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box 344


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 344


box 344


box 344

Neutralization of

box 344


box 345

President of

box 345

Public works

box 345

Question of Naval Base 1937

box 345

U.S. Naval Base

box 345

U.S. Relations, Postwar

box 345

Wood-Forbes Report 1921

box 345

Phillips, Alfred N.

box 345

Phillips, Beatrice

box 345

Phillips, Wallace B.

box 345

Phillips, William

box 345

Phraner, Stanley L.

box 345

Pickel, Robert D.

box 345

Picot, Madame Willie Georges

box 345

Pierce Arrow Service

box 345

Pierson, Warren Lee

box 345

Piffard, Helen Strong

box 345

Pilcher, James B.

box 345

Pillion, John R.

box 345

Pillsbury Flour Mills Company

box 345

Pinchot, Mrs. Gifford

box 345

Pinon, Rene, "A New Phase of the Struggle for the Pacific"

box 345

Pitcher, Stephen L.

box 345

Pittman, Key

box 346


box 346


box 346

Plans and suggestions

box 346

Platforms, United States Government Party 1940 1944

box 346


box 346


box 346

Pleiss, Walter

box 346

Plesman, Albert

box 346

Podoski, Victor

box 346


box 346

Pogue, Joseph E.

box 346

Poland, W. B.

box 346


box 346


box 346

Police Force, International

box 346

Police, traffic, May 29, 1955


Policy Committee

box 346

Policy Committee

box 346

Minutes 1943-1944

box 347

Minutes, 1943-1944 (3 folders) 1943-1944

box 348

Minutes, 1943-1944 (3 folders) 1943-1944

box 349

Polish Embassy

box 349

Polish Information Service

box 349

Political economy

box 349

Political psychology

box 349

Political Science

box 349

Political Science Association (D.C.)

box 349

Political Science, general, outline

box 349

Political Science, Study of

box 349


box 349

Politics, Science of, Report of National Conference on 1923

box 349

Pond, J. Lawrence

box 349

Pontillo, Nick

box 349

Pool, John C.

box 349

Poole, Dewitt C.

box 349

Poon Lim

box 349

Poor, Henry V.

box 349

Pope, Arthur Upham

box 349


box 349

Population, world

box 349

Populations and territories, Japanese controlled

box 350

Porter, Catherine

box 350

Porter, Congressman Charles O. and Nash, Ernest T.

box 350

Porter, Lucius

box 350

Porter, Ruth

box 350

Porter, Stephen G.

box 350

Porter, Thurston R.

box 350

Portsmouth Treaty

box 350


box 350

Portuguese Legation

box 350

Pos, Mary

box 350

Possony, Stefan T.

box 350

Post Office Department

box 350

Post offices

box 350

Posthumus, N. W.

box 350


box 350


box 350

Post-War Foreign Policy, Advisory Committee on

box 350

Post-War Foreign Policy, Advisory Council on

box 350

Post-War planning, commitments and aims

box 351

Post-War Programs, Committee on

box 351

Potsdam Papers

box 351

Potsdam, Tripartite at Berlin 1945 July 17 - August 2

box 351

Pott, F. L. Hawks

box 351

Potter, Kenneth F.

box 351

Potter, Pitman B.

box 351

Pouch Service

box 351

Pound, Roscoe, on U.S. China Policy 1949

box 351


box 351

Powell, Helen K.

box 351

Powell, J. B.

box 351

Powell, Nancy

box 351

Powell, P. P.

box 351

Powell, Ralph 1960

box 351

Power, effective rulers of the Untied States

box 351

Powers, John H.

box 351

Poynter, Nelson P.

box 351

Pratt, John H.

box 351

Pratt, Sir John

box 351


box 351




box 351

Problems of 1916

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 352

Figures 1917

box 352

1917 material

box 352

U.S. Army and Navy Chart 1917

box 352

W. R. Castle, Armistice Day speech 1930

box 352


box 352


box 353


box 353


box 353


box 353


box 353

President's Message

box 353

President's Messages 1917

box 353

President Polk's Proclamation of War with Mexico (1846)


See also: China: Papers: Reinsch acquisition
box 353

President's Statement to Congress 1914 December 15

box 353

Presidents of the United States, The Book of the

box 353


box 354

Press clipping bureaus

box 354

Press conferences

box 354

Press (the), Dillon, E. J. on

box 354

Press, French

box 354

"Press and Politics," Volume I, Number 1

box 354

Press (the) 1956

box 354

Price, Allen Thomas

box 354

Price, Ben

box 354

Price, Elizabeth Kendall

box 354

Price, Ernest B.

box 354

Price, Frank

box 354

Price, Harry B., "The Marshall Plan"

box 354

Price, Harry B.

box 354

Price, Maurice T.

box 354

Price, Willard

box 354

Prickett, Karl E.

box 354

Princeton 1930

box 354

Princeton 1938 December 3

box 354

Princeton, 20th Century Fund, Ronald Reagan 1954-1955

box 354

Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

box 354


box 354

Principles of U.S. foreign policy

box 354

Prisoners of war

box 355

Prisoners of war circa 1944

box 355

Prisoners of war, Execution of Aviators


See also: Doolittle Raid
box 355

Private property, immunity in war

box 355


box 355


box 355


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 355

Propaganda Committee, Combined Chiefs of Staff

box 355

Propaganda, methods, Parker

box 355

Property list, estate

box 355


box 355

Prophecies 1940-1943

box 355


box 355


box 356

Protection of American Interests

box 356

"Protection of Citizens Abroad by Armed Force," by Edwin Borchard

box 356

Protection of foreign interests

box 356


box 356

Protocol, Diplomatic Reception, White House 1936-1937

box 356

Protocol (Geneva) for Pacific Settlement of International Disputes 1924

box 356

Protocol, Washington, list of rank and precedence 1953

box 356

Providence Journal and Evening Bulletin

box 356

Prussian Treaty of 1828

box 356

Pruzzle contest

box 356


box 356


box 356

Pu Yi

box 356

Public Action

box 356

Public Affairs Press

box 356

Public opinion

box 356


box 356


box 356

Puckle, Sir Frederick

box 356

Puerto Rico

box 356

Pugach, Noel (U. of Wisconsin)

box 356

Puleston, William D.

box 356

Puleston, "The Influence of Force in Foreign Relations," 1955

box 356

Purdy, Milton D.

box 356

Puryear, Edward F.

box 356

Putnam, John R.

box 356

G. P. Putnam's Sons

box 357

Quaker Oats Company

box 357


box 357


box 357

Quemoy and Matsu, ABC's of 1958

box 357

Quezon, Manuel


Quigley, Harold S.

box 357


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 357



See also: China: Quigley, Harold S., articles by
box 357

"Chinese Politics and Foreign Powers," 1927

box 357

Chinese Politics Today, Review 1934 May

box 357

University of Minneapolis 1934

box 357

Quillian, Fletcher

box 357

Quittner, Joseph

box 357

Quo Tai-chi, Dr.

box 357

Quotations ("Thoughts")

box 357

Quotations and stories

box 358

Rabbitt, James A.

box 358

Rabindranath, Tagore

box 358

Race question

box 358

Races and problems

box 358

Racial equality

box 358

Radio station, International Settlement, Shanghai

box 358

Radio station, Mukden

box 358

Radio, U.S.

box 358

Railway, Burma - Yunnan

box 358

Railway, Chesapeake and Ohio

box 358

Railway, Chicago, Rhode Island and Pacific Railway Co.

box 358

Railway, Trans-Siberian

box 358

Rajchman, Ludwik

box 358

Rakhit, Hemendra K.

box 358

Ramos, Carlos

box 358

Ramsay, Gordon A.

box 358

Rand, Elbridge D.

box 358

Randolph, Bessie C.

box 358

Rankin, Jeannette (Montana)

box 358

Rankin, Karl L.

box 358

Ranneft, J. W. Meijer

box 358

Ransdell, J. H.

box 358

Rappaport, Armin

box 358

Raven, F. J.

box 358

Ravndal, C. M.

box 358

Raw materials

box 358

Rawls, Fletcher

box 358

Ray, J. Franklin

box 358

Rayl, L. B.

box 358

Raymond, Allen

box 358

Rayner, Charles B.

box 358

Rea, George Bronson

box 359

Read, Thomas T.

box 359

Reader's Digest

box 359

Ready, Michael J. (Monsignor)

box 359

Reagan, Ronald

box 359

Real estate and moving 1938

box 359


box 359


box 359

Rearick, Elizabeth

box 359

Reber, Samuel

box 359

Reciprocity and Preferential Tariff Systems

box 359


box 359

Recognition of governments, Hornbeck on, ASIL 1950

box 359

Recording machine

box 359

Records of usage

box 359

Red Cross

box 359

Red Cross, American

box 359

Red Cross Congress in Japan, Judge Payne, delegate 1934

box 359


box 359

Reed, Harold and Alice

box 359

Reed, Martha

box 359

Reed, Stanley

box 359

Reener, J. S.

box 359

Refugee Economic Corporation

box 359

Refugees, political

box 360

Reid, Gilbert

box 360

Reid, John Gilbert

box 360

Reifsnider, Bishop C. S.

box 360

Reilly, Brig. Gen. Henry J. (U.S.A., retired)

box 360

Reinsch, Paul S.

Physical Description: 7.0 folders
box 361

Reischauer, Edwin O.



box 361

China - France

box 361

China - Russia

box 361

France - Great Britain

box 361

France - U.S.

box 361

Great Britain - Netherlands

box 361

Japan - Netherlands

box 361

Japan - U.S.S.R.

box 361

U.S. - China

box 361

U.S. - Great Britain

box 361

U.S. - Japan

box 361

U.S. - Netherlands

box 361

U.S. - Russia

box 361


box 361


box 361

Religious ( Life)

box 361


box 361

Remer, C. F.

box 361

Remey, Mason

box 361

Reminiscences, items to write

box 361

Renchard, G. W.

box 361


box 361


box 361


box 361

Representation, diplomatic

box 361

Representation by U.S. Government of interests of one country in third country

box 361

Republican campaign

box 362

Republican Women, League of, School of Politics, "Conduct Foreign Relations," 1930

box 362

Research, subsidies for

box 362

Research, suggestions for

box 362

Research, Who's Who in

box 362

Reservations, precedents for

box 362

Reserve Officers' Association

box 362

Reserve Officers' Association, Constitution of

box 362

"Het Residentie Orkest"

box 362

"Resignation" (Special)

box 362

Resignation as American Clerk at the Nanking Consulate

box 362

Resources, United States

box 362


box 362


box 362

Reversible Collar Company

box 362

Reybold, Capt. John B.

box 362

Reynard, W. E.

box 362

Reynolds, Conger

box 362

Reynolds, Lincoln

box 362

Reynolds, Robert R.

box 362

Rhee, Syngman

box 362

Rhoads, Charles J.

box 362

Rhodes, Cecil


Rhodes scholars

box 362


box 362


box 362

In Massachusetts

box 363

Hamilton, G. E. for the Oxonian

box 363

Scholarship trust

box 363

Scholarships 1916-1927

box 363

Subject folder

box 364

Scholarships 1929-1933


Reunion 1929 1933

box 365

Scholarships 1950

box 365

Exams, etc. 1952

box 365

1953 May

box 365

Scholarships 1952-1954

box 365

The American Oxonian, price list for reprints

box 365

Association of American Rhodes Scholars, Constitution

box 365

Class of 1904, the active, manuscript

box 365

Reunion, Swarthmore 1965 June 18-20

box 365

Selection 1963 December

box 365

Selection 1964

box 365

Selection Committee 1965 December

box 365

D.C. roster

box 365


box 365


box 366

Rice, Charles

box 366

Rice, Edward E.

box 366

Rice, Elwood E.

box 366

Rice, Stuart A.

box 366

Rich, John F.

box 366

Rich, Raymond T., World Peace Foundation

box 366

Richardson, Garland

box 366

Richardson, James

box 366

Richardson, Norval, "My Diplomatic Education"

box 366

Richardson, Robert C.

box 366

Richardson, W. Garland

box 366

Richey, Lawrence

box 366

Richmond, Indiana (William C. Dennis) 1950

box 366

Rickover, Adm. H. G.

box 366

Riddell, Guy C.

box 366

Ridder, J.

box 366

Rigby, Cora

box 366

Riggs, B. Reath

box 366

Riggs National Bank

box 366


box 366

Rights, A Declaration of

box 366

Riley, Julian

box 366

Rinehart, Stanley M.

