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Monday 30th Snowing fast wind W about 4 or 5 feet deep, no drifts looks as likely to continue as when it commenced no liveing
thing without wings can get aboutDecember 1st Tuesday Still snowing wind W snow about 5 1/2 feet or 6 deep difficult to get
wood no going from the house completely housed up looks as likely for snow as when it commenced, our cattle all killed but
three or four them, the horses & Stantons mules gone & cattle suppose lost in the Snow no hopes of finding them alivewedns.
2nd. Continues to snow wind W sun shineing hazily thro the clouds dont snow quite as fast as it has done snow must be over
six feet deep bad fire this morning
Local Call Number:
Banc MSS C-E 176:05
Patrick Breen Diary
Contributing Institution:
UC Berkeley, Bancroft Library