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Silberman (Laurence H.) papers
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Scope and Contents

Biographical sketches, clippings, financial documents, memoranda, legal documents, annual report, correspondence, address list, reports, resolutions, agenda, minutes, notes, bulletins, printed material and miscellany primarily relating to personal matters, the American Bar Association, and the 1972 Republican campaign. Arranged alphabetically by subject.


box 1, folder 1

General. Biographical sketches, clippings, personal data and financial statements, legal documents, annual report and a memorandum to George Shultz relating to the Alaska pipeline 1966-1974

box 1, folder 2-6

Correspondence. Personal correspondence, letters of congratulation, and correspondence of Mrs. Silberman; includes letters from William Rehnquist and Elizabeth Hanford (Dole) 1969-1975

box 1, folder 7

List of addresses n.d.


American Bar Association

box 1, folder 8

General. Correspondence 1974

box 1, folder 9-10

Economic Controls Committee. Reports, agenda, resolutions, minutes, correspondence, notes and printed materials 1972-1974

box 2, folder 1-2

Republican Party. Program, miscellany, correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, notes, agenda and schedules primarily relating to the 1972 convention 1970-1973



Scope and Contents

Drafts and printed copies of speeches and writings, with related correspondence, notes and background material. Arranged chronologically.



General. Correspondence, schedules, notes, printed material and other miscellany relating to speaking engagements for which no text has been found

box 2, folder 3-6


box 3, folder 1


box 3, folder 2

Outlines, notes and drafts. Unidentified texts; includes some fragments

box 3, folder 3

Speech n.d.

box 3, folder 4-5

Speech, Letters, typescript drafts, and background materials (orders, regulations, procedures, report, and legal documents) relating to equal employment opportunity policy 1969 June 18.

box 3, folder 6

"Some Observations on Federal Contract Compliance," Typescripts, correspondence, and background material, including testimony by George Shultz 1969 Aug. 12.

box 3, folder 7

"Labor Policy Under a Republican Administration," Typescript drafts, outline, press release, notes, and miscellany 1969 Sept. 4.

box 3, folder 8

"The Development of the Administration's National Occupational Safety and Health Bill of 1969," Typescript, letter, memorandum and Senate bills 1969 Oct. 16.

box 3, folder 9

Testimony, U.S. Senate, Appropriations Committee, Typescript and background material ca. 1970 Jan.-March.

box 3, folder 10

"National Emergency Disputes--The Considerations Behind a Legislative Proposal," Georgia Law Review, Typescript, letter and printed copies 1970 Fall-Winter.

box 3, folder 11

"The Search for an Effective Remedy in Employment Discrimination," Draft typescripts, printed copy and meeting materials 1971.

box 4, folder 1

"Labor as a Factor of National Power," Typescript and correspondence 1970 Sept. 4.

box 4, folder 2

"Labor Relations Outlook for the '70's," Correspondence, typescript and miscellany 1970 Sept. 17.

box 4, folder 3

Speech, Typescript, statements (George Shultz and others), letters, and printed materials relating to profit-sharing and legislation 1970 Oct. 22.

box 4, folder 4

Speech, Typescript, letter and memoranda, including a memorandum from Richard Nixon; related to workplace safety 1970 Oct. 26.

box 4, folder 5

"Proposed Pension Legislation--The Administration's View," Drafts, printed material, letters, press releases, and miscellany 1970 Dec. 8.

box 4, folder 6

Speech, Outline, letters, speech transcript (George Shultz), press releases, memoranda, and reports relating to farm labor legislative proposals 1971 Jan. 19.

box 4, folder 7

Speech, Outline, reports and other background material relating to the United Mine Workers 1971 Feb. 3.

box 4, folder 8

Speech, Correspondence, printed material and an outline relating to farm labor legislative proposals 1971 Feb. 9.

box 4, folder 9

Testimony, U.S. House of Representatives, Education and Labor Committee, Labor Subcommittee. Correspondence, copies of House bills, and Labor Department proposals relating to equal employment opportunity 1971 March 3.

box 4, folder 10

"Emergency Disputes and the Public Interest," Press release, typescripts, drafts of a bill, letters and miscellany 1971 March 18.

box 4, folder 11

Speech, Typescript drafts, press release and miscellany relating to the construction industry 1971 April 29.

box 4, folder 12

Speech, Outline, clipping, letters and miscellany 1971 May 17.

box 5, folder 1

"A Government Perspective on the Future," Typescript, letters, memoranda, notes and miscellany 1971 June 19.

box 5, folder 2

"Labor and the Building Team," Typescript, correspondence, outlines, and miscellany 1971 June 21.

box 5, folder 3

"The New Welfare Reform Bill," Draft typescripts ca. 1971 July.

