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San Francisco, Calif. (2031 Bush Street)--Evacuees of Japanese ancestry boarding buses which will take them to Tanforan Assembly Center. The father of these children is a Buddhist priest now interned by the F.B.I.<lb/> Photographer: Lange, Dorothea<lb/> San Francisco, California.
[verso] San Francisco, Calif. (2031 Bush Street)--Evacuees of Japanese ancestry boarding buses which will take them to Tanforan Assembly Center. The father of these children is a Buddhist priest now interned by the F.B.I. ; Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ; S
[recto] San Francisco, Calif. (2031 Bush Street)--Evacuees of Japanese ancestry boarding buses which will take them to Tanforan Assembly Center. The father of these children is a Buddhist priest now interned by the F.B.I. ;  Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ;  S
[verso] San Francisco, Calif. (2031 Bush Street)--Evacuees of Japanese ancestry boarding buses which will take them to Tanforan Assembly Center. The father of these children is a Buddhist priest now interned by the F.B.I. ;  Photographer: Lange, Dorothea ;  S
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