precautionary notices be sent to 8,846 employees.
box 785

Legal Board Reports 2009 March 24-2009 April 14

Processing Information

LBR 659

Scope and Contents

On March 24, 2009, the Board adopted Ms. Flores Aguilar, Ms. Garcia and Ms. Korenstein's resolution that the Board strongly support Congressman Jose E. Serrano's English Plus Resolution and its objectives.
box 786

Legal Board Reports 2009 April 21-2009 May 28

Processing Information

LBR 660

Scope and Contents

On May 12, 2009, the Board adopted Ms. Galatzan and Dr. Vladovic's resolution to strongly oppose any move by the Los Angeles City Council to reduce funding for Neighborhood Councils. On May 26, 2009, Superintendent Cortines discussed the District's dropout data indicating a 3.2% increase in dropout rates for 2007-08 and Ms. Sharon Curry, Assistant Superintendent, Student Integration Services, discussed the work that is being done to increase the number of African American and Latino students identified as gifted. Ms. Curry stated that there are approximately 64,000 students identified as gifted in the District, but the numbers of African American and Latino students in this group are disproportionately low.
box 787

Legal Board Reports 2009 June 2-2009 June 18

Processing Information

LBR 661

Scope and Contents

On June 9, 2009, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia, Ms. LaMotte, Ms. Flores Aguilar and Dr. Vladovic's resolution that the Board urge Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act to protect and preserve for America's workers the freedom to choose for themselves whether or not to form, join or assist a union. The Board also adopted Ms. Garcia and Ms. Galatzan's resolution that the Board declare June 2009 as Pride Month and direct the Superintendent and all District staff to support lessons and activities that engage students in meaningful learning, research and writing about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students and families.
box 788

Legal Board Reports 2009 June 23-2009 June 23

Processing Information

LBR 662

Scope and Contents

On June 23, 2009, the Board adopted Ms. Garcia and Ms. Flores Aguilar's resolution that the Board declare its deep opposition to continued cuts to education by the State of California and demand better for its 700,000 students relying on schools for an opportunity to succeed in the 21st century economy.
box 789

[Assessments, Memoranda and Statistics] 1875-1917

Scope and Contents

This book includes a financial assessments log of school sites, Board memoranda for meetings, statistics related to the number of regular Board meetings and Board member attendance, pupil attendance, enrollment, teachers' salary schedules and dates for the opening and closing of schools.

Los Angeles City High School District 1905 February 18-1938 October 31

box 790

Volume 1 Los Angeles City High School Minutes 1905 February 18-1911 November 27

Scope and Contents

On February 18, 1905, the Board discussed High School student suspensions based on failure to meet school standards. On November 14, 1910, Superintendent J.H. Francis reported on the removal of cesspools from school sites and the growing evil of stealing books. On July 10, 1911, the City Board of Public Works asked for the Board's cooperation in the recovery of the old City cemetery in back of Los Angeles High School. On July 24, 1911, the Board approved the Teachers and Schools Committee recommendation to cooperate with the City Board of Public Works to transfer these graves to a more suitable location.
box 791

Volume 2 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1911 December 11-1913 November 7

Scope and Contents

On January 2, 1912, the Special Committee reported on the Saber-Tooth Tiger, American Wolf and Giant Ground Sloth Fossils found at La Brea Ranch to be awarded to Mr. J.Z. Gilbert while duplicate specimens be placed in the High School Museum. On June 20, 1912, the Committee of the Whole reported on complaints against teacher and employee engagement in partisan politics. The Board responded that Rules strictly prohibit engagement in partisan politics except to vote while all else is subversive and violation is ground for removal.
box 792

Volume 3 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1913 November 10-1915 June 3

Scope and Contents

On January 13, 1914, the Board adopted Superintendent J.H. Francis' recommendation for authorization to photograph the schools to meet continual requests from magazines and newspapers of school work. On April 2, 1914, the Board resolved and ordered for a High School Bond Election in the amount of one million six hundred thousand dollars to be held on May 14, 1914.
box 793

Volume 4 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1915 June 8-1916 March 9

Scope and Contents

On June 17, 1915, Superintendent Francis recommended that Geo. Bettinger be transferred to the Superintendent's office as temporary clerk to assist with the clerical work of the Teachers Examination. The High School Board met in Annual Session on July 6, 1915. During this meeting the Board adopted a Resolution presented by Board member Washburn on the investigation of controversy in the management and conduct of the Los Angeles City School Department "…it being charged that there exist therein insubordination, lack of discipline, favoritism, prejudice, extravagance in the management of the educational department of the schools, and extravagance in the matter of construction, alteration and repair of school buildings…."
box 794

Volume 5 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1916 March 13-1916 October 16

Scope and Contents

On May 8, 1916, the Board adopted the Teachers and Schools Committee endorsement to authorize Sergeant Leo W. Marden, organizer of the Junior Police Department of the City to visit the schools and explain its purpose to the Principals. On August 7, 1916, written communication from Mark Keppel, County Superintendent of Schools was presented regarding the Los Angeles City High School District's attendance and funding.
box 795

Volume 6 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1916 October 19-1917 May 31

Scope and Contents

Communication presented on October 19, 1916 from the Local Armenian and Syrian Relief Committee requesting that the Board ask the Principals of Polytechnic and Manual Arts High Schools to assist with the recruitment of lady volunteers to hold street contribution boxes for the relief of the Armenian and Syrian war sufferers. The Board denied this request. On February 13, 1917, the Board adopted the Committee of the Whole recommendation that Board action on the proposed issuance of bonds be postponed until the Superintendent returns from travels to national meetings.
box 796

Volume 7 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1917 June 4-1918 January 24

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Shiels' Report No. 1 on June 4, 1917 recommended the adoption of Resolution of Notice of Termination of Contracts of all teachers employed at Vacation and Evening Schools, Playgrounds, and Continuation Schools. On June 11, 1917, the Board adopted Superintendent Shiels' recommendation that the State Immigration and Housing Commission request for use of school rooms to continue immigrant education work through the summer vacation be granted.
box 797

Volume 8 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1918 January 28-1918 October 3

Scope and Contents

Board adopted Superintendent Shiels' recommendation that the High School Board of the Los Angeles City School District enter into a contract with the College of Agriculture of the University of California on February 4, 1918. On June 10, 1918, the Board adopted Superintendent Shiels' recommendations for changes in the authorized lists of text books for high and intermediate schools for the year 1918-19.
box 798

Volume 9 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1918 October 7-1919 August 25

Scope and Contents

On October 14, 1918, the Board adopted Law and Rules Committee recommendation to deny the use of the Manual Arts High School gymnasium for a dance sponsored by the military organization, "The Daughters of Uncle Sam" based on Board regulations concerning dancing in public school buildings by outside organizations. On March 20, 1919, the Board adopted the Law and Rules Committee Resolution under the Reserve Officers Training Corps Act that public high schools enter into an arrangement with the United States Government whereby the Board of Education shall be given United States military equipment for use in its schools.
box 799

Volume 10 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1919 August 28-1920 May 13

Scope and Contents

Board communication regarding arrangements for target practice with the Reserve Officers Training Corps (R.O.T.C.) established at the following schools: Los Angeles, Manual Arts, Hollywood, Jefferson, Lincoln, Polytechnic and Franklin High Schools and Virgil Intermediate School. On November 3, 1919, the Board adopted the recommendation of Acting Superintendent J.B. Monlux to send an official application to the Board of Police Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles asking for an exemption from the city ordinance forbidding the discharge of firearms within the city limits.
box 800

Volume 11 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1920 May 17-1921 February 7

Scope and Contents

Communication presented from Harry Hughes on May 20, 1920 requesting permission to install a stand to sell soft drinks on the San Pedro High School grounds. This communication was referred to the Building Committee and Business Manager. Communication presented from seven Principals of High Schools with regard to the R.O.T.C. Units in the high and intermediate schools and responsibility for the military equipment issued.
box 801

Volume 12 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1921 February 10-1921 October 10

Scope and Contents

Board adopted Law and Rules Committee request that the European Relief Council (Hoover's Fund for Starving Children) secure the San Fernando High School Auditorium on the evening of February 24, 1921 for a lecture by Dr. Lulu Peters for the benefit of the Fund. At the July 2, 1921 Annual Board Meeting, Communication presented from City Clerk, Robt. Dominguez announcing the seven candidates for the office of Member of the Board of Education who received the highest number of votes in the General Municipal Election of June 7, 1921.
box 802

Volume 13 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1921 October 13-1922 June 15

Scope and Contents

Communication on November 7, 1913 from Mrs. Dora A. Stearns, representative of a committee of women from many organizations, formed to arrange a mass meeting of women on Armistice Day to discuss the coming conference on the Limitation of Armament by International Agreement and requested that the Board allow them to announce this meeting in the schools so that the youth of Los Angeles are prepared to understand this conference as a factor in the abolition of war systems and final World Peace. This request was referred to the Superintendent with power to act.
box 803

Volume 14 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1922 June 15-1923 March 19

Scope and Contents

On July 3, 1922 the Board completed the canvass of returns for the Bond Election held in the Los Angeles City High School District on June 6, 1922. Minutes contain a tabulation of votes by precinct.
box 804

Volume 15 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1923 March 22-1923 December 31

Scope and Contents

On September 4, 1923, Superintendent Dorsey presented Communication that she is submitting to the Board, the character of the subjects taken up in connection with the study of the Constitution in High Schools. On September 27, 1923, Communication presented from Pierson W. Banning stating that a committee of public school teachers was appointed last spring to make a joint report with a committee from the Society, Sons of the Revolution on the histories used in the schools of Los Angeles.
box 805

Volume 16 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1924 January 2-1924 August 24

Scope and Contents

On January 2, 1924, the Board discussed the rapid development of Beverly Hills and the need to secure a high school site in that area soon. On May 10, 1924, the Board adopted a Resolution and Order for a High School Bond Election to be held on June 3, 1924 in the amount of fifteen million, two hundred eighty thousand dollars for the purpose of purchasing high school lots, building new high schools, repairing, restoring, furnishing and insuring these sites.
box 806

Volume 17 L.A. City High School District Minutes 1924 August 27-1925 April 9

Scope and Contents

Board approved Communication to the San Fernando Chamber of Commerce on August 27, 1924, referring to the San Fernando Special School and the request that the Mexican boys attending this school be transferred to a school in a district closer to their homes. On November 6, 1924, Committee of the Whole Chairman Beman presented a recommendation concerning the possible annexation of Santa Monica to Los Angeles City.
box 807

Volume 18 L.A. High School District Minutes 1925 April 13-1925 November 16

Scope and Contents

On April 13, 1925, Superintendent Dorsey called attention to a "Moral Code for School Children" published by Collier's and said the Board may receive as many copies as desired. On April 13, 1925, James R. Martin stated that the Regents of the University of California have selected as a new site for its Southern Branch, a 382 acre tract of land near Westwood and Beverly Hills. The City of Los Angeles proposed to raise money for this site by bond election on May 5, 1925 and requested that the Board permit bond literature to be distributed in the schools a few days before May 5th.
box 808

Volume 19 L.A. High School District Minutes 1925 November 19-1926 July 19

Scope and Contents

On November 27, 1925, Communication was presented from County Superintendent of Schools Mark Keppel concerning the recent Venice annexation as it affects the Los Angeles City High School District. On January 21, 1926, Communication was presented from the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce on behalf of its Board of Directors to urge the Board of Education to continue and strengthen the Reserve Officers Training Corps (R.O.T.C.) activities in the Los Angeles public high schools.
box 809

Volume 20 L.A. High School District Minutes 1926 July 22-1927 March 28

Scope and Contents

On November 8, 1926, the Secretary addressed the Board regarding a proposed agreement between the Los Angeles City High School District and the Venice High School District concerning attendance of pupils at Venice high schools. On March 10, 1927, Communication was presented from City Clerk Robt. Dominguez stating that the district known as "Mar Vista Addition" was officially annexed to the City of Los Angeles at noon on March 5, 1927.
box 810

Volume 21 L.A. High School District Minutes 1927 March 31-1928 July 23

Scope and Contents

Substantial Communication presented on May 2, 1927 from various high schools and junior high schools throughout the city stating a unanimous endorsement of the report presented to the Board by the Salary Committee of the High School Teachers' Association and requesting "…its action toward the reasonable adjustment of these manifest inequalities." By order of the President and unanimous consent of the Board, these Communications were ordered to be placed on file and referred to the Committee of the Whole and Superintendent.
box 811

Volume 22 L.A. High School District Minutes 1928 July 26-1930 July 7

Scope and Contents

On August 30, 1928, the Committee of the Whole Chairman presented Communication from "Mr. Fixit" of the Los Angeles Record stating that the residents of Hawthorne are considering annexing to Los Angeles and requesting facilities be made available in case the annexation proceeds. On September 27, 1928, Communication was presented from the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce calling attention to the remarkable growth of the territory served by the Beverly Hills High School and requesting the Board to proceed at once with plans for the construction of a 16-unit addition to the Beverly Hills High School plant.
box 812

Volume 23 L.A. High School District Minutes 1930 July 10-1932 April 21

Scope and Contents

On August 28, 1930, Committee of the Whole Communication presented regarding the location of school sites with reference to County highway planning. On April 13, 1931, the Board adopted the Resolution Regarding Final Official Returns of the High School District Bond Election on March 27, 1931.
box 813

Volume 24 L.A. High School District Minutes 1932 April 23-1933 November 13

Scope and Contents

On May 2, 1932, Mrs. Clark, Chairman of the Teachers and Schools Committee requested that Mr. Kokan Yasuma be granted permission to translate the pamphlet, "Health Supervision of Kindergarten Children" into Japanese. On October 5, 1933, the Building Committee reported that it has become necessary to place tents and bungalows on school sites and requested the Chief of Police cooperate with the Board to furnish protection to school premises under these circumstances.
box 814

Volume 25 L.A. High School District Minutes 1933 November 15-1935 May 27

Scope and Contents

On January 2, 1934, Communication presented from the President of the California School Trustees Association requesting that a member of the Board of Education be selected as a member of a Committee to investigate the possibility of state responsibility for financing the rehabilitation of school buildings when state authorities have determined them unsafe. On January 2, 1934, Communication presented from Architect Wesley Eager, offering suggestions as to the type and construction of school buildings to embrace earthquake and fire resistant qualities required by law. On February 19, 1934, the Board adopted a Resolution and Order calling for a High School District Bond Election on March 20, 1934.
box 815

Volume 26 L.A. High School District Minutes 1935 June 3-1936 December 7

Scope and Contents

On July 11, 1935, the Board Secretary presented the proposed "Resolution Approving and Amendment to a Loan and Grant Agreement Between the Los Angeles City High School District of Los Angeles County, California, and the United States of America, and Authorizing its Execution." On December 5, 1935, the Board adopted the "Resolution Regarding Final Official Returns of the High School District Bond Election."
box 816

Volume 27 L.A. High School District Minutes 1936 December 10-1938 October 31

Scope and Contents

On December 14, 1936, Board Member Dalton called attention to the understanding that all Board business be transacted in open meeting except matters that the Board determines in open meeting should be transacted in secret committee meeting. Dalton stated that there has been some criticism from members of the press regarding the proposed Committee of the Whole closed meeting on December 16, 1936 because no announcement was made in open meeting concerning the subject to be handled. Superintendent Bouelle addressed the Board and explained that it is desirable to discuss personnel matters in closed sessions of the Committee of the Whole as protection to the personnel.
On January 14, 1937, Superintendent Bouelle discussed a "Report on Tents" compiled by Chief Deputy Superintendent Ford which revealed that there are now a total of 389 tents in use at high schools and elementary schools. The Board moved that the Superintendent be granted permission to close tent schools and send the children home if conditions become detrimental to the children's health.

