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A caravan of buses is seen on the highway between Topaz Center and Delta, Utah, conveying transferees to the latter place where they are to be entrained for the Tule Lake Center.<lb/> Photographer: Mace, Charles E.<lb/> Topaz, Utah.
[recto] A caravan of buses is seen on the highway between Topaz Center and Delta, Utah, conveying transferees to the latter place where they are to be entrained for the Tule Lake Center. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Topaz, Utah.
[verso] A caravan of buses is seen on the highway between Topaz Center and Delta, Utah, conveying transferees to the latter place where they are to be entrained for the Tule Lake Center. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Topaz, Utah.
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