Ken Shimizu, representing the young people of New York City's famous Riverside Church, is speaking at one of several discussion ...Date:
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945--PhotographsNote:
Full title:Ken Shimizu, representing the young people of New York City's famous Riverside Church, is speaking at one of several
discussion groups at a City-Wide Unity Conference which took place at the Society for Ethical Culture on March 1945, under
the auspices of the Interracial Youth Committee. Ken was one of several hundred young people representing sixty schools, church
groups, and settlement houses throughout the city who participated in the conference. A former resident of Los Angeles, Ken
is now a student at George Washington High School in New York City. He relocated there from the Gila River Relocation Center
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nobukichi Shimizu. Mr. Shimizu is engaged in the bean sprout business in New York.<lb/>
Photographer: Fujihira, Toge<lb/> New York, New York.
Local Call Number:
WRA no. G-864
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Voices in Confinement: A Digital Archive of Japanese-American Internees