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There were many sad goodbyes and heartaches as life long friends were separated and families were broken up when transferees from the Topaz Center entrained to their new home at Tule Lake.<lb/> Photographer: Mace, Charles E.<lb/> Topaz, Utah.
[recto] There were many sad goodbyes and heartaches as life long friends were separated and families were broken up when transferees from the Topaz Center entrained to their new home at Tule Lake. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Topaz, Utah.
[verso] There were many sad goodbyes and heartaches as life long friends were separated and families were broken up when transferees from the Topaz Center entrained to their new home at Tule Lake. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Topaz, Utah.
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