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Finding Aid to the San Francisco Biography Collection 1850-present SF BIO COLL
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Abajian, James de Tarr, 1914-1986 (Librarian) 1986


Abbott, William A., Jr., 1896-1962 (Plant manager) 1950s


Abel, Willard E., b. 1906 (Hotel manager) undated


Abraham, Harold J. (Attorney) 1942


Abrahamson, Lucille (SF School Board) undated


Abrams, Albert, 1863-1924 (Physician) 1922-1983


Achtenberg, Roberta, b. 1950 1993-1995


Ackerson, Charles H., d. 1891 (Fire chief) 1891-1909, 1981


Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 1963-2006


Adams, Grizzly (James Capen), 1812-1860 1948-1966


Adler, Aaron A., d. 1919 (Grain broker) undated


Adler, Kurt Herbert, 1905-1988 (Conductor) 1984-1988


Agnos, Art, b. 1938 1986-2013

Physical Description: 14 folders

Agnos, Sherry 1988


Agnost, George (City attorney) 1977-1986


Ahearn, Francis J. (Frank), d. 1958 (Police chief) 1957-1958

Physical Description: 3 folders

Aitken, Robert I., 1878-1949 (Sculptor) 1949


Alba, Wayne (Supervisor) 1980


Albright, Thomas, d. 1984 (Art critic) 1985


Alderman, Margaret (Secretary, SF Planning and Housing Association) circa 1950s


Alemany, Joseph Sadoc, Bishop, d. 1888 1943-1966


Alessandrelli family 1940-1943


Alexander, Jesse R., b. 1875 (Inlaid Floor Co.) circa 1950s


Alioto, Angela 1989-2016

Physical Description: 2 folders

Alioto, Angelina (Mrs. Joseph) 1954-1974


Alioto family 1974-1993


Alioto, John I. (Attorney) 1992


Alioto, Joseph L., 1916-1998 1948-2001

Physical Description: 7 folders

Alioto, Robert, d. 1988 (Superintendent of Schools) 1975-1988


Alioto-Pier, Michela 2004


Allen, Joseph J., 1910-1984 (Public employee) 1957-1984


Allyne, Edith and Lucy 1964-1966


Altrocchi, Rudolph, 1882-1953 (Professor) 1942-1953


Alvord, William, 1833-1904 (Businessman, banker, mayor) 1905

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Ammiano, Tom 1994-2021

See also:

Oversize Biography Box: Ammiano, Tom

Anaya, Rosario (School board) 1982


Anderson, David E. (Zoo director) 1990


Anderson, Frederick Leroy, b. 1900 (Manufacturer) undated


Anderson, George R., 1900-1966 (Attorney) 1966


Anderson, John Firth, b. 1928 (Librarian) 1962-1973


Anderson, Robert Mailer, 1968- (Writer) 2002


Anderson, Thomas M. (General) 1973


Andriano, Sylvester (Attorney) 2006


Angel, Peter, Dr., b. 1895 (Dentist) undated


Angelo, Valenti, b. 1897 (Artist, printer) 1975-1977


Anza, Juan Bautista de 1963-1995


Applegarth, George A., 1875-1972 (Architect) 1889-1992

Physical Description: 3 folders

Arata, Raymond (Judge) 1956-1958


Arbuckle, Ernest C., b. 1912 undated


Arbuckle, Roscoe (Fatty) 1921-1922, 1975-1990

Physical Description: 3 folders

Archibald, Arnold Edward, b. 1885 (President, San Francisco Savings and Loan Association) 1950s


Arguello, Concepcion 1919-1962, 1993-1996

Physical Description: 2 folders

Armer, Dolores M., Mother (Founder, Sisters of the Holy Family) 1956


Armitage, William H. (Architect) 1892


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Arnautoff, Victor Michael (Painter) 1932-1968


Arneson, Robert, 1930-1992 (Sculptor) 1987-1993


Arnold, Bion J., b. 1861 (Electrical engineer) undated


Arnold, Robert (Painter) 1967


Arnstein, Flora (Poet) 1987


Arthur, Gavin, d. 1972 1972


Asawa, Ruth (Sculptor) 1974-2013


Ascarrunz, Cesar undated


Asch, Nathan (Writer) undated


Ashley, William W., M.D., b. 1921 undated


Astor, John Jacob 1891


Atherton, Gertrude, 1857-1948 (Writer) 1935-1963

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Atkinson, Thomas Emery SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Austin, Mary Hunter (Writer) 1968


Averbuch, Bernard, d. 1991 (Reporter, civic leader) 1977-1991


Avery, Benjamin Parke (Journalist) 1969


Ayala, Juan Manuel de 1974-1975


Ayres, Ethel Wilson 2007




Babson, Seth (Architect) 1889


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Bacci, Bob (Attorney) 1982


Bacigalupi, Peter (Phonograph dealer) 2005


Badgley/Arnoux, Elaine (Artist) 1985-1993


Baez, Joan 1985-2017


Baird, Joseph Jr., Dr. (Art professor) 1985-1993


Bakalinsky, Adah (Writer) 2004


Baker, Edward Dickinson (Senator, Colonel) 1979-2008, undated


Baker, James S., b. 1906 (Mining engineer) undated


Baker, Lafayette C., 1826-1868 (Detective) 2015


Baker, Nicholson (Writer) 1995-2004


Baker, Wakefield and Philip S. 1928, 1965


Bakewell, John R., b. 1872 (Architect) 1932


Baldwin, Alfred, 1816-1904 (Miner) circa 1903


Baldwin, Carey N. (Zoo director) 1981


Baldwin, Elias Jackson (Lucky) 1966-1979


Baldwin, George B., Capt. 1982


Baldwin, Sarah Unruh 1979


Baldwin, Virginia Hobart 1929-1936


Ball, William, d. 1991(Founder, ACT) 1991


Bancroft, Hubert Howe 1873-1918, 1956-1987


Bancroft, Kim 2014


Bancroft, Richard A., b. 1918 (Attorney) undated


Banducci, Enrico (Nightclub owner) 1970-2007


Banks, Charles Wells, 1839-1915 1971


Bannan, Charles F., b. 1915 (Manufacturer) undated


Banuet, Al (Handball player) 1929,1995


Barbadoes, James G. (Abolitionist) 2004


Barbagelata, John, 1919-1994 1973-1994


Barbour family undated


Barclay, Michael (Opera Education International) 1981


Bardis, John 1980


Barnes, E. Richard (Assemblyman) 1966


Barnes, Robert (Political consultant) 2002


Barnes, William H.L. (Attorney) 1887


Barnett, A.J. (Architect) 1889


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Baron, Edward (Theater manager) 1957


Barrington, Charles L. undated


Barrios, Xavier, Dr., b. 1928


Barron, Barney (Public official) 1985


Bartalini, Gualtiero (Singer) 1961


Bartlett, Washington, 1824-1887 (Governor)


Bartlett, Washington Allon, 1814?-1865 (Alcalde) 1847-1865, 1981


Barton, William Bon (1906 Earthquake survivor) 1981-1992


Basheford, Wilkes (Clothier) 1985-2006


Basquette, Lina (Dancer) 2005


Bassett, Edward, 1921-1999 (Architect) 1999


Bassity, Jerome (Saloon owner) 1910


Batkid (Miles Scott) 2013-2018


Baum, Alvin M., Jr. (Attorney) circa 1962


Baum, Willa (Oral historian) 2004


Baumann, H.C., 1890-1960 (Architect) 1931, 1986-2002, undated


Baxter, Howard Wentworth, b. 1896 (Manufacturer) undated


Bayliss, Maggie, 1912-1997 (Writer) 1997


Bayma, William (Accountant) circa 1960s


Beach, Chester (Coin designer) 1978


Beach, Scott (Actor) 1984-1996


Beachy, Lincoln (Aviator) 1986


Beard, John Winter (Public official) 1965


Beausoleil, Bobby 2012


Beaver, Jefferson A. (Public official) 1957


Bechtel, Kenneth K., 1904-1978 (Businessman) 1978, undated


Bechtel, Stephen D., 1900-1989 (Businessman) 1950-1989


Beck, Dorothy Elizabeth, b. 1927 (Journalist) undated


Becker, Arthur S. (Businessman) 1965


Becker, William Louis (Public official) 1967


Beckett, John Collier undated


Beckett, William Collier, b. 1917 (Electrical engineer) undated


Beckman, Nellie Sims (Writer) 2005


Beckwith, Robert L., b. 1917 (Mechanical engineer) undated


Bedell, Clara Cecilia (Diamond Carrie) 1893


Bee, John C., Jr. (Publisher) 1970


Beebe, Lucius (Writer) 1966-2001


Beechey, Frederick W., Capt. 1969


Beeman, Joe (Supervisor) 1967


Begley, Bernard C., M.D. 1959


Behrens, Earl C. (Journalist) 1962


Bekeart, Jules Francois (Gunsmith) 1949


Bekeart, Philip Baldwin (Gunsmith) 1932-1936


Belasco, David, 1853-1931 (Playwright) 2006, undated


Bell, Geoffrey (Filmmaker) 1977-1987


Bell, George Lewis (Attorney) 1914-1956


Bell, Philip Alexander (Journalist) undated


Bell, Teresa 1996


Belli, Melvin Mouron, 1907-1996 (Attorney) 1963-2001


Bendel, Hermann, Col., b. 1837 (Businessman) undated


Benas, Ben, b. 1899 (Engineer) circa 1950s


Bender, Albert, 1868-1941 (Businessman, library supporter) 1941-1969


Benet, George (Writer, longshoreman) 1978-1990


Benjamin, Charles E., d. 1909 (Supervisor) undated


Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884 (Attorney) 1968


Benjamin, Medea (Activist) 2002


Bennett, Eugene D., b. 1897 (Attorney) 1959


Bennett, John E. 1915


Bentley, James, b. 1827 (Miner) 1917


Benvenuto, Elio, b. 1914 (Sculptor) 1988


Bepp, Kiroku, 1871-1956 (Photographer) 1985-1986


Berger, Jacob 1907-1945


Bergeron, Victor J. (Trader Vic) undated


Bergman, Stanley A. (Businessman) 1958


Bergmann, Franz undated


Berkland, Jim (Geologist) 1906, 1972-1990


Berman, Wallace (Artist) 2005


Berlin, A. Brooks, b. 1897 (Attorney) 1964


Bernfeld, Siegfried, 1892-1953 (Psychoanalyst) 1992


Bernhard, Bernard (Barber) 1913-1956


Bernstein, Abraham, M.D., b. 1902 circa 1960s


Bernstein, Morris, b. 1905 (Businessman) undated


Bernstein, Myron (Photographer) 1980-1999


Bertheau, Rudolf Cesar, b. 1882 1962


Bertz, Earle B., 1885-1948 (Architect) 2002


Betancourt, Andrew J. (Realtor) 1977


Biagini, Albert A. (Steelworker, union official) 1975


Bianchi family and Daguerre family 1914-1941


Bibbs, Susheel, b. 1946 (singer)


Bierce, Ambrose 1911, 1931, 1967-2001


Bierman, Arthur K. (Activist, writer) 2002


Bierman, Sue, d. 2006 (Supervisor) 2006


Bierstadt, Albert (Painter) 1986


Bigarani, Harry L., b. 1905 (Businessman) 1965


Biggs, Reginald H., b. 1900 (Businessman) undated


Biggy, William J. (Police chief) 1908, 1971-1991


Billings, Warren K. 1893-1972 (Watchmaker) 1972


Billings, Bill (Mayoral candidate) 1967


Bingham, Stephen (Attorney) 1986


Birch, James E. (Stageman) 1958


Bird, George Richard 1967


Bird, Rose, 1936-1999 (Justice) 1986-1999


Bidsall, Lewis A. (Superintendent, U.S. Mint) undated


Bishop, Richard S., b. 1918 (Attorney) undated


Bistry, Alan 1992


Black Bart (Charles E. Boles) 1878-1939, 1970-1988


Black, Jack 1912-1936

Physical Description: 2 folders

Black, James B., Jr., b. 1917 (Businessman) undated


Black, Mary Louise (Mrs. Alan Jewett Lowry) undated


Black, Shirley Temple 1967, 1992


Blackbeard, William (Writer) 1972


Blackie (Horse) 1994


Blackwood, William 1854-1875


Blair, Nell Barr (Poet) 1941-1944


Blair, Samuel, Capt. 1991


Blaisdell, Thomas C., Jr., b. 1895 (Professor) circa 1950s


Blake, Maurice Cary, 1815-1897 (Mayor) 1897


Blake, Reuben Lloyd, Dr. (Orthodontist, artist) 1919, 1959-1980


Blake, William C. (Supervisor) 1969


Bland, Thomas Noel (Businessman) undated


Bliss, Walter D., 1872-1956 (Architect) 2002


Blochman family 1979


Block, Eugene B. 1947-1967


Blomstedt, Herbert (Symphony conductor) 1984-1992


Bloomfield, Anne, d. 2000 2000


Blosser, Raymond W. (Assemblyman) undated


Blue, Vida 1986


Blum, Richard (Banker) 1978-1990


Blumenthal, Ben, b. 1896 (Businessman) 1962


Blythe, Thomas H. circa 1887


Boas, Roger (Politician) 1955-1988


Bodega, Juan Francisco y Cuadra 1980


Boeddeker, Alfred, O.F.M 1977-1995


Boggs, Mae Helene Bacon, 1863-1963 (Pioneer, philanthropist) 1930, 1964


Boke, George H. 1919


Bolivar, Simon 1822-1842


Bolles, Carl A., Jr., b. 1920 (Businessman) undated


Bolles, John, 1905-1983 (Architect) 1983-2002


Boncoeur, Guillaume, Capt. 1969


Bond, Peter Mason (Pemabo) (Artist) 1959-1968


Bonfils, Winifred Black (Annie Laurie) (Journalist) 1936, 1981


Boone, Philip Sandford, b. 1918 (Businessman) undated


Booth, Edwin (Actor) 1980

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Borel, Antoine 1983


Born, Chet (Photographer) 1972


Bosqui, Edward (Printer) 1956

Physical Description: 2 folders

Boswell, Hamilton Theodore, Rev., b. 1914 1965


Bothwell, Dorr (Artist) 1945


Botts, Charles Tyler, 1809-1884 (Attorney) undated


Bouchard, Hypolite (Privateer) 1974


Boucher, Anthony, b. 1911 (Writer) 1954-1960


Boudin, Chesa, b. 1980 (San Francisco District Attorney) 2021-2022


Boudoures, Peter G. (Businessman, politician) 1964-1984


Bourgeois, Jean Louis (Architect) 2000


Bourn, William B. 1933


Bowman, Frank Austin, Dr., d. 1915 undated


Bowman, Karl Burdock, M.D., b. 1888 (Psychiatrist) undated


Bowman, Nathaniel 1973


Bowman, Sarah A. (Great Western), 1813-1866 1961


Boxer, Barbara 1982-2005


Boxton, Charles (Mayor) 1907


Boyle, Eugene J., Fr. 1974


Boyle, Kay (Writer) 1976-1992


Boyle, Thomas F. (Business manager) 1900


Boynton, Ray, 1883-1951 (Artist) 1976-1979


Bradley, Philip R., Jr., b. 1904 (Mining engineer) undated


Bradley, Tom 1982-1992


Bradley, Worthen, b. 1904 (Mining executive) undated


Brady, Bernard d. 1986 (Assemblyman)