box 5, folder 4

Speech, Typescript, correspondence and miscellaneous meeting materials 1971 July 7.

box 5, folder 5

Speech, Letters, speech transcripts, outline, and a memorandum from the White House 1971 Sept. 17.

box 5, folder 6

Speech, Correspondence, press release and typescript, relating to employment of offenders 1971 Oct. 18.

box 5, folder 7

Speech, Letters, typescripts, miscellany and outlines relating to the Nixon Administration 1971 Nov. 9.

box 5, folder 8

"Pension Reforms: The Administration's View," Letters, typescripts, and miscellany 1971 Nov. 16.

box 5, folder 9

Speech, Notes, outline, typescript and printed material relating to Phase II of the Nixon Administration's economic policy 1971 Nov. 17.

box 5, folder 10

Press conference, Transcript relating to emergency strike legislation 1972 Jan. 21.

box 5, folder 11

Speech, Outline, letter, and miscellany, relating to the West Coast dock strike and economic stabilization policy of the Nixon Administration 1972 Feb. 3.

box 5, folder 12

Speech, Speech transcript and meeting materials relating to the Manpower Development and Training Act 1972 March 16.

box 5, folder 13

Speech, Press release, charts, outlines, memoranda and miscellany 1972 May 8.

box 5, folder 14

"Employment and Manpower Policies for the Future," Notes, correspondence and agenda 1972 May 18.

box 5, folder 15

Speech, Outline, notes, printed materials, memoranda, press release, and meeting materials relating to Jewish equal opportunity employment 1972 June 14.

box 6, folder 1

Testimony, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs, Correspondence, typescript and draft speech transcripts, statements and miscellany 1972 June 20.

box 6, folder 2

"The Research Information Market," Correspondence, speech transcript, clipping, press release, and miscellaneous meeting materials 1972 June 28.

box 6, folder 3

"Purposeful Communication," Draft speech transcripts and report relating to equal opportunity employment for Spanish-speakers 1972 Aug. 8.

box 6, folder 4

Speech, Outline, typescript, correspondence, printed copy and background material relating to a proposed bill (S. 2486), and miscellaneous meeting materials; relates to fiduciary responsibility 1972 Aug. 15.

box 6, folder 5

"Priority Problems for Industrial Relations Executives," Speech drafts and outlines, memoranda and correspondence 1972 Sept. 26.

box 6, folder 6

Speech, Speech drafts, press release, notes, correspondence and miscellaneous meeting materials 1972 Sept. 29.

box 6, folder 7

Speech, Notes, briefing paper, and miscellany 1972 Oct. 4.

box 6, folder 8

Speech, Speech transcript and letters 1972 Oct. 15.

box 6, folder 9

Speech, Speech drafts, notes, and miscellaneous meeting materials 1972 Oct. 25.

box 7, folder 1

Speech, Speech notes, press release and miscellaneous meeting materials 1972 Nov. 6.

box 7, folder 2

"Law and the Humanities," Background materials, letter and miscellany relating to a radio broadcast 1972 Nov. 21.

box 7, folder 3

"The Secretary and the Law: Pre-Balloting Investigations Under the Landrum-Griffin Act," Draft articles and correspondence, relating to the United Mine Workers election and the murder of Joseph Yablonski 1973 Jan.

box 7, folder 4

"Law and Equality," Broadcast transcript 1973 Jan. 31.

box 7, folder 5

Speech, Outline 1973 March 8.

box 7, folder 6

Speech, Outline, printed material and miscellaneous meeting materials 1973 May 17.

box 7, folder 7

Speech, Speech notes and miscellaneous meeting materials 1973 June 11.

box 7, folder 8

Testimony, Senate Judiciary Committee, Separation of Powers Subcommittee, Outline, drafts and transcript, letter, and statements relating to the Cost of Living Council 1973 Oct. 10.

box 7, folder 9

Speech, Speech outline and correspondence 1973 Nov. 12.

box 7, folder 10

Speech, Memoranda and draft speech 1974 March 22.

box 7, folder 11

Testimony, House of Representatives, Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Legislation and Military Operations, Typescript 1974 July 10.

box 7, folder 12

Testimony, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures, Typescript 1974 July 22.

box 7, folder 13

Speech, Typescript and trip miscellany 1974 July 25.

box 7, folder 14

Testimony, House of Representatives, Government Operations Committee, Legal and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee, Typescript 1974 Sept. 17.

box 7, folder 15

Speech, Speech transcripts, memoranda and background materials relating to a meeting on Chesapeake and Delaware Bays wetlands conservation 1974 Sept. 20.

box 7, folder 16

Testimony, House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship and International Law. Typescript 1975 Feb. 4.

box 7, folder 17

"Illegal Aliens," Typescript 1975 Feb. 20.