Los Angeles City Junior College District 1931 July 1-1938 October 31

box 817

Volume 1 L.A. City Junior College District Minutes 1931 July 1-1933 June 8

Scope and Contents

At its first meeting, Mrs. Elysabeth Louise Clark moved that the Junior College District Board adopt the Rules and Regulations of the High School Board. On July 1, 1931, the Board issued a Resolution of Intention regarding Junior College Activities and Properties and declared intention to lease buildings at 855 North Vermont Avenue to establish a Jr. College with property under lease from Regents of the University of California. On March 30, 1933, the Board discussed and heard public comments regarding recent earthquake proofing and safety of buildings.
box 818

Volume 2 L.A. City Junior College District Minutes 1933 June 10-1935 January 14

Scope and Contents

On June 14, 1933, President Baskerville addressed the Board, concerning a preliminary report completed by various professional and technical groups entitled, "Earthquake Hazard and Earthquake Protection." On July 5, 1933, the Board discussed the July 1st and July 3rd actions wherein representatives of the Affiliated Teacher Organizations of Los Angeles, the Classroom Teachers' Federation, and the Probationary and Substitute Teachers' Associations were invited to appoint two representatives to confer with the Board regarding a readjustment of the salary schedule and the unemployment situation.
box 819

Volume 3 L.A. City Junior College District Minutes 1935 January 17-1936 November 27

Scope and Contents

The Board President stated that the January 17, 1935 meeting was arranged because of general public interest in a measure or policy that is being considered by the Board with respect to Civil Service and called attention to an open letter issued by Board Members elected in 1933 and addressed to non-certificated employees of the School District in which the following appeared: "We do not believe in the 'Spoils System.' We are opposed to all forms of political coercion in the schools." The Board invited the Superintendent to make a statement on this matter and then listened to public comments. On February 14, 1935, Board Member McDill addressed the Board that it has come to his attention that some sections of the Business Manager's Division are busily engaged on time paid for by the school districts in organizing a political campaign for candidates for the Board of Education. McDill recommended that the Board take action against these political activities and the Board adopted a Resolution regarding these matters.
box 820

Volume 4 L.A. City Junior College District Minutes 1936 November 30-1938 October 31

Scope and Contents

On January 25, 1937, the Superintendent directed the Secretary to send a wire to the Governor, stating that the Board is in favor of Assembly Bill 948, the Tax Validating Bill and that failure to validate these levies might jeopardize District funds. Later, Director of the Budget, Harry M. Howell addressed the Board with reference to proposed legislation of interest to the schools and called special attention to the following: Assembly Bill 948, a Bill introduced on local retirement, a Bill on the subject of insurance and a proposed Bill on Board members' salaries.

Summaries of Board Action 1990 July 9-1993 June 24

Scope and Content

Fifteen Board Report binders, BR-534 through BR-548, were missing from the District's Board of Education records lockers in Storage Room 102 of the Los Angeles School Police Department 's Pico Warehouse. These missing Board Reports include meetings from December 3, 1990 through February 22, 1993. These Summaries of Board Action are abridged versions of the aforementioned missing Board Reports and include documentation of Regular and Special (Closed) Session Meetings. These records do not include Committee Reports, Committee Communications or other attachments.
box 2085

Board Action Summaries 1990 July 9-1993 June 24

Scope and Content

On May 4, 1992, President Furutani noted that student member Veronica Torres was unable to attend the meeting because she resides in an area heavily impacted by the city's recent riots. Mr. Slavkin, Mrs. Boudreaux and President Furutani commended Superintendent Anton, Deputy Superintendent Thompson and other administrative staff for their leadership during the recent unrest in Los Angeles. Thompson reported that there were no incidents of riot-related trouble today and that the opening and closing of schools had proceeded smoothly.

Agendas 1964 July 1-2009 December 15

Scope and Content

Agendas and Orders of Business for Board and Committee meetings are organized by type of meeting and include announcements for these meetings from excerpts of Minutes, meeting notices and copies of motions/resolutions.
box 2086, folder 1

Ad-Hoc Committee 2001 October 30-2009 March 19

Scope and Contents

Special Ad-Hoc Committee Agendas covering the following subjects: Budget, Culturally Responsive Educational Practices, Provisions of the A-G Resolution, Charter Schools, Local Bond Measures, Small Schools, Local District Parent Community Advisory Council Presentations and After School Programs.
box 2086, folder 2-3

Annual 1964 July 1-2009 July 1

Scope and Contents

Copies of Orders of Business for Annual Meetings which include Administration of Oath of Office to Elected Board Members, Adoption of Board Meeting Schedules and copies of Board Motions/Resolutions.
box 2086, folder 4

Belmont Learning Center 1999 August 23-1999 November 11

Scope and Contents

Copies of Independent Commission Related to the Belmont Learning Center Agendas.
box 2086, folder 5-9

Committee of the Whole 1988 January 11-2009 December 15

Scope and Contents

Copies of Committee of the Whole Agendas. Materials also include excerpts of Board Minutes announcing Special Committee of the Whole meetings and Notices of Special Committee of the Whole meetings.
box 2087, folder 1

Finance Corporation 2001 September 11-2008 July 8

Scope and Content

LAUSD Administration Building Finance Corporation Board of Directors Agendas.
box 2087, folder 2

Financing Corporation 2000 August 22-2008 July 8

Scope and Contents

LAUSD Financing Corporation Board of Directors Agendas.
box 2087, folder 3-4

General 1990 January 8-2006 July 6

Scope and Contents

General meeting agenda files including Annual meeting Orders of Business, excerpts from Minutes including announcements for regular Board meetings, Special Board meetings, Special Committee of the Whole meetings and Notices of Board and Committee meetings.
box 2087, folder 5-6

Not On Board Premises 1959 July 9-2000 July 25

Scope and Contents

Agendas and Orders of Business for Board and Committee Meetings held at various school and community sites. Materials include excerpts from Board Minutes announcing these meetings, maps of meeting locations and reports of correspondence regarding meetings "not on Board premises."
box 2087, folder 7-8, box 2088, folder 1-2

Closed Session 1994 April 11-2001 December 11

Scope and Contents

Special Meeting Orders of Business for Closed Sessions.
box 2088, folder 3-6, box 2089, box 2090, box 2091, box 2092, folder 1-4

Regular 1993 January 11-2009 December 8

Scope and Contents

Regular Meeting Agendas also referred to as Posted Orders of Business. These agendas include copies of Motions/Resolutions for adoption.
box 2093, box 2092, folder 5-7

Special 1983 February 14-2009 December 15

Scope and Contents

Special Board Meeting Orders of Business also referred to as Agendas. Materials include excerpts from Board Minutes announcing Special meetings and Notices of Special meetings.

Motions/Resolutions 1979-2006

Scope and Content

A portion of each Board meeting is dedicated to voting on motions and resolutions introduced by individual Board members. Usually motions and resolutions are noticed and discussed in standing committees at previous meetings prior to Board action. After a motion or resolution is presented for action by a Board member, it needs a second from another Board member to move it to a vote with or without amendments. If it is approved or carried by the Board, it then becomes District policy. These copies of motions and resolutions include subjects, dates noticed, presentation for action dates, names of Board members who presented and seconded the action, individual Board member votes or abstentions and a record of the action taken: carried, failed or referred and if referred, date returned to Board.
box 2094, folder 1

Motions/Resolutions From 1979-1989 Made By Past Board Members 1979-1989

Scope and Contents

Binder of Board motions/resolutions organized by year of presentation.
box 2094, folder 2

Volume I: Motions Made By Past Board Members 1979-1995

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by Board member and then chronologically by date of presentation.
box 2095, folder 1

Volume II: Motions Made By Past Board Members 1980-1997

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by Board member and then chronologically by date of presentation.
box 2095, folder 2

Motions By Past Board Members From 1991 1991-2007

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by Board member and then chronologically by date of presentation.
box 2095, folder 3

Motions 1992 & 1993 1992-1993

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by year and then by date of presentation.
box 2096, folder 1

Motions 1994, 1995 & 1996 1994-1996

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by year and then by date of presentation.
box 2096, folder 2

Motions 1997,1998 & 1999 1997-1999

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by year and then by date of presentation.
box 2096, folder 3

Motions 2000 & 2001 2000-2001

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by year and then by date of presentation.
box 2097, folder 1

Motions 2002 & 2003 2002-2003

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by year and then by date of presentation.
box 2097, folder 2

Motions By Year 2004, 2005 & 2006 2004-2006

Scope and Contents

Binder of motions/resolutions organized by year and then by date of presentation.

Attendance Statements and Roll Call Logs 1976-2007

Scope and Content

Board member statements of attendance and roll call logs for Board meetings.
box 2098

Statements of Attendance 1976-1997

Scope and Content

Records include dates and times of meetings, types of meetings and total meetings attended by Board members each month. Materials also include motions for additional meetings presented by individual Board members and monthly attendance certification correspondence from the Board Clerk to the Controller.
box 2099, box 2100, box 2101, box 2102

Roll Call Logs 1987-2007

Scope and Contents

Annotated Roll Call Logs also referred to as Roll Call Sheets include dates and times of meetings, location, name of Superintendent, individual Board member attendance and votes on Minutes, Standing Committee Reports and Motions/Resolutions. Some records are initialed by Board Clerks and later by Executive Officers of the Board.

Speaker Lists 1992-2007

Scope and Content

Speaker Lists include the date of the meeting, a column for names and affiliation entitled, Name-From/Representing and a column for Subject.
box 2103

Requests to Address the Board 1992-2007

Scope and Content

Speaker Lists are records of Inter-Office Correspondence from the Executive Officer of the Board to the Board President concerning Requests to Address the Board.

Annexed School Districts' Minutes and Ledgers 1889-1932

Scope and Content

The ledgers and minutes of school districts later annexed by the LAUSD are bound volumes that include handwritten and typed financial records and notes from Board of Trustees meetings. These governing boards usually consisted of three members who held the positions of President, Clerk and Trustee and met at schools, offices, auditoriums and houses where they conducted district business.

Bell School District 1924 May 3-1926 August 9

Scope and Content

Regular monthly meetings and special meetings held in Bell, California at No. 2 School, Atlantic School, the office at 225 N. Cudahy Avenue or a Trustee's home. Board signed warrants, discussed salaries, met with architects, ordered supplies, purchased land, selected plans for new buildings, sent contracts to teachers, reported on sale of bonds and determined salaries for teachers, principals and Superintendent. On May 3, 1924 Ruth A. Cunningham was elected President, W.L. Kyle was elected Clerk and B.F. Manley, Trustee. On May 22, 1924, Mr. Smith was elected Superintendent for a term of three years.
box 821, folder 1

Minutes 1924 May 3-1926 August 9


Eagle Rock City School District 1917 July 1-1923 May 18

Scope and Content

Ledgers include record of disbursements and balances, salaries, tax funds, warrants paid, pay roll, quarterly financial reports for building fund, special fund, kindergarten fund, salary fund, county fund and library fund list of insurance policies, warrants issues and list of deeds. On October 10, 1921, the three member Board of Trustees resolved to increase board efficiency with the third year member serving as President and the second year member as Clerk. Minutes document discussions regarding bond elections, Sloyd work, budget, personnel discussions and petitions for new school sites. The May 17, 1923 Minutes note, "Consolidation completed. Los Angeles becomes a part of Eagle Rock. School Bonds turned down. No new school buildings. HELP!"
box 822, folder 1

Trustees' Minutes 1917 July 1-1918 June 30

box 822, folder 2

Trustees' Minutes 1918 July 16-1919 April 14

box 822, folder 3

Minutes and Financial Record 1919 May 1-1921 July 18

box 822, folder 4

Minutes and Financial Record 1921 July 12-1923 May 17

box 822, folder 5

Receipts and Expenditures of School Funds 1921 July 1-1923 May 18


Florence School District 1906 December 7-1921 August 6

Scope and Content

Regular Board of Trustees meetings held once a month with an additional monthly special meeting at Florence School or Clerk's home. Ledger contains record of teachers' salaries, teacher elections, opening of schools, bond elections, newspaper clippings of School Bond Election Notices, building purchases, contract awards, teacher dismissals, supply orders and other school expenses.
box 823, folder 1

Minutes and Ledger 1906 December 7-1914 April 10

box 823, folder 2

Minutes and Ledger 1914 April 30-1915 July 21

box 823, folder 3

Ledger 1916 July 1-1916 April 26

box 823, folder 4

Minutes and Ledger 1918 May 4-1919 September 25

box 823, folder 5

Minutes 1919 September 25-1920 November 26

box 823, folder 6

Minutes 1920 December 10-1921 August 6


Fruitland School District 1889 July 6-1919 October 15

Scope and Content

The School Trustees' Records and Accounts book contains a Los Angeles County record of the boundaries of the District. Meetings held at the Fruitland School House. Three school Trustees elected for three years as Chairman, Trustee and Clerk. Minutes document discussion of repairs, applications for teacher positions, salaries, teacher elections, janitor work and election of school Trustees. Minutes include a March 23, 1908 notice to the Boards of School Trustees, High School Boards and City Boards of Education, Los Angeles County, California from Mark Keppel, County Superintendent listing state funding for local districts. Names of Children and Parents listed on the School Census Marshal's Report for the School Year closing June 30, 1905. Financial Records include apportionments, funds disbursed for books, supplies, salaries and appointments of teachers, principals and janitors. Minutes of February 20, 1905 reflect the division of the Bell School District and the Fruitland School District taking effect on March 13, 1905.
box 823, folder 7

