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Scope and Contents

Includes clippings and scrapbook arranged by physical format.
box 1, folder 1

General 1963

box 1, folder 2

Clippings 1966-1985

box 1, folder 3

Scrapbook 1967



Scope and Contents

Includes letters and enclosures (clippings and reports), and greeting cards arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent.
box 1, folder 4

General 1965-1986?

box 1, folder 5

Unidentified 1963

box 26, folder 1

Abrams, George 1968

box 26, folder 2

Ahlgren, Regina 1967

box 1, folder 6

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1967

box 1, folder 7

American Medical Association 1966

box 1, folder 8

Australia. Royal Commission on the Use and Effects of Chemical Agents on Australian Personnel in Vietnam 1984

box 26, folder 3

Ball, Neil 1982

box 1, folder 9

Banganz, Herbert M. 1982

box 1, folder 10

Bennett, Lansing H. 1983

box 26, folder 4

Biden, Joseph R., Jr. 1975

box 1, folder 11

Bisanti, Luigi 1983

box 26, folder 5

Boggs, J. Caleb 1965-1972

box 26, folder 6

Bundy, McGeorge 1965

box 1, folder 12

CARE-MEDICO 1964-1975

box 1, folder 13

Carper, Thomas R. 1982-1984

box 26, folder 7

China Medical Board of New York 1974

box 1, folder 14

Codario, Ronald A. 1983

box 1, folder 15

College of Physicians of Philadelphia 1985

box 1, folder 16

Constable, John D. 1983

box 26, folder 8

Cooper, Chester L. 1965

box 1, folder 17

Cooperman, Edward L. 1982

box 26, folder 9

Cosgrove, George 1974

box 26, folder 10

Davidson, Henry 1973

box 1, folder 18

Du Pont, Kathie (Mrs. Reynolds) 1965

box 26, folder 11

Du Pont, Pierre S. 1971

box 1, folder 19

Edwards, Don 1984

box 26, folder 12

Erben, John J. 1969

box 26, folder 13

Eudy, Richard 1969

box 1, folder 20

Golin, Edwin 1969

box 1, folder 21

Haney, Robert R. 1983

box 1, folder 22

Hercules Incorporated 1982

box 1, folder 23

Hoang Dinh Cau 1982-1983

box 1, folder 24

Hoover, Norman W. 1972

box 26, folder 14

Humphrey, Hubert H. 1965-1971

box 26, folder 15

Ives, Ginny 1980

box 26, folder 16

Kay, Keith 1974-1975

box 1, folder 25

Le Cao Dai 1984

box 1, folder 26

Le Van Hoa n.d.

box 1, folder 27

Legnitto Jan, 1982

box 1, folder 28

Lesaca, R. M. 1983

box 1, folder 29

Levinson, Elizabeth 1963-1967

box 1, folder 30

Levinson, John, Jr. n.d.

box 26, folder 17

Lodge, Henry Cabot 1965

box 1, folder 31

McCarthy, Frank 1982

box 26, folder 18

McClanahan, Roger B. n.d.

box 26, folder 19

McCloskey, Paul N. 1971-1972

box 26, folder 20

McDowell, Harris, Jr. 1963-1965

box 26, folder 21

McMichael, Joan K. 1974

box 1, folder 32

Megellas, James 1969

box 26, folder 22

Newell, Frank 1982

box 1, folder 33

Newton, Roger 1982

box 1, folder 34

Nguyen Duong Quang 1982

box 1, folder 35

Nguyen Van Khoi 1975

box 1, folder 36

Paul, Anthony 1982-1983

box 1, folder 37

Planned Parenthood World Population 1965

box 1, folder 38

Puglisi, Paulo 1982

box 1, folder 39

Roth, William V., Jr. 1966-1982

box 1, folder 40

Schecter, Arnold 1985

box 1, folder 41

Silver, Stephen 1983

box 1, folder 42

TeLinde, Richard W. 1964-1966

box 1, folder 43

Van Tiggelen, Cees J. M. 1983

box 1, folder 44

United States Agency for International Development 1965-1973

box 1, folder 45

United States. Marine Corps 1969

box 1, folder 46

United States Operations Mission to Vietnam 1966

box 1, folder 47

Vastyan, E. A. 1971

box 26, folder 23

Walker, Susan 1980

box 1, folder 48

Westing, Arthur H. 1982-1983

box 26, folder 24

Williams, I. M. G. 1974



Scope and Contents

Includes notes and typewritten copies of speeches, synopsis of proposed book, and printed articles arranged chronologically by date of publication or writing.
box 26, folder 25

"MEDICO Report on Global Gynecology," Mimeographed copy 1963 December.

box 1, folder 49

"MEDICO Report on Global Gynecology," Mimeographed copy 1964 November-December.

