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Notes to tapes

box 1


box 1


box 1


box 1


box 1

A6 (includes Malawi Government economic report 1971)

box 1


box 1

A8 (includes Act no. 22 of 1940: Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa)

box 1


box 1


box 1


box 1


box 1


box 1




box 2

Envelopes 1-3

box 3

Envelopes 4-5


Miscellaneous publications

box 3

Envelope 6

box 4

Envelope 7-9

box 16

Envelope 7-9

box 5

Envelopes 10-11

box 16

Envelopes 10-11

box 6

Writings, notes, bulletins, and printed matter




A1 (1970-1971)

box 7

Dalton, Richard

box 7

Fontes e Falcao, Alfredo

box 7

Surry, John

box 7

Schoter, Hans

box 7

Niggel, Gunter

box 7

Pavlitski, E.

box 7

Seidel, W.

box 7

Haffa, Wolfgang

box 7

Green, Reginald

box 7

Chappelle, F.

box 7

Braga, Dr. A.


A2 (1971)

box 7

Braga, Dr. A.

box 7

Cavalho, Eduardo

box 7

Anderson, Garrett

box 7

Walford, Col. B.

box 7

Duncan, S.

box 7

Devaux, M.

box 7

Santos, Toni

box 7

Prune-Foch, M.

box 7

Fairweather, Patrick

box 7

Zeldine, Jean

box 7

FRELIMO official

box 7

Bossiere, M. la

box 7

Gastor, Polly

box 7

Mangani, Alessandro


A3-A4 (undated)

box 7

Mangani, Alessandro

box 7

Colleoni, G.

box 7

Fairweather, Patrick

box 7

Kaldor, Mary

box 7

Lemperiere, M.

box 7

Biche, Mme

box 7

Nogueira, Franco

box 7

Diaz da Cunha, Martin (spokesman for)

box 7

Rego, Raul

box 7

Cardoso Pires

box 7

Walford, Col.

box 7

Fernandes, Sergio

box 7

Hall, David

box 7

Magalhaes, Calvet de

box 7

British military attache, Lisbon

box 7

Ferreira, Mario

box 7

Bendixen, Bernard

box 7

Abreu, Jorge

box 7

Routh, Thelma

box 7

Carvalho, Claudo

box 7

Murupa, Miguel

box 7

Crespo, Mario

box 7

Crespo and other officers

box 7

Santos, Almeida


A5 (1971)

box 7

Santos, Almeida

box 7

Lagos, Sgt.

box 7

D'Arriaga, Kaulza

box 7

Morgado, Angelo

box 7

Marques de Abrantes Amaral, Dr.

box 7


box 7

Free-Gore, Alan

box 7

McAllister, W.

box 7

Ginnari, Raphael

box 7

Costas, Victor

box 7

De Jesus, Fernando

box 7

Cartaxama, Rui

box 7

Interviews at Cabora Bassa

box 7

Chambers, William

box 7

Anderson, Garrett

box 7

Serra, Edwardo de

box 7

Smith, Bell

box 7

Jordan, Franz

box 7

Portuguese lieutenant

box 7

Indunas (head man) at Estima village

box 7

Swann, David

box 7

Fernandes, Sergio

box 7

Nunes, Nelson

box 7

Duncan, S.

box 7

Zenha, Salgado

box 7

Matello, J. M.

box 7

Bendixen, Bernard

box 7

Chambers, William

box 7

Brebant, Antoine

box 7

M'Tapa, Regedor (head man, Estima village)

box 7

Coutinho, Dr.

box 7

Gudinho, Eng.

box 7

Falcao, Eng.