Scope and Contents

Budgets, memoranda, correspondence, reports, charts, forms, miscellany, press releases, chronologies, legal documents, invitations, agenda, minutes, clippings, telephone logs, appointment books, notes, draft and printed copies of legislation, testimony and speech transcripts, serial issues, notebooks, proclamations, executive orders, pamphlets, regulation and printed articles. Primarily relates to labor issues such as equal employment opportunity, labor-management relations, specific industries, Nixon Administration policy, legislation, and other subjects. Arranged alphabetically by subject.


box 8, folder 1

General. Printed article, pamphlets, letters and miscellany 1968-1972


Budgets and planning documents. NOTE: most of these have been distributed to the specific departments

box 8, folder 2

General. Memorandum and a policy circular 1970

box 8, folder 3

FY 71. Memoranda, budget and letter 1970 July-1971 March

box 8, folder 4-5

FY 72. Memoranda, correspondence, reports and charts (primarily with the Office of Management and Budget) 1970 July-1971 Dec.


FY 1973

box 8, folder 6

General. Memoranda 1970 Sept.-1972 Sept.

box 8, folder 7

Legislative program. Reports, proposals and memoranda ca. 1972 Sept.

box 8, folder 8

FY 1974. Memoranda, reports, and charts 1971 June-1972 Oct.



box 8, folder 9-10

1970 July-1971 June

box 9, folder 1-3

1971 July-1973 Jan.


Confirmation materials

box 9, folder 4

General. Forms, memoranda, and miscellany 1970 Sept.-Oct.


Briefing materials

box 9, folder 5

General. Press release, memoranda, printed materials, correspondence, statement, forms, chronology of United Mine Workers litigation, and reports; relates to Mr. Silberman's position on a number of labor issues 1969-1971

box 9, folder 6

Notebook. Relates primarily to the administrative responsibilities of the Under Secretary 1970

box 9, folder 7

Transcripts. Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare 1970





box 10, folder 1-4

General. Primarily personal material such as letters of congratulation, thanks, and recommendations; includes correspondence with Senator Hiram Fong, Maurice Stans, William Ruckelshaus, George Shultz and others 1969 March-1973 Jan.


Invitations. Includes a letter from Gov. Jimmy Carter

box 10, folder 5-6


box 11, folder 1-4


box 11, folder 5

American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) 1970-1972

box 11, folder 6

Civil Service Commission 1970 Sept.-1972 Aug.

box 11, folder 7

Environmental Protection Agency 1972

box 11, folder 8

General Services Administration 1970-1972

box 11, folder 9

Health, Education and Welfare Department 1970-1972

box 11, folder 10

Javits, Senator Jacob K. 1971-1972

box 11, folder 11

Justice Department 1970-1972

box 11, folder 12

Massachusetts, State of 1972

box 12, folder 1

Office of Management and Budget 1971-1972

box 12, folder 2

Pennsylvania, State of 1972

box 12, folder 3

State Department 1970-1973

box 12, folder 4

Thurmond, Senator Strom 1971-1972

box 12, folder 5

United States House of Representatives 1971-1972

box 12, folder 6

United States Senate 1969-1972

box 12, folder 7

Investigations. Memoranda and correspondence with Richard Kleindienst, the Civil Service Commission, the White House and others 1970 July-1972 Nov.



box 12, folder 8

General 1969 Aug.-1972 Feb.

box 12, folder 9-13

Conferences. Includes meetings at Camp David and San Clemente 1969 May-1972 May

box 13, folder 1-2

Regional visits 1969-1971

box 13, folder 3

Staff meetings 1970 June-1971 Nov.





box 13, folder 4-5

General. Notebook of notes and memoranda, probably collected by Laurence Silberman during his legal career in Hawaii ca. 1961-1966

box 13, folder 6-7

Includes memoranda to the White House and other agencies, although primarily consisting of material within the Labor Department 1969 May-1973 April.

box 14, folder 1

Secretary of Labor 1970 Sept.-1972 June

box 14, folder 2

White House. Includes reports, press releases, draft correspondence and other miscellany 1968 Dec.-1972 Dec.

box 14, folder 3

Notes 1970-1972




Labor Department

box 14, folder 4

General. Printed material, charts, memoranda, and letters 1969-1972

box 14, folder 5

Actions (reclassifications, promotions, and other) 1969-1972

box 14, folder 6-7

Applicant materials 1971-1972


Appointment materials

box 15, folder 1

General. Miscellaneous forms, press releases, memoranda and notes 1970-1972

box 15, folder 2

Silberman, Laurence. Includes a clipping, a press release and a resignation letter 1969-1972

box 15, folder 3

Executive Staff Manual 1972 March

box 15, folder 4

Memoranda. Relating to personnel policy

box 15, folder 5

Recommendations 1971-1972

box 15, folder 6

Report. Relates to Labor Department personnel management 1971

box 15, folder 7

White House. Recommendations and resumes, notes, memoranda, letters and charts 1970-1972