Brady, Bernard Finn (Businessman) undated


Brady, John F. (Educator) undated


Brady, Matthew (Judge) 1908-1913, 1952, 1987


Brady, Matthew (Columnist) 1981-1982


Braescu, Smaranda (Aviator) 2007


Brand, Stewart 1970


Brannan, Sam 1958-1967, 1991-1996


Bransten, John M. (Businessman) undated, 2001


Brautigan, Richard 1984-1989


Brawner, Alexander H., Jr., b. 1923 (Businessman) undated


Brawner, W.P.F., b. 1903 (Manufacturer) undated


Breed, London Nicole (San Francisco Mayor) 2013-2018

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Brenham, Charles J. 1957


Brennan, Charles J. (Fire chief) 1929-1943


Brenner, Leo (Spiridion Gopcevic) (Astronomer) 1978


Brett, James Q. (Investor) 1964


Bridge, Samuel J. (Philanthropist) undated


Bridges, Harry 1929-2001

Physical Description: 2 folders

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Brinton, William M., b. 1920 (Attorney) undated


Briones, Juana 1989-2014


Britt, Harry (Supervisor) 1979-1992


Britten, Emma Hardinge (Spiritualist) 1863-1864


Broderick, David C. 1876-2002


Brodie, Howard (Artist) 1949


Brodsky, Benjamin (Film producer) 1912-1917, 1972-2000


Broemmel, Berthold (Pharmacist) 1922


Bromley, George 1903


Bronn, Mrs. Theo A.P. (Teacher) undated


Bronson, William, d. 1976 (Writer) 1962-1976


Brooks, Benjamin P. (Inventor) 1931, 1972, 2003


Brooks, Marie (Auto dealer) 1971


Brooks, Samuel Houston undated


Brooks, Thaddeus R. SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Broughton, James (Writer, filmmaker) 1952


Brown, Adelaide, M.D. 2006


Brown, Amos, Rev., b. 1941 1990-1999


Brown, Archie (Lincoln Brigade) 2003


Brown, Arthur, Jr. (Architect) 1960, undated


Brown, Arthur Page, 1859-1896 (Architect) 1982-1994


Brown, Belford, b. 1911 (Banker, airport manager) circa 1957


Brown, Charlotte L., 1839-? (Civil Rights Activist) 1865, 2022


Brown, Edmund G. (Pat) 1947-1990


Brown, Henry Harrison, 1840-1918 (Minister) 1915


Brown, Jerry (Edmund G. Brown Jr.) 1974-2005


Brown, Eugene (Sheriff) 1978


Brown, Grafton Tyler, 1841-1918 (Painter) 2003


Brown, Harold C., b. 1907 (Attorney) 1957


Brown, Henry Harrison


Brown, Ira A., Jr. (Judge) circa 1970's


Brown, Irving Forbes, 1898-1989 (architect)


Brown, James (Miner) 1894


Brown, Jeff (Attorney) 2001, undated


Brown, Kathleen (Politician) 1989-1994


Brown, Phoebe Hearst 1989


Brown, Rosalia de Haro 1901


Brown, Thomas Pollack (Publicist) 1948


Brown, Vivian and Marian 1987-2013


Brown, Willie L.


Campaign materials 1986-1995


State of the City 1996-2001

See Also:

Oversize Biography Box: Brown, Willie L.

Inauguration 1996


Inauguration 2000


Richard MacDonald Sculpture 2002-2004


Magazine articles 1981-1996


Newspaper clippings 1968-2014

Physical Description: 2 folders

Browne, Alan Kingston, b. 1909 (Banker) undated


Browne, Carl (Writer) 1944


Brundage, Avery (Art collector) 1959-1983


Brunn, Sally (Library supporter) 1991


Bruton family (Artists) 1984


Bryan, John E. (Public official) 1978


Bryant, Andrew Jackson 1875-1888


Bryant, Edward F. (Politician) 1913


Buck, Beryl (Philanthropist) 1986


Buckley, Christopher A. 1922-1956


Budde, Henry J. 1899-1995 (Publisher) 1944


Buel, Charles, 1943-1994 (Composer) undated


Buell, Roy, b. 1898 (Businessman) undated


Bufano, Beniamino (Sculptor)


Newspaper clippings 1955-2017


Exhibition catalogs 1941-1974


Records 1968-1976


Black Cat 1975


Bugbee, Samuel C., 1812-1877 (Architect) 1957


Buland, Anne Shea, b. 1900 undated


Buland, George Leonard, b. 1897 (Attorney) undated


Bulkeley, Fannie Briggs Houghton 1884


Bulkley, John (Architect) 1984


Bummer and Lazarus (Dogs) 1925-1949, 1985-1999


Bundschu, Carl Eugen 1905


Bunting, Edward Ramsey, b. 1912 (Banker) undated


Burbank, Luther 1933-1956


Burch, Claire (Filmmaker) 1998-2008


Burch, Laurel (Jewelry designer) 1985


Burger, George L. (Businessman) 1974


Burgess, Gelett (Poet) 1896, 1956


Burke, John M., 1842-1917 (Publicist) 2012-2019


Burke, Martin J. (Police chief) 1864, undated


Burnett family 1899


Burnett, Peter H., d. 1895 1849, 1895


Burnett, Wellington C. (Judge) undated


Burnham, Daniel SEE: S.F. Surveys. Burnham Plan


Burns, Arthur G. (Hospital administrator) 1960


Burns, Douglas M., M.D. 1962-1967


Burns, Lloyd, Rev., S.J. 1986


Burns, Mary (Public official) 1985-1990


Burns, Michael Thomas (Public official) 1999


Burr, Ephraim W. 1889-1894


Burton, John L. 1964-2004


Burton, Philip


Campaign materials 1982


Newspaper clippings 1967-1995


Burton, Sala (Congresswoman) 1983-1987


Burton, Shirley Cohelan 1998


Busch, Niven, d. 1991 (Writer) 1967, 1991


Busterud, John A., b. 1921 (Attorney) undated


Butman, Emma circa 1880s, 1990


Buwalda, William (Soldier) 2002


Bymner, Witter 1918




Cabrillo, Juan R. 1935-1972


Caen, Herb, 1916-1997 1949-2013

Physical Description: 5 folders

See Also:

Oversize Biography Box: Caen, Herbert Eugene

Cahill, Thomas (Police chief) 1956-2002


Calden, Keith P. (Fire chief) 1970-1974


Caldwell, Margaret 1965


Calhoun, Patrick (Entrepreneur) undated


Calkins, Allard A., b. 1889 (Banker, attorney) undated


Callanan, Edward F., Jr., b. 1930 undated


Callanan, Mary I. (Public official) 1980-1989


Callaway, Ivor Frederick, b. 1920 (Educator) undated


Callison, Ferd Walter, M.D. 1948-1949


Cameron, Allen, b. 1911 (Businessman) undated


Cameron, Donaldina 1937-2002


Cameron, George Toland, b. 1873 (Publisher) undated


Cameron, Robert (Filmmaker) 1974, undated


Camp, Charles L. (Historian) 1963


Campagnoli, Frederic, b. 1917 (Attorney) 1959


Campbell, Donald M., M.D., b. 1897 1958


Campodonico, Ellen H. 1963


Campos, Alberto (Collector) 1978


Campos, David 2014


Canty, Thomas Henry Horatio, b. 1796 1855


Carberry, Matthew C. (Sheriff) 1956-1986


Caredis, Christopher M., 1909-1994 (Tavern Owner)


Carey, Alice Ross, d. 2013 (Architect) 2013


Carey, John Howard (Teacher) 1868-1890, 2004


Carlton, Brents, 1903-1962 (Sculptor) 1933-1942, 1983


Carr, James Kennedy (Engineer) 1965-1972


Carter, Charles Joseph (Magician) 2001


Caruso, Enrico 1920-1980


Casebolt, Henry (Manufacturer) 1977


Casey, James P. 1855-1856, undated


Casey, John J. (Engineer) 1935


Casey, Mary Margaret undated


Casey, Willis (Police chief) 1990-1992


Casper, Andrew C. (Fire chief) 1976-1982


Casserly, Eugene, 1820-1883 1870-1880, 2009


Cassidy, Michael (Hostler) 1938


Castagna, Edwin (Librarian) 1964-1983


Castro family 1980


Caulfield, C. Harold (Judge) 1978


Caverly, Joseph M. (Public official) 1969-1970


Cayton, Revels Hiram (Deputy mayor) 1995


Cebrian, John C., 1848-1935 (Architect, engineer) 1915-1935


Cecil, Chuck (Forensic anthropologist) 1993


Cerasi, George (Library commission) 1999


Cerf, Marcel (Judge) 1935


Challoner, William Lindsay, Sr., Capt. 1975


Chamberlain, Selah, Jr. (Estate manager) undated


Champlain, Robert A. (Attorney) undated


Chandler, William D. (Editor) 1948


Chanslor, Waller Gordon (Businessman) undated


Chapman, John Calvin, Jr., 1845-1934 (Soldier, seaman) 1985


Charles, Thomas C. 1851-1867, 1936


Chatham, Russell (Painter) 1984


Chavez, Cesar, 1927-1993 1969-2003

Physical Description: 2 folders

See Also:

Oversize Biography Box: Chavez, Cesar

Cheney, Richard L. (Manufacturer) undated


Cheng, Holt A., M.D., 1878-1942 1904, 2003


Chess, T. Louis (Railroad agent) 1957


Chesse, Ralph (Actor) 1966


Chessman, Caryl 1960-1968


Chew, Caroline (Dancer) undated


Chew, Ng Poon (Minister, newspaperman) 1965


Chiantelli, Alfred G. (Attorney) 1982


Chickering, Allen Lawrence, b. 1877 (Attorney) undated


Chickering, Allen L., Jr., B. 1907 (Attorney) undated


Chiles, Joseph B. (Pioneer) 1970


Chinn, George (Attorney, supervisor) 1973


Chinn, Thomas W. (Historian) 1964-1989


Chiu, David 2014


Chow, William Jack, 1909-1988 (Attorney, public official) 1964-1988


Choynski, Joe, 1868-1943 (Boxer) undated


Christopher, George 1956-2000

Physical Description: 2 folders

Church, Thomas (Landscape architect) 1986


Ciampi, Mario (Architect) 1965-1991


Cima, Aldo C. (Public official) 1977


Clairmonte, Joy (Writer, editor) 1969


Clark, James (Tobacconist) 1936


Clark, John J. (Architect) 1888


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Clark, Walter van Tilburg (Writer, professor) 2007


Clarke, Alfred (Nobby) 1928, 1975-1984


Clarke, Laurence J. (Librarian) 1945-1970

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Clary, Raymond (Historian)


Correspondence 1971-1989

Physical Description: 1 folder

Newspaper clippings 1973-1992

Physical Description: 1 folder

Scrapbook 1901-1989


Clasby, John O. undated


Clausen, C.O., 1886-1973 (Architect) 2002


Clay, James E. (Public official) 1988-1989


Cleary, Alfred J. (Public official) 1931-1958


Cleaver, Eldridge 1968, 1990


Clement, Ada, 1878-1952 1952


Clement, Joseph, 1810-1892 (Searcher of records) 1866, 1992


Clinch, Bryan James (Architect) 1990


Clish, Herbert C. (Superintendent of schools) 1947-1955


Coats, Felix G. (Pioneer) undated


Coats, Raymond undated


Coblentz, Jean B. (Interior designer) 1966


Cockburn, Todd (Public official) 1985


Cody, William F. (Buffalo Bill) 1987-2001


Coffroth, James W., 1872-1943 (Boxing promoter) 2000


Cogswell, Caroline E. 1902, circa 1970


Cogswell, Henry D., Dr., 1820-1900 (Dentist) 1982-1983

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Cohen, Morris J. (Soldier) 1899-1900, 1985-1992


Cohn, Nathan (Attorney) undated


Coit, Lillie Hitchcock 1905-1929, 1965-1983

Physical Description: 2 folders

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Cole, Louis M. (Businessman) 1963


Cole, Peter 1857


Cole, Richard B. (King Cole) (Physician) 1940


Coleman, Arthur H., Dr. (Physician, library supporter) 2002


Coleman, Festus circa 1942


Coleman, William T. (Vigilante) 1878-1879, 1948


Colgate, Stirling A. (Physicist) undated


Coll, John D. and Charlotte 1997


Collins, Kevin 1984-1994


Collins, Harold E., Msgr. 1980


Collins, Perry McDonough (Entrepreneur) undated


Collis, Conway H. (Public official) 1982


Colman, Jesse C. (Businessman) 1961


Colton, Gardner O. and Walter (Judges) 1975


Colvig, Vance DeBar (Pinto) (Cartoonist, clown) 2002


Colvin, Reynold H. (Attorney) 1964


Comerford, Teresa, Mother 1980


Concannon, Joseph Stephen (Vintner) undated


Condon, Emmet D. (Fire chief) 1982-1987


Congiato, N., Rev, S.J., 1816-1897 1897


Conley, Clara Wiley, b. 1886 1972


Conlon, John J. undated


Conner, Bruce, b. 1933-2008 (Artist) circa 1967


Connolly, James E. SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Conrad, Barbaby, Jr. (Writer) 1987-2003, undated


Conrad, Earl (Writer) 1974


Conroy, Annemarie (Supervisor) 1992-1995


Conroy, Pat (Writer) 1991


Conway, John F., Jr., b. 1915 (Businessman) 1961


Cooke, Frederick O., b. 1884 (Businessman) undated


Coolbrith, Ina D. 1928, 1969-2003


Cooley, Richard P., b.1923 (Banker) undated


Coombs, Frederick (George Washington) (Photographer) 1865-1938, 1982


Copertini, Cyr (Mayoral aide) 1993


Coppa, Joseph (Poppa) and Elizabeth (Mama) 1929-1955


Coppel, Stanley Graham, 1915 (Businessman) undated


Coppola, Francis Ford 1975-1984


Corbett, James J. (Boxer) 1893, 1955-1980


Corey, Lester Spaulding, b. 1880 undated


Coriarty, Betty, 1923-2005 (Meter Maid)


Cornelius, Brother 1942-1962


Corrigan, Douglas 1938


Cortes, Hernando de, Don undated


Cortines, Ramon (Public official) 1991-1993


Cory, George (Composer) 1978


Cotton, Ethel (Conversation expert) 1936, 1962


Cotton, Stanley (Painter, carpenter) 1973


Coulson, Nathaniel T., Dr. (Dentist) 1908-1909, 1990


Coulter, Edith M. (Librarian, professor) 1969


Coulter, William A., 1849-1936 (Painter) 1981-2006


Cox, E. Morris (Investor) 1963


Cox, Francisc J., M.D., b. 1907 (Surgeon) undated


Cox, Fred Parr, b. 1921 (Businessman) undated


Cox, John P., b. 1918 (Businessman) undated


Coxhead, Ernest, 1863-1933 (Architect) 2002


Coy, Robert (Bob) (Engineer) undated


Crabtree, Charlotte (Lotta), 1847-1924 1885-1925, 1974-1988


Cragen, Edward L. (Judge) 1982


Crane, James M., 1921 (Banker) 1961


Cranston, Alan (U.S. Senator) 1958-2001


Crary, Tom (Attorney) 1980


Crawford, Tom (Attorney) circa 1976


Creel, George (Journalist) 1938, 1985


Cressy, Will M. 1923


Crocker, Aimee (Heiress) 1936, 1963


Crocker, Charles 1888-1892, 1980


Crocker, Diana Hobart 2006


Cronin, Melvyn I. (Judge) 1964-1968


Cross, Douglass (Songwriter) 1975


Crothers, George Edward, b. 1870 (Attorney) undated


Crowley, Dennis, Rev. Fr. 1928


Crowley family 1925-1928


Crowley, John F. (Public official) 1985


Crowley, Patrick (Police chief) 1894


Cruz, Margaret (Political activist) 1955-1968


Cullen, James, Dr. 1992


Culler, George D. d. 1994 (MOMA Director) 1963


Cummings, M. Earl (Sculptor) 1905, 1980, undated


Cunningham, Imogen 1987-1992


Cunningham, Ray (Engineer) 1975


Curotto, Ricky (Attorney) 1980


Curry, Francisc J., M.D. 1969-1984


Curtis, Eileen, 1918-1977 (Potter) 1977


Curtis, James (Police chief) 1949


Curtis, John M., (Architect) 1889


Cushing, John E. (Businessman) 1952


Cushman, Pauline (Actress, spy) 1893, 1967


Cutler, Leland W. (Businessman, President Golden Gate International Expo) 1930-1947




