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Malek (Frederic V.) papers
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Scope and Contents note

Clippings. Arranged chronologically.
box 1, folder 1

Clippings 1971 April-1974 August



Scope and Contents note

Drafts and printed copies of speeches and writings with related correspondence. Arranged chronologically.


box 1, folder 2

General. Memoranda, letters, and schedules 1973 May-1975 November

box 1, folder 3

Background material. Notes, letters, clippings and speeches by William Simon, Arthur Burns and others, primarily relating to banking and economic policy 1975 May-1976 April

box 1, folder 4

"Assessment of Management Quality," Business Horizons, reprint 1968 April

box 1, folder 5

"Analysis and Recommendations--The Food and Drug Administration Organizational Review," Food and Drug Cosmetic Law Journal, printed article 1970 January

box 1, folder 6

"Master Plan for Merger Negotiations," Harvard Business Review, reprint 1970 January-February

box 1, folder 7

"Management Improvement in the Federal Government: An Inside View," Business Horizons, reprint 1971 August

box 1, folder 8

"Management Improvement in HEW: An Inside View," Management Review, printed article 1972 January

box 1, folder 9

Interview, clipping 1973 February 19

box 1, folder 10

Speech, typescript 1973 June 7

box 1, folder 11

Speech, typescript 1973 June 18

box 1, folder 12

Speech, typescript 1973 October

box 1, folder 13

Speech, typescript and a letter 1973 November 15

box 1, folder 14

"One That Got Away," New York Times, clipping and a letter 1973 December

box 1, folder 15

Speech, typescript 1974 February 1

box 1, folder 16

Testimony, U.S. Senate, Committee on Government Operations, Budgeting, Management and Expenditures Subcommittee, typescript 1974 February 5

box 1, folder 17

"Real Nixon Accomplishments Go Unheralded," Los Angeles Times, Typescript, letters and a clipping 1974 February 7

box 1, folder 18

Speech, typescript and a letter 1974 March 1

box 1, folder 19

Speech, typescript and a letter 1974 March 12

box 1, folder 20

"Managing for Results in the Federal Government," Business Horizons, reprint 1974 April

box 1, folder 21

"The New Federalism--Making it Work," typescript circa 1974 April

box 1, folder 22

Speech, typescript circa 1974 April 1

box 1, folder 23

Speeches, notes, typescripts, letter, and clippings 1974 April 2-10

box 1, folder 24

"The New Federalism: The Kind of Change We Need," Chicago Tribune, typescript and clipping 1974 April 19

box 1, folder 25

"New Federalism: Giving Government Back to the People," typescript, letters, and clippings 1974 April 22

box 1, folder 26

Speech, typescript and letters 1974 April 30

box 1, folder 27

Speech, typescript and memorandum 1974 May 3

box 1, folder 28

"The Federal Dollars in New Federalism," typescript, letters and a flyer 1974 May 13

box 1, folder 29

"The Development of Public Executives--Neglect and Reform," Public Administration Review, reprint 1974 May-June

box 1, folder 30

Letter to the Editor, Wall Street Journal, typescript and clipping 1974 June 12

box 1, folder 31

Speech, typescript 1974 July 2

box 1, folder 32

Interview, notes and a draft statement circa 1974 Aug

box 1, folder 33

"Reflections on Five and One Half Years with President Nixon," typescript and a letter 1974 August

box 1, folder 34

"The New Federalism," typescript and a letter 1974 August

box 1, folder 35

"The Art and Politics of Public Management," notes, a letter and other miscellaneous materials relating to a Harvard University study group 1976 April


Washington's Hidden Tragedy: The Failure to Make Government Work 1978



box 2, folder 1

Background material

box 2, folder 2

Correspondence and comments. NOTE: Specific chapter comments are with those chapters

box 2, folder 3

Outlines and notes


Chapters. Typescripts, notes, letters and comments, clippings, printed articles and other background materials

box 2, folder 4-7


box 3, folder 1-7




Scope and Contents note

Speech transcript, letters, reports, appointment book, clippings, printed articles, procedural manual, charts, memoranda, and agenda. Primarily relates to management planning within the agency. Arranged alphabetically by subject.


box 4, folder 1

General. Speech transcript, a photocopy of a letter from Elliot Richardson to Barry Goldwater, and a brief summary of authorizing legislation 1970-1976

box 4, folder 2

Appointment book 1969

box 4, folder 3

Clippings and printed articles 1970-1976


Management planning

box 4, folder 4

General. Charts, reports, agenda and memoranda 1969 November-1971 October

box 4, folder 5-6

Reports and procedural manuals. Includes cover memoranda and reports written by Frederic Malek for H.R. Haldeman and others 1969-1976