Telephone logs and memoranda

box 15, folder 8-9

1970 July-1971 April

box 16, folder 1-5

1971 May-1973 Jan.

box 16, folder 6

Trip material 1969-1971



box 17, folder 1

General. Memoranda, letters and notes, relating to farmworkers, unemployment compensation, health and safety and other issues 1969 Jan.-1972 Aug.

box 17, folder 2

Grape boycott. Letters, printed materials, meeting minutes, affidavits, press releases, investigation reports, and legal documents 1960 March-1970 March



box 17, folder 3

General. Notes, memoranda, reports, chart, draft legislation and letters relating to proposals to amend the National Labor Relations Act to form a national agricultural labor relations board 1970 Dec.-1971 Aug.

box 17, folder 4

S. 2203, "Consumer Agricultural Food Protection Act of 1969". Bill, memoranda, testimony transcripts (George Shultz and others), letter, and a press release 1969 May-1970 Aug.

box 17, folder 5

H.R. 7597. Relates to bargaining. Bill and analysis 1971 April-May


Alien employment

box 17, folder 6

General. Correspondence relating to immigration quotas, a legal case, and individual labor certifications 1970 Aug.-1972 Oct.

box 17, folder 7

Mexican migrant laborers. Press release, notes, serial issues, statement and memoranda; includes material generated by the AFL-CIO, SEE ALSO: JUSTICE DEPARTMENT/Border study 1969 Feb.-1972 Sept.

box 17, folder 8

Bureau of Labor Statistics. Letters, memoranda and reports 1970 July-1973 Jan.

box 17, folder 9

Child labor. Press release, memoranda, and report; relates to agricultural child labor and training programs 1969 Sept.-1971 Sept.


Commerce Department

box 17, folder 10

General. Memoranda and correspondence 1970 July-1972 June

box 17, folder 11

Minority Business Enterprise program. Correspondence, reports and charts 1971 Nov.-1972 Dec.


Construction industry



box 17, folder 12

General. Report, memoranda, correspondence, speech drafts 1970 July-1972 Nov.

box 17, folder 13

General Presidents of the Building Trades. Newsletters, draft and final statements, correspondence and memoranda relating to labor endorsements for Richard Nixon 1972 Sept.-Nov.


Affirmative action

box 18, folder 1

General. Printed material, correspondence, memoranda, press release and statutes 1966 May-1973 Jan.

box 18, folder 2-6

Philadelphia Plan. Notebooks of collected materials ca. 1969-ca. 1970


Collective Bargaining Commission

box 19, folder 1-2

General. Directory, memoranda, reports, speech transcript, letters 1969 June-1972 Oct.

box 19, folder 3

Vocational Education Subcommittee. Correspondence, directory, and background materials for a meeting 1970 Nov.-1972 Aug.


Construction Industry Stabilization Committee

box 19, folder 4-5

General. Proclamation, statement by Richard Nixon, correspondence, press releases, agenda, printed material, memoranda, and proposals 1971 March-Dec.

box 19, folder 6

Reports. Primarily settlement reports, including some case summaries and charts 1971 June-Dec.


Davis-Bacon Act

box 20, folder 1-3

General. Memoranda, charts, pamphlets, a briefing notebook prepared for hearings by the Senate Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs, ; relates to wage rates on federally-funded construction projects 1970 Oct.-1972 Aug.

box 20, folder 4

Suspension. Press releases, field reports, letters, printed material, memoranda, H.R. bill, statement and proclamation by Richard Nixon 1969 Oct.-1971 March

box 20, folder 5

Reinstatement. Memoranda, press releases, reports, printed material, telegram, letter, proclamation and statements 1971 March-Aug.


Economic stabilization. Primarily relates to the activity of the Nixon Administration Cost of Living Council




General. Status reports and summaries, questions, press conference transcripts, proclamations, pamphlet, speech transcripts (Richard Nixon and Henry Jackson), chart, newsletter, statements (AFL-CIO and Secretary of Labor Hodgson), executive orders, draft bill, and printed material

box 20, folder 6-7

1969 Nov.-1971 Nov.

box 21, folder 1

1971 Nov.-1972 March

box 21, folder 2

Clippings and wire stories 1971 May-Sept.

box 21, folder 3

Correspondence 1970 July-1973 March


Meetings. Assembled materials from Cost of Living Council meetings, including agenda, minutes, and memoranda on litigation and policy issues

box 21, folder 4-10

1971 Aug.-1972 April 20

box 22, folder 1-7

1972 April 26-Aug.

box 22, folder 8

Memoranda 1971 Feb.-1973 Dec.