Dakin, Susanna Byant, 1905-1966 (Civic activist) 1967


Dalton, Philip S., b. 1907 (Banker) 1957


Daly, Chris (Supervisor) 2001-2005


Daly, Jo, d.1997 (Police Commissioner, Activist) 1997


Dame Shirley (Louse Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe) 1974


Damien, Fr. (Joseph De Veuster) 1993


Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-1882 1935


Daniel, Jacques (Art restorer) 1984


Darling, Ernest Wilfred (Nature man) 1919, 1978


Dauer, Bill (Businessman) 1981


Davies, John A. (John Philip Van Haag) (Painter) 1966


Davies, Louise M. 1980-1990


Davies, Ralph K. (Corporate executive) 1950s


Davis, Angela 1970-1972


Davis, Belva (Journalist) 1992


Davis, George T., b. 1907 (Attorney) undated


Davis, Horace circa 1891

Physical Description: 2 folders

Davis, Jack (Campaign manager) 1991-2000


Davis, John F. (Judge) 1913


Davis, Sam, 1850-1918 (Journalist) undated


Davis, Victor (Collector) 1984


Davis, William H.H. (Manufacturer) 1959


Davis, William Heath (Kanaka Bill) 1956


Dean, Dizzy 1956


De Bartolo family 1983-2013


De Bretteville, Charles, b. 1913 (Spreckels Sugar Co.) 1913, undated


Decker, Peter 1887


Dederich, Charles E. (Synanon) undated


de Ford, Miriam (Writer) 1973


De Forest, Lee (Inventor) 1928-1964


De Golia, Edwin Baldwin, b. 1869 (Corporate executive) 1921


DeGuigne, Christian, III (Executive) undated


Deidesheimer, Philip (Mining Engineer) c.1897


De Jean, Louis Leon (Aviator, poet) 1921-1925


De John, Nick (Gangster) 1959


DeLap, T.H., Jr. (Tony), b. 1927 (Sculptor) undated


Delaplane, Stanton (Columnist) 1982


de Limur, Charles (Alexander Charles Crocker de Limur), b. 1923-2004 (Banker) 1953


Del Mar, Alexander, 1836-1926 (Mining engineer, economist, historian) 1879-1893, undated


Del Monte, William (Bill) 1906-2016


Delmas, Leonard P. (Trophy designer) 1968


De Long, G.W., Lt. undated


Del Secco, George M. (Businessman) undated


Demerest, Frank M. 1906-1932

Physical Description: 2 folders

DeMerritt, Warren 1969


Demetrios, Aristides (Sculptor) 1989


DeMille, Agnes (Choreographer) 1978


Demmon, Bob (Fire chief) 1996


Dempsey, Cornelius Francis, Jr. (Baseball player, teacher) undated


Denivelle, Paul E. (Inventor) 1917-1936


Denman, James (Educator) 1890


Dent, Lewis (Attorney) undated


Dentler, Alice 1986


De Quille, Dan, 1829-1898 (Journalist) 1948


Derby, George H., Capt. 1965-1979


Desmond, James P. (Firefighter) 1978


Desmond, Thomas 1983


d'Estrella, Theophilus Hope, 1851-1929 (Photographer) 1978


Deukmeijian, George 1983-1987


De Vecchi, Walter 1977


Devine, Johnny 1974


Devlin, Chick (Charles C. McKelvie) (Boxer) 1992


De Waart, Edo 1984-1985


DeWolf, William Morrison and Mary Eleanor McClure 1991


DeYoung, Charles 1880


DeYoung, M.H. 1894-1916


DeYoung Sisters 1967


Diamante, John 1985

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Dickie, David W. (Marine Architect) 1918, 1967


Dickinson, John (Interior designer) 1982


Di Giantomasso, Ettore circa 1932


Di Giorgio, Joseph 1959


Di Grazia, Loris 1974


Dille, Elbert R., Rev., D.D. 1923


Dilley, Perry J., 1896-1968 (puppeteer) 1932-1934


Dillon, Richard (Librarian) 1959-1964


DiMaggio, Dominic 2009


DiMaggio, Joe 1973, 1995-2000


Dinan, Jeremiah (Police chief) 1906, 1950


Dindia, Philip (Union representative) 1960-1964


Disney, Walt 1945-1958


Distinguished Ten 1972


Dixon, Harry (Artist) 1923


Dixon, Maynard (Painter) 1982-1998


Doane, Charles, 1812-1862 (Sheriff)


Dobbs, Harold 1967-1994

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Doda, Carol 1966-1980


Dodge, Grenville M., Major General, 1831-1916 1947


Dodge, Washington 1907, 2005


Doelger, Henry (Home builder) 1978-2008


Dolan, Arthur J., Jr. (Banker) 1957


Dolan, Lawrence J. (Sheriff) 1907


Dolan, Robert 1972-1975


Dole, James Drummond undated


Dollar, Robert, 1844-1932 1949-1972


Dollar, Robert Stanley, b. 1880 (Lumber and shipping executive) undated


Dolson, Lee 1977-2002


Dominguez, Adolfo G. (Consul general) 1970


Donaldson, Herbert, 1927-2008 (Judge) 1983-2008


Donahue, Peter 1877-1921, 1984


Dornacker, Jane, 1947-1986 (Musician) 1986


Dougherty, John (Fire chief) 2001


Douglas, Margaret 1964


Dowlin, Kenneth E. (Librarian) 1987-1998


Dowling, Patrick 1989


Downie, Harry 1980


Downie, Romana Anzi (Sculptor) 1982-1984

Physical Description: 2 folders

Downie, William, Maj. 1894


Doyle, Charles W., Dr. 1899


Doyle, John T., 1819-1906 (Attorney) 1850-1889, 2009


Doyle, Morgan J. (Attorney) 1958


Doyle, Richard 1983


Drago, Louis 1970-1972


Drake, Francis, Sir

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Newspaper clippings, magazine articles, photocopies 1586-1628, 1900, 1974-2016

Physical Description: 2 folders

Programs, brochures, and correspondence 1975-1988


Pamphlets and publications 1940-1981

Physical Description: 3 folders

Plate of Brass 1962-1979


Draper, Mary Louise (Board of Education) 1956-1962


Drath, Henry W. (Banker) undated


Draves, Victoria Manalo, b. 1924-2010 (Diver) 1992-2005


Drenton, Ted 1942-1995


Dressler, Albert 1931-1941


Drew, Gerald Augustin and family 1900-1995


Drewes, Robert (Judge) 1967


Dring, David, 1801-1877 (Captain) 2018


Driscoll, Michael J. 1970-1971


Drumm, Andrew, Major 1976-1979


Drury, Aubrey, 1891-1959 1960


Drury, Newton B. (Conservationist) 1978


Duane, Charles P. 1869


Duane, Walter Hammond (Attorney) 1957


Duckel, Sherman P. 1959


Dullea, Charles W. (Police chief) 1942-1966


Dumond, Frank Vincent 1990-2007


Duncan, Joseph Charles 1977


Duncan, Isadora 1956-1985


Dunn, James Francis, 1874-1921 (Architect) 2005


Dunne, Peter, S.J. 1957


Dunne, William J., S.J. 1981


Durant, Theo 1898


Durst, Will 1994


Duskin, Alvin 1969-1974


Dwinelle, S. H. (Judge) SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Dyer, Ephraim and Ebenezer (Surveyors) 1927


Dymally, Mervyn 1978




Earnshaw, Jim undated


Earp, Wyatt 1980-1984, undated


Eastwood, Alice, 1859-1953 (Botanist) 1900-1954, 2002

Physical Description: 2 folders

Eddy, Selwyn, b. 1903 undated


Edmond, Clementine E'Damie 1931


Edwards, Frank G. undated


Edwards, Thomas M. undated


Effinger, Robert Patterson 1849-1850, 1980


Ehrhardt, W. Allen, b. 1909 (Businessman) 1961-1963


Ehrlich, Jake, 1900-1971 1954-1979

Physical Description: 3 folders

Ehrlich, Jake, III (Fashion designer) 1994


Eib, Calvin C. 1987


Eichholz, Alvin Conrad, b. 1901 undated


Eickman, Keith (Union official) 1977


Eisen, Bill undated


Elder, Paul (Bookseller) 1968


Eldredge, Zoeth S., 1846-1918 (historian) 1912


Eliel, Paul, b. 1889 (Management consultant) undated


Ellert, Levi R. 1892-1900


Ellery, Nat 1910


Elliot, Virgil L. (Public official) 1967


Ellis, N. Randall, d. 1941 (engineer)


Ellsberg, Daniel 1991


Eloeser, Leo, M.D., 1881-1976 2007


Elsbernd, Sean 2004


Elwood, Jerald W. (Writer) 1984


Ely, Eugene, 1886-1911 (Aviator) 1911, 1987


Elzey, Thomas 1989


Enemark, Fred F. (Financier) circa 1960


Eng, Esther, 1914-1970 (Filmmaker) 1995-2001


Engler, John A., b. 1902 (Deputy police chief) 1956


Ernest, Richard 1989


Erskine, Dorothy, 1896-1982 1982


Ertola, Charles A., Dr. (Supervisor) 1955


Ertola, John A. (Jack), b. 1926 1964-1995


Escobosa, Hector, b. 1907 (Executive) undated


Esherick, Joseph, 1914-1998 (Architect) 1959-1999


Esola, Fred L. 1936


Estee, Morris March, 1833-1903 (Judge) 1903


Esteva, Jess 1974


Ets-Hokin, Jeremy M. (Engineer) undated


Eu, March Fong circa 1974


Evans, Chris (Bandit) 1892-1911


Evans, Lee 1977


Everson, John E. (Engineer) 1970


Fagan, Paul I. 1950


Fair, James G. 1901, 1948, undated


Falk, Adrien J., 1884-1971 1931-1974


Fallon, Thomas and Carmel 1885, 1965-1999


Famarin, Sally 1980-1985


Fang, Florence 2004


Fang, James 1992


Fang, Ted 2000-2002


Fanning, Charles M. SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Fanucchi, Rose, b. 1907 1957-1970


Fardon, George Robinson (Photographer) 1993-1999


Farmer, Garland R., Jr., b. 1922 undated


Farnsworth, Pem 2006


Farnsworth, Philo T. 1931-1985


Farr, Albert (Architect) circa 2005


Farr, Charles (Artist)