box 366

Ringer, Gordon

box 366

Ringwalt, Arthur R.

box 366


box 366

Rivers, William C.

box 366

Robbins, Warren D.

box 366

Roberts, Owen F.

box 366

Robertson, C. H.

box 366

Robertson, David A.

box 366

Robertson, Walter

box 366

Robins, H. M.

box 366

Robinson, Dorothy

box 366

Robinson, Jacob

box 366

Robinson, Leland R.

box 366

Robinson, Thomas H.

box 366

Rochford, Daniel

box 366

Rock, Dr. Joseph F.

box 366

Rock Creek Women's Republican Club 1961

box 366

Rockefeller, John D.

box 366

Rockefeller, Nelson

box 366

Rodgers, Rear Admiral W. L., "Diplomacy"

box 366

Rodgers, William L.

box 366

Rogers, Alan

box 366

Rogers, Edith Nourse

box 366

Rogers, Fred F.

box 366

Rogers, James Grafton

box 366

Rogers, James Harvey

box 366

Rogers, Leighton W.

box 366

Rogers, L. "America's Case Against Germany"

box 366

Rogers, Theo

box 366

Rogers, Walter S.

box 367

Rolfe, Mary A.

box 367

Romig, Joseph A.

box 367

Romijn, Cornelis Theo

box 367

Romney, Gov.

box 367

Romulo, Carlos P.

box 367

Romulo on Asia

box 367

Rookmaker, E. Tj.

box 367

Roos, Robert A.

box 367

Roosevelt and Churchill

box 367

Roosevelt, Edith K.

box 367

Roosevelt, Eleanor

box 367

Roosevelt, Franklin D., President

box 367

Roosevelt genealogy

box 367

Roosevelt, James

box 367

Roosevelt, Kermit

box 367

Roosevelt Library, Drewry 1966

box 367

Roosevelt, Nicholas

box 367

Roosevelt, Nicholas "Making a New China out of War-Torn Nation," 1928

box 367

Roosevelt, Theodore

box 367

Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.

box 367


box 367

Root, Elihu

box 367

Root-Takahira Agreement

box 368

Roots, John, on China Policy circa 1948

box 368

Roots, Logan H.

box 368

Roper, Daniel C.

box 368

Roper, Elmo

box 368

Roseberg, Evar

box 368

Roseman, Alvin

box 368

Rosenman Mission

box 368

Rosinki, Herbert

box 368

Ross, Ben

box 368

Ross, H. F.

box 368

Rosse, G. W.

box 368


box 368

Roszel, B. M.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 368


box 368

Roumanian Legation

box 368

Round Table

box 368

Rowbotham, A.

box 368

Rowe, David N.

box 368

Rowe, David, on U.S. and Asia 1949

box 368

Roue, Leo S.

box 368

Rowell, Chester Harvey

box 368

Rowland, Charles A.

box 368

Royal Institute of International Affairs

box 368

Roye, Harry

box 368


box 368

Rubber 1940 1942

box 368

Rubel, L. E.

box 368

Ruddock, A. B.

box 368

Ruess, W.

box 368

Rugg, Charles B.

box 368

Rumford Press

box 368

Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817

box 368

Rusk, Dean 1950-1963

Physical Description: 4.0 folders
box 368

Russell, Bertrand

box 368

Russell, Charles A.

box 368

Russell, Donald

box 368

Russell, Franklin

box 368

Russell, John Forbes

box 368

Russian East Asia

box 368

Rutherford, Forrest S.

box 368

Ruthlad, Mary

box 368

Ryan, the Rt. Rev. James Hugh (Bishop of Omaha)

box 368

Ryan, James W.

box 368

Ryan, Martin A.

box 368

Ryan, W. R.

box 369

Saburi, Sadas

box 369

Sachs, Alexander

box 369

Saffer, Charles

box 369

Sahara, T.

box 369

Saint John's Church

box 369

Saionji, Prince Kimmochi

box 369


box 369

Sakatani Incident

box 369


box 369

Salinger, Edgar

box 369

Salisbury, Laurence E.

box 369

Salmon, David A.

box 369

Salter, Arthur and Ethel

box 369

Salter, Fred K.

box 369


box 369

Salvation Army

box 369

Salvesen, H. K.

box 369

Sammons, T.

box 369


box 369

Samoa and New Zealand

box 369

Samson, Gerald

box 369

San Antonio Express

box 369

San Francisco Chronicle

box 369

Sanavitis, Anthony

box 369

Sanborn, Design for War Review by Bemis

box 369


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 369

Sanctions, economic

box 369

Sandberg, H. W.

box 369

Sanders, Jack Howard

box 370

Sands, Edwin

box 370

Sands, William Franklin

box 370

Sansom, Sir George

box 370

Santa Claus

box 370

Sard, Abbie Ingalls

box 370

Sard, Russell E.

box 370

Sarnoff Plan 1955 May

box 370


box 370


box 370

Sato, Ken

box 370

Satterthwaite, Livingston

box 370

Saturday Evening Post

box 370

Saturday Evening Post (Mr. Frederic Nelson) 1954

box 370

Saturday Evening Post 1961 July

box 370

Saudi Arabia

box 370

Savage, Carlton

box 370

Savitsch, Eugene de

box 370

Sawada, S.

box 370

Sawyer, Charles

box 370

Sawyer, George

box 370

Sayre, Francis

box 370

Scalapino and Conlon Associates

box 370

Schaffner, Margaret A.

box 370

Schain, Josephine, "Cause and Cure of War"

box 370

Schecklen, George F.

box 370

Scheeline, Julia G.

box 370

Schenkman, Irvin

box 370

Scherbak, H.

box 370

Scherer, James A. B.

box 370

Schick, Leonard H.

box 370

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

box 370

Schmitt, Bernadotte E.

box 371

Schmitt, Bernadotte E.

box 371

Schmitt: Europe

box 371

Schnapper, M. B.

box 371

Schnare, Lester L.

box 371

Schneider, Helen

box 371

Schneider, President Herman

box 371

Schock, H. C.

box 371

Schoenfeld, Rudolf E.

box 371

Scholes, Prof. Walter V. 1966

box 371

Scholte, Daphne W.

box 371

Scholz, Richard F.

box 371

Schoonheim, H.

box 371

Schroder, Hans Jurgen

box 371

Schuirmann, Captain Roscoe E.

box 371

Schuler, Frank A., Jr.

box 371

Schultheis, Dorothy

box 371

Schurman, Jacob Gould

box 371

Schwager, Charles

box 371

Schwandt, Robert

box 371

Schwartz, Harry, "Two Lenins," NYT Magazine 1963 July 14

box 371

Schwellenbach, Lewis B. (Washington)

box 371


box 371


box 371

Scott, Almere L.

box 371

Scott, Blair

box 371

Scott, the Reverend Charles Ernest

box 371

Scott, James Brown

box 371

Scott Resolution

box 371

Scott, Rey

box 371

Scotten, R.

box 372


box 372

Scrap iron

box 372

Scribe, the (re Egypt), Vol. I, No. 1

box 372

Scribner Book Store

box 372

Sea Island

box 372

Seaman's Church Institute of New York

box 372

Sears Roebuck

box 372

Sears Roebuck 1955

box 372

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

box 372

Seavey, Warren A.

box 372

Sebald, William

box 372

Secker, Walter


Secretary of State

box 372


box 372

Press interviews with

box 373


box 373

Messages from and to Minister Hirota 1934

box 373

China-Japan statement 1935 December 5

box 373


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 373

Eight Pillars of Peace Statement 1937 July 16

box 373

Statement 1937 August 23

box 374

Speech at National Press Club 1938 March 17

box 374


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 375

Address 1940 February 29

box 375

Address 1940 October 26

box 375

Address 1940 November 1

box 375

Address 1940 November 5

box 375


box 376


Physical Description: 4.0 folders
box 377


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 377

Lincoln Day Speech 1942

box 378


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 378

Drafts of Secretary's address 1943 September 11

box 379

Memoranda summarizing situation in the Far East 1943

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 380


Physical Description: 4.0 folders
box 381


box 381

Security Storage Co.

box 381

Sedgley, Isabel

box 381

Sedgwick, Ellery

box 381

See, F. S.

box 381

Seelt, H. G. N.

box 381


box 381

Segsworth, B. C.

box 381

Seibert, Edwin L.

box 381

Seibert, Elvin

box 381

Seibold, Louis

box 381

Selective Service Regulations

box 381


box 381


box 381

Semenoff, Ataman

box 381


box 381

Senate (Theodore Green)

box 381


box 381

Seret-Sijthoff, Mrs. J. L.

box 381


box 381

Service, John

box 381

Sevensma, Tietse Pieter

box 381


box 381

Sforza, Carlo

box 381

Shang Cheng, General

box 381

Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury



box 381


box 381

International settlement

box 381

International status

box 381

Peace conference

box 382

Situation 1932

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 382

Thirty-first Infantry

box 382

Shanghai Tiffin Club

box 382

Shanghai Tiffin Club, Hornbeck talk 1955 December 13

box 382




box 382


box 382


box 382

January 27-28, official

box 382

April 22, morning

box 382

April 22, afternoon

box 382

Full explanation by Williams to White

box 382

Agreements and diplomatic record, texts

box 382

Clauses, Austrian Treaty, original

box 382

Congressional Record 1920 March 3-4

box 382

Decision, effects of, Peace Conference, Peking

box 382

Decision, official statement, Baker

box 382

Decision at Paris Peace Conference

box 382

Disposal of

box 382


box 383

Our proposals

box 383

Protest of Chinese Delegation

box 383


box 383

Question, miscellaneous memoranda to Williams and Baker

box 383

Railway, status

box 383

Recommendations to commissioner

box 383

Reinsch protests

box 383

Chapter VI, Temperley

box 383

Chapter VI, Temperley, miscellaneous pages

box 383

Treaty Provisions and Explanation

box 383

Uchida and Wilson 1919 August

box 383

Shantung Christian University

box 383

Shantz, Harold

box 383

Shao, Otis 1957 January

box 383

Shapiro, David

box 383

Sharp, Frank C.

box 383

Sharratt (H. F.) Storage Co.

box 383

Sharry, L.

box 383

Shaw, Albert

box 383

Shaw, G. Howland

box 383

Shaw, G. Howland, "unfinished"

box 383

Shaw, K. W.

box 383

Shaw, Roger

box 383

Shecklen, George F.

box 383

Sheehy, Maurice S.

box 383

Sheil, Mrs. William (Ruth B.)

box 383

Sheldon, Charles Stuart

box 383

Shelley, Commodore T.

box 383

Shepard, W. J., American Political Science Association Program 1927

box 384

Shepardson, Whitney H.

box 384

Shepherd, Francis E. A.

box 384

Shepherd, George A., Address at Shanghai Tiffin Club, New York 1937

box 384

Shepherd, George A.

box 384

Sherertz, D. L.

box 384

Sherman, Rose

box 384

Sherman, Thomas F.

box 384

Sherover, Max

box 384

Sherrill, Charles H.

box 384

Sherwell, G. Butler

box 384

Sherwood, H.

box 384


box 384


box 384

Shidehara, Baron

box 384

Shih Hu, Dr.

box 384

Shipley, Ruth B.

box 384

Shipstead, Senator Henrik (Minnesota)

box 384

Shiratori, Toshio

box 384

Shirts and collars

box 384

Shoemaker, Col. Henry W.

box 384

Shortridge, L. Virginia

box 384

Shortt, Adam

box 384

Shotwell, James T.

box 384

Shudian, Guozi



box 385


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 385


box 385


box 385


box 385


box 385

Commercial Treaty, MacMurray to Hornbeck 1921

box 385


box 385


box 385

Foreign Service

box 385

King and Queen Visit United States 1931

box 386

Legal status of foreigners

box 386


box 386

Order of White Elephant

box 386

"Paring Down Siam," H. A. Gibbons

box 386

Sayre, "Siam's Fight for Sovereignty"

box 386


box 386

Tariff and trade bibliography

box 386

Trade of Bangkok 1918-1919

box 386


box 386

Treaty Clauses, drafts of

box 386


box 386

Treaties, Case for Revision of 1919

box 386

U.S. Treaty of 1920

box 386

U.S. Treaty of 1921

box 386

U.S. Treaty, Hornbeck on

box 386

U.S. Treaty, commercial

box 386

Siamese Delegation

box 386

Siamese Legation



box 387


box 387

Russia materials 1917

box 387


box 387

Expedition, World War

box 387

Far Eastern Republic, constitution

box 387

Far Eastern Republic, history

box 387


box 387

Intervention, Japan, special memo

box 387

Intervention in Russia

box 387

Intervention, Shibata

box 387

Japan in, view of Shibata 1918

box 387

Saghalin, resources

box 387

Siberian Situation

box 388

Siebbert, W. H.