box 7

Matsinhya, Mariano

box 7

Mendlame, Janet


A6 (1971)

box 7

Adviser to the Malawi Cabinet

box 7

Gumane, Paulo

box 7

Tembe, Lopes

box 7

Rebelo, Jorge

box 7

Wateridge, Alan

box 7

Blackwell, Leslie

box 7

Martin, Meredith

box 7

Reid, Martin

box 7

Green, Reginald

box 7

Mdee, Sammy

box 7


box 7

Mijone, Vincent

box 7

Manda, Raphael

box 7

Sardanis, Andrew

box 7


box 7

Pereira, Vasco

box 7

Board, David

box 7

Representative of Escom (Malawi)

box 7

Pearson, Don


A7 (1971)

box 7

Treasury official, Malawi (not recorded)

box 7

Assistant to secretary of Malawi Treasury

box 7

British high commissioner, Malawi

box 7


box 7

Goode, Richard

box 7


box 7

Green, Reginald

box 7

Peirson, Mike

box 7

Silya Costa, F.

box 7

Martin, Meredith

box 7

Zucas, Simon

box 7

Fittington, David

box 7


box 7

Duncan, James

box 7

Micken, Joan

box 7

White, E.

box 7

Grinshaw, Edward

box 7

Brown, Irena


A8 (1971)

box 7

Ayres, James

box 7

Canadian doctor working in Tanzania

box 7

Oppenheimer, H. F.

box 7

Coulson, Mike

box 7

Dickman, Aubrey

box 7

Northey, Adrian

box 7


box 7

Du Plessies, T. C.

box 7

Sanders, E.

box 7

Coulson and others

box 7

Kailey, Dennis

box 7

Norman, H. B.

box 7


box 7

Vat, Dan van der

box 7

Olivier, Henry


A9 (undated)

box 7

Palmer, George

box 7

Morgan, Michael

box 7

Montgomery, F. G.

box 7

Brown, E. T. S.

box 7

Bowring, Col.

box 7

Hawkins, J.

box 7


box 7

Keyser, Karl

box 7

Civil servant, Rhodesian Foreign Ministry

box 7

Welenskey, Sir Roy

box 7

Graylin, John

box 7


box 7


box 7

Staff reporter, Financial Mail, Johannesburg

box 7

Dickman, Aubrey

box 7

Ruche, Christian

box 7

Falcao e Cunha

box 7

Costa, Campus

box 7

Araujo, Anthony

box 7

Zenha, Salgado


A10 (1972-1973)

box 7

Zenha, Salgado

box 7

Byatt, Hugh

box 7

Fernandes, Sergio

box 7

Grennan, Dennis

box 7

Falcao, Dr.

box 7

Vigny, Alfred

box 7

Magalhaes, Calvet de

box 7

Figueiredo, Antonio de

box 7

Walford, Col.

box 7

Fontes, Castro

box 7

Military attache, British embassy, Paris

box 7


box 7


box 7

Diplomat, British embassy, Bonn

box 7

Olivier, Henry

box 7

Haffa, A.

box 7

Bossiere, M. la

box 7

Albert, H.

box 7

Unknown, of Siemens Co.

box 7

Precourt, Philipe de

box 7

Grenfell, Julian


A11-A12 (1973-1974)

box 7

Nigell, A.

box 7

Holmes, B.

box 7


box 7

Lemperiere, Antoine

box 7

Bendixen, Bernard

box 7

Langer, Horst

box 7

Electrician, Hydroelectric work, Cabora Bassa

box 7

Brebant, E.

box 7

Jordan, F.

box 7

Chambers, William

box 7

Five headmen of the Shangaan, Cabora Bassa

box 7

Walford, Col.

box 7

Jardim, Jorge

box 7


box 7

Fernandes, Sergio

box 7

Falcao e Cunha

box 7

Diplomat, Lisbon

box 7

Ferreira, Mario

box 7

Nogueira, Frank

box 7

Jordan, F.

box 7

Rodriges, C.

box 7

Crespo, Mario

box 7

Sousa, Crispin de

box 7

Oliveira, Braz d'

box 7

Oliveira and Fonseca

box 7

Diplomat, Lisbon

box 7

Edis, John

box 7

Abreau, Simeos

box 7

Duncan, S.

box 7

Abreu, Jorge

box 7

Fontes, Castro

box 7

Pereira, Lt.

box 7

Costa Lobo, Albano

box 7

Free-Gore, Alan

box 7

Diplomat, Lisbon

box 7

Pimental dos Santos

box 7

Spranger, L. C.

box 7

Sousa, Jaime de

box 7

Duncan, S.

box 7

Silva, Antunes de

box 7

Martins, O.