School Trustees' Records and Accounts 1889 July 6-1900 July 7

box 823, folder 8

Minutes and Financial Record 1900 August 21-1904 July 16

box 823, folder 9

Minutes and Financial Record 1905 January 1-1906 July 7

box 823, folder 10

Minutes and Financial Record 1906 July 30-1919 October 15

box 823, folder 11

List of Library Books 1910-1912


Graham School District 1909 July 3-1923 November 22

Scope and Content

Financial records include salary disbursements, bills paid, apportionments and district taxes. The three member Board including a President, Clerk and Trustee met monthly at Mr. Reiber's store or the School House with occasional special sessions held at the Auditorium or a member's residence. Minutes include bond election results, signing of teachers' warrants, utilities warrants, building planning, Parent-Teacher Association furnishing lunch for pupils and teachers, security discussions, teacher elections and employment of a truant officer. On January 28, 1917, the Board resolved to prosecute a mother for refusing to send her child to school and discussed teacher dismissals, discipline, election of board members by ballot, Sloyd tools and communications with parents to send children to school. The Board held a special meeting on January 24, 1920 to discuss Huntington Park acquiring a portion of Graham School District. The April 25, 1922 Minutes include correspondence from Mark Keppel, County Superintendent concerning annual meetings of Boards of Trustees, annual meetings of high school boards, election of teachers, dismissal of teachers, teachers' tenure law and the Trustees' Convention for Los Angeles County to be held on Saturday May 13, 1922. On September 19, 1923, a Committee from the Graham Chamber of Commerce met with the Board of Trustees to discuss the matter of voting Graham School District into the LA City School District. During its final meeting on November 22, 1923, there was no business except arranging "data and reports" to be turned over to the Los Angeles Board of Education because the Graham School District had been petitioned into the City of Los Angeles School District.
box 824, folder 1

[Combined Financial and Minute Book] 1909 July 3-1911 June 29

box 824, folder 2

Combined Financial and Minute Book 1916 July 12-1917 July 5

box 824, folder 3

Combined Financial and Minute Book 1917 July 26-1918 May 4

box 824, folder 4

Combined Financial and Minute Book 1918 May 6-1919 June 30

box 824, folder 5

Combined Financial and Minute Book 1919 August 29-1920 September 7

box 824, folder 6

Combined Financial and Minute Book 1920 September 13-1921 December 5

box 824, folder 7

Combined Financial and Minute Book 1922 January 3-1922 July 14

box 824, folder 8

Combined Financial and Minute Book 1922 August 15-1923 June 26

box 824, folder 9

Combined Financial and Minute Book 1923 July 3-1923 November 22


Huntington Park City School District 1906 October 18-1932 January 13

Scope and Content

The three member Board of Trustees including a Clerk, President and Trustee met monthly in Huntington Park, California in the Board Room located at 2880 E. Gage Street or at Trustees' residences. Minutes contain advertisements for bids for painting school buildings, a LA Express newspaper clipping on special tax levies for schools, school bond election notices, discussions of teacher elections, budget presentations, overcrowding, complaints against teachers, school conditions, bids for work, running expenses, bills due, repairs and building improvements, furnishings and corporal punishment. Minutes of September 30, 1931 include duties assigned to the Superintendent of the Huntington Park City School District.
box 825, folder 1

Minutes 1906 October 18-1913 January 20

box 825, folder 2

Minutes 1913 May 2-1932 January 13


Huntington Park Union High School District 1912 January 11-1932 January 16

Scope and Content

The four member Board of Trustees including a President, Clerk and two other Trustees held regular monthly meetings and often an additional special monthly meeting. On November 26, 1919, the Board adopted a resolution regarding the use of High School premises for Civic Center purposes. On July 2, 1928, the Board adopted a resolution concerning the passing of Mark Keppel, County Superintendent of Schools. On May 29, 1931, the Board discussed the Teachers' Tenure Law and its effect on the future of Huntington Park and South Gate High Schools. On November 9, 1931, the Board met in the office of the Superintendent and received a report on school problems as they confront the district: the educational, the financial and the community interests, followed by a discussion of annexing to Los Angeles City School District. On January 4, 1932, the Board adopted the Code of Ethics of the Huntington Park Union High School Teachers' Association for Huntington Park and South Gate High Schools. On January 16, 1932, at a special meeting held at the office of the Superintendent, the Board received Communications from the County Superintendent of Schools stating that a petition asking for the annexation of the Huntington Park School District to the Los Angeles City School District had been filed in his office and he recommended it be granted.
box 825, folder 3

Minutes 1912 January 11-1919 June 11

box 826, folder 1

Minutes 1919 July 19-1925 June 29

box 826, folder 2

Minutes 1925 July 6-1928 June 18

box 826, folder 3

Minutes 1928 July 1-1932 January 16


Hyde Park School District 1922 July 3-1923 June 15

Scope and Content

The three member Board included a President, Clerk and Trustee who held regular monthly meetings and additional special meetings. On December 15, 1922, the Board carried a motion to request the District Attorney's office to investigate the activities of the Hyde Park School Board in order to prove its sincerity.
box 821, folder 2

Minutes 1922 July 3-1923 June 15


La Ballona School District 1926 September 3-1928 February 17

Scope and Content

The three member Board included a President, Vice President and Clerk who held regular monthly meetings and additional special meetings. At its annual meeting on May 7, 1927, the Board held re-elections for President, Vice President and Clerk. The page prior to the September 3, 1926 Minutes, explains that the Minutes of all previous meetings were stolen when the steel filing cabinet of the La Ballona School District was burglarized sometime between 7 p.m. August 31, 1926 and 8 a.m. September 1, 1926.
box 821, folder 3

Minutes 1926 September 3-1928 February 17


Maywood School District 1925 July 9-1926 November 15

Scope and Content

The Board of Trustees held regular monthly meetings. At the Annual Meeting on May 1, 1926, the Board voted to re-elect present officers Mr. Robinson, President, Mr. Zike, Clerk and Mrs. Gardner, Trustee. On August 13, 1925, the Board voted to not allow any meetings of political organizations in the school houses. On November 15, 1926, Mrs. Gardner reported that the County Supervisors annexed a part of the Maywood School District to the Vernon School District and that this territory's valuation was approximately $1,500,000.00.
box 821, folder 4

Minutes 1925 July 9-1926 November 15


Monte Vista School District 1918 July 1-1926 August 6

Scope and Content

This Minutes book also contains a ledger of funds received and paid out from July 1, 1918 to January 6, 1926. The three member Board included a President, Clerk and Trustee who met at residences, the School House and the Chamber of Commerce Hall at Sunland. On April 2, 1921, the Board reported on a meeting they had attended at Tujunga on April 1st regarding the consolidation of the two districts. It was decided to call a mass meeting to explain the consolidation as proposed by Tujunga. On May 10, 1924 the Board carried a motion that in the future, the Board refuse the use of the School Building for a polling place. During a special meeting on July 30, 1926, the Board carried a motion that all construction bids received July 2, 1926 be rejected. This action was taken pending the ratification by the Secretary of State of the School District's annexation to Los Angeles City.
box 827, folder 1

Minutes 1918 July 1-1926 August 6


Palomar School District 1926 July 1-1927 December 23

Scope and Content

The Financial Record covers school funds received and paid out from July 1, 1926 to December 23, 1927. The three member Board consisting of a President, Clerk and Trustee began each meeting with roll call and the reading of the previous meeting's Minutes for approval. On March 26, 1927, the Board verified the election returns for the Trustee Election held March 25, 1927.
box 827, folder 2

Minutes and Financial Record 1926 July 1-1927 December 23


Playa Del Rey School District 1921 May 6-1927 May 7

Scope and Content

The Financial Record documents school funds received and paid out from May 20, 1921 to June 15, 1923. Trustees were elected for three year terms of office and held regular monthly meetings and special meetings at the schoolhouse and beginning in June of 1926, meetings were held at the School Board.
box 827, folder 3

Minutes and Financial Record 1921 May 6-1927 May 7


San Antonio School District 1916 May 4-1927 May 7

Scope and Content

The Financial Record documents school funds received and paid out from July 1, 1916 to June 29, 1925. The three member board included a President, Clerk and Trustee who held regular monthly meetings at the San Antonio School house or the Clerk's home. Minutes are typed and handwritten and include resolutions of intention to call school bond elections, a signed agreement between the District and an architect for the construction of a one story, four room school building and a record of District Clerks elected, term of office and term expired. On May 4, 1916, the Board met as prescribed by law, there being but two present, they reappointed themselves – John Davies, President and Ben Partridge, Clerk. On June 6, 1918, it was decided to give women the same salary in nine months as receiving during ten months.
box 827, folder 4

Minutes and Financial Record 1916 May 4-1927 May 7


Sunnyside School District 1906 January 10-1907 February 9

Scope and Content

The three member Board consisted of a President, Clerk and Trustee who met at least twice a month. This book includes an envelope with a December 5, 1906 Guarantee from Pioneer Roll Paper Co. for the roof of the School Building at Sunnyside in the County of Los Angeles. On May 4, 1906, the Board met to vote for a school site with the intention of building a school house on the southeast corner of Manchester Avenue and Hoover Street. On January 19, 1907, the Board discussed the petition for annexation of the remainder of the district and reported 18 signatures were filed with the County Superintendent.
box 827, folder 5

Minutes and Ledger 1906 January 10-1907 February 9


Terminal School District 1898 May 20-1905 August 7

Scope and Content

The Financial Record of May 26, 1903-August 7, 1905 includes financial statements for the following years: 1889-1899, 1900-1901, 1901-1902 and School and Census Statistics for Teachers 1897-1901 and Children 1898-1900. This book also includes a record of Terminal District Trustees, including the names of Clerks. The Minutes cover March 13, 1900 through January 30, 1901 and April 22, 1904 through August 29, 1905. The Minutes of August 5, 1904 contain a handwritten election notice for school bonds to be printed and published once a week for three successive weeks in the San Pedro Times, a newspaper printed and published in Los Angeles County.
box 827, folder 6

[Minutes and Ledger] 1898 May 20-1901 January 30

box 827, folder 7

Financial Record 1903 May 26-1905 August 7


Tujunga School District 1914 July 1-1918 May 6

Scope and Content

This three member Board held irregular meetings. The Financial Record includes Minutes of eight meetings held from June 24, 1914-June 16, 1916.
box 828, folder 1

Financial Record 1914 July 1-1918 May 6


Tujunga (Glorietta) School District 1918 July 1-1928 December 6

Scope and Content

This three member Board met at homes of members at least two times a month. The Financial Record covers July 1, 1918 to December 31, 1919 and May 12, 1922 to February 14, 1923. The Minutes are handwritten directly into this book and then typed and pasted into the book beginning on May 2, 1925. The Minutes of 1920 refer to this governing body as the Glorietta School Board of Tujunga. The April 14, 1923 Minutes include a handwritten resignation letter pasted into the book. On June 3, 1925, the Board appointed F.W. Axe as District Superintendent at $3,000 per year to include instruction in the summer school.
box 828, folder 2

Minutes and Financial Record 1918 July 1-1928 December 6


Tweedy School District 1925 July 1-1931 September 4

Scope and Content

Three Trustees of the Board, L.D. Tweedy, Jacob J. Hohn and Clerk, P.T. Dolley met for regular monthly meetings and occasional special meetings. The Minutes cover meetings from July 25, 1925 to August 12, 1931 and the Financial Record provides documentation from July 1, 1925 to September 4, 1931. These Minutes include Resolutions of Intention to Call School Bond Elections marked "Original – For Board" and signed by the Trustees.
box 828, folder 3

Minutes and Financial Record 1925 July 1-1931 September 4


Van Nuys School District 1914 January 19-1915 May 18

Scope and Content

The three member Grammar School Board held regular monthly meetings at the office of the Grammar school building, residences of Trustees or the Supervising Principal's office at the Grammar school building. On January 19, 1914, the Grammar School Board met for the purpose of organizing as a High School Board. The High School Board was organized by the election of Wm Campbell, President and Mrs. H.F. Leslie, Clerk and D.M. Gibson, Trustee. On August 26, 1914, the course of study was adopted for the High School. The Board agreed that the text books for the High School should conform to the lists used in the high schools of Los Angeles City with the exception of the text in Book Keeping. On September 1, 1914, the Board decided that pupils of the senior class be given the option of attending Hollywood High School or Van Nuys High School.
box 828, folder 4

[Minutes] 1914 January 19-1915 May 18


Venice City School District 1919 July 19-1925 November 20

Scope and Content

The three member Board of Trustees met for regular monthly meetings and special sessions in Venice, California. Minutes include Resolutions of Intention to Call School Bond Elections, Kindergarten and Elementary Budgets and Special Tax Requests for 1919-1920, 1920-21 and a Report of Registration of Minors in Venice City School District for 1919 which includes data on nativity and race, age and schooling and crippled, blind, deaf and dumb. On September 19, 1919, the Superintendent reported the present enrollment of 995 pupils in the grades and 110 in Kindergartens, a total of 1,105. On January 7, 1920, Trustee Chas A. Short submitted a letter to the Board concerning his repeated statements that the grammar schools of Venice are not up to standard and the need for action towards a change in supervision and control. On March 5, 1920, the Board received correspondence from County Superintendent of Schools, Mark Keppel on the inability to provide increased salaries to teachers for cost of living increases. On February 27, 1920, the Board received correspondence from Mark Keppel advising the Board that due to contractual obligations, it is illegal to provide sick leave.
box 829, folder 1

Minutes 1919 July 19-1921 June 28

box 829, folder 2

Minutes 1921 July 5-1925 November 20


Venice Union High School District 1925 May 29-1925 November 17

Scope and Content

The Board held regular monthly meetings with additional special meetings at the High School Office. The Minutes include a ballot for High School District Bonds. On August 7, 1925, a letter was read from the Venice Realty Board urging the Board to require all teachers to reside in Venice. On October 8, 1925, Trustee Kinney reported that he had taken no action in his appointment as a committee of one on athletic and physical training conditions on account of the possible annexation of the District to the Los Angeles City School District.
box 829, folder 3

