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A detail of the X-Ray equipment in the Heart Mountain Hospital. Technician H. Sasai is shown measuring the skull of a patient to determine the duration of the exposure to the rays.<lb/> Photographer: Iwasaki, Hikaru<lb/> Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
[verso] A detail of the X-Ray equipment in the Heart Mountain Hospital. Technician H. Sasai is shown measuring the skull of a patient to determine the duration of the exposure to the rays. ; Photographer: Iwasaki, Hikaru ; Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
[recto] A detail of the X-Ray equipment in the Heart Mountain Hospital. Technician H. Sasai is shown measuring the skull of a patient to determine the duration of the exposure to the rays. ;  Photographer: Iwasaki, Hikaru ;  Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
[verso] A detail of the X-Ray equipment in the Heart Mountain Hospital. Technician H. Sasai is shown measuring the skull of a patient to determine the duration of the exposure to the rays. ;  Photographer: Iwasaki, Hikaru ;  Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
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