box 388

Sikkes, P.

box 388


box 388

Silberling, H. J.

box 388


box 388


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 388

Silvercruys, Robert

box 388

Silverman, Albert

box 388

Simmang, Theodore E.

box 388

Simmons, Paul

box 388

Simmons properties

box 388

Simms, William Philip

box 388

Simon, Sir John

box 388

Simonds, Frank H.

box 388

Simonds, Col. George S.

box 388

Simonds, Lt. Gen. G. G.

box 388

Simpich, Frederick

box 388

Simpson, Sir John Hope, National Flood Relief Commission

box 388

Simpson, Sen. Milward L. (Wyoming)

box 388

Sims, John G., Jr.

box 389

Sinclair, Gregg M.

box 389


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 389

Sink, Robert W.

box 389


box 389

Sino-American Cultural Society 1963

box 389

Sino-Korean People's League


See also: Haan, Kilsoo K.
box 389

Sisson, C. N.

box 389

Sinsabaugh, R. W.

box 389

Situation in the Far East as Affected by Current Developments in Europe, memo

box 389

Skinner, M. E.

box 389

Skinner, Robert P.

box 389

Skivirsky, Boris E.

box 389

Slade, Mrs. F. Louis

box 389

Slade, William A.

box 389

Slaughter, M. S.

box 389

Slessor, J. C.

box 389

Slichter, Prof. Charles S.

box 389

Small, J. H.

box 389

Smedley, Chester E.

box 389

Smith, Anne Pike (Mrs. Alfred T.)

box 389

Smith, Bruce and Florence

box 389

Smith, C. H., Esquire

box 389

Smith, Charles Forster

box 389

Smith, Courtney

box 389

Smith, Courtney and Prosser Gifford, "Oxford and the Rhodes Scholarships," 1958

box 389

Smith, Elizabeth Bertha

box 389

Smith, Frank Herron

box 389

Smith, H. Alexander

box 389

Smith, Hawley

box 389

Smith, H. O., Esquire

box 389

Smith, Horace

box 389

Smith, James W.

box 389

Smith, J. Russell

box 390

Smith, Kingsbury

box 390

Smith, Mildred C.

box 390

Smith, Nichol

box 390

Smith, Patrick

box 390

Smith, Ralph W.

box 390

Smith, Robert Aura

box 390

Smith, Ruth S.

box 390

Smith, S. Stephenson

box 390

Smith, T. V.

box 390

Smith, Thomas F.

box 390

Smith, W. R. Verdon

box 390

Smith, Walter M.

box 390

Smith, Col. William Wolff

box 391


box 391

Smoot, Senator Charles

box 391

Smoot, E. L.

box 391

Smuts, Jan Christian

box 391

Smyth, Gordon

box 391

Smyth, Robert L.

box 391

Snow, E. D.

box 391

Snow, Edgar

box 391

Snowstorms I've known

box 391

Social science

box 391

Social Sciences, Encyclopedia of

box 391


box 391

Socialism, Max Eastman on

box 391

"Softies" (Left)

box 391


box 391

Sojourners 1955 May

box 391

Sokobin, Sam, "China" Christmas cards

box 391

Sokolsky, George

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 391

Sokolowsky, Wladyslaw

box 391

Solborg, Colonel R. A.

box 391

Sons of Confederate Veterans

box 391

Soothill, W. E.

box 391

Soskin, William

box 391

Soule, Doris

box 391

South Africa

box 391

Southard, Addison E.

box 391

Southeast Asia

box 391

Southeast Asia, Kaplan Report 1953

box 392

Southeast Asian Institute

box 392

Southgate, Richard

box 392

South Manchurian Railway Loans, Hornbeck on

box 392



Soviet Union

box 392


Physical Description: 5.0 folders
box 393

Dennis, A. L. P. 1922

box 393


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 394


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 395


box 395

Bibliography 1917

box 395


box 395


box 395

Far East, tariff and trade

box 395

Information Bureau

box 395


box 396



Pamphlets (continued)

box 396


box 396


box 396

Recognition of

box 396

Recognition and trade

box 396

Soviet-American relations

box 396

Soviet-British relations

box 396

Soviet-Chinese relations

box 396

Soviet-German relations

box 396

Soviet-Japanese relations

box 396

Soviet-Japanese Treaty of Neutrality 1941 April 13

box 397


box 397


box 397

Spamer, Carl O.

box 397

Spanish Embassy

box 397

Spanish Legation

box 397

Speaking, how to do

box 397


box 397

Special division

box 397


box 397


box 397

Speeches, Dulles, R. H. Douglas, D. Rusk, C. Estes 1951-1952

box 398

Speeches, materials for (2 folders)

box 398

Speer, Robert E.

box 398

Speers, Theodore C.

box 398

Speers, Wallace C.

box 398

Spencer, Claudius B.

box 398

Spencer, Edward

box 398

Spencer, Elizabeth K.

box 398

Spencer, John Hathaway

box 398

Spencer, John M.

box 398

Spiker, Carlisle T.

box 398

Spiker, Clarence J.

box 398

Spinks, Charles N.

box 398

Spruks, Henry Charles

box 398

Spykman, N.

box 398

Stabilization Fund

box 398

Stafford, F. E.

box 398

Stahr, Elvis

box 398


box 398

Standard Oil Company

box 398

Standley, Admiral William H.

box 398

Stanford U. Press

box 398

Stanley, William

box 398

Stansbury, Harry

box 398

Stanton, Edwin F.

box 398

Stapler, John T. G.

box 399

Star Radio Co.

box 399

Stark, Admiral Harold R.

box 399

Starr, Frederick

box 399

Starrett, Henry P.

box 399

Stassen, Governor Harold F.

box 399

State - War - Navy, cooperation

box 399

State - War - Navy, Monday meeting

box 399

States' rights

box 399

Status of forces

box 399

Status quo

box 399

Stayer, Major General

box 399

Stearns, Robert L.

box 399

Stechert & Co.

box 399

Steel, Ned Mayo

box 399

Steele, A. T.

box 399

Steele, Dr.

box 399

Steenberghe, M.

box 399

Steep, Thomas

box 399

Steever, Miller D.

box 399


box 399

Steigher, G. Nye

box 400

Stein, Sir Aurel

box 400

Steiner, Professor H. Arthur

box 400

Steiner, H. Arthur "The U.S. and the Two Chinas," 1953 April

box 400

Steiner, Jesse F.

box 400

Steinhardt, Laurence A.

box 400

Steinhauer, Adam

box 400

Stephan, C. H.

box 400

Sterling, Frederick A.

box 400

Stern, Eugene W.

box 400

Stettinius, Edward R.

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 400

Stettinius, Edward R. 1943-1944

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 400

Stettinius, Edward R., "unfinished"

box 401

Stevens, Mrs. Cabot

box 401

Stevens, Francis Bowden

box 401

Stevens, Frederick W.

box 401

Stevens, Harry E.

box 401

Stevens, Raymond B.

box 401

Stevenson, Adlai

box 401

Steward, Luther C.

box 401

Stewart, James B.

box 401

Stewart, Sir Kenneth

box 401

Stewart, Robert B., Jr.

box 401

Stigall, John O. H.

box 401

Stilwell, Joseph W.

box 401

Stimson, Edward, transalantic telephone conversations 1932

box 401

Stimson, Henry L., Secretary of War

box 401

Stimson, Henry L., note to Borah 1932 February 24

box 402

Stimson, Henry L. (7 folders) 1931-1942 1947

box 402

Stimson Doctrine

box 403

Stinnes, Edmund

box 403

Stirling, Rear Admiral (U.S.N.) Yates

box 403

Stocker, Kate

box 403

Stocks 1966

box 403

Stockton, Gilchrist

box 403

Stockton, W. T.

box 403

Stoddard, Lothrop

box 403

Stokes, Canon Anson P.

box 403

Stoller, Roy H.

box 403

Stone, Donald

box 403

Stone, Ellis

box 403

Stone, Harlan Fiske

box 403

Stone, I.

box 403

Stone, John F. (American Consul, Rotterdam)

box 403

Stone, Lanier

box 403

Stone, Lee A.

box 403

Stone, W. S.

box 403

Stone, William T.

box 403


box 403

Story, Russell M.

box 403

Stout, William D.

box 403

Stover, Fred W.

box 403

Stover, William C.

box 403

Stowe, Leland

box 403

Stowell, Ellery C.

box 403

Strategic raw materials

box 403


box 403

Strategy, Naval

box 403

Stratford Company

box 403

Strawn, Silas H.

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 404

Strawn, Silas H.

box 404

Streeper, Robert B.

box 404

Streit, Clarence

box 404

Strenger, A. D.

box 404


box 404

Stritch, Samuel A.

box 404

Strong, Anna Louise

box 404

Strong, George V.

box 404

Strong, Gordon Bartley

box 404

Strother, French

box 404

Stryker, A. J.

box 404

Stryker, Alice (Mrs. Harold C. Reed)

box 404

Stuart, Charles E.


Stuart, J. Leighton

box 404


box 404


box 404

Random House (D. McDowell) 1954

box 404

Notes for ms.

box 404

Introduction for ms.

box 404

Yenching and U. Board

box 404

Stuart, R. Douglas

box 405

Stuart, Theodore M.

box 405

Stuart, William A.

box 405

Student and student oath

box 405

Sturgeon, Leo D.

box 405

Sturgess, Mrs. Hollister

box 405

Sturgis, John H.

box 405

Submarine, The

box 405

Suermondt, R. K.

box 405


box 405

Sulgrave Club

box 405

Sullivan, Daniel J., Jr.

box 405

Sullivan, Mark

box 405

Summerlin, George T.

box 405

Summers, John H.

box 405


box 405

Sun Fo

box 405

Sun Yat Sen

box 405

Supplies, provisions, etc.

box 405

Supreme Court

box 405

Swanson, Mrs. Claude A.

box 405

Swanson, Walter P.

box 405


box 405


box 405

Swedish Legation

box 405

Sweet Briar

box 405

Sweet Briar and Mme. Chiang and Pres. Pannell

box 405

Sweet Briar Symposium 1955

box 405

Sweet, William E.

box 405

Sweetser, Arthur

box 405

Swift, Merritt

box 405

Swiggett, Glen Levin

box 405

Swing, Raymond Gram

box 405

Swingle, Walter T.

box 405

Swisher, Earl

box 405

Swisher, Earl, "China Today," 1931

box 405

Swope, Gerard

box 405

System Modern Business Management

box 405

Sze, Alfred

box 405

Szymczak, M. S.

box 406

Ta Hua Corporation

box 406

Tactics 1966

box 406

Taeni, Selma

box 406

Taft, Charles P.

box 406

Taft, Robert

box 406

Taft, William Howard

box 406

Tai, En-Sai (McGuire; Rankin)

box 406

Taketa, Taneo

box 406

Talbot, John H.

box 406

Talbott, E. Guy

box 406

Tallerday, Louise P.

box 406

Tan, Dr. Shao-Hwa

box 406

Tan, K. T., Esquire

box 406

Tanaka Memorial

box 406

Tang, Peter

box 406

Tangku Truce

box 406

Tansill, Prof.

box 406

Tao, Frank



box 406


box 406


box 406

Act of 1922, Administration

box 406

Act and policy, McClure's memorandum on 1922 October 20

box 406


box 406

Bibliography, general

box 406

Effect of war on industries

box 406

Equality of treatment among nations

box 406

European policy since the war

box 406

"International Tariff Relations as Affected by the War," Culbertson

box 406

League of Nations and tariffs

box 406


box 406

Relations and world peace

box 406

Underwood Tariff

box 406


box 407

Commission correspondence

box 407

Conference, chronology


See also: Hornbeck: Memoranda to Johnson
box 407


box 407

Wallace, B. B., articles by

box 408

Tarpey, Michael whereabouts 1943

box 408

Task Force

box 408

Taussig, F. W.

box 408

Taussig, J. K.

box 408


box 408

Taylor, A. W.

box 408

Taylor, Admiral

box 408

Taylor, F. A.

box 408

Taylor, George C.

box 408

Taylor, George E.

box 408

Taylor, Helen Strauss

box 408

Taylor, Wayne C.

box 408

Tcheng, Mademoiselle Soume

box 408

"Teach-in," 1965-1966

box 408

Teagle, Walter C.

box 408

Tedaldi, Dr. C.

box 408

Tedman, P. H.

box 408

Teheran Conference

box 408


box 408

Telegram rates

box 408

Telephoning for Uncle Sam

box 408


box 408

Temperley, Harold

box 408

Tenney, Raymond P.

box 408


box 408


box 408

Territorial waters

box 408

Terry, Arthur, Jr.

box 408

Test Ban 1963-1966

box 408

Thacker, Earl M.

box 408


box 408

Thailand, Order of White Elephant

box 408

Thailand, relations with United States

box 408

Thank-you letters 1954

box 408

Thank-you notes 1955 December

box 408


box 408

Thayer, W. W.