Farrell, James Joseph, 1869-1957 1925, 1989, undated


Farrell, John (Controller) 1974-1976


Fatooh, Peter undated


Faville, William B., 1866-1947 (Architect) 1948, undated


Fazackerly, Don (Advertising executive, banker) 1958-1966


Fazzio, Steven E., b. 1952 1975


Feibusch, Moritz, 1880-1937 (Importer/Exporter) 2008


Feigenbaum, B. Joseph (Attorney) 1949


Feinstein, Dianne, b. 1933

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Biography 1984


Biographical documents 1933-1990


Campaign material 1969-1994


Campaign finance statements 1979-1980


Correspondence 1975-1980


Flyers protesting Feinstein's policies 1974-1980


Invitations and announcements 1978-1993

Physical Description: 2 folders

Mayoral papers 1980-1987


Recall election


Anti-recall literature 1983


Pro-recall literature 1983


Newspaper and magazine articles 1983


State of the City address 1979-1987

Physical Description: 2 folders

Travel abroad 1981-1986


Magazine articles 1975-1990


Newspaper clippings























Physical Description: 11 folders


Physical Description: 2 folders



Governor's race 1990


Senate campaign 1991-1992


Senate 1992-2019


Feliz, Frank E., 1904-1975 (Publicist) 1964


Felton, Katherine, 1873-1940 (Charity worker) 1930, undated


Fenneman, George 1984


Fenner, Max (Police officer) undated


Ferdon, John Jay, 1917-1994 1963, 1994


Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 1984-2021


Ferris, Constance (Poet) undated


Fey, Charles (Inventor) 1980


Fickert, Charles M. (Attorney) undated


Field, Charles K. 1915-1948


Field, Eugene (Poet) 1974


Field, Mervin (Pollster) undated


Figone, John Paul (Supervisor) 1953-1967


Figone, Richard (Judge) undated


Fine, Alvin, b. 1916 (Rabbi) undated


Finigan, Vincent P., b. 1919 1972


Finley, Veronica (Earthquake victim) 1906, 1993


Finn, Thomas F. 1915-1938


Finnegan, Peter 1980


Finnie, Alyce Roberts (Sculptor) 1987


Firestone, Nathan, d. 1943 (Musician) 1943


Fischer, Edna, 1902-1997 (Pianist) 1997


Fisher, Abby, 1831-1890 (Author) 2007, 2020


Fisher, Donald, d. 2009 (Corporate executive) 2009


Fisher, John (Playright) 1996-1998


Fisher, Oscar H., Jr., b. 1916 (Businessman) undated


Fitch, Jack, 1899-1994 (Laborer, painter) 1994


Fitch, Thomas & Anna Mariza 1977


Fitzgerald, William J. (Sheriff) 1935


Fitzpatrick, Keene, b. 1888 undated


Fitzpatrick, Timothy I., b. 1876 (Judge) undated


Flanagan, Daniel V., 1909-1999 (Labor leader) 1999


Fleishhacker, Herbert 1923-1991


Fleishhacker, Janet 1983


Fleishhacker, Mortimer, Jr., 1907-1976 1962-1976


Fleming, Becky London 1974


Fleming, Thomas, b. 1907 (Journalist) 2004


Flood, Maud Lee 1987-1995


Flournoy, Hugh 1974


Flynn, Frank A., b. 1896 (Attorney) 1959


Foehr, Frank 1971


Foley, Jack, b.1940 (Poet) 1998


Folger, James Athearn, III, b. 1900 undated


Folsom, Joseph Libbey 1992


Foltz, Clara Shortridge (Attorney) 1916, 1979


Fong, Heather (Police chief) 2004


Fontaine, Flavian, 1810-1854 (Priest) undated


Foran, John Francis 1966-1983


Fareman, Joseph A., b. 1880 undated


Fort, Joel, Dr. 1968


Foster, Jabez 1850-1852


Foster, Stephen Clark, 1820-1898 undated


Fowkes, Richard 1857


Fowler, David, d. 2001 (Broadcaster) 1981-2001


Fowler, Robert G., 1883-1966 (Aviator) 2002


Fox, G.L., b. 1899 1950


Fracchia, Charles 1975


Francis of Assisi, Saint 1927-1982

Physical Description: 2 folders

Francis, Vincent A., b. 1914 (Broadcaster) undated


Francisco, Freddie 1949


Francois, Terry A., 1921-1989 (Supervisor) 1964-1992


Frank, Phil (Cartoonist) 2007


Frankenstein, Alfred, 1906-1981 (Music and art critic) 1981


Frantz, John C. (Librarian) 1976-1987


Fausto, Eulalio (Larry) 1980


Fredric, Howard circa 1940-1969


Freedman Family 2016


Freeman, Frederick, Lt. 1975


Freemon, Harold R., b. 1895 (Corporate executive) undated


Freitas, Joseph, 1939-2006 1978-2006


Fremont, Jessie Benton 1979


Fremont, John Charles 1984


Frieden, John Pierce, Rev., S.J., 1844-1911 1912


Friedlander, Isaac (Merchant) 2002


Friedman, Ben, d.2003 (rock poster dealer) 1986


Friend, Eugene L. (Businessman, public employee) 1977


Friend, Hugo M., Jr. (Skip) 1977


Friendlich, Richard J., b. 1909 (Columnist) undated


Friml, Rudolf (Composer) 1959-1967


Fromer, Seymour 2009


Frost, Dudley W., b. 1899 1951


Frost, Robert 1944-1974


Frye, Arthur H., Jr., Brig. Gen. 1965


Fugazi family undated, 1914-1916


Fuhrman, Alfred W. , 1863-1940 (Attorney, labor leader) 1940-1993


Fuller, H. Harrison, b. 1896 (Corporate executive) undated


Fuller, Loie (Dancer) 1915


Fung, Eddie, 1922-2018 (POW) 2018


Funk, John (Architect) 2003


Funke, Max G. (Public official) 1955


Funston, Frederick 1898, 1976-1997


Furth, Fred circa 1974


Furuseth, Andrew J., 1854-1938 (Seaman, labor leader) 1931-2004


Fusco, Angelo undated




Gabbert, Jim (Broadcaster) 1991


Gabiati, Ernie, 1921-2005 2005


Gabriel, Walter A. and family 1961


Gaddis, Thomas (Writer) 1969-1984


Gaffey, Michael A. (Police chief) 1947-1961


Gage, Henry T., b. 1852-1924 (Governor of California) 1899


Gage, John (Sea captain) 1991


Gage, Stephen F., 1831-1916 1916


Gain, Charles (Police chief) 1976-1980


Gaines, Ernest 1968


Gainsborough, Louis Philip, b. 1909 (Corporate executive) undated


Gallagher, Dan, 1898-1956 (Sheriff) 1941-1956


Gallagher, Eugene 1957


Gallegos, Herman undated


Galloway, Alan J. 1965


Galster, Arturo 2014


Gamble, John Marshall, 1863-1957 (painter) 1952


Garber, Eric Steven, 1954-1995 (Librarian, historian) 1995


Garcia, Jerry 1992-2019


Gardner, Josephine (Story teller) undated


Gardner, Roy 1938


Garfinkle, Gene 1982


Garner, Bernice M., b. 1916 1965


Garrigus, Charles B. (Poet) 1966


Garrison, Cornelius K., 1809-1885 1855-1885, 1957


Garth, John, b. 1894 (Painter) 1957-1960


Gascon, George (District Attorney) 2011-2018


Gassee, Jean-Louis (Corporate executive) 1989


Gatti, Stanlee (Event designer) 2008


Geary, Bob (Police officer, ventriloquist) 1993


Geary, John W. 1850, 1952-1980


Gebhard, David (Architectural historian) 1996


Gee, Dolly (Banker) 1947-1961


Gee, Gary (Architect) 1991-1992


Geertz, Clifford J., b. 1902 (Civil engineer) undated


Geiger, J.C., Dr., 1885-1981 1933-1981


Geilfuss, Henry, b. 1850 (Architect) 1889-1892


Geissenheimer, Harold H. (MUNI general manager) 1982


Genss, Herman, 1856-1940 (Music Teacher) 1903


Genthe, Arnold (Photographer) 1956


Gentry, Curt, 1931-2014 (writer) 1969


George, Henry 1889-1890, 1954-2011


George, John circa 1968


George, Rita 1977


Gerard, Lilly S., b. 1905 1939-1946


Gerke, Roberta, b. 1903 undated


Gettis, Wesley F., b. 1910 (Civil engineer) 1963


Getty, Ann 1981-1990


Getty, Gordon F. 1984-1999


Ghirardelli, Alfred undated


Ghirardelli, D. Lyle 1912, 1942


Ghirardelli, Domingo, 1817-1894 1952


Giannini, Amadeo Peter (A.P.) 1921-2005

Physical Description: 2 folders

Giannini, Attilio Henry 1912-1970


Giannini, Lawrence Mario 1936-1952


Gibbons, Henry, Sr., M.D., 1808-1884 1967


Gibbons, Henry, Jr., M.D., 1940-1911 1968


Gibbons, Henry, III, M.D., b. 1906 undated


Gibbs, Douglas (Police officer) 1978


Gibson, Otis, Rev. undated


Gibson, Phil Sheridan undated


Giles, Mary Bernadette, Sister, b. 1914 1966


Gilliam, Harold, b. 1918 1967-1982


Gillis, James Louis 1935


Gilmore, David 1989


Gilmore, Elka (Chef) 1993


Gilmore, Howard, b. 1906 1966


Ginsberg, Allen 1965-2018


Giraudo, Lou 1977


Girod, Julius L., b. 1899 1940-1957


Gleeson, Henry Patrick, Capt., b. 1862 1993


Gleeson, Richard A., Rev., S.J. 1946


Glover, Danny 1989-1990


Godchaux, Edmond 1907-1934


Goddard, George Henry 1969


Goeppner, Edward, b. 1895 (Florist) undated


Goerner, Fred 1960-1965


Goethe, Charles M. 1965


Goldberg, Jacob and family 1904-1920, 2007


Goldie, Syd, 1901-1974 1974


Goldman, Emma 1909-1916, circa 2005


Goldman, Richard 1992-2006


Gomez, Isadore (Izzy) 1933-1952


Gonick, Larry (Cartoonist) 2003


Gonzalez, Jim (Supervisor) 1992


Gonzalez, Lou 1973


Gonzalez, Matt 2004-2008


Gonzalez, Robert (Bob) 1972-1980


Goode, James Edward, Rev. 1984


Goodell, Council Julian, b. 1885 (Justice) 1911-circa 1950


Goodfellow, George E., 1855-1910 (Surgeon) 1932


Goodhue, Harry E. (Artist) 1918, 1984


Goodlett, Carlton B. (Physician) undated, 1997


Goodman, Dean, 1920-2006 (Actor) 1985


Goodman, George (Manufacturer) 1895


Goodman, Louis E., 1892-1961 (Judge) 1961


Goodwin, John J. (Treasurer) 1971


Goosby, Z.L., Dr. circa 1970s


Gordon, George 2002


Gordon, Robert 1951-1976


Gores, Joe (Writer, detective) 1975


Gorham, George C. 1867


Gorter, Henry H. 1902-1911


Gottlob, Jacob (Theater manager) 1983


Gould, Barney 1947-1959


Graber, Louis, 1840-1894 (Brewer) 1890-1893, 1988


Grady, Henry F. 1932-1957


Grady, Jim (Louis Hartman), b. 1915 (Broadcaster) undated


Grady, Reginald del Valle, b. 1918 undated


Graham, Bill, b. 1931-1991 1976-2011


Graham, Edward (Eric) undated


Graham, Gil (Attorney) undated


Graham, Katharine 1997


Grannan, Riley (Miner) undated


Grant, John undated


Grant, Ulysses S. 1879-1885, 2002


Grasses, Kate (Elocutionist) 1881-1909


Graves, Garland D., b. 1915 (Corporate executive) 1964


Graves, Harold Keaster, b. 1912 (Pastor) undated


Gray, Percy, 1869-1952 (Painter) 1970-1983


Gray, Thomas, b. 1914 1957


Greany, John T., 1860-1903 (attorney) 1894


Green, Archie, 1917-2009 2005-2009


Green, J. Charles circa 1915, 1983-1984


Green, James J., 1825-1893 undated


Green, Ron circa 1978


Greene, Alfred 1984


Greene, Clay M. undated


Greenberg, Stuart N. 1956-1963


Gregorian, Vartan 1986


Gridley, Arnold 1981-2005


Griffin, Everett, b. 1900 undated


Griffin, Joah Jr. 1973-1975


Grillo, Jack L., b. 1916 (Chemist) undated


Grimes, Bob (Collector) 1984-2000


Grimes, Roger 1977


Gros, Robert Richart, b. 1914 (Corporate executive) undated


Grossman, Aubrey (Attorney) 1999


Grosso, Robert, Dr., b. 1892 (Dentist) 1964


Grubb, George J. 1957


Grunsky, Carl Ewald 1904


Guerin, Jules V. (Renderer) 1983


Guerrero, Francisco, Don 1994


Guido, Francis A., 1920-1986 (Historian) 1986


Guilfoyle, Merlin J., Rev. 1950


Guittard, Horace C. (Chocolatier) 1950


Gump, Richard Benjamin, b. 1906 1928-1987


Gumpertz, Robert, b.1925 (Artist)


Gunst, Morgan A., b. 1887-1958 (Bibliophile) 1962


Gunst, Moses A. (Tobaccanist, police commissioner) 1895, 1996


Gupta, Kamini K and Ruth Church 1951-1976


Gurich, John E., b. 1906 (Realtor) 1963


Guy, Betty (Painter) 1983


Gwin, William McKendree, 1805-1885 1958, 2008




Haas family 1961, 2013


Haas, Elise Stearn, 1893-1990 1990


Haas, Peter E., b. 1918 circa 1960


Haas, Robert D. 1984-2005


Haas, Walter, Sr., 1889-1979 1977-1980


Haas, Walter, Jr., b. 1916 undated


Hagerty, Emmet F. 1961


Hagopian, John K., b. 1898 (Attorney) 1962


Hahn, Kenneth circa 1962


Haight, Raymond circa 1970


Hale, Marshall 1912


Hale, Prentis Cobb, Jr., b. 1910 undated


Hall, G. Hayne, b. 1903 (Postman) 1971


Hall, John B. 1875


Hall, Leola, 1881-1930 2003


Hall, Manly Palmer, b. 1901 undated


Hall, William Hammond 1898-1927, 1979-1989

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Hallidie, Andrew S., 1836-1900 1897-1980

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Hallinan, Patrick 1993-1995


Hallinan, Terrence 1980-2003


Hallinan, Vincent, 1896-1992 1933-1992


Hallinan, Vivian, 1910-1999 1999


Halprin, Lawrence (Landscape architect) 1986-2009


Ham, Richard Collins, b. 1911 (Attorney) undated


Hamill, James M., b. 1899 (Insurance executive) 1965


Hamilton, Wilbur 1982


Hamlin, Edith, 1902-1992 (Painter) 2022


Hamlin, Oliver D., b. 1892 (Judge) circa 1955


Hammet, Dashiell


General 2001


John's Grill 1976-1986


Newspaper clippings 1980-2013


Periodicals 1975-2005


Tours 1981-1995


Hanlon, Daniel, Capt. 1895


Hanlon, Daniel M. (Mike) (Judge) undated


Hand, Harold Edward, M.D., b. 1902 undated


Hanks, Julian undated


Hanna, Edward J. (Archbishop) 1935


Hansen, Armin (Artist) 1922-1957


Hansen, George F. 1961-1966


Hansen, Gladys


General 1986-1998


Correspondence circa 1950-1993


Newspaper clippings 1975-1990

Physical Description: 2 folders

Hansen, John, b. 1942 1973


Hansen, Olaf C. undated


Hansen, Reinhold B., b. 1895 (Civil engineer) circa 1951


Hanson, Geoffrey (Fabulous Geoffrey) 1972


Haraszthy, Agoston (Vintner) 1947


Harding, Warren G. 1923, 1998-2001


Harlow, Neal 2000


Harmer, John 1974


Harpending, Asbury 1964-1978


Harrington, James Joseph, 1895-1940 (Attorney) 1940


Harrington, Mark Raymond, b.1882 (Archaelogist) 1970


Harris, Charles L. 1941


Harris, David 1969


Harris, George, b. 1913 (Artist) 1946


Harris, Henry and Adella 1910-1981


Harris, Frank H. 1921


Harris, Franklin I. (Physician) undated


Harris, Isaac R., M.D. 1957


Harris, Kamala Devi 2004-2012


Harris, Latif, b.1940 (Poet) 2010-2015


Harrison, Gregory A., b. 1896 (Attorney) undated


Harrison, Sam K, b. 1908 (Corporate executive) undated


Hart, Alice Stearn, 1889-1936 1936


Hart, Howard 1985


Hart, James D. 1990


Hart, Kin, I (Jefferson Boggs) 1988


Hart, Michael, d. 2011 (Founder Project Gutenberg) 2011


Hart, Sallie (Suffragette) 1874


Harte, Bret 1902-1950


Hartley, Russel 1964


Hartnell, William, b. 1798-1854 (Schoolmaster) 2012


Harvey, James W., b. 1906 (Attorney) undated


Hatfield, Charley 1980


Hatzfeldt, Clara de Wildenberg, Princess undated


Havenner, Franck R. 1925


Havens, Charles I. (Architect) 1889


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Havens, Philo (Miner) 1961


Hawes, Fred C. 1922


Hayakawa, S.I. 1970-1992


Hayden, J. Emmet 1947


Hayden, Sterling 1966-1988


Hayden, Tom 1976-1986


Hayes, Arthur Hull, b. 1904 undated


Hayes, James C. (Artist) 1987


Hayes, Thomas, Col. 1870


Hayes-White-Joanne (Fire chief) 2004-2014


Haymond, Jay 1973


Hays, Carole Shorenstein (Theatrical producer) 1990


Hays, Jack, Col. 1952


Hayward, Alvinza and James A. undated


Healy, Basil (Tax collector) 1961


Healy, George (Police chief) 1934-1956


Healy, Patrick 1902


Heard, Winifred Osborn undated


Hearst, George 1966


Hearst, Phoebe Apperson, 1842-1919 undated, 1992


Hearst, Randolph, 1915-2000 1934-2000


Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951 1927-2012

Physical Description: 3 folders

Hearst, William Randolph, Jr. 1963-1993


Hearst, William Randolph, III 1985-2017


Heavy, Edward E., b. 1914 (Attorney) 1963


Hedgpeth, Nellie McGraw 1963


Hedman, Richard 1985


Hein, Howard T. (Collector) 1965


Heintz, William (Historian) 1989-2012


Heisterkamp, James (Artist) 1973-2000


Held, John R. (Librarian, curator) 1995


Hellman, Isaias W. 1920


Hellman, Warren, 1934-2011 2008-2011


Hellyer, Sally, b. 1919 (Sculptor) 1965


Helms, Chet 2005


Helser, Charles Willard, b. 1876 undated


Henderson, Wilbur A., b. 1896 1956


Hendricks, Billie Roberts (Willa), 1905-2003 2005


Hendricks, Jo Ann 1975


Heney, Francis J. 1909-1950


Hennessey, Mike (Sheriff) 1982-2011


Henning, John F. (Jack), 1915-2009 1983-2009


Henriksen, B.E., 1851-1900 (Architect) 1884-1889, 2002


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Herlihy, James P. 1993


Herman, Jimmy, 1924-1998 1991-1998


Herman, M. Justin 1959-1971


Herrera, Dennis, b. 1962 (City attorney) 2002-2008


Herrick, Anson, b. 1883 (Accountant) undated


Herz, Francis, Dr., b. 1894 (Dentist) 1961


Herz, Michael undated


Hewes, David (Contractor, art collector) 1978


Hewit, Henry Stuart, M.D. 1969


Heywood, Zimri Brewer, 1803-1879 (Lumber industrialist) undated


Hichborn, Franklin, 1868-1963 (Journalist) 2000


Hickman, Art (Musician) 1970


Hicks, J.D. (Police officer) 1985


Higgins, Robert (Collector of customs) 1959


Hill, Don undated


Hill, George S., 1877-1958 (Structural engineer, public official) 1914-1958


Hill, Harold Arthur, M.D., b. 1901 undated


Hill, Henry, 1816-1866 (Postmaster) undated


Hills family 1883, 1964-1966


Hilp, Harry H., b. 1888 (Engineer, corporate executive) undated


Hinkel family (Home builders) 1892, 2002


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Hinckle, Warren, 1938-2016 (Journalist) 1987-2017