A13 (1974)

box 7

Mauricio, Dr.

box 7

Cartaxana, Rui

box 7


box 7

Three officers in the Portuguese Army

box 7

Hansford, Mike

box 7

Dickman, Aubrey

box 7

Robinson, Sir Philip

box 7

Keyser, Karl

box 7

Katri, Gabriel

box 7

Palmer, George

box 7


box 7

Barrett, John

box 7

Krause, Otto

box 7

Diplomat, Pretoria

box 7

Killen, Rae

box 7

South African Chamber of Mines

box 7

Norman, E.

box 7

Olivier, Henry

box 7

Brown, E. T. S.

box 7

Vat, Dan van der

box 7

Shine, Harry

box 7

Hawkins, R.

box 7

Osborne, J.

box 7

Howlman, F.

box 7

Katri, Gabriel

box 7

Rupert, Anton

box 7


box 7

Matsanya, Marwano


A14 (1974)

box 7

Matsanya, Marwano

box 7

Gumane, Paulo

box 7

Sousa, Jaime de

box 7

ODA representative

box 7

Indebank, Malawi

box 7


box 7

Zukas, S.

box 7

Crampin, C.

box 7

FRELIMO representative

box 7

Diplomat, Lusaka

box 7

Diplomat, Malawi

box 7

Proenca, J. M. da

box 7

Raynor, Gerald

box 7

Zambian agronomist

box 7

Diplomat, Lusaka

box 7

Diplomat, Lusaka

box 7

Diplomat, Lusaka

box 7

Diplomat, Dar es Salaam

box 7

Anglo-American representative in Zambia

box 7

British diplomat, London

box 7


box 7

British diplomat, London

box 7

Routh, Thelma

box 7

Sousa, Jaime de

box 7

Cook, Michael

box 7

Ferreira, Mario


A15 (1974)

box 8

Bendixen, Bernard

box 8

Langer, H.

box 8


box 8

Sousa, Jaime de

box 8

Portugal Prisoners Association, Lisbon

box 8

Ruche, Christian

box 8

Falcao e Cunha

box 8

Rodrigues, Adriano

box 8


box 8

Costa Lobo, Albano

box 8

Fernandes, Sergio

box 8

Costa Gomes, General

box 8

Garibaldi, Jose

box 8

Tito de Morais, A.

box 8

Zenha, Salgado

box 8

Balsemao, Francisco

box 8


box 8

Sithole, Valentine

box 8

Tsung Hsiang

box 8

British diplomat, Lusaka

box 8

Chissano, Joaquim

box 8

Rebelo, Jorge


A16-A17 (1974-1975)

box 8

Sacrame, Satta

box 8

Diplomat, Lusaka

box 8

Sousa, Jaime de

box 8

Jardim, J.

box 8

Bendixen, Bernard

box 8

Proensa, J. M. da

box 8

Alves, Major Vitor

box 8

Silvera Pinheiro, Commander Serafin

box 8

Garibaldi, J.

box 8

Mendonsa, J. M. de

box 8

Fernandes, Sergio

box 8

Tito de Morais, A.

box 8

Ferreira da Cunha, Col.

box 8

Falcao e Cunha

box 8

Campos Costa

box 8

Diaz, Vito

box 8

Ferreira da Cunha, Col.

box 8

Balsemao, Francisco

box 8

Lima, Santos

box 8

Ferreira, Mario

box 8

MES representatives

box 8

Cruz, Brago da

box 8


box 8


box 8

Costa Lobo, A.

box 8

Tito de Morais, A.

