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box 76, folder 21

"...And a Reply," Wall Street Journal, Letter to the editor relating to comments by John F. Burke on Hook's article "The Hiss Ruling's Contradictions." Holograph, printed copy, typescript and printed copies of Burke's comments, and correspondence with William Fitelson and others, 1975 Sept. 29, 1975.

box 76, folder 22

"The Promise of Humanism," Humanist, Printed copy, printed copies of articles by Albert Ellis and Jerome D. Frank, and letter, 1975 Sept.-Oct. 1975.

box 76, folder 23

Statement, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance hearings, Relates to affirmative action programs. Typescript Oct. 3, 1975.

box 76, folder 24

"In Defense of Terminological Sobriety: A Reply to Professor Kellner," Journal of Politics, Reply to Menachem Marc Kellner. Printed copy and letters, 1975 Nov. 1975.

box 76, folder 25

"Sidney Hook's Rejoinder," Humanist, Reply to comments by Jerome D. Frank on Hook's article "The Promise of Humanism." Printed copy, and printed copy of Frank's comments, 1975 Nov.-Dec. 1975.

box 77, folder 1

"The Tyranny of Reverse Discrimination," Change, Printed copy Dec. 1975-Jan. 1976.

box 77, folder 2

Foreword to James Gouinlock, ed., The Moral Writings of John Dewey, 1976. Letters 1975-1976

box 77, folder 3

"Higher Education and Morality," in Private Higher Education: The Job Ahead, 1976. Printed copy, and letters by Mark Sheldon and others 1975-1977

box 77, folder 4

"Intelligence and Human Rights," in The Writer and the World: Essays by Sidney Hook, Walter E. Williams and A. Lawrence Chickering, Holograph, typescript, printed copies, and letters, 1976 1976.

box 77, folder 5

Introduction to John Dewey, The Middle Works of John Dewey, Vol. II, 1976. Letters by Jo Ann Boydston and others 1974-1977

box 77, folder 6

"The Strange Case of Whittaker Chambers," Encounter, Holograph, printed copy, typescript and galleys of a reply by Diana Trilling, typescript reply to Trilling by Hook, printed article by Lionel Trilling, and correspondence with Arnold Beichman, Robert A. Hessen, Lewis Lapham, Melvin J. Lasky, Isaac Don Levine, Norman Podhoretz, Meyer Schapiro, Diana Trilling, Allen Weinstein and others, 1975-1976 Jan. 1976.

box 77, folder 7

Untitled memoir, Relates to Hans Reichenbach. Holograph Jan. 1976.

box 77, folder 8

Letter to the editor, Christianity Today, (date written). Relates to religion. Holograph Feb. 15, 1976

box 77, folder 9

Review of John P. Diggins, Up from Communism, New Republic, Notes, typescript, printed copy, and letters, 1975-1976 Feb. 21, 1976.

box 77, folder 10

Speech, Remarks to the Chancellors' Colloquium. Typescript March 18, 1976.

box 77, folder 11

"Alger Hiss: The Continuing Whitewash," Wall Street Journal, March 22, 1976. Review of John Chabot Smith, Alger Hiss: The True Story. Typescript, printed copy and correspondence 1976

box 77, folder 12

"Intelligence, Morality and Foreign Policy," Freedom at Issue, Printed copies, printed comments by Arthur L. Jacobs, and letters by Jacobs, Leo Cherne, Isaac Don Levine, Richard W. Lyman, Sidney Ratner, Leonard R. Sussman, Donald W. Treadgold and others, 1976-1978 March-April 1976.

box 77, folder 13

"To Make Men Free: Liberty and Learning in America," Speech, Sam Rayburn Public Affairs Symposium, East Texas State University, Commerce, Tex. Typescripts, program, and letters, 1976 April 7, 1976.

box 77, folder 14

"Criticism of Pound," Stanford Daily, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Donald Davie on Ezra Pound. Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of Davie's comments, and letter, 1976 April 26, 1976.

box 77, folder 15

"Pound's Guilt," Stanford Daily, (date written). Relates to a reply by Donald Davie to Hook's letter to the editor "Criticism of Pound." Typescript, printed copy, and letter, 1976 May 11, 1976

box 77, folder 16

"Towards Greater Equality," Speech, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Program announcement May 28, 1976.

box 77, folder 17

"Morris Cohen: Fifty Years Later," American Scholar, Clipping, printed copy, printed articles, letter to the editor by Milton Konvitz, and correspondence with Milton Hindus, Konvitz, Irving Kristol, David Riesman, Edward Shils, Paul Weiss and others, 1975-1981 Summer 1976.

box 77, folder 18

Letter to the editor, New Republic, June 12, 1976. Relates to reply by John P. Diggins to Hook's review of Diggins' book Up From Communism. Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of Diggins' comments, and letters 1976

box 77, folder 19

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to comments by William V. Shannon on secularism. Typescript June 22, 1976

box 77, folder 20

"Bertrand Russell the Man," Commentary, July 1976. Review of Ronald W. Clark, The Life of Bertrand Russell, Dora Russell, The Tamarisk Tree, and Katharine Tait, My Father Bertrand Russell. Typescript, galleys, printed copy, and letters 1976

box 77, folder 21

"The Legacy of 1776, and a New Call for Freedom," American Views, Printed copy and letter, 1976 July 5, 1976.

box 78, folder 1

Review of Michael Harrington, The Twilight of Capitalism: A Marxian Epitaph, New Republic, Typescript, printed copy, proof copy of book, copies of reviews by John Kenneth Galbraith and Daniel Bell, and letter by James T. Farrell, 1977 Aug. 7-14, 1976.

box 78, folder 2

"The Social Democratic Prospect," New America, Printed copy, and letters by Carl Gershman, Albert Glotzer, Milton R. Konvitz and others, 1976-1977 Aug.-Sept. 1976.

box 78, folder 3

"Can the University Survive Equal Access?" Change, Sept. 1976. Review of Sterling M. McMurrin, ed., On the Meaning of the University. Printed copy and letter by Richard W. Lyman 1976

box 78, folder 4

"A Symposium: What Is a Liberal: Who Is a Conservative?" Commentary, Contribution to a symposium. Printed copy Sept. 1976.

box 78, folder 5

"The Big Casino in the Sky," New York Times, Typescript, printed copy, and letters, 1976 Sept. 3, 1976.

box 78, folder 6

"Is Secular Humanism a Religion?" Humanist, Printed copy and letter, 1976 Sept.-Oct. 1976.

box 78, folder 7

Review of Andrei D. Sakharov, My Country and the World, Russian Review, Printed copy Oct. 1976.

box 78, folder 8

"Reflections on the Metaphysics of John Dewey: Experience and Nature," Speech, International Bicentennial Symposium on Philosophy, New York City. Holograph, typescript, printed copy, program, and letters by Ralph Ross and others, 1976-1977 Oct. 7, 1976.

box 78, folder 9

"The Meaning of Freedom," Speech, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. Printed copy and letters, 1976-1977 Nov. 3, 1976.

box 78, folder 10

"A Voice from Another Shore," Humanist, Nov.-Dec. 1976. Review of Lev Navrozov, The Education of Lev Navrozov. Printed copy, and letters by Navrozov and another 1976

box 78, folder 11

"An Interview with Sidney Hook," Forum, Printed copy Dec. 1976.

box 78, folder 12

The Ethics of Teaching and Scientific Research, (co- editor with Paul Kurtz and Miro Todorovich). Press release 1977

box 78, folder 13

"Moralistic Improprieties of Senator Church," Holograph (fragment) 1977.

box 78, folder 14

"Some Memories of Columbia Days," Correspondence, 1977 1977.

box 78, folder 15

"Letters from George Santayana," American Scholar, Printed copy Winter 1977.

box 78, folder 16

"Reply to Mr. Mortimer Smith," American Scholar, Relates to comments by Mortimer Smith on Hook's article "Morris Cohen: Fifty Years Later." Typescript Winter 1977.

box 78, folder 17

"The New Religiosity," Humanist, Printed copy Jan.-Feb. 1977.

box 78, folder 18

"A Statement Affirming Evolution as a Principle of Science," Humanist, (co-signer with others). Printed copy Jan.-Feb. 1977

box 78, folder 19

"Lillian Hellman's Scoundrel Time," Encounter, Feb. 1977. Review of Lillian Hellman, Scoundrel Time. Printed copy, clipping, and correspondence with Saul Bellow, William F. Buckley, Jr., Leo Cherne, Milton R. Konvitz, Norman Podhoretz, Ernest van den Haag, and others 1976-1981

box 78, folder 20

"A Farewell to Bertram D. Wolfe," Eulogy for Bertram D. Wolfe. Typescript and letters, 1977-1982 Feb. 23, 1977.

box 78, folder 21

Open letter to President Jimmy Carter, (co-author with others). Relates to affirmative action programs. Typescript, clippings, and letters by Seymour Martin Lipset and Miro M. Todorovich, 1977 March 1977

box 78, folder 22

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to U.S. foreign relations. Typescript March 17, 1977

box 78, folder 23

"Racial and Sexual Quotas: They're Not Only Illegal, They're Immoral," New York Daily News, Printed copy, clippings, and letters, 1978 March 27, 1977.

box 78, folder 24

Speech, Address presenting Eugene Victor Debs Award to George Meany, Washington, D.C. Holograph and typescript March 31, 1977.

box 78, folder 25

"To Teach the Truth, without Let or Hindrance," Chronicle of Higher Education, Printed copy and letters, 1976-1977 April 4, 1977.

box 78, folder 26

"Marxists and Non-Marxists," Times Literary Supplement, April 29, 1977. Relates to a review by Ghita Ionescu of Hook's book Revolution, Reform and Social Justice. Typescript

box 78, folder 27

"Sidney Hook Replies to a Critic of His Views on the Selzer Case and Academic Freedom," Chronicle of Higher Education, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Leonard Marsak on Hook's article "To Teach the Truth, without Let or Hindrance." Typescript, printed copy, and letter by Michael Selzer, 1977-1979 May 23, 1977.

box 78, folder 28

"Karl Marx: The Massive Dissent," Television broadcast. Typescript and contract, 1977 June 2, 1977.

box 78, folder 29

"Soviet Constitution Protects State, Not People," Kansas City Star, Typescript, printed copy, and letter, and clippings, 1977 July 3, 1977.

box 78, folder 30

Letter to the editor, Times Literary Supplement, July 22, 1977 (date written). Relates to a review by John Passmore of The Works of William James. Typescript

box 78, folder 31

"Socialism Means Freedom," New America, Interview. Printed copy Oct. 1977.

box 78, folder 32

"No: 'Reverse Discrimination' Isn't Fair to Those More Qualified," National Enquirer, Letter to the editor. Typescript and letter, 1977 Oct. 24, 1977.

box 79, folder 1

"Marxism and Crypto-Marxism," New York Times, Galleys, printed copy, and correspondence with Norman Jacobs, Leland B. Yeager, and another, 1977-1978 Oct. 26, 1977.

box 79, folder 2

Letter to the editor, Encounter, (date written). Relates to comments by Martin Esslin on Bertolt Brecht. Typescript, printed excerpts, and proof copy of Esslin's letter to the editor Dec. 20, 1977

box 79, folder 3

The University and the State: What Role for Government in Higher Education?(co-editor with Paul Kurtz and Miro Todorovich). Review and contract, 1977 1978

box 79, folder 4

"Bernstein's Contribution to Social Democracy," New America, Printed copy and letter, 1978 Jan. 1978.

box 79, folder 5

Statement, (co-author with other members of the Committee on Academic Nondiscrimination and Integrity). Relates to affirmative action programs. Typescript, printed copy, press release, clippings, and letters, 1977-1978 Feb. 6, 1978

box 79, folder 6

"Of I.Q. Tests and the Desire to Succeed," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to comments by George Albee. Typescript and printed copy March 3, 1978.

box 79, folder 7

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to comments by Alden Whitman on Hook's relation with the Communist Party. Typescript, printed copy of Whitman's comments, clipping, and letter, 1978 March 20, 1978

box 79, folder 8

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to comments by George Albee on Hook's letter to the editor "Of I.Q. Tests and the Desire to Succeed." Holograph, and typescript reply by Albee March 27, 1978

box 79, folder 9

"Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy," Commentary, Symposium contribution. Galleys, and letters by Carl Gershman and another, 1978 April 1978.

box 79, folder 10

"Politics on the Obituary Page," National Review, (published anonymously). Typescript, printed copy, clipping, and letters to James Burnham and another, 1978 April 28, 1978

box 79, folder 11

"Beyond Freedom Lies Terror," Business and Society Review, Printed copy Summer 1978.

box 79, folder 12

Review of Kostas Axelos, Alienation, Praxis, and Techne in the Thought of Karl Marx, Journal of Economic History, Typescript, printed copy, and postcard, 1978 Summer 1978.

box 79, folder 13

Review of John G. Gurley, Challengers to Capitalism: Marx, Lenin, and Mao, Slavic Review, Typescript, printed copy, and letter, 1977-1978 June 1978.

box 79, folder 14

Review of Eugen Loebl, My Mind on Trial, Slavic Review, Printed copy June 1978.

box 79, folder 15

"Only Merit Should Count," Christian Science Monitor, Printed copy and letter, 1978 June 21, 1978.

box 79, folder 16

"Above All, Freedom," Time, Contribution to symposium on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Printed copy, advertisement, and letters by Werner Dannhauser and others, 1978-1979 June 26, 1978.

box 79, folder 17

"The Case of Alger Hiss: A Historian's Verdict," Encounter, Aug. 1978. Review of Allen Weinstein, Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case. Typescript, galleys, and correspondence with Daniel Bell and another 1978

box 79, folder 18

"Justice for All: Preference for Some? The Case Against," Bell Telephone Magazine, Autumn Printed copy and letter 1978.

box 79, folder 19

"Home Truths," Commentary, Sept. 1978. Review of Yvonne Kapp, Eleanor Marx. Printed copy, and letter by Murray Povzea 1978

box 79, folder 20

Letter to the editor, Contemporary Sociology, Sept. 1978. Relates to a review by Jerome H. Skolnick of Ernest van den Haag's book Punishing Criminals. Printed copy, typescript and printed copies of comments by Skolnick, Van den Haag and Hans Toch, and letter 1978

box 79, folder 21

"The Triumph of Racism?" Freedom at Issue, Printed copy Sept.-Oct. 1978.

box 79, folder 22

"The True Meaning of the Pumpkin," Speech, Pumpkin Papers Irregulars meeting, San Francisco. Printed copy, program, and letters by Paul Seabury, 1978-1979 Oct. 31, 1978.

box 79, folder 23

"Solzhenitsyn and Secular Humanism: A Response," Humanist, Reply to a Harvard University commencement address given by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Printed copy, printed copy of Solzhenitsyn's speech, and letters, 1978-1979 Nov.-Dec. 1978.

box 79, folder 24

"The Conceptual Structure of Power: An Overview," in Donald W. Harward, ed., Power: Its Nature, Its Use, and Its Limits, 1979. Typescript, proofs, and correspondence with Harward and others 1978-1979

box 79, folder 25

Eulogy for Rose Zinkin, Holograph 1979.

box 79, folder 26

"John Dewey: A Hundred Years Later," Typescript 1979.

box 79, folder 27

"Marxism and Liberty," Dialogue, Printed copy Winter 1979.

box 79, folder 28

"Anti-Semitism in the Academy: Some Pages of the Past," Midstream, Galleys, printed copy, and correspondence with Arthur P. Davis, Meyer Schapiro and others, 1976-1979 Jan. 1979.

box 79, folder 29

"David Caute's Fable of 'Fear and Terror,'" Encounter, Jan. 1979. Review of David Caute, The Great Fear: The Anti- Communist Purge under Truman and Eisenhower. Holograph notes, galleys, printed copy, and letter 1979

box 79, folder 30

"Social Democracy Means Human Freedom: A Response to the Conservatives," New America, Printed copies Jan. 1979.

box 79, folder 31

"'A Tale of Mystery - and Detection,'" Encounter, Reply to comments by Eric Jacobs and Margaret Stern on Hook's review "The Case of Alger Hiss: A Historian's Verdict." Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and printed copies of comments by Jacobs, Stern and Allen Weinstein, 1979 March 1979.

box 80, folder 1

"Solzhenitsyn and Western Freedom: How Serious a Challenge?" Speech, Issues in Liberal Education Conference, University of Oklahoma, Norman. Typescript, galleys, printed copy, program, and letters, 1979-1981 March 28, 1979.

box 80, folder 2

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to comments by Donald Meiklejohn on liberty of speech. Typescript, and printed copy of Meiklejohn's comments April 4, 1979

box 80, folder 3

"Alternatives to Collective Bargaining," Speech, National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, New York City. Typescript, printed copy, and program April 24, 1979.

box 80, folder 4

"Ideology of the Labor Movement," Speech, Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. Notes and announcement April 26, 1979.

box 80, folder 5

"Cosmology and Ethics," New Republic, Letter to the editor. Printed copy May 5, 1979.

box 80, folder 6

"Hook vs. Wills," May 21, 1979, Time. Relates to freedom of ideas. Typescript

box 80, folder 7

"Political Wish-Thinking and the Eurocommunist Myth," Policy Review, Summer 1979. Review of Roy Godson and Stephen Haseler, Eurocommunism: Implications for East and West. Holograph, printed copy, and letters 1979

box 80, folder 8

"Remembering Max Eastman," American Scholar, Summer 1979. Review of William L. O'Neill, The Last Romantic: A Life of Max Eastman. Printed copy, contract, and correspondence with O'Neill, Lewis Feuer and Jeffrey Hart 1979-1981

box 80, folder 9

Letter to the editor, Russian Review, July 1979. Relates to a review by Andrzej Korbonski of J. K. Zawodny's book Nothing but Honour. Typescript, printed copy, and letters by Zawodny 1979

box 80, folder 10

"Renquist-Burger [sic] Dissent on Weber," Measure, Printed copy Fall 1979.

box 80, folder 11

"The Weber Case," Commentary, (co-author with Miro Todorovich). Letter to the editor relating to affirmative action programs and the Committee on Academic Nondiscrimination and Integrity. Printed copy Sept. 1979

box 80, folder 12

"The Vulnerabilities of Communism," Speech, International Freedoms Conference, Philadelphia. Typescripts Oct. 26, 1979.

box 80, folder 13

"How to Define the Public Good," Speech, Symposium on the Perplexed Policymaker, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Notes, program, and miscellanea Nov. 20, 1979.

box 80, folder 14

"Rebuff to Jane Fonda Logical," Dallas Morning News, Typescript and printed copy Nov. 23, 1979.

box 80, folder 15

"Trotsky: The Prophet Who Failed," New America, Typescript, galleys, printed copies, and letters, 1979-1980 Dec. 1979.

box 80, folder 16

"Karl Marx (1818-1883)," in New Book of Knowledge, Typescript and letter, 1979 1980.

box 80, folder 17

Philosophy and Public Policy, 1980. Reviews, contract, press release, printed excerpts, miscellany, and correspondence with Roy Godson, David Sidorsky and others 1977-1982

box 80, folder 18

Introduction to James H. Wentzel, Countdown 1984: A Review of Federal Government "Minority" Group Preference in Small Business and Public Works Programs (pamphlet), Holograph, typescript copy of Wentzel's study, printed copy, and letters from Wentzel and another, 1979 Jan. 1980.

box 80, folder 19

"Liberalism and the Jews," Commentary, Symposium contribution. Typescript, galleys, printed copy, and correspondence, 1979-1980 Jan. 1980.

box 80, folder 20

"Memories of John Dewey Days: An Autobiographical Fragment," [St. John's] College, Galleys, printed copy, and letter, 1979 Jan. 1980.

box 81, folder 1

Letter to the editor, Commentary, (date written). Relates to comments by Daniel Bell on liberalism. Typescript, and letters to Bell and Norman Podhoretz, 1980 Jan. 8, 1980

box 81, folder 2

"The Soviet Britannica: An Intellectual Obscenity," Midstream, Holograph, galleys, printed copy, clipping, and letter, 1979 Feb. 1980.

box 81, folder 3

"Three Intellectual Women," (date written). Primarily relates to Diana Trilling, but planned to include Mary McCarthy and Hannah Arendt. Typescript fragment Feb. 6, 1980

box 81, folder 4

"The 'Radical' Tilt against Academic Freedom," Measure, Printed copy, and letters by Milton Friedman and another, 1980 Spring 1980.

box 81, folder 5

"Spectral Marxism," American Scholar, Spring 1980. Review of Leszek Kolakowski, Main Currents of Marxism. Typescript, proof, printed copy, contract, and letters by Burnett Bolloten and others 1979-1980

box 81, folder 6

"Textbook Detente with Soviets: Just Another Illusion?" Kansas City Star, Typescript and printed copy April 6, 1980.

box 81, folder 7

"Isaiah Berlin's Enlightenment," Commentary, May 1980. Review of Isaiah Berlin, Against the Current. Typescript, galleys, notes, proof copy of Berlin's book, printed copy, printed copy of reviews by Jonathan Lieberson and Sidney Morgenbesser, and letters by Berlin and others 1980

box 81, folder 8

"The Institute for Social Research: Addendum," Survey, Typescript, printed copy, galleys of Lewis Feuer's "The Frankfurt Marxists and the Columbia Liberals," and letters by Feuer and Meyer Schapiro, 1980-1981 Summer 1980.

box 81, folder 9

Letter to the editor, Commentary, Relates to comments by Robert Gordis on Hook's article "Isaiah Berlin's Enlightenment." Typescript, typescript copy of Gordis' comments, and letter by Gordis, 1980 July 1980.

box 81, folder 10

"Marx for All Seasons," Commentary, July 1980. Review of Robert L. Heilbroner, Marxism: For and Against. Typescript and printed copy

box 81, folder 11

"Bertrand Russell's Reserve," Midstream, Reply to comments by Harry Ruja on Hook's review "Bertrand Russell the Man." Typescript Aug.-Sept. 1980.

box 81, folder 12

"Disremembering the Thirties," American Scholar, Autumn 1980. Review of Malcolm Cowley, The Dream of the Golden Mountain: Remembering the Thirties. Typescript, printed copy, and letters 1980

box 81, folder 13

"Academic Freedom in Jeopardy: Time to Strike the Alarm Bell," Measure (supplement), Printed copy Sept. 1980.

box 81, folder 14

Review of Norman Podhoretz, The Present Danger, American Spectator, Printed copy, and correspondence with Podhoretz and others, 1980-1981 Sept. 1980.

box 81, folder 15

"Selzer and Academic Freedom," Typescript Sept. 1980.

box 81, folder 16

"Reflections on Tenure and Confidentiality," Measure, Printed copy Oct. 1980.

box 81, folder 17

"Misread 'Secular Humanist Declaration,'" New York Times, (co-author with Paul Kurtz). Letter to the editor relating to comments by Samuel A. Turk on "A Secular Humanist Declaration." Printed copy, printed comments by Robert J. Farrell, and letter by Milton R. Konvitz, 1980 Nov. 7, 1980

box 81, folder 18

"Books for Christmas," American Spectator, Short contribution. Printed copy Dec. 1980.

box 81, folder 19

"Call to Conscience," New York Times, (co- signer with others). Political advertisement relating to the United Nations and Israel. Printed copy Dec. 14, 1980

box 81, folder 20

"Authoritarian or Totalitarian: What Difference?" Typescripts 1981.

box 81, folder 21

"Science and Civilization," Speech written for Ronald Reagan or George Bush relating to Andrei Sakharov (not given). Holograph outline and letter, 1981 1981.

box 81, folder 22

"The Ground We Stand On: Democratic Humanism," Free Inquiry, Galleys, printed copy, and correspondence, 1982-1988 Winter 1981.