Minutes 1925 May 29-1925 November 17


Venice Union/La Ballona High School District 1926 July 2-1927 September 1

Scope and Content

The three member Board held meetings at the School and Office, 7607 Washington Boulevard in Culver City, California. Minutes include correspondence from County Superintendent Mark Keppel concerning immediate action on whether the High School will be operated as a high school for the 1926-27 school year or whether a contract will be made with the Los Angeles City High School District for educating Venice Union High School District's junior and senior high school children. Minutes also include a June 30, 1926 signed Certificate of Appointment of District Clerk Mr. W. Earl Rugg from the Office of Superintendent of Schools. The Board received June 16, 1926 correspondence from Mark Keppel urging the five trustees of the High School Board of Venice Union High School District to hold a meeting and make a budget for the High School for next year before July 1, 1926. On November 25, 1925, a portion of Venice Union High School District known as the "City of Venice" was annexed to and became a part of the City of Los Angeles and as a result of the annexation, the site of the Venice Junior and Senior High Schools and the buildings and all other real property and school equipment of Venice Union High School District became property of the City of Los Angeles. On March 31, 1927, the Board of Trustees of Venice Union High School District resolved to enter a lease with La Ballona School District for the use of buildings and property for the opening of Venice Union High School in September 1927. The Board received May 26, 1927 correspondence from Mark Keppel announcing that on May 23, 1927, the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, California annexed Playa del Rey School District to the City of Los Angeles for school purposes only. This action excluded Playa del Rey School District from Venice Union High School District and reduced the number of school districts in Venice Union High School District from two to one, thereby changing the status of said high school district from that of a Union High School District to that of a High School District. On June 7, 1927, the Board of Trustees of the Venice High School District sent a letter of petition to Mark Keppel that the name of Venice High School District be changed to La Ballona High School District. On September 1, 1927, the La Ballona High School Board adopted and signed a resolution concerning an order from Mark Keppel and the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County toward declaring the La Ballona High School District to be null and void and of no consequence.
box 829, folder 4

Minutes 1926 July 2-1927 September 1


Vernon City School District 1914 September 30-1927 December 31

Scope and Content

The three member Board held regular monthly meetings at Vernon City Hall. The Minutes cover April 1, 1915 to September 28, 1923 and July 20, 1926 to December 30, 1927 and the Financial Record covers September 30, 1914 to June 23, 1923 and July 31, 1926 to December 31, 1927. On August 5, 1920, the Board adopted the Los Angeles City School District "Elementary Salary Schedule for Department of Instruction for School Year Beginning July 1, 1920."
box 830, folder 1

Minutes and Financial Record 1914 September 30-1927 December 31


Washington Park School District 1908 December 23-1912 February 8

Scope and Content

The three member Board referred to as School Directors was elected and held regular monthly meetings at the school house or residence of a Director. On January 7, 1909, the Board decided to lease part of a cottage from Mrs. A. Sears for a school house. On January 28, 1909, the Board resolved to call a school bond election by posting notices at the three busiest places in the district, one at the school house, one at Taylor's store and one at the corner of Verdugo Road and San Fernando Road for not less than 20 days before the date of said election and by publication of such notice in the Los Angeles Evening Record once a week for three successive weeks prior to the election.
box 830, folder 2

[Minutes and Ledger] 1908 December 23-1912 February 8

box 830, folder 3

[Minutes and Ledger] 1910 June 16-1912 February 8


Watts City School District 1917 August 15-1925 May 2

Scope and Content

Three member Board of Trustees met in the Principal's office of the Wilmington Avenue School building in the city of Watts, between one and five times a month with meeting dates subject to call of the President. On December 12, 1917, the Board received notice of a petition by residents of the Tweedy school district to annex a portion of Watts City school district to the Tweedy school district. On June 3, 1918, the Board approved use of the Auditorium by the association of colored people for the days and evenings of June 26, 27 and 29. On October 20, 1919, a committee of colored gentlemen addressed the Board concerning the hiring of an extra janitor and expressed their wishes that the Board hire a colored man. On July 19, 1920, a committee from a colored church appeared before the Board for the purpose of buying the old annex school building. On September 5, 1922, two committees from the colored part of Watts appeared before the Board to discuss school houses and rumors of attempted segregation of colored children. On June 5, 1923, the Board declared local school boundaries for the following schools: Fir Street, North Compton Avenue, South Compton Avenue, Lark Street, Wilmington Avenue and Home Gardens.
box 830, folder 4

Minutes 1917 August 15-1925 May 2


Wilmington School District 1909 April 24-1909 August 2

Scope and Content

The three member Board included Trustee F.F. Breen, Clerk T.B. Hayes and President P.J. Watson who held three year terms of office and met at Breen's store. The ledger includes apportionment, salary and financial disbursement records. Minutes are recorded for a regular meeting on July 3, 1909 and a special meeting on August 2, 1909. During these meetings, the Board held Trustee elections, read and approved Minutes, elected principals and teachers and set salaries.
box 830, folder 5

[Minutes and Ledger] 1909 April 24-1909 August 2


Zelzah School District 1911 July 1-1915 June 30

Scope and Content

Ledger includes school funds paid out for supplies, teaching, janitor services, furnishings, advertising, labor on grounds and a copy of a January 4, 1915 agreement between the District and Mr. Frank I. Voorhees to plant and take care of trees, roses, vines and lawn for 50% of the prize won by the school for beautification of the grounds. In the event no prize is received, Mr. Voorhees agreed to do the work for no pay. During regular meetings at the school house, the Board discussed school bonds, construction bids, teacher appointments and salaries.
box 830, folder 6

Minutes and Ledger 1911 July 1-1915 June 30


Subject Files 1913-2012

Scope and Content

The subject files consist of supporting documentation for Board actions that are recorded in the Board Reports. Documentation includes copies of minutes, committee reports, letters from teachers, parents and companies that conducted business with the District, photographs, maps, newspaper clippings, publications and informal notes. These records were used by the Board Secretariat and staff to assist with research requests from Board members, employees, academics and the public. They range greatly in extent, from folders with only a few items to multiple boxes on a single topic, covering a long span of time. The files are arranged alphabetically by subject and cover a broad range of topics such as athletics, challenged library books, civil defense, curriculum, desegregation, educational needs, facilities, health and safety, immigrants, organization, student unrest and allegations of un-American activities.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

SERIES CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials in this collection will require assessment and possible digitization for safe access. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 835, folder 1

A-G Initiative 2008 February 15-2008 April 8

Scope and Contents

A 15-unit pattern of high school courses known as A-G is necessary for entrance to a California State University or University of California institution. In June 2005, the Board approved a resolution stating that all students entering the ninth grade in 2012 be required to complete the A-G course sequence in order to graduate from high school. This Research Brief on the Implementation of the A-G Initiative summarizes the first year implementation of the A-G Initiative. A presentation of the methods and findings occurred during the Regular Board Meeting on April 8, 2008.
box 835, folder 2

Absence, Certificated 2004 April 29

Scope and Contents

Chief Operating Officer Tim Buresh's PowerPoint presentation "Employee Compensation Review, Human Resources Committee Employee Attendance" on issues concerning certificated employee attendance and absence.
box 835, folder 3

Academic Achievement/Performance 1980 July 7-2007 February 16

Scope and Contents

Copies of Board Resolutions concerning academic achievement, Communication from the Office of the Superintendent on the Continuation of California Local Education Reform Network (C-LERN) Project in Region C Schools, Communication from the Office of Instruction on the Implementation of the Los Angeles Skills Reinforcement Project, Bulletin on the issuance of credit for Homeroom, "The Contribution of Health Services to Increased Academic Performance" report and Inter-Office Correspondence, "Status of the Comprehensive Plan to Close the Achievement Gap for African American and Latino Students."
box 835, folder 5-6

Academy 1978 April 24-1993 May 3

Scope and Contents

The Administrator Training Center file contains copies of Board Reports related to the acceptance of grant funding for the operation of State funded administrator training centers. The Academy file includes administrative staff development materials, "Academy Career Development Strand Life and Career Planning" kits for participants and advisers. The Academy of Finance file concerns the April 25, 1988 adoption of the Educational and Student Life Committee's proposal to initiate the Academy of Finance program in the 1988-89 school year.
box 835, folder 7

Academy for Liberal Studies 1978 April 24-1993 May 3

Scope and Contents

A copy of the June 13, 2000 Academy for Liberal Studies Charter Petition.
box 835, folder 8

Academy of Visual and Performing Arts 1985 June 10-2005 September 27

Scope and Contents

Copies of Board Resolutions, Committee of the Whole Reports and Board of Education Reports concerning visual and performing arts curriculum, contracts and schools as well as UCLA "Design for Sharing" Community Outreach Program brochures and newsletters and a press release on the advisory leadership board for the Visual and Performing Arts High School.
box 836, folder 1-2, box 835, folder 9-16

Accidents 1945 September-1995 December

Scope and Contents

Comprehensive analysis reports on accidents to pupils and employees, employee accident report forms, employee emergency medical service contact cards, certificated personnel accident statistics, pupil accident reports and summaries, Board Meeting correspondence reports, accident instructions memorandums, insurance coverages and procedures documents and updates on the December 1995 fatal school bus accident involving a school bus and a trash truck.
box 836, folder 3

Accountability Plan 2002 January 22-2002 February 12

Scope and Contents

The proposed District Plan for Underachieving Schools, designed to identify schools that have failed to meet standards of performance and to define District support, intervention and sanctions that would apply to schools based on multiple performance indicators.
box 837, folder 1-4, box 838, folder 1-3, box 836, folder 4-10

Achievement 1996 June 17-2007 December

Scope and Contents

Closing the Achievement Gap for African American and Latino students includes reports, instructional initiatives, a compilation of related Board motions from 1996-2006, pedagogical strategies, reference and resource manuals, copies of presentations, professional development models for implementing culturally relevant and responsive instruction, a review of effective District practices used nationwide to narrow the gap, a Curriculum and Instruction Committee presentation on preventing the gap through early literacy, multiple versions of the District's Strategic Plan for Closing the Achievement Gap, case studies of the achievement gap for African American students, consultant reports, action plans, Closing the Achievement Gap: A Blueprint for Implementing the Action Plan for a Culturally Relevant Education That Benefits African American Students and All Other Students, reports on monitoring the Blueprint Action Plan, a summary of proceedings from the Achieving A+ Summit: Acquisition of English + Academic Achievement For All and a California African American Museum "Through the Gates: Brown vs. Board of Education" exhibition program.
box 838, folder 4

Administrative Assistance Review and Peer Coaching Program 1999 December 14-2000 January 25

Scope and Contents

The initial proposal from the Superintendent to the Associated Administrators Los Angeles (AALA) that the Los Angeles Unified District Administrator Assistance Review and Peer Coaching Program be adopted for the purposes of meeting and negotiating.
box 838, folder 5-9, box 839, box 840, box 841, box 842, box 843

Administrative Housing 1940 January 15-2005 March 11

Scope and Contents

Copies of Standing Committee Communications and Reports concerning authorizations for facility leases, environmental impact reports, project approvals, bids for administrative building contracts, award of contracts, naming of administrative buildings, copies of architectural drawings, lease renewals, memos and reports related to the 451 North Hill, 450 N. Grand and Beaudry Administrative Headquarters.
Copies of Board Minutes and Communications concerning the Downtown Business Magnet site and the Board Room, photocopies of Los Angeles Times articles on lease deals, copies of Business Division Communications and a Board Resolution in connection with the construction of a "Food Warehouse Building," Board of Education Reports concerning administrative housing at the School Police and Salvage Warehouse, Board Communications between February and May 1947 concerning the removal and disinterment of the deceased entombed in the Ft. Moore Hill Mausoleum, Los Angeles' first Protestant cemetery just beyond the 451 N. Hill Administrative Building, a Downtown News article about the uncovering of wooden coffins during construction of the Central Los Angeles Area High School No. 9 and the June 26, 1967 Building Committee Report on the construction of the "Tunnel" storage area underneath the Grand Administrative site.
box 1673, box 844, box 845, box 846, box 847, box 848, box 849, box 850, box 851, box 852, box 853, box 854, box 855, box 856, box 857, box 858, box 859, box 860, box 861, box 862

Adult Education 1941 July 16-2003 February 25

Scope and Contents

Since 1886 the Los Angeles City School Districts have offered a program of public school education for adults. Superintendent W.M. Freisner actively supported adult education and the first night school was established in 1886. The program continued to expand through the 1950s and on February 2, 1956, the Board adopted the first policies and procedures for adult education.
Studies of the program, composite class schedules, catalogs and a report concerning adult education registration and tuition fees. Materials include a "Self Realization Through Adult Education" brochure, a "Parent Education" brochure, correspondence between the District and the State's Adult and Continuation Education Divisions, Annual Reports, Board Committee Reports on facilities, curriculum, personnel, budget, fees, occupational centers, occupational training of handicapped pupils, class sizes, a map of Los Angeles Adult Schools, student letters of commendation and protest and petitions for facilities at Jefferson High School.
Correspondence of protest against curriculum cuts, enrollment fees and tuition fees, Superintendent Communication concerning the discontinuance of the adult education program at Los Angeles City Main Jail, newspaper clipping concerning former Board Member Mary Tinglof's accusations of the Valley's "radical right" attack on adult schools and a press release concerning the continuation of an adult literacy education program conducted in local major poverty areas.
Adult Education Committee Reports regarding the Work Incentive Program, Community Service Classes, Adult Basic Education Program, the Adult Education Act of 1966, lists of community adult school branch locations, the establishment of the Adult Bilingual Experimental School to administer the Santa Rosa Latin American and the East Los Angeles Bilingual Centers for Spanish speakers, English as a Second Language (ESL) training, petitions for Occupational Training Centers, "Survey of Instructional Programs for Occupational Preparation" and a Learning Center Ideas in Action handbook.
Correspondence concerning the 1975 budget cuts, a Regional Adult and Vocational Educational Binder and four binders from the Delineation of Functions Committee, a joint task force formed in 1972 and comprised of officials from the Los Angeles Unified School District and the Los Angeles Community College District to study delineation of adult education responsibilities between the two districts.
box 862, folder 9

Advertisement 1949 April 4-1987 October 5

Scope and Content

Board Communications, correspondence, Minutes and Board Rules pertaining to District advertising as well as poster locations and sample postcards from the 1959 "Better Schools" public service campaign.
box 863, folder 1-5

Advisement Service 1948 May 6-1973 February 5

Scope and Contents

The Advisement Service of the Los Angeles City Schools was originally established on March 29, 1945 as the Veterans Educational Counseling Service to serve the counseling needs of returning veterans. On May 10, 1948, the Board changed the name of the service to the Advisement Service of the Los Angeles City Schools and also changed its scope and substance. The history of the service is detailed in the March 5, 1953 Superintendent's Communication to the Committee of the Whole.
Materials include correspondence and Board Communications concerning the curtailment of the program, letters of commendation, a newspaper article on psychiatrist, Dr. David Dingilian's speaking engagement at the Jack and Jill Club and a copy of the March 9, 1953 Committee of the Whole Report, No. 1 authorizing the curtailment of the Advisement Service, beginning July 1, 1953.
box 863, folder 6

Advisory Council 1933 July 10-1945

Scope and Contents

On July 10, 1933, the Board carried a motion for the creation of the Superintendent's Advisory Council to conduct a study of the organization of the school system. The Advisory Council was composed of the Division Heads under the chairmanship of the Superintendent and it was the duty of this Council to advise the Superintendent on all reports proposed by Division Heads before presentation to the Board.
On July 30, 1945, the Board adopted the Committee of the Whole Report, No. 1 which authorized that the Superintendent's Advisory Council be superseded by The Division Heads' Council with its charge to make recommendations to the Superintendent on all proposals from administrative divisions affecting policies, regulations and procedures.
Materials include informal and formal notes from Council meetings, inter-office and inter-departmental correspondence concerning dead line adherence, procedures, meeting schedules and a reduction in number of "emergency" items.