box 8

"Kraque" (PRP/Revolutionary Brigades spokesperson)

box 8

Silva, H. de

box 8

Member, 5th Division, Lisbon

box 8

MRPP representative

box 8


box 8

Melo, Antonio

box 8

Mateus, Rui

box 8

Cabrita, Joao


A18 (1975-1976)

box 8

Cruz, Brago da

box 8

Mateus, Rui

box 8

Fontes, Castro

box 8

Sousa, Jaime de

box 8

Chief organizer of the PPD in Northern Portugal

box 8

PRP/Revolutionary Brigades spokeman

box 8

Balseamo, Francisco

box 8

Ferreira de Cunha, Col.

box 8

Bremner, A.

box 8

Journalists at Expresso

box 8


box 8

Garibaldi, Jose

box 8

Melo, Antonio

box 8

Journalist at Expresso

box 8

Sousa, Jaime de

box 8

Cunha Leal

box 8

West German diplomat

box 8

Veloso, Pires, Brigadier


A19 (1976)

Conditions Governing Access note

Use copy reference number: 77036_a_0005927 (?)
box 8

Jardin, J.

box 8

Sousa, Jaime de

box 8

Rosa Coutinho, Admiral

box 8

Mateus, Rui

box 8

Balseamo, Francisco

box 8

Sampaio, Dr. Jorge

box 8

Pires, Antonio

box 8

Garibaldi, Jose

box 8

Ribeira da Cunha, Alexander


A20 (1976)

box 8

Avouca, Domingos

box 8

Didier, Carlos

box 8

Ferreira da Cunha, Col.

box 8

Crespo, Vitor

box 8

Goncalves, General Vasco


A21 1976

box 8

Mosimba, T.

box 8

Kiondo, D.

box 8

Rodrigues, Adriano

box 8

Rita-Ferreira, Antonio

box 8

Norton de Matos

box 8

Ferreira, Felipe

box 8

Braganca, Acquino de

box 8

Magaia, Daniel

box 8

CID officer

box 8

Ferreira, Captain

box 8

British pilot working for Tanzanian government

box 8

Wicken, Joan

box 8

Ginwallah, Franny

box 8

Ganhao, Fernando

box 8

Parkin, Neville


A22 1976

box 8

Belinski, R.

box 8

Heffer, N.

box 8

Fleischer, J.

box 8

Barratt, John

box 8

Norman, E.

box 8

Olivier, Harry

box 8

Carson, John

box 8

Christie, Ian

box 8

Trecham, J.

box 8

Machel (speech to party leaders, Matola, Moz.)

box 8

Reis, D.

box 8

Overly, James

box 8

Braun, F.

box 8

Engineer at Cabora Bassa

box 8

Fonseca, C. A.

box 8

Matsinya, Mariano

box 8

Rose, A.

box 8

Magalhaes, Luis

box MC12

A21-A22 1976

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (10-inch)

A23 1976

box 8

Gates, R.

box 8

Greek expatriate

box 8

East German diplomat, Maputo

box 8

Chinese diplomat, Maputo

box 8

Branquino, Jose

box MC12

A23 1976

Physical Description: 1, 1/4-inch sound tape reel (10-inch)


box 8

Notes to tapes B1-B15



box 9

B1-B6 (PCI 1977-1979)

box 9

B6-B8 (PCE 1977-1978)

box 9

B8-B10 (PCP 1977-1980)

box 9

B10-B14 (PCF 1977-1978)

box 9

B14-B15 (PCP 1981)




Notes to tapes

box 10


box 10


box 10


box 10


box 10


box 10


box 10


box 10


box 10






box 10


box 10


box 10

Franks, Lord



box 10

Franks, Lord

box 10

Sherfield, Lord

box 10

Roberthall, Lord

box 10

Morrison, Sir Nicholas



box 10

Morrison, Sir Nicholas

box 10

Rickett, Sir Dennis

box 10

Barnes, Sir Denis

box 10

Catherwood, Sir Fred

box 10

Jones, Aubrey



box 10

Smith, Douglas

box 10

Clucas, Sir Kenneth

box 10

Brown, Philip



box 10

Brown, Philip

box 10

Part, Sir Anthony

box 10

Carey, Sir Peter

box 10

Wass, Sir Douglas



box 10

Wass, Sir Douglas

box 10

Rawlinson, Sir Anthony

box 10

Airey, Sir Laurence

box 10

Allen, Sir Douglas (Lord Croham)