box 81, folder 23

"A Secular Humanist Declaration," Free Inquiry, (co-author with others). Printed copy Winter 1981

box 81, folder 24

Letter to the editor, American Spectator, Jan. 1981. Reply to comments by Paul Gottfried and Frank O'Connell on Hook's review of Norman Podhoretz's book The Present Danger. Typescript, printed copy, and typescript and printed copies of letters by Gottfried and O'Connell 1980-1981

box 81, folder 25

Review of Stanley Moore, Marx on the Choice between Socialism and Communism, Russian Review, Printed copy Jan. 1981.

box 81, folder 26

Letter to the editor, New America, Relates to comments by Otto Nathan on Hook's article "Trotsky: The Prophet Who Failed." Typescript, printed copy, typescript and printed copies of Nathan's comments, and letters by Albert Einstein and Lewis Feuer, 1937-1981 Jan.-Feb. 1981.

box 82, folder 1

"The Autonomy of Moral Judgment," Free Inquiry, Contribution to the symposium "The Secular Humanist Declaration: Pro and Con." Printed copy Spring 1981.

box 82, folder 2

"The Classics of Secular Humanism," Free Inquiry, Contribution to a symposium. Printed copy Spring 1981.

box 82, folder 3

"A Critique of Conservatism," National Forum, Printed copy and letters, 1981 Spring 1981.

box 82, folder 4

"Misrepresentation," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Alfred Kazin on communism in education. Typescript, printed copy, and printed copy of Kazin's comments, 1981 April 12, 1981.

box 82, folder 5

"How Exclusive Should Humanists Be?" Free Inquiry, Response to Karl Popper. Typescript, galleys, and letter, 1981 Summer 1981.

box 82, folder 6

"'The Future Danger,'" Commentary, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Norman Podhoretz on world politics. Printed copy Aug. 1981.

box 82, folder 7

"Jacobo Timerman," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to the review by Anthony Lewis of a book by Jacobo Timerman. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Leo Cherne, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Walter A. Sheldon and others, 1981 Aug. 2, 1981.

box 82, folder 8

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to disarmament. Typescript Aug. 10, 1981

box 82, folder 9

"Communism and the American Intellectuals from the Thirties to the Eighties," Free Inquiry, Printed copies, typescript letter to the editor by Lawrence Cranberg, and clipping, 1981-1982 Fall 1981.

box 82, folder 10

"To the President of Amherst College," Measure, Printed copy Fall 1981.

box 82, folder 11

"So Schoen War's Frueher Mal in Kalten Kreig," Die Welt, Typescript (in English), printed copy, and letter, 1981 Sept. 12, 1981.

box 82, folder 12

"The Worldly Ways of John Kenneth Galbraith," American Spectator, Oct. 1981. Review of John Kenneth Galbraith, A Life in Our Times. Notes, holograph (incomplete), printed copy, and letters by Galbraith and others 1981

box 82, folder 13

"General Education in a Free Society," Speech, Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. Holograph and letters, 1981-1982 Oct. 10, 1981.

box 82, folder 14

"A Million Dollar Gift's Forbidding Proviso," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to endowment of a chair for a black professor at Amherst College. Printed copy, correspondence, press release, and clipping, 1981 Oct. 10, 1981.

box 82, folder 15

"More on Amherst's Cross Chair," Boston Globe, Letter to the editor. Printed copy and letter, 1981 Oct. 15, 1981.

box 82, folder 16

"Looking for Threats to the University in the Wrong Place," Holograph and letter, 1981 Oct. 24, 1981.

box 82, folder 17

"Human Rights and American Foreign Policy," Commentary, Contribution to symposium. Typescript, printed copy, and letter, 1981 Nov. 1981.

box 82, folder 18

"Books for Christmas," American Spectator, Short contribution. Printed copy Dec. 1981.

box 82, folder 19

Letter to the editor, Free Inquiry, (date written). Relates to comments by Corliss Lamont on Hook's article "What the Record Shows." Typescript, printed copy of Lamont's comments, and correspondence with Lamont and others, 1982 1982

box 82, folder 20

"Pragmatismus und Marxismus," Prospectus, contract, and letters, 1982 1982.

box 82, folder 21

"The Battle Continues," Measure, Holograph, typescript, printed copy, legal briefs, legal decisions, and letter, 1981 Winter 1982.

box 82, folder 22

"What the Record Shows," Free Inquiry, Relates to comments by Corliss Lamont on Hook's article "How Exclusive Should Humanists Be?" Typescript, galleys, printed copy, and galleys of Lamont's comments, 1981 Winter 1982.

box 82, folder 23

"Lukacs Hooked," American Spectator, Reply to comments by John Lukacs on Hook's article "The Worldly Ways of John Kenneth Galbraith." Typescript, printed copy, typescript and printed copies of Lukacs' comments, and correspondence with William F. Buckley, Jr., John Kenneth Galbraith and others, 1981-1982 Feb. 1982.

box 82, folder 24

"A Call for the Critical Examination of the Bible and Religion," Free Inquiry, (co-signer with others). Printed copy Spring 1982

box 82, folder 25

"Out of the Depths," American Scholar, Spring 1982. Review of Anton Antonov-Ovseyenko, The Time of Stalin. Typescript, printed copy, contract, and letter 1981-1982

box 83, folder 1-2

"Reflections on the Frankfurt School," Address, Marx Symposium, San Francisco. Typescript, agenda and list of participants, typescript copies of papers by other symposium participants, printed article, and notes, 1973-1982 March 1982.

box 83, folder 3

"Soviets Won't Honor Freeze," Stanford Daily, Typescripts, printed copy, printed comments by Joe Walder, and letter, 1982 April 23, 1982.

box 83, folder 4

"Nuclear Freeze Talk Needs a New Focus," Peninsula Times- Tribune (Palo Alto, California), Interview. Printed copy, and letter by Tom Lantos, 1982 April 26, 1982.

box 83, folder 5

"Key Omission?" Stanford Daily, Letter to the editor relating to Hook's article "Soviets Won't Honor Freeze." Typescript and printed copy April 30, 1982.

box 83, folder 6

"Rights for Potential Crime Victims," Newsday, Printed copy May 13, 1982.

box 83, folder 7

"Verifying a Nuclear Freeze," Stanford Daily, Reply to comments by Joe Walder on Hook's article "Soviets Won't Honor Freeze." Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Walder and another, 1982 May 13, 1982.

box 83, folder 8

"My Running Debate with Einstein," Commentary, Printed copy, and correspondence with Martin F. Herz, Flora Lewis, Jay Lovestone, John Stachel and others, 1982-1983 July 1982.

box 83, folder 9

"The Nuclear Freeze," Freedom at Issue, Printed copy July-Aug., 1982.

box 83, folder 10

"A Dissent on Kohrmon," Brattleboro [Vt.] Reformer, Letter to the editor relating to disarmament. Typescript, printed copy, and letter, 1982 Aug. 4, 1982.

box 83, folder 11

"An Interview with Sidney Hook at Eighty," Free Inquiry, Printed copy, and correspondence with G. Merle Bergman, Brand Blanshard, Theodore Draper, and Addison Potter, 1982-1983 Fall 1982.

box 83, folder 12

"The First Amendment vs. the Rest of the Constitution," Denver Post, Printed copy Sept. 26, 1982.

box 83, folder 13

"The Causes of Cold War," Television broadcast. Holograph, transcript, and letter, 1982 Oct. 25, 1982.

box 83, folder 14

"Living with Deep Truths in a Divided World," Speech, 80th birthday dinner for Sidney Hook, New York City. Holograph, proofs, printed copies, and letters by Daniel P. Moynihan and others, 1982-1983 Oct. 29, 1982.

box 83, folder 15

"Einstein," Commentary, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Otto Nathan on Hook's article "My Running Debate with Einstein." Holograph, printed copy, and typescript and printed copies of Nathan's comments, 1982 Nov. 1982.

box 83, folder 16

"The American Committee for Cultural Freedom," Commentary, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Stephen Siteman on Hook's article "My Running Debate with Einstein." Holographs, typescripts, proofs, printed copy, printed excerpt, typescript and printed copies of Siteman's comments, and letters from William Phillips and Norman Podhoretz, 1982 Dec. 1982.

box 83, folder 17

"The Soviet Threat to Peace and Freedom," Washington Times, Typescript and printed copy Dec. 9, 1982.

box 83, folder 18

"A Symposium: The Bishops and the Arms Race," New York Times, One of several contributors. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Martin E. Marty, Dennis Paulson and another, 1982-1983 Dec. 26, 1982.

box 84, folder 1

"A Comment on Professor Goldman's Paper," Holograph and typescripts 1983.

box 84, folder 2

Foreword to Paul Hollander, The Many Faces of Socialism: Comparative Sociology and Politics, Holograph and proofs 1983.

box 84, folder 3

Marxism and Beyond, 1983. Typescript, contract, printed excerpts, reviews, and correspondence with Stuart E. Colie and others 1982-1984

box 84, folder 4

Open telegram to Yuri Andropov, 1983 (co-signer with others). Relates to the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II. Typescript and clipping 1982-1983

box 84, folder 5

Preface to Roy Godson, Disinformatzia, Typescript 1983.

box 84, folder 6

Letter to the editor, San Francisco Chronicle, (date written). Relates to comments by Jacobo Timerman on Israel. Typescript Jan. 14, 1983

box 84, folder 7

"Karl Marx versus the Communist Movement," Free Inquiry, Printed copy Spring 1983.

box 84, folder 8

"Ominous Rumblings in the Academy," Measure, Typescript and printed copy March 1983.

box 84, folder 9

"What is at Stake in the Existence of NATO?" Times (London), (date written). Typescript and letter, 1984 March 1983

box 84, folder 10

"Second Thoughts on an Important Distinction," Speech, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C. Notes, holograph, and typescript March 8, 1983.

box 84, folder 11

"Statement Concerning the Disruption of the Thomas Jefferson Lectureship at Berkeley," Proposed open letter (to be co-signed with others). Typescript, clippings, and correspondence with Peter Gay, Ira Michael Heyman, Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, and J. R. Pole, 1983 March 15, 1983.

box 84, folder 12

"Human Rights and Foreign Policy," Speech, 11th Annual George S. Counts Lecture, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Notes, holographs, brochures, clipping, and correspondence, 1983 April 21, 1983.

box 84, folder 13

"What Is Living and Dead in Karl Marx?" Lecture series, Sonoma State University, Calif. Notes, holograph (incomplete), brochure, and letters, 1983 April 27-28, 1983.

box 84, folder 14

"Edging towards Disaster?" Measure, Typescript and printed copy May 1983.

box 84, folder 15

"What Can Be Done?" Measure, Holograph and printed copy May 1983.

box 84, folder 16

Letter to the editor, [Southern Illinois University] Daily Egyptian, (date written). Relates to news coverage of Hook's speech "Human Rights and Foreign Policy." Typescript May 2, 1983

box 84, folder 18

"The Morality of Survival in a Nuclear Face-Off," Los Angeles Times, Printed copies May 11, 1983.

box 84, folder 19

"The Test Is Always the Quality, Not Quantity, of Scholarly Works," [Stanford University] Campus Report, Open letter to President Donald Kennedy of Stanford University. Printed copy, clipping, and letter by Kennedy, 1983 May 11, 1983.

box 84, folder 20

"Partisanship at Stanford: Are Hoover's Critics Applying a Double Standard?" Peninsula Times-Tribune, (co-author with Edwin Harwood). Typescript May 14, 1983

box 84, folder 21

"Sidney Hook Interview," Free Inquiry, Letter to the editor relating to comments by Edwin H. Wilson on "An Interview with Sidney Hook at Eighty." Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and typescript and printed copies of Wilson's comments, 1982-1983 Summer 1983.

box 84, folder 22

"Is 'Color Blindness' Stupidity?" Typescripts June 2, 1983.

box 84, folder 23

"An Open Letter to the U.S. Senate," Washington Times, Printed copy July 26, 1983.

box 84, folder 24

"Cold Warrior: An American Appreciation," Encounter, Relates to Arthur Koestler. Typescript, printed copy, and letter by Melvin J. Lasky, 1983 July-Aug. 1983.

box 84, folder 25

"How to Build Democracy in a Developing Country," Speech, Taipei, Taiwan. Typescript, printed copy, and clipping, 1983 Nov. 1983.

box 84, folder 26

"The Incredible Story of Michael Straight," Encounter, Printed copy, reviews by Noel Annan, Hugh Trevor-Roper and others, and correspondence with Albert Glotzer and others, 1983-1984 Dec. 1983.

box 84, folder 27

Letter to the editor, Chronicle of Higher Education, (date written). Relates to proposed Ronald Reagan Library and the Hoover Institution. Typescript Dec. 14, 1983

box 84, folder 28

"American Committee for Cultural Freedom," Typescript ca. 1984.

box 84, folder 29

Review of Elinor Langer, Josephine Herbst, Holograph note relating to the Hiss-Chambers affair ca. 1984.

box 84, folder 30

"Pluralistic Societies at Stake," in Joseph Godson, ed., Challenges to the Western Alliance, Printed copy 1984.

box 85, folder 1

"The Politicization of the University," in John H. Moore, ed., To Promote Prosperity: U.S. Domestic Policy in the Mid-1980's, 1984. Typescripts, printed copies, contract, and letter 1982-1984

box 85, folder 2

"The Philosopher as a Young Man," New York Times, Jan. 29, 1984. Review of The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Vol. I, Cambridge Essays, 1888-99. Typescript, printed copy, and letters 1984

box 85, folder 3

"Breaking with the Communists: A Memoir," Commentary, Printed copy Feb. 1984.

box 85, folder 4

"Judging Brecht," Times Literary Supplement, Relates to comments by John Willett on Bertolt Brecht. Typescript, printed copy, and printed copy of Willett's review, 1984 Feb. 3, 1984.

box 85, folder 5

Letter to the editor, Harper's, (date written). Relates to U.S. participation in NATO. Typescript and letter, 1984 Feb. 24, 1984

box 85, folder 6

Letter to the editor, New York Times, Feb. 27, 1984. Relates to the New Leader and Sol Levitas. Typescript

box 85, folder 7

"Bertrand Russell: A Portrait from Memory," Encounter, Printed copy, comments by Kenneth Blackwell and others, and correspondence with Kenneth Blackwell, Robert E. Faris, Melvin Lasky and another, 1984 March 1984.

box 85, folder 8

"Memories of the Moscow Trials," Commentary, Printed copy and letter, 1984 March 1984.

box 85, folder 9

"Rights for Victims," Banner (Cleveland, Tennessee), Printed copy March 5, 1984.

box 85, folder 10

"Judging Brecht," Times Literary Supplement, Reply to response by John Willett to Hook's article "Judging Brecht." Printed copy, and proofs of reply by Willett March 9, 1984.

box 85, folder 11

Letter to the editor, Village Voice, March 13, 1984 (date written). Reply to Paul Berman's review of Hook's Marxism and Beyond. Typescript, printed copy of Berman's article, and letter from Elias Schwarzbart 1984

box 85, folder 12

Letter to the editor, Encounter, April 1984. Reply by Hook to communication from Michael Straight's solicitor relating to Hook's article "The Incredible Story of Michael Straight." Typescript, galleys, typescript and printed copies of the reply by Encounter editors, and correspondence with William Elmhirst (Straight's half-brother), Melvin Lasky and others 1984-1987

box 85, folder 13

"The Myth of Necessity," Times Literary Supplement, April 6, 1984. Review of Alexander Zinoviev, The Reality of Communism. Typescript and printed copy

box 85, folder 14

"Basics We Must Not Forget," Times (London), Printed copy April 23, 1984.

box 85, folder 15

"Mill on Nonintervention," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to foreign policy. Typescript and printed copy April 25, 1984.

box 85, folder 16

"Geniemoral," Mainstream, Relates to Bertolt Brecht. Printed copy May 1984.

box 85, folder 17

"Looking for America," Harper's, Letter to the editor commenting on an article by Philip Berrigan, "Does America Still Exist?" Printed copy May 1984.

box 85, folder 18

"The Principles and Problems of Academic Freedom," Contribution to a symposium, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Printed copies, typescript, correspondence, announcement, program, speech by another, and clippings, 1984-1987 May 8, 1984.


"The Humanities and Defense of a Free Society," Jefferson Lecture for the National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D. C. May 14, 1984.

box 85, folder 19

General. Clippings, press release, comments by Albert Shanker and others, programs, notes, and correspondence with William Bennett and others 1983-1987

box 85, folder 20

Texts. Typescript and printed copies

box 85, folder 21

"God and the Professors," Free Inquiry, Typescript and printed copy, 1984 Summer 1984.

box 85, folder 22

"On God and Chambers," National Review, Printed copy, typescript reply by Ralph de Toledano, printed article, and statements and articles by others, 1984 June 15, 1984.

box 85, folder 23

"Unhelpful 'Hysteria' over Nuclear Arms," New York Times, June 19, 1984. Letter to the editor in reply to a response by Jonathan Schell to a review by Christopher Lehman-Haupt of Schell's book Fate of the Earth. Holograph, typescript, printed copy, typescript letter to the editor by another, and printed copy of Schell's comments 1984

box 86, folder 1

"Education in Defense of a Free Society," Commentary, Printed copy and letter, 1984 July 1984.

box 86, folder 2

Letter to the editor, Times Literary Supplement, (date written). Reply to Robert Gorham Davis' criticism of Hook's review "The Myth of Necessity." Typescript, letter, and proof copy of Davis' article, 1984 July 2, 1984

box 86, folder 3

"Sweet Are the Uses of Diversity," Wall Street Journal, Letter to the editor relating to the Hoover Institution. Typescript and printed copy July 3, 1984.

box 86, folder 4

"The Academic Ethic in Abeyance: Recollections of Walpurgisnacht at New York University," Minerva, Printed copy Fall 1984.

box 86, folder 5

"Comment on a Comment," International Journal of World Peace, Reply to comments by Lloyd Motz on an article by Alexander Shtromas, "To Fight Communism: Why and How?" Printed copy, and letters by Shtromas, 1984 Fall 1984.

box 86, folder 6

"The Humanities and Civic Learning," ca. Typescript and letter Sept. 1984

box 86, folder 7

Letter to the editor, Commentary, Reply to comments by others on Hook's article "Education in Defense of a Free Society." Printed copy and printed copies of letters to the editor by others Nov. 1984.

box 86, folder 8

"The Use and Abuse of Academic Freedom," Measure, Printed copy Nov. 1984.

box 86, folder 9

"'Evil Empire' Label Didn't Hurt the Kremlin's Feelings," New York Times, Relates to U.S. relations with the Soviet Union. Typescript Nov. 4, 1984.

box 86, folder 10

"Reason, Science, and Myths," Speech, Conference on Paranormal Beliefs: Scientific Facts and Fictions, Stanford University. Holograph, typescript, program announcement, and letter, 1984-1985 Nov. 10, 1984.

box 86, folder 11

Letter to the editor, New Republic, (date written). Response to a reference to Hook. Typescript Nov. 16, 1984

box 86, folder 12

"Questions about a Strange Conversion," Encounter, Reply to an article by George Urban relating to Alexander Zinoviev. Typescript Dec. 1984.

box 86, folder 13

Review of David Pike, Lukacs and Brecht, 1985. Typescript and correspondence with Pike and another 1980-1985

box 86, folder 14

"Sidney Hook," in Phillip L. Berman, ed., The Courage of Conviction, 1985. Essay contribution. Typescript, printed copy, contract, and correspondence with Berman 1984-1985

box 86, folder 15

"The Communist Peace Offensive," Partisan Review, Printed copies, 1984-1987 Winter 1985.

box 86, folder 16

"Rationalizations for Reverse Discrimination," New Perspectives, Typescript, proofs, printed copy, clipping, and letters, 1984-1985 Winter 1985.

box 86, folder 17

"The Radical Comedians: Inside Partisan Review," American Scholar, Holograph, printed copy, and agreement, 1984-1985 Jan. 1985.

box 86, folder 18

"Three Independent Intellectual Troubadours," American Spectator, Relates to Daniel Bell, Irving Kristol, and Melvin Lasky. Typescript, proofs, and printed copy Jan. 1985.

box 86, folder 19

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to the execution of Henryk Ehrlich. Typescript, letter by A. M. Rosenthal, and clipping Jan. 11, 1985

box 86, folder 20

Letter to the editor, Transactions of the Peirce Society, Feb. 19, 1985 (date written). Relates to a review of Gary Bullert, The Politics of John Dewey. Typescript and letter 1985

box 86, folder 21

"Fairness, Bias and Objectivity," Wall Street Journal, Relates to news reporting. Typescripts, printed copies, and a letter, 1985 Feb. 21, 1985.

box 86, folder 22

Review of Leopold Schwarzchild, The Red Prussian, Typescript report form and letters, 1985 Feb. 25, 1985.

box 86, folder 23

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to Alger Hiss. Typescript March 27, 1985

box 86, folder 24

"English Influence Enlightened India," Detroit News, Typescript and printed copies March 31, 1985.

box 86, folder 25

"Outrageous Propaganda," Northern California Jewish Bulletin, Comments on an article by Ira Kamin about the Shalom Center. Typescript, printed copy, and printed copy of Kamin's article, 1985 April 12, 1985.

box 86, folder 26

Letter to the editor, Baltimore Sun, Relates to a story by Ernest Ferguson about Hook's Medal of Freedom award. Holograph letters to the editor, typescript copy of a letter to Ferguson, press release, printed copies of Ferguson's article, clipping, and letters by Ferguson and another, 1985 April 24, 1985.

box 86, folder 27

Letter to the editor, Northern California Jewish Bulletin, (date written). Reply to readers' comments on Hook's article "Outrageous Propaganda." Typescript, and printed comments by others, 1985 April 29, 1985

box 86, folder 28

"Encounter with Espionage," Mainstream, Printed copy May 1985.

box 86, folder 29

"Misperceptions of American Democracy," Speech, Conference on Moral Equivalence, Washington, D.C. Typescripts and notes May 2, 1985.

box 86, folder 30

"Secular Humanism," Speech, A. Schultz Jewish Center. Holograph outline May 7, 1985.

box 86, folder 31

Interview, Washington Times, Printed copy May 23, 1985.

box 86, folder 32

"An Interview with Sidney Hook: China, Marxism, and Human Freedom," Free Inquiry, Printed copy Summer 1985.

box 86, folder 33

"Hook on the Stockdales," American Spectator, June 1985. Letter to the editor in response to a review of James and Sybil Stockdale, In Love and War. Typescripts and printed copy

box 87, folder 1

"Would it Destroy the World?" New York Times, June 30, 1985. Review of Timothy J. Cooney, Telling Right from Wrong. Typescripts, printed copy, clipping, and holograph letter fragment ca. 1984-1985

box 87, folder 2

Letter to the editor, Los Angeles Times, (date written). Reply to Michael Kinsley. Typescript and printed copy of Kinsley's article, 1985 Aug. 30, 1985

box 87, folder 3

"Critical Approach," New Republic, Letter to the editor. Holograph, typescript and printed copy Sept. 9, 1985.

box 87, folder 4

Letter to the editor, Northeast Coop Times, Relates to a boycott of Chilean produce. Holograph and printed copy Oct. 1985.

box 87, folder 5

"The Wrong Way to Remedy Abuses of the Academic Ethic," Measure, Printed copy Oct. 1985.

box 87, folder 6

"Unacademic Campus Tactics," New York Times, Printed copies and correspondence, 1985-1986 Oct. 3, 1985.

box 87, folder 7

"How Has the United States Met its Major Challenges Since 1945?" Contribution to a symposium. Commentary, Printed copy Nov. 1985.

box 87, folder 8

Eulogy for Ernest Nagel, Typescripts and memorial service program Nov. 14, 1985.

box 87, folder 9

"Throw Them In the Melting Pot," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Relates to bilingual education. Typescript and printed copies, 1985-1986 Nov. 20, 1985.

box 87, folder 10

"'Class Consciousness' in the Free World," New America, Typescripts and printed copies Nov.-Dec. 1985.

box 87, folder 11

"Marxism: Pro and Con," Holograph fragments 1986?

box 87, folder 12

"Responsibility and Democracy," Projected symposium contribution. Holograph outline, program announcement, and correspondence with Robert J. Chitester, 1986 1986.

box 87, folder 13

"Setting the Record Straight," Proof 1986.

box 87, folder 14

"Suicide or Survival?" in Dennis Paulson, ed., Voices of Survival in the Nuclear Age, 1986. Typescript, typescript contribution by Edward Teller, and correspondence with Paulson 1983-1986

box 87, folder 15

"Visions of Social Order," 1986. Television program relating to Karl Marx. Grant proposal, contract, outline, typescripts, typescript comments by Hook on a draft by Tibor Machan, and letters 1985-1988.