Physical Description: 2 folders

Hindes, Barret G., b. 1897 (Engineer) undated


Hirabayahi, James, 1926-2012 (Professor) 2012


Hirschman, Jack, b. 1933 (Poet) 2002-2006


Hitchcock, Joan 1975


Hittell, Charles (Painter, historian) 1889-1938


Hittell, Theo, 1830-1917 (Attorney, historian) 1918, 1971


Ho, James (Businessman) 1988


Hobart, Lewis Parsons 1932, 1991


Hobson, Joseph (Merchant) undated


Hodghead, Beverly L., 1865-1928 (Attorney) 1928


Hoefer, John H., b. 1915 (Advertising executive) undated


Hoffer, Eric (Philosopher) 1977-1983

Physical Description: 2 folders

Hoffman, Claire Giannini 1950-1985


Hoffman, Ralph Mueller, b. 1888 undated


Hogan, Arlene F. (School administrator) 1984


Holbrook, Charles 1932-1935, 1991


Holdredge, Helen (Writer) 1961-1969


Hollingsworth, James M. undated


Hollis, William (Home builder) 1979


Holm, Dion R., b. 1891 (Attorney) undated


Holman, William Roger (Librarian) 1960-1967


Holohan, James B. 1930-1980


Hom, Ben (Businessman) 1980-1993


Honcharenko, Agapius, Rev. 1832-1916 1868, 1914


Hongisto, Richard, 1936-2004 1971-2004

Physical Description: 6 folders

Honig, Bill (Public official) 1986-1993


Hoover, Herbert 1928-1955

Physical Description: 2 folders

Hope, Glenda, Rev. 1990


Hopkins, C.T. 1876


Hopkins, Henry (Museum director) 1984


Hopkins, Timothy 1942, 1979, 2005

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Hopp, Eugene (Physician, public official) 1974


Hoppe, Art, d. 2000 (Columnist) 1973-2000


Horanzy, Don (Supervisor) 1979-1980


Horn, Zoia 2014


Hornby, Robert A., b. 1900 (Engineer, corporate executive) undated


Horton, George King 1973-1976


Horton, Jack K., b. 1916 (Corporate executive) undated


Hottinger, William 1827-1867, 1957


Howard, Charles P., b. 1885 undated


Howard, Duncan (Businessman) circa 1982


Howard, Eula, 1886-1971 (Pianist) 2003


Howard, John Galen, 1864-1931 undated


Howden, Anne Saito, b. 1913 (Public official) 1979


Howden, Edward 1958


Howe, Thomas Carr, Jr., b. 1904 (Museum director) undated


Howell, John Gilson (Publisher, bookseller) undated


Howell, Warren Richardson (Bookseller) 1979-1984


Hoyle, J.E. (Warden) undated


Hsieh, Tom, b. 1931 (Supervisor) 1991-1995

Physical Description: 2 folders

Hubbard, Anita Day (Columnist) 1957-1965


Hubbard, Bernard R., Rev. circa 1932


Hudiburgh, Kayren 1973


Hudson, Roy L., b. 1906 (Gardener) circa 1969


Hughes, Charles Evans 1917


Hughes, Charles L. (Public official) 1973


Hughson, William L., 1868-1967 (Car dealer) 2002


Hull, William Coleman, b. 1899 (Banker) undated


Hume, Jim (Detective) 1962


Huneke, Carl, 1898-1972 (Artist) 1995


Hunt, Byron, 1905-1993 (Poet) undated


Huntington, Collis P., 1821-1900 1974-1899, 1988


Huntington, Henry E., 1850-1927 1931


Hurst, James, b. 1893 (Realtor) undated


Hutch, Ella Hill (Supervisor) 1977-1981


Hutchings family 1921


Hyde, Helen (Artist) 1919


Hynes, Maurice (Ambulance driver) 1971


Hynes, M.J. (Public official) 1909




Ide, William Brown, 1796-1852 1956-1984


Ignacio, Jose, Fr. 1971


Ingersoll, Thomas C., b. 1901 (Naval architect, shipbuilder) undated


Ingham, R.L., Sgt. 1937-1953


Ingold, Ernest A. 1935-1959


Irving, William, Capt. 1966


Irwin, Will SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Isbell, Isaac C., b. 1800 undated


Ishi 1961-2000


Ison, Tara (Writer) 1997


Ivers, Bill 1982


Jackson, Betty, b. 1919 (Landscape architect) 1958-1963


Jackson, Joseph Henry, b. 1894 (Editor) undated


Jackson, Mattie J. (Union official) 1971


Jackson, Patricia (Pat) (Labor activist) 1996


Jacob, Elias, b. 1841-1902 (Farmer, rancher) 1981


Jacobs, Allan B. (City planner) 1968-1978


Jacobs, Mark Israel, b. 1816-1894 (Merchant) undated


Jacoby, Philo (Publisher) 1921, 1979

Physical Description: 2 folders

Jaicks, Agar undated


Jalanivich, Manuel E. (Sculptor, potter) 1973


Jarvis, Howard 1983


Jason, William Eli, b. 1900 (Manufacturer, business executive) undated


Jebe, Walt, b. 1924 (Businessman) 1999


Jeffers, Robinson 1947-1987


Jenkins, Robert E. (School superintendent) 1966


Jenny, b. 1973 (dog) 1976


Jesus Christ Satan, Cardinal Mahdi Mahatma Crown Prince (Crown Prince Arcadia) 1973-1981


Jew, Ed (Supervisor) 2007-2014


Johnson, Cassandra, b. 1930 circa 1960


Johnson, Charles G. 1934-1958


Johnson, Frank (Prison guard) 1983


Johnson, Harry A., b. 1905 (Electrical engineer) 1951


Johnson, Hiram 1934-1974

Physical Description: 2 folders

Johnson, James H. (Public official) 1979


Johnson, Kenneth M. (Attorney, book collector) undated


Johnson, Lloyd Augustus, b. 1894 (Manufacturer, business executive) undated


Johnson, Philip 1984


Johnson, Walter Lawrence, 1924-2012 (Labor leader) 2012


Johnson, Walter S., b. 1884 (Manufacturer) undated, 1978


Johnson, Walter Perry (Judge) 1938


Johnston, Albert Sidney, Gen. 1977-1978


Johnston, Janet N. 1965


Johnston, James A. (Warden) 1933-1954


Jones, Adelyn Brickley SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Jones, Alan, Rev. 1985


Jones, Carr, 1885-1965 (Architect, home builder) 2003


Jones, Idwal (Writer) circa 1947


Jones, Jim 1993-1998


Jones, Thomas ap Catesby, Commodore 1978-1986


Jones, Walter R. SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Joost family 1915, 2004


Jordan, David Starr (Icthyologist, educator) 1910-1970


Jordan, Frank C. undated


Jordan, Frank M. 1986-1995

Physical Description: 7 folders

Jorgensen, Chris (Painter) 2004


Joseph, Sydney (Artist) 1941


Joullin, Amedee (Painter) undated


Joy, Emmett (Historian) 1963


Juanita 1967


Judah, Theodore Dehone 1969


Jung, Charles J., b. 1907 (Attorney) 1958




Kagel, Sam (Arbitrator) 2005


Kahlo, Frida, 1907-1954 (Painter) c.1933, 1978

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Kahn, Edgar, 1904-1970 (Businessman, historian) 1971


Kahn, Julius, b. 1861 1906-1909, 1980


Kahn, Julius Jr. (Pilot, merchant, attorney) 1978


Kaiser, Edgar F. 1981


Kaiser, Henry J. 1967


Kaiser, Leland M. undated


Kallock, I.S. 1880, 1973-1987


Kamokila (Alice MacFarland Campbell) 1933


Kane, Eneas J., b. 1909 (Teacher, public official) 1947-circa 1964


Kaplan, Joseph, Dr., b. 1903 (Professor) 1958


Kaplan, Walter F., b. 1900 (Business executive) 1959


Karesh, Joseph (Judge) 1984


Kashiwagi, Hiroshi 2005-2019


Kaufman, Bob (Poet) 1986


Kaufmann, Felton, b. 1907 (Merchant) undated


Kaufman, Henry L., b. 1895 (Banker) undated


Kaufman, Roy


Keane, Walter (Artist) 1984


Kearney, Denis 1878-1906, 1978


Kearney, James S., b. 1914 (Union official) 1961


Kearney, Phil 1966


Keeler, James E. (Astrophysicist) 1979


Keenan, Joseph B. SEE: Small MSS (formerly in Special Storage)


Keeney, George Edward undated


Kees, Weldon (Poet) 1993-2005


Keil, Edward D., b. 1904 (Attorney) undated


Keith, William, 1838-1911 (Painter) undated


Keker, John 1977


Kelham, George W., 1871-1936 (Architect) 1915-1997


Kellberg, F.W. (Structural engineer) 1931


Kelleher, Eugene (Public official) 1982


Kelley, George (Landscape architect) 1989


Kelly, Colin P. (Pilot) 1969-1985


Kelly, Frank P. (Fire chief) undated


Kelly, Martin 1917


Kelly, Rose Maureen, Sister, b. 1929 1965


Kelso, Tessa L. (Librarian) 1935


Kelting, Les 1982


Kemmitt, Edward (Union official) 1958-1965


Kennedy, Anthony M. 1987


Kennedy, Charles H. (Musician, union official) 1964


Kennedy, David (Attorney) undated


Kennedy, John Fitzgerald 1961-1963


Kennedy, John M., 1888-1964 (Businessman) 1964


Kennedy, Robert F. 1968


Kennedy, Willie (Supervisor) 1982-1983


Kent, Thomas John, Jr., b. 1917 (City planner, professor) circa 1964


Kerouac, Jack 1957-2017


Kerr, William J. 1950


Kesey, Ken 1967, 2003


Keyston, George, b. 1890 (Investment broker) undated


Kezar, Mary A. 1922


Kilduff, William Dobson, b. 1918 (Stock broker) undated


Killion, George, b. 1901 1966-1967


Kirkpatrick, William H., b.. 1908 (Businessman) 1957-1959


Kimball, Charles P., 1821-1894 1939-1960


Kimbell, Raymond S. (Public official) 1973


King, Allan Prescott (Physician) 1955


King, Clarence (Geologist) 1982


King, James (of William) circa 1856


King, Martin Luther, Jr. 1983-1984


Kingman, Dong (Painter) 1983-2002


Kip, William Ingraham, Rev. 1885, 1969-1972


Kirby, Donald Beach, b. 1905 (Architect) 1957


Kirkwood, Robert C., b. 1909 (Public official) 1958-1959


Klebingat, Fred (Seaman) 1965-1966


Klee, Henry W. 1982


Klussmann, Friedel 1951-1999

Physical Description: 2 folders

Knight, Goodwin J. 1943-1956

Physical Description: 2 folders

Knight, H.L., Col. undated


Knowland, Joseph R., 1873-1966 (Publisher) 1966


Knowland, William F. 1938-1974

Physical Description: 3 folders

Kobayashi, Masa (Chef) 1986


Koch, Heinrich 1918


Kohl, Charles Frederick 1980


Kohl, Edwin Phillips 1966


Kolb, Clarence and Max Dill 1928-1953


Kolb, Leon, Dr. 1959-1967


Koltanowski, George (Chess grandmaster) 2000


Kopf, Myra, b. 1925 circa 1988


Kopp, Quentin


Biography 1964-2001


Campaign materials - mayor, supervisor 1979-1986


Campaign materials - State Senate 1986-1994


Newspaper clippings 1972-1998


Korematsu, Fred, 1919-2005


Koret, Joseph 1980-1982


Kortum, Karl (Maritime historian) 1982-1996


Koshland, Corinne S., 1867-1953 1983


Koshland, Daniel E. and family 1973-1984


Kotzebue, Otto von, Lt. 1966


Kowalsky, Henry I., Col., 1858-1914 (Attorney) undated


Kraft, Charles 1864


Krieger, Benjamin 1982


Kruse, John (Johannes), 1871-1961 (Handyman) 1887, 1983


Kuchar, George & Mike 2013


Kuchel, Thomas H. 1953-1959


Kuhl, Max (Police commissioner) 1914


Kuhlman, Josie-Lee (Social worker) 1975


Kyne, Peter B. (Writer) 1958




Labatt, Abraham Cohen, 1802-1899 (Merchant) 1979


Labatt, Henry J. (Attorney) 1979


Labaudt, Lucien (Painter) 1984-1989


Lachman, Samuel (Wine merchant) 2006


Lacoste, Eugenie, d. 1948 (Library commissioner) 1948


Ladar, Samuel, b. 1903 (Attorney, police commissioner) 1964-1965


La Grange, Oscar Hugh (Mint superintendent) 1960-1994


Laib, Arthur J., 1884-1954 (Architect) 2002


Lakin, Paul E., b. 1892 (Corporate executive) undated


Lamantia, Philip, b. 1927-2005 (Poet) 2005


Lambert, Rebecca H., d. 1886 1886-1923


Lamson, David 1934


Lampson, Robin (Writer) 1939


Landor, Walter (Industrial designer) 1964-1992


Lane, Laurence William, Jr., b. 1919 (Publisher) undated


Lane, Levi Cooper undated


Lansburgh, Gustave Albert, 1876-1969 (Architect) 1979-2002


Lansburgh, S. Laz, b. 1879 (Attorney) undated


Lantos, Tom 1992-2007


Lapham family 1938

See Also:

Oversize Biography Box: Lapham Family

Lapham, Roger D.


