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Jerry Osumi, 11, was formerly a student in Sacramento, California. He is, at present, a student at the center. New Year's Fair marble champ.<lb/> Photographer: Stewart, Francis<lb/> Poston, Arizona.
[verso] Jerry Osumi, 11, was formerly a student in Sacramento, California. He is, at present, a student at the center. New Year's Fair marble champ. ; Photographer: Stewart, Francis ; Poston, Arizona.
[recto] Jerry Osumi, 11, was formerly a student in Sacramento, California. He is, at present, a student at the center. New Year's Fair marble champ. ;  Photographer: Stewart, Francis ;  Poston, Arizona.
[verso] Jerry Osumi, 11, was formerly a student in Sacramento, California. He is, at present, a student at the center. New Year's Fair marble champ. ;  Photographer: Stewart, Francis ;  Poston, Arizona.
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