The Hague

box 409


box 409

Miscellaneous 1944-1947

box 409

Academy of International Laws

box 409

Action at


American Embassy

box 409

General 1944-1947

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 410


box 410

Action with Department

box 410

Armistice Day 1946

Scope and Contents note

Includes speeches.
box 410

Benton, J. Webb

box 410

Beyerly, Harold S.

box 410

Browne, Sidney

box 410


box 410

Biographic sketches

box 410

Commissary and Px

box 410

Albert McDoyle (American Consul General, Amsterdam)

box 410

Correspondence 1947

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 410

Including administration

box 410

Index to Hague file

box 411


box 411

Diplomatic Corps, list 1946

box 411


box 411

Hornbeck in Holland

box 411

Johnson, Col. Frank M.

box 411

Military Attache's Office

box 411


box 411

Naval Attache's Office

box 411

American overseas airlines

box 411


box 411

Press releases

box 411

Ambassador's residence

box 411


box 411

American Red Cross

box 411


box 411

Bank, Chase (London)

box 411

Bombings, etc.

box 411

Convention, 1907

box 411

Housing at

box 411

London, materials for reports and department, 1944-1945

box 411

Post allowances

box 411

Rules and War, Lecture

box 411

Trips to and visitors to

box 412

The Issue

box 412

The Hague

box 412

The War This Week

box 412

Theses, subject for, suggestions

box 412

Think Magazine

box 412

This Week Magazine

box 412

Thomas, Elbert D. (Utah)

box 412

Thomas, Eugene P.

box 412

Thomas, James A.

box 412

Thomas, J. A., letters and conversation 1918 August 8

box 412

Thompson & Co.

box 412

Thompson, Dorothy

box 412

Thompson, Llewellyn E. (Ambassador)

box 412

Thompson, Walter

box 412

Thornburg, Max W.

box 412

Thorning, Joseph F.

box 412

Thornton, Governor

box 412

Thorpe, Elisabeth

box 412

Thrift Shop

box 412

Thurber, Vice Admiral H. R.

box 412

Thuring, J. Joh.

box 412

Thurmond, Strom

box 412

Thwing, Charles F.

box 412

Tiao, Beatrice

box 412


box 412

Tien Shih-Ying

box 412

Tientsin Incident

box 412

Tierie, Mrs. Nicolas J. C.

box 412

Tigert, John J.

box 412

Tilton, Robert

box 412

Time, Inc.

box 412

Timor (Portuguese Territory)

box 412

Timperley, H. J.

box 412

Tinkham, George Holden

box 412


box 412

Tobacco products

box 412

Todd, Constance L.

box 412

Todd, Mrs. Lawrence

box 412

Todds, 1954

box 412


box 412


box 412

Tolischus, Otto D.

box 412

Tolmachoff, John N.

box 412

Tomimas, Shutaro


Tong, Hollington

box 413


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 413


box 413


box 413

Tong, Col. S. C.

box 413

Tooker, F. J. (son, F. F. Tooker)

box 413

Toole, Charles E.

box 413

Topics for studies

box 413

Townsend, Fred L.

box 413

Toynbee, A.



box 413


box 414


box 414


box 414


box 414

Latin American

box 414

Rules, Allies

box 414

Rules, Great Britain

box 414

United States

box 414

United States-China

box 414

United States-Far East

box 414

United States-Japan

box 414

United States-Soviet Union

box 415

Traffic Bureau, Buettner and data

box 415


box 415

Train, Admiral 1959 February 18

box 415

Traina, Prof. Richard P. 1966

box 415

Transportation, air

box 415


box 415

Treasury Department

box 415

Treat, Payson J.



box 415


box 415

Miscellaneous 1922 1928

box 415

Respect for

box 415

Secret 1917

box 415

Four Power 1921 December 13

box 415

Memo from Treaty Division, Department of State 1929

box 415


box 415

Nine Power 1922 February 6

box 415

Plans for No Separate Agreement

box 415

Samoa in the

box 415

United States and China

box 415

United States and China, commercial

box 415

United States and China, tariff

box 415

United States first with France (1778)

box 416

United States and Japan 1911

box 416

U.S. and Siam

box 416


box 416

Trinkle (Governor of Virginia)

box 416

Trip to Washington

box 416

Tripartite Conference, Moscow

box 416

Trippe, Juan T.

box 416

Troop movements

box 416

Troy lecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic 1949

box 416

True, Allen Tupper

box 417

Truman, President Harry S. (2 folders)

box 417

Truman Committee

box 417

Truman, President Harry S., letters and memo to 1947

box 417

Truman - MacArthur

box 417


box 417

Tsao 1963

box 417

Tsiang, Dr. T. F.

box 417

Tsiang Resolution at U.N. Political Committee 1952

box 417

Tsing Hua

box 417

Tsing Hua College

box 417

Tsui, Tswen-Ling

box 417

Tuck, S. Pinkney

box 417

Tucker, Beverly

box 417

Tugwell, Rexford G.

box 417

Tung, H. E.

box 417


box 417


box 417

Turlington, Edgar

box 417

Twain, Mark

box 417

"Two Chinas"

box 417

Tyan, M. T. Z.

box 417

Tymstra, J.

box 417


box 417


box 418

U-2 affair

box 418


box 418


box 418


box 418


box 418

Unconditional surrender

box 418

Unfinished business

box 418

Union College, Schenectady, two lectures 1929 November 11-12

box 418

Union Now

box 418

United Board

box 418

United China Relief

box 418

United China Relief, Princeton Conference 1941 May 21 - June 1

box 418

United Kingdom


United Nations

box 419


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 419

1955, etc.

box 419

Association for, meetings 1955

box 419


box 419

China in the

box 419

China at 1949 December

box 419


box 419

Freeman 1955 March

box 420

Members, roster

box 420

Organization, San Francisco Conference, London Conference 1946-1949

box 420

Package deal 1955

box 420

Package deal, question of admission (Dr. Tingfu F. Tsiang) 1955

box 420

Relief and Rehabilitation Administration

box 420

San Francisco Conference 1945 April 25 - June 27

box 420

Dr. Tsiang


See also: U.N.: Admissions
box 420


box 420

United Service to China

box 420

United States Chamber of Commerce

box 420

United States-China Policy on Recognition and Admission 1958 August

box 420

United States commerce, O. P. Austin 1916

box 420

United States, economic

box 420

United States Flag Association

box 420

United States foreign relations, policy

box 420

United States government

box 420

United States government, administration

box 420

United States government, New Deal

box 420

United States history

box 420

United States Information Service


United States Military Academy


United States Military Mission of the Caucasus 1919


See also: "Harbored Mission"
box 421


box 421


box 421

Azerbaijan Government

box 421


box 421


box 592

U.S. Military Mission to Armenia, Hornbeck's reports and summaries

box 421

Georgia, Trans-Caucasia

box 421

Great Britain-Turkey Agreement re Prisoners of war, etc. 1918

box 422


box 422

"Cherchez les Femmes"

box 422

Turkey, nationalism

box 422

United States Military Mission to the Netherlands

box 422

United States Naval Academy

box 422

United States News

box 422

U.S. News and World Report

box 422

U.S. News and World Report, "What...Do About China?," 1950 December

box 422

United States of America, general

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

United States policy

box 422


box 423


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 423


box 424

1935-1941, 1944

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Scope and Contents

Folder 5 contains notable details regarding the diplomatic negotiations between the United States and Japan in 1941.
box 425

Assistance on two fronts 1941

box 425

Press clippings 1941

box 425


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 425

Regional doctrines 1944

box 425

Far East

box 426

Far East 1937-1941

box 426

Far East, in and with regard to the

box 426

Far East and China

box 426

United States, progress to January 1956, A. B. Lewis in New Leader

box 426

United States trade in the Far East

box 426

United States Treasury Department

box 426

United States, war with Germany and Italy

box 426

United States, war with Japan, press clippings

box 426

Universal Trading Corporation

box 426


box 426


box 426

University Men's Conference, Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., New York 1938 April 29

box 426

University of Chicago

box 426

University of Colorado

box 426

University of Denver

box 427

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 1942 May 21

box 427

University of Pittsburgh

box 427

University of Virginia, Walter Washington and Kinker, Roanoke, etc. 1955 January 24-28

box 427

University of Wisconsin (loyalty)

box 427

University Supply Association

box 427

Unknown citizen

box 427

Upton, Emery

box 427

Upton, Ernest

box 427

Urbana 1934 May

box 427

Utah 1950

box 427

Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, Utah, Commencement address

box 427

Utley, Freda

box 427


box 428

V. J. Day

box 428

Vacuum cleaner 1953 July

box 428

Vaile, Kate R.

box 428

Vaile, William H.

box 428

Valentine, Alan

box 428

Valeo, Francis R.

box 428

Valkov, V. (Ambassador of USSR)

box 428

Value line

box 428

Valyi, Felix

box 428

Van Arsdale, Howard C.

box 428

Van Arsdall, Helen

box 428

Van Bemmel, Piet F.

box 428

Van Deman, Ralph H.

box 428

Van Doren, Irita

box 428

Van Eyck, Van Jan

box 428

Van Hise, Charles R.

box 428

Van Kessenich, Michiels

box 428

Van Kleffens

box 428

Van Loon, Henry

box 428

Van Mook, Hubertus (Lieutenant Governor General of Dutch East Indies)

box 428

Van Royen

box 428

Van Slyke, Donald D.

box 428

Van Wickel, Jesse F.

box 428

Vandenberg, Senator Arthur H.

box 428

Vaney-Burnier, G.

box 428

Vaughan, General H. B.

box 428

Veatch, A. C.

box 428

Veestra, W.

box 428

Verbeck, Antonia

box 428

Vermont University Conference 1955

box 428


box 428

de Veyga, Francisco

box 428

Victory League

box 428

Victory Medal

box 428

Victory Newsletter

box 429

Viet Nam (2 folders) 1966

box 429

"Viewing with Alarm"

box 429

Villamin, Vincente

box 429

Villanova U., Horneck 1957

box 429


box 429

Villard, Harry

box 429

Villaret, Col. E.

box 429

Vinacke, Harold M.

box 429

Vinacke's papers on U.S. Policy Toward China 1960

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 429

Vinacke - Wilbur - Appleton 1953

box 430

Vincent, George Clark

box 430

Vincent, John Carter

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 430

Viner, Jacob

box 430

Virginia Quarterly Review 1952

box 430

Virginia, University of, Institute of Public Affairs 1933

box 430

Vischer, Julie

box 430

Visit of Congressional Party to Philippines and Far East 1935

box 430

Visit of Economic Mission to Far East

box 430

Visit of Japanese Economic Mission to the United States

box 430

Visit of Secretary of War to Philippines 1935-1936

box 430


box 430

Visits and Missions of Good Will and Tours

box 430

Visits of Americans abroad

box 430

Visits of Chinese to United States

box 430

Visits of Japanese to United States

box 430

Viskoper, S.

box 430

Vital speeches

box 430


box 430

Vlahooich, Lewis J.

box 430

Voelker, Paul F.

box 430

Voice of America and U.S. Information Agency

box 430

Voorhout, Lange

box 430

Vosnjak, Bogumil

box 430

Voss, Earl H.

box 430

Voting at Denver

box 430

van Vredenbruch, H. L. F. C.

box 430

Vrins, J.

box 430

Vukmanic, G. J.

box 431

Wadsworth, Julius

box 431

Wailes, Edward T.

box 431

Wailes, Tom

box 431

Wainwright, Jonathan

box 431

Wainwright's story 1945

box 431

Wake Island

box 431

Walden, George

box 431

Walker, Guy M.

box 431

Walker, Richard L. 1963-1965

box 431

Walker, Robert S.

box 431

Walker, R. and Clark, Republican Committee, CI Council 1964

box 431

Walker, Stanley

box 431

Wallace, Benjamin B.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 431

Wallace, Dewitt

box 431

Wallace, Henry A.

