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A center resident watches from the bank of the Highline Ditch canal, main irrigation source for this relocation center's farm lands, as the first water finds its way along the just completed excavation.<lb/> Photographer: Mace, Charles E.<lb/> Heart Mountain, Wyoming.
[verso] A center resident watches from the bank of the Highline Ditch canal, main irrigation source for this relocation center's farm lands, as the first water finds its way along the just completed excavation. ; Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ; Heart Mount
[recto] A center resident watches from the bank of the Highline Ditch canal, main irrigation source for this relocation center's farm lands, as the first water finds its way along the just completed excavation. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Heart Mount
[verso] A center resident watches from the bank of the Highline Ditch canal, main irrigation source for this relocation center's farm lands, as the first water finds its way along the just completed excavation. ;  Photographer: Mace, Charles E. ;  Heart Mount
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