Descriptive Summary
Biographical/Historical Note
Other Finding Aids
Administrative Information
Scope and Content of Collection
Indexing Terms
Descriptive Summary
Title: Study photographs of ancient portrait sculpture
Date (inclusive): 1900s
Number: 76.P.11
Getty Research Institute
Physical Description:
34.7 linear feet
(166 boxes)
The Getty Research Institute
Special Collections
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, California, 90049-1688
(310) 440-7390
Abstract: A collection of modern photographs of ancient portrait sculpture, concentrating on the Greek and Roman periods, assembled
by the Getty Research Institute. The collection's focus is on famous ancient persons, including Greek philosophers and statesmen,
Hellenistic rulers, Roman Republican statesmen, and Roman emperors and empresses.
Language: Collection material is in
Biographical/Historical Note
In 1974, the J. Paul Getty Museum began assembling a "photo library" by consolidating the visual resources of each existing
curatorial department. By the early 1980s, the Photo Archive was actively acquiring large collections of photographs from
commercial and private sources and scholars' archives that contained a photographic component. In 1983, the nearly one million
photographs of the Photo Archive were incorporated into the Research Institute's Special Collections.
Other Finding Aids
Photo Archive Database includes photograph level access to approximately 24% of the photographs in this collection.
Administrative Information
Publication Rights
Processing History
Finding aid created in 2009.
Scope and Content of Collection
An assembled collection of modern photographs of ancient portrait sculpture, concentrating on the Greek and Roman periods.
The collection's focus is on famous ancient persons, including Greek philosophers and statesmen, Hellenistic rulers, Roman
Republican statesmen, and Roman emperors and empresses. Portraits of unidentified individuals from the Etruscan to the late
Roman periods are also interfiled by period/style.
The collection contains photographs from a variety of sources, including commercial vendors and photographers, research institutions'
archives, museum and auction house files, and scholars' archives. Among the commercial vendors and photographers, the most
important sources are Alinari (including the Anderson and Brogi archives), Bulloz, Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, Photographie Giraudon,
Gabinetto fotografico nazionale (Rome), Hirmer Verlag, Barbara Bini, Guntram Koch, and John Ross. Research institution archives
from which the collection holds copy prints include the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI), Rome. Scholarly sources
include the personal archives of Ludwig Goldscheider and Giovanni Becatti, as well as a study collection acquired from the
Dept. of Classics at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Arranged chronologically by culture, then by subject and location.
Indexing Terms
Subjects - Names
Becatti, Giovanni, 1912-1973 -- Photograph collections
Subjects - Corporate Bodies
University of California, Los Angeles. Department of Classics -- Photograph collections
Subjects - Topics
Portrait sculpture, Ancient
Portrait sculpture, Etruscan
Portrait sculpture, Greek
Portrait sculpture, Roman
Genres and Forms of Material
Photographic prints
Becatti, Giovanni, 1912-1973
Bini, Barbara
Getty Research Institute
Goldscheider, Ludwig, 1896-1973
Koch, Guntram
Ross, John
University of California, Los Angeles. Department of Classics