box 1, folder 50

"Medicine in South Vietnam," Journal of the American Medical Associaton, Printed copy 1965 May 31.

box 1, folder 51

Speech, Statement to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Relations, Mimeographed copy 1966 April 27.

box 26, folder 26

Speech, Statement to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Refugees and Escapees, Typewritten copy with addendum explaining photographs 1967 October 9.

box 26, folder 27

"Statement on South Vietnam," Presented to Paul McCloskey. Includes critique by D. G. MacDonald, USAID October 27, 1971.

box 1, folder 52

"A Companion of Health Care in Indochina," Speech, Handwritten transcript 1973.

box 1, folder 53

"North Vietnam Maternal Care Advances Vastly Despite War," Ob. Gyn. News, Reprint 1973 November 15.

box 1, folder 54

"North Vietnam's Institutes Offer Depth in Specialties," Ob. Gyn. News, Reprint 1973 December 1.

box 26, folder 28

"Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam)," Typewritten copy 1973-1974?

box 1, folder 55

"Traditional Medicine in the Democratic Republic of North Vietnam," The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, vol. 2, no. 2, Reprint 1974.

box 26, folder 29

"Challenges and Opportunities," Piego Newsletter, Typewritten and printed copies 1975 February.

box 1, folder 56

Letter to the Editor, Delaware Medical Journal, Printed copy 1975 March.

box 1, folder 57

"Agent Orange," Speech, Veterans Administration, Handwritten notes 1982.

box 26, folder 30

"Agent Orange - A Perspective on Responsibility," Speech, Veterans Administration Advisory Committee on Health- Related Effects of Herbicides, Typewritten copy 1983 December 6.

box 1, folder 58

"Follow Up Questions and Remarks Including Observations in Australia and New Zealand," Speech, Veterans Administration Advisory Committee on Health-Related Effects of Herbicides 1984 June 5


"Country 77," with David Bailey 1985

box 1, folder 59

Correspondence and notes

box 1, folder 60

Typewritten synopsis of chapters. Two drafts


SUBJECT FILE 1954-1985

Scope and Contents

Includes clippings, printed articles pamphlets, monographs, serials, reports, maps, memoranda, correspondence, hearing transcripts, conference proceedings and papers, and travel itineraries arranged alphabetically by subject.

Agent Orange





box 2, folder 1


box 2, folder 2


box 2, folder 3

Clippings 1972-1984



box 2, folder 4


box 2, folder 5




box 2, folder 6


box 2, folder 7

Includes a student research report entitled "Agent Orange at the Crossroads of Science and Social Concern," by Major Alvin L. Young, USAF 1981.

box 2, folder 8

Includes a report entitled "'Dioxin,' A perspective from the Medical point of View," by George Lumb, M.D. 1984.

box 2, folder 9

Testimony, Includes testimony before the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Medical Facilities and Benefits, by Samuel S. Epstein, 1980 July 22 1980-1983.

box 2, folder 10

Agent Orange Victims International 1980

box 2, folder 11

American Chemical Society, Includes a report entitled "Chlorinated dioxins as herbicide contaminants" 1983.


American Medical Association

box 2, folder 12

Beljan, John R., "Statement of the American Medical Association to the Subcommittee on Compensation, Pension and Insurance, Committee on Veterans' Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives," 1983 July 12

box 2, folder 12

Beljan, John R. et al., "The Health Effects of 'Agent Orange' and Polychlorinated Dioxin Contaminants: An Update, 1984," 1984

box 2, folder 13

Australia. Department of Veterans' Affairs 1982-1983


Australia. Parliament. Relates to veterans' claims

box 2, folder 14


box 2, folder 15


box 3, folder 1

Australia. Repatriation Review Tribunal 1981-1982

box 3, folder 2

Australia. Royal Commission 1981-1984

box 3, folder 3

Australian Veterans Health Studies, A report to the Minister for Veterans' Affairs entitled Case-Control Study of Congenital Anomalies and Vietnam Service (Birth Defects Study) 1983.

box 3, folder 4

Cabinet Council on Human Resources. Agent Orange Working Group 1981-1982

box 3, folder 5

Council on Scientific Affairs, Includes a technical report entitled "The Health Effects of 'Agent Orange' and Polychlorinated Dioxin Contaminants" 1981-1982.

box 3, folder 6

Delaware, State of. House of Representatives 1983

box 3, folder 7

Dow Chemical Company 1980-1983


Dwyer, James H.

box 3, folder 8

"Health Problems of U.S. Military Veterans and Possible Exposure to Phenoxy Acid Herbicides in Vietnam: Partial Coding and Statistical Analysis of the Citizen Soldier Health Questionnaire (CSHQ)," 1981

box 3, folder 8

"Summary of Proceedings of a Conference on Herbicide Exposure and Reproductive Epidemiology in Viet Nam," 1982

box 3, folder 9

Foundation for Advancement in Science & Education, Includes printed matter on dioxin 1984.

box 3, folder 10

Hercules Incorporated, Includes speech by vice-president S. Maynard Turk 1984.

box 3, folder 11

New Jersey, State of. Agent Orange Commission, Includes a report entitled "The Measurement of Blood Dioxin Levels in Vietnam Veterans Who Were Heavily Exposed to Agent Orange during the War: A Pilot Project," draft copy 1984-1985.

box 3, folder 12

New York, State of. Temporary Commission on Dioxin Exposure 1982

box 3, folder 13

Ohio Veterans Agent Orange Program n.d.