Physical Description: 4.0 folders
box 432

Waller, George P.

box 432

Waller, John R. 1958

box 432

Wallpaper Manufacturers' Association

box 432

Walpole, Floyd F.

box 432

Walree, E. D. van

box 432

Walsh, Father Edmund (Regent, Georgetown School of Foreign Service)

box 432

Walworth, Arthur C.

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 432

Wambaugh, Sarah

box 432

Wang, C. C.

box 432

Wang, Chengting T.

box 432

Wang, Ching-Wei

box 432

Wang, Chung-Hui

box 432

Wang, K. P.

box 432

Wang, Shih-Chieh

box 432

Wanner, John B.

box 432


Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 432

War aims

box 432

War and colleges, universities, fraternities

box 432

War and Peace Conference 1917

box 432

War and peace, law of

box 432

War, armistice terms

box 432

War, causes and issues

box 432

War colleges, general

box 432

War cost to U.S.

box 432

War costs

box 432

War Council

box 432

War, counter offensive

box 432

War Crimes, United Nations Commission for the Investigation of

box 432

War, diplomatic background

box 432

War figures, allies superiority 1918

box 432

War finance

box 432

War graves registration

box 432

War graves, statement by S. K. H. 1947

box 432

War, legal status of

box 432

War Message, Wilson 1917 April 2

box 432

War objectives

box 432

War orphans

box 433

War plan, Orange-Blue 1927

box 433

War, preparation for

box 433

War, state of

box 433

War strategy

box 433

War talk

box 433

War trade, Jones

box 433

War, World, III

box 433

Ward, Angus

box 433

Ward, Elizabeth D.

box 433

Ward, Emma Lane

box 433

Wardburgh, R. L.

box 433

Warden, Dr.

box 433

Warfare, illegal (Gas, Germ, Etc.)

box 433

Warfare, political and economic

box 433

Warfare, psychological

box 433

Warfield, Ethelbert

box 433

Warfield, Jene

box 433

Warner, Edward P.

box 433

Warner, Langdon

box 433


box 433

Warnshuis, A. L.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 433

Wars, hot and/or cold

box 433

Wartz, Mrs.

box 433

Warwick, H. S.

box 433

Washburn, Stanley


Washington Conference

box 434


box 434

1921 November 12

box 434


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 434

Absence of Lloyd George

box 434


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 434

Agreements and commitments, anti-open door

box 434

Articles on

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 434

Articles on results

box 434

Asada, on "Japan's special interests"

box 434


box 434

Blakeslee, G. H.

box 434

Board of Reference

box 434

Brailsford, H. N., "The Issues"

box 434

Bywater, H. C., naval issues

box 434


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 434

China case at the conference, Doyle

box 434

China problem at the conference

box 434

China's reply to Harding's invitation

box 434

China, Shantung

box 434

China Society, memoranda

box 434

China's ten points

box 434

Chinese People's Manifesto, on 21 Demands

box 434

"Chinese Tariff, The"


See also: Speeches and Writings: China Tariff, Washington Conference)
box 435

Congress debate on Four Powers Treaty

box 435

Correspondence 1921

box 435

Cravath controversy

box 435


box 435

Davis-Cravath debate

box 435

Delegations, personnel

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 435

Dewey, J., "The Issues..."

box 435

Doyle on "China's Case"

box 435

Economic reports for, Culbertson memo

box 435

Eden and Eisenhower 1956

box 435

Far Eastern Republic, claims to conference

box 435

Federal Council, on "Problems"

box 435

Foreign press correspondents

box 435

Four Powers Treaty

box 435

Harding's interpretation of the Four Powers Pact 1921 December 20

box 435


box 435

Japan, armament and plans

box 435

Japan, Far East

box 435

Johnson, Japan in S. Manchuria


See also: Manchuria: Johnson, Japan in South Manchuria
box 435


box 435

Korea's appeal

box 435

Lansing-Ishii Agreement

box 435

MacMurray Arms Conference Staff 1924 November 1

box 435

McCall, S. W.

box 435

Millard, on China's critical position at conference 1921 December 6

box 435

Millard memoranda

box 436


box 436

Naval Treaty

box 436

Newspaper clippings 1916-1924

box 436

Okuma on the conference

box 436


box 436

Palen on Shantung and Manchuria

box 436

Peffer, N., "Aftermath in East"

box 436


box 436


box 436

Photo of Plenary

box 436

Pollyanna at

box 436

President's report

box 436

Press releases 1921

box 436

Press releases 1922

box 436

Problems of conference

box 437


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 437

Questions and problems for consideration for agenda, outline

box 437

Reinsch, "China the Key"

box 437


box 437


box 437

Semienoff controversy

box 437


box 437

Shantung, E. T. Williams' account of

box 437

Status of Treaties in 1924

box 437

Swedish View, A

box 437

Summary of the conference

box 437

T. F. M.

box 438

Treaties 1921-1922

Physical Description: 9.0 folders
box 438

Treaty provisions for Far East and Pacific

box 438

Treaties, ratification

box 438

Treaties, summary

box 438

Treaties, text

box 438

Wilfley memo

box 438

Wright, Q.

box 438

Wu Ting-Fang Program

box 438

Washington, George

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 438

Washington's Farewell Address

box 438

Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs 1965

box 438

Washington International Club 1935 October 6

box 438

Washington Peace Center

box 438

Washington Post

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 438

Washington Tuberculosis Association

box 438

Watches and glasses

box 438

Waterbury, Clair C.

box 438

Waterman, Charles W.

box 438

Watson, Thomas J.

box 438

Wattawa, John

box 438

Watts, Prof. James F., Jr.

box 438

Waung, Ang-chung

box 438

Wavell, Archibald P.

box 438

Waveren, A. G. van

box 438

Way, S. G.

box 438

Wayne Art Center

box 438

Wayne Tank and Pump Co.

box 439


box 439

Webber, LeRoy

box 439

Weber, Ford R.

box 439

Webster, Charles K.

box 439

Wedemeyer, A. C.

box 439

Week in China

box 439

Weggelaar, G. C.

box 439

Wehle, Louis B.

box 439

Wei, Henry

box 439

Wei, W. P.

box 439

Wei, Ken-shen, Dr.

box 439

Weil, Thomas

box 439

Weiss, Prof. Stuart L.

box 439

Welfare state

box 439

Weller, George

box 439

Welles, Sumner

box 440

Welles, Sumner 1939-1943

box 440

Wellesley 1950

box 440

Welling, Mrs. John P.

box 440

Wells, Carveth

box 440

Wells Fargo Express Company

box 440

Wells, Marion

box 440

Wen, Shih Tsin

box 440

Wen-Kan, Lo

box 440

Wendell Willkie Award

box 440

Wensink, Irwin H.

box 440

Wentcher, Lt. Comdr. Ernest C.

box 440

West, George L., Jr.

box 440

West, Henry L.

box 440

West, "How the West Was Won," Life 1959

box 440

West, Major

box 440

West New Guinea

box 441

West Point (2 folders)

box 441

West Point, SCUSA

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 441

Westchester Bond and Mortgage Co.

box 441

Westchester County Small Estate Corp.

box 441

Westermann, W. L.

box 441

Western Hemisphere

box 441

Western Union Telegraph Company

box 441

Western World

box 441

Weymouth, Anthony

box 441

Whaley-Eaton Service

box 441

Whaling, H. B.

box 441

Wharton, G. W.

box 441

Wheare, Prof. K. C.

box 441

Wheeler, Burton K.

box 441

Wheeler, W. Reginald

box 441

Wheeler, Rex (Shanghai Tiffin Club) 1955

box 441

Wheeler-Bennett, John W.

box 441

White, Arthur

box 441

White Book

Physical Description: 3.0 folders


See also: Judd, remarks on
box 441

White, Byron R.

box 441

White, Francis

box 442

White House (3 folders)

box 442

White, J. C.

box 442

White Oak Cotton Co.

box 442

White, T. C.

box 442

White, William Allen

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 442

Whitefield (Opprobrious Octobrius)

box 442

Whitehurst, F. W.

box 442

Whitmore, Col. Eugene

box 442

Whittam, William

box 442

Whittier, Harriet

box 442

Who's Important in Government

box 442

Why We Fight

box 442

Whyli, A. F.

box 442

Whyte, Sir Francis

box 442

Wickersham, William F.

box 442

Wiesenberger, Arthur, "The Next 100 Points," 1954

box 442

Wiggins, Porter P.

box 442

Wigglesworth, Richard B.

box 442

Wijner, H. P.

box 442

Wilbur, Allen S. (See: Vinacke)

box 442

Wilbur, Ray Lyman

box 442

Wilcox, Rev. Edward Barclay

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 442

Wilcox, Francis G. (Senate Committee on Foreign Relations)

box 442

Wilcox, Francis O.

box 442

Wilcox, Wendell G.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 442

Wilcox (Wendell) Salt Producers 1948-1953

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 443

Wilder, Hon. Amos P.

box 443

Wile, Frederic William

box 443

Wiley, Charles F.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 443

Wiley, John C.

box 443

Wilfley, Judge Lebbeus R.

box 443

Wilgus, J. A.

box 443

Wilhelmina Case

box 443

Wilhelmina, Queen and Princess circa 1961

box 443

Wilkerson, Catherine H.

box 443

Wilkins, Johan

box 443

Wilkinson, Edward

box 443

Wilkinson, Theodore

box 443

Willard, Winifred

box 443

Willert, Arthur

box 443

William and Mary, College of

box 443

William, Dr. Maurice

box 443

Williams, Burt

box 443

Williams, Major Clark

box 443

Williams, Daniel R.

box 443

Williams, E. T.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 443

Williams, Mrs. E. T.

box 443

Williams, Frank S.

box 443

Williams, James Bradley, Jr.

box 443

Williams, John H.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 443

Williams, Margaret Hicks (Mrs. James Bradley Williams)

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 443

Williams, Olive

box 443

Williams, Roger H.

box 443

Williams, Wayne C.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 443

Williamson, S. H.


Williamstown Institute of Politics

box 444


box 444

Conference summary

box 444

Directory 1923

box 444

Hornbeck at

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 444

MacMurray 1924

box 444

Round Table 1927

box 444

Round Table Conference

box 444

Hornbeck's Report at Round Table of Round Tables 1922

box 445

Willis, Daisy and Violet

box 445

Willis, Frances E.

box 445

Willis, H. Parker

box 445

Willis, Lina

box 445

Willis, M.

box 445

Willis, Robert (and the Edwards and the Anguses)

box 445

Willkie, Wendell

box 445

Willoughby, Mrs. Westel Robinson

box 445

Willoughby, W. W.

box 445

Willys Overland Automobile Agency

box 445

Wilson, Mrs. Charles

box 445

Wilson, Edwin C.

box 445

Wilson, George Grafton

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 445

Wilson, Hugh R.

box 445

Wilson, Louis N.

box 445

Wilson, Thomas W.

box 445

Wilson, Woodrow

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 445

Wimsatt, Genevieve

box 445

Winant, Frederick

box 445

Winant, John (Ambassador)

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 445


box 445

Wingo, James G.

box 445

Winslow, Alan Francis

box 445

Winslow, Stewart

box 445

Winston, A. P.

box 445

Winston, James Horner

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 445

Winter, Thomas G.

box 446

Wisconsin (2 folders)

box 446

Wisconsin Alumni Association

box 446

Wisconsin Bankers Association 1949

box 446

Wisconsin in China

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 446

Wisconsin, the Lafollettes (Philip, Robert M., and Robert M., Jr. and Bronson)

box 446

Wisconsin Legislative Reference Library

box 446

Wisconsin, University of 1960-1966

box 446

Wisconsin, University of, the Badger 1929

box 446

Withdrawal of Americans from Far East 1937-1941

box 446

Wittfogel, Karl A.

box 446

Wohl, Paul

box 446

Wohlstetter, Roberta

box 446

Women's City Club of Boston

box 446

Women's Patriotic Conference (Mrs. Griswold and Mrs. Good)

box 446

Wong, T. T.

box 446

Wood, Dr. Edith Elmer

box 446

Wood, Junius B.

box 446

Woodhead, J. G. W.

box 446

Woodland Cemetery, Riverside Cemetery

box 446

Woods, James H.

box 446

Woodward, Clark H.

box 446

Woolley, Martha K.

box 446

Wooton, Paul

box 446

Worcester Economic Club

box 446


box 446

Working Security Committee

box 446


box 446

World Acquaintance Travel

box 446

World Friendship Association

box 446

World Federation

box 446

World government

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 447

World Peace Conference, plans for


World Peace Foundation

box 447


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 447

Myers, Denys P. and Rich, Raymond

box 447

The United States and the Far East

box 447

World state

box 447

World War I and II

box 447

World War II

box 447

World War III

box 447

World Youth Crusade for Freedom 1966

box 447

World's Fair, Chicago 1933

box 447

World's Fair 1964

box 447

Worts, Laura

box 447

"Wounded, The," "Women and War"

box 447

Wrangel Island

box 447

Wren, Fran G.

box 447

Wright, Hamilton, Mrs.

box 447

Wright, Herbert

box 448

Wright, Quincy

box 448

Wriston, Henry M.

box 448


box 448

Wu, C. C.

box 448

Wu, C. L. 1961-1965

box 448

Wu, K. C.

box 448

Wu, K. C., on "Formosa"

box 448

Wu, Nan-Ju

box 448

Wunderlich, Lucile

box 448

Wyatt, Wilson W.

box 448

Wylie, F. J.

box 448

Wylie, Lady

box 448

Wynen, Miss van

box 448

Wynne, E. C.

