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A Japanese woman, just evacuated, who arrived this morning is shown at the door of her living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms (remodeled horse-stalls).<lb/> Photographer: Lange, Dorothea<lb/> San Bruno, California.
[verso] A Japanese woman, just evacuated, who arrived this morning is shown at the door of her living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms (remodeled horse-stalls). ; Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ; San Bruno, California.
[recto] A Japanese woman, just evacuated, who arrived this morning is shown at the door of her living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms (remodeled horse-stalls). ;  Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ;  San Bruno, California.
[verso] A Japanese woman, just evacuated, who arrived this morning is shown at the door of her living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms (remodeled horse-stalls). ;  Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ;  San Bruno, California.
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