Plat of the Rancho Rincon de los Esteros, finally confirmed to Francisco Berreyesa et al., heirs of G. Berreyesa : [Santa
Clara Co., Calif.] / Surveyed under instructions from the U.S. Surveyor General ; by John Reed, Dep. Survr
Pen-and-ink and watercolor on tracing cloth.4362 R5633On label attached to map: Attached to Final Decree, filed Sept. 8, 1863.Includes
chart of boundaries.From: U.S. District Court. California, Northern District. Land case 239 ND, page 318; land case map E-539
(Bancroft Library). Francisco Berreyesa et al., clmts.
United States. District Court (California : Northern District). Land case. 239, Related Name Indexing Term