United States. Air Force

box 3, folder 14

Young, Alvin L. et al, The Toxicology, Environmental Fate, and Human Risk of Herbicide Orange and its Associated Dioxin 1978 October

box 3, folder 14

Chesney, Major General Murphy A., "Presentation to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations," 1982 September 15

box 3, folder 14

"An Epidemiologic Investigation of Health Effects in Air Force Personnel Following Exposure to Herbicides," 1983 June 30

box 3, folder 15

United States. Congress, Includes material on H.R. 1961 1984.

box 3, folder 16

United States. General Accounting Office, A report entitled "U.S. Ground Troops in South Vietnam Were in Areas Sprayed with Herbicide Orange" 1979.

box 4, folder 1

Van Tiggelen, Cees J. M., Includes reports and published articles 1983-1984.


Veterans Administration



box 4, folder 2

General 1982-1985



box 4, folder 3


box 4, folder 4



Advisory Committee on Health-Related Effects of Herbicides

box 4, folder 5

General 1983-1984

box 4, folder 6

Meetings, Includes agendas, notes, and membership lists 1983-1985.


Transcripts of Proceedings

box 4, folder 7

1983 February 24

box 4, folder 8

1983 May 20

box 4, folder 8

1983 September 1

box 4, folder 9

1983 December 6

box 4, folder 9

1984 March 6

box 4, folder 10

1984 June 5

box 5, folder 1

1984 September 12

box 5, folder 2

1984 December

box 5, folder 3

1985 March 26

box 26, folder 31

1985 October 22

box 26, folder 32

1986 June 12

box 26, folder 33

1986 October 21

box 5, folder 4

"Agent Orange Review," 1982-1984

box 5, folder 5

Custis, Donald L., Testimony before the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations 1982-1983.

box 26, folder 34

Hood, Ronald D., Ph.D., Cacodylic Acid: Agricultural Uses, Biologic Effects, and Environmental Fate 1985 December

box 26, folder 35

Lavy, T. L., Ph.D., Human Exposure to Phenoxy Herbicides 1987 May


Review of Literature on Herbicides, Including Phenoxy Herbicides and Associated Dioxins 1981-1985

box 5, folder 6


box 5, folder 7

Volumes I-III

box 6, folder 1

Volumes IV-V

box 26, folder 36

Volumes VII-VIII

box 26, folder 37

Volumes IX-X


Synopsis of Scientific Literature on Phenoxy Herbicides and Associated Dioxins 1985

box 26, folder 38

No. 1 (Volumes I-IV)

box 26, folder 38

No. 2 (Volumes V-VI)

box 26, folder 38

No. 3 (Volumes VII-VIII)

box 26, folder 38

No. 4 (Volumes IX-X)

box 6, folder 2

Vietnam Combat Veterans Coalition, Includes newsletter "Orange Dispatch" 1983-1984.

box 6, folder 3

Vietnam Veterans of America 1979-1984


Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia

box 6, folder 4

General 1981-1983

box 6, folder 5

"Debrief," 1982-1984



box 27, folder 1

General. Includes typewritten manuscript addressing the question of Amerasian children and the U.S. Government's responsibilities 1982

box 27, folder 2

Clippings 1982



box 27, folder 3

Unidentified 1979-1983

box 27, folder 4

Colin, Dan 1982

box 27, folder 5

Dang Thi Ngoc Co 1982

box 27, folder 6

Doan Thi Quang 1982

box 27, folder 7

Hastings, Terry (Mrs.) 1982

box 27, folder 8

Kenney, Frederic 1980-1983

box 27, folder 9

Leung, Lena 1983

box 27, folder 10

May, William F. 1982

box 27, folder 11

Nguyen Ngoc Bich Thuy 1983

box 27, folder 12

Nguyen Ngoc Tai 1982

box 27, folder 13

Nguyen Thi Loan 1983

box 27, folder 14

Nguyen Thi Loan n.d.

box 27, folder 15

Nguyen Thi Ly 1982-1985

box 27, folder 16

Pearl S. Buck Foundation 1982

box 27, folder 17

Thuong Li Mai Thanh 1983

box 27, folder 18

Tran Thi Dien Minh 1983

box 27, folder 19

Tuyet Mai 1983

box 27, folder 20

Reports. United States Congressional Record, proceedings and debates of the 97th Congress, second session, Includes statements on immigration and Amerasian children. Printed copy 1982 September 28.