Processing Information

Agendas, meeting schedules and informal Division Heads' Council Minutes were not indexed. These records were found in Locker #13 in a box labeled "1997-1998 Track-B" and processed into the Council - Division Heads' subject file for accessibility.
box 863, folder 7-9

Aeronautics 1941 January 2-1995 March 6

Scope and Contents

"Air Age Activities in Los Angeles City Schools" report, "Traffic Safety and the Van Nuys Airport" text of remarks made before the Board on March 4, 1968, Board motions approving helicopter landings on campuses, brochure on the Flight Education Program at Garfield which includes a course outline, black and white photos of classes and supplementary materials such as the Flight Indoctrination Log and patch for pupil participants. Materials concerning the January 31, 1957 airplane collision over Pacoima Junior High School include original signed correspondence from aeronautics experts, local, state and federal officials.
box 864, folder 1-3

Affirmative Action 1969 June 12-1996 July 15

Scope and Contents

Board motions/resolutions, Committee Reports and correspondence on proposed changes to federal ethnic/racial definitions and categories and unacceptable employment practices. Materials also include Affirmative Action Program reports, a Superintendent's Bulletin on approved minority and women owned businesses, a Board Notice of Nondiscrimination for posting and distribution, an agenda from the October 10, 1988 Special Committee of the Whole meeting and the "Progress Report on Affirmative Action Program" presented at this meeting and bulletins on sexual harassment trainings and affirmative action/Title IX grievance procedures.
box 864, folder 4-6

After School Education 1996 December 2-2007 April 10

Scope and Content

Board Communications and Reports on the expansion of LA's Best After-School Education and Enrichment Program, After School Education and Safety Program Service Providers Contracts and a report entitled "An Evaluation of After School Programs Provided by Partner Agencies of the Los Angeles Unified School District's Beyond the Bell Branch."
box 864, folder 7-14, box 876, folder 1, box 2060, box 1699, box 1700, box 865, box 866, box 867, box 868, box 869, box 870, box 871, box 872, box 873, box 874, box 875

Agreements 1939 April 3-2005 September 13

Scope and Contents

Board Communications, Committee Reports and correspondence concerning the District's contractual agreements with City, County, State Departments, institutions, groups, organizations, individuals, companies and corporations to provide services and implement programs such as a mental health institute, newspaper clipping service, elementary and high schools at juvenile hall, buildings, architecture, Cooperative Testing Service, mobile and relocatable classrooms, E-Z Sort System for student programming, the Jam Handy Organization for audio-visual materials, Joint Powers Act for the creation of the Youth Opportunities Board of Greater Los Angeles, gifted pupils, airlines, vocational training and job placement, teacher training program for educationally handicapped, implementation of Gender Equity Project "Women in Nontraditional Employment" program, General Relief Workfare Project Sponsorship, Parents Involved in Community Action, the Step-To-College program, the United Way to implement the Harbor Area Gang Alternative Program, Greater Avenues for Independence welfare reform program, the Institute for Successful Living and Soledad Enrichment Action, the Transition Partnership Program, the California Department of Education's Office of Homeless Children and Youth and School Police.
box 876, folder 2-3

AIDS 1991 June 6-2000 November 14

Scope and Contents

The Report to the Los Angeles Unified School District submitted June 6, 1991 by the Blue Ribbon Task Force on AIDS and a November 14, 2000 Board of Education Report authorizing Budget Services and Financial Planning Division to implement an Assembly Bill 11 AIDS Prevention Program for the 2000-2001 fiscal year.
box 876, folder 4

Aircraft 1967 September 1-1990 April 16

Scope and Contents

Bulletin on the District's policy concerning landing aircrafts on school sites, Committee of the Whole Communications authorizing helicopter landings on school sites, September 18, 1989 Communication from the Superintendent authorizing a sky diving performance at Locke High School's Homecoming celebration, Minutes related to the District's receipt of a jet aircraft from the United States Air Force to be used solely for instructional purposes, requests and approvals for Los Angeles Police Department helicopter landings on school sites, a copy of a Los Angeles Times article concerning landing approval despite community protests and a packet of protest materials presented to the Board on November 23, 1970 from the W.L.A. Community Protective Association opposing the Helistop on the roof of a previously approved police station on Iowa and Butler.
box 876, folder 5-7, box 877, folder 1-5

Air Pollution 1948 June 10-1994 June 6

Scope and Contents

Communications from Committees concerning compliance with AB2595, California Clean Air Act and the Air Quality Management District Regulations, copies of Findings and Decision of the Hearing Board of the Air Pollution Control District of Los Angeles County concerning school incinerator burning, combustible rubbish disposal and air contamination, County Counsel correspondence concerning the legal liabilities of the Board under the Air Pollution Control Act of 1947, San Fernando High School student letters urging the Board to notify all District schools when there is a first stage smog alert, school smog warning plans, county smog policy and a copy of a letter to the Los Angeles County Grand Jury from George L. Schuler concerning its investigation of the smog problem.
box 877, folder 6-7

Alarms 1972 December 21-2006 October 17

Scope and Contents

Board Minutes, Committee Reports and Reports of Correspondence concerning fire alarms and security alarm systems.
box 877, folder 8

Alcohol 1948 July 28-1999 October 26

Scope and Contents

Superintendent and Board Communications, Board Motions and Resolutions, Committee Reports, Bulletins and correspondence related to temperance education, the District's zero tolerance alcohol policy, K-9 detection units, prevention and treatment options.
box 877, folder 9

Aliens 1958 March 17-1999 October 26

Scope and Contents

Correspondence between Laurence L. Curran and Assistant Superintendent Virgil Volla concerning the interpretation of Section 1850 of the Labor Code and the employment of aliens.
box 877, folder 10

All-City Choir 1980 April 28

Scope and Contents

Instructional Planning Division Memo of April 28, 1980 for the Los Angeles Unified School District's All-City Choir performance on May 4, 1980 at the Scottish Rite Temple, 4357 Wilshire Boulevard.
box 878, folder 1-5

Alternative Schools 1972 June 5-1976 December 20

Scope and Contents

Reports of Correspondence, Board Communications, copies of Advisory Council Notes, Committee Reports, an Evaluation Report on Four Alternative Schools, a Progress Report on Year Round Schools, guidelines for Schools Within a School and 104 petitions of opposition to opening Rockdale as an Alternative School presented to the Board on December 12, 1974.
box 878, folder 6

American Printing House for the Blind 1916-1943 October 7

Scope and Content

Board Communications, Standing Committee Reports, account statements, the Sixty-First Report of the Board of Trustees of the American Printing House for the Blind, an Acts of Legislation Affecting the American Printing House for the Blind pamphlet and correspondence concerning the Los Angeles City Schools' account with this printing house for the purpose of aiding the education of the blind in the United States.
box 879, folder 1

Americans With Disabilities 1990 October 1

Scope and Contents

Inter-Office Correspondence concerning the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and its effect on the LAUSD.
box 879, folder 2

Animals 1973 May 24-1990 July 31

Scope and Contents

Board Bulletins, Reports of Correspondence and Standing Committee Communications regarding animal bite reporting procedures, the use of animals in biomedical research, the treatment of live animals in the classroom, the maintenance of animals in agricultural and environmental education and Assembly Bill 2344 proposing a ban on the use of steel-jaw traps to capture animals.
box 879, folder 3-14, box 880, box 881, box 882, box 883, folder 1-9

Annexation 1915 May 25-2000 November 14

Scope and Contents

Copies of Board Communications, Standing Committee Reports, California Superior Court Actions, petitions, correspondence, agreements, maps and newspaper clippings related to the annexations and withdrawals of schools, districts and land areas to and from the Los Angeles City School Districts.
Materials include the following transfers of territories, Annexation Districts, school districts and school sites: Bee Elementary School District, Hancock Park School, Jordan High School, Lawndale School District, Lynwood Unified School District, Laurel School, Rosewood Avenue School, Indiana Street School, Santa Clarita Union High School District, Newhall High School, the Western Avenue Highlands Addition, Alhambra City School District, Beverly Hills Unified School District, Burbank Unified School District, McClure Addition, Benmar Hills, Compton Unified School District, Crenshaw Boulevard Annexation, Vista Pacifica Annexation Nos. 1 and 2, Culver City Elementary School District, Culver City High School District, Culver City Unified School District, Downey Unified School District, Gardena High School, Glendale Unified School District, Tuna Canyon Addition No. 2, Whiting Woods, Holly Park Area, Four Cities Area (Bell, Maywood, Huntington Park, Vernon), 111th Street Area, East Lennox Territory, La Brea-Slauson Annexation, 110th Street Territory, Ladera Heights Area, Shoestring Strip Territory, Inglewood Unified School District, Inglewood Knolls Area, Century Park School, 113th Street Territory, 108th Street Territory, El Monte Union High School District, Alhambra City High School District, Montebello Unified School District, Burbank Unified District, Las Virgenes Unified School District, Lennox School District, Long Beach Unified School District, Marina Del Rey Junior High School, East Los Angeles Junior College, Old River School District, Palos Verdes Peninsula School District, Montecillo Area, Hollywood Riviera Area, San Fernando School District, Morningside School District, Owensmouth School District, Santa Monica Unified School District, South Gate, Topanga School District, Lomita Flight Strip (Barrow Pit) Annexation, Torrance City School District, Willowbrook School District and Windsor Hills Area.
box 883, folder 10-13, box 884, folder 1-3

Annuity Reserve Fund 1972 May 5-2004 April 22

Scope and Contents

The Annuity Reserve Fund was established on July 1, 1972 with a fund balance of $31 million in bonds, long-term notes, common stock and short-term investments. Materials include Annuity Reserve Fund Board Meeting Agendas, signed Oaths of Office for Members of the Annuity Reserve Fund Board, copies of Committee of the Whole Reports, Annuity Reserve Fund Board Rules, statements of candidates for election to the Annuity Reserve Fund Board and election materials.
box 884, folder 4

Apartheid 1985 August 19-1985 September 9

Scope and Contents

Copies of an anti-apartheid Board Resolution presented by Board member Rita Walters and an anti-apartheid Board Resolution presented by Board member Jackie Goldberg, both carried by the Board in 1985.
box 884, folder 5-7, box 885, box 886, folder 1-7

Applications 1937 January 26-2004 January 13

Scope and Contents

Applications for architectural services, the Innovative Projects Fund, educational programs, State Aid, correspondence concerning employment with the District and Standing Committee and Board of Education Reports authorizing the filing of applications.
box 886, folder 8

Apportionments 1937 July 10-1957 April 8

Scope and Content

Copies of correspondence, a 1957 California Teachers Association pamphlet, Board Communications, a 1955 press release from the State Board of Equalization and Reports from the Budget Division and Finance Committee.
box 2061, box 1701, box 887, box 888, box 889, box 890, box 891

Appreciation 1948 June 15-1978 April 10

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Minutes, newspaper clippings, greeting cards and post cards of commendation for employees of the District.
box 892, folder 1-2

Appropriations 1940 November 14-2004 February 10

Scope and Contents

Copies of Board Reports, Budget and Finance Committee Reports, Committee of the Whole Reports, Memoranda and Board Communications prepared by the Budget Division.
box 892, folder 3-5

Architects 1954 April 1-1995 October 2

Scope and Contents

Building Committee Reports, transcriptions of Committee of the Whole meetings, correspondence between the Board and potential architects, Board Communications concerning the use of developer fees for Accelerated School Apportionment Program Projects (ASAP), the Adrian Wilson and Associates brochure, "Building a Better World" and a copy of The School Executive article, "It's Time to Look at Tomorrow's Schools" by Robert E. Alexander of the Neutra and Alexander firm.
box 892, folder 6

Art Collection 2000 May 23-2008 April 5

Scope and Contents

A copy of the May 23, 2000 Board Resolution concerning its endorsement of the grant application to the Getty Grant Foundation for the preservation of the District's fine art collection and the following Los Angeles Times articles: "Venice Grads Want Myrna Loy, the Statue, to Take Another Bow" and "Schools' Art Cache Is a Study in Forgotten Treasures."
box 892, folder 7

Artist-In-Residence 2000 May 23-2008 April 5

Scope and Contents

Board Communications approving agreements with the California Arts Council (CAC), MIKO (Brownislow Machalski), Free Public Theatre Foundation, Self Help Graphics, Art Inc. and Valentina Oumansky Dramatic Dance Foundation to provide Artist-In-Residence services at numerous school sites.
box 892, folder 8-9

Arts Education Program 1998 February 9-2009 May 11

Scope and Contents

Reports and correspondence pertaining to the LAUSD Arts Education Plan established by Board's adoption of a resolution on June 22, 1999. The plan calls for a comprehensive, sequential, standards-based arts education for all students in the District.
box 893, folder 1

Asbestos Abatement 2000 February 22-2008 May 22

Scope and Contents

Proposals for asbestos abatement projects.
box 893, folder 3-4

Assessments 1955 March 28-1996 June 17

Scope and Content

Board Bulletins, Standing Committee Reports and correspondence concerning both assessments of student achievement and of taxable property valuations.
box 893, folder 5-10

