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Register of the Esther Rosencrantz Papers, 1920-1950
MSS 51-1  
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Series I. General Correspondence

Carton Ctn. 1, item 1

19-- to 1941

item 2


item 3


item 4


item 5


item 6


item 7


item 8


item 9


item 10

1950 (1)

item 11

1950 (2)

item 12

Belt, Elmer

item 13

Burke, Kathleen, 1917

item 14

Campbell, Douglas H., 1938

item 15

Elliott, Orrin, 1930-35

item 16

Faircough, H. Rushton, 1926-34

item 17

Francis, W.W., 1930-50

item 18

Fulton, John F., 1943-50

item 19

Hoeber, Paul, 1929-31

item 20

Major, Ralph, 1945-46

item 21

Maugham, W. Somerset, 1939

item 22

Mencken, H.L., 1939

item 23

Morgan, Julia, 1937-41

item 24

Radbill, Samuel, 1938-50

item 25

Schwerlin, Stephanie, 1940

item 26

Steinitz, Kate, 1948-50

item 27

Wood, Beatrice, 1938-49

item 28

Wood, Beatrice, 1950

item 28a

Wood, Beatrice: condolences on the death of her aunt, Esther Rosencrantz, 1950

item 29

American College of Chest Physicians, 1937-40

item 30

American Academy of Tuberculosis Physicians, 1937-40

item 31

American Trudeau Society, 1923-40

item 32

California Medical Association, 1931-40

item 33

National Tuberculosis Association, 1931-40

item 34

San Francisco Tuberculosis Association, 1920, 1930-32


Series II. Tuberculosis


Subseries A. Manuscripts

Carton Ctn. 1, item 35

Fixation test: typescript, ca. 1924

item 36

The effect of epidemic influenza upon pulmonary tuberculosis: typescript

item 37

Tubercle bacilli in the gastric contents of tuberculous children: notes, ca. 1937

item 38

An unusual case of generalized tuberculous lymphadenitis: typescript, ca. 1938-39

item 39

The frequency of tubercle bacillus in the urine of chronic pulmonary tuberculosis...: typescript (pub. in J. Urology, 1940 Oct;44).

item 40

Tuberculosis of the tonsil of children..., by E. Rosencrantz and Samuel Hurwitz: typescript and notes (pub. in Amer. Rev. TB, 1941 Mar;43

item 41

Misc. manuscripts, typescripts, notes.


Subseries B. Case Histories

Carton Ctn. 1, item 42

Milan Ratkovich, 1922-24

item 43

Robert Evans, 1923-25 (see also folder 61)

item 44

Isaac Cacamindin, 1930-32

item 45

Lyle Miller, 1934

item 46

John Ermides vs Tip Top Tavern, 1937


Subseries C. Statistics/Reports

Carton Ctn. 1, item 47

Los Berros Sanitorium, 1934-37

item 48

San Luis Obispo County Chest Clinic, 1935-37

item 49

San Luis Obispo County Chest Clinic, 1938-40

item 50

San Luis Obispo County Health Dept., 1935-37

item 51

San Luis Obispo County Health Dept., 1939

item 52

San Luis Obispo County Tuberculosis Sanitorium, 1938-40

item 53

UC Tuberculosis Service: Children's ward, 1929-34


Subseries D. Related Materials

Carton Ctn. 1, item 54

Artificial pneumothorax: typescript, 1932

item 55


item 56

Chest films, 1936

item 57

Clippings for teaching, 1935-36

item 58

Complement fixation (s.d.)

item 59

Diagnostic statistics, ca. 1930

item 60

Diets, 1920, 1934

item 61

Generalized tuberculous lymphadenitis: paper by Jennie A Schwab, typescript, 1927; case history of Robert Evans, 1923-25

Conditions of Use

item 62

Hassler Health home, 1936-37: patient lists

item 63

Influenza cases, 1927

item 64

Medical preparedness, ca. 1940

Carton Ctn. 2, item 65

Procedures; treatment room

item 66

Time reports: Tuberculosis Division, SFGH, 1920

item 67

Expense account, San Luis Obispo Tuberculosis Sanitorium, 1931-38

item 68

Narcotics license, IRS, 1922-43

item 69

State Compensation Insurance Fund, 1924-24: forms and correspondence




Subseries A. UCSF

Carton Ctn. 2, item 70

List of students, 1938-40

item 71

Third year schedule, 1934-37

item 72

Fourth year schedule, 1937-38

item 73

Interns, 1936-37

item 74

Elective courses, 1922-28

item 75


item 76

Graphs: student works, 1929-30

item 77

Library lists

item 78

Research requests, 1931-36

item 79

Correspondence, notices, 1929-50


Subseries B. UC Berkeley

Carton Ctn. 2, item 80

Herbert C. Moffitt Memorial Chair, 1926-28

item 81

Daniel Coit Gilman Memorial Fund, 1925-43

item 82

Henry Francis Wagner-Marion Owen Grimstead Memorial Fund, 1934

item 83

Correspondence, notices, 1927-41


Series IV. Golden Gate International Exposition San Francisco, 1939-40

Carton Ctn. 2, item 84-85

Collected correspondence re medical exhibit, 1936-38

item 86

Science in the service of man: exhibit booklet


Series V. Rosencrantz Collections

Carton Ctn. 2, item 87

Osler portrait photographs; Osler article reprints

item 88

Osler bibliography: drafts, copies, check-lists

item 89

Osler collection correspondence, general

item 90

Correspondence: Norman B. Gwyn, William G. Ricker, Grant Selfridge, Helen Taussig, William Pepper, Owsei Temkin

item 91


item 92

General cabinet: contents list

item 93

Collection statistics

item 94

Miniature of Esther Rosencrantz, ca. 1898 (?)

item 95

John Fulton bibliography

item 96

Bookplate data

item 97

Osleriana miscellany


Series VI. Stanford University; Misc.

Carton Ctn. 2, item 98

Misc. pamphlets (libraries, artists

item 99

Guide books to museums

item 100

Stanford pamphlets


A Decennial of Stanford Song... 1895-1905. M.H. Thorpe, R.E. Snodgrass, eds. (Stanford University, 1905)


The First Year at Stanford; Sketches of Pioneer Days at Leland


Stanford Junior University. (Stanford University, Published by the English Club, 1905)


Field, Charles, K., and Will H. Irwin. Stanford Stories. Tales of a Young University. (New York, Doubleday, Page, 1900).