Sacrificing a successful photographic studio in Los Angeles, California, after the evacuation order was a blow to Frank Azuo, but ...Date:
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945--PhotographsNote:
Full title:Sacrificing a successful photographic studio in Los Angeles, California, after the evacuation order was a blow
to Frank Azuo, but he refused to let it ruin his career. Now he has an equally profitable studio in Denver, Colorado. Azuo
and his family were sent directly to the Poston, Arizona, relocation center from Los Angeles. From the first Azuo found center
life intolerable and he resolved to relocate as quickly as possible. In the fall of 1942 he worked in Idaho sugar beet fields
on seasonal leave. His absence from the center whetted his desire to re-establish himself and his family permanently. From
Idaho he went to Denver and obtained employment in a photographic studio, but he was determined to have his own studio so
that he could better support his wife and two small children. He entered business for himself in June, 1944, and is earning
a comfortable living. While his future plans are undecided, he sees no present reason for returning to the West Coast. I'm
convinced of the wisdom of relocating, rather than remaining in a center while your courage and initiative ebb away, he commented.<lb/>
Photographer: Aoyama, Bud<lb/> Denver, Colorado.
Local Call Number:
WRA no. G-812
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