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Guide to the Documents Relating to British West Indies, 1643-1882
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Key to Arrangement

Box 1:, folder 1-4

Antigua, 1785-1813

folder 5-41

Barbados, 1727-1836

folder 42

Bermuda, 1814

folder 43


folder 44

Grenada, 1809

folder 45-47

Guadeloupe, 1813-1816

folder 48

Jamaica, 1747-1763

folder 49- 51

Martinique, 1795-1814

folder 52


Box 2, folder 53-74

St. Christopher and Nevis, 1649-1882

folder 75-87

St. Lucia, 1803-1826

folder 88-90

Trinidad, 1786-1812

folder 91-96

Virgin Islands, 1739-1878

Partial List of Correspondents and Documents


Beckwith, Sir George, 1753-1823

folder Folders 33-35

Passports. 1813


Blackwell, Nathanel Shepperd

folder Folder 82

Ordinance concerning registration of slaves by their owners. Dec. 20, 1824. St. Lucia. Copy.

folder Folder 83

Provisional ordinance concerning sale of slaves. Feb. 24, 1825. St. Lucia. Copy.


Bouillé, François Claude Amour, marquis de, 1739-1800

See folders 68 and 69.


Burt, William Mathew

folder Folder 62

Proclamation concerning treasonable correspondence. Dec. 2, 1778. St. Christopher.

folder Folder 63

Proclamation. Apr. 13, 1779. St. Christopher.


Byng, Robert, d. 1740

folder Folder 9

An act to amend an act, concerning the government of slaves. Feb. 27, 1739. Barbados. Copy.

folder Folder 12

Proclamation. May 14, 1740.Barbados.


Cochrane, Sir Alexander Forrester Inglis, 1758-1832

folder Folder 45

Passport. Jan. 2, 1813. Guadeloupe.


Codrington, Christopher, 1668-1710

folder Folder 54

Proclamation. July 5, 1698. Antigua. Announcing his appointment by William III as governor of the Leeward Islands. Pinart transcript from St. Kits Record Book.

folder Folder 58

An act to prevent papists ... from settling in this island... June 9, 1701. Nevis. Pinart transcript.


Dillon, Arthur Richard, 1750-1794

See Folders 67 and 68.


Dottin, James

folder Folder 10

Proclamation. July 12, 1739. Barbados. Concerning the employment of negroes in bartering and selling.

folder Folder 11

Proclamation. Aug.11, 1739. Barbados. Concerning commissions of marque and reprisal.

folder Folder 13

Proclamation. Oct. 7, 1740. Barbados. Concerning continuation of offices after Byng's death.

folder Folder 14

Proclamation. Feb. 25, 1741. Barbados. Concerning deserters from ships.


Elliot, Hugh, 1752-1830

folder Folders 3-4

Passports. 1813.Antigua.


George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760

folder Folder 6

Proclamation. June 16, 1727. Issued on death of George I, requiring all persons in office to continue in their offices until further notice. Contemporary copy.


George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820

folder Folder 31

Proclamation. July 13, 1793. Concerning declaration of war with France. Contemporary copy.

See also Folder 1.


Grasse, François Joseph Paul, conte de Grasse-Tilly, 1723-1788

See Folder 67.


Grenville, Henry

folder Folder 18

Proclamation. Feb. 28, 1749. Barbados. Concerning agreement between England and France.


Hardcastle, John

folder Folder 1

Proclamation, containing royal decree of George III. Oct. 7, 1785. Antigua. Contemporary copy.


Herbert, John Richardson

folder Folder 61

Proclamation. Sept. 11, 1778. Nevis. Concerning invasion of Dominica. Copy.

See also Folders 67-70.


Hislop, Sir Thomas, 1764-1843

folder Folder 89

Proclamation. Oct. 18, 1806. Trinidad. Concerning Chinese labor. Pinart transcript.


Hood, Sir Samuel, 1762-1814

folder Folder 76

Proclamation. June 23, 1803. St. Lucia. Concerning capture of St. Lucia by the British. Also signed by W. Grinfield. Contemporary copy.


Howe, Emanuel Scrope, Viscount Howe, d. 1735

folder Folder 8

Proclamation. May 29, 1733. Barbados. Instructing that he has been appointed governor.


Keane, John, 1781-1844

folder Folder 80

Ordinance concerning the free colored people. Nov. 12, 1818. St. Lucia. Copy.

folder Folder 81

Ordinance concerning freeing of slaves. June 10, 1819. St. Lucia. Copy.