Chemical Warfare


General. Includes articles, clippings, and correspondence

box 6, folder 6


box 6, folder 7


box 6, folder 8

Goldstein, Jonathan, Includes a report entitled "Vietnam Research on Campus: The Summit/Spicerak Controversy at the University of Pennsylvania, 1965-1967" 1982-1984.


International Symposium on the Long-Term Ecological and Human Consequences of Chemical Warfare in Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh City 1983 January 13-20

box 6, folder 9

General 1982-1983

box 6, folder 10

Abstracts of papers, alphabetical by author

box 7, folder 1


box 7, folder 2

Memoranda 1982-1983

box 7, folder 3-6

Papers, alphabetical by author



box 7, folder 7



Printed, French

box 7, folder 8

Volumes 1-2

box 8, folder 1

Volume 3

box 8, folder 2


box 8, folder 3

United States. Secretary of State, A report to Congress entitled Chemical Warfare in Southeast Asia and Afghanistan 1982.


Vietnam Courier, Hanoi

box 8, folder 4

U.S. Chemical Warfare and its Consequences 1980

box 8, folder 4

Herbicides and Defoliants in War: The Long-term Effects on Man and Nature 1983


Foreign Aid to Vietnam

box 8, folder 5

General 1966-1968

box 8, folder 6

CARE-Vietnam 1967-1968

box 8, folder 7

Indochina Aid and Friendship 1982-1984

box 8, folder 8

Indochina Mobil Education Project, Includes a monograph entitled Hostages of War: Saigon's Political Prisoners 1973.

box 8, folder 9

International Voluntary Services, Inc. 1966


United States Agency for International Development

box 8, folder 10

General, Includes correspondence with Senator Edward M. Kennedy and a directive on treatment of civilian war casualties 1967-1971.

box 8, folder 11

Newsletter 1965-1967

box 8, folder 12

Newspaper 1965

box 8, folder 13

Orientation Material n.d.


Printed Matter. Relates to Vietnamese government administration

box 9, folder 1-6


box 9, folder 7


box 27, folder 21

Speech. "The Third Face of War" excerpt from President Johnson's address to the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists at the White House, Printed copy 1965 May 13.

box 9, folder 8

Transcript, press conference by Director D. G. MacDonald 1968 December 12

box 9, folder 9

United States Committee for Scientific Cooperation with Viet Nam 1981-1984

box 10, folder 1

United States Operations Mission to Vietnam, Includes a monograph entitled The Police and Resources Control in Counter-Insurgency 1964-1965.

box 10, folder 2

Vietnam. Ministry of National Planning and Development 1971



box 10, folder 3

General, Includes typescript of Prince Sihanouk's address to the press, 1963 November 22 1963.

box 10, folder 4

Clippings 1967-1980

box 27, folder 22



Printed Matter

box 10, folder 5

A staff report prepared for the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations 1970.

box 10, folder 6

Includes material published by the Foreign Languages Publishing House, Hanoi 1979.

box 27, folder 23

United States Department of State, Fact Sheet - Cambodia/Kampuchea Typewritten copy 1979.

box 27, folder 24

International Rescue Committee, Inc. Includes information pamphlet on the condition of the Cambodian refugees 1980.

box 27, folder 25

News pamphlet, Clearing House News, published by Cambodia Refugee Health Clearing House. Printed copy 1980.

box 27, folder 26

News pamphlet, Franciscan Capsule, published by St. Francis Hospital, Wilmington, Delaware. Printed copy 1980.

box 10, folder 7

Includes material published by the Vietnam Courier, Hanoi 1980-1983.



box 10, folder 8


box 10, folder 9

David M. French, "Cambodian Health Care System" 1974.

box 27, folder 27

"Cambodia: A Land of Unending Strife," Massachusetts General Hospital News, May. Printed copy 1980.

box 27, folder 28

"The Second Holocaust," Journal of the American Medical Association, June 6. Printed copy 1980.

box 27, folder 29

"Medical Care of Cambodian Refugees." Journal of the American Medical Association, March 14. Printed copy 1980.



box 10, folder 10


box 10, folder 11



Correspondence 1973-1974

box 27, folder 30

Bronsther, Burton 1974

box 27, folder 31

Ford Foundation 1974

box 27, folder 32

French, David M. 1973-1974

box 27, folder 33

Lao Planning Association 1974

box 27, folder 34

Phing Norindr 1974

box 27, folder 35

United States Agency for International Development 1974



box 27, folder 36

"The Refugee Problem in Laos," presented by Dr. John Levinson and Dr. Nevin Scrimshaw, Typewritten copy 1973 March.

box 27, folder 37

"Laos," Typewritten copy 1974 February.


