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Salinas, Calif.--Evacuees of Japanese ancestry have assembled their baggage which will be taken by truck to the assembly center where evacuees from this area will await transfer to WRA centers to spend the duration.<lb/> Photographer: Albers, Clem<lb/> Salinas, California.
[verso] Salinas, Calif.--Evacuees of Japanese ancestry have assembled their baggage which will be taken by truck to the assembly center where evacuees from this area will await transfer to WRA centers to spend the duration. ; Photographer: Albers, Clem ; Sa
[recto] Salinas, Calif.--Evacuees of Japanese ancestry have assembled their baggage which will be taken by truck to the assembly center where evacuees from this area will await transfer to WRA centers to spend the duration. ;  Photographer: Albers, Clem ;  Sa
[verso] Salinas, Calif.--Evacuees of Japanese ancestry have assembled their baggage which will be taken by truck to the assembly center where evacuees from this area will await transfer to WRA centers to spend the duration. ;  Photographer: Albers, Clem ;  Sa
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