Scope and Contents note

See also Audiovisual File
box 87, folder 16

"Ernest Nagel: A Naturalistic Humanist," Free Inquiry, Holograph, printed copy, and letter, 1985 Winter 1986.

box 87, folder 17

"On the Existence of God: Duncan and Hook," Free Inquiry, Exchange of letters between Sidney Hook and Homer Duncan. Printed copy Winter 1986.

box 87, folder 18

"Pluralistic Humanism," Free Inquiry, Printed copy Winter 1986.

box 87, folder 19

"A Dictionary? Marxism from A to B," Encounter, Jan. 1986. Review of Tom Bottomore, ed., A Dictionary of Marxist Thought. Printed copy

box 87, folder 20

"The Double Standard in the Academy," Typescripts Jan. 1986.

box 87, folder 21

Letter to the editor, Los Angeles Times, (date written). Relates to comments by David Shaw on Hook's review "Telling Right from Wrong." Typescript, clippings, and letter by Shaw, 1984-1986 Jan. 6, 1986

box 87, folder 22

"Between Democracy and Despotism," Imprimis, Printed copy and correspondence, 1986 Feb. 1986.

box 87, folder 23

Letter to the editor, New Republic, (date written). Relates to John Dewey. Typescript April 17, 1986

box 87, folder 24

"Burden of Proof Is Put on the Defamed," New York Times, Letter to the editor relating to the Supreme Court. Typescript, printed copy with notes, and letter, 1986 May 6, 1986.

box 87, folder 25

"Sidney Hook's Reply," Encounter, Reply by Hook to comments by Tibor Machan and others on Hook's article "A Dictionary? Marxism from A to B." Typescript, printed copy, typescript and printed copies of comments by Machan and others, and letter by Melvin Lasky, 1986 May 6, 1986.

box 87, folder 26

"Rediscovering Sin," New York Times, Letter to the editor in response to an article by William F. Buckley, Jr. Typescript and printed copy May 11, 1986.

box 87, folder 27

"Punishing the Innocent is Unjust Redress," New York Times, Printed copy June 7, 1986.

box 87, folder 28

"Who Lives Where, and When?" Measure, Typescript, printed copy, and letters, 1986 July 1986.

box 87, folder 29

"Learn to Master English," Times (Weirton, West Virginia), Printed copy July 11, 1986.

box 87, folder 30

"Communists in the Classroom," American Spectator, Printed copy and letter, 1986 Aug. 1986.

box 87, folder 31

"Anti-Communism on Campus," Chronicle of Higher Education, Letter to the editor. Typescript and printed copy Aug. 6, 1986.

box 87, folder 32

"Questions Concerning Student PIRGs," Measure, Printed copy Sept. 1986.

box 87, folder 33

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to the New School for Social Research. Typescript Sept. 2, 1986

box 87, folder 34

Testimony, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, Relates to the State University of New York and the New York Public Interest Research Group. Transcripts Oct. 16, 23-24, 1986.

box 87, folder 35

"Dewey's Opposition to Communism," Chronicle of Higher Education, Reply to a response by Robert Corrington to Hook's letter to the editor "Anti-Communism on Campus." Typescript and printed copies, typescript copy of Corrington's letter to the editor, and letter to Corrington, 1986 Oct. 22, 1986.

box 87, folder 36

"John Dewey Resigns," Freedom at Issue, Introductory note by Hook to text by John Dewey. Printed copy Nov.-Dec. 1986.

box 87, folder 37

"The New Challenges to Our Schools of Journalism," Measure, Printed copy Nov.-Dec. 1986.

box 88, folder 1

"A History of Hypocrisy," in Sidney Hook, V. Bukovsky, and Paul Hollander, ed., Soviet Hypocrisy and Western Gullibility, 1987. Typescript, printed copy, printed articles, and letter 1986-1987

box 88, folder 2

Introduction to reprint edition of James Burnham, The Machiavellians, Typescript, proofs, printed copy, and letters, 1987 1987.


Out of Step: An Unquiet Life in the 20th Century 1987.

box 88, folder 3

General. Advertisement, letters, contract, notes by Lewis Feuer and others, and list of background documents 1973-1988

box 88, folder 4

Correspondence with Raziel Abelson, Henry Kissinger, Tibor Machan, Clarence Pendleton, Roger W. Straus, Robert Westbrook (relating to Westbrook's review in Nation), Jean van Heijenoort and others 1972-1989

box 88, folder 5-7

Reviews by John Chamberlain, John Diggins, Justus Doeneke, Frank Knopfelmacher, Hilton Kramer, Dennis Wrong, and others. Includes printed copies of letters to the editor by Daniel Bell and Gerald Pinsky relating to Wrong's review, with reply by Wrong, and a typescript copy of a reply by Lewis Feuer to Kramer's review



box 89, folder 1

Fragments. Includes material relating to Hannah Arendt, New Yorker, and liberalism. Holographs and typescripts

box 89, folder 2

Table of Contents and Introduction. Typescripts

box 89, folder 3

Chapter 1. "The Early Scene." Typescripts

box 89, folder 4

Chapter 2. "The High School Years: Purgatory and Triumph." Typescripts

box 89, folder 5

Chapter 3. "The Discovery of the Socialist Dream." Typescripts

box 89, folder 6

Chapter 4. "College Years." Typescripts

box 89, folder 7

Chapter 5. "Educational Turning Point: Morris Cohen." Typescript and printed article

box 89, folder 8

Chapter 6. "Intermezzo." Typescripts, including holographic interpolations

box 90, folder 1

Chapter 7. "Columbia Days and John Dewey." Typescripts, including holographic interpolations

box 90, folder 2

Chapter 8. "Encounter with Espionage." Typescripts and proofs

box 90, folder 3

Chapter 9. "The Weimar Republic: The Writing on the Wall." Typescripts

box 90, folder 4

Chapter 10. "Moscow in " Holographs, typescripts, and a printed excerpt relating to Roger Baldwin 1929.

box 90, folder 5

Chapter 11. "The Depression and the Intellectuals." Holographs, typescripts, and typescript copies of letters from John Dewey to Max Eastman

box 90, folder 6

Chapter 12. "Philosophy on the Ninth Floor." Typescripts and notes

box 91, folder 1

Chapter 13. "Grim Discovery." Typescripts, and letter with questions from George Urban 1989

box 91, folder 2

Chapter 14. "Breaking with Communism." Holograph and typescripts, including holographic interpolations

box 91, folder 3

Chapter 15. "The American Workers Party." Holograph, typescripts, including holographic interpolations, and typescript fragment relating to James Burnham

box 91, folder 4

Chapter 16. "The Academy and Anti-Semitism." Holograph, and typescripts, including holographic interpolations

box 91, folder 5-6

Chapter 17. "The Moscow Trials." Holograph, typescripts, typescript fragments, and material intended for appendices (typescript copy of John Dewey's letter of resignation from the New Republic, printed excerpt from Alfred Kazin's memoirs, with notes by Hook, and a printed copy of "An Open Letter to American Liberals," relating to the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky)

box 92, folder 1-2

Chapter 18. "The Committee for Cultural Freedom." Holograph and typescripts

box 92, folder 3

Chapter 19. "The Strange Case of Whittaker Chambers." Holographs, typescripts, including proof and typescript interpolations, and typescript fragments

box 92, folder 4-5

Chapter 20. "The Second World War and Its Casualties." Typescripts, and typescript and printed copies of articles by Hook intended for inclusion as an appendix

box 93, folder 1

Chapter 21. "On the Eve of the Cold War." Holograph and typescripts

box 93, folder 2

Chapter 22. "God and the Professors." Holograph, typescripts, and proofs

box 93, folder 3-4

Chapter 23. "Bertrand Russell: Portrait from Memory." Holograph fragment, typescripts, proofs, and notes by Lewis Feuer (?)

box 93, folder 5

Chapter 24. "The Communist Peace Offensive." Holograph, typescripts, proofs, and typescript copies of letters to Thomas Mann and Harlow Shapley relating to the Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace

box 93, folder 6

Chapter 25. "On the Battlefield of Philosophy." Holograph and typescripts

box 94, folder 1

Chapter 26. "The American Committee for Cultural Freedom." Holograph and typescripts

box 94, folder 2

Chapter 27. "The Congress for Cultural Freedom." Holograph, typescripts, typescript fragments, and printed excerpts from memoirs by Stephen Spender and another (the latter relating to Irving Howe)

box 94, folder 3-4

Chapter 28. "My Running Debate with Albert Einstein." Proofs, holograph, notes, and typescript fragments

box 95, folder 1

Chapter 29. "Geniemoral: Bertolt Brecht." Typescripts, including holographic interpolations, and printed article

box 95, folder 2

Chapter 30. "The Academic 'Witch Hunt': Setting the Record Straight." Holograph and typescripts

box 95, folder 3

Chapter 31. "Inside Partisan Review: The Radical Comedians." Holograph fragments, typescripts, and proofs

box 95, folder 4

Chapter 32. "Tales out of School." Typescripts, including holographic interpolations

box 95, folder 5

Chapter 33. "Walpurgisnacht at New York University: The Academic Ethic in Abeyance." Holograph and typescripts

box 96, folder 1

Chapter 34. "The Cold War and the Intellectuals." Holograph with printed interpolations, typescripts, and typescript fragment

box 96, folder 2

Chapter 35. "Twilight Years." Typescripts

box 96, folder 3

Chapter 36. "Reaffirmations." Typescripts

box 96, folder 4

"God and Morality," Free Inquiry, Proofs and printed copy Winter 1987.

box 96, folder 5

"Intellectual Freedom and Government Sponsorship of Higher Education," Typescript, proof, and correspondence, 1986-1989 Jan. 1987.

box 96, folder 6

"Pages from the History of the Association," Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Short contribution. Typescript, printed copy, and letters by David A. Hoekema, 1986-1987 Jan. 1987.

box 96, folder 7

"In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia," New York Times, Typescript, printed copies (includes Spanish translation), and correspondence with Raziel Isaac, Diana Josselson, Jack and Alice Kaminsky, Mark Krupnick, Edward Rozek, Eric Sevareid and others, 1987-1988 March 1, 1987.

box 96, folder 8

Letter to the editor, New Republic, (date written). Reply to article by Crocker Coulson. Typescript, clipping, and letter by Coulson, 1987 March 10, 1987

box 96, folder 9

"Grant the Terminally Ill a Right to Relief from Suffering," New York Post, Letter to the editor in reply to comments by Norman Podhoretz on Hook's essay "In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia." Typescript, printed copies, letter, and printed copy of Podhoretz' comments, 1987 March 20, 1987.

box 96, folder 10

"The Affirmative Action Ruling--and the Imperial Judiciary," New York Post, Typescript and printed copy April 6, 1987.

box 96, folder 11

"Life at Any Price Is a Bargain with Infamy," New York Times, Letter to the editor in reply to a letter from Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky commenting on Hook's article "In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia." Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence, 1987 April 9, 1987.

box 96, folder 12

Letter to the editor, Washington Times, (date written). Reply to comments on Hook's articles on euthaniasia. Typescript April 15, 1987

box 96, folder 13

"The Doctrine of Moral Equivalence Fails on the Facts," Santa Ana Register, Printed copies April 16, 1987.

box 97, folder 1

"Response to Salutation," April 16, 1987 (date written). Speech on occasion of the publication of Hook's autobiography Out of Step. Typescript

box 97, folder 2

"Does Euthanasia Send Us Down a 'Slippery Slope'?" Washington Times, Letter to the editor in reply to a column by John Lofton commenting on Hook's article "In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia." Printed copy April 23, 1987.

box 97, folder 3

"Santayana: Humanist Misanthrope," Washington Times, April 27, 1987. Review of John McCormick, George Santayana: A Biography. Holograph, typescript, and printed copy

box 97, folder 4

Untitled fragment, Relates to Stanford University. Holograph May 1, 1987.

box 97, folder 5

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Response to an article about Mikhail Gorbachev. Typescript and clipping, 1987 May 12, 1987

box 97, folder 6

"The Right to Die: A Defence of Voluntary Euthanasia," Speech, Hoover Institution. Holograph outline, typescript, and letters, 1987-1988 May 19, 1987.

box 97, folder 7

"Off on Hook," New Republic, May 25, 1987. Letter to the editor in reply to a review by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., of Hook's autobiography Out of Step. Typescripts and printed copy

box 97, folder 8

"A Curious Phenomenon: A Report," Measure, Printed copy June 1987.

box 97, folder 9

"Hook, Russell, and Atomic War," American Spectator, Letter to the editor commenting on an article by Tom Bethell, "A Stroll with Sidney Hook." Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of Bethell's article, clipping, and a letter to Bethell by Yaakov Homnick, 1987-1988 June 1987.

box 97, folder 10

Letter to the editor, New Republic, (date written). Relates to an article by Michael Massing, "Trotsky's Orphans." Typescripts June 16, 1987

box 97, folder 11

"Old Wine in New Bottles," Wall Street Journal, July 20, 1987. Review of Tony Smith, Thinking Like a Communist. Typescripts, galleys, printed copies, promotional flyer, proof copy of Smith's book, and letter 1987

box 97, folder 12

"Hook Evaluates Liberalism," Firing Line, Television broadcast. Printed copy of transcript, letters, and flyer, 1987. July 24, 1987.

Scope and Contents note

See also Audiovisual File
box 97, folder 13

"The Communist Peace Offensive," Freedom at Issue, Printed copy July-Aug. 1987.

box 97, folder 14

"A Common Moral Universe?" Free Inquiry, Reply by Hook to letter by Yaakov Homnick to Tom Bethell commenting on Bethell's article, "A Stroll with Sidney Hook." Holograph, typescript, printed copy, printed copy of reply by Homnick, and letters by Homnick and another, 1987-1988 Fall 1987.

box 97, folder 15-16

"Communists, McCarthy and American Universities," Minerva, Fall 1987. Review of Ellen Schrecker, No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and the Universities. Notes, typescripts, proofs, printed copy, correspondence with Robert W. Gordon, Carol Gruber, Oscar Handlin, Gordon Tullock, C. Vann Woodward, and others, and reviews by Theodore Draper, Nathan Glazer, Edward S. Shapiro, Alan Wald, and others 1986-1988

box 97, folder 17

"Why 'Back to Basics' Isn't Good Enough," American Educator, Interview with Hook relating to John Dewey. Printed copy Fall 1987.

box 97, folder 18

"Judicial Usurpation," The World and I, Typescript and printed copy Sept. 1987.

box 97, folder 19

"Radical, Teacher, Technician," National Review, Eulogy for James Burnham. Holograph and printed copy Sept. 11, 1987.

box 97, folder 20

"The 200th Anniversary of the Constitution," Sept. 12, 1987. Speech, Free Inquiry conference on Secular Humanism and Roman Catholicism. Program, holographs, outlines, typescript draft of a letter with attached note from Nathan Glazer 1987

box 98, folder 1

"Statement of Support," (with others as the Ad Hoc Committee for Principled Discussions of Constitutional Issues). Relates to the Supreme Court nomination of Robert Bork. Typescript, letters to Senators Joseph Biden, Robert Byrd, and Robert Dole, press release, and signatory list, 1987 Sept. 28, 1987

box 98, folder 2

"Israel and American Jewry," (date written). Holograph fragment, typescripts and letters from Lewis Feuer, Elie Kedourie, David Sidorsky, and Norman Jacobsen, 1987-1988 Nov. 1987

box 98, folder 3

"Philosophy and Faith," Commentary, Letter to the editor relating to an article by Hilton Kramer, "The Importance of Sidney Hook." Printed copy, and printed copies of letters to the editor by others, including a subsequent reply by Kramer, and a letter by William Rusher, 1987-1988 Nov. 1987.

box 98, folder 4

"How to Blow Your Own Horn Effectively," Wall Street Journal, Nov. 23, 1987. Review of William Zinsser, Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir. Typescript and printed copy

box 98, folder 5

"Appendix: A Dialogue on Marxism," 1988, in Tibor R. Machan, ed., Marxism: A Bourgeois Critique. Printed copy

box 98, folder 6-7

"Conversations with Sidney Hook," 1988. Transcripts of interviews conducted by George R. Urban, memorandum, and correspondence with Urban and others 1972-1989

box 98, folder 8

"A Philosophical Perspective," in Annelise Anderson and Dennis L. Bark, ed., Thinking About America: The United States in the 1990's, 1988. Typescript, printed copy, proofs, and letters 1982-1988

box 98, folder 9

Philosophy, History and Social Action: Essays in Honor of Lewis Feuer (co-editor with William O'Neill and Roger O'Toole), 1988. Typescript introduction relating to Lewis Feuer, printed excerpt, notes, contract, list of proposed contributors, and correspondence with O'Neill and others 1985-1987

box 98, folder 10

Television broadcast, Firing Line, Correspondence, 1988 Jan. 2, 1988.

box 99, folder 1

"Making the Case Against Socrates," Wall Street Journal, Jan. 20, 1988. Review of I. F. Stone, The Trial of Socrates. Printed copy and letters 1987-1988

box 99, folder 2

"An Open Letter to the Stanford Senate," Campus Report, Jan. 20, 1988. Typescript, galley proofs for later publication in Partisan Review, printed copies, and letters 1988-1989

box 99, folder 3

"The Attack on Western Civilization: An Interim Report," Measure, Holograph, typescript, printed copy, and letter, 1988 Feb. 1988.

box 99, folder 4

"The Event-Making Man," The World and I, Printed copy Feb. 1988.

box 99, folder 5

"The Legacy of Political Holocaust," Feb. 1988. Review of Robert Conquest, Harvest of Sorrow. Typescript and letter

box 99, folder 6

"He Was Praised," San Francisco Chronicle, Letter to the editor in reply to comments on Hook's article "Making the Case Against Socrates." Typescript and printed copy Feb. 29, 1988.

box 99, folder 7

"Professor Hook Protests," Dissent, Letter to the editor relating to Alfred Kazin and Ernest van den Haag. Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of replies to Kazin by Van den Haag and Noam Chomsky, and printed copies of replies to Hook, Chomsky, and Van den Haag by Alfred Kazin, 1987-1988 Spring 1988.

box 99, folder 8

"Sidney Hook on Alan Wald," Contentions, March 1988. Review of Alan Wald, The New York Intellectuals. Typescripts, printed copy, clipping, and correspondence with George Perle 1987-1988

box 99, folder 9

Letter to the editor, New York Times, Relates to an article by Stephen Schwartz, "Intellectuals and Assassins: Annals of Stalin's Killerati." Typescript and printed copy March 6, 1988.

box 99, folder 10

"Books: 'Lovable' William James," Washington Times, March 14, 1988. Review of William James, Writings: 1902-1910. Typescript and printed copy

box 99, folder 11

"Educational Disaster at Stanford University?" Measure, April 1988. Galley proofs for later publication in Partisan Review, and printed copy

box 99, folder 12

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to Western Culture Program at Stanford University. Typescript April 21, 1988

box 99, folder 13

"The Uses of Death," New York Review of Books, April 28, 1988. Review of Daniel Callahan, Setting Limits: Medical Goals in an Aging Society. Typescript, printed copies, and correspondence 1987-1988

box 99, folder 14

"Intellectual Classes and Institutional Values," Society, Proofs, printed copy, and letters, 1988 May-June 1988.

box 99, folder 15

Letter to the editor, New Criterion, June 1988 (date written). Reply to reference by Hilton Kramer to Hook's review "The Faiths of Whittaker Chambers." Typescripts, printed copy of Hook review, printed copy of Kramer's article "Thinking about Witness," and letter by Kramer 1988

box 99, folder 16

"Alger Hiss, the Model Citizen," Wall Street Journal, June 24, 1988. Review of Alger Hiss, Recollections of a Life. Notes, typescript, printed copy, galleys, press release, and letters 1988

box 99, folder 17

"Memories of Yaddo," American Spectator, Typescripts, printed copies, and letters, 1986-1988 July 1988.

box 99, folder 18

"Vice Presidential Choices," Wall Street Journal, Letter to the editor. Typescript and printed copy July 14, 1988.

box 99, folder 19

Letter to the editor, Dissent, (date written). Reply to Gordon K. Haskell's letter to the editor in response to Hook's letter to the editor "Professor Hook Protests." Holograph, typescript, printed copy of Haskell's comments, and letters to Haskell and Irving Howe, 1988 July 15, 1988

box 99, folder 20

"Hope for Freedom Lies with Contras," Stanford Daily, Letter to the editor in reply to Rachelle Marshall. Typescript, printed copy, and printed copy of Marshall's letter, 1988 July 22, 1988.

box 99, folder 21

"Apartheid Is Inarguably a Severe Repression of Liberty," Stanford Daily, Letter to the editor. Typescript and printed copy Aug. 9, 1988.

box 99, folder 22

"Bolshevik Coup Lacked Popular Support," New York Times, Letter to the editor in reply to a letter by Howard Parsons. Typescript and printed copy Aug. 20, 1988.

box 99, folder 23

"Education at Stanford," Partisan Review, Printed copy Fall 1988.

box 99, folder 24

"More from Hook and Homnick," Free Inquiry, Reply to comments by Homnick on Hook's article "A Common Moral Universe?" Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of Homnick's letter, and printed copies of letters to the editor from other readers relating to the exchange, 1988 Fall 1988.

box 99, folder 25

"The Academic-Brawley Cases," Measure, Printed copy, and letter with reply by J. Wesley Brown, 1989 Sept. 1988.

box 99, folder 26

"'Diversity' a New Code Word," Measure, Printed copy Sept. 1988.

box 99, folder 27

"Theological Tom-tom, Metaphysical Bagpipe," Encounter, Reply to criticism of Lewis Feuer by George Steiner relating to the Holocaust. Typescript, printed copy, and printed copies of Steiner's article and his response to Feuer, 1988 Sept. 1988.

box 99, folder 28

"AFSC Unconvincing," Northern California Jewish Bulletin, Letter to the editor relating to the American Friends Service Committee. Holograph, letter, typescript, and printed copy Sept. 23, 1988.

box 99, folder 29

"Bertrand Russell," Washington Times, Sept. 26, 1988. Review of Alan Ryan, Bertrand Russell: A Political Life. Printed copy and correspondence with Ryan and others 1988

box 99, folder 30

Reply to George Gladis, American Spectator, Relates to comments on Hook's article "Memories of Yaddo: An Autobiographical Postscript." Printed copy Oct. 1988.

box 99, folder 31

"Hook Doesn't Like Conservative Label," San Jose Mercury News, Printed copy Oct. 20, 1988.

box 100, folder 1

Letter to the editor, Northern California Jewish Bulletin, (date written). Reply to response by Warren Witte to Hook's letter to the editor "AFSC Unconvincing." Typescript and printed copy of Witte's comments, 1988 Nov. 7, 1988

box 100, folder 2

Letter to the editor, New York Review of Books, Reply to comments by Nicholas Palmer on Hook's review "The Uses of Death." Typescript copy of Palmer's letter, typescript and printed copies of Hook's response, and letter, 1988 Nov. 10, 1988.