Medical Assistance to Southeast Asia




General. Includes information on hospital facilities and civilian war casualties

box 11, folder 1


box 11, folder 2




box 11, folder 3


box 11, folder 4


box 11, folder 5


box 11, folder 6


box 27, folder 38



Correspondence 1964-1985

box 11, folder 7

General 1964

box 27, folder 39

"An Lac" Orphanage 1971-1973

box 27, folder 40

Cervelli, Denise R. 1979-1980

box 27, folder 41

Danh Van Tung 1966-1975

box 27, folder 42

Diem, Bui 1967

box 27, folder 43

First Regional Assistance Command 1972-1973

box 27, folder 44

Kennedy, Edward 1967-1982

box 27, folder 45

Kontum Hospital Fund 1972

box 27, folder 46

Lily Endowment 1974

box 27, folder 47

Medical Society of Delaware 1979

box 27, folder 48

Nguyen, LeAnne 1972

box 27, folder 49

Nguyen, Van Dong 1978-1982

box 27, folder 50

Nguyen, Van Khoi 1974-1975

box 27, folder 51

Phan Ngoc Hai 1979-1981

box 27, folder 52

Project Vietnam 1965

box 27, folder 53

Scrimshaw, Nevin 1982

box 27, folder 54

Tam Bui Duy 1975

box 27, folder 55

Thieme, Earl L. n.d.

box 27, folder 56

United States Committee for Scientific Cooperation with Vietnam 1980-1985

box 27, folder 57

United States Operations Mission to Vietnam 1965

box 27, folder 58

Vietnam Committee for Solidarity and Friendship with the People of all Countries 1973-1979

box 11, folder 8

Notes. Includes information on hospitals visited by John M. Levinson


Printed Matter. Includes articles published in medical journals

box 11, folder 9


box 11, folder 10


box 11, folder 11

Includes a typescript of "Medicine and Education at the Danang Medical Center," by J. A. Jackson 1968-1969.

box 11, folder 12


box 28, folder 1

"Practicing Medicine on the Edge of Purgatory," Journal of the American Medical Association, September 12. Printed copy 1980.

box 28, folder 2

Health Care in Southeast Asia. Printed copy 1982.

box 28, folder 3

"Soft Tissue Sarcoma," JNCI, October. Printed copy 1987.



box 11, folder 13

Reynolds, Michael D., "Internal Medicine in a Viet-Namese Province Hospital," n.d.

box 11, folder 14

Amberg, Ray M. and Dr. N. L. Gault, Jr., "Observations and Comments on the 'Expansion of Medical Facilities' as Programmed Through the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Saigon, Republic of South Vietnam," 1964

box 28, folder 4

"Saigon," Typewritten copy 1964.

box 28, folder 5

"South Vietnam," Typewritten copy 1966.

box 11, folder 15

"Report of the Viet Nam Medical Appraisal Team," 1967

box 11, folder 16

"Annual Report, Chan-Y-Vien Tin-Lanh and Related Projects," 1968

box 11, folder 17

"Civilian Health Program," 1968

box 12, folder 1-5

"Civilian Health Program," 1968

box 12, folder 6

"Second Report of the Coordinating Committee for Military and Civil Health," 1969

box 28, folder 6

"Institute of Medicine Council Decries Targeting of Hospitals," Photocopy 1973.

box 28, folder 7

"South Vietnam," Typewritten copy 1975 March 25-30.

box 28, folder 8

"Health Service in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam," 1981


Aid for International Medicine 1967-1981

box 28, folder 9

Correspondence 1972-1982


American Friends Service Committee

box 12, folder 8

General, Includes reports on the Quaker Rehabilitation Center, Quang Ngai 1967-1972.

box 28, folder 10

Correspondence 1973

box 28, folder 11

American Refugee Committee. Includes copies of hand drawn sketches of life in a Cambodian refugee camp, Photocopies 1980.


CARE-MEDICO, Includes reports on Quang Ngai Provincial Hospital 1964-1966.

box 12, folder 9

CARE-MEDICO, Includes reports on Quang Ngai Provincial Hospital 1964-1966

box 28, folder 12

Correspondence 1963

box 28, folder 13

Printed copy of the history of CARE-MEDICO

box 12, folder 10

Committee for Responsibility 1967

box 28, folder 14

Da Nang Hospital and Library. Includes correspondence 1966-1982

box 12, folder 11

Dooley (Thomas A.) Foundation, Inc. 1962-1971

box 28, folder 15

North Vietnam. Includes correspondence and a report of Dr. Levinson's 1982 visit May 6-20

box 12, folder 12

Physicians for Social Responsibility 1966-1968


Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics

box 12, folder 13

Kampuchea 1973-1975

box 12, folder 14

Laos, Includes a draft of "Report on Laos - Evaluation of Sites for DEIDS," by David M. French 1974-1975.

