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This is the home which the Yamada family rent in Peoria. They have the entire house, which is located in one of the residential districts in Peoria, Illinois.<lb/> Photographer: Mace, Charles E.<lb/> Peoria, Illinois.
[verso] This is the home which the Yamada family rent in Peoria. They have the entire house, which is located in one of the residential districts in Peoria, Illinois. ; Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ; Peoria, Illinois.
[recto] This is the home which the Yamada family rent in Peoria. They have the entire house, which is located in one of the residential districts in Peoria, Illinois. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Peoria, Illinois.
[verso] This is the home which the Yamada family rent in Peoria. They have the entire house, which is located in one of the residential districts in Peoria, Illinois. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Peoria, Illinois.
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