Posing for their picture on the front steps of the Washington Hostel, 2311 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., are Mr. I ...Date:
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945--PhotographsNote:
Full title:Posing for their picture on the front steps of the Washington Hostel, 2311 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.,
are Mr. I Kiyota, Issei from Topaz, Mr. and Mrs. Shigeru Koizumi and their children, Kiyoko and Albert, from Granada, and
Toyoko Kasegawa, Minidoka. Mr. and Mrs. Koizumi have been at the hostel for some time, are now moving into their new home
in a government housing project. Miss Kasegawa has come to Washington from Chicago, is taking a Civil Service exam to obtain
a government job as stenographer. The hostel is conveniently located near downtown Washington, provides room and three meals
for single persons and family groups at prices ranging from 50 cents per day to $2.25 depending on job and length of stay.<lb/>
"Washington, D.C.", .
Local Call Number:
WRA no. G-960
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Related Item:
Voices in Confinement: A Digital Archive of Japanese-American Internees