box 12, folder 15

South Vietnam 1967-1975

box 12, folder 16

Project Concern 1965-1967

box 28, folder 16

Shipment of medical books to South Vietnam. Includes correspondence 1966-1973

box 28, folder 17

Shipment of medical books to North Vietnam. Includes correspondence 1974-1985

box 28, folder 18

Tu Du Nhi Dong Hospital. Includes correspondence in regard to shipment of medication 1965-1984

box 12, folder 17

United States. Military Provincial Health Assistance Program, Includes reports on Public Health Field Program for Phong Dinh and Quang Ngai Provinces 1967-1969.


Volunteer Physicians for Vietnam. Formerly known as Project Vietnam under the U.S. Agency for International Development 1965-1966 May

box 12, folder 18

General 1965-1972

box 12, folder 19

Clippings 1965-1972

box 13, folder 1

Peace Movement 1965-1968


Refugees in Southeast Asia. See also War Victims in Southeast Asia

box 28, folder 19

Clippings 1982

box 28, folder 20

Notes 1982


Printed Matter

box 28, folder 21

"Refugees in Thailand and Short-Term Medical Aid," Journal of the American Medical Association 1981 March 31

box 28, folder 22

"Health Status of Refugees from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia," Journal of the American Medical Association, Printed copy 1982 March 5.

box 28, folder 23

"The Refused, the Agony of the Indochina Refugees," Book Digest Printed copy 1982 May.



box 28, folder 24

United States High Commissioner for Refugees Refugee Update - 1982 January

box 28, folder 25

"Summary of Refugee Situation in Thailand," Typewritten copy 1982 March 31.

box 13, folder 2

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Human Resources 1977 September 22


United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary



box FH12

1978 August 22


Box FH12 may not be used without permission of the Archivist.

Separated Materials

Box 13:3 was removed and placed in Box FH12 for mold remediation treatment.
box 13, folder 4

1979 March 14

box 13, folder 5

1979 July 26

box 13, folder 5

1979 October 31



box 13, folder 6

1978 March

box 13, folder 7

1979 July

box 13, folder 8

1979 August

box 13, folder 9

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Policy 1982-1984

box 13, folder 10

Vietnam Courier, Hanoi 1979


Southeast Asia



box 14, folder 1

General, Includes a report from the U.S. Department of State entitled "The U.S. Stake in Southeast Asia." 1965.

box 14, folder 2

Maps 1954-1971

box 28, folder 26

Notes 1967


Printed Matter

box 29, folder 1

Remote Areas Development Manual, Community Development Counseling Service, Inc. Printed copy 1964.

box 29, folder 2

Advisor Handbook for Counterinsurgency, Headquarters, Department of the Army. Printed copy 1965 April.

box 14, folder 3

A report for the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations 1965 June 16.

box 14, folder 4

Includes booklets published in Hanoi 1973-1983.

box 29, folder 3

The Asia Magazine, Printed copy 1974 August 11.

box 14, folder 5

Du Pont, Pierre S., IV, Includes a mimeographed position paper with comments by John M. Levinson 1970-1971.

box 14, folder 6

McCloskey, Paul N., Jr. Statement before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs 1971 June 29

box 29, folder 4

United States. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings 1966

box 29, folder 5

United States. House of Representatives. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs. Hearings 1967



box 29, folder 6

Clippings 1980


Printed Matter. "Focus on Thailand," 1982 March.

box 29, folder 7

Printed copy



box 29, folder 8

Dr. Levinson's impressions of Thailand and the medical facilities. Includes interview with Dr. Edward O'Rourke attached to USAID, Typewritten copy 1966.

box 29, folder 9

Dr. Levinson's impressions of the drug abuse in Thailand, Typewritten copy 1974 February.




General. Includes population statistics, organization charts, glossaries of military terms, personal accounts

box 14, folder 7


box 14, folder 8


box 14, folder 9




box 14, folder 10


box 14, folder 11


box 14, folder 12

1975 March 30

box 14, folder 13

1975 March 31-1978

box 15, folder 1


box 15, folder 2

Maps 1962-1971

box 15, folder 3

News Releases, Includes documentation on the Vietnam agreement announced by the President, 1973 January 23 1972-1975.

box 15, folder 4

Notes 1983


Printed Matter


General. Includes booklets published in Hanoi and journal articles

box 29, folder 10

Undated. Xeroxed copy of the nations needing medical aid, published by World Relief, includes Vietnam

box 29, folder 11

Undated. Pocket Guide to Viet-Nam. Printed copy

box 29, folder 12

Saigon, The American Women's Association Saigon. Printed copy 1962.

box 29, folder 13

U.S. Army Area Handbook for Vietnam, Headquarters, Department of the Army. Printed copy 1962.