box 100, folder 3

"History Will Not Judge the A.C.L.U.'s Worth," New York Times, Letter to the editor. Typescript, printed copy, printed copy of a reply, and correspondence with Elliott A. Cohen and another, 1988 Nov. 20, 1988.

box 100, folder 4

"Teaching as a Calling, Not a Chore," Nov. 22, 1988 (date written). Review of Steven M. Cahn, Saints and Scamps: Ethics in Academia. Typescript and letter by Cahn 1988

box 100, folder 5

"I. F. Stone's Socrates," New York Review of Books, Reply to comments by M. F. Burnyeat on Hook's article "Making the Case Against Socrates." Printed copy Nov. 24, 1988.

box 100, folder 6

"The Mischief Makers," Measure, Printed copy Nov.-Dec. 1988.

box 100, folder 7

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Reply to Jerome Balsam's comments on Hook's letter to the editor "History Will Not Judge the ACLU's Worth." Typescript and printed copy of Balsam's article Dec. 5, 1988

box 100, folder 8

"Scoundrel Time," The Economist, Letter to the editor relating to the autobiography of Alger Hiss. Typescript and printed copy Dec. 17, 1988.

box 100, folder 9

"Wittgenstein's Labors," New York Times, Letter to the editor commenting on an article on Ludwig Wittgenstein by Bruce Duffy. Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence with Duffy, 1988 Dec. 25, 1988.

box 100, folder 10

"The Rationale of the Nonpartisan Welfare State," Projected book by Hook; never completed. Typescripts, outline, and letter, 1988-1989 1988-1989.

box 100, folder 11

"Milton R. Konvitz," Typescript and letter, 1988 ca. 1989.

box 100, folder 12

" The Closing of the American Mind: An Intellectual Best-Seller Revisited," American Scholar, Winter 1989. Review of Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind: Education and the Crisis of Reason. Holograph fragment, typescripts, contract, printed copy, correspondence, and comments by others on Hook's review 1988-1989

box 100, folder 13

"Our Favorite Secular Humanist: An Interview with Sidney Hook," Crisis, Typescript, printed copy, and correspondence, 1988-1989 Jan. 1989.

box 100, folder 14

"The Politics of Curriculum Building," Measure, Printed copies and letters from David Hoekema, Miro Todorovich and others, 1989 Jan. 1989.

box 100, folder 15

"Meaning of Life," Short essay. Holograph letter, and letters by Hugh S. Moorhead, 1989 Jan. 9, 1989.

box 100, folder 16

"Gorbachev," (date written). Typescript Jan. 18, 1989

box 100, folder 17

"She Deserves Better," Palo Alto Weekly, Letter to the editor in response to an article by Mary Sowell relating to AIDS. Printed copy, and letter by Sowell, 1989 Jan. 25, 1989.

box 100, folder 18

Letter to the editor, American Heritage, (date written). Reponse to an article by Benjamin McArthur, "The War of the Great Books." Typescript, letter by McArthur, and a printed copy of another article by McArthur relating to Robert Hutchins, 1989 Feb. 8, 1989

box 100, folder 19

"Coherent Speech Heeds Law of Contradiction," Campus Report, Printed copy Feb. 15, 1989.

box 100, folder 20

"Curricular Politics," Partisan Review, Proofs, printed copy, and letter, 1989 Spring 1989.

box 100, folder 21

"The Intellectual as Social Critic," Wall Street Journal, March 3, 1989. Review of Michael Walzer, The Company of Critics. Holograph, notes, typescripts, review of Walzer by Colin Walters, printed copy, and letters 1988-1989

box 100, folder 22

Letter to the editor, Stanford Daily, (date written). Reply to John Manley. Typescripts and clipping, 1989 March 8, 1989

box 100, folder 23

"Intellectual Rot," Carolina Critic, Printed copy April 1989.

box 100, folder 24

"The Future of Marxism," Free Inquiry, Printed copy and note Summer 1989.

box 101, folder 1

Letter to the editor, Encounter, Relates to Eduard Benes and Czechoslovakia. Typescript and letter, 1989 June 1989.

box 101, folder 2

"Hook on Democracy," National Review, Comments on Claes Ryn's article "The Democracy Boosters." Typescript, printed copy and printed copy of Ryn's reply, 1989 June 2, 1989.

box 101, folder 3

"Tell Schlesinger KGB's Still in Charge," Wall Street Journal, Letter to the editor commenting on an article by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Typescript and printed copy June 7, 1989.

box 101, folder 4

Letter to the editor, New York Times, (date written). Relates to I. F. Stone. Typescript June 20, 1989

box 101, folder 5

"Core Reading List Should Reflect Value-Judgments, not Political Concerns," Campus Report, Printed copy and correspondence, 1989 June 21, 1989.

box 101, folder 6

"The Philosophy of Reading," (date written). Modified typescript of "The Degradation of the Word" and notes Aug. 3, 1989

box 101, folder 7

"One Partisan Viewpoint Inadequate for History," Campus Report, Letter to the editor. Typescript and printed copy Aug. 30, 1989.

box 101, folder 8

"In Defence of the Humanities," Measure, Typescripts, printed copy, and a letter and typescript reply by J. Wesley Brown, 1989 Aug.-Sept. 1989.

box 101, folder 9

"On Being a Jew," Commentary, Oral history transcripts of interview conducted by Norman Podhoretz, proofs, printed copy, and letters, 1988-1989. Oct. 1989.

Scope and Contents note

See also Audiovisual File
box 101, folder 10

"Civilization and its Malcontents," National Review, Printed copies and letter, 1989 Oct. 13, 1989.

box 101, folder 11

Convictions, 1990 (published posthumously). Printed excerpts, contract, reviews, notes, and correspondence 1986-1990

box 101, folder 12

"It Didn't Have to Be," in Clifton Fadiman, ed., Living Philosophies: The Reflections of Some Eminent Men and Women of Our Time, 1990 (published posthumously). Holographs, typescripts, contract, and correspondence with Fadiman 1988-1989

box 101, folder 13

"Echoes of the Rosenberg Case: An Autobiographical Postscript," Midstream, (published posthumously). Typescripts, proofs, printed copy, and letter, 1988-1990 Oct.-Nov. 1990


Lecture Notes undated

Scope and Contents note

Notes for lectures, speeches, and writings of Sidney Hook, arranged alphabetically by title, or, if untitled, by topic. See also: Addendum File.


box 102, folder 1

General. Bibliographies, schedules, examination questions, and miscellany n.d.

box 102, folder 2-3

Early teaching. Notebook, reports, student compositions, and miscellany ca. 1923-1924

box 102, folder 4

Academic Freedom

box 102, folder 5

Academic Freedom and the Rights of Students

box 102, folder 6

Adler (Max)

box 102, folder 7

Alienation in Marx

box 102, folder 8

American Foreign Policy

box 102, folder 9

An American in Europe

box 102, folder 10

Ancient Philosophy

box 102, folder 11

Ancient Philosophy; and Ethics

box 102, folder 12

Argument for a Planned Economy

box 102, folder 13

Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes

box 102, folder 14

Bauer (Otto)

box 102, folder 15


box 102, folder 16

Bergson and French Philosophy

box 102, folder 17

Bernstein (Eduard)

box 102, folder 18

Campus Disturbances

box 102, folder 19

Campus Disturbances - Berkeley

box 102, folder 20


box 102, folder 21

Challenge of Social Order to Liberal Arts College

box 102, folder 22

The Challenge to the Morale of Our Jewish Generation

box 102, folder 23

The Class Struggle

box 102, folder 24

Cold War

box 102, folder 25

The Common Good or the Public Interest

box 102, folder 26

Common Sense and Problems of Jewry

box 102, folder 27

Common Sense in Hysterical Times

box 102, folder 28

Communism: Weaknesses, Switches and Countervailing Possibilities

box 102, folder 29

The Concept of Dialectic in Aristotle

box 102, folder 30

The Concept of Dialectic in Plato

box 102, folder 31

The Concept of Dialektik in Kant

box 102, folder 32

Conceptions of Reason

box 102, folder 33

Condorcet's Ten Stages of Progress of Human Spirit

box 103, folder 1

The Conflict between Marxism and Religion

box 103, folder 2

Conflicts of Interests in Modern World

box 103, folder 3


box 103, folder 4

Contemporary American Philosophy

box 103, folder 5

Contemporary Philosophy

box 103, folder 6

Creativity and the Social Scene of the Future

box 103, folder 7

The Crisis of Modern Culture

box 103, folder 8

Croce (Benedetto)

box 103, folder 9

Current Prospects of Freedom

box 103, folder 10

The Decline and Rise of the Hero

box 103, folder 11


box 103, folder 12

Democracy and Social Action

box 103, folder 13

Dewey (John)

box 103, folder 14

Dewey's Study of Empiricism

box 103, folder 15

The Dialectic in Fichte

box 103, folder 16

Dialectic in Plotinus

box 103, folder 17

The Dialectic in Schelling

box 103, folder 18

Dialectic in Society's History and Politics

box 103, folder 19

The Dialectic of Nicholas of Cusa

box 103, folder 20

Dialectical Materialism

box 103, folder 21


box 103, folder 22


box 103, folder 23

Dissent and the "Adversary" Culture

box 103, folder 24

Do We Have Anything to Fear from Socialism?

box 103, folder 25

Durkheim (Emile)

box 103, folder 26

An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution

box 103, folder 27


box 103, folder 28


box 103, folder 29

The Enlightenment and Marx: Human Rights

box 103, folder 30

The Ethical Basis of Political Morality


Ethics [lecture series]

box 103, folder 31


box 103, folder 32

1. The Nature of Ethics

box 103, folder 33

2. The Ethics of Might

box 103, folder 34

3. The Cry for Justice

box 103, folder 35

4. The Ethics of Pleasure

box 103, folder 36

5. Universalistic Hedonism or Utilitarianism

box 103, folder 37

6. The Ethics of Duty

box 103, folder 38

7. The Ethics of Love

box 103, folder 39

8. Consolations of Authority

box 103, folder 40

9. The Rule of Restraint

box 104, folder 1

10. The Life of Reason

box 104, folder 2

11. Theories of Punishment

box 104, folder 3

12. The Free Will and the Free Man

box 104, folder 4

13. Property and Power

box 104, folder 5

14. Love and the Family

box 104, folder 6

15. Democracy and Leadership

box 104, folder 7

16. The Ethics of Criticism

box 104, folder 8

17. The Ethics of Communism

box 104, folder 9

18. The Uses of Life and Death


Ethics, II [lecture series]

box 104, folder 10

1. The Nature and Scope of Ethical Theory

box 104, folder 11

2. The Nature of a Moral Situation

box 104, folder 12

3. The Skeptic's Challenge

box 104, folder 13

4. The Ethics of Power, I

box 104, folder 14

5. The Ethics of Power, II

box 104, folder 15

6. The Limits of Power

box 104, folder 16

7. The Quest for Justice

box 104, folder 17

8. Justice

box 104, folder 18

9. Justice as Reward for Merit or Desert

box 104, folder 19

10. Justice and Human Needs

box 104, folder 20

11. The Limits of Justice

box 104, folder 21

12. The Platonic Theory of Justice

box 104, folder 22

13. The Cult of Pleasure

box 104, folder 23

14. The Refutation of Egoistic Hedonism

box 104, folder 24

15. Universalistic Hedonism

box 104, folder 25

16. The Scope of Utilitarianism

box 104, folder 26

17. Critique of Utilitarianism, I

box 104, folder 27

18. Critique of Utilitarianism, II

box 104, folder 28

19. The Ethics of Duty

box 104, folder 29

20. Categorical Imperatives

box 104, folder 30

21. Critique of Kant

box 104, folder 31

22. Human Rights and Duties

box 104, folder 32

23. The Ethic of Compassion

box 104, folder 33

24. The Limits of Non-Resistance

box 104, folder 34

25. The Role of Authority in Moral Life

box 104, folder 35

26. Authority of Religion

box 104, folder 36

27. Religion and the Problem of Evil

box 104, folder 37

28. The Ethics of Conscience

box 104, folder 38

29. The Authority of the State

box 104, folder 39

30. The Ethics of Democracy

box 104, folder 40

31. The Criticism of Democracy

box 104, folder 41

32. Stoicism

box 104, folder 42

33. Epicureanism

box 104, folder 43

34. The Ethics of Existentialism

box 104, folder 44

35. The Life of Reason

box 104, folder 45

36. The Justification of Punishment

box 104, folder 46

37. Theories of Punishment

box 104, folder 47

38. The Free Will and the Free Man

box 104, folder 48

40. The Logic and Language of Morals

box 105, folder 1

41. Emotivism

box 105, folder 2

42. Subjectivism

box 105, folder 3

43. The Good Reasons Approach

box 105, folder 4

44. The Ethics of Naturalism

box 105, folder 5

45. The Uses of Life and Death, I

box 105, folder 6

46. The Uses of Life and Death, II

box 105, folder 7

The Family

box 105, folder 8

Feuerbach (Ludwig)

box 105, folder 9

The Free Man in the Modern World

box 105, folder 10

Freedom and Authority

box 105, folder 11

Freedom and Security in the Modern World

box 105, folder 12

Freedom and the Future of American Education

box 105, folder 13

Freedom in the Modern Crisis

box 105, folder 14

French Philosophy

box 105, folder 15

Functionalism in Religion

box 105, folder 16

Future of Administration in Higher Education

box 105, folder 17

The Future of Education

box 105, folder 18

The Future of the University

box 105, folder 19

Good Sense and the Good Life

box 105, folder 20

The Good Society

box 105, folder 21

Great Books in History

box 105, folder 22


box 105, folder 23

Hegel (G. W. F.)

box 105, folder 24

Hegel and His Contemporaries

box 105, folder 25

Hegel and Hitler

box 105, folder 26

Hegel and Marx

box 105, folder 27

Hegel and Politics

box 105, folder 28

Hegel, Schelling, Fichte

box 105, folder 29

Hegel's History of Philosophy

box 105, folder 30

Hegel's Logic

box 105, folder 31

Hegel's Phenomenology

box 105, folder 32

Hegel's Philosophy of Aesthetics

box 105, folder 33

Hegel's Philosophy of History

box 105, folder 34

Hegel's Philosophy of Law

box 105, folder 35

Hegel's Philosophy of Religion

box 105, folder 36

Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit and Rechtsphilosophie

box 105, folder 37

Hegel's Rechtsphilosophie

box 105, folder 38

Historical Materialism

box 105, folder 39

Hoffer's True Believer

box 105, folder 40

Holmes and Legal Realism

box 105, folder 41

How to Make Democracy Work Better

box 105, folder 42

Human Rights

box 105, folder 43

Husserl (Edmund)

box 105, folder 44

The Idealistic Interpretation of History

box 105, folder 45

Ideas in the Atomic Age

box 105, folder 46

Immortality, Science and the Good Society

box 105, folder 47

The Impact of Darwinism on the Modern World

box 105, folder 48

The Impact of Marxism on American Thought

box 105, folder 49

Individual Freedom and Social Planning

box 105, folder 50

Individual Responsibility in a Corporate World

box 105, folder 51

Intelligence and Reason

box 105, folder 52

Internal Relations

box 105, folder 53

Introduction to Ethics

box 106, folder 1

Introduction to Philosophy

box 106, folder 2

Is Russia a Democracy?

box 106, folder 3

Is Soviet Communism the Wave of the Future?

box 106, folder 4

Is There a Scientific Approach to History?

box 106, folder 5

Judicial Activism or Restraint

box 106, folder 6

The Justification of Empirical Belief

box 106, folder 7

Kallen (Horace M.)

box 106, folder 8

Kierkegaard and Existential Philosophy

box 106, folder 9


box 106, folder 10

Lassalle (Ferdinand)

box 106, folder 11


box 106, folder 12


box 106, folder 13


box 106, folder 14

Live Questions among Humanists

box 106, folder 15



Logic in Action [lecture series]

box 106, folder 16


box 106, folder 17

1. Why Logical Analysis Is Important

box 106, folder 18

2. The Logic of Definition

box 106, folder 19

3. The Use and Abuse of Analogy

box 106, folder 20

4. Dilemmas: True and False

box 106, folder 21

5. What Is a Question?

box 106, folder 22

6. The Logic of Hypothesis

box 106, folder 23

7. The Nature of Proof

box 106, folder 24

8. Scientific Method contra Dialectics

box 106, folder 25

9. How Liars "Figger"

box 106, folder 26

10. Argumenta Ad Hominem: Open and Hidden

box 106, folder 27

11. Logic and Myth in Politics

box 106, folder 28

12. The Logic of Means and Ends

box 106, folder 29

13. Scientific Cause and Logical Ground

box 106, folder 30

14. Propaganda in Propaganda Analysis

box 106, folder 31

15. Philosophical Interpretations in Logic

box 106, folder 32

The Logic of Hypotheses

box 106, folder 33

Logical Positivism

box 106, folder 34

Lukacs (Georg)

box 106, folder 35

Machiavelli to Mussolini

box 106, folder 36

Marx (Karl)

box 106, folder 37

Marx and Engels

box 106, folder 38

Marx and Socialist Society

box 106, folder 39

Marx and the Present

box 106, folder 40

Marx and the Young Hegelians

box 106, folder 41

Marx as a Philosopher

box 107, folder 1

Marx's Challenge to the West

box 107, folder 2

Marx's Economics: Costs of Revolution

box 107, folder 3

Marx's Theory of Classes

box 107, folder 4

Marx's Theory of Ideology

box 107, folder 5

Marxism and Communism

box 107, folder 6

Marxism and Leninism

box 107, folder 7

Marxism and Modern Philosophy

box 107, folder 8

Marxism and Modern Science

box 107, folder 9

Marxism Today

box 107, folder 10

Material Achievement and Spiritual Development

box 107, folder 11


box 107, folder 12

The Materialist Conception of History

box 107, folder 13

Meaning and Verification

box 107, folder 14

The Meaning of History

box 107, folder 15

The Meaning of Present-Day Liberalism

box 107, folder 16


box 107, folder 17

Mechanism and Vitalism

box 107, folder 18

The Melting Pot?

box 107, folder 19


box 107, folder 20

Metaphysics as Nonsense

box 107, folder 21

The Methodology of Marx

box 107, folder 22

The Mind of the Twentieth Century

box 107, folder 23

Modern Anthropological Thought

box 107, folder 24

Myth and Reality in the Struggle for the World

box 107, folder 25

Nationalism as an Expression of Early Democracy

box 107, folder 26

Natural Law

box 107, folder 27


box 107, folder 28

Nature and Role of Revolutionary Ideals

box 107, folder 29

The Nature of Chance

box 107, folder 30

The Nature of Ideas in History

box 107, folder 31

Necessary Being

box 107, folder 32


box 107, folder 33

The New Conservatism and the Old Liberalism

box 107, folder 34

New Criticism

box 107, folder 35

New Directions in Socialist Thought

box 107, folder 36

Year of Decision? 1944:

box 107, folder 37

Our Rights and Obligations Under the Constitution

box 107, folder 38

Pareto (Vilfredo)

box 107, folder 39

Pareto, Mosca and Michels

box 107, folder 40

Peace and the Future of Jewry

box 107, folder 41

The Philosophical Basis of American Socialism

box 107, folder 42


box 108, folder 1

Philosophy and Our Daily Bread

box 108, folder 2

Philosophy and the Modern World

box 108, folder 3

The Philosophy of Capitalism

box 108, folder 4

Philosophy of Cultural Freedom

box 108, folder 5

The Philosophy of Dialectical Materialism

box 108, folder 6

Philosophy of History [general]


Philosophy of History [lecture series]

box 108, folder 7


box 108, folder 8

1. Philosophy of Civilization

box 108, folder 9

2. The Theory of Social Evolution

box 108, folder 10

3. Critique of Evolution

box 108, folder 11

4. Diffusionism and the Historico-Genetic Method

box 108, folder 12

5. Geographical Interpretations of Civilization

box 108, folder 13

6. The Racial Interpretation of Civilization

box 108, folder 14

7. Genetics, Eugenics and Selectionism

box 108, folder 15

8. The Use and Abuse of Statistical Method in Social Theory

box 108, folder 16

9. The Heroic Conception of History and Civilization

box 108, folder 17

10. Theories of Group-Consciousness

box 108, folder 18

11. The Biological Interpretation of Civilization

box 108, folder 19

12. Psychological Interpretations of Civilization

box 108, folder 20

13. Durkheim and the Sociological Interpretation of the Categories

box 108, folder 21

14. The Materialistic Conception of History

box 108, folder 22

15. The Nature of History

box 108, folder 23

16. Law and Chance in Human History

box 108, folder 24

Philosophy of Jewish History

box 108, folder 25

Philosophy of John Dewey

box 108, folder 26

The Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson

box 108, folder 27

Place of Philosophy in the American Tradition

box 108, folder 28

The Place of the Humanities in a Liberal Arts Education

box 108, folder 29

Plato's Republic

box 108, folder 30

The Politics of the Academy

box 108, folder 31


box 108, folder 32

Pragmatism as a Philosophy of Experimentalism

box 108, folder 33

Present and Future of Marxism

box 108, folder 34

The President's Committee on Civil Rights

box 108, folder 35

Problems and Prospects of World History

box 108, folder 36

Problems in Social and Political Philosophy

box 108, folder 37

The Professor, Academic Freedom and Responsibility

box 108, folder 38

A Progressive Educator Talks Back

box 108, folder 39


box 108, folder 40

The Prospects of Jewish Group Survival in America

box 108, folder 41

Qualities of Political Leadership

box 108, folder 42


box 108, folder 43

Realistic Democracy

box 108, folder 44

Reason, Fact and Fetish in History

box 108, folder 45

Reflections on Detente

box 108, folder 46

Relevance of Philosophy in an Experimental Age

box 108, folder 47


box 108, folder 48

Religion and the Social Order

box 108, folder 49

The Revival of Metaphysics

box 108, folder 50

The Rights and Limits of Dissent

box 109, folder 1

Rights of Students

box 109, folder 2

The Rise of the Masses to Self-Consciousness

box 109, folder 3

Rousseau (Jean-Jacques)

box 109, folder 4

Russell (Bertrand)

box 109, folder 5


box 109, folder 6

Russia's Psychological Pressures

box 109, folder 7

Santayana and the Life of Reason

box 109, folder 8

Sartre and Existentialism

box 109, folder 9

Scheler (Max)

box 109, folder 10

Science and Humanities

box 109, folder 11

Scope of Marxian Theory

box 109, folder 12

A Secular Scheme of Personal Values

box 109, folder 13

Skepticism and Certainty

box 109, folder 14

A Social Philosophy for Jews

box 109, folder 15

Social Thought in America

box 109, folder 16

Socialism and Freedom

box 109, folder 17

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

box 109, folder 18

Sorel (Georges)

box 109, folder 19

Sources of Jewish Culture

box 109, folder 20

Soviet Foreign Policy

box 109, folder 21


box 109, folder 22

Spengler Reconsidered

box 109, folder 23

Spengler's Political and Social Philosophy

box 109, folder 24

Spinoza (Benedict)

box 109, folder 25


box 109, folder 26


box 109, folder 27

Teaching Adults

box 109, folder 28

Teaching of Communism in the Colleges

box 109, folder 29

Temporal Propositions: Judgments of the Past

box 109, folder 30

The Theory of Plural Priorities

box 109, folder 31

Theory of Universals

box 109, folder 32


box 109, folder 33

Three Generic Conceptions of Experience

box 109, folder 34

Tillich (Paul)

box 109, folder 35


box 109, folder 36

Today's Flight from Reason

box 109, folder 37

Totalitarianism and the American Tradition

box 109, folder 38

Toynbee (Arnold J.)

box 109, folder 39


box 109, folder 40

Values and Public Social Policy

box 109, folder 41

Values in a Changing Society

box 109, folder 42


box 109, folder 43

Wallace (Henry A.)

box 109, folder 44

Weber (Max)

box 109, folder 45

What Is Living and Dead in Marxism?

box 109, folder 46

What Is Philosophy?

box 109, folder 47

What Is the Outlook for American Democracy?

box 109, folder 48

What Is Truth?

box 109, folder 49

What Is Workers' Democracy?

box 109, folder 50

Whitehead (Alfred North)

box 109, folder 51

Why Capital Is an Important Book

box 109, folder 52

Why Europe and America Must Unite

box 109, folder 53

Why Hegel Is Important

box 109, folder 54

The World We Live In


Subject File 1904-1990

Scope and Contents note

Published and unpublished writings of others, correspondence, and other material, arranged alphabetically by the topic to which they relate. See also: Addendum File.
box 110, folder 1

General. Correspondence, clippings, notes, press release, flyers, printed articles, and miscellany 1932-1988

box 110, folder 2

Abortion. Printed article and letter 1985-1989

box 110, folder 3

Abzug, Bella. Clippings, flyers, and letters by Gerald Pinsky 1972-1986

box 110, folder 4

Academy of Humanism. Statement of purpose, by-laws, and letters by Cynthia Ozick, Paul Kurtz and Carl Sagan 1983

box 110, folder 5

Academy of Independent Scholars (Proposed). Prospectus, and correspondence with Kenneth E. Boulding and Lawrence Senesh 1978

box 110, folder 6

Adler, Mortimer J. Mimeographed lectures and printed articles by Adler, notes, clippings, and correspondence with Philip Burnham, Louis Finkelstein, Martin Gardner, Henry Hurwitz, Henry R. Luce, T. S. Matthews, Arthur S. Murphy and others 1936-1957

box 110, folder 7

Afghanistan. Newsletter, letter, speech by Jeane Kirkpatrick, and clipping 1981-1983.