Scope and Contents note

Pamphlet, press releases, charts, letters, appointment books, clippings, minutes, reports, memoranda, printed articles, notes, and lists. Relates to the organization of the Executive Branch, personnel, and high-level appointments in the Nixon Administration. Arranged alphabetically by subject.


box 4, folder 7

General. Pamphlet of statements by Richard Nixon, charts entitled "Legislative Infringements or Limitations on the Executive," press releases, and a letter of reply to Lyndon B. Johnson 1969-1974

box 5, folder 1-2

Appointment books 1970-1972

box 5, folder 3

Clippings 1970 November-1976 February

box 5, folder 4

Cabinet meetings. Minutes 1971 November-1974 March

box 5, folder 5

Information leaks. Primarily monthly progress reports relating to an improper disclosure directive 1971 June-1972 June

box 5, folder 6

Magruder, Jeb S. Memoranda relating to job placement 1972 December


Organization and reorganization of the Executive branch. SEE ALSO: OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET FILE/Reorganization

box 5, folder 7

General. Press releases, clippings, reports, memoranda, letter, and printed articles 1970 September-1977 April

box 5, folder 8

Transition (post-1972 election). Memoranda and reports relating to transition plans; includes a memorandum from Richard Nixon to H.R. Haldeman relating to the CIA 1971 October-1973 February

box 6, folder 1

White House staff. Reports, notes, charts, printed article, and memoranda relating primarily to White House personnel, legal services, and public relations functions 1971 January-1973 May


Recruiting and placement




General. Relates to vacancies and personnel searches

box 6, folder 2

Memoranda 1970 October-1972 December

box 6, folder 3

Notes. Primarily meetings with other White House staff members and advisors 1970 September-1972 May

box 6, folder 4

Consultants. Proposals and notes circa 1970 October

box 6, folder 5

Sources. Memorandum from H.R. Haldeman to Richard Nixon 1970 November

box 6, folder 6

White House Task Force on Executive Manpower. List and handbook 1970 November

box 6, folder 7

Ambassadors. Lists, memoranda, letters, and a press release 1971 October-1974 June



box 6, folder 8

General. Memoranda and notes primarily relating to Cabinet-level appointments 1972 September-1973 January

box 7, folder 1

Agriculture Department. Memoranda 1971 October-November

box 7, folder 2

Commerce Department. Memoranda and a schedule 1971 December-1974 March

box 7, folder 3

Defense Department. Memoranda 1971 April-1973 January

box 7, folder 4

Health, Education and Welfare Department. Memoranda 1970 December-1973 January

box 7, folder 5

Housing and Urban Development Department. Memoranda 1972 December-1973 January

box 7, folder 6

Interior Department. List and memoranda 1973 January

box 7, folder 7

Justice Department. Memoranda 1971 December-1973 January

box 7, folder 8

Labor Department. Memoranda 1971 July-1972 December

box 7, folder 9

State Department. Memoranda 1971 April-1972 March

box 7, folder 10

Transportation Department. Memoranda 1972 November-1973 January

box 7, folder 11

Treasury Department. Memoranda, clipping and a letter 1970 December-1974 June

box 7, folder 12

Independent agencies and regulatory commissions. Memoranda, letter, notes, a clipping, and biographies. Includes material relating to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the Securities and Exchange Commission, ACTION, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Federal Reserve Board, and others; also includes material relating to a U.S. Senate symposium on regulatory agency appointments 1971 October-1976 September

box 7, folder 13

Schorr, Daniel. Clippings, press release, memoranda, notes and letters from Sen. Sam Ervin, Jr. 1971 November-1972 January



Scope and Contents note

Clippings, radio transcript, correspondence, memoranda, reports, pamphlets, a deposition and other legal materials. Primarily relates to informal recommendations on whether or not various organizations should receive grant funding. Arranged alphabetically by form.
box 7, folder 14