box 29, folder 14

Montagnard Tribal Groups of the Republic of Viet-Nam, U.S. Army Special Warfare School. Printed copy 1964.

box 30, folder 1

Country Study Republic of Vietnam, The Department of Defense. Printed copy 1965.

box 15, folder 5


box 15, folder 6


box 15, folder 7


box 15, folder 8


box 15, folder 9-10


box 16, folder 1

Includes Reminiscences of a Vietnamese Surgeon by Ton That Tung 1980.

box 16, folder 2-3

Includes the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 1981.

box 16, folder 4


box 16, folder 5


box 30, folder 2

Garrulax Biology and Conservation in Vietnam Printed copy 1987.


Hibiscus Series, Hanoi. Vietnamese tales, legends, and stories

box 16, folder 6


box 16, folder 7


box 16, folder 8

Vietnamese Experience Series, Hanoi, Includes topics of education, illiteracy, medicine 1983-1984.





box 17, folder 1

Includes mimeographed copy of "Notes from the Underground: The Mystique of a Viet Cong" 1962.

box 17, folder 2

Report includes statements by President Lyndon B. Johnson, Dean Rusk, and Robert S. McNamara 1965.

box 17, folder 3

Includes mimeographed copy of "Findings on Trip to Vietnam" by the U.S. Study Team on Religious and Political Freedom in Vietnam 1969.

box 30, folder 3

Economic and Social Assistance to the Republic of Vietnam, Government of the Republic of Vietnam. Printed copy 1973 June.

box 17, folder 4



Michigan State University. Viet Nam Advisory Group

box 17, folder 5

Reports relate to Vietnamese government administration 1961.

box 17, folder 6


box 17, folder 7

United States. Department of State, Includes mimeographed copy of "The Legality of United States Participation in the Defense of Viet Nam" 1962-1974.



box 17, folder 8

General Includes a mimeographed copy of "Importance and Need of a Special Statute for Minority Groups in the National Community's Life," delivered by the Minister for Development of Ethnic Minorities, 1969 August 29, and a printed copy of a speech commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Vietnamese Communist Party, delivered by Le Duan, 1980 February 2 1966-1981.

box 30, folder 4

Boyer, William W., "The Agony of Vietnam," Printed copy 1969 October.

box 30, folder 5

Vietnamese Foreign Ministry's note addressed to Chinese Foreign Ministry Typewritten copy 1982 February 5.


Vietnam Veterans



box 17, folder 9

General 1982-1984

box 17, folder 10

Clippings 1979-1981


Correspondence 1982-1985

box 30, folder 6

Veterans Administration 1982-1985

box 30, folder 7

Vietnam Veterans of America 1983

box 17, folder 11

Delaware Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program 1984


Disabled American Veterans

box 17, folder 12

General 1981?

box 30, folder 8

"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders of the Vietnam Veteran," edited by Tom Williams, Psy.D. Printed copy 1980.


War Victims in Southeast Asia. See also Refugees in Southeast Asia



box 17, folder 13

General, Includes population statistics and a report on refugee resettlement plans 1965-1972.

box 17, folder 14

Clippings 1967-1972

box 30, folder 9

Notes 1972

box 30, folder 10

Printed matter Includes article by Ginetta Sagan and material published by Oxfam 1982-1983.

box 17, folder 15

Report. Miller, Robert W. and Frank L. Hutchison, "The Vietnam Refugee Program," 1965

box 30, folder 11

Boat People Project, includes correspondence 1979-1980


Kennedy, Senator Edward M. Includes statements and speeches issued from the Senator's office

box 17, folder 16


box 18, folder 1


box 18, folder 2


box 18, folder 3


box 30, folder 12

Letters to the Editor, Typewritten copies 1982.

box 30, folder 13

Missing in Action. "On the Question of America's Missing in the Vietnam War," Department of Press and Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Printed copy 1980.


United States. Civil Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS)

box 18, folder 4

General 1967-1969

box 18, folder 5

Memoranda, Relates to refugees and civilian war casualties 1967.



box 18, folder 6


box 18, folder 7

Includes different drafts of "Assessment of Refugee Program" 1969.

box 18, folder 8

Includes a report on housing, social welfare activities, and the Food for Peace Program in the Vietnamese provinces 1971.

box 30, folder 14

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings 1981 September


United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees



box 30, folder 15

Correspondence 1971-1975

box 30, folder 16

Findings and Recommendations 1968 May 9

box 18, folder 9

Fragments from the Congressional Record 1967-1973



box 30, folder 17

1967 May 10 and 18; 1967 August 16; 1967 September 21; 1967 October 9, 10, 11, 13, and 16

box 30, folder 18

1969 June 24 and 25

box 18, folder 10

1972 May 8 and 9; 1972 August 16-17

box 18, folder 11

1972 September 28; 1973 April 16; 1973 August 1

box 30, folder 19

1973 May 11

box 30, folder 20

1973 July 31

box 19, folder 1

1974 July 18



box 19, folder 2

Statement of Oye V. Stovall, Director, International Division, U.S. General Accounting Office 1967 October 11.