box 11

Allen, Sir Douglas (Lord Croham)

box 11

Berrill, Sir Kenneth

box 11

Walters, Alan

box 11

Bancroft, Sir Ian



box 11

Bancroft, Sir Ian

box 11

Pliatzky, Sir Leo

box 11

Burney, Sir Anthony

box 11

Fulton, Lord

box 11

Renton, Timothy

box 11

Hordern, Peter

box 11

Gilmour, Sir Ian

box 11

Healey, Sir Denis

box 11

Wilson, Sir Harold



box 11

Wilson, Sir Harold

box 11

Shore, Peter

box 11

Diamond, Lord

box 11

Lever, Lord

box 11

Thorneycroft, Lord

box 11

Joseph, Sir Keith

box 11

Marsh, Sir Richard

box 11

Robens, Lord

box 11

Stewart, Lord

box 11

Benn, Tony



box 11

Benn, Tony

box 11

Watkinson, Lord

box 11

Fraser, Lord

box 11

Zuckerman, Lord

box 11

Albu, Austen

box 11

Aldington, Lord

box 11

Lord Scarman



box 11

Donaldson, Lord (Sir) John

box 11

Gardiner, Lord

box 11

Shawcross, Lord

box 11

Devlin, Lord

box 11

Barry, John

box 11

Lewin, Admiral Sir Terence

box 11

Carver, Field Marshal Lord



box 11

Carver, Field Marshal Lord

box 11

R. H.

box 11

White, Sir Dick

box 11

Fulkener, Sir Eric

box 11

Cobbold, Lord



box 11

Cobbold, Lord

box 11

Bolton, Sir George

box 11

Cromer, Lord

box 11

Hollom, Sir Jasper

box 11

Keith, Sir Kenneth (Lord)

box 11

Benson, Lord



box 11

Keith, Sir Kenneth (Lord)

box 11

Hopkinson, David

box 11

Lucas, John

box 11

Rose, Harold

box 11

Morse, Jeremy

box 11

Lloyd, Richard

box 11

Broadley, Robin

box 11

Goodison, Sir Nicholas



box 11

Goodison, Sir Nicholas

box 11

Hamilton, Dundas

box 11

Murray, Lionel (Lord)



box 11

Murray, Lionel (Lord)

box 11

Urwin, Harry

box 11

Cannell, Mike

box 11

Jones, Jack

box 11

Chappell, Frank (Lord)

box 11

Graham, Ken



box 11

Mills, Leif

box 11

Lea, David

box 11

Laird, Gavid

box 11

Drain, Geoffrey

box 11

Kendall, Bill



box 11

Kendall, Bill

box 11

Grantham, Roy

box 11

Lyons, John

box 11

Basnett, David

box 11

Mortimer, Jim

box 11

Nicholas, Sir Harry

box 11

Frodsham, Anthony

box 11

Pennock, Sir Raymond

box 11

Beckett, Sir Terence



box 11

Chandler, Sir Geoffrey

box 11

MacDougall, Sir Donald

box 11

Figgures, Sir Frank

box 11

Mackintosh, Sir Ronald

box 11

Shone, Sir Robert



box 11

Fraser, T. C.

box 11

Ezra, Sir Derek

box 11

Swinden, Alan

box 11

Parlew, Sir Peter

box 11

Tombs, Sir Francis

box 11

Kearkem, Lord

box 11

Jawett, Sir Alex



box 11

Jawett, Sir Alex

box 11

Knight, Sir Arthur

box 11

Garret, John

box 11

Beeching, Lord

box 11

Hill, Herbert

box 11

Villiers, Sir Charles

box 11

Claphan, Sir Michael

box 11

Partridge, Sir John

box 11

Bolton, John E.

box 11

Murphy, Sir Leslie

box 11

Stone, David



box 11

Stone, David

box 11

Morris, Derek

box 11

McGregor, Peter

box 12

Material not yet described

box 13

Material not yet described

box 14

Material not yet described

box 15

Material not yet described