Clippings. Includes a transcript of a new report by Walter Cronkite for CBS radio 1973 December-1974 June

box 7, folder 15

Correspondence. Notes and correspondence with Senators Sam Ervin, Jr., Robert Byrd, Herman Talmadge, Mike Mansfield and Howard Baker, Jr., relating to specific projects 1973 January-August



box 7, folder 16

General. Collected memoranda and a short report entitled "Administration Efforts in Support of the Re-election." 1971 July-1972 June

box 7, folder 17

Memoranda from Frederic Malek to H.R. Haldeman and others, relating primarily to convention planning, press and public relations, and the re-direction of the White House staff to support the re-election of Richard Nixon 1971 September-1972 December


Publications. Republican National Committee 1972

box 7, folder 18

Victory Volunteer Manual 1972

box 7, folder 18

Target '72 Registration Overview 1972

box 7, folder 18

Target '72 Registration Manual 1972

box 7, folder 18

Re-elect the President Canvas Kit undated

box 8, folder 1

Report. "Use of the Incumbency-Reponsiveness Program", with memoranda analyzing the report circa 1974

box 8, folder 2, sleeve 1

Memoranda relating to the deposition of Malek and McGregor 1973 July 20 - 1973 July 26

box 8, folder 2, sleeve 2

Miscellaneous legal material July 1973

box 8, folder 2, sleeve 3

Malek's deposition transcript 1973 July 19



Scope and Contents note

Clippings, correspondence, appointment book, reports, speeches, memoranda, printed articles, press releases, notes, budgets, agenda, and a pamphlet. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 8, folder 3-5

General. Clippings, letter, interview outline, appointment book, and reports 1973 January-1975 September



box 8, folder 6

General. Clippings, primarily relating to the Carter Administration 1973 September-1977 January

box 8, folder 7

Economic analyses. Speech, proposals, and memoranda relating to wage-price controls and general economic policy 1974 January-July

box 9, folder 1

FY 1974. Fact sheet, report, and memoranda 1973 February-1974 February


FY 1975

box 9, folder 2-3

Memoranda 1973 February-1974 June

box 9, folder 4

Public relations material. Press releases, statements by Richard Nixon and Frederic Malek, charts, and notes for presentations, primarily to various Congressional committees 1973 September-1974 April

box 9, folder 5-6

Reviews. Director's review of HEW budget and materials for a presidential review of energy, science and natural resources agencies circa 1973 November

box 9, folder 7

FY Statement, report, press release and charts, 1975 1976


Domestic policy

box 9, folder 8

General. Memoranda and proposals 1973 May-August

box 9, folder 9

White House Domestic Council. Memoranda circa 1973 January-1974 July



box 10, folder 1

General. Memoranda, agenda, report, and correspondence with Sen. Harry F. Byrd, Jr. 1970 December-1976 August

box 10, folder 2-3

Management by Objectives program. Reports, memoranda, letters, agency proposals, presidential objectives, agenda, and printed articles 1972-1975



box 10, folder 4

General. Memoranda, pamphlet, and notes 1970 August-1975 December

box 10, folder 5

Federal Executive Development Program. Memoranda and reports 1974 January-1976 November

box 10, folder 6

President's Commission on Personnel Interchange. Letter, agenda and background materials for meetings, memoranda, and a pamphlet 1974 May-July



box 10, folder 7

General. Memoranda, proposals, press releases and notes, SEE ALSO: WHITE HOUSE FILE/Reorganization 1972 November-1973 January

box 11, folder 1

Office of Management and Budget. Proposals, letter, printed articles, meeting notes, charts, and memoranda 1972 December-1974 December

box 11, folder 2

Undersecretaries group. Memoranda, meeting reports and notes; includes material relating to conferences at Camp David 1973 February-1974 July


SUBJECT FILE 1973-1976

Scope and Contents note

Pamphlets, letters, charts, reports, notes, printed articles, and clippings relating to other government departments. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
box 11, folder 3

Commerce Department. Pamphlets relating to department objectives and management conferences 1973 June-1974 June

box 11, folder 4

Drug Enforcement Administration. Notes, printed article, clipping, statement, a letter and a report 1973 March-1976 November

box 11, folder 5

Housing and Urban Development Department. Reports, charts and letters, including a photocopy of a letter from Gerald Ford 1974 September-1976 November



box 11, folder 5

3 prints and one proof sheet of a swearing-in ceremony, with Frank Zarb, Frederic Malek, and others; one print and one proof sheet of Frederick Malek 1972-1973



Scope and Contents note

Formerly security-classified records of the U.S. government, released in full or in part. Available as PDF files. The PDF files are page images, so full-text search is not possible. Arranged chronologically by date of release by Hoover, thereunder by date of creation.
online digital

Record released in 2010 1973