box 19, folder 3

1970 September 27

box 19, folder 4

1970 September 28; 1970 December 14

box 19, folder 5

1972 (exact date unknown); 1972 May 3

box 19, folder 6

1974 January 27

box 19, folder 7

1975 January 27; 1975 June 9


1976 May 17

box 19, folder 8

Preliminary mimeographed copy

box 19, folder 9

Printed copy

box 19, folder 10

Study Mission. Includes itinerary for Senator Edward M. Kennedy 1967


Study Mission 1968

box 19, folder 11

General. Includes typewritten summary of visit by John M. Levinson

box 20, folder 1-4

Notebook. Includes itineraries, memoranda, typewritten notes, reports

box 20, folder 5

Study Mission to South Vietnam. Includes report written by Drs. John M. Levinson and Thomas S. Durant 1969


Study Mission to North Vietnam 1973



box 20, folder 6


box 20, folder 7

Clippings 1972-1973

box 20, folder 8

News Releases, Vietnam News Agency, Hanoi, Includes declarations regarding the Nixon administration, French and English 1973 March 9-16.

box 20, folder 9

Printed Matter 1972

box 20, folder 10

Reports 1972

box 20, folder 11


box 20, folder 12


box 21, folder 1

Printed Matter

box 21, folder 2


box 30, folder 21

United States. Congressional Records. Proceedings and Debates of the 90th Congress, Second Session Printed copy 1968 February 6.



Scope and Contents

Includes stamps, albums, and catalogs arranged alphabetically by name of country.


box 21, folder 3


box 21, folder 4




box 21, folder 5


box 21, folder 6

Album pages

box 22, folder 1

Stamps, grouped by subject in envelopes



box 22, folder 2


box 22, folder 3-4

Album pages

box 22, folder 5-6

Stamps, grouped by subject in envelopes

box 23, folder 1

Southeast Asia - Album. Includes stamps from Kampuchea, Laos, and Vietnam

box 23, folder 2

Vietnam - Album

box 24, folder 1

Vietnam - Album



Scope and Contents

Includes postage stamps, scrapbooks and printed material arranged by physical format.
box 25, folder 1

Postage stamps, album pages of Indochina stamps 1889-1946


Printed matter

box 25, folder 2


box 25, folder 3


box 25, folder 4


box 31, folder 1

Scrapbook 1963

box 31, folder 2

Scrapbook 1966 January - 1967 March



cassette cabinet

National Agent Orange Conference Call, Veterans Administration 1983 November 21



Scope and Contents note

Includes photographs and postcards
envelope A

10 photographs of medical assistance and training given by the Thomas A. Dooley Foundation in Laos undated

envelope B

16 post cards of sculptures in the Tay Phuong pagoda, North Vietnam undated

envelope C

2 miscellaneous post cards and 20 miscellaneous negatives, including views of canoeing and John M. Levinson undated

envelope D

3 photographs and 1 negative of Tu Du Maternity Hospital, Saigon, Vietnam, including view of John M. Levinson 1963-1975

envelope E

2 photographs of Senator Edward M. Kennedy and John M. Levinson during U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees study mission to Vietnam 1968

envelope F

1 photograph, 1 contact sheet, and 36 negatives of John M. Levinson talking to U.S. soldiers during U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees study mission to Vietnam 1969

envelope G

25 post cards of artwork depicting Vietnamese military scenes 1970

envelope H

9 photographs of death and destruction caused by bombing in Vietnam 1972

envelope I

29 photographs of U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees study mission to Vietnam, including views of bombed hospitals, war monument, John M. Levinson 1973

envelope J

25 photographs of hospital conditions, surgery, and patients, Cambodia 1975

envelope K

14 photographs and 15 negatives of defoliation, surgery, birth defects during study of Agent Orange in Vietnam 1982

envelope L

100 photographs and 102 negatives of the International Symposium on the Long-Term Ecological and Human Consequences of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, including views of conference, hospital visits, countryside, sightseeing 1983

envelope M

1 negative of Amerasia children, Saigon, Vietnam 1983

envelope N

69 prints depicting mainly hospitals in North and South Vietnam during and after the War undated

Scope and Contents note

Includes a print of General Giap.
box 33

2 albums of prints depicting hospitals and nursing schools in Vietnam 1968-1971

Scope and Contents

Formerly housed in album box fO.
box 32


Scope and Contents note

This addition to the collection has not yet been described. Please let the Hoover Institution Library & Archives know if you would like to see this material described.