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West Center Street with Streetcar, Anaheim [graphic]
Digital Anaheim
View of West Center Street (later Lincoln Ave.); image shows Center Street looking west, a dirt street flanked with telephone
poles and hitching posts; Metz Block building is visible to the left, and the Federman Block building, telegraph office, post
office and Paul A. Derge drug store visible to the right; a horse-drawn carriage is on the right and a horse-drawn streetcar
in the background; the Anaheim Streetcar Company, [Theodore Rimpau, president] operated from January, 1887, until the fall
of 1899; the tracks were removed in 1901; signage on facade of building at far right reads "PAUL A. DERG[E] / MEDICAL HA [...]"
above a sign that reads "[...illeg.] TELEPHONE"
1887-1899 (issued)
Contributing Institution:
Anaheim Public Library
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