Scope and Contents note

See also Audiovisual File
box 110, folder 8

Africa. Speech by Jeane Kirkpatrick, mimeographed copy of S. L. A. Marshall, "South Africa: The Strategic View," letters, clippings, and leaflet 1959-1989

box 110, folder 9

Alienation. Notes, printed copies of articles, typescript copies of Edmund Demaitre, "Modernists vs. Manicheans: The Marxist Debate on Socialist Humanism," Lewis S. Feuer, "Western Marxism: Its Search for a Philosophy," and Paul Craig Roberts and Matthew A. Stephenson, "The Concept of Alienation in Marx's Capital," and letters by Jeff M. Elliot and Dan Levin 1961-1971

box 110, folder 10

Amerasia. Printed copy of Philip J. Jaffe, The Amerasia Case from 1945 to Present (pamphlet), typescript copy of Harvey Klehr and Ronald Radosh, "The Amerasia Case and McCarthyism," and corerspondence with Klehr 1979-1988

box 110, folder 11

American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Application forms, bulletins, and correspondence with the Academy, George Shuster, John Voss and another 1960-1985

box 110, folder 12

American Artists' Congress. Printed copies of First American Artists Congress, 1936 and Art Front, and correspondence and printed article by Gerald Monroe 1936-1976

box 110, folder 13

American Association of Scientific Workers. Letters by Mark Graubard 1940

box 111, folder 1

American Civil Liberties Union. Printed copy of Crisis in the Civil Liberties Union (pamphlet), printed interview with Roger Baldwin, resolutions and ephemeral publications of the American Civil Liberties Union, clippings, printed articles, and correspondence with Baldwin, Robert Berkman, John L. Childs and others 1939-1989

box 111, folder 2

American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom. Printed and mimeographed issuances of the American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom, clippings, press releases issued by Harry D. Gideonse, and correspondence with Franz Boas, Ralph E. Himstead and Harlow Shapley 1939-1941

box 111, folder 3

American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky. Printed copy of Leon Trotsky, I Stake My Life (pamphlet), and correspondence with Thurman Arnold, Newton Arvin, Morris R. Cohen, Jerome Davis, Sherwood Eddy, Felix Frankfurter, Horace M. Kallen, Robert Morss Lovett, Arthur O. Lovejoy, Upton Sinclair, T. V. Smith, Stephen S. Wise and others 1937

box 111, folder 4

American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Printed and mimeographed issuances of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations 1962-1979

box 111, folder 5-6

American Humanist Association. Legal briefs, printed and non-printed issuances of the American Humanist Association, and correspondence with John Dewey, Horace M. Kallen, Paul Kurtz, Edwin H. Wilson and others 1942-1979

box 111, folder 7

American Labor Party. Leaflet, and correspondence with William Ernest Hocking, Kenneth Leslie, Reinhold Niebuhr and others 1940-1943

box 112, folder 1-2

American Philosophical Association. Issuances and proposed resolutions of the American Philosophical Association, programs, clippings, and correspondence with Brand Blanshard, Nicholas Capaldi, John J. Compton, Harold J. Johnson, Cornelius Kruse, Maurice Mandelbaum, Milton C. Nahm, Alan Pasch, Philip Blair Rice and others 1930-1988

box 112, folder 3

American Workers Party. Correspondence with Hubert Bonner, James Burnham, Robert M. Lovett, Herbert Solow, Allen Stiller, Arthur Younger and others, printed issuances, newsletter, clippings, and notes 1934-1979

box 112, folder 4

American Writers' Congress. Printed article by John Chamberlain, "The Literary Left Grows Up," 1935


Americans for Intellectual Freedom. Includes material relating to the Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace

box 112, folder 5

Correspondence with A. J. Ayer, Rudolf Carnap, George Counts, Irwin Edman, Albert Einstein, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, William Ernest Hocking, Robert Morss Lovett, Henry R. Luce, Robert S. Lynd, Thomas Mann, H. J. Muller, Curtis P. Nettels, Harlow Shapley, Guy Emery Shipler, Rexford G. Tugwell, Oswald Veblen and others 1949-1983

box 112, folder 6

Miscellany. Press releases, program, clippings, printed matter, reports, and mimeographed copy of George S. Counts, "The Soviet Ideological Assault on the West," 1949-1989

box 113, folder 1

Anarchism. Outline, clipping, report, and correspondence 1969-1985

box 113, folder 2

Arendt, Hannah. Printed copy of On Revolution, with notes by Hook, printed articles, and correspondence with Lewis Feuer, Melvin Lasky, Diana Trilling and others 1953-1986

box 113, folder 3

Argentina. Memorandum, clippings, and correspondence with Brand Blanshard, Ernesto Bonasso, Edgar S. Brightman, Marvin Farber, Risieri Frondizi, Cornelius Kruse, Hans Reichenbach, Paul Weiss and others 1948-1950

box 113, folder 4

Art and esthetics. Printed matter, and correspondence with Meyer Schapiro, Morris Weitz and others 1941-1969

box 113, folder 5

Atheism. Notes, atheist propaganda issuances, and correspondence 1930-1984


Atomic weapons and disarmament

box 113, folder 6

Correspondence with Herman Kahn, Edwin Meese III, Roger O'Toole, Edward J. Rozek, Elias M. Schwarzbart, DeWitt S. Snell, Edward Teller, Dorothy Thompson and others 1946-1986

box 113, folder 7

Miscellany. Notes, announcements, newsletters, report, mimeograph outline, anonymous untitled mimeographed study, untitled mimeographed speeches by David Emery and Henry Kissinger, untitled mimeographed statements by the AFL-CIO and Eugene V. Rostow, mimeographed copy of Donald G. Brennan, "SALT and Arms Control," and typescript copy of Cuthbert Daniel and Arthur M. Squires, "The First Step to World Disarmament," 1948-1986


Printed matter. Leaflets, bulletins, clippings, periodical issues, pamphlets, printed articles by Edward Teller and others, and reprints

box 113, folder 8-9


box 114, folder 1


box 114, folder 2

Australia. Periodical issues, and letters 1968-1978

box 114, folder 3

Authoritarianism. Untitled typescript speech by Arnold Dresden, printed articles, and letter from Seymour Lipset 1981-1989

box 114, folder 4

Beard, Charles A. Letters 1975-1978

box 114, folder 5

Bell, Daniel. Typescript copies of two studies by Daniel Bell, "Technology, Nature and Society: The Vicissitudes of Three World-Views and the Confusion of Realms" and "The Basic Structures of Knowledge: What We May No Longer Take for Granted," and letters 1969-1983

box 114, folder 6

Bentley, Arthur F. Printed biographical sketch 1968

box 114, folder 7

Bergson, Henri. Typescript copy of Richard Gale, "Bergson's Analysis of the Concept of Nothing," and correspondence 1964-1965

box 114, folder 8

Berlin. Freie Universitdt. Correspondence with J|rgen Domes, Werner Stein, and Otto Stoltz 1948-1973

box 114, folder 9

Berlin, Isaiah. Printed articles and letter 1963-1982

box 114, folder 10

Bernstein, Eduard. Printed article and notes 1978

box 114, folder 11

Bloom, Allan. Printed articles, typescript copies of Kenneth Eble, "The Degradation of Undergraduate Education," and Jean Bethke Elshtain, "Relying on Nature: Are You Eligible for Membership in Allan Bloom's Fraternity?" Joseph Epstein, "Great Books, Democracy and Truth," Floyd W. Hayes III, "The Politics of Education in America's Multicultural Society: Beyond Bloom's Lament," Kathleen B. Jones, "Discourse, Text and Gender: A Women's Studies Response to The Closing of the American Mind," Stephen B. W. Roeder, "Can Science and Reason Have Anything to Say About Our Values? A Naive View," and Kingsley Widmer, "An Apology for Unteaching," and letters by Ted Klein and others 1987-1989

box 114, folder 12

Boas, Franz. Correspondence with Michael Rosen 1983

box 114, folder 13

Boas, George. Printed article and letter 1984

box 114, folder 14

Bogdanov, Alexander. Letters, newsletters and printed articles by K. M. Jensen 1982

box 115, folder 1

Brecht, Bertolt. Notes, program, printed article, clippings, reprints, and correspondence with Hans-J|rgen Caspar 1957-1988

box 115, folder 2

Bukharin, Nikolai. Printed matter n.d.

box 115, folder 3

Bunzel, John H. Clippings, reprint, mimeographed and printed copies of speeches by John H. Bunzel, and correspondence with Glenn Dumke, Paul Seabury, Philip Siegelman, and others 1968-1983

box 115, folder 4

Burma. Pamphlets and letter 1954-1959

box 115, folder 5

Burnham, James. Correspondence with Lewis Feuer and another 1981-1984

box 115, folder 6

Burtt, Edwin A. Booklet and notes 1988

box 115, folder 7

Calverton, V. F. Printed article and correspondence 1933-1988

box 115, folder 8

Cambodia. Speech by Jeane Kirkpatrick 1984

box 115, folder 9

Catholic Church. Legal document, clippings, other printed matter, and correspondence with J. P. Conneally, Ferdinand Lundberg and others 1939-1985

box 115, folder 10

Catholic/Humanist Dialogue, Typescript copy of opening remarks by Paul Kurtz, and mimeographed copies of two conference papers, Charles Frankel, "Conscience and the State," and J. P. Mackey, "The Sources and Sanctions of Conscience," 1972 1972.

box 115, folder 11

Censorship. Clippings, correspondence, and legal brief 1947-1987

box 115, folder 12

Central America. Symposium paper by Melvin Levitsky, clippings, position papers, typescript reports by Max Singer, statements by Singer and Jeane Kirkpatrick, printed articles, and correspondence with James Jefford, R. Bruce McColm, Stephen Solarz and others, Primarily relates to Nicaragua and El Salvador 1981-1989.

box 115, folder 13

Chemical warfare. Statement by Stephen J. Solarz 1983

box 115, folder 14

Chile. Legal decision, and printed matter 1979

box 115, folder 15

China. Correspondence and printed article by Miriam London 1983-1985

box 116, folder 1

Chomsky, Noam. Printed articles by Chomsky and others, pamphlet, copies of Chomsky speech in Hanoi, and correspondence with Chomsky, Milton R. Konvitz, George Watson, Arthur M. Young and others 1968-1989

box 116, folder 2

Cities and towns. Pamphlet 1966

box 116, folder 3

Civil disobedience. Notes, reports, untitled mimeographed essay by Michael Walzer, typescript copies of Alan Gewirth, "Civil Disobedience, Law and Morality: An Examination of Justice Fortas' Doctrine," and Robert H. Sulnick, "The Conscientious Objector: A Matter of Justice and Freedom of Religion," letters, speeches, printed article, clipping, and bulletin ca. 1960-1976


Civil rights

box 116, folder 4

Miscellany. Notes, mimeographed material, mimeographed copies of W. T. Blackstone, "Equality and Human Rights," Herbert Brucker, "Freedom vs. Treason," Harry V. Jaffa, "The American Founding as the Best Regime: The Bonding of Civil and Religious Liberty," and Roger Pilon, "A Theory of Rights," and correspondence with Birch Bayh, Norman Dorsen and others 1948-1987

box 116, folder 5-6

Printed matter. Clippings, articles, serial issues, pamphlets, letters, and leaflets 1909-1987

box 116, folder 7

Cleaver, Eldridge. Untitled typescript article by Eldridge Cleaver, and letter by Carl Gershman n.d.


Cohen, Morris R.

box 117, folder 1-2

Lectures. Handwritten and typewritten transcripts of lectures by Morris R. Cohen n.d.

box 117, folder 3

Miscellany. Lecture notices, program, printed articles by Cohen, and correspondence with Felix S. Cohen, Leonora Cohen Rosenfield, and others 1923-1971

box 117, folder 4

Colorado, University of. Printed material, memoranda, galley proofs, speeches, and correspondence with Edward Rozek and others 1957-1988

box 117, folder 5

Commager, Henry Steele. Printed articles by Commager, and letters by Arnold Beichman and another 1949-1987

box 117, folder 6

Commission pour la Viriti sur les Crimes de Staline. Memorandum 1961


Committee for Cultural Freedom. Includes material relating to the League for Cultural Freedom and Socialism

box 117, folder 7

Correspondence with Sherwood Anderson, Roger Baldwin, Franz Boas, Walter B. Cannon, Felix S. Cohen, Philip W. L. Cox, John Dewey, Irving Fineman, Waldo Frank, Francis A. Henson, Ralph Ingersoll, Freda Kirchwey, Suzanne La Follette, Max Lerner, Arthur Lovejoy, Ferdinand Lundberg, Wesley C. Mitchell, John Jacob Posner, Benjamin Stolberg, Norman Thomas, Harry F. Ward and others 1939-1988

box 118, folder 1

Miscellany. Printed and mimeographed issuances, program statements, minutes, reports, clippings, press releases, bulletins, lists, and miscellany 1939-1942

box 118, folder 2

Committee for the Free World. Press releases, clippings, membership list, typescript copy of Melvin J. Lasky, "On Ideas, Ideology, and Information Policy in the 1980's," and correspondence with John S. Friedman, Leopold Labedz, Cleo Mitchell Paturis, Leo Raditsa, and Philip Siegelman 1981-1983

box 118, folder 3

Committee on Science and Freedom (sponsored by the Congress for Cultural Freedom). Correspondence with George, Michael and Priscilla Polanyi 1954-1965

box 118, folder 4

Common Cause. Printed matter, and correspondence 1949



box 118, folder 5-6

General. Clippings, reprints, serial issues, other printed matter, mimeographed material, notes, memorandum by Seymour Martin Lipset, and correspondence 1932-1984

box 118, folder 7

China. Clippings, printed material, mimeograph and printed issuances of the American China Policy Association, Inc., speeches by Clare Boothe Luce, A. C. Wedemeyer, and others, pamphlet, typescript copy of Mary F. Berry, "The Chinese Experience in Education: What America Stands to Learn," mimeograph copy of "Wang Tsun-ming, Anti-Communist: An Autobiographical Account of Chinese Communist Thought Reform," typescript copy of a letter to the editor by Abraham Kalish relating to John Paton Davies, and correspondence with Alfred Kohlberg, Lynn H. Miller, and Albert Shanker 1934-1983

box 118, folder 8

Cuba. Mimeographed statement by Carl Gershman, clippings, other printed matter, and letters by Theodore Draper and others 1962-1985

box 118, folder 9

Czechoslovakia. Clippings, mimeographed and typescript material, serial issue, typescript copy of "Cultural Detente at Scientific Congresses: The Secret Report of the Czech Sociologists to the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, 1974," and letters 1946-1986

box 119, folder 1

Europe, Eastern. Reprint, conference proceedings, bulletin relating to Hungary, printed material, and mimeographed copy of Brutus Coste, "Our Allies Behind the Iron Curtain," 1950-1957

box 119, folder 2

Korea. Anonymous untitled typescript study n.d.

box 119, folder 3

Poland. Typescript copy of Leszek Kolakowski, "The Phenomenon of Polish Marxism," mimeographed proceedings of the East-West Round Table of New York, clippings, press release, pamphlet, and correspondence with Kolakowski and Saul E. White 1946-1982


Soviet Union

box 119, folder 4

Clippings 1929-1983

box 119, folder 5

Correspondence with Curtis Benjamin, Albert Einstein, Jerzy Gliksman, Alice G. Harris, Thomas Mann, Philip F. Mayer, Donald C. Williams and others 1947-1988

box 119, folder 6-7

Miscellany. Printed articles, clippings, notes, pamphlets, serial issues, printed and mimeographed bulletins, press release, and a mimeographed copy of Roman Smal-Stocky, "The American Committee for Free Russia and the Right of Self-Determination of the Non-Russian Nationalities of the Soviet Union," 1921-1984


United States

box 119, folder 8

Clippings 1935-1988

box 120, folder 1

Correspondence with Philip W. L. Cox, Raphael Demos, David Garrow, Granville Hicks, Harvey Klehr, Lewis Feuer, Benjamin Mandel, Herbert Solow, Douglas C. Webb and others 1939-1988

box 120, folder 2-5

Miscellany. Notes, pamphlets, reports, serial issues, leaflets, bulletins, lists, printed articles, statements and speeches by Earl Browder, Howard Fast, Gus Hall, Granville Hicks, and Joseph Stalin, testimony by Gus Hall, mimeograph report by Harvey Schechter, "A Memo to Liberals, Subject: Anti-Communism," and draft chapters from proposed study of American communism by Harvey Klehr, with letters 1929-1988

box 120, folder 6

Yugoslavia. Notes, newsletter, serial issues, pamphlet, reprint, printed article, excerpts from printed matter, and correspondence 1947-1987

box 121, folder 1

Communism in art. Clippings and a pamphlet 1949-1983


Communism in education



box 121, folder 2

General. Maria M. Brau, "The Concept of Academic Freedom in Sidney Hook." Typescript and correspondence 1966-1973

box 121, folder 3-4

Clippings 1934-1989


Correspondence with Samuel K. Allison, George Anastaplo, Herbert Aptheker, A. F. Canwell, William T. Couch, Wesley Frank Craven, Raphael Demos, Henry Ehlers, Nathan Glazer, Jacob W. Gruber, Louis Hacker, John D. Hicks, Joel H. Hildebrand, Arthur B. Hooker, Harry Kantor, Louis O. Kattsoff, Gail Kennedy, Abraham Lefkowitz, Seymour Martin Lipset, Hamilton A. Long, Arthur O. Lovejoy, Benjamin Mandel, H. J. Muller, Frank B. Ober, Michael Polanyi, Thomas Clark Pollock, Denton Porter, Philip Blair Rice, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Ellen Schrecker, D. R. Scott, Albert Shanker, Bruce Stewart, Norman Thomas, Edward C. Tolman, Frank N. Trager, Sophus K. Winther and others

box 121, folder 5-6


box 122, folder 1


box 122, folder 2-3

Miscellany. Notes, reports, statements, press releases, resolutions, speech transcripts, notices, and book outline 1930-1956


Printed matter. Serial issues, pamphlets, reports, printed articles, clippings, and legal decision

box 122, folder 4-5


box 123, folder 1


box 123, folder 2

American Association of University Professors. Statements, proposed resolutions of the American Association of University Professors, clipping, and correspondence with Ralph F. Fuchs, Ralph E. Himstead, William Laprade, Arthur Lovejoy, and others 1949-1956

box 123, folder 3

New York University. Clipping, and communist leaflets and bulletins distributed at New York University 1935-1942

box 123, folder 4

Conference for Promotion of World Peace. Program and clippings 1964

box 123, folder 5

Conference on Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union. Discussion outline, treaty text, notes, list of participants, and correspondence 1959-1960

box 123, folder 6

Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion. Announcements, program, proceedings, bulletin, reprint, and correspondence with John Dewey, Louis Finkelstein, Harry A. Overstreet and others 1940-1953

box 123, folder 7

Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Reports, hearing transcripts, clipping, and statements by Max Kampelman and George Shultz 1981-1983

box 123, folder 8

Conferences on the Heritage of the English-Speaking Peoples and Their Responsibility, Kenyon College, Programs, printed summary, and printed conference papers, 1946-1947 1946-1947.

box 124, folder 1-2

Conferences on the Humanities and Public Policy Issues. Agenda, and mimeographed copies of conference papers by Adda Bozeman, "War and the Clash of Ideas," Robert W. Cox, "On Thinking about Future World Order," Abraham Edel, "Humanities and Public Policy in Philosophic Perspective," Charles Frankel, "Private Right and the Public Good," Elisabeth Hansot, "Utopian Views of War and Peace," Robert L. Heilbroner, "Second Thoughts on The Human Prospect," Louis Henkin, "Privacy and Autonomy under the Constitution," Frederick M. Keener, "Pomp, Circumstances, and the Professing of the Humanities," William H. McNeill, "National Frontiers in Humanistic Perspective," Steven Marcus, "What Is a Good Society and What Can Established Educational Structures (Whether Real or Possible) Do to Achieve or Maintain It?" Robert E. Marshak, "The Urban-Global Mission of the City University of New York," Arno J. Mayer, "The Lower Middle Class as Historical Problem," Robert Nisbet, "The Social Costs of Equality," Rosemary Park, "The Disestablished Humanities," Peter R. Pouncey, "Thucydides," Roger L. Shinn, "Living with Scarcity," and William Vickrey, "Justice, Equality, and the Economic System," 1974-1975