General 1882-1946

Physical Description: 2 folders

Annual message to Board of Supervisors 1945-1946


Newspaper clippings 1944-1983


Lapham, Roger Dearborn, Jr. 1949-1958


Lapin, Raymond H., b. 1919 (Banker) 1964-1966


Largan, Charles B., b. 1896 (Reverend) 1974


Larke, Bess (Mother) 1936


Larkin, Thomas Oliver 1943


LaRouche, Lyndon 1986


Larsen, Carl (Restauranteur) 1965


Lash, James E. 1943-1954


Lassen, Peter 1958


Latham, Milton S. 1878


Lau, Gordon (Attorney, supervisor) 1977


Laughlin, Gail (Attorney) 1979


Lavenson, Alma (Photographer) 1999


Laver, Augustus (Architect) 1982


LaVey, Anton 1971-1998


Law, Herbert E., 1864-1952 2002


Lawless, Elton (Judge) 1967


Lawrence, Ernest Orlando, 1901-1958 1958


Lawson, Andrew C., Dr. (Professor) 1952


Lawson, Ed 1979-1980


Layton, Alfred B. (Corporate executive) undated


Lazarus, James 1992


Lazarus, Leland J. (Judge) undated, 1995


Lazarus, Sylvain J. (Judge) 1981


Leake, Paul (Publisher) 1964


Leal, Susan (Public official) 1993-2004


Leary, Timothy 1973-1996


Leavitt, Raymond W. (Public official) 1965


Lee, Chingwah 1965


Lee, Bill (Public official) 1995


Lee, Edwin M., 1952-2017 (Mayor) 2011-2018


Death 2017


Lee, John D. undated


Lee, Lim Poon (Postmaster) 1966-1980


Lee, Pius 1980


Lees, I.W. (Police chief) 1896-1899, 1984


Leidesdorff, William Alexander 1964-1996


Leland, Thomas B. (Coroner) 1907


Lelewer, David K. 1979


Leno, Mark 1998-2008


Lenoir, Henri, 1904-1994 (Artist) [1980]


Leong, Rusty undated


Leonoudakis, Stephan (Businessman) 1987


Leplin, Emanuel, 1917-1972 (Composer, painter) 1937-1999


Lescheke, Hans, b. 1883 (Musician, conductor) undated


Lesser, Sol, b. 1890 (Film producer) 1980


Lester, Lisle (Sophia Walker), 1837-1888 (Printer) 1986


Letchfield, F.T., b. 1888 (Engineer) undated


Levada, William, Archbishop 1995-2005


Levison, Mark, 1824-1907 (Merchant, insurance broker) 1983


Levit, Bert W. (Attorney) 1945-1957


Levy, Daniel, 1826-1910 (Teacher) 1979


Levy, Edwin F. (Civil engineer) 1915-1964


Levy, Fred (Photographer) 1965


Lew, Way, b. 1897 (Lab technician) 1972


Lewis, Douglas Batchelder undated


Lewis, Larry, 1867-1974 (Circus performer, magician, waiter) 1968-1974


Lewis, Marvin E. (Attorney) 1944-1981

Physical Description: 2 folders

Lewis, Oscar, 1893-1992 (Historian, writer) 1992


Lewis, Taylor (Painter) 1969


Lichtenstein, Moses H., 1829-1907 1981


Lick, James 1870-1977


Lilienthal, Robert P., b. 1913 (Businessman) 1959


Lilienthal, Theodore M., 1893-1972 1974


Lillie, W.H. (Architect) 1892


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Limantour, Joseph Yves 1971-1983


Limjoco, Leonardo, AKA Lenny 1954-2012 (Artist) 2012


Lin, T.Y. (Engineer) 1993


Lincoln, Abraham 1865


Lindberg, Charles undated


Linder, Doris Helen, Ph.D., 1925-2008 (Professor) 2008


Lipman, Robert Lockwood, b. 1894 (Attorney) undated


Lippincott, Benjamin S. undated


Lippitt, Francis J., 1812-1902 (Attorney) 1957


Lisle, Elsie, b. 1911 (Recording secretary, business representative) circa 1964-1967


Lisser, Hans, M.D., b. 1888 (Physician) undated


Little, Philip, d. 1960 (Artist) 1932


Oversize Biography Box: Little, Philip

Littlefield, Edmund W., b. 1914 (Corporate executive) undated


LIvermore, Horatio P. (Businessman) 1916


Livingston, Carl undated


Livingston, David, b. 1856 (Merchant) 1983


Lochead, James Kenneth, b. 1891 (Banker) undated


Lockwood, Belva 1903


Loeb, Gerald M., b. 1899 (Investor) 1968


Logan, Herschel, b. 1901 (Artist, printer)


Lomax, E.L. (Advertising manager) 1914-1927


Lombardi, Alfred J., b. 1910 (Recording secretary, business representative) undated


London, Daniel Edwin, b. 1905 (Hotel managing director) 1970


London, Jack (Writer) 1935-2016


Loos, Canita SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


LoSchiavo, John J., S.J. 1977


Losh, William J. (Publisher) 1940


Lotito, Floyd Alfonso, Rev., b. 1934 1974-1993


Louderback, Harold (Judge) 1941


Love, Wayne L., 1953-1995 (Composer, musician) 1995


Low, Frederick F., 1828-1894 (Governor) 1861


Low, Harry (Judge) 1967-1978


Lowrey, Alan J., b. 1890 undated


Lucas, George 1983-2007


Lucks, Roy Gustav, b. 1897 (Canner) undated


Ludwig, Helen (Artist) 1985


Lum, Walter Uriah 1905-1912, 1984-1985


Lummis, Charles Fletcher (Librarian) 1935-1973


Lumpkin, Eugene, Rev. 1993


Lumsden, Harold Thaxter (Labor leader) 1996


Lundeberg, Harry, 1901-1957 (Seaman, labor leader) 1957, 2001


Luning, Nicholas (Businessman) undated


Lurie, Louis, 1888-1972 (Financier) 1923-1977

Physical Description: 3 folders

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Lurie, Robert 1978-1988


Luttgens, Leslie (Community activist) 1968


Lyle, Annie Galloway, 1870-1948 (Physician) undated


Lynch, Henry H. undated


Lynch, Jeremiah, 1849-1917 1917


Lynch, Joe (Boxer) 1953-1964


Lyon, Harvey B. 1974


Lyon, Philip H., b. 1872 undated


Lyons, Ernest G., 1834-1893 (Entrepreneur) 1868-1990


Lyons, Henry A., 1809-1872 (Judge) 1979


Lyons, James J., S.J., 1893-1954 1954




Ma, Fiona 2004


MacColl, William B., Jr. undated


MacCrellish, Frederick (Publisher) 1863-1872


Macondray, Frederick William, Capt. (Merchant) 1998-2004


MacDonald, Donald (Architect) 1989-1990


MacDonald, James, Capt. 1992


Mack family 1981


Macky, E. Spencer 1947


MacLean, Donald, b. 1900 (Executive) undated


MacLean, Lyell circa 1950


MacPhee, Chester, b. 1905 (Realtor, public official) 1955-1958


MacPherson, Alexander Wentworth 1968


Macris, Dean (City planner) 1986-1991


Maddux, Parker S., d. 1953 (Banker) 1953


Madlaing, Salvador G. (Artist) 1998


Magee, David, b. 1905 (Bookseller) 1966


Maginn, Henry C. (Police commissioner) 1946-1963


Magnin, Cyril 1968-1989

Physical Description: 2 folders

Magnin, Donald, b. 1926 1962


Maher, Bill (Public official) 1993-1995

Physical Description: 2 folders

Maher, John 1973-1989


Mailliard, William Somers, 1917-1992 1965-1992


Mailloux, Al F., b. 1903 1958


Mallen, Bill (Attorney) undated


Malloy, Emma Barrett (Evangelist) 1988


Malone, Charles Farrell 1972


Malone, William M., b. 1900 (Attorney) 1964


Maloney, George Elliott (Judge) 1965


Maloney, John undated


Maloney, Tommy 1958


Manion, John (Police officer) 1938-1955, 1989


Mann, Thompson, Dr. (Physician, swimmer) 1976


Mansfield, James V. (Medium) 2008


Manson, Marsden 1946


Maraschi, Antony, Father 1897


Marchant, Grace 1976-1985


Marchese, Giovanni 1962


Marcus, Stanley (Merchant) 1974


Mardikian, George Magar, b. 1902 (Restaurant owner) 1941-1957


Mardikian, Haig George 1980


Marie-Victoire, Ollie (Judge) circa 1980


Marini, Frank, b. 1862 (Funeral director) 1949


Markham, Edwin 1894-1950


Marks, Milton 1967-1998

Physical Description: 2 folders

Marsh, George Turner 1998


Marsh, John (Physician) 1971-1981


Marshall, James Wilson 1893-1935, undated


Marshall, Jim, 1936-2010 (Photographer) undated


Marshall, Phillip (Pharmacist) undated


Martelle, Harold D. (Librarian) circa 1971


Martin, Claude 1969-1989


Martin, Del, 1921-2008 (Civil rights activist) 2008


Martin, Francis A., Jr., b. 1913 (Advertising executive, manufacturer) undated


Martin, John B., b. 1855 (Police chief) 1911


Martin, Joseph, Jr., b. 1915 (Attorney) 1960


Martin, Leonard 1967


Martin, Nell (Writer) 1998


Martinez, Anita G., b. 1910 circa 1960


Martini, Louis M. (Vintner) 1974


Marzola, Mark, b. 1889 (Electrician) 1970


Masonek, Jeff 1973


Massett, Stephen C. (Composer) 1928-1934


Mateo, Sylvester P., 1909-2001 (artist) undated


Matheson, Duncan (City Treasurer) 1925-1941


Mathews, Arthur F., 1860-1945 (Artist) 1980


Mathews, Edgar, 1866-1946 (Architect) 2002


Matthews, Frederick C., 1861-1932 (Historian) 1940


Matthews, Walter J. (Architect) 1984


Mattrocce, Daniel, b. 1919 (Technician) undated


Matzger, Claire Blumlein, b. 1909 1962


Maupin, Armisted 2011-2017


Maxwell, Sophie 2004


May, Renee undated


Maybeck, Bernard, 1862-1957 (Architect) 1956-1978


Mays, Willie, b. 1931 (Baseball Player) 1991-2000


Maytag, Fritz 2004


Mazzola, Joseph 1989


McAllister, Hall (Attorney) 1991


McArron, Charles Drummond, b. 1881(Salesman) undated


McAteer, J. Eugene 1960-1967

Physical Description: 2 folders

McCabe, Charles 1979


McCarthy, Leo 1966-1994


McCarthy, Patrick Henry 1907-1979

Physical Description: 2 folders

McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. (Pete) 1971


McComas, Francis John, 1875-1938 (Artist) 1965


McComb, Marshall Francis, b. 1894 (Justice) undated


McConnell, J.A. (Homebuilder) circa 1893-1896


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

McCook, Donald J., b. 1906 (Insurance company manager) 1958-1965


McCoppin, Frank 1868, 1978-1979


McCovey, Willie, 1938-2018 (Baseball Player) 1986


McDevitt, Edward A. (Public official) 1972


McDevitt, William 1946


McDonald, Richard Hays, Dr. undated


McDonough, Peter P. 1979


McEnerney, Garret, 1865-1942 (Attorney) 1976


McEvoy, Nan Tucker 1988-2004


McEwen, Terence A. (Opera director) 1983-1988


McFarland, Robert (Police captain) 1977


McGilvray, John D. (Entrepreneur) 1921


McGloin, John B., S.J., Ph.D., 1912-1988 (Historian, professor) 1980-1988


McGlynn, Thomas A., 1878-1966 (Painter) 1979


McGovern, William T., b. 1919 (Public employee) 1965


McGrath, Joseph, 1918-2005 (Football coach) 1977, 2005


McGregor, Campbell, b. 1888 (Investor) 1949-1957


McGucken, Joseph C., Archbishop, 1902-1983 1966-1996


McGurrin, Heidi 1965


McKenzie, Henry, b. 1905 (Chauffeur) undated


McKinnon, Harold R., b. 1894 (Attorney) 1958-1962


McKinstry, Elisha Williams, 1825-1901 (Judge) 1902


McLaren, John 1894-2003

Physical Description: 6.0 folders

McLaren, Richard A., b. 1895 (Executive) undated


McLaughlin, Donald Hamilton, b. 1891 (Executive) undated


McLaughlin, Emma M., b. 1880 (Community activist) circa 1967


McLeran, Ralph (Supervisor) undated


McLindon, Gerald J. (City planner) 1964


McMorris, Robert (Zoologist) undated


McMorry, Farrel and family 1870-1890


McMullen, John (Homebuilder, contractor) 1997


McNabb, William M., b. 1909 (Banker) undated


McNear, George Washington, 1837-1909 (Merchant) undated


McNutt, Maxwell (Judge) and family 1896-1946, 1993


McPherson, Aimee Semple, 1890-1944 (Pastor) 1942-1944


McSheehy, Helen 1942

See Also:

Oversize Biography Box: McSheehy, Helen

McSheehy, James B. 1915, 1995-1999


Medearis, Victor (Pastor) 1965


Medina, Joseph (Fire chief) 1992-1993


Meehan, Joseph Francis (Brother Leo) 1919-1946


Meiggs, Henry 1916-1977


Meikle, Theresa (Judge) 1927-1967


Mein, Gardner, b. 1918 1962, 2012


Mein, William Wallace, b. 1873 (Mining engineer) undated


Mein, William Wallace, Jr. (Executive) undated


Mellon, Thomas J. (Businessman, public official) 1955-1972

Physical Description: 2 folders

Mendelsohn, Peter Patrick (Labor leader, community activist) 1973


Mendelsohn, Robert 1967-1981

Physical Description: 2 folders

Mendelson, Lee (Producer) 1966


Menken, Adah Isaacs 1934, 2002


Menuhin, Yehudi 1947-1999


Menzies, John M. undated


Merab, Alexis, b. 1909 (Actor, restaurant owner) 1957-1963


Merchant, William Gladstone, b. 1893 (Architect) undated


Meredith, Robert Barton (Bart), b. 1923 (Banker) 1954


Merriam, Frank Finley 1934


Merrill, George A. undated


Merrill, John Lisgar, b. 1903 (Engineer) 1957


Merriman, Dwight L., b. 1900 (Realtor) undated


Merritt, Emma L. (Physician) 1935-1959


Merritt, George Washington, 1855-1928 (Physician) undated


Metro, Bertha, b. 1899 (Union official) 1964


Metson, William Henry 1934


Meussdorffer family 1917-1920, undated


Meyer, Daniel, 1824-1911 (Banker) 1978


Meyer, Frederick H., 1876-1961 (Architect) 2002


Meyer, John Albert (J.A.) undated


Meyer, Wilson, b. 1896 (Businessman) 1956-1965


Meyers, Charles W. 1968


Meyers, Henry H. , 1868-1943 (Architect) undated


Micheline, Jack, b. 1929-1998 (Poet & Painter) undated


Michelsen, Twain (Judge) 1936-1957


Michovsky, Joseph, b. 1847


Migden, Carole 1990-2008


Mighels, Ella Sterling (Writer) 1922


Mignola, Joseph, Jr., b. 1919 (Public employee) 1964


Milk, Harvey

See also:

Moscone, George. Memorial Service Planning

General 1973-1999


Cantata 2012


Memorial sculpture 2007-2008


Memorial Service Planning SEE: Moscone, George


Newspaper clippings 1978-2017


Miller, D. Scott 1994-1998


Miller, Christian Otto Gerberding, b. 1865 (Public official) undated


Miller, Joaquin 1935-1950


Miller, Juanita undated


Miller, Paul Albert, b. 1924 (Corporate executive) undated


Miller, Richard Kendall, 1926-1984 1984


Miller, Robert Watt (Corporate executive) undated


Miller, Thomas G. (Public official) 1978-1985


Miller, Victor E., 1948-2002 (newspaperman) 2002


Millett, Solomon 1973


Mills, Edward V., b. 1889 (Investment banker) undated


Mills, James, Jr., b. 1895 (Farm owner) undated


Mills, Ogden Livingston 1999-2000


Minahan, Joe 1973


Minkwitz, Harriet (Sailmaker) 1980


Minudri, Molly 1948-1967


Mirikitani, Janice (Poet) 2000


Mirkarimi, Ross (Sheriff)


Election 2004


General 2012-2013


Mitchell brothers 1984-1994


Mitchell, Clarence G., 1826-1893 (Commissioner of Deeds) undated


Mitchell, James P. (Secretary of Labor) undated


Mitchell, John G., Lt. Commander 1868, 1980


Mitchell, Michael, d. 1959 (Police chief) 1951


Mitchell, Ruth Comfort (Writer) 2006


Mitty, John J., Archbishop 1935-1961


Mizony, Paul (Historian) 1966


Mobell, Sidney (Jeweler) 1975-1991

Physical Description: 2 folders

Modjeska, Helena (Actor) 1964-1965


Modjeski, Ralph (Engineer) 1967


Moffitt, James K., b. 1865 undated


Mogan, Austin J. (Police officer) 1907-1924


Mohr, Lucile (Mrs. Henry J.) (Library commissioner) 1964


Molinari, John


Mayoral campaign 1987


Supervisorial campaign 1972-1978


Newspaper clippings 1987-1992


Molinari, John B.. (Justice) 1967


Mondavi, Robert 1993


Monet, Maria (Public official) 1992


Monga, Anita (Film Programmer) 1991-2005


Monihan, William J., Father, 1914-1996 1988-1996


Monk, Hank (Stagecoach driver) 1953


Monnette, Orra E., b. 1873 (Financier, attorney) 1930


Montana, Joe 1997-2006


Montanari, Antonio (Filmmaker) 1974


Montandon, Pat 1988


Montez, Lola 1959-1983


Montgomery, Ed (Journalist) 1976


Montgomery, George S. 1989


Montgomery, George, Archbishop 1907


Montgomery, George Granville, b. 1894 (Attorney, executive) undated


Montgomery, John B. 1946, 1915


Mooney, Thomas J. 1932-1993

Physical Description: 2 folders

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Moore, Joseph A., Jr., b. 1908 1961-1962