Policy papers



box 22, folder 9

General. Primarily a notebook (?) relating to organized labor, pensions and the military 1971 Aug.-Oct.

box 23, folder 1

Press releases. Summary of Cost of Living Council decisions 1971 Aug.-Oct.

box 23, folder 2

Exemptions. Cost of Living Council reports, charts, memoranda and press releases 1971 Aug.-1972 March

box 23, folder 3-4

Press releases. Primarily questions and answers; also includes some internal memoranda 1971 Aug.-Dec.


Office of Emergency Preparedness

box 23, folder 5

General. Memoranda and letters 1971 Aug.-1972 Nov.

box 23, folder 6

Press releases 1971 Aug.-Nov.

box 23, folder 7

Regulations. Printed material from the Federal Register 1971 Aug.-Oct.

box 23, folder 8

Pay Board. Report, memoranda, letter, and press releases, primarily relating to policy 1971 Oct.-Dec.

box 23, folder 9

Price Commission. Background material for meeting, regulations and a statement 1971 Nov.-1972 April


Emergency disputes

box 24, folder 1

General. Clippings 1970




"National Emergency Public Interest Protection Act of " 1970

box 24, folder 2-5

General. Reports, memoranda, letters, printed material, proposals, notes, press release. Includes materials relating to the Railway Labor Act and the Taft-Hartley Labor Act 1969 June-1970 Feb.

box 24, folder 6

Draft legislation. Includes cover memorandum 1970 Jan.-Feb.


"Emergency Public Interest Protection Act of " 1971

box 25, folder 1

General. Memoranda, letters, reports, bills, notes, meeting minutes, and speech transcripts (Richard Nixon and Laurence Silberman) 1970 Sept.-1971 Nov.

box 25, folder 2

Notebook. Collected materials including bills, speeches (Richard Nixon, Laurence Silberman), reports, memoranda and miscellany ca. 1970-1971

box 25, folder 3-4

"Crippling Strikes Prevention Act of 1972". Reports, notes, memoranda, testimony (James Hodgson and others), letters, resolutions, speeches, press conference transcript and press releases, draft and printed copies of bills; includes material relating to a West Coast dock strike 1972 Feb.-Oct.


Employment development programs

box 26, folder 1

General. Letters, reports, testimony (George Shultz) and memoranda 1969 June-1972 Nov.


Emergency Employment Act

box 26, folder 2

General. Memoranda and letters 1971 March-1972 Nov.

box 26, folder 3

Status reports. Reports to White House staff (Charles Colson and Paul O'Neill), primarily relating to fund allocation 1971 Sept.-1972 Jan.


Manpower Administration

box 26, folder 4-5

General. Memoranda, letters, directories, planning and budget reports; includes a copy of the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962, 1962-1972

box 26, folder 6

Notebook. Relates to major policy issues of FY 1972, 1970

box 27, folder 1


box 27, folder 2

Public Employment Programs. Letters, memoranda and report 1971 Jan.-1973 Jan.

box 27, folder 3

Unemployment. Testimony transcript, correspondence, memoranda, report, and clipping 1970 Jan.-1972 Oct.


Equal employment opportunity (formerly the Employment Standards Administration)





box 27, folder 4-5

General. Reports, memoranda, meeting notes, directory, letters, miscellany and a printed copy of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

box 27, folder 6

Notebook. Testimony relating to the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1971 (S. 2515) ca. 1971 March-Oct.

box 28, folder 1


box 28, folder 2

Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT). Memoranda, corrrespondence, audit report, regulations, minutes of a meeting with the AFL-CIO, and charts 1970 April-1972 March


Office of Federal Contract Compliance (OFCC)

box 28, folder 3

General. Memoranda, newsletter, statement, printed material, findings and decision, answers to questions from the Senate Labor Committee; relates to housing, a conference, a case involving Bethlehem Steel, and other 1970 Jan.-1973 Jan.


EEOC-Office of Federal Contract Compliance. Proposed transfer of function

box 28, folder 4

General. Printed article, memoranda and a report 1970

box 28, folder 5

Notebook. Collected materials relating to testimony before the House Committee on Education and Labor, the House Armed Services Committee and the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare ca. 1971 March

box 28, folder 6

Age. Memoranda, correspondence, and a legal decision 1972 May-Oct.

box 29, folder 1

Religion/national origin. Memoranda, correspondence, statement and printed material primarily relating to Jewish affairs 1970-1972



box 29, folder 2

General. Regulations, memoranda, printed article, report, press release and correspondence 1969 March-1973 Aug.

box 29, folder 3-5

Guideline revision. Draft and printed copies of regulations, memoranda, press releases, printed material, reports, statements (including George Shultz, Edward Kennedy and Edmund Muskie), notes and letters 1970 April-1971 Dec.

box 29, folder 6

Handicapped. Letters and a press release 1971 Jan.-1973 Jan.

box 30, folder 1

Health care industry. Letters, reports, meeting materials and miscellany 1971 April-1972 Oct.


