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[Appendix 1: Pictures, Charts, and Maps]
Evacuees from Amache at the Granada railroad station bound for Tule Lake [page 11]
[Title page (page 1)]
[Construction of barracks (page 2)]
First evacuees to arrive at Granada railroad station are boarding buses for Amache. [page 3]
First arrivals at Amache are registering for housing [page 4]
Young evacuees carrying their personal belongings into their new quarters as construction of barracks is being completed [page 5]
A general all-over view of Amache looking north and west [page 6]
A section of the general store when the various Amache enterprises were housed in separate barrack buildings [page 7]
The shoe department of the Amache Consumer Enterprises [page 8]
Members of the Amache Community Council [page 9]
An army sergeant fingerprints an Amache Nisei being recruited for the Untied States Army at Camp Savage, Minnesota [page 10]
Evacuees from Amache at the Granada railroad station bound for Tule Lake [page 11]
Amache Boy Scouts raising flag to half-mast at Memorial Service [page 12]
Kiosk in front of Amache Consumer Enterprises building containing names of all center residents in U.S. services [page 13]
View of Amache high school auditorium filled to capacity during one of several memorial services held for local Nisei servicemen killed in action at the European front [page 14]
A group of Blue Star Mothers and visiting soldiers [page 15]
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