Congress for Cultural Freedom


Correspondence with Samuel K. Allison, Arnold Beichman, Daniel Bell, Francois Bondy, Elliot E. Cohen, John P. Diggins, James T. Farrell, James Franck, Michael Josselson, Arthur Koestler, Milton R. Konvitz, Irving Kristol, H. Richard Krygier, Melvin J. Lasky, Franco Lombardi, Mary S. McAuliffe, John J. McCloy, Dwight Macdonald, R. M. MacIver, Henry Margenau, Lester Markel, M. R. Masani, H. J. Muller, Nicolas Nabokov, William Phillips, Michael Polanyi, Ronald Radosh, Denis de Rougemont, Richard Rovere, Bertrand Russell, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Ignazio Silone, Boris Souvarine, Stephen Spender, Allen Tate, Mack Thompson, Diana Trilling, Peter Viereck, Morton White and others

box 124, folder 3-5


box 125, folder 1


box 125, folder 2-4

Miscellany. Mimeographed copies of Mary McCarthy, "What Forces Threaten Cultural Freedom?", and Hans Thirring, "Die Verantwortung der Intellektuellen," typescript copy of Nicolas Nabokov, "Tradition and Social Change," clippings, notes, program statements, reports, lists, proposed resolutions, minutes, pamphlets, memoranda, programs, newsletters, proposed book outline, articles of incorporation, and printed matter 1950-1975

box 126, folder 1

Conservatism. Clippings, typescript copy of Carl Gershman, "Why I Am Not a Conservative," and Robert L. Bock, "Hook, Burnham and Kendall: Ideological Change and Subsequent Influence," pamphlet, printed article, and correspondence with Bock, Gershman, Joseph Kraft and others 1972-1987

box 126, folder 2

Le Contrat Social. Issues of Le Contrat Social 1964-1966

box 126, folder 3

Corey, Lewis. Typescript review by Paul Mattick, printed review, printed article, and notes of an interview of Mrs. Corey 1934-1977

box 126, folder 4

Cowley, Malcolm. Printed articles by Cowley, clipping, printed excerpts, notes, and correspondence with Irving Howe and another 1935-1989

box 126, folder 5-7

Crime. Clippings, proposal, bulletin, program, notes, outline and typescript copy of "The Defenseless Society," legal opinion, printed articles and excerpts, newsletters, reprints, study guide, and correspondence with Park Chamberlain, Arthur Miller and others 1951-1989

box 127, folder 1

Cybernetics. Mimeographed copy of Edward F. Haskell and Harold G. Cassidy, "Plain Truth and Redirection of the Cold War," 1961

box 127, folder 2

Dahlberg, Edward. Letters 1972-1973

box 127, folder 3

Davis, Angela. Clippings, and letters 1969-1972

box 127, folder 4

Davis, Jerome. Correspondence with Davis and others 1939-1966

box 127, folder 5

Death. Clipping and bulletin 1972-1974

box 127, folder 6-7

Democracy. Clippings, serial issues, notes, pamphlet, brochure, printed excerpts, typescript fragment, typescript copy of Leo Raditsa, "Democracy and War," mimeographed copy of Benjamin E. Lippincott, "A Failure in English Political Thought," mimeographed conference papers by R. H. S. Crossman, "Democratic Control of Foreign Policy," Hugh Gaitskell, "A Note on Opposition in the Older Democracies," Bertrand de Jouvenel, "What Is Democracy?", other mimeographed material, and correspondence 1940-1988

box 127, folder 8

Deutscher, Isaac. Clipping, and memorandum and letter by Boris Shub 1948-1972

box 127, folder 9

Dialectical materialism. Clipping, printed articles, notes, mimeographed copy of Paul S. Epstein, "The Diamat and the Point of View of Modern Science," two anonymous studies, "Comment on Margolin's 'Le Diamat'" and "The Artificial Dialectic," printed articles, and correspondence with E. F. Carritt, Edward Conze, Jerome N. Frank and others 1933-1966

box 127, folder 10

Douglas, William O. Clippings and program 1969-1973

box 128, folder 1

East-West Philosophers Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1959. Program, list of participants, notes, and mimeographed copies of W. Arthur Lewis, "A Summary and Analysis of the Results of the Conference," and W. T. Stace, "Some Random Remarks Suggested by the East-West Philosophers Conference, 1959," and correspondence 1959-1961

box 128, folder 2

Eastman, Max. Clippings, reprint, printed article, and letters by Eastman, William F. Buckley, Jr., Floyd Dell, and John P. Diggins 1927-1979

box 128, folder 3-4

Economics. Clippings, printed articles by Melville J. Ulmer and others, typescript copy of Abba Lerner, "Theory and Realism: An Interjection," mimeographed copies of Eugene Fama and Michael Jensen, "Separation of Ownership and Control," Bertrand de Jouvenel, "From Political Economy to Political Ecology," Sioma Kagan, "The State of the U.S. Economy at the End of the Decade of the 1970s," Abba P. Lerner, "Projecting the New Economic World Order," Kenneth E. Scott and Myron Scholes, "The Concentration of Economic Power: Some Reflections," George Stigler and Claire Friedland, "The Literature of Economics: The Case of Berle and Means," and Melville J. Ulmer, "The Trouble with Keynes," "Full Employment without Inflation," and untitled congressional testimony, serial issue, tables, and letters by Ulmer and another 1934-1988





box 128, folder 5

General. Barbara Forrest, "Naturalism in Education: A Study of Sidney Hook." Typescript and correspondence 1986-1989

box 128, folder 6

Miscellany. Notes, typescript copies of Colin Clark, "The Economics of Education," Martin Meyerson, "Play for Mortal Stakes," and Thomas Clark Pollock, "Leadership and Liberal Education," Edward Rozek, "Education for Self-Fulfillment and the Survival of a Free Society," mimeographed copy of James O. Miller, "Early Childhood Education as an Intervention in the Child's Ecological System," conference proceedings, and correspondence with William Bennett, Robert Caldwell, R. Courant, Mason W. Gross, Amos B. Horlacher, Earl McGrath, Lester Markel, Thomas Clark Pollock and others 1931-1988

box 129, folder 1-3

Printed matter. Serial issues, bulletins, articles, symposium proceedings, reprints, report, and clippings 1937-1988


United States

box 129, folder 4

Correspondence with Frank Barnett, William Bennett, Roger Freeman, and others 1947-1989


Miscellany. Agenda, leaflet, memoranda, conference transcript, mimeographed copies of John C. Flanagan, "Quality and Equality in Education," Harley L. Lutz, "Guarding Educational Standards While Reducing Aggregate Tax Burdens during the Depression," and Mrs. Eugene Meyer, "The Public School and Sectarian Religion," course proposal, and correspondence

box 129, folder 5-7


box 130, folder 1


box 130, folder 2-3

Printed matter. Clippings, serial issues, articles, reprints, pamphlets, reports, and leaflet 1932-1989

box 130, folder 4

Education for Democracy (Organization). Pamphlet, letters, memorandum, and clipping 1984-1987

box 130, folder 5

Education for Freedom (Organization). Leaflets, prospectus, transcripts of radio broadcasts by Mortimer J. Adler, Stringfellow Barr, Robert H. Hutchins, Alexander Meiklejohn, Mark Van Doren and others, and correspondence with Harry D. Gideonse and others 1943-1944

box 130, folder 6

Einstein, Albert. Clipping, serial issue, printed articles, newsletter, and correspondence with Lewis Feuer, Irving Kristol, Otto Nathan, John Stachel, Norman Thomas and others 1948-1985

box 130, folder 7

Emergency Civil Liberties Committee. Leaflets, programs, reprints, and letters 1952-1953

box 131, folder 1

Encounter. Clippings, memorandum, and correspondence with McGeorge Bundy, Michael Josselson, Irving Kristol, Melvin J. Lasky, Abba Lerner, Anthony Robinson, Stephen Spender and others 1955-1987

box 131, folder 2

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Letters by Ernest van den Haag and another 1971-1975

box 131, folder 3

Energy and the environment. Newsletter, project description, program, issue of Institution Analysis, and letters by Robert T. Stafford and another 1974-1986

box 131, folder 4

Enquiry. Issues of Enquiry 1943-1944

box 131, folder 5

Equality. Typescript copy of James S. Coleman, "Inequality, Sociology, and Moral Philosophy," mimeographed copy of Felix E. Oppenheim, "Equality," notes, letter, and printed articles 1953-1977

box 131, folder 6

Espionage, Russian. Clippings, printed articles, press release, hearing transcripts, clippings, notes, and correspondence with Oswald Veblen and Gregory Vlastos 1947-1988

box 131, folder 7

Est et Ouest. Issues of Est et Ouest, 1973-1974




Miscellany. Notes, mimeographed copies of Dean Acheson, "Ethics in International Relations Today," R. B. Brandt, "Moral Philosophy and the Analysis of Language," Alan Gewirth, "Some Conceptual Issues in the Relation between Law and Morality," H. L. Hollingsworth, "The Ethical Significance of the Recognition of Individual Differences," Donald Schon, "Conflict, Functional and Formal," and "Ultimate Rules and the Rational Settlement," M. B. E. Smith, "Rawls and Intuitionism," anonymous typescript copy of "Freedom of the Will," and correspondence with Algernon D. Black and others

box 131, folder 8


box 132, folder 1


box 132, folder 2

Printed matter. Reprints, pamphlets, serial issues, printed excerpts, and clippings 1952-1973

box 132, folder 3

European Congress of Freedom and the Future, 2d, Europahxjskolen, Denmark, 1981. Brochures and letters 1980-1981

box 132, folder 4

Euthanasia. Reprints and clippings 1960-1989

box 132, folder 5

Existentialism. Notes, reprint, printed article, and mimeographed copy of A. J. Ayer, "Some Aspects of Existentialism," 1959-1961

box 132, folder 6

Fairbank, John K. Letters, and printed articles 1982

box 132, folder 7

Farrell, James T. Printed articles 1976-1981

box 132, folder 8

Federal Bureau of Investigation. Clipping, reprint, and letter 1949-1981

box 132, folder 9

Feuer, Lewis S. Typescript, typescript comments on unidentified work by Hook, printed articles by Feuer, and correspondence 1948-1987

box 132, folder 10

Feuerbach, Ludwig. Notes and correspondence 1962-1974

box 132, folder 11

For Intellectual Liberty (Organization). Printed and mimeographed bulletins issued by For Intellectual Liberty 1936-1937

box 132, folder 12

Forced labor - Russia. Program, announcements, clipping, report, and correspondence 1935-1953

box 132, folder 13

Fourth International. Leaflets, clippings, serial issues, and correspondence with Earle Birney, James Burnham, James P. Cannon, Lewis Corey, John Dos Passos, Albert Glotzer, Harry W. Laidler, A. J. Muste, Alan Wald and others 1933-1983

box 132, folder 14

France. Flyer, unidentified statement, declarations, statements by others, printed articles, and clipping, Includes material relating to Algeria 1953-1960.

box 133, folder 1

Frank, Waldo. Correspondence with Norman Thomas 1954

box 133, folder 2

Franklin, H. Bruce. Report and clipping 1972-1980

box 133, folder 3-4

Free Europe University in Exile, Strasbourg, France. Reports, memorandum, brochure, application forms, minutes, programs, mimeographed seminar papers (in French) by Adolph Berle, Georges Bidault, M. E. Naegelen, and John Pelenyi, with summary (in English), and correspondence with James Burnham, C. D. Jackson and others 1951-1958

box 133, folder 5

Freedom Academy (Proposed). Clipping, and correspondence 1962-1964

box 133, folder 6

Freeman, Joseph. Typewritten recollections by Freeman, including an extended typescript letter to Floyd Dell, and a letter from John Macdonald to Alan Wald relating to Joseph Freeman's recollections of Sidney Hook 1952-1985

box 133, folder 7

Freud, Sigmund. Clippings, reprints, and correspondence with S. Berthelsdorf, Adolf Gr|nbaum, Sidney Keller, William McKinley Runyan, and Meyer Schapiro 1940-1984

box 133, folder 8

Friends of Russian Freedom. Statement, list, and letters by Eugene Lyons and others 1949

box 133, folder 9

Fulbright, J. William. Reprint, clipping by Colin Campbell, and correspondence with Campbell 1985

box 133, folder 10

Fund for the Republic. Mimeographed memorandum, serial issues, and printed issuances 1955-1961

box 133, folder 11

Galbraith, John Kenneth. Notes, clippings, and letters by Robert V. Daniels, Roger A. Freeman and others 1968-1978

box 133, folder 12

Gates, Arthur I. Printed biographical sketch 1973

box 133, folder 13

Genealogy. Reprint series 1978

box 133, folder 14

Genocide. Clipping, statement, and letter by Milton R. Konvitz 1948

box 133, folder 15

Georgetown University. School of Foreign Service. Memorandum by Miro Todorovich and Edward Chalfant, and letters by Valerie A. Earle and R. J. Henle 1970



box 133, folder 16

General. Postcards, clippings, guidebook, student handbook, speech excerpts, mimeographed copy of "The Relations between the Two States in Germany," printed copy of Gertrude Albertson, Walpurgis Night: Stories about Growing Up in Nazi Germany: An Eyewitness Account, and letters 1928-1987

box 134, folder 1

Reconstruction. Reprint and correspondence 1945-1963

box 134, folder 2

Gide, Andri. Letters 1957

box 134, folder 3

Ginger, Ray. Correspondence with Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. 1949

box 134, folder 4

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Printed article n.d.

box 134, folder 5

Goodman, Paul. Correspondence 1975-1980

box 134, folder 6

Gramsci, Antonio. Typescript of Maurice A. Finocchiaro, "Gramsci: An Alternative Communism?" note by Hook, and correspondence with Finocchiaro 1982-1989

box 134, folder 7

Great Britain. Printed copies of Cards on the Table and Keep Left (pamphlets), clippings, and letter 1947-1980

box 134, folder 8

Greece. Clippings, and letter by Nathan Shapiro and another 1947-1952

box 134, folder 9

Grigorenko, Pyotr. Letter 1973

box 134, folder 10

Habermas, J|rgen. Letters by Adolf Gr|nbaum 1984.

box 134, folder 11

Hammer, Armand. Letter 1981

box 134, folder 12

Harrington, Michael. Printed articles by Harrington and others, and clippings 1979-1988

box 134, folder 13

Haya de la Torre, Victor Raul. Memorandum, bulletin, and letters 1950-1962


Hegel, G. W. F.

box 134, folder 14

Miscellany. Clippings, reprints, typescript copy of R|diger Bubner, "\ber Hegels Bedeutung f|r die Sozialwissenschaften," and correspondence with Walter Kaufmann, Anthony Quinton and another 1923-1976

box 134, folder 15

The Owl of Minerva. Issues of The Owl of Minerva 1969-1979

box 134, folder 16

Heidegger, Martin. Printed articles 1987-1988

box 134, folder 17

Hellman, Lillian. Clippings, printed articles, notes, printed reviews of and excerpts from Lillian Hellman's book Scoundrel Time, and correspondence with Samuel McCracken, R. Emmett Tyrell, Jr., William Wright and another 1967-1985

box 134, folder 18

Herberg, Will. Mimeographed copy of "Personalism, Socialism and Democracy" by Will Herberg, printed articles, and letters 1946-1987

box 134, folder 19

Hess, Moses. Typescript copy of Irving Levitas, "Moses Hess: The Jewish Socialist and Socialist Jew," and letter by Levitas 1967


Hiss, Alger


Clippings. Includes a note by Daniel Bell and a printed letter by Hiss

box 134, folder 20


box 135, folder 1


box 135, folder 2-3

Correspondence with William F. Buckley, Jr., Whittaker Chambers, Alistair Cooke, William Fitelson, Eric Jacobs, Clarence M. Kelley, Arthur Koestler, Joseph P. Lash, Isaac Don Levine, Lester Markel, William Moore, Richard M. Nixon, Meyer Schapiro, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Paul Seabury, Allen Weinstein, Nathaniel Weyl, Paul Willert and others 1949-1989

box 135, folder 4-5

Legal briefs 1975

box 135, folder 6-7

Miscellany. Deposition and interview transcript by Herbert Solow, serial issues, notes, Congressional hearings, galleys, and miscellany 1938-1989

box 136, folder 1

Writings. Typescript copies of David Martin, "Alger Hiss, the Communist Infiltration, and the 'Messing Up' of Foreign Policy," and five writings by Allen Weinstein, "Alger Hiss: Guilty or Innocent?" "A Reply to I. F. Stone," "A Response to Robert Sherrill," "Statement of Facts: Lawsuit Filed by Samuel Krieger against Myself, Alfred A. Knopf and the New Republic," and "Whittaker Chambers and the Communist Underground: New Evidence on the Alger Hiss Case," 1956-1979

box 136, folder 2

History. Correspondence, notes, speech by Thomas Wicker, clippings, and reprints 1939-1988

box 136, folder 3-6

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Memoranda, reports, press releases, serial issue, petition, printed articles, clippings, miscellanea, and correspondence with Leo Cherne, Edwin Harwood, Jacob K. Javits, Donald Kennedy, William Kimball, Seymour Martin Lipset, David Packard and others 1948-1989

box 136, folder 7

Howe, Irving. Printed excerpts by Howe, clippings, and letter 1982-1988

box 137, folder 1

Hughes, H. Stuart. Letters by Robert Fellows 1961

box 137, folder 2

Human rights. Radio broadcast transcript, report, letters, brochure, speech, printed excerpts, notes, typescript copy of Gregory Pence, "A Critique of Sidney Hook's Justification of Human Rights," mimeograph copy of a symposium presentation by Leonard Sussman, "Human Rights and the Reagan Administration," and material relating to the Bellagio Conference on Human Rights and Developing Nations, including a mimeographed copy of Adamantia Pollis, "Toward a Reformulation of the Concept of Human Rights," 1942-1985

box 137, folder 3

Human Rights and the Quest for Peace, Symposium, Warrenton, Va., Letter, program, list of participants, and mimegraphed conference papers by John Carey, "U.N. Protection of Human Rights," Gidon Gottlieb, "Responsibility of the State for Individuals under International Law with Special Reference to the Victims of Armed Conflicts," A. B. McNulty, "The Establishing of Procedures and Institutions for the International Protection of Human Rights," Frank Newman, "Human Rights Standards," and Luis Reque, "The Organization of American States and the Protection of Human Rights", 1968 1968.

box 137, folder 4

Humanism. Newsletter, printed symposium contributions, serial issues, clippings, and correspondence 1948-1989

box 137, folder 5

Hume, David. Reprint n.d.

box 137, folder 6

Hungary. Memorandum, clippings, pamphlet, and correspondence with Frank Knopfelmacher, Morton White and others 1956-1988

box 137, folder 7

Husserl, Edmund. Letters by Marvin Farber 1930

box 137, folder 8

Hutchins, Robert M. Interview, speech transcripts and pamphlet by Hutchins, brochure, printed article, clippings, and letters by Reinhold Niebuhr and others 1946-1980

box 137, folder 9

Illich, Ivan. Clippings 1971

box 137, folder 10-11

India. Typescript copy of K. K. Sinha, "Problems of Indian Democracy: A Brief Note," printed copies of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, "The Religious Basis of the Forms of Indian Society" and "Indian Culture and English Influence," S. L. Dar, [Banaras Hindu University] Agitation of 1958, Humayun Kabir, "The Gandhian Way," Mukandi Lal, The Cow Cult in India, Radical Democratic Party, Principles of Radical Democracy, A. H. Somjee, Voting-Behaviour in an Indian Village, West Bengal Youth and Students Committee, The Kerala Upsurge, clippings, notes, miscellany, and correspondence with Idella Marx and others 1946-1973

box 137, folder 12

Indonesia. Printed article, memorandum prepared for Norman Thomas, mimeographed tour guide, and letters from Norman Thomas and others 1955-1968

box 137, folder 13

Institut f|r Sozialforschung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Printed articles and letter 1973-1989

box 137, folder 14

Intellect. Correspondence with Erika Erdmann 1978-1979



box 138, folder 1

General. Edward S. Shapiro, "The Jewishness of the New York Intellectuals: Sidney Hook, a Case Study." Typescript and correspondence 1988

box 138, folder 2-3

Miscellany. Syllabus, project proposal, notes, clippings, conference report, interview summary, mimeographed copy of Charles Kadushin, "How the American Intellectual Elite Decided to Oppose the War in Vietnam," typescript copies of Seymour Martin Lipset, "The End of Ideology and the Ideology of the Intellectuals" and Alan Wald, "The New York Intellectuals and World War II," and correspondence with Daniel Aaron, Albert Glotzer, Neil Jumonville, Mark Krupnick, William L. O'Neill, and Alan Wald 1971-1988

box 138, folder 4

Printed matter. Clippings, printed articles and excerpts 1957-1987

box 138, folder 5

Intelligence levels. Reprint, clipping, leaflets, television broadcast transcript, and letters 1967-1976

box 138, folder 6

International Congress for the Philosophy of Science. Reprint and typescript report 1952-1954

box 138, folder 7

International Congress of Philosophy. Program, by-laws, correspondence, and reports 1947-1968

box 138, folder 8

International Day against Dictatorship and War, Paris, Clippings, and correspondence with Claude Croutelle, 1949 1949.

box 138, folder 9

International Freedoms Conference, 3d, Valley Forge, Pa., Brochures, programs, mimeographed copy of Frank R. Barnett, "Reclaiming the Initiative from the Soviet Heartland: The Case for a Tri-Oceanic Alliance of the Imperiled Rimlands," and letters, 1979 1979.

box 139, folder 1

International Institute for Economic Research. Pamphlets issued by the International Institute for Economic Research 1976-1978

box 139, folder 2

Iran. Letters 1981

box 139, folder 3

Iron Curtain Refugee Campaign. Correspondence with Charles P. Taft 1949

box 139, folder 4

James, William. Notes, proofs, letters, and reprints 1964-1973

box 139, folder 5-6

James vs. Board of Education of Central District No. 1. Legal briefs and decision, and letters by Harry Treinin 1972-1974

box 139, folder 7-8

Japan. Printed copy of Trade Union Movement in Japan (pamphlet), printed articles, clippings, correspondence with Melvin Lasky and others, translation of clipping, pamphlets, notes, serial issues, and anonymous typescript copy of "On Mother-Infant Interaction in Japan," and "Some Examples of JSP Use of Violence in the Diet and Disregard for Parliamentary Rules," and typescript copies of Juichi Katsura, "How Philosophy Stands in Japan at the Present," and "Der Weltbegriff im europaischen und orientalischen Denken," and Yoshihiko Seki, "The Concept of Democracy in Postwar Japan as Reflected in Magazine Articles," 1949-1988