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 448

Wynne, Frank B.

box 448

Wyoming, press release 1949

Scope and Contents note

Special to The New York Times.
box 448

Wyoming, University of, McGee 1949-1950

box 448

Wysor, R. J.

box 449

Yale, Harvard, Princeton Conference 1938 April 22-23

box 449

Yale - in - China

box 449

Yale Review 1951

box 449

Yale University

box 449


Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 449

Yalta, Crimea Conference 1945 February 4-11

box 449

Yang, Y. C.

box 449

Yap, Dr. Diosdado M.

box 449

Yap, "U.S. - Japan Treaty, February 11, 1922"

box 449

Yardley, Herbert O.

box 449

Yarnell, Admiral Harry E.

Physical Description: 5.0 folders

Yeh, George

box 450

Alabama 1959 October 22

Physical Description: 4.0 folders
box 450

Cosmos Club and other correspondence

box 450


box 450

Memo 1958

box 450

Yen, E. T.

box 450

Yen, Hawkling L.

box 450

Yen, James 1948

box 450

Yen, James, "Mass Education"

box 450

Yen, Jimmy

box 450

Yen, W. W.

box 450

Yenching Alumni Association

box 450

Yoshida, Shigeru

box 450

Yoshida, re Hull's 1955 November 26

box 450

Yost, Charles W.

box 450

Young, Allyn A.

box 450

Young, Arthur N.

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 451

Young, Arthur N.

box 451

Young, Arthur N., memoirs

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 451

Young, C. Walter

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 451

Young, James

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 451

Young, John Parke

box 451

Young, Philip

box 451

Young, S. S.

box 451

Young Americans for Freedom 1962

box 452

Youth for the Voluntary Prayer Amendment 1966

box 452

Youth Hostels, American

box 452

Yu, General Ta-Wei

box 452

Yui, Stewart E. S.

box 452


box 452

Zablocki Committee, Hearings, U.S., China, E. Asia 1966 March 8

box 452

Zaldivar, Josee de

box 452

Zook, George F.

box 452

Zorghvliet, re purchase of, conversation with Lieftinck

box 452

Zucker, A. E.

box 452

Zumwalt, James G.

box 452

Zuylen, J. J. L. van


Chronological Day File 1931-1946 1959-1966

Scope and Contents note

Carbon copies of letters and memoranda sent by Stanley K. Hornbeck, arranged chronologically.
box 453

1931 September - 1933 December

box 454

1934 January - 1935 April

box 455

1935 May - 1936 November

box 456

1936 December - 1937 September

box 457

1937 October - 1938 March

box 458

1938 April - December

box 459

1939 January - August

box 460

1939 September - 1940 April

box 461

1940 May - December

box 462

1941 January - June

box 463

1941 July - October

box 464

1941 November - 1942 February

box 465

1942 March - August 1942

box 466

1942 September - 1943 January

box 467

1943 February - July

box 468

1943 August - 1944 February

box 469

1944 March - July

box 470

1944 August - November

box 471

1944 November - 1946 October

box 472

1959 - 1961 June

box 473

1961 July - 1962 August

box 474

1962 September - 1963 August

box 475

1963 September - 1964 September

box 476

1964 October - 1965 September

box 477

1965 October - 1966 October


Speeches and Writings 1904-1960

Scope and Contents note

Speeches, lectures, articles, outlines, bibliographies, and clippings, arranged alphabetically by title or subject. See also: Miscellany Box 587
box 478

"After-dinner Speaking," Shanghai circa 1911

box 478

Agreements and Commitments, Anti-Open Door 1921-1922


See also: Washington Conference, Agreements and Commitments Anti-Open Door
box 478

"Alliances and Balances of Power," 1914

box 478

"America's Chinese Policy Analyzed," The Independent 1927 April

box 478

American Constitution, The 1912

box 478

"American Japanese Relations - Problem of Contact," 1924

box 478

"American in the Orient," 1911

box 478

"American Policy and Action in Relation to China," by S. K. Hornbeck, Williamstown 1930

box 478

"American Policy and the Chinese-Russian Dispute," Williamstown Institute of Politics 1929 August 27

box 478

American University, Speech, "The U.S. and China in 3 Ways Divided," 1950

box 478

Anglo-Japanese Alliance 1921

box 478

Annapolis 1959

box 478

Arms and Armament 1914-1915

box 478

Army, Translation of the Military Effort of the Allies, Credit 1931 1935-1938

box 479

Army War College, "Foreign Relations and Policy, U.S.,"

box 479

Army War College Lectures

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 479

Army College, Lectures Delivered at by Hornbeck, Advisor on Political Relations

box 480

"Bang," 1917

box 480

Beer, George Louis circa 1920

box 480

Belgians, deportation 1916

box 480

Bibliography of Hornbeck's speeches and writings

box 480

"British and Americans," Address, Hangchow 1912 July 4

box 480

Broadcast to Women of the Netherlands 1945 May 4

box 480

"Cause and Occasion of Our Entry into the World War 1917" Philadelphia 1937 April 16

box 480

"Causes of the War," Milwaukee Journal 1914 August 9

box 480

Chicago Speech, materials for (not given) 1943

box 480

Chicago Tribune Articles, Japan and China and Japan's Aggressive Policy 1915

box 480

China 1961 June 13

box 480

China, miscellaneous

box 480

China, American attitude toward, Dictionary of American History 1938

box 480

"China and American Foreign Policy," American Academy, Philadelphia 1928 May 11

box 480

"China and the Causes for the Conditions There," Ohio Bankers' Association, Columbus, Ohio 1927 June 17

box 480

"China and the Foreign Powers Today," The Chinese Students' Monthly 1925 March

box 480

"China and the Treaty Powers," Ching Hua College, Tsing Hua 1926 January 22

box 480

"China and Unilateral Treaties," Pan Pacific Progress 1928 July

box 481

"China and U.S. China Policy," misc.

box 481

China and U.S. Policy 1920-1960

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 481

China, "The Attitude and Policy of the United States Toward China," American Academy, Philadelphia 1927

box 481

China, Communist

box 482

"China," Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island 1922-1923

box 482

China, "New Monarchy for Old," Review of Reviews 1916

box 482

China, "Opium Merchants Versus Chekiang," 1912

box 482

China, "The Opium Question," 1912

box 482

"China: the Past and Present Policy of the United States," Naval War College 1927 May 14

box 482

China, "The Policy of the United States," Current History 1927 June

box 482

"China Policy of the U.S. - Past and Present," 1966

box 482

China - Present Situation, to Gregory for I.P.R. 1925

box 482

China, "Principles and Policies in Regard to China," Foreign Affairs 1922 December

box 482

"China - the Revolution of 1911," 1912

box 482

China, Situation in, Foreign Policy Association, New York 1927 February 26

box 482

China, Situation in, China Society of America 1927

box 483

China, Situation in, Institute of Pacific Relations 1927

box 483

China Tariff, Washington Conference 1921

box 483

"China Today: Political," World Peace Foundation 1927

box 483

China, "Tricks that are Vain," Review of Reviews 1917

box 483

China, The Truth About, New York Herald Tribune 1927 July 17

box 483

China - United States, "Has the United States a China Policy?," Foreign Affairs 1927 July

box 483

China - United States, "Has the United States a China Policy?," Congressional Record 1928 January 24

box 483

China, What We Face in, New York Herald Tribune 1927 May 29

box 483

China, "United States and China in a World Three Ways Divided," 1950

box 483

"Chinese Politics and Revolution," Review of Reviews 1917

box 483

"The Chinese Situation" and "What Can We Do About China?," Williamstown Institute 1927

box 483

Churchill - Graham Dinner Speech 1922 June 20

box 483

Cincinnati, S. K. H. Talk, University of Cincinnati 1949

box 483

Communism, Viet Nam

box 483

"Communism at Work in China," 1958

box 483

"Conduct of Foreign Relations," League of Republican Women, Washington, D.C. 1930 November 3

box 483

"Conscription Legislation," 1917 May 2

box 483

Contemporary China, Outline of New Chapters


See also: Ho Ping Song on Contemporary China
box 483

"Count Caleb Cushing," The New England Quarterly 1928 January

box 483

"Defending America's Policy," The Christian Register 1927

box 483

"Diplomatic Relations - Severance, Legal and Political Consequences," 1916-1917

box 483

Democracy and obligation 1916

box 483

"Distance," Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin 1930 June 16

box 483

"Distance and Discipline," Address at American School, Peking 1926

box 483

Doctrine of Specific Cases

box 483

East Asia, Linebarger, India

box 483

East Asia, Overseas Chinese

box 483

Europe versus Asia 1951

box 484

The Far East 1916-1955

box 484

"The Far East," 1920

box 484

"Far East, American Interests and Policy in," 1930

box 484

Far East, Diplomatic Situation, Chinese Students' Monthly 1915 June

box 484

Far East - Financial Problems, Georgetown University lecture 1922

box 484

Far East - Foreign Trade 1924

box 484

The Far East, Naval War College 1928

box 484

"The Far East," Outline, Michigan University 1917

box 484

The Far East, "The U.S. and the Far East," 1942

box 484

Far East, Principles of American Policy in Relation to the Far East, Cause and Cure of War 1934 January 18

box 484

Far East, University Club, Washington 1917

box 484

The Far East - Working Draft (for Secretary of State and Income Tax)

box 485

"Far Eastern Policy of the United States," 1920

box 485

Far Eastern Politics, bibliography

box 485

Foreign Relations, conduct of, School of Politics, Washington 1930

box 485

Foreign Service School, lecture at, and letter from Grew 1926

box 485

"Forty Centuries Look Down upon You," Madison, Wisconsin 1915

box 485

"Germany the Cause of the War," 1914

box 485

"Germany and the United States, the Next Step," 1917 February 2

box 485

Hangchow, How the Revolution Came 1912

box 485

"Has the United States a China Policy?," 1927-1928

box 485

"How Much Will You Give?" Commencement Address, University of Colorado 1932 June 13

box 485

Hu Shih, in memoriam address 1962

box 485

Hundred Years of Peace

box 485

"Indentured Labor in Virginia," 1903

box 485

"India and the War," lecture 1916 November 15

box 485

"The Institute of Pacific Relations," Williamstown 1927

box 485

International Law

box 485

International Law in Theory and in Fact, Philosopher's Club, Madison, Wisconsin 1916

box 485

International Mind, On the

box 485

International, National and Individual Responsibilities, Universal Training

box 485

"International Relations, Institutes of," 1925

box 485

International Relations, a chapter in Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia 1933 April 13

box 485

"Japan and China," Chicago Daily Journal 1915 May 5

box 485

"Japan's Aggressive Policy in China...," Chicago Daily Tribune 1915 May 7

box 486

"Japan's Jurisdiction and International Legal Position in Manchuria," miscellaneous

box 486

"Japan's Monroe Doctrine for Asia"

box 486

"Japan's Monroe Doctrine for Asia," Chicago 1915

box 487

Japan, notes

box 487

Japan's Twenty-one Demands 1915

box 487

"Juvenile Courts," 1908

box 487

King-Hall, Western Civilization and Far East book review 1924

box 487

"Korea in Perspective," World Affairs 1953

box 487

"La Politique des Etats-Unis en Extreme-Orient," La Revue Internationale 1916

box 487

Legislation, notes on 1909

box 487


box 487

"Loyality," 1917 February 4

box 487

"Measures and Men," 1917

box 487

"Military Training," S. K. Hornbeck on, Madison, Wisconsin 1917

box 487

"Monroe Doctrine, Cuba, and President Kennedy's Declaration"

box 487

"The Near East," 1920 May 1

box 487

Notes on Contemporary Problems circa 1960

box 487

Open Door Policy, Dictionary of American History 1938

box 487

Open Door Policy - Enunciation, British Policy circa 1914

box 487

Open Door Policy in China, Washington Conference 1922

box 488

Open Door Policy in China, Table of contents

box 488

Open Door Policy, miscellaneous 1914

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence with Professor Clark and Reinsch.
box 488