Leith, Sir James, 1763-1816

folder Folder 47

Passport. Mar. 30, 1816. Guadeloupe.


Losack, Richard Hawshaw

folder Folder 64

Proclamation. Mar. 1, 1781. St. Christopher. Concerning dissolution of assembly of Nevis. Pinart transcript.


Mainwaring, John Montague

folder Folder 85

Proclamation. June 1, 1826. St. Lucia. Explaining new laws of negroes. Copy.

folder Folder 86

Order establishing new laws for negroes. Feb. 8, 1826. St. Lucia. Copy.

folder Folder 87

Ordinance containing amendments of laws for free colored people. Feb. 8, 1826. St. Lucia. Copy.


Nogués, Jean François Xavier

folder Folder 75

Ordinance against smuggling. Oct. 27, 1803. St. Lucia. Pinart transcript.


Pinart, Alphonse Louis, 1852-1911

folder Folder 41

Notes on Barbados.

folder Folder 43

Notes on Dominica.

folder Folder 52

Notes on Montserrat.

folder Folder 84

Note concerning an act dealing with slaves, on St. Lucia[?] 1825.

folder Folders 95-96

Notes and transcripts concerning history of the Virgin Islands.


Pinfold, Charles

folder Folder 22

Letter to John Lane. Aug. 5, 1757. Barbados. With reply by Lane on verso.

folder Folder 23

Proclamation. Jan. 7, 1760. Barbados. Ordering public thanksgiving upon the taking of Quebec.

folder Folder 24

Proclamation. Dec. 15, 1760. Barbados. Announcing that George III is now king.

folder Folder 25

Proclamation. Sept. 21, 1761. Barbados.


Porter, George R.

folder Folder 93

Proclamation concerning the escape of a prisoner. Mar. 22, 1825. Tortola.


Robinson, Sir Thomas, 1700?-1777

folder Folder 15

Proclamation for rejoicing in the defeat of the Jacobites. Dec. 24, 1745. Barbados.

folder Folder 16

Letter to David Minvielle. Mar. 29, 1746. Concerning movements of the sloop Merrimac. Barbados.

folder Folder 17

Proclamation. Oct. 8, 1746. Barbados.


Seymour, Richard Augustus

folder Folder 78

Ordinance re reorganization of judicial courts. Dec. 15, 1816.St. Lucia. Copy.

folder Folder 79

Ordinance concerning the freeing of slaves. Aug. 28, 1817. St. Lucia. Copy.


Shirley, Thomas

See Folders 67 and 70.


Skinner, John

folder Folder 41

Passport. Apr. 17, 1814.Guadeloupe.


Smith, Sir Lionel, 1778-1842

folder Folder 40

Proclamation. July 12, 1836. Barbados. Appointment of Samuel Husbands.


Spry, William

folder Folder 27

Proclamation. Aug. 3, 1768. Barbados Concerning assault on Capt. Robert Nanley by 2 negroes.

folder Folder 28

Proclamation. Dec. 1768. Barbados. Draft of pardon for negro Pompey.


Warner, Sir Thomas, d. 1649

folder Folder 53

Grant of St. Christopher to Earl of Carlisle. Jan. 23, 1643. Pinart transcript.


Weekes, Ralph

folder Folder 19

Proclamation. Oct. 15, 1753. Barbados. Concerning negro meetings.

folder Folder 20

Proclamation. Apr. 27, 1756. Barbados. Concerning papers found in parish church of St. Peter.


Worsley, Henry

folder Folder 5

Proclamation. Apr. 6, 1727. Barbados. Relating to new trade laws.

folder Folder 7

Proclamation. June 17, 1728. Barbados. Re the dissolution of the Assembly.






Barbados, 1817

folder Folder 37:

Pinart transcript.


Virgin Island, 1861-1871

folder Folder 94



Minutes and records from Council Books:


Spanish Town, Jamaica.

folder Folder 48.

Fragments, 1747-1763


St. Christopher

folder Folder 59

Copies. 1715-1718

folder Folder 60

Copies. 1707-1783


Nevis (All include copies of correspondence, and relate to the capitulation of Nevis.)

folder Folder 66

Copies. Feb. 28, 1782

folder Folder 67

Copies. Jan.-Sept. 1782

folder Folder 68

Copies. 1782-1784

folder Folder 69

Copies. Apr. 17-23, 1782

folder Folder 70

Copies. Apr.-May, 1784


St. Lucia

folder Folder 77

Extract from the register of the court of appeal, a decree concerning negroes


Virgin Islands

folder Folders 91-92

Fragments, 1739-1740