International labor and commerce

box 30, folder 2

General. Speech transcripts, correspondence, briefing material, memoranda and materials relating to visits by foreign officials 1969 July-1973 March


Council on International Economic Policy

box 30, folder 3

Memoranda 1971 Oct.-1975 Jan.



box 30, folder 4

"The United States in the Changing World Economy," 1971 July

box 30, folder 5

"A Foreign Economic Perspective," 1972 Feb.

box 30, folder 6-7

Trade adjustment assistance. Reports, memoranda, letters, notes, press release and regulations 1972 Jan.-Nov.


Labor relations



box 31, folder 1

General. Memoranda, agenda and draft legislation 1969 May-1972 May


Public employees

box 31, folder 2-3

General. Printed articles, directory, conference materials and a report 1969-1972


Federal policy. Pamphlets, notes, reports, statement and memoranda primarily relating to personnel reorganization, protest activities, executive management and civil service

box 31, folder 4-5

1969-1970 Sept.

box 32, folder 1

1970 Sept.-Nov.


Labor law



box 32, folder 2-4

General. Serial issues, printed articles, reports, and a speech transcript 1969 April-1972 Aug.

box 32, folder 5

National Labor Law Institute. Proceedings from a conference, including a presentation by L. Silberman 1970 May


Labor-Management Act of 1959

box 33, folder 1

General. Draft and printed copies of legislation, reports, memoranda, letters, legal documents, printed materials, press release, notes, executive order and miscellany 1959-1972

box 33, folder 2

Investigations. Legal documents, report, chart and letter, SEE ALSO: Pension plans 1969.


National Labor Relations Board

box 33, folder 3

General. Printed articles, correspondence, research proposal, and a report 1969 June-1973 Nov.

box 33, folder 4-5

Appointments. Memoranda and letters of recommendation 1971


Maritime industry

box 33, folder 6

General. Report, memoranda, correspondence and agenda 1969 Dec.-1972 Nov.

box 33, folder 7

Compensation. Draft and printed copies of legislation, letters, statements, reports, memoranda and miscellany relating primarily to proposed amendments to the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act of 1972, 1970 March-1973 Jan.


Strikes. Primarily International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union


General. Correspondence, reports, notes, press releases, memoranda, draft and printed copies of resolutions, draft and printed copies of legislation, statements and printed materials. SEE ALSO: Emergency disputes

box 33, folder 8

1971 March-1972 Jan.

box 34, folder 1

1972 Feb.-Dec.



box 34, folder 2

"Impact of Longshore Strikes on the National Economy," 1969 Oct.

box 34, folder 3

"Report to the President," 1971 Oct.

box 34, folder 4-6

Minimum wage. Reports, memoranda, statements and charts 1971 April-1972 Oct.


Nixon administration. NOTE: Most of the materials originated by the White House have been arranged topically



box 35, folder 1

General. Speech transcript (Daniel P. Moynihan), press conference (John Connally), and memoranda 1970 Dec.-1972 Dec.

box 35, folder 2

Conferences. Printed material 1972 Feb.



box 35, folder 3

Agnew, Spiro T. 1971 Sept.-1972 Sept.

box 35, folder 4

Colson, Charles 1973 July

box 35, folder 5

Ehrlichman, John 1973 Feb.-March

box 35, folder 6

Government reorganization. Reports, letters, briefing material, printed article and memoranda 1968 Nov.-1972 March

box 35, folder 7

Responsiveness program. Correspondence with the Justice Department and others, memoranda, testimony transcript, and meeting notes 1972 June-1974 July


Occupational Safety and Health Administration


General. Meeting material, drafts and printed copies of legislation, reports, notes, charts, miscellany, policy papers, press releases, statement, regulations, briefing material and printed material

box 35, folder 8-10

1969 May-1971 Oct.

box 36, folder 1

1972 Jan.-Sept.


Correspondence and memoranda

box 36, folder 2

General 1970 Dec.-1972 Nov.

box 36, folder 3-4

Labor Department. Primarily internal memoranda; also includes planning materials, reports, legal opinions, printed materials and draft regulations 1970 Dec.-1972 Nov.

box 36, folder 5

Other government agencies 1970 Oct.-1972 Aug.

box 36, folder 6

U.S. Congress 1970 Nov.-1972 Oct.