Athletics 1946 November 19-1996 June 17

Scope and Contents

Brochures, correspondence, schedules, Memoranda and press releases for baseball, the California Interscholastic Federation Protection Fund, track, soccer, football and its popular Milk Bowl Games.
box 893, folder 11

Attacks 1975 October 16-1976 January 5

Scope and Contents

Copies of correspondence concerning attacks on school personnel.
box 895, folder 1-4, box 894, box 1702

Attendance 1945 January 4-2005 December 13

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, press releases, Board actions on expulsions, copies of truancy details for a Jane and John Doe, typed notes for Board member Eleanor B. Allen's panel discussion on juvenile delinquency, Committee of the Whole notes on the abolition of the District's Truancy Detail, Annual Reports from the Child Welfare and Attendance Branch and newspaper clippings and correspondence concerning the Board's November 19, 1945 expulsion approval for 92 Hollenbeck Junior High School who left their classes on November 2, 1945 to protest the Board granting a permit to Gerald L.K. Smith to speak in a school auditorium.
Materials also include transcripts of Board discussion on the student walkouts and the recommended expulsions of Roosevelt High student sit-in and blowout organizers, interdistrict pupil attendance forms, reports of average daily attendance and enrollment by schools, an Educational Development Committee Report on the establishment of 29 necessary small high schools for continuation education, a Superintendent Communication concerning overcrowded schools that includes density guidelines per acre and procedures concerning emergency situations such as lockdowns, explosions, police barricades, fires and other natural disasters.
box 895, folder 5

Auction 2003 September 9-2006 October 24

Scope and Contents

Facilities Service Division Board of Education Report, "Auction for the Salvage of Items and the Sale and Relocation of Buildings" and a Business Services Division Board of Education Report, "Authorization to Solicit Proposals, Conduct a Price Discovery Auction or Similar Process, and Execute Supply Contracts for Transportation Fuels or Other Emergency Commodities and Related Services."
box 895, folder 6

Auditoriums 1962 March 23-2000 June 27

Scope and Contents

Facilities Reports, Committee of the Whole Reports, Reports of Correspondence and copies of Applications For Use Of School Property concerning requests to use school auditoriums.
box 895, folder 7-10

Audio Visual 1942-1992 July 6

Scope and Contents

Los Angeles City Schools' "Audio-Visual News" catalogs, "'Participation: The Last Word in Films'" brochure by Bruce Allyn Findlay, Los Angeles City Schools Head Supervisor of Visual Education, "The Audio-Visual Projectionist's Handbook," Audio-Visual catalogs for elementary and secondary grades, Committee Reports, correspondence and Bulletins concerning audio-visual educational materials.
box 896, box 897, box 898, box 899, box 900, box 901, box 902, box 903, box 904, folder 1-3

Audits and Auditors 1950 June 7-2011 September 11

Scope and Contents

Contract Auditors' Reports, progress reports, bulletins, Budget and Finance Committee Reports, Committee of the Whole meeting notes, Auditors and Administrative Advisory Committee Minutes, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, Management Review Final Report by Arthur Andersen & Co., Report Upon Special Studies of Warehousing Supplies and Equipment of the Los Angeles School Districts and Reports Upon Examinations of the Los Angeles City School Districts by certified public accountants, Thomas & Moore, Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. concerning examinations of the District's financial statements and accounts. There are no Reports Upon Examination for Year Ended June 30, 1952 and 1965.
box 904, folder 4-5

Automobiles 1946 December 11-1988 November 14

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Committee Reports and Communications related to policies for use and assignment of District cars and limousines, radio system for buses and the Driver Training Program.
box 904, folder 6

Band (Marching) 1980 June 9-1989 August 24

Scope and Contents

Bulletins, Committee Communications, Committee Reports and Board resolutions of commendation concerning guidelines for performances by school bands at football games, corporate sponsorship by the Coca Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles and Pepsi Co., the Jazz Band Program, accident insurance and Band and Drill Team Championships.
box 905, folder 1

Banks 1973 October 29-2002 October 22

Scope and Contents

Committee Reports, Board resolutions, Board Communications, Memoranda and Bulletins concerning agreements for banking services, authorizations of banking accounts, student body organization checking accounts, the Auxiliary Services Trust Fund, the Liability Self-Insurance Fund program, authorization for Controller to sign warrants, changes in authorized signatures and banking information materials from United California Bank.
box 905, folder 2

Basic Activities 1981 July 20-1988 July 18

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, memoranda, copies of the District publication "Spotlight," a transcript of remarks made by Superintendent Handler at a Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting, Basic Activities: A Resource Guide for Principals issued by Deputy Superintendent William R. Anton, Superintendent Harry Handler's Basic Activities: Goals to Achieve . . . Principles to Follow guiding document and Statement and a Goals and Principles, Los Angeles Unified School District brochure presented to the Board by Superintendent Handler.
box 905, folder 3-4

Basic Skills Improvement Unit 1984 May 4-1995 June 19

Scope and Contents

Committee Reports and correspondence concerning the GAIN Basic Skills Program, the California Educational Initiatives Fund (CEIF), authorization to submit initial applications to the United States Office of Education for Basic Skills Improvement Programs, results of the 1983-84 California Assessment Program (CAP) and a Review of Superintendent Zacarias' 7 Benchmark Performance Indicators.
box 2105, box 2106, box 2107, box 2108, box 2109

Belmont Commission 1999 August-1999 November

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

111 VHS tapes.
73 audio cassette tapes.
BOXES CONTAIN AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials in this collection will require assessment and possible digitization for safe access. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.

Scope and Content

On August 20, 1999, the Board established the Belmont Commission and charged it to review the following issues with respect to the proposed Belmont Learning Center: 1.) Policy Options; 2.) Risk Levels; 3.) Fail-safe Environment Mitigation; 4.) Seismic Activity; 5.) Liability and Insurance; 6.) Disclosure and Choice; and 7.) Public Acceptance.
The Report of the Independent Commission Regarding the Belmont Learning Center includes conclusions and recommendations, a review of environmental studies, presentations, public input, legal issues, public health hazards, seismic analysis and remediation and mitigation.
The Report also includes attachments such as correspondence from parents of children who attend Esperanza Elementary School, the Department of Toxic Substances Control and Senator Richard G. Polanco.
The Report contains an index of documents submitted to the Belmont Commission. As of October 26, 1999, these files were located at LAUSD Administration, 450 North Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, in Room G-280, the Commission office.
The following boxes include materials pertaining to the Belmont Independent Commission (BIC):
Box 2,105: List of Belmont Commission Meetings, correspondence to the Board from BIC Executive Director Ira Reiner regarding the BIC's decision not to proceed with the Project and Report of Independent Commission Regarding the Belmont Learning Center.
Box 2,106: Twenty-one VHS recordings from the BIC meeting dates that fall between September 13, 1999 through October 20, 1999.
Box 2,107: Thirty VHS recordings from the BIC meeting dates that fall between October 16, 1999 through November 11, 1999.
Box 2,108: Thirty-four VHS recordings from the BIC meeting dates that fall between August 23, 1999 through October 15, 1999.
Box 2,109: Twenty-six VHS recordings from the BIC meeting dates that fall between September 16, 1999 through October 7, 1999.
Box 2,109: Seventy-two audio cassette tapes from the BIC meeting dates that fall between August 16, 1999 through November 11, 1999 and one Board/Superintendent Press conference cassette tape from September 16, 1999.
box 905, folder 5

Bench Contracts 2003 October 14-2005 June 28

Scope and Content

Information Technology Division (ITD) Reports concerning authorizations for ITD Bench contracts for IT professional services.
box 905, folder 6-16

Bequests 1940 June 13-1986 June 16

Scope and Contents

Committee Communications, Committee Reports, correspondence, copies of Superior Court of the State of California notices of hearings for confirmation of the sale of real estate and bequests from individuals and estates related to the District's Scholarship Trust Funds.
box 907, folder 1-2, box 905, folder 17-18, box 906

Bereavement 1948 July 29-1991 August 19

Scope and Contents

Condolence correspondence and statements from Minutes concerning the passing of District employees, their friends, family and leaders such as General Douglas MacArthur, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ralph Bunche and Marcus Foster.
box 907, folder 3

Bicentennial 1980 April 17-1981 December 7

Scope and Contents

Superintendent Communications, Minutes, a school coordinators kick off meeting agenda and a memorandum concerning the Bicentennial of the City of Los Angeles.
box 907, folder 4

Bicycle 1989 July 17-1997 July 21

Scope and Contents

Board of Education Reports and Superintendent Communications concerning the Bike LA/Safety Training (BLAST) program, the Bicycle Commuting and Safety Education Video Program (BCSEVP) and funding for bicycle yards at various schools.
box 907, folder 5-9, box 1722, folder 1-2

Bids 1937 February 1-2003 May 13

Scope and Contents

Committee Communications, Reports and correspondence concerning bids for District contracts and related Board rules and contractual obligations.
box 908, box 909, box 910, box 911, folder 1-2

Bilingual Education 1968 March 14-1998 September 11

Scope and Contents

Copies of Board Minutes concerning student demands in connection with walkouts, supporting bilingual education in East Los Angeles and the need for Chicano teachers, regarding overcrowded conditions and the need for more bilingual teachers at 28th Street School, presentation of the Special Report, Lau vs. Nichols Decison and the District's Response to Lau Concerns.
Materials include petitions gathered by parents of Belvedere Junior High seeking restoration of budget cuts to the school's Bilingual/Bicultural program, Services for Non and Limited English Speaking Pupils prepared by the Bilingual-ESL Services Branch, A Report on Bilingual Instructional Services for LEP/NEP Children in the Los Angeles Unified School District presented to the Los Angeles School Monitoring Committee and correspondence from Superintendent William J. Johnston on Title VII Bilingual Programs.
Summary of Concerns Identified in the Implementation of the District Lau Plan and Recommendations to Ameliorate the Concerns Identified 1978-79, letters from parent members of the Gates Street Elementary School Bilingual Advisory Committee opposing the abolition of bilingual education, Bilingual Education: Questions and Answers brochures, Bilingual Program Reports from the Research and Evaluation Branch, a Secondary Bilingual Programs Resource List and implementation plans and guidelines for Structured English Immersion and Proposition 227.
box 911, folder 3-6

Bills 1949 November 7-1999 July 13

Scope and Contents

Invoices for payments, inter-office correspondence requesting payment of bills, Financial Services Division and Controlling Division Memoranda and Budget and Finance Committee Reports.
box 912, folder 1

Bleachers 1989 January 9-1996 February 20

Scope and Contents

Board proposals, special reports and Building Committee Communication concerning funding for replacement and repair of school bleachers.
box 912, folder 2

Blood Bank 1968 June 18-1991 September 30

Scope and Contents

Inter-office correspondence, bulletins, Superintendent Communications, Student Life Committee Reports, an American Red Cross Blood Services brochure and comparative summaries for the 1968 and 1969 Blood Bank Drives.
box 912, folder 3

Blueprint For Action 1996 June 17

Scope and Contents

A copy of Mrs. Boudreaux's motion regarding A Blueprint for Action, a comprehensive guide to assist school communities in raising achievement for Black students. The Board adopted this motion as amended on June 17, 1996.
box 912, folder 4-6

Board Action 1978 December 11-1992 January 6

Scope and Contents

Files contain copies of "Board Action: In recent meetings, the Los Angeles City Board of Education" informative one page Board updates issued by the Public Information Unit, Office of Communications.
box 912, folder 7-8, box 951, folder 1-3, box 1118, box 1119, box 1120, box 1425, box 1426, box 1427, box 1428, box 1429, box 1430, box 1668, box 1669, box 1670, box 1671, box 1672, box 913, box 914, box 915, box 916, box 917, box 918, box 919, box 920, box 921, box 922, box 923, box 924, box 925, box 926, box 927, box 928, box 929, box 930, box 931, box 932, box 933, box 934, box 935, box 936, box 937, box 938, box 939, box 940, box 941, box 942, box 943, box 944, box 945, box 946, box 947, box 948, box 949, box 950

Board Members 1927 December 6-2005 August 22

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, photos, newsclippings, petitions, telegraphs, invoices, affidavits, travel expense claims, Board meeting attendance records, transcripts of speeches and radio addresses, student work samples, lists of District schools, memoranda, invitations, oaths of office, pamphlets, brochures, programs, September 17, 1934 issue of Upton Sinclair's Epic News and informal Committee of the Whole and Board meeting notes including August 10, 1931 Committee of the Whole discussion of holding Committee of the Whole meetings in private with mention of criticisms by the Los Angeles Record of "star chamber" sessions.
Individual Board member files may be found in the boxes:
Box 913-914, 921: Stewart Mertz:
Box 914: John R. Richards, Vincent Askey, Fay E. Allen, Margarete L. Clark and John Dalton
Box 915: Marie M. Adams, Clarence W. Pierce, Maynard J. Toll and Eleanor B. Allen
Box 916: Earle D. Baker, Ruth C. Cole and Roy J. Becker
Box 917: LeRoy M. Edwards, Olin E. Darby and J. Paul Elliott
Box 918: Lawrence L. Larrabee, Hiram W. Kingsley and Gertrude H. Rounsavell
Box 919: Edith K. Stafford
Box 919-920: Paul Burke
Box 920: Earl Carpenter and Harry H. Hillman
Box 920, 932-933: Arthur F. Gardner
Box 921: William H. Henry and Allan E. Sedgwick
Box 923: Mary Tinglof
Box 924-926: Charles Reed Smoot
Box 927-928: Hugh C. Willet
Box 929-930: Ralph E. Richardson
Box 931: Reverend James E. Jones
Box: 934-937: J.C. Chambers
Box 938-940: Georgiana Hardy
Box 941: David Armor, Phillip G. Bardos and Father Lewis P. Bohler, Jr.
Box 942: Kathleen Brown Rice and Robert L. Docter
Box 943-944: Richard E. Ferraro
Box 944: Bobbi Fiedler
Box 945: John R. Greenwood
Box 945-946: Thomas F. Bartman
Box 946: Alan Gershman and Leticia Quezada
Box 947: Roberta Weintraub
Box 948: Warren Furutani and George Kiriyama
Box 948-949: Rita D. Walters
Box 949: Jackie B. Goldberg
Box 950: Mark D. Slavkin, Valerie Fields and Victoria M. Castro
Box 951: Barbara M. Boudreaux and Jeff Horton
Box 1,118: David Tokofsky, Caprice Young, Genethia H. Hayes and Marlene Canter
Box 1,119: Jose Huizar and Julie Korenstein
Box 1,120: Mike Lansing, Jon Lauritzen, Yolie Flores Aguilar, Tamar Galatzan, Monica Garcia, Marguerite P. LaMotte, Nury Martinez, Richard Vladovic and Steve Zimmer
Box 1,425: Photos, David J. Armor, Phillip G. Bardos, J.C. Chambers, Reverend Lewis P. Bohler Jr., Tom Bartman, Kathleeen Brown Rice, Paul Burke, Earl R. Carpenter, Ruth Cole
Box 1,426: Robert L. Docter, J. Paul Elliott, Richard E. Ferraro, Bobbi Fiedler
Box 1,427: Arthur F. Gardner, Alan Gershman, Jackie Goldberg, Larry Gonzalez, John Greenwood
Box 1,428: Georgiana Hardy, Jeff Horton, Reverend James E. Jones, Howard Miller, Julian Nava, Donald D. Newman
Box 1,429: Ralph Richardson, Charles Reed Smoot, Mary Tinglof, Anthony A. Trias, Rita Walters
Box 1,430: Diane E. Watson, Roberta Weintraub, Hugh C. Willett
Box 1,668: Howard Miller and Diane E. Watson
Box 1,669: Julian Nava (Volumes I and II missing, July 1, 1967-November 24, 1969)
Box 1,670: Julian Nava, Anthony Trias, Larry L. Gonzalez and Donald Newman's travel expense claims.
Box 1,671: Maynard J. Toll
box 984, folder 1-3, box 2666, box 951, folder 4, box 1056, box 1057, box 1058, box 1059, box 1060, box 1061, box 1062, box 1063, box 1064, box 1065, box 1066, box 2062, box 2063, box 2064, box 2065, box 2066, box 2067, box 2068, box 2069, box 2070, box 2080, box 2081, box 2082, box 2083, box 952, box 953, box 954, box 955, box 956, box 957, box 958, box 959, box 960, box 961, box 962, box 963, box 964, box 965, box 966, box 967, box 968, box 969, box 970, box 971, box 972, box 973, box 974, box 975, box 976, box 977, box 978, box 979, box 980, box 981, box 982, box 983