Jews and Jewish organizations. Press releases, notes, conference summary, clippings, pamphlets, printed article, serial issues, mimeographed material, mimeographed copies of Milton Friedman, "Capitalism and the Jews," and M. Mitin, "Zionist Agency of U.S. Imperialism," and correspondence with Werner Cohn, Abraham G. Duker, Elie Kedourie, Meyer Levin, Henry Mehlberg, Meyer Schapiro, Milton Steinberg and others

box 139, folder 9


box 140, folder 1-2


box 140, folder 3

Josephson, Matthew. Correspondence 1977

box 140, folder 4

Kafka, Franz. Correspondence 1946

box 140, folder 5

Kallen, Horace M. Reprints by Kallen, Lewis Feuer, and Milton R. Konvitz, and correspondence with Konvitz, J. B. Matthews and others 1942-1955

box 140, folder 6

Karier, Clarence J. Correspondence 1974

box 140, folder 7

Kazin, Alfred. Articles by Kazin, letters to the editor by others in reply, notes, and a letter by Hook 1984-1988

box 140, folder 8

Kempton, Murray. Pamphlet 1969

box 140, folder 9

Kennan, George F. Printed articles and clipping 1978-1986

box 140, folder 10

Kirkpatrick, Jeane. Printed articles and clippings by Kirkpatrick and others, press release, typescript copy of "Smith College's Dis-Honorary Degree" by Arnold Beichman, and letters by Jill K. Conway and Peter Gay 1983-1986

box 140, folder 11-12

Knopfelmacher, Frank. Clippings, serial issue, other printed matter, mimeographed material by Knopfelmacher and others, typescript copy of D. M. Armstrong and R. N. Spann, "The Rejection of Dr. Knopfelmacher's Application," and correspondence with Knopfelmacher and others 1961-1971

box 140, folder 13

Koestler, Arthur. Printed article, and correspondence with Martin Ebon, Lester Markel, Saul K. Padover and others 1951-1984

box 140, folder 14

Korea. Clippings, printed article, printed copy of U.S. Department of State, The Conflict in Korea (pamphlet), and correspondence 1951-1985

box 140, folder 15

Korsch, Karl. Serial issue, lecture notice, printed article, typescript copy of Karl Korsch, "Neuere Marxbiographische Literatur," and correspondence with Michael Buckmiller and another 1932-1988

box 141, folder 1

Kraus, Arthur J. Correspondence with Arthur J. Kraus and others 1940-1969

box 141, folder 2

Kuhn, Fritz. Printed letter 1938

box 141, folder 3

Labin, Edouard. Testimonial statements, and correspondence with Edouard Labin and others 1952-1965

box 141, folder 4

Labour and Socialist International. Printed copy of The Moscow Trial and the Labour and Socialist International (pamphlet) 1931

box 141, folder 5

Lafargue, Paul. Mimeographed copy of Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner, "The Red Apologist of Laziness," 1963

box 141, folder 6-7

Lamont, Corliss. Printed writings, memorandum, and letters by Lamont, clippings, notes, and correspondence with Roberta Dewey, William Gruen, Horace M. Kallen, Alfred Kohlberg, Eugene Lyons, J. H. Randall, Jr., Norman Thomas, Carlo Tresca, Peter Viereck and others 1934-1988

box 141, folder 8

LaRouche, Lyndon. Clipping and a printed copy of Nazis Without Swastikas: The Lyndon LaRouche Cult and Its War on American Labor (pamphlet issued by the League for Industrial Democracy) 1982

box 141, folder 9

Lasch, Christopher. Letter 1965

box 141, folder 10

Laski, Harold J. Reprint, printed articles by Laski, printed copy of a letter from Oliver Wendell Holmes to Laski, and correspondence with Milton Hindus and others 1922-1988

box 141, folder 11

Lasky, Melvin J. Transcript of a speech by Melvin J. Lasky, clipping, printed article and letter 1947-1987

box 141, folder 12

Lattimore, Owen. Serial issues, clipping, and letter by Hook to Tom Wicker 1954-1989

box 141, folder 13-14

Law. Notes, clippings, proofs, printed articles, reprints, bulletins, speech by William Brennan, Jr., syllabi, broadcast transcript, and correspondence 1947-1986

box 141, folder 15

League for Industrial Democracy. Discussion transcript and correspondence 1931-1983

box 141, folder 16

Lefever, Ernest W. Correspondence with Lefever, Rudy Boschwitz, Alan Cranston, Jesse Helms, Charles Mathias, and Charles Percy 1981

box 142, folder 1

Lenin, V. I. Clippings, printed article and excerpt, publishers' announcements, mimeographed copy of David Shub, "Reply to Max Shachtman's Attack on Lenin: A Biography," notes, and correspondence with Shub and Walter Bedell Smith 1931-1950

box 142, folder 2

Lerner, Max. Printed article, clippings, and letters by Lerner and Hook 1939-1947

box 142, folder 3

Lewis, C. I. Notes, holograph outline, printed articles, and typescript copies of Raziel Abelson, "Knowledge and Memory," student papers, and letter 1948-1987

box 142, folder 4

Liberalism. Clippings, printed article, anonymous abstract entitled, "The Failure of Independent Liberalism, " and correspondence, 1946-1979 1930-1941,

box 142, folder 5

Liberty. Printed articles, mimeographed copy of Stanley I. Benn, "Freedom and Persuasion," typescript copies of Kenneth Boulding, "American Leadership, Institutions, Choices, and Freedom," and Erich Rinner, "Planned Society and Individual Liberty," annotated copy of John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, notes, and correspondence 1942-1988

box 142, folder 6

Lippmann, Walter. Notes n.d.

box 142, folder 7

Literature. Notes, reprints, letters, and printed articles 1932-1989

box 142, folder 8

Logic. Notes, clippings, exercise, reprints, printed article, and letters by Martin F. Herz and others 1938-1982

box 142, folder 9

London, Jack. Correspondence 1953

box 142, folder 10

Lovejoy, Arthur O. Correspondence with Lovejoy and another 1939-1979


Loyalty-security programs 1947-

box 142, folder 11

Correspondence with Herbert Abel, Alexander Baird, James Burnham, Howard W. Cannon, Midge Decter, William T. Hastings, Jean van Heijenoort, Daniel Lerner, Richard P. McKeon, David Martin, Richardson Preyer, Karl A. Wittfogel and others 1947-1983

box 143, folder 1

Miscellany. Leaflets, clippings, printed articles, reprints, statement, pamphlets, serial issues, printed excerpts, and note 1947-1977

box 143, folder 2

Lukacs, Georg. Printed articles, and correspondence with Zoltan Tar 1977-1983

box 143, folder 3

McCall, Lillian. Typescripts, report, memorandum, and correspondence 1954-1957

box 143, folder 4

Macdonald, Dwight. Correspondence with Michael Wreszin 1987-1988

box 143, folder 5

McGill, V. J. Correspondence with McGill, Paul Arthur Schilpp and others 1938-1956

box 143, folder 6-7

McGill Colloquium on Judaism and Human Rights, Montreal, Mimeographed conference papers by Salo W. Baron, "Civil versus Political Emancipation," Valery Chalidze, "The Perversion of Meaning in Civil Rights Discourse," Haim H. Cohn, "Equalities and Inequalities in Jewish Law," David Daube, "Human Rights," Yoram Dinstein, "How to DeUNize and Humanize the Protection of Human Rights," S. D. Goitein, "Human Rights in the Middle Ages," L. C. Green, "The Jew and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century," Ben Halpern, "Jewish Ethnicity," Rita E. Hauser, "International Human Rights Protection," Louis Henkin, "Reappraisal and Readjustment," Jacob Katz, "Jewish Emanicipation and Human Rights," Milton R. Konvitz, "From Jewish Rights to Human Rights," Sidney Liskofsky, "International Protection of Human Rights," Richard Mass, "Jewish Rights and the Democratic Movement in the Soviet Union," and Louis B. Sohn, "International Protection of Human Rights," 1974 1974.

box 143, folder 8

Malaysia. Brochures, pamphlets, notes, and letter 1969-1972

box 143, folder 9

Mann, Thomas. Clippings, reprint, and correspondence with Karl A. Wittfogel and others 1949-1954

box 143, folder 10

Marcuse, Herbert. Clippings, printed articles by Marcuse and others, typescript copy of Milorad Drachkovitch, "Herbert Marcuse, The Intellectual Mentor of the International New Left," and Peter Fuss, "Herbert Marcuse," and correspondence 1968-1980

box 143, folder 11

Maritain, Jacques. Notes, printed articles by Jacques Maritain, and correspondence 1939-1945


Marx, Karl

box 144, folder 1

Correspondence with Stanley Burnshaw, Oscar J. Hammen, N. P. Jacobson, Paul Mattick, Kai Nielsen, Henry M. Pachter, Jules Sandock and others 1932-1988

box 144, folder 2-3

Miscellany. Notes, holograph memorandum by Algernon Lee, mimeographed questionnaire by H. Leisegang, untitled typescript by Peter C. Ludz, typescript copy of G. A. Cohen, "Reconsidering Historical Materialism," and mimeographed copies of William F. Drischler, "The Theory of Oriental Despotism," and Michael Oakeshott, "Marx and the Nature of Political Discourse," 1963-1982

box 144, folder 4-5

Printed matter. Excerpts from writings by Marx and Friedrich Engels, printed articles, serial issues, pamphlet, press release, reprints, and letters 1933-1984

box 144, folder 6

Marx-Engels Institute, Moscow. Printed article n.d.

box 144, folder 7

Marxian economics. Printed articles, serial issue, and typescript copy of Abba P. Lerner, "Marxian Value, Surplus-Value and Surplus," 1919-1963

box 145, folder 1

Marxist Quarterly. Letters by Francis A. Henson, George Soule and another 1936-1989

box 145, folder 2

Mass media. Clippings, pamphlets, bulletins, and correspondence with Edith Efron, Reuven Frank, Reed J. Irvine, James J. Kilpatrick, David Lichtenstein, Elmer W. Lower, Edwin Meese III, William Schneider, Eric Sevareid and others, Includes material relating to Accuracy in Media 1939-1987.

box 145, folder 3

Mehnert, Klaus. Printed article 1936

box 145, folder 4

Meiklejohn, Alexander. Printed and typescript writings by Alexander Meiklejohn, anonymous typescript reply to Meiklejohn, and correspondence 1944-1960

box 145, folder 5

Meiner, Richard. Pamphlet and letters 1983

box 145, folder 6

Menorah Journal. Correspondence 1941-1989

box 145, folder 7

Metaphysics. Reprints, serial issues, notes, and letter by Richard Gale 1946-1989

box 145, folder 8

Mihajlov, Mihajlo. Printed article 1984

box 145, folder 9

Milosz, Czeslaw. Letters 1951-1953

box 145, folder 10

Le Monde. Correspondence with Mario Einaudi 1957

box 145, folder 11

Moon, Sun Myung. Correspondence with Daniel Lerner and the U.S. Department of Justice 1977-1985

box 145, folder 12

Morgan, Lewis H. Reprints 1944-1946

box 145, folder 13

Morrow, Felix. Correspondence with Felix Morrow, Diana Trilling and another 1979-1989


Moscow Trials 1936-1937

box 145, folder 14-15

General. Notes, clippings, printed excerpt, pamphlets by John Dewey and Leon Trotsky, press releases, speeches and statements by Dewey, Trotsky and others, typescript responses to allegations written by Trotsky, and typescript copies of Alan Wald, "Memories of the John Dewey Commission Forty Years Later" and "The Line of Blood," 1935-1977

box 145, folder 16-17

Correspondence. Charles A. Beard, Bruce Bliven, Malcolm Cowley, John Dewey, James Farrell, Albert Glotzer, Harold Laski (?), John MacDonald, Frederick L. Schuman, Herbert Solow, Alan Wald, Henry A. Wallace, Bertram D. Wolfe and others 1937-1984


Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials

box 146, folder 1-3

The Case of Leon Trotsky: Report of Hearings on the Charges Made Against Him in the Moscow Trials, Printed copy 1937.

box 146, folder 4-5

Not Guilty: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials, Printed copy 1938.

box 147, folder 1

Mumford, Lewis. Printed articles and reprint by Lewis Mumford 1931-1956

box 147, folder 2

Munitz, Milton K. Correspondence with Milton K. Munitz and others 1947-1957

box 147, folder 3

Nagel, Ernest. Typescript writings by Nagel, bibliography, and letters 1928-1987

box 147, folder 4

Nation. Clipping, and correspondence with Arthur Krock, Margaret Marshall and others 1950-1983

box 147, folder 5

National Academy of Education. Membership rosters, minutes, bulletins, serial issue, and correspondence 1968-1984

box 147, folder 6

National Advisory Council on Education Professions Development. Report, and correspondence with Edward Shils and others 1971-1975

box 147, folder 7

National Council of Jewish Women. Bulletins, legal briefs, and correspondence 1946-1957


National Endowment for the Humanities

box 147, folder 8

Applications for fellowships 1973

box 147, folder 9

Correspondence with William Barrett, William Bennett, Ronald Berman, Jimmy Carter, Lynne Cheney, James Hester, Jacob K. Javits, Walter F. Mondale, Robert Nisbet, Richard M. Nixon, Paul Seabury and others 1963-1987

box 147, folder 10

Miscellany. Clipping, flyer, letter, notes, press releases, recommendations, statutes, reprint, minutes, memoranda, and report 1966-1978

box 147, folder 11

National Public Radio. Newsletter, notes, correspondence with Irving Kristol, Frank Mankiewicz, Nina Totenberg and others 1981-1988

box 147, folder 12

National socialism. Notes, clippings, serial issue, leaflet, and letter to Joseph Freeman 1932-1934

box 147, folder 13

Naturalism. Printed article, memoranda, mimeographed copy of Brand Blanshard, "The Limits of Naturalism," typescript copy of John Emil Troge, "The Law of Nature," and correspondence with Brand Blanshard, Ernest Nagel and another 1944-1953

box 148, folder 1

Near East. Pamphlets, serial issues, clippings, newsletters, and correspondence 1943-1989

box 148, folder 2

Nearing, Scott. Letter to William Bohn 1959

box 148, folder 3

Nelson, Leonard. Correspondence with L. H. Grunebaum 1946

box 148, folder 4

New Leader. Clipping and correspondence 1951-1989

box 148, folder 5

New School for Social Research. Lists of students and grades, examination questions, bibliographies, leaflets, and correspondence 1932-1981

box 148, folder 6-8

New York University. Pamphlets, clippings, minutes, speech, resolution, policy guidelines, memoranda, and letters 1928-1988

box 148, folder 9-10

New York University. Department of Philosophy. Memoranda, reports, miscellany, and correspondence with Max Black, Brand Blanshard, C. J. Ducasse, Carl G. Hempel, James Hester, Jacques Maritain, Anton C. Pegis, Walter T. Stace and others 1936-1976

box 149, folder 1

New York University. Institute of Philosophy. Announcements, and correspondence with Jacob A. Arlow, George E. Axtelle, C. J. Ducasse, Herbert Feigl, Heinz Hartmann, Lawrence R. Kegan and others 1957-1976

box 149, folder 2

New York University. Jewish Culture Foundation. Correspondence 1942-1952

box 149, folder 3

New York University Press. Correspondence 1949-1977

box 149, folder 4

Niebuhr, Reinhold. Notes, clippings, printed article, and correspondence, including a letter from Niebuhr to John Dewey 1946-1986

box 149, folder 5

Nielsen, Kai. Printed articles by Antony Flew and Kai Nielsen, mimeographed copy of Kai Nielsen, "Scepticism and Human Rights," typescript copy of Kai Nielsen, "On the Choice between Reform and Revolution," syllabi, bibliographies, examination questions, and letters 1964-1974

box 149, folder 6

Nixon, Richard M. Mimeographed copy of Perry Walsh, "That Sabbath Pardon," printed article, and inauguration program 1973-1978

box 149, folder 7

Nomad, Max. Promotional release 1939

box 149, folder 8

O'Brien, Conor Cruise. Printed articles by Conor Cruise O'Brien and others, clippings, and letters by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and others 1961-1966

box 149, folder 9

Obscenity. Printed articles by Morris D. Forkosch and others 1964-1979

box 149, folder 10

Ockham, William of. Printed article 1963

box 149, folder 11

Oppenheimer, Frank. Notes, and letters by Edward J. Rozek and another 1965

box 149, folder 12

Orlov, Yuri. Printed articles, and letters by Edward Oshins 1982

box 149, folder 13

Orwell, George. Letters, clippings, printed articles, and conference proceedings 1984-1986

box 149, folder 14

Parapsychology. Reprints, clippings, and correspondence with Theo Dore, Frank Olmstead, J. B. Rhine, Theodore Rockwell, Pasqual S. Schievella and another 1950-1989

box 150, folder 1

Partisan Review. Printed articles, clippings, mimeographed copy of Joseph Epstein, "Polonius Remembers: Neither a Communist nor an Anti-Communist Be," and correspondence with Epstein, Terry A. Cooney, S. A. Longstaff, William Phillips, and others 1941-1989

box 150, folder 2

Peace. Clipping, reprint, bulletin, pamphlet, mimeographed copy of S. I. Hayakawa, "The Use and Misuse of Language: Some Thoughts on War and Peace," and correspondence with Leonard V. Fulton and others 1949-1984

box 150, folder 3

Peace and Freedom Party. Printed and mimeographed issuances of the Peace and Freedom Party 1968

box 150, folder 4

Peirce, Charles Sanders. Notes, reprints, leaflets, an untitled anonymous typescript and another entitled "Chapter Two: The Early Essays on Method, Meaning, and Truth," 1932-1975

box 150, folder 5

Perry, Ralph Barton. Reprint, printed copies of letters to the editor by Ralph Barton Perry and Albert A. Volk, and letter by William Henry Chamberlin 1942-1954



box 150, folder 6-7

Bibliographies n.d., 1979

box 150, folder 8

Correspondence 1929-1985

box 150, folder 9

Examination questions n.d.

box 151, folder 1

Miscellany. Notes, announcements, poem, conference abstracts, an untitled mimeographed study by Rene J. Dubos, mimeographed copies of Michael Polanyi, "Tacit Knowing: Its Bearing on Some Problems of Philosophy," Richard Rorty, "Genteel Syntheses, Professional Analyses, Transcendentalist Culture," William Ruddick, "Chance and Causal Chains," Wilfrid Sellars, "Phenomenalism," and G. J. Warnock, "Verification and the Use of Language," and typescript copies of Antony Flew, "Philosophy and Political Action," and C. J. Ducasse, "What Reality Have the Past and Future?" 1932-1976

box 151, folder 2

Notes n.d.


Printed matter. Announcement, clippings, articles, printed excerpt, letters, and reprints

box 151, folder 3-5


box 152, folder 1


box 152, folder 2

Philosophy, Oriental. Reprints, mimeographed copies of Yoshinori Takeuchi, "The Silence of Buddha," Hiromichi Takeda, "A Note on Nishida's Notion of 'Universal,'" typescript copy of Masaaki Hosaka, "The Philosophy of Kitaro Nishida," and letters by Subodh Chandra Roy, Che Ming-Zhou, and Walter T. Stace 1956-1985


Philosophy, Russian

box 152, folder 3

Miscellany. Mimeographed conference summary, and correspondence with George L. Kline and others 1942-1963


Printed matter

box 152, folder 4

General. Reprint, printed article, and serial issues 1951-1982

box 152, folder 5-6

Ost-Probleme. Issues of Ost-Probleme 1956-1968

box 152, folder 7

Podhoretz, Norman. Printed excerpt, proceedings, untitled typescript by Podhoretz, and letters ca. 1979-1986

box 152, folder 8

Poetry. Serial issue, syllabus, letter, and poems 1957-1978

box 153, folder 1

Poland. Printed copy of Oscar Lange, Poland and the United Nations, printed interview with Adam Michnik, clippings, serial issue, notices, and letters by Ginetta Sagan and Erazim Kohak 1944-1989

box 153, folder 2

Polanyi, Michael. Reprint by Michael Polanyi, and clippings 1953-1976

box 153, folder 3

Political science. Notes, printed articles, clipping, and a typescript copy of Marion J. Levy, Jr., "Modernization Exhumed," and letters by John D. May, 1949-1984

box 153, folder 4

Popper, Karl. Printed articles, reprint, clippings, and correspondence with Jonathan Lieberson and another 1948-1988

box 153, folder 5

Popular culture. Clippings, and leaflets 1971-1978

box 153, folder 6

Population. Chart, report, and letter 1963-1978

box 153, folder 7-9

Pragmatism. Notes, printed articles, serial issues, mimeographed copies of Gail Kennedy, "Pragmatism," W. V. Quine, "The Pragmatists' Place in Empiricism," and H. S. Thayer, "Pragmatism: A Reinterpretation," and typescript copy of Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, "The Democratic Promise of Pragmatism," and William E. Vandiveer, "Truth and Pragmatism," and correspondence 1943-1989


Presidents - United States - Election

box 154, folder 1

Correspondence with James Wechsler, 1964 1964.

box 154, folder 2

1972. Clippings, and correspondence with Leo Cherne, Joseph Clark, Elmer W. Lower and others 1972-1973

box 154, folder 3

The Proletarian. Printed articles n.d.

box 154, folder 4

Psychological warfare. Typescript copy of James Burnham, "Psychological Warfare or Else," printed articles, and letters by Boris Shub and another 1945-1958

box 154, folder 5-7

Psychology and behavior. Printed articles, printed resolution, flyer, mimeographed copies of John W. Copeland, "Philosophy Disguised as Science," Peter A. Corning, "The Biological Bases of Behavior and Their Implications for Political Theory," Lee J. Cronbach, "Beyond the Two Disciplines of Scientific Psychology," Clyde Hendrick, "Social Psychology as History: A Bibliography," Daniel Kahneman, "Cognitive Limitations and Public Decision Making," John Platt, "Social Traps," Michael Polanyi, "Problem Solving," Olaf Tollefsen, et al., "The Falsity of Determinism," and correspondence 1935-1984

box 154, folder 8

Puerto Rico. Pamphlet by Felix S. Cohen n.d.

box 154, folder 9

Rand, Ayn. Newsletters, serial issue, typescript copy of Ayn Rand, "The Objectivist Ethics," and letters by Barbara Branden and Ayn Rand 1961-1984

box 154, folder 10

Randolph, A. Philip. Correspondence 1947

box 154, folder 11

Reconstructionist. Correspondence with Will Herberg and Milton R. Konvitz 1949

box 154, folder 12

Refugees. Report, typescript writings by O. Anisimov, list, and letters by Leopold Labedz and another 1949-1982




Miscellany. Notes, mimeographed copies of an untitled speech by Henry R. Luce, and Harvey Cox, "Let's End the Communist-Christian Vendetta," Raymond Hunthausen, "Finding Our Way Back," untitled congressional testimony by Franklin H. Littell, and Jerome Nathanson, "The Nature of Religious Experience," mimeographed copy of Peter Kankkonen, "A New Way for the LWF?", mimeographed commentaries by Swami Akhilananda, John C. Bennett, Bernard Mandelbaum, Douglas V. Steere, and Kenneth W. Thompson on "Christian Ethics and International Relations," by Gustave Weigel, and Kenneth W. Thompson on "The Implications of Hindu Ethics for International Relations," by Amiya Chakravarty, and correspondence with Charles Hartshorne, William Liebermann, Harry A. Overstreet and others

box 154, folder 13


box 155, folder 1


box 155, folder 2-3

Printed matter. Articles, reprints, serial issues, leaflets, pamphlets, reports, legal decision, clippings, and printed copy of Grant Allen, The Evolution of the Idea of God 1918-1985

box 155, folder 4

Revolution. Bibliography, reprint, and letter 1974-1978

box 155, folder 5

Riesman, David. Reprints by Riesman 1952-1953

box 155, folder 6

Rockford College Institute. Printed issuances 1976-1978

box 155, folder 7

Roosevelt, Franklin D. Clippings, issue of the Bulletin of the League of American Writers, and correspondence with Stephen Early, Archibald MacLeish, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and others 1939-1987

box 155, folder 8

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel. Clippings, printed articles, serial issue, memoranda, biographical sketch, press release, and correspondence with Irving R. Kaufman, Simon H. Rifkind and others, Includes material relating to Morton Sobell 1953-1984.

box 155, folder 9

Rostow, Walt Whitman. Letter by Paul Samuelson 1968

box 155, folder 10

Roy, M. N. Correspondence with John C. Plott and others 1958-1966

box 156, folder 1

Ruegg, Paul. Telegram and letter by Joseph Pass 1932

box 156, folder 2

Ruge, Arnold. Notes n.d.

box 156, folder 3-5

Russell, Bertrand. Notes, printed articles by Bertrand Russell and others, memorandum, printed excerpt, clippings, press releases, serial issues, mimeographed copy of William Y. Elliott, "The False Dilemma of Bertrand Russell," and correspondence with Albert C. Barnes, Kenneth Blackwell, C. J. Ducasse, Robert Faris, Nathan Glazer, W. E. Johnson, Horace M. Kallen, Alfred Kohlberg, Leopold Labedz, Corliss Lamont, Melvin Lasky, Sol Levitas, Bertrand Russell, Alan Ryan, Paul Arthur Schilpp, Irving Thalberg and others 1921-1990

box 156, folder 6

St. John's College, Annapolis, Md. Serial issue, and correspondence with Scott Buchanan and J. Winfree Smith 1943-1982

box 156, folder 7

Sakharov, Andrei. Printed article by Sakharov, press release, speech by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, clipping, and correspondence with Sidney D. Drell and others 1976-1984

box 156, folder 8

Santayana, George. Correspondence with George Santayana and others 1949-1980

box 156, folder 9

Sartre, Jean-Paul. Printed articles, reprint, notes, serial issues, typescript copy of Fred Baumann, "Essay on 'Fraternity and Fear,'" and correspondence with Baumann and Herbert Spiegelberg 1954-1978

box 157, folder 1

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. Clippings 1987

box 157, folder 2

Schuman, Frederick L. Printed article by Frederick L. Schuman, and correspondence 1937-1946

box 157, folder 3

Schwartz, Delmore. Notes, title page inscription, printed article, and letter by James Atlas 1960-1975



box 157, folder 4

Miscellany. Typescript copies of Donald Cardwell, "The Public Recognition of Science," and Hans Popper, "Word and Thought," mimeographed copies of Charles Biddle, "Management and Control of Cancer with Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Magnesium and Other Nutrients," untitled speech by Edward U. Condon, John W. Copeland, "Culture and Man: Leslie A. White's Thesis Re-examined," press releases, conference material, and correspondence with Cuthbert Daniel, Horace S. Friess, Oskar Morgenstern and others 1933-1987

box 157, folder 5-7

Printed matter. Notes, clippings, articles, proofs, and serial issues 1932-1988

box 157, folder 8

Soviet Union. Clippings, newsletters, printed articles, serial issues, mimeographed copy of Paul S. Epstein, "The Diamat and the Point of View of Modern Science," notices, biographical material, and letters 1938-1983

box 157, folder 9

Self-determination, National. Mimeographed statements by Carl Gershman 1981-1982

box 158, folder 1

Selzer, Michael. Statement, minutes, legal brief and decision, printed articles, and letters by Selzer and others 1976-1981

box 158, folder 2

Shachtman, Max. Archival register 1983

box 158, folder 3

Shalom Center. Certificate, newsletters, circulars, and letter by Elie Wiesel 1985-1987

box 158, folder 4

Shockley, William. Conference material, clippings, bibliography, resolution, newsletter, mimeographed copy of William Shockley, "Research on American Lysenkoism in the National Academy of Sciences," and correspondence with James Goldman and William Shockley 1968-1988

box 158, folder 5

Sinclair, Upton. Clippings, and statement 1939-1958

box 158, folder 6

Singapore. Letter 1977

box 158, folder 7

Sobell, Morton. Petition, legal briefs, newsletter, pamphlet by Helen Sobell, and correspondence with Harry Kalven, Jr., and Helen Sobell 1956-1960.