box 37, folder 1-5

Notebooks. Relates primarily to the development of legislation 1969-1970





box 38, folder 1

General. Printed articles, speech transcripts (Richard Nixon and others), reports and a memorandum 1967-1972

box 38, folder 2-3

Reports, including a report of the activities of a joint Labor-Commerce task force on pension benefit security 1969-1972


Legislation. Primarily amendments to the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act


General. Reports, memoranda, draft legislation, notes, legal documents, statements, petition, speeches, testimony and press conference transcripts

box 38, folder 4-7

1968 Sept.-1971 May

box 39, folder 1-3

1971 June-1972 Nov.

box 39, folder 4

Bills. Drafts and printed copies 1962-1972

box 39, folder 5

Correspondence 1970 Dec.-1972 Nov.

box 39, folder 6

Notebook. Comparison of S.2, H.R. 1269 and H.R. 16462

box 40, folder 1-2

Research and policy development (ASPER). Memoranda, letters and reports; includes material prepared for a Labor Department conference 1970 Dec.-1972 Nov.


Transportation industry

box 40, folder 3

General. Memoranda and correspondence July 1970-1972 Nov.



box 40, folder 4-5

General. Memoranda, reports, correspondence, statement, chronology, resolution, and draft and printed copies of legislation relating primarily to collective bargaining and the Railpax Act 1963 Aug.-1971 Feb.



box 40, folder 6

"The Railroad Shopcraft-Carrier Labor Dispute," 1967

box 40, folder 7

LMSA-ASPER-Solicitor Task Force on Railroad Employee Adjustment Provision," 1972

box 40, folder 8

Teamsters. Letters and memoranda; includes a letter from James R. Hoffa 1969 Oct.-1973 Dec.


United Mine Workers

box 41, folder 1

General. Memoranda, printed materials, meeting report, legal documents, and notes 1963 May-1971 Aug.




1969 Dec.

box 41, folder 2

General. Correspondence, a draft copy of an article, draft legislation, and a meeting report 1969 May-1973 April


Complaints, pre-election

box 41, folder 3

Correspondence with Joseph Yablonski and his attorney, Joseph Rauh 1969 July-1972 April

box 41, folder 4

Notebook. Collected materials, primarily duplicate correspondence 1969 Aug.-1970 March

box 41, folder 5

Justice Department investigation. Primarily collected material including reports, election results, allegations, legal documents, correspondence and chronologies 1969-1972



box 42, folder 1

General. Legal documents, printed material, memoranda, chronologies, notes and letters 1970 July-1972 Aug.

box 42, folder 2

Notebook. Collected legal documents ca. 1970 March

box 42, folder 3

Collected material, primarily correspondence, relating to pre-election complaints, 1970 Aug.-Dec. 1970 Dec.

box 42, folder 4

Reports, memoranda and press releases, 1972 June-Nov. 1972 Dec.

box 42, folder 5

Finances. Correspondence, memoranda, printed material, legal documents, and reports, primarily relating to pension plan administration and litigation 1963 Dec.-1972 May


Senate investigations

box 43, folder 1

General. Newsletters, chronologies, statements, printed material, notes and reports 1963-1970

box 43, folder 2

Correspondence 1970 Jan.-1972 March

box 43, folder 3-7

Transcripts 1970 Feb. 5-March 20

box 44, folder 1

Veterans. Memoranda, correspondence, and a press release 1971 Jan.-1972 Nov.

box 44, folder 2

Vocational education. Memoranda and letters 1970 Sept.-1971 March


Welfare reform


Meeting material

box 44, folder 3

General. Memoranda 1971 July-Oct.

box 44, folder 4-5

Belmont Opportunities for Families (OFP) conference. Letter, memoranda, miscellany, and policy reports; primarily collected material 1971 Oct.

box 44, folder 6

Regional meetings. Reports, memoranda, statements, miscellany and other background material 1971 May-June

box 45, folder 1

Memoranda 1969 April-1972 Oct.

box 45, folder 2-5

Reports 1969 April-1972 Oct.

box 45, folder 6

Workers' compensation programs. Correspondence and memoranda 1971 Jan.-1972 Nov.

box 45, folder 7

Yugoslavia. Memorandum and printed material, primarily relating to trade unions and an international seminar 1969 Dec.-1971 Sept.