Moore, J. Max, b. 1919 (Manufacturer) 1962-1963


Moore, Oral L. (Engineer) 1963


Mooser, William, 1834-1896 (Architect) 1893, 1989-2002


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Moraga, Jose Joaquin 1953-1976


Morena, Steven, Dr. (Educator) 1973


Moretti, Bob 1974-1984


Morgan, Julia 1972-2013


Morgan, Margaret Mary (Businesswoman) 1946


Morgan, Thomas Salisbury, b. 1931 1965


Morley, Grace


Morrell, Ed undated


Morris, Clarence W. (Judge) 1947-1948


Morris, Effie Lee (Librarian) 2000-2008


Morrissey, Annie 1983


Morrissey, Edmund J., M.D. undated


Morrison, Jack 1967-1991


Morrison, Jane (Politician) 2002


Oversize Biography Box: Morrison, Jane

Morse, Charles Pierce (Businessman) undated


Morse, John F., Dr. 1965


Morton, Theophilus B. 1902


Moscone, George


General 1954-1988


Annual message to the board 1978


Assassination and memorials 1978-2009


Memorial service planning 1978-1979

Physical Description: 3 folders

Memorial tribute books 1979


Newspaper clippings 1965-2013


Senator 1967-1975


Speeches 1976


Moscone, Philip J. undated


Moses, Bernard (Professor) 1880-1896


Mosk, Stanley (Justice) 1939-1999


Moskovitz, Leonard, 1918-2008 (Realtor) 2002


Moss, Joseph Mora 1984


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Most, Nathan, b. 1914 (Engineer, executive) undated


Moulin, Gabriel, 1872-1945 (Photographer) 1985-2004


Mueller, Christian, 1878-1965 (Sculptor)


Muir, John 1912-2000


Mulcrevy, H.I. 1909


Muligardt, Louis Christian (Architect) 1980


Mullen, Kevin J. (Police officer, historian) 1989


Mullen, William A. (Fireman) 1984


Mullins, William E. (Attorney) circa 1950's


Murrieta, Joaquin 1881, 1967-1982


Murphy, A. Stanwood (Executive) undated


Murphy, Cornelius (Police chief) 1979-2013


Murphy, Daniel J., b. 1882 (Banker) undated


Murphy, James E. (Jimmy), b. 1913 1957


Murphy, Martin, b. 1785 1942


Murphy, Samuel G. (Banker) 1915-1916


Murphy, Thomas R. (Fire chief) 1924-1959


Murphy, Turk (Melvin Edward Alton Murphy), 1915-1987 1987


Murray, Elizabeth (Public administrator) 1984


Murray, Margaret R., b. 1894 1957-1961


Murray, William (Fire chief) 1953-1984


Musto, Guido, b. 1879 1956


Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904 1973-1993




Naify, James A., b. 1887 undated


Nash, John Henry, Dr. (Printer, publisher) 1932-1938


Nava, Julian (Professor) 1970-1972


Neagle, David, 1854-1925 1925, 1994


Neilson, Jerry (Consultant) 1966


Nelder, Alfred J. (Police chief, public official) 1971-1978


Nelder, Wendy (Supervisor) 1980-1985


Nelson, Fernando (Home builder)

Physical Description: 2.0 folders

Nelson, Fernando (Home builder) 1880


Nelson, Fernando (Home builder) 1974-1978


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Nemerovski, Jackie (Public official) 1986


Neukom, John Goudey, b. 1912 (Consultant) undated


Neutra, Richard J. (Architect) 2018-2019


Nevin, Mike (Police officer, public offiical) 1986


Newhall, Scott (Editor) 1971

Physical Description: 2 folders

Newmark, Craig (Craigslist) 2004


Newsom, Gavin


2004 Inauguration 2004


2008 Inauguration 2008


Newspaper clippings 2004-2010


Newsom, Samuel (Architect) 1891-1898, 1977-1998


Victorian Architecture (SFH 748)

Newsom brothers (Architects) 1950-2005


Newsom, William 1967-1968


Newton, Albert Dwight, 1906-2000 (Newspaper TV Critic) 2016


Newton, Huey 1970


Nicco, Robert (Attorney) 1974


Nicholai, Rena (Restaurant owner) 1965


Nichols, John, 1826-1864 undated


Nicol, Duncan undated


Nicol, Robert A. 1947


Nixon, Cecil, Dr. (Dentist) 1919-1957, undated


Nixon, Richard 1956-1974

Physical Description: 2 folders

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Nixon, Tom (Magician) undated


Noé, Jose de Jesus 1946-1947, 1992


Noé, Mrs. Miguel 1918


Nolan, Michael 1977


Norland, Gerald (Museum director) 1966


Normandy, E. Dennis (Public official) 2008


Norris, Frank 1970-1980


Norris, Gordon W. (Poet) 1957


Norris, Kathleen 1934-1974


Norris, William A., b. 1927 (Attorney)


Norris, William E. 1876-1893


North, Henry E. 1955-1959


Norton, Joshua A. (Emperor) 1867-2018

Physical Description: 7 folders

Nothenberg, Rudy (Public official) 1983-1997


Nourse, Joseph P. (Educator) 1933-1954


Nylander, Eric F. (Public official) 1969


Oakes, Nancy (Chef) 1993


Obata, Chiura, 1885-1975 (artist) 2000


O'Brien, Ada Morgan SEE: SF MSS; S.F. Radio. KPO


O'Brien, Arthur L., 1876-1924 (Architect) undated


O'Brien, Daniel J. (Police chief) 1926-1945


O'Brien, Frank Morgan, 1877-1919 (Painter) 1978


O'Brien, Hazel, b. 1895 (Union official) 1958


O'Brien, Matthew, 1871-1926 (Architect) undated


O'Brien, Robert, 1911-2004 (Columnist)


O'Brien, William A. (Judge) 1965


O'Connell, John A. 2000


O'Connell, Maurice W. SEE: Scrapbook 67


O'Connell, William J. (Engineer) 1961


O'Connor, C. (Architect) 1974


O'Connor, Raymond (Judge) 1966


O'Connor, Thomas M., 1913-1998 (Attorney) 1961


O'Connor, Thomas M., 1880-1920 (Attorney) 1920


O'Day, Edward F. (Judge) 1947


Oddstad, Andres Fjeldsted (Andy) (Home builder) 1964


O'Dea, John F. 1968


Odell, Robert Stewart (Property manager) undated


O'Donnell, C.C., Dr. 1912


O'Donnell, Emmett (Public official) 1971-1974


O'Donnell, Neil Arthur, b. 1895 (Engineer, executive) undated


O'Donoghue, Joe 2000


O'Doul, Frank (Lefty) 1949-2002


O'Farrell, Jasper 1875, 1933-1980


O'Flaherty, Terrence (Columnist) 1986


O'Gara, Gerald J. (Judge) 1967


Ohnimus, Arthur 2008-2009


Okamoto, Rai (City planner) 1978-1993


O'Kane, John A. (Judge) 1967


O'Kelly, Padraic Seamus (Poet) undated


Older, Cora 1971


Older, Fremont 1930-1993


Oldfield, Otis (Painter) 1990


Oliva, Gus 1929-1972


Oliver, Edwin Letts, b. 1878 (Engineer, manufacturer) undated


Oliver, Edwin Letts, Jr., b. 1910 (Manufacturer) 1953


Olmsted, Frederick Law 1985, undated


Olmsted, Nancy 2003


Olsen, Dorothea 1870-1902, 2000


Olsen, Tillie 1981-2008


Olson, Culbert L. 1938-1956

Physical Description: 2 folders

O'Neill, Brian, 1941-2009 (Superintendent, GGNRA) 1997


O'Neill, Donald J. (Salesman) undated


O'Neill, Eugene 1986


O'Neill, Shirley 1959


Opel, Robert 1993


Oppenhiem, Morris 1921


Oppenheimer, Arthur C. (Engineer, executive) undated


Ord, Pacificus (Attorney) undated


Orengo, Joe 1985


Orsi, Bernard 1977


Ortega, Jose Francisco de undated


Osborne, George Edward (Professor) undated


Osgood, Edward Sherburne, 1823-1898 (San Francisco 49er) 2020


Osgood Family (Pauline Evelyn, Judge Harold) SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


O'Shaughnessy, Michael M. (Engineer) 1916-2005


O'Shea, Kevin (Supervisor) 1966


O'Starr, Max undated


O'Sullivan, Thomas, b. 1923 (Fireman) undated


Osuna, Herbert, 1924-1980 (Fireman) 1980


Oswald, Walter E. (Dentist) 1916-1930


Otis, George Demont (Painter) 1934-1977


Otis, James 1892


O'Toole, John J. (Attorney) 1933-1952

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Owens, Reuben H. (Engineer, public official) undated




Pacheco, Juan Salvio de 1961


Pacheco, Romualdo, 1831-1899 1957


Pachtner, Kay (Public official) 1979


Packard, Emmy Lou, 1914-1998 (Artist) 2022


Paddock, Margaret & David 2010


Paff, Charles P. (Architect) 1985


Page, Horace Francis 1880


Pak, Rose (Community activist) 1988-2017


Palacios, Lawrence (Union official) 1959


Palmer, Edward (Botanist) 1964


Palou, Francisco 1976


Panelli, Edward (Judge) 1985


Papan, Louis J. 1982-2007


Pardee, Enoch Homer 1977-2002


Park, Helen Van Cleave (Interior decorator) undated


Parker, David Stout 1903-1909


Parker, Harry, III (Museum director) 1990


Parker, Painless (Dentist) 1925-1988


Parkhurst, Charlotte (Charley), 1812-1879 (Stagecoach driver) 1998


Parr, Fred Depler (Businessman) undated


Parrott, John 1982-1983


Paskin, Wendy 1991-1995


Pastron, Allen (Archeologist) 1988


Patigian, Haig (Sculptor) 1980-1987


Patri, Giacomo 1953-1977


Patri, Tito, b. 1933 (Landscape architect) 1965


Patterson, Robert L. (Journalist) 1975-1976


Patzelt, Lydia 1929-1941


Pauling, Linus 1991-1994


Paulsen, Pat 1968


Paulson, Stanley, Dr. (Educator) 1965


Payton, William 1939


Peano, Felix (Sculptor) 1968


Peasley, Ralph E. 1929


Peck, Edward Gowan (Businessman) undated


Pecora, Joe 2005


Pedrini, Armando, 1870-1940 1999


Pellissier, Frank L. (Dairyman) undated


Pelosi, Nancy 1988-2019


Pelosi, Ronald 1970-1977


Pelton, Lester (Inventor) 1987


Pemberton, Augustus 1969


Penelon, Henri, 1827-1885 (Photographer, painter) 1968


Pennestri, Gina, 1923-2001 2001


Penney, J.C. undated


Penzato, Biaggio 1976


Pepin, Elizabeth (Photographer, surfer) 2004


Pepper, Marin (Mrs. Louis) undated


Percy, G.W., 1847-1900 (Architect) 1901, undated


Perego, Grace Greenwood (Builder, realtor) circa 1950s


Perini, Peter (Dairy farmer) circa 1960s


Perkins, Frederic Beecher, 1828-1899 (Librarian, editor) 1935


Perloff, Carey (Theater director) 1991


Peron, Dennis circa 1970s


Perri, Richard L. (Artist) 2011


Perrin, Edward 1891


Perry, George D. (Attorney) 1984


Perry, Warren C., 1884-1980 (Architect) 2002


Perstein, Maurice (Flag maker) 1990


Peskin, Aaron (supervisor) undated


Peters, Thomas Kimmwood, Dr. (Photographer, newsreel cameraman) 1962-1974


Peterson, G. Baltzer, b. 1894 1961


Peterson, Clarence O., b. 1905 (Architect) 1956


Petri, Louis Angelo, b. 1912 (Vintner) 1948-1965


Petrini, Frank (Meat merchandiser) 1973-1983


Peyser, Jefferson E. (Attorney) 1989


Pflueger, Timothy (Architect) 1961-1989


Phelan, James D. 1896-1956

Physical Description: 3 folders

Phelps family 1897


Phillips, Joseph James (Attorney) circa 1970s


Phipps, Edward J. (Fire chief) 1987


Phleger, Herman (Attorney) 2002


Piazzoni, Gottardo (Muralist) 1987-2005


Picard, Henry E., b. 1896 circa 1950s


Picken, Edgar (Professor, pluviologist) 1978


Pickering, William H. (Physicist) circa 1960


Pickett, Charles E. 1874


Piercy, Samuel M. 1879


Pike, Albert (Poet, publisher, Confederate General) 1983


Pike, James Albert, Bishop, 1913-1969 1958-1969


Pillsbury, Arthur C. (Photographer) 1902-1930


Pillsbury Family 1898-2008


Pinelli, Roy William, M.D., b. 1917 circa 1950s


Pinto, George circa 1905


Pioche, François Lewis Alfred, 1818-1872 (Financier) 1992


Piper, Asahel Dana 1867


Piperni, Raffaele M., 1842-1930 (Catholic Priest) 1917


Pitts, Robert B., 1909-1982 (HUD Civil Servant) 1982


Pixley, Frank M., 1825-1895 2003


Pleasant, Mary Ellen 1873-2005

Physical Description: 2 folders

Plumbe, John (Photographer, engineer) undated, 1972


Plummer, George 2008


Poch, Carl (Horticulturalist, public official) 1975


Pockets, Sam circa 1980


Pohli, Ramon 1987


Polk, Willis 1924-2009


Pollak, Victor F. 1955


Pomponio 1975


Pond, Edward B., 1833-1910 1910


Pond, William C., Rev. 1924-1925


Poole, Arthur Bensell, b. 1894 (Accountant, executive) circa 1950s


Poole, John P. (Attorney) 1989


Portanaova, G.B. (Sculptor) 1918-1953


Porter, Julia (City planner) 1962-1976


Porter, William, b. 1925 (Attorney) circa 1960


Portman, John (Architect) 1985


Portola, Gaspar de, Don 1963-1984


Post, Emily, 1872-1960 (Writer) undated


Postel, Fred (Fire chief) 1988-1992


Powers, Harold J. (Public official) 1948-1958


Powers, Laura Pride (Historian) 1902-1974


Prat, Gene circa 1960s


Pratt, Annie A. 1877


Pratt, Harry Noyes 1919-1928

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Preston, Edward, Rev. (Minister, educator) 1973


