There are five stars in the service flag that hangs in the window of Asajiro Miyake, 69, and his wife, ...Date:
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945--PhotographsNote:
Full title:There are five stars in the service flag that hangs in the window of Asajiro Miyake, 69, and his wife, Umeyo, 63,
who were among the many Fresno bound passengers on the Rohwer Special. There are six sons. The one remaining with his parents,
due to physical disqualification by the Army, is Miyake, who planned to do everything possible to make his father and mother
comfortable in a large house near Fresno, owned by one of the brothers overseas. The boys in the service are: Shigeto, Masato,
Tsumoru, Kiyomi and Tadao. Three are overseas. Two are in service in this country. The Miyake family has lived in Fresno 40
years. The boys were all educated there in high school and college. One is a lawyer. All have proved themselves--good Americans!
The Miyakes reported a satisfactory and uneventful trip during the 2,000 miles, over lines of four railways and with equipment
varying from a fairly modern cafe car to antiquated wooden coaches of the gaslight era. A tourist sleeper was reserved for
the aged and a few who were ill. En route several crowded troop trains, in some cases bearing G.I.'s back from the South Pacific,
were met by the Rohwer Special on sidings. All reported that hearty and cordial greetings were exchanged. Many friends were
at various stations to meet them, both Caucaisan and Japanese Americans.<lb/> Photographer: Iwasaki, Hikaru<lb/> Fresno, California.
Local Call Number:
WRA no. -36
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Voices in Confinement: A Digital Archive of Japanese-American Internees