Everson Hall, Home Management Laboratory, Home Economics Building. The Home Management
Laboratory in the new Home Economics Building on the Davis campus of the University of California.
It is used for both teaching and research in the efficient use of household equipment to reduce
fatigue. Modern appliances, designed for function and efficiency, are tested and evaluated. The
chairs are of different heights so that students can learn which are best suited to various
household tasks. Cabinets, mounted on gears, can be raised and lowered to study proper working
heights as an aid in reducing fatigue. Students learn to use cabinet space to best advantage in
storing kitchen supplies, with studies of shelf spacings and arrangements. On the table in the rear
are various automatic dishwasher racks. These are evaluated for holding capacity and handling ease.
Washers are studied for efficiency under home conditions of water temperatures and pressures. A
laundry cart, conventional washing machine and ironing board with adjustable legs for height,
water-softener, automatic clothes washer, and automatic dishwasher are along the wall.