Board of Education 1926 September 30-2007 August 15

Scope and Contents

Files include copies of Minutes, Board and committee meeting notices, committee reports, newsclippings, brochures, commemorations, invitations, correspondence, affidavits, committee agendas, District plans, Charter School petitions and proposals, press releases, newsletters, guide books, handbooks and notices of Special Board meetings.
Materials also include documentation of Integration meetings, copies of motions for executive or closed sessions (979), the October 26, 1981 granting of student advisory vote, the August 23, 1976 establishment of a consent calendar, Standing Committee personnel lists (954), Ad-Hoc Committee files, Annual Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Campus Security, meeting dates and times from 1935-1976, taxpayer letters protesting the Board's use of chauffeur driven limousines (955), letters recommending Fay E. Allen and other candidates for Board vacancies (955), copies of resolutions and Minutes regarding the policy of opening Board meetings with invocations (956) and statements of Board member attendance (956).
Box 957: Black and white photos of Board members from 1947-1961, a 1950 steel cut stamp of Olin E. Darby amd Board member biographical questionnaires.
Box 957-959: Inquiries of Board members.
Box 960-961: Nominating petitions for Board elections, a map of cities all or partially within LAUSD, resolutions concerning and reports from the Board's Independent Monitoring Unit and Independent Analysis Unit (1976-1982).
Box 980-981: Special Committee of the Whole meeting agendas.
Box 964-969: Committee of the Whole informal notes bulk on the Priority Housing Program, Budget Review, Rodriguez vs. LAUSD consent decree, Affirmative Action, Educating the African American Child, Charter Petitions, Educational Reform, Improving the Instructional Environment, District Guidelines, Parent Communication, School Calendars, youth violence, school safety, English Competency Data, School District reorganization and emergency plans.
Box 970-973: Files for specific Board, local, community-based and national committees include: accreditation of Secondary Schools, Administrative Advisory, Architects Application Review, Better Schools, Bond and Tax Rate, Cafeteria Building, Centennial Planning, Civil Defense, Classroom Interruptions, Joint Apprenticeship, Keep America, L.A. Citizens, Mutual Information, Physically Handicapped, Principals' Associations, Produce Advisory, Public Education Human Relations, Public Relations, Large School Bus Specifications, Vandalism, Subversive Activities, School Community Advisory, Examination Procedure, Experts to Study Fuel Oil Specifications, Film Review, Greater Watts Model Neighborhood Governing Board, East-North-East Model Neighborhood Governing Board, Intensive Education, Recreation and Parks, Security, Study and Review of Elementary School Curriculum, Teachers and Organizations, Unemployed Youth, Delineation of Functions (Regional Adult and Vocational Educational Council), National Citizens Commission for the Public Schools and Regional Adult and Vocational Educational Council.
Box 974-978 and 981-984: Standing Committee files: Building, Intergovernmental Relations, Community Affairs, Student Life, Career and Continuing Education, Committee of the Whole, Educational Development, Business Operations, Personnel and Schools, Area Board and include agendas, roll call sheets, notes and Detail Analyses of Integration Program.
Box 962 and 979: Ad Hoc Committees: Transfer of the Classified Personnel Branch, Joint Task Force, Task Force for an Independent Monitoring Unit, To Study Student Voting, On Energy Conservation, Delineation of Functions, Decentralization, Code of Ethics, Citizens Management Review Committee, Campus Security, Budget Review, Budget Process, Budget and Finance, Advisory (Board Vacancy), Board Members Budget, Integration, Expulsions, Television, To Study Small Schools (agendas), Safe Learning Environment (agendas), Burbank Airport Noise and Safety, Return of Classified Employment Branch, Conflict of Interest, Ad Hoc Process Review, Ad Hoc Steering, Selection of the Superintendent and Budget Review (agendas).
Box 1,056: Abstentions, Board Member Assistants, press clippings, seating charts, informational brochures and lists of Board Presidents and Members.
Box 1,057: The Brown Act (Open Meeting), censure and Los Angeles City Charter amendments 1952-2007.
Box 1,058: Conflict of Interest, establishment of Consent Calendar and Elections.
Box 1,059: Board Member Elections and LAUSD Financing Corporation.
Box 1,060: LAUSD Financing Corporation, October 27, establishment of the Los Angeles Unified School District Financial Services Corporation, Fringe Benefits, Governance Changes, A History of Integration: The Happenings at the Board of the Education, September 7, 1976 to March 3, 1977 by H. Rogosin, and Independent Analysis Unit.
Box 1,061: Independent Analysis Unit, Inspector General, Internal Audit and Special Investigations Unit, Little Hoover Commission, Loyalty Oath and Loyalty Reaffirmation, history of parent representative proposals and use of pool vehicles.
Box 1,062: Board Presidents 1875-2005, Recall Elections and Redistricting Commission.
Box 1,063: Redistricting, Proposition 13, Board Restructuring, Retirement Benefits, Roster of Public Agencies Filing and Guide to Schools and Offices.
Box 1,064: Board Rules Governing the Conduct of Its Meetings (1949-2007).
Box 1,065: Salary, Seals, Signatures, Forms, Special Counsel to the Board, Standing Committee Rules and Membership (1941-1999).
Box 1,066: Travel Authorization Policy, Vacancies, sample Minutes and Committee Reports and Authorizations of Expenditures (1978-1982).
Box 2,062-2,064: Original signed Purchasing and Distribution Committee Reports concerning purchase orders (1926-1938).
Box 2,065-2,067: Board Rules governing the conduct of its meetings, Board Election nominating petitions, declarations of intention, summaries of returns and costs, Notices of Special Board Meetings - Executive Session, Meeting Schedules and Board Member Rosters (1935-1977).
Box 2,068-2,070: Prayers of Invocation, Standing Committee Meeting Notices: Law and Rules, Educational Development, Purchasing, Personnel and Schools, College, Committee of the Whole, Urban Affairs, Community Affairs, Adult Education, Auxiliary Services, Budget and Finance and Building (1962-1972).
Box 2,080-2,084: Closed Session Letters, Board Meeting Notices and Committee Meeting Notices (1985-2007).
Box 2,666: List of Board Presidents, Board member biographies, Board member election dates and terms of office list, bond election results, Board committee schedules, precinct lists, Board members list by year and a Seventy-fifth Anniversary Edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
box 984, folder 4

Boats 1971 December 13-1985 January 21

Scope and Contents

Business Operations Committee Report authorizing the sale of the H.O.C. 1 Vessel to the Boy Scouts of America for $20,000, Business Operations Committee Report authorizing the lease of this vessel to the Boy Scouts of America at no cost and Career and Continuing Education Committee Report authorizing the Superintendent to implement usage of this vessel for harbor field trips. Materials also include Adult Education Committee Report approving the acceptance of the United States Government's donation of the Minesweeper-MSB 31.
box 984, folder 5, box 2542, box 2543, box 985, box 986, box 987, box 988, box 989, box 990, box 991, box 992, box 993, box 994, box 995, box 996, box 997, box 998, box 999

Bond Elections 1931-2008

Scope and Contents

Superintendent's Advisory Council Notes, Communications from the Budget Division, Auditor's Financial Reports, petitions, press releases, photos, resource books, campaign programs, pamphlets, transcriptions of wire recordings of Board meetings, charts, canvass results, notices, endorsements and correspondence concerning the following Bond Elections:
Box 984: June 1952 Box 985: June 1952, June 4, 1946 Box 986: June 4, 1946, 1960, 1962, 1963 Box 987: June 4, 1946, 1963 Box 988: 1931, 1958 Box 989: 1935, 1954, 1955 Box 990: 1935, 1966 Box 991: 1967-1969
Box 992: 1997 Proposition BB, 2002 Measure K, 2006, 2008, Bond Sales, 2008 Bond Assistance Program
Box 993: 1982, 1984 Proposition 26, 1988 Proposition 75 and 79, 1990, 1993, 1996 Proposition BB, 1997 Proposition BB
Box 994: 1971 Proposition A, 1972, 1974 Propositions R and S, 1975 Propositions A, B and C
Box 995: 1976 Revenue Limit Increase, 2008, Bond Summaries from 1952-1966 Box 996: 2007, General Files from 1934-2000, 2005-2006 Audits Box 997: 2002 Measure K, 2004 Measure R, 2005 Measure Y, 2006 Box 998: 2004 Measure R, 2005 Measure Y
Box 999: 1997 Proposition BB, 2002 Proposition 47, 2004 Proposition 55, 2006, Bond Sales, data and history files on bonds from 1885-2002
Box 2,542: June 3, 1952 School Bond and Tax Limit Increase Elections reference book.
Box 2,543: June 3, 1958 School Bond Elections reference book.
box 1000, folder 1

Bonds (War Savings) 1942 January 19-1946 June 10

Scope and Contents

Copies of Minutes, Committee of the Whole Reports, Communications from the Budget and Business Divisions, Informal Committee of the Whole Meeting Notes and correspondence concerning War Savings Bonds.
box 1000, folder 2-4, box 1001, box 1002, box 1003, folder 1-3, box 1703

Boundaries 1935-1975

Scope and Contents

Service Boundary Descriptions from the Educational Housing Branch, correspondence in opposition to redistricting, Board communications on District territory limits, copies of charts reviewed during the March 9, 1967 Board Meeting on recommendations for changing high school boundaries based on the opening of Locke and Crenshaw High Schools, letters from parents concerning boundaries and busing for integration, inter-office correspondence from Superintendent Crowther on Pupil Attendance Practices and the criterion of race and color, petitions from Granada Hills residents opposed to being redistricted out of the Granada Hills High School District, black and white photos addressed to Board Member Arthur Gardner representing students walking to and from White and Wilmington Junior High Schools, Minutes concerning the Crawford lawsuit and the Jordan and South Gate High School boundaries and petitions for the retention of Neighborhood Schools.
Materials also include correspondence against attendance boundary changes at the following schools: Camellia Avenue and Arminta Street School, 1958 James Madison Jr. High School, 1960 Gardena, Ambler Avenue and Towne Avenue Elementary Schools, 1966 El Camino Real High School, 1968 Knollwood, El Oro Way and Van Gogh Street Schools, 1968 Palms and Louis Pasteur Junior High Schools, 1968 Calahan Street and Topeka Drive Schools, 1964 Maclay and Mount Gleason Junior High Schools, 1965-1967 John F. Kennedy, James Monroe, Sylmar, San Fernando and John Francis Polytechnic High Schools, 1971
box 1003, folder 4

Boycott 2000 November 22-2001 February 27

Physical Description: 1 folders

Scope and Contents

Copies of inter-office correspondence, a letter from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and a Los Angeles Times article on the Farm Workers Union concerning the rescinding of two Board adopted boycotts: California grapes and various food products produced by Basic Vegetable Products and Basic American Foods.
box 1003, folder 5

Breakfast 1967 March 2-1993 March

Scope and Contents

Board Communications, Board Rules, correspondence and press releases concerning the District's meal program administration.
box 1003, folder 6-8

Break Up of the District 1989 September 7-1998 January 5

Scope and Contents

Inter-office correspondence, a report from the Los Angeles County Commission on School District Organization dating back to 1984 including the efforts to form two new districts in the San Fernando Valley and another district in the inner city. Materials also include a source book from the Forum on Children's Issues conference on "The Proposed Breakup of the Los Angeles Unified School District."
box 1004, box 1005, box 1006, box 1007, box 1008, box 1009, box 1010, box 1011, box 1012, box 1013, box 1014, box 1015, box 1016, box 1017, box 1018, box 1019, box 1020, box 1021, box 1022, folder 1-2, box 1696, box 1697, box 2071, folder 1-3