The Open Door Policy, revised - complete

box 488

The Open Door Policy, complete, revised, with comments, etc.

box 489

The Open Door Policy, original

box 489

The Open Door Policy, set I, parts I-IV

box 489

The Open Door Policy, part V, "Japan in South Manchuria"

box 490

The Opium Question 1912

box 490

"Orientation" Address to the Literary Society of Washington, Oxford 1963

box 490


box 490

Oxford, American Boys at 1905

box 490

Oxford: The Rhodes Scholar at, Booklover's magazine 1905 January

box 490

"Oxford as Acquaintance Ripens," 1906

box 491

Pacific, Situation in 1923

box 491

Pacifists, A suggestion to

box 491

Peace and Security, Chaplains' Association of the Army of the United States 1938

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 491

Peace and Security 1917-1942

box 491

"Peking Old and New," 1914

box 491

Perry Treaty, Perry Day Speech, Bankers' Club, New York 1934 April 11

box 491

Philippine Independence 1921

box 491

Philippine Independence, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs 1930

box 491

Philippines, memos for McCoy and Stimson 1931

box 491

Philippines, Observations on, Hangchow Philosophic Club 1911

box 491

"Policy and Action in Relation to the Current Situation in the Far East," William and Mary College 1932 October 18

box 491

"Policy and Action of the United States in Regard to the Current Sino-Japanese Conflict," Williamstown 1932 August 18

box 491

Political Science, introduction to, outline

box 491

Princeton Conference on Purpose of Armed Force

box 491

"Principles of the Foreign Policy of the United States," 1934

Scope and Contents note

A thesis prepared for and submitted to Chief of Staff, G-2, War Department.
box 491

"Principles of Foreign Policy of the United States"

box 492

Public addresses 1930

box 492

Public opinion, newspaper articles

box 492

"The Russian Revolution and the United States," Milwaukee Journal 1917

box 492

"The Russian Revolution," 1917 April 4

box 492

The Russo-Japanese Agreement 1916

box 492

Sao-Ke Alfred Sze memorial 1958

box 492

"Seizure and Search and the Arming of Merchant Vessels"

box 492

"United States Far Eastern Policy," Shanghai Tiffin Club, New York 1932 April 27


See also: United States Policy, Far East
box 492

Shantung and Kawakami 1915 April 28

box 492

Siam, Introduction of Minister, Broadcast 1930 November 30

box 492

"Some Activities...Present Administration," Trans-Lux 1938

box 492

"Some Principles and Consideration underlying American Policy in Relation to the Current Situation in the Far East," 1932 April 29

box 492

South Seas, letters on trip 1921

box 492

"Speaking of Donkeys," 1924

box 492

Speeches 1929-1937

box 492

Speeches, material for

box 492


box 492

Speeches in Holland

box 493

"Sun Yat-Sen's Trip North,"

box 493

"Supervised Foreign Travel," 1924


See also: Foreign Service
box 493

Switzerland 1906-1907

box 493

Thanksgiving 1927

box 493

"Things Men Fight for"

box 493

"Trade, Concessions, Investments, Conflict and Policy in Far East," 1917

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 493

"Twenty Basic Errors in Revisionist Thinking on U.S-China Policy"

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 493

Unfinished writings

box 493

Union College Address, "Administration of Foreign Affairs," Schenectady, New York 1929

box 493

United Nations, Admission of Communist China and Outer Mongolia

box 493

United Nations 1956

box 494

United States Foreign Policy 1910-1950

box 494

"United States: Policy and Action in Regard to the Current Sino-Japanese Conflict," 1932


See also: Policy and Action of U.S...
box 494

The United States in World Markets

box 494

University of Colorado, Sophomore English essays 1900-1901

box 494

University of North Carolina Speech 1942 May 21

box 494

Utah State Agricultural College Speech 1942 June 1

box 494

War and Arithmetic 1917

box 494

"Welcome to the International Student Service Annual Conference," Mount Holyoke College 1931 August 31

box 494

"Which Chinese?" S. K. Hornbeck, marked and corrected copy 1955

box 494

"Why We Fight"

box 495

"World Court, Compared with Supreme Court of U.S.," Madison Literary Society, Madison, Wisconsin

box 495

Writings at Denver University circa 1904

box 495

Writings, Madison, Wisconsin 1914-1917

Scope and Contents note

Includes articles and press notices.
box 495

Writings, miscellaneous

box 495

Writings 1955

box 495

Writings 1956

box 495

Zimmerman orders 1919


Autobiography 1908-1944 undated

Scope and Contents note

Manuscript of Stanley K. Hornbeck's autobiography.
box 496

1908 - circa 1912

box 496


box 496


Scope and Contents note

Includes discussion of the Manchuria Crisis.
box 496


box 496


box 497


box 497


box 497



Biographical File 1904-1960

Scope and Contents note

Articles, sketches and printed matter containing biographical information about Stanley K. Hornbeck.
box 498

Articles about 1931

box 498

Biography notes 1952

box 498

Biographical sketches, articles, photos, etc. 1944-1947

box 498

Biographical sketches 1940-1952

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 498

Biographical magazine articles 1930-1935

box 498

"Our Far East Pilot" by Anne Hard 1928

box 498

Biographical sketch for Rhodes Scholars Records 1904 1922

box 498

"Historical record questionnaire," Beta Taus Fraternity 1933

box 498

Biographical sketches, "Who's Who," 1944-1947

box 498

International Who's Who, 1937

box 499

Memoirs 1950 1960

box 499

Biography and Who's Who 1916-1945

box 499

Biographical material 1939-1945

box 499

National Cyclopedia of American Biography 1928-1937

Physical Description: 3.0 folders

Memorabilia 1929-1965 undated

Scope and Contents note

Letters of appointment, certificates, commissions, passports, diploma, medals, Bibles, etc. arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 500

Ambassadorship to Netherlands, certificate of appointment

box 500

Appointments and promotions

box 500

Appointments to public office

box 500

Baptismal certificate

box 500

Beta Theta Pi, Handbook

box 500

Birth certificate affidavit

box 500

Birthday and horoscopic data

box 500


box 500

Description of Hornbeck's publishing activity

box 500

Hornbeck, Stanley K. 1929-1943

box 501


box 501

Letters of introduction and recommendation

box 501

Military record

box 501

Military record of service

box 501

Newspaper clippings, invitations, programs

box 501


box 501

Trip, Hawaiian Islands 1935

box 501

Utrecht, State University of, honorary degree

box 501

Wisconsin, University of, Degree L.L.D. 1965 June 7

Physical Description: 4.0 folders
box 502

Personal records relating to early experience at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar


Personal records relating to parents

box 503

Hornbeck, M. D. and L. K., diplomas

box 503

Hornbeck, Lydia K., last illness letters, etc. from Mary Helmle to S. K. H.

box 503

Hornbeck, Lydia K.

box 503

Mother's death

box 503

Father's death

box 503

Hornbeck, M. D. writings

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 504

Honors, medals, diplomas, Bibles

box 581

American flag undated


Family and Personal Correspondence File 1903-1957

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence with family members, friends, and organizations relating to family and personal affairs, arranged by subseries as listed.

Family correspondence

box 505

Letters to parents 1903-1908

Physical Description: 5.0 folders
box 506

Letters to parents 1909-1914

Physical Description: 5.0 folders
box 507

Letters to parents 1915-1920

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 508

Letters to parents 1921-1923

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 508

Letters to mother 1903-1905

Physical Description: 1.0 folder
box 509

Letters from mother 1906-1909

Physical Description: 1.0 folder
box 509

Letters from father 1903-1909

Physical Description: 1.0 folder
box 509

Letters form parents 1909-1911

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 510

Letters from parents 1912-1917

Physical Description: 5.0 folders
box 511

Letters from parents 1918-1923

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 511

Family business file

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 512

Letters to and from parents 1918-1919

box 513

Letters home 1924-1925

Physical Description: 3.0 folders
box 513

1927-1938, 1944-1945

box 514

Letters from Vivienne Hornbeck 1945

box 514


box 514

Letters not answered 1952-1953

box 514


box 515

Miscellaneous letters of L. K. and M. D. Hornbeck

box 515


Physical Description: 1.0 folder
box 515

Congratulatory letters to S. K. Hornbeck 1904

Physical Description: 1.0 folder
box 515

Letters from mother 1924-1925

Physical Description: 1.0 folder
box 515

Last letters from father 1923

Physical Description: 1.0 folder
box 515

Personal letters 1960

Physical Description: 1.0 folder

Personal correspondence

box 516

Apartment, 2139 Wyoming Ave., N. W. circa 1938

box 516

Athenaeum Club, London


See also: "Clubs"
box 516

Beta Theta Pi 1944

box 516

Beta Theta Pi, Reception for S. K. H. and V. B. H. 1944-1946

box 516

Beta Theta Pi, Bigwin and Points East 1950 1952

box 516

Beta Theta Pi Convention, Oxford 1954

box 516

Beta Theta Pi 1953

box 516

Beta Theta Pi Convention, California 1953

box 516

Beta Theta Pi, Old Point Comfort 1951

box 516

College Club (Boston Women's), lecture 1928

box 516


box 516

Congratulatory messages

box 516

Cosmos Club, Foreign Affairs Group meeting at 1962

box 516

Cosmos Club

box 516

Christmas Cards and others 1944

box 516

Daily appointments

box 517

Hornbeck, Donald W.

box 517

Hornbeck family

box 517

Hornbeck, M. D., Grant Avenue Church, Denver 1935

box 517

Horneck guest list 1946-1947

box 517

Hornbeck, Harris and Ewing

box 517

Hornbeck, in department

box 517

Instructions, travel orders, commission, etc., address to Queen

box 517

Invitations, acceptances and refusals 1946

box 517

Lectures 1926-1927

box 517

Letters 1955

box 517

Letters to newspapers

box 517

Marion and Bernice Hornbeck

box 517

Marion A. Hornbeck

box 517

Memoirs - Franklin, Massachusetts

box 518


box 518

Personal 1944

box 518


box 518

Pioneer, in U. of Denver 1928 December

box 518

R. R. Hornbeck 1931 1944 1957

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 518

Reviews 1956

box 518

Sojourners (National) Club

box 518

Springfield Century Club

box 518

Statements by

box 518

Thank you notes received and sent

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 519


box 519

Travel orders 1947

box 519

Trips, SS Memphis, Arizona, etc. 1935

box 519

Trip to London 1943 October 4

Physical Description: 2.0 folders
box 519

Twentieth Century Club

box 519

University Club

box 519


box 519

Vivienne 1946 May 20

box 519

Wellesley Hills Women's Club, Niles, Marion


Miscellany 1912-1966

box 520


box 521


box 522


box 523


box 524


box 525


box 526


box 527


box 528


box 529


box 530


box 531


box 532



Special Documents File


Intercepted Japanese telegrams and notes from Hornbeck to the Secretary of State 1941 May 9 - November 30

box 533

1) Telegram, unsigned, 1 page 1941 May 9

box 533

2) Note, unsigned, 1 page circa 1941 July

box 533

3) Note, "We should note," initial SKH, 1 page undated

box 533

4) Note, unsigned, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 September 17

box 533

5) Memorandum, unsigned, 4 pages 1941 July 23

box 533

6) Note, initial SKH, 2 pages 1941 July 28

box 533

7) Note, unsigned, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 August 2

box 533

8) Telegram, unsigned, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 August

box 533

9) Letter, unsigned, 1 page 1941 August 16

box 533

10) Note, unsigned, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 September 2

box 533

11) Note, unsigned, 1 page, 3 copies 1941 September 2

box 533

12) Note, unsigned, 1 page 1941 September 3

box 533

13) Telegram and note, unsigned, 2 pages 1941 September 5

box 533

14) Telegram, unsigned, 1 page 1941 September 10

box 533

15) Telegram, unsigned, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 September 7

box 533

16) Telegram and Note, initial SKH, 2 pages, 2 copies 1941 October 11

box 533

17) Note, initial SKH, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 October 21

box 533

18) Telegram, unsigned, 1 page 1941 November 4

box 533

19) Telegram, unsigned, 1 page, 3 copies 1941 November 10

box 533

20) Note, initial SKH, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 November 12

box 533

21) Note, initial SKH, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 November 12

box 533

22) Note, initial SKH, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 November 12

box 533

23) Note, initial SKH, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 November 12

box 533

24) Note, unsigned, 1 page 1941 November 19

box 533

25) Note, "We Now Have Clear Evidence," unsigned, 1 page, 2 copies undated

box 533

26) Note, "We Have Occasion," unsigned, 1 page undated

box 533

27) Note, unsigned, 1 page 1941 November 25

box 533

28) Telegram, unsigned, 1 page 1941 November 30

box 533

29) Telegram, unsigned, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 November 30


