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The home Bill and Betty Kobayashi live in was built for them by the owner of the large hatchery where Bill works. Bill and Betty formerly lived at the Poston Relocation Center and Santa Ana, California.<lb/> Photographer: Parker, Tom<lb/> "Washington, D.C.", .
"[verso] The home Bill and Betty Kobayashi live in was built for them by the owner of the large hatchery where Bill works. Bill and Betty formerly lived at the Poston Relocation Center and Santa Ana, California. ; Photographer: Parker, Tom ; ""Washington, D.C"
[recto] The home Bill and Betty Kobayashi live in was built for them by the owner of the large hatchery where Bill works. Bill and Betty formerly lived at the Poston Relocation Center and Santa Ana, California. ;  Photographer: Parker, Tom ;  Washington, D.C
"[verso] The home Bill and Betty Kobayashi live in was built for them by the owner of the large hatchery where Bill works. Bill and Betty formerly lived at the Poston Relocation Center and Santa Ana, California. ;  Photographer: Parker, Tom ;  ""Washington, D.C"
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