Price, David (Librarian) 1993-1997


Price, Rodman M. 1880


Pritchard, Michael (Comic, inspirational speaker) 1989


Provenzano, Sam (Artist) 1999


Puccinelli, Raymond (Sculptor) 1963-1979


Purcell, Charles Henry (Engineer) 1936-1942


Purcell, James C. (Attorney) 1991


Purdy, Carl (Botanist) circa 1939


Putnam, Arthur (Sculptor) 1997


Pyle, Ernie 1945




Quan, Jack T. (Chemist, photographer) 1971


Quan, Louis 1941


Quigley, Patrick, d. 1912 (teamster) 2023


Quinn, Francis Anthony, Archbishop 1978


Quinn, Frank R., 1915-2003 1995-2003


Quinn, John Raphael, Archibishop 1977-2017


Quinn, William J. (Police chief) 1930-1932


Qvale, Kjell, b. 1919 (Auto dealer) circa 1950s


Raabe, Ernie 1979


Rafferty, Max 1963-1968

Physical Description: 2 folders

Rainey, Edward 1912


Ralston, William C. 1864-1874, 1932-1994


Ramey, Wanda (Broadcaster) 1957


Rand, Sally (Dancer) 1939-1983


Randall, Albert Gallatin (Realtor) 1869


Rathbone, Jared L. 1979-1991


Ratliff, John, 1940-2022 (Poet) 2022


Ray, Milton S. (Businessman, poet, ornithologist) 1944-1946


Rea, Robert, (Librarian) 1968-1969


Reading, Pierson Barton, 1816-1868 1944


Reagan, Ronald


General 1968-1974


Biographical 1942-1964


Cartoons 1966-1967


Newspaper clippings 1967-2009


Realf, Richard, 1834-1878 (Poet) 1918-1923


Redmond, Grenville S. (Artist) 1894


Reed, Tom, Father, S.J. 1972


Reese, Michael (Investor) 1965


Refregier, Anton, 1905-1979 (Muralist) 1942, 1979

See also:

Scrapbook #77 (Rincon Annex)

Reid, Fred (Public official) 1978


Reid, Hugo, 1811-1852 undated


Reiff, Harry (State department employee) 1945-1946, 2008


Reilly, Clint 1991-2007


Reilly, George R. (Public official) 1985


Reilly, Jim (Attorney) 1977


Reinhart, Simon 1909


Renne, Louise (City attorney, police commissioner) 1984-2007


Reusche, August 1901-1902


Reuther, Ronald T. (Zoologist, zoo director) 1966-1973


Reutlinger, Richard D., 1936-2019 (Victorian Preservationist) 2019


Rexroth, Kenneth 1977-1982


Reynolds, Ralph A., M.D. circa 1950s


Rezanov, Nicolai 1982


Ribaya, Al 2011


Ribera, Tony (Police chief) 1992-1995

Physical Description: 2 folders

Rice, Alvin C. (Banker) 1979


Rich, Sydney Stein (Gardener) 2002


Richardson, William A., Capt. 1856, 1909-1999


Riis-Magnussen, Arne (Businessman) 1983


Riker, William 2007


Riles, Wilson (Educator) 1974


Riley, Stanislaus A. 1951


Riney, Hal (Advertising executive) 1994


Riordan, Jack, b. 1926 (Attorney) 1963


Riordan, John circa 1967


Riordan, Michael (Police chief, attorney) 1963-1967


Riordan, Patrick William, Archbishop 1914-1948


Ritchie, John, b. 1924 (Realtor) 1970


Ritter, Mary B., Dr. (Physician) 1939-1949


Rivaldo, Jim, 1947-2007 (Community and politcal activist) 2007


Rivera, Diego 1939-1992

Physical Description: 2 folders

Rixford, Emmet, M.D., d. 1938 (Surgeon, professor) 1940


Rizzoli, Achilles (Artist, draftsman) 1992-1997


Roberts, Ritchie (Shorty) SEE: Separate Storage (M43)


Roberts, Tommy (Morris Diamond), 1906-1996 (Puppeteer) 1996-1998


Robeson, Paul 1943, 1997


Robinson, Edgar Eugene 1956


Robinson, Elmer 1946-1967

Physical Description: 2 folders

Robinson, Joel (Public official) 2000


Robinson, Reed W. (Businessman) 1955


Robinson, W.W. 1960


Rockefeller, Nelson A. circa 1960s


Rockwell, Burton L., b. 1920 (Architect) 1966


Roddy, John A., d. 1984 (Rancher, equestrian) 1984


Roddy, William (Public official) 1973-1977


Roden, Henry W., b. 1895 (Consultant) 1960


Rodis, Rodel E. (Public official) 1988


Rodriguez, Richard 1992


Rodriguez, Spain, 1940-2012 (Cartoonist) 2012


Roe, Judy (Burlesque Artist) undated


Roesner, Walt (Orchestra leader) 1928-1940


Roff, Hadley (Public official) 1997-1993


Rogers, Dorothy Hager, b. 1903 circa 1950s


Rogers, George H. (Congressman) 1878


Rogers, John, Monsignor (Chimes master) circa 1930s


Rogers, John M., b. 1900 (Engineer, corporate executive) circa 1950s


Rogers, Taylor 1894


Rogers, William Lister, M.D., b. 1902 (Surgeon) circa 1950s


Rojas, Bill (Educator) 1992-2000


Roller, Albert F. (Architect) undated


Rolph, James, Jr.


General 1912-2000

Physical Description: 2 folders

Articles 1913-1964

Physical Description: 3 folders

Biographical 1927


Genealogy 1915


Investigation and recall 1933

Physical Description: 3 folders

Newspaper clippings











Physical Description: 2 folders

Governor 1931-1975


Mayor 1915-1927


Portrait 1948


The rise and decline of Jim Rolph 1933


San Francisco municipal record 1930


Rolph, James, III (Insurance executive) 1936


Roma, Caro (Carrie Northey), d. 1937 (Songwriter) 1937


Roos, Louise A., b. 1890 circa 1950s


Roos, Robert Achille, Jr., b. 1918 (Executive) circa 1950s


Ropotto, Victor, b. 1893 (Vintner) circa 1950s


Rosenbaum, Art (Journalist) 1991


Rosenbaum, Jack, b. 1907 (Columnist) circa 1950s


Rosenberg, Alan


Rosenberg, Davy undated


Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel 1952


Rosenblatt, Irving S. (Attorney) undated


Rosenblatt, Martin Stern, b. 1896 (Merchant, executive) circa 1950s


Rosendahl, Van W., b. 1900 (Corporate executive) circa 1950s


Rosenthal, Joe (Photographer) 1985-2006


Rosenthal, Toby E. (Painter) 1885, 1978-1980


Ross, Edward Shearman, b. 1915 (Entomologist) circa 1950s


Ross, John circa 1967


Ross, Tom 1967


Rosselli, Sal 1982


Rossi, Angelo

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

General 1931-1933, 2001


Annual message to the board of supervisors 1933-1943


Newspaper clippings 1931-1978


Funeral and dedicatory services 1948


Rossi, Rosa (Grocer) 1976


Roth, Almon E., b. 1889 (Attorney) circa 1950s


Roth, Lurline Matson, 1890-1985 1985-2013


Roth, William Matson 1973


Rothe, Lewis, 1875-1951 (Illustrator) undated


Rothwell, Charles Easton, b. 1902 circa 1950s


Rousseau, Oliver M., b. 1891 (Contractor, public official) 1964, 2004


Rowell, Joseph Cummings, 1853-1938 (Librarian) 1870, 1935


Rozzoni, Louis A., b. 1896 (Farmer) circa 1950s


Ruddell, Samuel J. (Inspector of customs) circa 1890


Rudolph, Alexander J. (Librarian, inventor) 1892-1893, 1978-1982


Ruef, Abraham (Abe) 1906-1975

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Ruess, Everett 2009


Russell, Alexander, 1855-1919 (County Recorder)


Russell, Isaac 1938


Russell, Katherine (Mother Mary Baptist Russell) 1981


Russoniello, Joe (Attorney) 1979


Ryan, Beatrice Judd 1941-1959


Ryan, Lisette (Prison matron) 1925, 1977




Sabella, Lucien (Restaurant owner) 1957-1958


Saez, Justo Nazario 1914


St. Clair, Bob 1976-2001


St. Clair, Orla (Judge) 1942-1958


St. James, Margo 1995


St. Johns, Adela Rogers, 1894-1988 (Writer) 1988


Salarno, Michael, b. 1931 (Merchant) 1963


Samish, Arthur H., 1897-1974 (Lobbyist) 1934-1956

Physical Description: 4.0 folders

Samuels, Albert S. 1930-1975


Samuels, George (The sandwich man) 1965


Sanderson, George Henry 1893


Sanderson, J.B. (Educator) 1976


Sandoval, Gerardo 2001


Sangiacomo, Angelo C. 1960-1964


San Jule, Jim, d. 2003 (Marketing Director) 2011


Sano, Emily (Museum director) 2003


Santana, Carlos 1996-2000


Sante, Henry M., b. 1919 (Accountant) 1957


Sargent, Ellen Clark, 1826-1911 (Suffragist) circa 1998


Sargent, Shirley (Historian) 1990


Saroni, Al undated


Saroyan, William 1954-1982


Sarria, José 1984-2013


Satty, Wilfied (Artist) 1984


Saunders, John Henry (Attorney, state senator) 1885, 1995-1996


Saunders, Sally Love (Poet) circa 1980s


Sava, Charlie (Swimming instructor) 1981


Savery, Edwin (Lampmaker) undated


Savio, Mario 2004


Sawyer, Lorenzo 1892


Sawyer, Tom (Saloon owner) 1906-1908, 1992


Sayad, Samuel D. (Contractor) 1956


Sbrana, Gino, 1879-1947 (Photographer) 1989


Scanlan, John J., Bishop 1954


Scanlon, Tom 1977-1980


Schaeffer, Rudolph (Designer, educator) 1926-1986


Shivo, Frank 1934-2002


Schlaich, Richard Ellis, 1931-2004 (Civil servant, historian) 2004


Schmidt, Max (Lithographer) 1922


Schmitz, Eugene 1915-1928, 1971

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Schmuckert, Henry R. (builder) undated


Schmulowitz, Nat (Attorney) 1958, 2000


Schoenstein, Felix F. (Organ builder) 2003


Schonfeld, George W. 1926


Schumacher, Thomas Milton (Railroad executive) 1945


Schussler, Herman (Hydraulic and civil engineer) circa 1870s, 1900-1919


Schwabacher, Albert E. (Financier) 1964


Schwabacher, Albert E., Jr., b. 1915 (Financier) 1958-1967


Schwabacher, James 1967-2006


Scobey, Bob (Musician) 1988


Scoggins, John Edward, b. 1894 (Cashier) circa 1950s


Scotford, Henri, LeBaron, 1884-1967 (Artist) 1915-1920, 2009


Scott, David (Realtor) 1979


Scott, Donald M. (Police chief) 1971-1975


Scott, William Anderson 2004


Scott, William Horton (Public official) 1951


Scott, William P., Jr. (Public official) 1960


Seabiscuit (Racehorse) 1947, 1974


Seale, Alvin (Naturalist) 1959


Sears, Benjamin Willard (Painter) 1965


Selby, Thomas H. (Industrialist) 2000-2003


Selinger, Fred 1971


Selle, Joseph (Photographer) 1974-2017


Selleck, George (Dentist, gourmet) 1944-1964


Sequoyah 1965


Serra, Junipero, Fr. 1884-1992

Physical Description: 4 folders

Serra, Tony (Attorney) 2000-2014


Sevier, Randolph, b. 1897 (Corporate executive) circa 1950s


Seymore, John F. (Police chief) 1919


Shannon, William Edward undated


Sharkey, Arnold (Parkey) 1969


Sharon, William 1988-2001


Sharpe, Mal 2003


Sharpe, Sharon (Public official) 1992


Shea, Will D., d. 1931 (Architect) undated


Sheehan, Cindy (Peace activist) 2008


Shelley, Francis undated


Shelley, John F. 1958-1967

Physical Description: 2 folders

See also:

Separate Storage (M43)

Shelley, Kevin 1993-2005


Shemano, Jacob 1960


Sherman, Beatrix (Artist) undated


Sherman, Clay (Merchant) circa 1950s


Sherman, William Tecumseh 1848, 1973-2008


Sherwood, Don (Broadcaster) 1953-1982

Physical Description: 4 folders

Shilts, Randy, 1951-1994 (Journalist) 1989-2019


Shimmon, A. John 1982


Shipman, Sidney J., M.D., b. 1896 circa 1950s


Shong, Chu Chew, Dr. undated, 2004


Shorenstein Hays, Carole 1981-2004


Shorenstein, Walter H. 1968-2010


Shorey, William T., Capt. 1895, 1977


Shuler, Robert P. (Pastor) circa 1930s


Shultz, Charlotte Mailliard Swig (Public official) 1984-2018


Shumate, Albert, Dr. 1904-1998 (Physician, historian) 1954-1998


Siaida (Palm reader) 1935


Sichel, Ella Margaret, 1895-1988


Siitonen, Harry, b. 1926 (Printer) 1973


Silver, Carol Ruth 1977-1992


Silver, Mae (Historian) 1991-2010


Silver, Steve 1988-1995


Silverfield, Louis (Poet) 1971


Silverman, Mervyn, Dr. 1984


Silverthorne, Don C., b. 1904 (Banker) 1964


Simmons, Lon (Broadcaster) 2002-2004


Simon, Bert, b. 1896 (Corporate executive) 1959


Simon, Leo J., b. 1895 (Manufacturer) circa 1950s


Simpson, Asa Mead, Capt. 1991


Simpson, John J. (Public official) 1967-1970


Simpson, Marian (Artist) 1939-1964


Sims, Kent (Public official) 1993


Sinclair, Upton 1929-1934


Sinel, Joseph Claude, b. 1889-1975 (Industrial Designer) undated


Sinoria, Alfred, b. 1941 1973


Sinton, Edgar (Attorney) 1984


Sinton, Nell, b. 1910 (Artist) 1962


Sinton, Stanley Henry, Jr., b. 1908 (Executive) circa 1950s


Sister Boom Boom (Jack Fertig) 1982-1984


Skinner, Elmer Francis, b. 1910 (Businessman) 1958


Sklar, Richard (Public official) 1983


Slick, Grace 1989-1994


Sloane, William A. (Merchant) 1949


Small, Philip H., b. 1902 (Businessman) circa 1950s


Smalley, Robert M., b. 1925 (Writer, editor) 1961


Smallwood, Charles 1987


Smith, Agnes O'Brien (Judge) 1970-1971


Smith, Arlo Eugene 1979-1995


Smith, Arlo Hale 1985-1986


Smith, Curtis E., M.D., b. 1893 (Surgeon) circa 1950s


Smith, Ferdinand C., b. 1892 circa 1950s


Smith, Francis J. 1965


Smith, Francis Marion (Borax) 1930-1943


Smith, George D. (Hotelier) circa 1950s-1965


Smith, George H., d. 1888 (Hotel Clerk) undated


Smith, Jacqueline 1961


Smith, Jedediah Strong 1852, 1958-1976


Smith, K. Hart (Hotelier) circa 1950s


Smith, Reginald (Journalist) 1985


Smith, Russell Gordon, b. 1894 (Banker) circa 1950s


Smith, Thomas L. (Pegleg) undated


Smith, William 1979


Smuin, Michael, 1938-2007 1985-2007


Smyth, Jimmy 1993


Snyder, Edwin Lewis, 1887-1969 (Architect)


Sobel, Roger 1980


Sobell, Morton (Engineer) 1956


Soeten, Harlan (Seaman) 1989


Soher, Hubert J., b. 1897 (Consultant) 1958


Sommer, Max H., b. 1892 (Merchant) circa 1950s


Solnit, Rebecca 2004


Sosso, Lorenzo, 1867-1965 (poet) 1891


Sotomayor, Antonio 1938-1988

Physical Description: 2 folders

Soulé, Frank (Journalist, editor) 1960


Soules, Thomas 1980


Sox, Ellis D., Dr. 1952-1957


Spagnoli, Ernest (Attorney) 1910


Spalding, Wyman 1889


Speegle, Paul 1949-1955


Speier, Jackie 1986-2008


Spence, Alexander (Skip) 1999


Spencer, Allan T. (Breeder) circa 1950s


Spicer, Jack 1998


Spinosa, Tom 1976


Spitalny, August, M.D., b. 1907 circa 1950s


Splivalo, Matthew, Capt. 1966


Splivalo, Stephen, Capt. undated


Sprague, Claire D.


Spreckels, Adolph B. 1915

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