Churchill 1941

box 533

1) Note, unsigned, 1 page, 2 copies 1941 November 6

box 533

2) Letter, unsigned, 2 pages 1941 November 7

box 533

3) Note, unsigned, 1 page 1941 December 8

box 534

General International Organization, outline

Scope and Contents note

Three bound volumes
box 535

Committee on Post War Programs, Military Government of the Far East

box 536

Correspondence 1929-1930

box 537



Department of State

box 538

circa 1939-1942

box 539

circa 1938-1945

box 540

circa 1937-1942

box 541

circa 1939-1941

box 542

Essays and bulletins 1948-1958

box 543

Clippings and photocopies

box 544

China: Newspapers, press clippings

box 545

China: Memoranda circa 1920

Scope and Contents note

Contains section from Open Door Policy, E. T. Yen.
box 546

Clippings, memoranda, correspondence

box 547

Washington Conference 1921

box 547

Genoa Conference 1922

box 547

Peking Conference 1924

box 547

Large document in unknown language

box 548

Letters, clippings, advertising

box 548

"Peace and War," United States Policy 1931-1941

box 549

Tentative list of treaty collections 1919

box 549

Treaty of Versailles, with index

box 549

Review of Washington Conference

box 549

Administration, Siamese State Railways 1920

box 549

Chinese Railway Statistics 1920

box 549

Contract for Chinese Government Railways

box 549

Chinese Railway Statistics 1916

box 550

Miscellaneous pamphlets

box 550

Hornbeck Guest Book

box 550

Hammond World Atlas

box 550

Clippings (subject folders)

box 551

Undated handwritten notes

box 551

Notes for speeches 1949-1950

box 552

Williamstown address 1929

box 552

Treaty of Versailles

box 552

List of treaties and arrangements in force between Great Britain and China 1925

box 553

Miscellaneous newspaper clippings

box 554

Unsorted correspondence and clippings

box 555

Maps, clippings, library labels, handwritten notes


Maps, clippings, library labels, handwritten notes (continued)

box 556

Notes for speeches circa 1930-1932

box 557

Unsorted notes

box 558

Notes for speeches circa 1928-1932

box 559

Notes for speeches circa 1930

box 560

Geographical Character of Pacific Area 1926

box 560

"The Chinese Tariff," 1921

box 560

The Conditions of Peace 1919

box 560

State Department memoranda circa 1932-1934

box 560

Interview with Hornbeck 1965

box 578

Reproduction control slips undated

Scope and Contents note

Used in preparation for The Diplomacy of Frustration: The Manchurian Crisis of 1931-1933 as Revealed in the Papers of Stanley K. Hornbeck, published as part of the Hoover Archival Documentaries series.
box 586

China correspondence 1912-1913

box 586

UN recognition of Communist China 1951-1954

box 587

Text & Commentary, Department of State 1944 July 6

Scope and Contents note

Contains information regarding tentative proposals for a General International Organization.
box 587

Speeches Made on Occasion of the Awarding of the Honorary Degree of Doctor in the Faculty of Law to His Excellency Stanley Kurt Hornbeck 1947


Speeches and writings

Scope and Contents note

See also: Speeches and Writings series
box 587

A Brief Study of Some Facts and Many Not-Facts Regarding "China" and United States "China Policy," 1961

box 587

China To-Day: Political 1927

Scope and Contents note

Three copies, two of which are signed by Hornbeck.
box 587

Contemporary Politics in the Far East 1944

box 587

"Traditional United States 'China Policy'--What, Why & How," lecture, 3 copies 1961 July

box 587

The United States and the Netherlands East Indies 1948


Card File 1927-1966

Scope and Contents note

Contains lecture notes, news clippings, and other miscellaneous notes organized by subject. Also includes some correspondence and other printed matter.
box 561

Card File 1927-1966

box 562

Card File 1927-1966

box 563

Card File 1927-1966

box 564

Card File 1927-1966

box 565

Card File 1927-1966

box 566

Card File 1927-1966

box 567

Card File 1927-1966

box 568

Card File 1927-1966

box 569

Card File 1927-1966

box 570

Card File 1927-1966

box 571

Card File 1927-1966

box 572

Card File 1927-1966

box 573

Card File 1927-1966

box 574

Card File 1927-1966

box 575

Card File 1927-1966

box 576

Card File 1927-1966

box 577

Card File 1927-1966

box 584

Card File 1927-1966

box 585

Card File 1927-1966


Photographs 1900-1947 undated

envelope A

Photos of Hornbeck's family and ancestors 1900-1933

envelope B

Photos of Hornbeck's family and ancestors 1900-1933

envelope C

Photos of Stanley K. Hornbeck, mostly portraits undated

envelope D

Photos of Hornbeck's classmates at University of Denver and Oxford circa 1903-1907

envelope E

Photos of Armenia and work of the American Military Commission to Armenia 1919

Scope and Contents note

List of captions in envelope E.
envelope F

Photos of scenes of daily life on Bali Island, Indonesia circa 1910

envelope G

Photos of Ambassador and Mrs. Hornbeck at informal social events 1944-1947

envelope H

Photos of Ambassador and Mrs. Hornbeck with visiting government dignitaries, at formal social events, and at military reviews 1944-1947

envelope I

Photos of Ambassador and Mrs. Hornbeck with visiting government dignitaries, at formal social events, and at military reviews 1944-1947

envelope J

Photos of Ambassador Hornbeck and staff of U.S. Embassy in The Netherlands undated

envelope K

Photos of Admiral Henry K. Hewitt during his visit with Ambassador Hornbeck, The Hague, The Netherlands undated

envelope L

Photos of Herbert Hoover during his visit with Ambassador Hornbeck, The Hague, The Netherlands circa 1946

envelope M

Photo of Queen Mother Elizabeth and Lt. Gen. Percival J. Montague 1946

envelope N

Photo of Secretary of State James F. Byrnes and Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov of the U.S.S.R. undated

envelope O

Postcards of European scenic and cultural sites undated

envelope P

Photos of Gen. Eisenhower during his visit to The Netherlands 1945

envelope Q

Photos of scenes in China taken while Hornbeck was an instructor in Chinese Government Colleges 1909-1913

envelope R

Photos of friends and colleagues of Hornbeck while he was an instructor in Chinese Government Colleges 1909-1913

Scope and Contents note

Includes group photo of Commission that negotiated the treaty of October 8, 1903 for the extension of commercial relations between the U.S. and China.
envelope S

Photos of friends and colleagues of Hornbeck, including Cordell Hull, William R. Castle, Paul S. Reinsch, and Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-shek undated

envelope T

Group photos of Hornbeck's colleagues in the State Department circa 1930-1940

Scope and Contents note

ncludes a group photo of Henry L. Stimson and State Department staff, circa 1930.
envelope U

Photos of newspaper cartoons of Hornbeck and 1 photo of a newspaper picture showing Saburo Kurusu (Japanese envoy), Joseph Ballantine (U.S. State Department), and Kiehisaburo Nomura (Japanese Ambassador) 1941-1942

envelope V

Photos of Stanley and Vivian Hornbeck on vacation in the West circa 1940

box 583

Miscellaneous and unidentified photos undated

envelope W

Miscellaneous and unidentified photos undated

box 582

Oversize photos of Hornbeck circa 1910-1932

Scope and Contents note

Includes images of Hornbeck's family and classmates; a group photo of the Institute of Pacific Relations Conference in Honolulu (1925); State Department colleagues, including Frank Kellogg and Henry L. Stimson; as well as scenes and friends in China (circa 1910). Photos from envelopes mX, mY, and mZ.
box 583

Oversize photos of Hornbeck circa 1910-1932

box 579

Photographs of Stanley K. Hornbeck

Scope and Contents note

Contains 2 portraits of Hornbeck and several group photographs from various unidentified events. 4 of the photographs are framed.
box 584

Oversize photos 1924-1939

Scope and Contents note

Images include: Secretary Kellogg and State Department personnel, Washington, D.C. (February 1929); the 4th Annual Convention, Military Order of the World War, Boston, Massachusetts (October 1924); University of Denver classmates; The Centenary of Beta Theta Pi, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (August 7, 1939); and 2nd Annual Luncheon Conference of the National Council vs. Foreign Service Training in Conjunction with National Foreign Trade Council, Hotel Brunswick, Boston, Massachusetts (June 3, 1924).

Oversize photos (continued) 1924-1939


Sound Recordings 1947 undated

Scope and Contents note

5 sound tape reels, 3 sound discs (lacquer), 15 sound discs (shellac)
box 588

Linguaphone Conversational Course: French undated

Scope and Contents note

15 shellac sound discs containing 30 lessons on how to speak French.
onsite digital

United States ambassador's farewell address to Holland 1947 March 6

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 67008_a_0002435

Scope and Contents note

The ambassador points out the good points of the country as he sees it. With an introduction by Daniel L. Schorr, the Hague. A paper transcript is available. Digitized use copy from lacquer disc. 1 disc
box MC47

Sound tape reels

Physical Description: 4, 1/4 inch sound tape reels (7-inch) and 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (5-inch)
record cabinet



Oversize Material 1856-1948 undated

box 580

Certificates 1869-1948

Scope and Contents note

Contains various diplomas and certificates for Stanley K. Hornbeck and his parents, Marquis D. Hornbeck and Lydia Kuhl Hornbeck. Also included are Stanley K. Hornbeck's invitation to the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, his membership certificate to Phi Beta Kappa Associates, and his parent's marriage license.
box 580

Poster undated

Scope and Contents note

Poster for an IRC event that Hornbeck spoke at.
box 580

Two drawings depicting a battle in Hangzhou and a naval battle near Taiwan circa 1912

box 580

Bound collection of famous Chinese landscape paintings circa 1918

box 580

Graphic Scenes in the Japan Expedition by William Heine 1856

Scope and Contents note

Contains lithographs. Heine was the official artist of Commodore Matthew C. Perry's expedition to Japan in 1853-1854.
box 580

Shengji Tu undated

Scope and Contents note

A book of Confucian parables and poetry with illustrations.
box 589

Maps 1913-1926 undated

Scope and Contents note

Contains maps of Eastern Asia, China, Shanghai, Japan, the Philippines, Mongolia, Oahu, Honolulu, as well as a map of Massachusetts Avenue Park and Massachusetts Avenue Heights in Washington, D.C. Also included are some hand drawn maps of China by Stanley K. Hornbeck and a series of blueprint maps regarding existing and proposed railways in China (1918). Material in English, Chinese, and French.

Maps (continued)


Pageant of the Pacific by Miguel Covarrubias 1940

Scope and Contents note

Contains six maps illustrating the different aspects of the cultures of the Pacific. Cover for book located in Box 580. Maps located in map case.
box 590

Material not yet described

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