Building 1937-2001

Scope and Content

Building Program files for the following dates and topics:
Box 1,004: Reports: Keeping Pace With Changing Needs, A Program of Postwar Construction and Progress Report on Building Needs (1937-1948).
Box 1,005: Building Rehabilitation Program post March 10, 1933 earthquake, Field Act of April 10, 1933, Building Needs (1948-1952).
Box 1,006: Building Standards 1957 Revisions, Bungalow Rehabilitation, School Buildings and Safety (1936-1964).
Box 1,007: Central Junior High School site and Proposed Civic Center Plan (1935-1968).
Box 1,008: Policies and Selection of Architects and Engineers (1949-1969).
Box 1,009: General Building Program (1968-1971).
Box 1,010: Space Utilization, 1962 Bond Defeat, 1966 Bond Election (1962-1972).
Box 1,011: Rehabilitation of pre-1933 Masonry Buildings (1974-1976).
Box 1,012: General Building Program (1975-1977).
Box 1,013: Building Projects at the following high schools: Crenshaw, Fairfax, Manual Arts, and Marshall, including December 1973 petitions opposing the demolition of Marshall High School (1966-1980).
Box 1,014: Airport Noise and 1977-1981 General Building Program (1966-1981).
Box 1,015: 1955 Revised Architect's Agreement Form, Calcor Steel Classroom catalogs, 1962 Space Utilization Study by S.U.A. Inc. and Robert Kliegman, A.T.A., 1952 Standards for Junior and Senior High School Buildings (1952-1962).
Box 1,016: Concrete Masonry for School Buildings, Rehabilitation of pre 1933 Masonry buildings, Urban Redevelopment Plans, Franklin High School Building Projects (1955-1965).
Box 1,017: General Building Program (1982-1986).
Box 1,018: The Harder We Run, The "Behinder" We Fall! The Story of Student Housing Efforts in the Los Angeles Unified School District presentation, Relocatable Classroom Bungalows (1985-1990).
Box 1,019: 1998 Facilities Master Plan, Relocatable Classrooms (1988-1999).
Box 1,020: 1987 Relocatable Classroom Buildings and Furniture Project, Accelerated Building Construction (ABC) Program, Acoustics, Air Conditioning (1970-1992).
Box 1,021: Asbestos, Capital Outlay Plans 1977-1990, Heat Reduction Program, Space Saver Reduction Program (1978-1993).
Box 1,022: Rehabilitation of Pre-1933 buildings (1976-1983).
Box 1,696-1,697: Building Services Division Directory, A Report From Your Community About the Hazards of Birmingham High, Communications concerning building plans for Marshall High School. (1972-1988).
Box 2,071: Proposition BB Blue Ribbon Citizens' Oversight Committee Reports, Board of Education Reports from various Divisions and Strategic Execution Plan For Delivery of New Schools (1996-2001).
box 2540

Bulletins 1944-1978

Scope and Content

Inter-office correspondence concerning the policies and procedures for bulletin preparation, distribution and use. Bulletins pertaining to District standards for written communication to schools and offices describe a bulletin as written communication that contains policies, procedures and information which should be kept on permanent file until revised or canceled. Materials also include an abstract of a thesis, "The Study of the Bulletin Problem."
box 1022, folder 3

Bullying 2002 September 16-2004 August 16

Scope and Contents

Anti-bullying policy bulletins.
box 1022, folder 4-6

Busing 1977 July 18-2006 July 18

Scope and Content

Letters of protest against mandatory busing and responses from Board President Weintraub, Court Reports on Proposition 1 and the overturn of mandatory busing and school bus safety bulletins.
box 1675, folder 1-2, box 1674, box 1025, folder 1-4, box 1023, box 1024

Cafeterias 1945 February 22-2008 March 25

Scope and Contents

Recommendations of the Fact Finding Committee of the Cafeteria Division of Los Angeles Board of Education Employees Union Local No. 99. A.F.L., Cafeteria Operations Reports, Financial Statements, Budget Division Communication on Meals for Needy Pupils in the Inner City Reallocation, letters from San Fernando High School students urging the Board to take action on improving the quality of food served, Revised Policy on Free and Reduced Price Meals for Needy Pupils, authorization of District litigation, California State Department of Education and L.A.U.S.D. et. al. vs. United States Department of Agriculture et. al. to prevent a threatened reduction in certain allowances in the District's food service program, correspondence and Board action on Hot Meals for the Elderly program, signed copy of the illustrated book, Groans and Gleanings written by Lorena Hollister after twenty-five years of managing an elementary school cafeteria, Board Communications on the establishment of Board operated cafeterias, outline of the development of District cafeterias and newspaper clippings, "Stoddard Attacks City's Press Over School Board Scandals: Superintendent in Angry Defense of Indicted Members" and "Board of Education Violating Laws: Defies Code by Meeting in Secret."
box 1025, folder 5

Calendar 1959-1964

Scope and Contents

Master Calendar, Division of Elementary Education with summaries of meetings for fiscal years 1959-1960, 1961-1962 and 1963-1964.
box 1025, folder 6

California Cadet Corps 1976 April 19-1987 February 3

Scope and Content

Copies of Committee Reports, Minutes and Bulletins concerning the District's establishment of a California Cadets Corps Program.
box 1025, folder 7

California Environmental Quality Act 1999 June 22-2006 June 13

Scope and Contents

Board of Education Reports concerning the District's implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act.
box 1025, folder 8-9

California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) 2003 September 18-2005 September 27

Scope and Contents

Copy of Committee of the Whole CAHSEE Presentation which includes results by school and ethnicity for the following District I Schools: Fremont, Jordan, Locke and King Drew and a Curriculum and Instruction Committee Board Report concerning the local waiver process for students with disabilities.
box 1025, folder 10

California School Age Families Education (CAL-SAFE) Program 2000 May 23-2002 April 23

Scope and Contents

Authorizations for submission of reports to the California Department of Education to ensure funding for pregnant and parenting secondary students.
box 1025, folder 11

California State University System 1985 September 9-1986 February 3

Scope and Contents

Copies of Committee of the Whole reports concerning cooperative projects with the California State University System.
box 1025, folder 12

Canine Detection Program 1998 July 28-2000 June 13

Scope and Contents

Copies of Board Minutes, Reports and Communications concerning the utilization of Interquest Detection Canines, Inc. at Banning, Granada Hills, University and Venice High Schools as part of the District's enforcement of its zero tolerance policy for alcohol, drugs and weapons.
box 1675, folder 3-4

Canneries 1943-1952

Scope and Content

Board Communications on the District's Cannery Program located within the Adult and Vocational Education Division, Bulletins regarding O.S.Y.A. rural war production classes for adults in food canning and processing and correspondence concerning the continuation of the Jefferson High School Cannery.
box 1025, folder 13-15

Capacity Adjustment Program (CAP) 1984 January 23-2003 January 14

Scope and Contents

Board of Education Report concerning the District's Capacity Adjustment Program's operations within the District/Rodriguez Consent Decree guidelines, Report on the Shortage of Classroom Space, Report on Options to Increase Capacity at Secondary Schools, Proposal for Allocation of Traveling Program Resources and correspondence from the South Gate City Clerk regarding the Board policy of "backfilling" vacated seats in capped schools.
box 1025, folder 16-17

Capital Facilities Account Fund 1986 December 15-1991 March 18

Scope and Content

Board of Education and Committee Reports on the allocation of funds for school construction projects such as relocatable classrooms to relieve overcrowding.
box 1026, folder 1

Career Awareness 1992 June 1

Scope and Contents

Office of Instruction Expedited Communication concerning the implementation of the Accounting Career Awareness Program, supported by the National Association of Black Accountants to encourage minority students to take the college preparatory courses needed to major in accounting and other business fields.
box 1026, folder 2-3

Career Education Classes 1976 April 5-1990 February 13

Scope and Contents

Agreements for Career Education Classes and Executive Briefing Materials on Comprehensive Career Education for the Educational Development Committee.
box 1026, folder 4

Carnation Property 2000 October 31-2004 February 10

Scope and Contents

Special Closed Session Minutes and Board of Education Report from the Accounting and Disbursements Division concerning the LAUSD Financing Corporation's acquisition of Carnation property at 8015 Van Nuys Boulevard.
box 1026, folder 5

Cash Management 2003 May 13-2003 May 27

Scope and Contents

The Board's re-authorization of formal written guidelines for investing District funds.
box 1026, folder 6

Census 1909 June 30-2000 March 14

Scope and Contents

Copy of the District's June 30, 1909 Census Marshal Report and copies of Board Resolutions in support of the Census.
box 1027, folder 1-2, box 1026, folder 7-9

Certifications 1946 August 12-1974 July 29

Scope and Contents

Budget and Finance Committee Reports and official signed certifications of District investment of fund balances in United States Securities.
box 1027, folder 3-5

Certificates of Participation 1991 August 5-2008 July 8

Scope and Contents

Board of Education Reports concerning the uses, issuances and refunding of Certificates of Participation.
box 1027, folder 6

Character Education 1996 June 3-2000 January 27

Scope and Contents

Copy of Board Resolution concerning Continued Support for Character Education.
box 1727, folder 5, box 1027, folder 7

Charter Amendments 1935 October 10-1947 May 27

Scope and Contents

Los Angeles City Charter Amendments related to the Los Angeles City Board of Education.
box 1028, box 1029, box 1030, box 1031, box 1032, box 1033, box 1034, box 1035, folder 1-2

Charter Schools 2009 May 28-1992 June 10

Scope and Contents

Charter Schools Division approvals of new petitions, proposals, renewals and amendments.
Box 1028: 2006-2009
Box 1029: 2003-2006
Box 1030: 2002-2003
Box 1031: 2001-2002
Box 1032: 2001
Box 1033: 1998-2001
Box 1034: 1993-1997
Box 1035: 1992-1993
box 1035, folder 3

Child Abuse 1981 May 4-1997 October 28

Scope and Content

Legal bulletins, notices, and resolutions concerning child abuse, child molestation and prevention, including the October 28, 1997 California State Auditor's Report, "Los Angeles Unified School District: The District Can Improve Its Handling of Employees Accused of Child Abuse as Well as Its School Financial Accounts."
box 1035, folder 4-5, box 1036, box 1037, box 1038, box 1039, box 1040, box 1676, box 1692

Child Care 1942-2001

Scope and Contents

Committee Reports and Board Communications concerning the Lanham Act, openings, staffing, funding, fees, housing, food program, after school enrichment program, School Age Community Child Care Program (Latchkey), application process and closing of Child Care Centers, the use of Elementary Home Economics Laboratories as Child Care Centers, School Day Nurseries, Children's Centers, letters and petitions of protest against the closing of Centers in 1946 and a Child Care Program report which includes lists, maps and charts.
Box 1,035: (1943-1944).
Box 1,036: (1943-1946).
Box 1,037: (1935-1951).
Box 1,038: (1946-1958).
Box 1,039: (1943-1970).
Box 1,040: (1964-2001).
Box 1,676: (1972-1980).
Box 1,692: (1968-1972).
box 1041, folder 1

Childs Mansion 1978 February 14-1978 May 15

Scope and Content

Copies of Board Minutes concerning the Board's proposed demolition of the structure at Arlington Avenue and West Adams Boulevard known as Childs Mansion and the related conservation movement led by the West Adams Homeowner's Association.
box 1041, folder 2-4

Christmas 1946 December 12-1976 November 8

Scope and Contents

Bulletins and correspondence concerning the observance of Christmas in the schools, Board employee Christmas party invitations and Communications regarding the annual Shriners' Christmas Party for elementary pupils.
box 1041, folder 5

Citizenship 1949 May 2-1996 October 21

Scope and Contents

Correspondence concerning the naturalization procedure and the observance of September 17th as Citizenship Day, pamphlet entitled, "A National Citizenship Training Program," Board Personnel "Active Citizenship" pamphlet, copy of a presentation to the Career and Continuing Education Committee which describes the 1903 Americanization and citizenship classes started for adult immigrants at Castelar Street School as the precursor to the District's English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.
box 1041, folder 6

Citation 1993 September 7-1993 September 20

Scope and Contents

Committee of the Whole Report authorizing School Police Department members to implement a program for the issuance of citations for violations of various Municipal Codes, County ordinances, and/or California Vehicle Codes and that the Department enter into a contract with a vendor for the processing of these citations.
box 1041, folder 7-9

Civic Center Act 1951 February 27-2003 March 11

Scope and Contents

Copy of a proposal with illustrations and plans for a civic auditorium and music center in downtown Los Angeles, Board resolutions in support of this project, Student Life Committee Report proposal to change the Civic Center policy to modify the use of school facilities for qualified groups and an Educational Services Division proposal to increase adult group fees under the Civic Center Permit Program.
box 1041, folder 10-11, box 1042, folder 1-3

Civil Defense 1950 November 4-1984 October 8

Scope and Contents

Correspondence, Bulletins and Committee Reports concerning the designation of school sites as fallout shelters, radiological monitoring classes, the Civil Defense and Disaster Board and Civil Defense and Disaster Corps of the City of Los Angeles, reviews of drills, signals and procedures for actual emergencies, School Defense Activities Digests and letters of protest from taxpayers.
Materials also include the City of Los Angeles' Office of Civil Defense Annual Report, maps of shelter areas, the Federal Civil Defense Administration's Interim Civil Defense Instructions for Schools and Colleges training and educational bulletin, a press release from Superintendent Ellis describing emergency procedures in case of nuclear attack, Committee of the Whole meeting transcription on Bomb Shelters and a copy of The American School Board Journal containing the article, "The Question of Fallout Shelter-Schools."
box 1042, folder 4

Civil Disobedience 1988 December 19

Scope and Contents

Copy of Board member Jackie Goldberg's resolution that District policy related to an applicant's participation in civil disobedience not be a bar to employment.
box 1042, folder 5

Civil Rights Act of 1991 1991 May 6

Scope and Contents

Copy of Board member Jackie Goldberg's resolution that the Board support the Civil Rights Act of 1991 by sending a letter of support to the appropriate government officials.
box 1042, folder 6-8, box 1043

Civil Service 1933-1936

Scope and Contents

Materials concerning the District's civil service procedures and policies including employee petitions for the adoption of civil service and a Diagram of Proposed Democratic Board of Coordination as suggested by the Classroom Teachers' Federation.
box 1044, box 1045, box 1046, box 1047, box 1048, box 1049, box 1050, box 1051, box 1052, box 1053, box 1054, box 1055

Claims 2009

Scope and Content

Summons and complaints of legal actions or claims against the Los Angeles Unified School District, the Los Angeles Board of Education, as public entities, and the Board Members, Superintendent of Schools, and senior management staff as individuals, including Board Rule 133 complaints that relate to charges or complaints against LAUSD employees originating from persons who are not District employees.
Box 1,044: (2008-2009).
Box 1045: (2007).
Box 1046: (2006).
Box 1047: (2004-2005).
Box 1048: (2002-2003).
Box 1049: (2001-2002).
Box 1050: (1999-2000).
Box 1051: (1996-1999).
Box 1052: (1996-1995), Board Rule 133 (2005-2009).
Box 1053-1054: Board Rule 133 (2008-2009).
Box 1055: Board Rule 133 (2008).
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