Scope and Contents

Procedure manual, appointment calendars, biographical sketches, map, itineraries, agenda, reports, legal documents, printed material, miscellany, correspondence, memoranda, lists, press releases, forms, telephone logs, clippings, draft and printed copies of legislation, proclamations, executive orders, regulations and speech transcripts. Related to specific anti-trust cases, Watergate, government reorganization and oversight, illegal aliens, drug enforcement, and other issues. Arranged alphabetically by subject.


box 46, folder 1

General. Procedure manual, biographical sketches, directory, map, clipping, itinerary, agenda and reports 1947-1973

box 46, folder 2

Appointment calendars 1974 March-1975 April







box 46, folder 3

General. Includes printed material, legal documents and other miscellany 1974 March-1975 March

box 46, folder 4

Invitations 1974 March-1975 Feb.

box 46, folder 5

United States Congress. Relates to discrimination, illegal drugs, draft evasion, pending legislation, surveillance activities, and other 1974 March-1975 March

box 47, folder 1

White House. Memoranda and correspondence relating to the INS, energy policy, litigation, and the CIA 1973 Feb.-1975 Feb.



box 47, folder 2

General. Includes clippings and letters of recommendations; includes letters from William Saxbe, Donald Rumsfeld, Elliot Richardson, Edward Kennedy, Charles Mathias, Jr. and Richard Kleindienst 1973 Oct.-1975 April

box 47, folder 3

Congratulations. Includes letters from Frank Carlucci and Donald Rumsfeld 1974 Jan.-June

box 47, folder 4

Memoranda 1974 March-July


Personnel materials

box 47, folder 5

General. Miscellaneous applications, forms and memoranda 1974 March-1975 April

box 47, folder 6

Confirmation. List, press release, and hearing transcripts 1974 Feb.-March

box 47, folder 7

Conflict of interest inquiries. Memoranda and correspondence primarily relating to general policy 1971 June-1974 March

box 48, folder 1-5

Telephone logs 1974 March-June

box 48, folder 6

Attorneys. Memoranda relating to detailing attorneys to the White House 1974 March

box 48, folder 7

Border study. Reports, letters (Gerald Ford and others), clippings, and memoranda relating to illegal immigration and drug enforcement 1974 March-1975 March

box 48, folder 8

Campaign Reform Act of 1974. Report, press release, and draft legislation 1974 March

box 49, folder 1

Central Intelligence Agency. Meeting agenda and reports ca. 1975 March

box 49, folder 2

Clemency Board. Memoranda, correspondence, proclamation, executive order and report relating to pardons for draft evaders 1974 Sept.-1975 Jan.


Drug Enforcement Administration

box 49, folder 3

General. Clippings, memoranda, statements by Senator Henry M. Jackson, correspondence with Senator Charles Percy and others 1975 June-1976 April

box 49, folder 4

Transcript. Testimony of L. Silberman before the Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations 1975 July 15

box 49, folder 5

Electronic surveillance. Memoranda, and printed material 1974 Feb.-May

box 49, folder 6

Ford, Gerald R. Correspondence between Robert Bork and Congress relating to the FBI investigation of Gerald Ford, and press releases relating to policy 1973 Oct.-1974 Dec.

box 49, folder 7

Hughes, Howard. Memoranda relating to potential extradition and litigation 1974 June-Sept.

box 49, folder 8

Immunity. Memoranda, correspondence and report 1971 Sept.-1974 July

box 49, folder 9

International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT). Report relating to anti-trust litigation 1972

box 49, folder 10

Judges. Memoranda and letters primarily relating to appointments 1974 June-1975 Jan.


Nixon, Richard M.

box 49, folder 11

Impeachment. Report, correspondence with Peter Rodino, Jr., and memoranda, primarily relating to requests for information 1974 Feb.-May

box 49, folder 12

Papers. Memoranda, legal documents, reports, correspondence with Arthur Sampson, Richard Nixon and others, draft legislation, and wire reports primarily relating to the custodianship of the Nixon presidential papers 1969 March-1974 Nov.

box 50, folder 1

Reorganization. Notes, correspondence with Elliot Richardson and others, memoranda, regulations and reports 1973 Nov.-1974 May

box 50, folder 2

U.S. v. I.B.M. Reports, memoranda, legal documents, and correspondence, primarily with Nicholas Katzenbach, relating to anti-trust litigation 1972 Dec.-1975 March


Watergate. Correspondence with Howard Baker, Leon Jaworski and others, reports, memorandum, legal documents, speech transcript (Richard Nixon) and a press release 1974 March-Oct.

box 50, folder 3

Summary of Nixon tapes 1974 April 30



Scope and Contents

One phonotape recording entitled, "Bessie Margolin Farewell Dinner," 1972 January 28. Emceed by L. Silberman
box MC53

"Bessie Margolin Farewell Dinner," emceed by L. Silberman 1972 January 28

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)
envelope A


Scope and Contents

1 print of Laurence Silberman and Mrs. Silberman with Senator Hugh Scott at the swearing-in ceremony of Mr. Silberman as Under Secretary of Labor, 1970; 2 prints of participants in a Dept. of Labor conference at San Clemente, 1970; 1 inscribed print of Lester Maddox, 1972; 2 prints of an unidentified conference group, circa 1970; 1 print of a White House meeting with Vice President Agnew.
box 51

Material not yet described