Scope and Contents note

See also Subject File/Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel
box 158, folder 8

Social classes. Printed articles, reprint, and correspondence with William F. Drischler and James T. Farrell 1944-1977

box 158, folder 9

Social Democratic Federation. Issue of The Social Democrat, and correspondence with Algernon Lee 1944-1948

box 158, folder 10-11

Social Democrats, U.S.A. Discussion bulletins, meeting report, pamphlet, serial issues, printed excerpt, testimonial dinner seating list, clipping, printed articles, typewritten copy of Carl Gershman, "Detente and the Left after Afghanistan: Debate with Michael Harrington," mimeographed copy of "The Report by the Social Democrats, U.S.A. on the Resignation of Michael Harrington and his Attempt to Split the American Socialist Movement," and Emanuel Muravchik, "Socialism/Capitalism Discussion Paper," and correspondence with Daniel Bell, Midge Decter, Carl Gershman, Michael Harrington, Muravchik, Paul R. Porter and others 1972-1989

box 158, folder 12

Socialism. Clippings, bulletin, book review, reprint, mimeographed copy of Elias L. Tartak, "Lessons of the Russian Revolution," typescript copies of Victor Chernov, "Foreign Policy of Socialist Parties," George Denicke, "Some Principles of Socialist Planned Economy," Bill Evers, "Freedom of the Press Under Socialism," and Mark Vishniak, "The State and Socialism," and correspondence with Howard Brick, Jan van Houten, H. H. Lippincott, and Kai Nielsen 1940-1984

box 159, folder 1

Socialist International. Clippings, and typescript memoranda by Joel and Rita Freedman 1983-1988

box 159, folder 2

Socialist Party, U.S.A. Leaflet, clippings, notes, serial issue, pamphlet, and correspondence with Paul Feldman, Paul R. Porter and others 1932-1971

box 159, folder 3

Socialist Workers Party. Pamphlet, flyer, and clippings 1938-1943

box 159, folder 4

Society for Scientific Exploration. Memoranda and membership lists 1982

box 159, folder 5

Solow, Herbert. Memorial pamphlet, typescript and printed copies of Alan Wald, "The Menorah Group Moves Left" and "Herbert Solow," typewritten transcript of interview of Farrell Dobbs, and correspondence with James T. Farrell, H. William Fitelson, Isaac Don Levine, Felix Morrow, George Novack, Sylvia Salmi, Meyer Schapiro, Alan Wald, Allen Weinstein and others 1964-1977

box 159, folder 6

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. Typescript excerpt, printed copies of speeches, and a letter by the Socialist Party-Democratic Socialist Federation, U.S.A. 1972-1976

box 159, folder 7

Somerville, John. Clippings and correspondence 1947-1956

box 159, folder 8

Sontag, Susan. Printed articles, clippings, and letter from Cleo Paturis 1982

box 159, folder 9

Sorel, Georges. Letters by I. Pomerance 1934


Soviet Union

box 159, folder 10-12

General. Clippings, bulletin, serial issues, speech by Yegor Ligachev, mimeographed copy of Dimitry Chereshkin and Mikhail Isalenko, "Information Technology and the Restructuring of Soviet Society," typescript copy of David Chollet, "The Forgotten Comrade: Alexander Kerensky, The Russian Revolution, and the Fate of Democracy," and printed copy of H. J. MacKinder, The Geographical Pivot of History (pamphlet), and letters by Chollet and others 1904-1989

box 160, folder 1

Constitution. Printed article, bulletin, and letter 1936-1978

box 160, folder 2

Foreign relations. Clippings, printed article, serial issue, letters, mimeographed copy of Richard Shultz and Roy Godson, "The Role of Overt and Covert Propaganda and Political Influence Techniques in Soviet Strategy," and typescript review of Boris Kagarlitsky, The Dialectics of Hope 1939-1989

box 160, folder 3

Spain. Typescript copy of "Los Rompeadores," untitled typescript by Edward I. Lending, clippings, circulars, press release, pamphlet, and correspondence with Oscar Lange, Lending, Fernando de los Rios and others 1937-1988

box 160, folder 4

Spengler, Oswald. Untitled typescript by Theodore Salzman n.d.

box 160, folder 5

Spinoza, Benedict. Letter to Lewis Feuer 1982


Stanford University

box 160, folder 6

Correspondence with William Chase, Carl Degler, Stephen R. Graubard, Walter Lammi, Barry M. Katz, Donald Kennedy, John Perry, Robert Rosenzweig, Carl E. Schorske and others 1986-1989

box 160, folder 7

Miscellany. Typescript copy of Richard Rorty, "General Education and Socialization," course descriptions, reading lists, notes, newsletter, memorandum, flyers, and letter by Rorty 1972-1989

box 160, folder 8

Printed matter. Clippings, printed excerpts, pamphlet, and printed articles 1966-1989

box 160, folder 9

Steiner, George. Printed writings by Steiner and others, and correspondence 1981-1988

box 160, folder 10

Stokes, Rose Pastor. Printed archival register 1974

box 161, folder 1

Stone, I. F. Clippings, and correspondence with Robert Hessen and R. B. Silvers 1945-1989

box 161, folder 2

Strachey, John. Notes, and printed copy of The Attempted Deportation of John Strachey (pamphlet) 1935

box 161, folder 3

Struhl, Paula. Memorandum by Paula Struhl, and correspondence with Struhl and others 1969-1978


Student movements

box 161, folder 4

General. Clippings, serial issue, leaflet, report, and letters by Leonard B. Schapiro and another 1951-1989


California, University of (Berkeley)

box 161, folder 5-7

Miscellany. Notes, legal opinion, mimeographed copies of Morton Brown and Hunter Golay, "An Independent View," Hal Draper, "FSM: Freedom Fighters or Misguided Rebels," R. W. Heyns, "University Traditions and Social Change," Abba Lerner, "The Universities: A Moral Crisis," Michael Rossman (ed.), "Administrative Pressures and Student Political Activity at the University of California: A Preliminary Report," William Petersen, "Faculty Rebellion at Berkeley," Richard Sutch and Richard Roehl, "A Few Points of Disagreement with 'Some Anonymous Thoughts on Some "Black" Proposals'" (with a copy of the latter), typescript copies of Thomas Cunningham, "Some Comments on Campus Unrest and the Role of the University Attorney," Abba Lerner, "Even-Handed Justice," Ed Strong, "The Berkeley Predicament," and correspondence with Cunningham, Lewis Feuer, Alexander Grendon, Hardin B. Jones, Clark Kerr, Abba Lerner, Ernest Nagel, and Paul Seabury 1964-1975


Printed matter. Reports, circular, clippings, printed articles, serial issues, pamphlets, and bulletins

box 161, folder 8-9

1964-1965 September

box 162, folder 1-3

1965 November-1968

box 162, folder 4

Chicago, University of. Statements, chronologies, clippings, resolutions, flyers, and bulletin 1969


Colorado, University of

box 162, folder 5-6

Clippings 1959-1969

box 163, folder 1-2

Miscellany. Minutes, letters, list, legal documents, and bylaws 1968-1969

box 163, folder 3-4

Columbia University. Mimeographed copy of Ernest Nagel, "The University as a Sanctuary of Academic Freedom," clippings, circulars, position statements, printed articles, pamphlet, press release, report, hearing transcript, speech, serial issue, bulletin, and letters by Ernest Nagel, Leo Rosten and others 1962-1985


New York University. Leaflets, serial issues, statements, press releases, newsletters, notes, clippings, memoranda, reports, minutes, and correspondence with Bernard Goldstein, John Hatchett and others

box 163, folder 5


box 164, folder 1-3



United States

box 164, folder 4

Clippings 1965-1973

box 164, folder 5

Correspondence with Mortimer J. Adler, Jacques Barzun, Daniel Bell, Robert Carr, Charles W. Colson, Henry Grunwald, Milton R. Konvitz, Anthony Lewis, Dwight Macdonald, F. S. C. Northrop, Gerald H. Paske, David Riesman, Paul Seabury, Philip Siegelman, Leonard R. Sussman, Cornelius J. Troost, Charles F. Virtue, Donald C. Williams, Marvin Zimmerman and others 1965-1988


Miscellany. Reports, notes, leaflets, memoranda, press releases, statements, letters, legal document, mimeographed copies of an untitled memorandum by Michael Harrington, an untitled speech by Milton Hindus, Jack Douglas, "Politics and the University," Harold Howe, "The Crisis of Dissent," and "Responsibility and Academic Freedom," Kai-yu Hsu, "The San Francisco State College Story," Hardin B. Jones, "Marxist Influence in Education," David Riesman, "Conference on the Campus Crisis," Geraldine Rosenfield, "Faculty Thoughts on the Jewish Role in the Student Disorders at Columbia University," Harris Wofford, "Law and Learning: Chicago and Prague," and typescript copies of Richard Gambino, "Democracy, Self-Righteous Style," Clark Kerr, "Comments on Lichtman's 'The Ideological Function of the University,'" and Milton R. Konvitz, "Cornell in a State of Nature"

box 164, folder 6


box 165, folder 1-3


box 165, folder 4-6

Printed matter. Articles, reprints, serial issues, pamphlets, and leaflets 1965-1969

box 166, folder 1

Studies in Comparative Communism. Letters by Peter Berton and G. R. Urban 1970-1971

box 166, folder 2

Sweden. Printed article 1975

box 166, folder 3

Tagore, Rabindranath. Correspondence 1957

box 166, folder 4

Taiwan. Correspondence with Owen Lippert 1984



box 166, folder 5

Political activity. Clippings, mimeographed copies of Daniel Greenberg, "The Politicization of Academia," and Rael Isaac, "Academic Freedom - And Academic License," memorandum, minutes, printed articles, book review, and correspondence with Leonora Billings, Lynne Cheney, Miro Todorovich and others 1957-1989

box 166, folder 6

Professional ethics. Notes, clippings, statement, pamphlet, proofs, statement, newsletter, press releases, reprint, mimeographed copy of William K. Frankena, "Moral Education," and letter 1951-1974

box 166, folder 7-8

Tenure. Clippings, statements, newsletters, legal briefs, mimeographed copy of John W. Chapman, "Tenure in the American University," George X. McGough, "Students and Faculty Tenure," and correspondence with Norman Davies and others 1947-1988

box 166, folder 9

Teachers' unions. Flyers, pamphlet, leaflet, bulletin, printed articles, clippings, and correspondence 1938-1972


Teaching, Freedom of. Reprints, newsletters, clippings, leaflets, serial issues, report, broadcast transcript, proofs, statements, mimeographed copy of Henry Steele Commager, "The Pragmatic Necessity for Freedom," typescript copies of Les Csorba, "Freezing Free Speech on Campus: A Special Report," and Paul Walter, "Threats to Academic Freedom in the Eighties," printed excerpts, resolutions, memoranda, and correspondence with R. M. MacIver, C. V. Newsom, Albert Wohlstetter and others

box 166, folder 10


box 167, folder 1-2


box 167, folder 3

Technocracy Review. Printed issue 1933

box 167, folder 4

Technology. Leaflet, notes, mimeographed copy of Kenneth Colby and Horace Enea, "Inductive Intelligence by Intelligent Machines," and printed copy of Raymond Aron, The Epoch of Universal Technology (pamphlet) 1958-1967

box 167, folder 5

Teller, Edward. Correspondence with Edward Teller and others 1960-1981

box 167, folder 6

Terrorism. Notes, clippings, reprint, printed article, reports, conference program and description of participants, and correspondence 1970-1988

box 167, folder 7

Thailand. Notes, leaflet, and mimeographed copies of Prasop Ratanakorn, "Cultural Anthropological Studies as Related to the Nature of Schizophrenia in Thailand," and "Resistance and Changes in Human Relations as Seen in Thailand," 1957-1959

box 167, folder 8

Thomas, Norman. Clippings, mimeographed radio broadcast transcript, and correspondence 1939-1959

box 167, folder 9

Timerman, Jacobo. Printed article by Alfred Kazin, and correspondence with Bill Moyers and another 1981-1984

box 167, folder 10

Toleration. Printed article and clipping 1953

box 167, folder 11

Toynbee, Arnold J. Serial issues, and mimeographed radio broadcast transcript 1934-1956

box 167, folder 12

Trade. Clippings, typescript copy of Richard Mazer, "The Real Significance of U.S/Soviet Trade," correspondence with Mazer, and a letter to the editor by Pat Buchanan 1985-1986

box 167, folder 13

Trilling, Lionel. Notes, typescript copy of Mark Krupnick, "Uptown/Downtown: Trilling's 1930s," printed article, and correspondence with Krupnick, Lionel Trilling and others 1947-1985

box 167, folder 14

Trotsky, Leon. Notes, clippings, printed articles, reprint, pamphlet, and correspondence with Albert Glotzer, Jean van Heijenoort and another 1927-1986.

Scope and Contents note

See also Subject File/Moscow trials
box 168, folder 1

U.S. Labor Party. Leaflets, clippings, printed articles, serial issues, flyer, and letters by Paul Kurtz and Gerald Pinsky 1966-1982

box 168, folder 2

Ulich, Robert. Reprint of memorial article 1978

box 168, folder 3

United Nations. Membership roster, clippings, and correspondence with Ely Culbertson and Marlo Lewis, Jr. 1947-1987


United States

box 168, folder 4-5

Foreign relations. Untitled mimeographed speech by Lane Kirkland, mimeographed copies of Edward Rozek, "Gorbachev's Policy Toward the United States," and Leo Szilard, "Are We on the Road to War?" notes, clippings, printed articles, reprints, serial issues, pamphlets, newsletters, press release, and correspondence with Arnold Beichman, Ann Hook, Morris Leibman, Philip F. Mayer, Walter A. Sheldon, Marshall Shulman, Gardner Williams and others 1942-1989

box 168, folder 6

Politics and government. Clippings, newsletter, printed articles, proofs, mimeographed copy of Herbert Schneider, "American Traits and Principles," and correspondence 1930-1988

box 168, folder 7

Race relations. Clippings, printed articles, reprints, leaflets, mimeographed speeches by Roy Wilkins, and letters 1942-1989

box 168, folder 8

United States Central Intelligence Agency. Letters by Hook to Frank Church and others 1977-1980

box 168, folder 9

United States Constitution. Clippings, notes, resolutions, mimeographed copy of John A. Stewart, "Social Physics and the Constitution of the United States," and correspondence with Erwin N. Griswold and others 1953-1981


United States Supreme Court. Includes material relating to Robert Bork

box 168, folder 10

Correspondence with Alfonse D'Amato, Joseph Biden, John Heinz, Edward Kennedy, Milton R. Konvitz, Patrick Leahy, Daniel P. Moynihan, F. S. C. Northrop, Lewis F. Powell, Jr., Elias Schwarzbart and others 1945-1988

box 169, folder 1

Miscellany. Clippings, printed excerpt and articles, program, memorandum, press release, statements by John Heinz and Patrick Leahy, and typescript copies of Norman Dorsen, "The Liberals and Mr. Justice Black," and Joan Roelofs, "The Supreme Court and Corporate Capitalism," 1953-1987

box 169, folder 2-3

Unity of Knowledge Conference, Columbia University, Mimeographed conference papers by Niels Bohr, "The Unity of Knowledge," Etienne Gilson, "Theology and the Unity of Knowledge," Julian Huxley, "Man's Place and Role in Nature" (with comments by William C. Boyd), A. L. Kroeber, "The Knowledge of Man" (with comments by Talcott Parsons), Gardner Murphy, "Psychology and the Knowledge of Man" (with comments by Hadley Cantril), and John Herman Randall, Jr., "The World to Be Unified," and correspondence with Grayson Kirk, 1954 1954.


Universities and colleges - United States

box 169, folder 4

Miscellany. Memoranda, statements, notes, mimeographed copy of William G. Bowen, "The Role of the University as an Institution in Conflicting External Issues," and correspondence with James Hester, John A. Howard and others 1952-1989

box 169, folder 5-6

Printed matter. Clippings, serial issues, articles, reprints, pamphlets, and manual 1944-1986


University Centers for Rational Alternatives

box 170, folder 1-3

Correspondence with John Agresto, Peter Batke, William Bennett, Edward Chalfant, Lawrence Fertig, Milton Friedman, Edith Green, S. I. Hayakawa, Milton Hindus, Irving Kristol, Abba P. Lerner, Marvin Meyers, Bonaro W. Overstreet, Gerald Pinsky, Henry Regnery, David Riesman, Paul Seabury, Daniel Seligman, Miro M. Todorovich, Stephen J. Tonsor, Bertram D. Wolfe and others 1968-1989



box 170, folder 4

General. Statements, memoranda, circulars, project proposals, clippings, minutes, and leaflet 1969-1988

box 170, folder 5-7

Measure (newsletter) 1969-1989

box 170, folder 8

Utley, Freda. Correspondence 1942-1978

box 170, folder 9

Valtin, Jan. Printed excerpt, and correspondence with Donald W. Treadgold, Jan Valtin and another 1941-1987

box 171, folder 1

Values. Letters, questionnaires, notes, and printed matter 1941-1978

box 171, folder 2

Van den Haag, Ernest. Printed articles by Ernest van den Haag and others, and correspondence 1950-1979

box 171, folder 3

Veblen, Thorstein. Issue of Veblen Forum n.d.

box 171, folder 4

Velikovsky, Immanuel. Clippings, and letters by Michael Rosen, Harlow Shapley, and Chaim Weizmann 1940-1983

box 171, folder 5-7

Vietnamese Conflict, Clippings, printed articles, pamphlet, press release, hearing transcript, serial issues, leaflets, statements, memoranda, newsletters, and correspondence with Theodore Draper, Wesley R. Fishel, Martin F. Herz, W. V. Quine, Walter Sheldon, and others, 1956-1986 1961-1975.

box 171, folder 8

Vivas, Eliseo. Correspondence 1948

box 171, folder 9

Wallace, Henry A. Notes, clippings, pamphlet, mimeographed study by Americans for Democratic Action, and letters by Dwight Macdonald and another 1946-1948

box 171, folder 10

Wallenberg, Raoul. Letter 1979

box 171, folder 11

Watergate Affair, Clipping, and correspondence with Arthur S. Miller, Harvey Wheeler and others, 1973 1972-1974.

box 171, folder 12

Weisbord, Albert. Typescript copy of Albert Weisbord, "Communist Intelligentsia," and correspondence 1933

box 171, folder 13

Welfare state. Printed writings by Roger A. Freeman, bulletin, reprint, mimeographed copy of Victor R. Fuchs, "Economics, Health and Post-Industrial Society," typescript copy of Abba P. Lerner, "The Social Welfare Function," and letter by Jack D. Douglas 1966-1978

box 171, folder 14

White, Harry Dexter. Mimeographed copy of Christopher Emmet, "Neglected Aspects of the White Case," typescript copy of David Martin, "The Case of Harry Dexter White," and letter by Martin 1980

box 171, folder 15

Whitehead, Alfred North. Letter 1950

box 171, folder 16

Williams, William Carlos. Correspondence 1965-1966

box 171, folder 17

Wolfe, Bertram D. Deposition, loyalty interrogation transcript, notes, printed writings by Wolfe, and correspondence with Wolfe, J. F. Conneally, Ella Wolfe and another 1951-1981

box 172, folder 1

Women. Serial issue, circular, reprint, and letters 1952-1987

box 172, folder 2

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Correspondence with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and others 1950-1980

box 172, folder 3

Workers Party (U.S.) Resolutions, clippings, and minutes 1935

box 172, folder 4

World Conference against A and H Bombs and for Disarmament, Tokyo, 1958. Clipping and correspondence 1958-1959

box 172, folder 5-7

World politics. Clippings, pamphlet, bulletins, printed articles, serial issues, typescript copy of Arthur A. Vaisman, "The Other Cloud of Danger: Western Social Sciences and the American Concept of East-West Relations," mimeographed copy of George F. Kennan, "Industrial Society and the Western Political Dialogue," and correspondence 1939-1989

box 172, folder 8

World War, Clippings, pamphlets, reprint, serial issue, proofs, printed article, leaflet, mimeographed copy of Leopold Labedz, "25 Years after the Nazi-Soviet Pact," and letters by Justus Doeneke, C. J. Friedrich, Rubin Gotesky, Albert Guerard, Eugene Lyons, and others, 1938-1977 1939-1945.

box 172, folder 9

Yaddo. Correspondence 1931-1977

box 172, folder 10

Youth - United States. Serial issue, program, and letters 1971-1978

box 172, folder 11

Yugoslavia. Printed article and letters 1945-1985

box 172, folder 12

Zinoviev, Alexander. Printed article 1978


John Dewey File 1906-1989

Scope and Contents note

Published and unpublished writings and correspondence of John Dewey; and published and unpublished writings and correspondence of others relating to John Dewey, arranged alphabetically by author.


box 173, folder 1

Correspondence with Jacques Barzun, Elliot E. Cohen, Joseph Ratner and others 1929-1989

box 173, folder 2

Miscellany. Typescript introduction to The Quest for Certainty, clippings, programs, pamphlet, bibliographies, notes, newsletter, and report 1939-1988

box 173, folder 3

Abelson, Raziel. Two typescript studies, "Dewey's Critique of Immediate Knowledge," and "John Dewey's Philosophy of Science," n.d.

box 173, folder 4

Aiken, Henry David. Reprint n.d.

box 173, folder 5

Alexandrov, Georgi. Clippings, and typescript translation of printed article, "The Philosophizing Armor-Bearers of American Reaction," 1947

box 173, folder 6

Allen, Bernard L. Correspondence 1971

box 173, folder 7

Antioch Review. Issue 1959

box 173, folder 8

Balz, Albert G. A. Reprint and serial issue 1949

box 173, folder 9

Baylis, Charles A. Reprint 1944

box 173, folder 10

Bhattacharyya, N. C. Grant application, printed articles, reprints, and typescript study, "Inquiry and Values: An Examination of Dewey's Theory of Valuation," 1968-1971

box 173, folder 11

Black, Max. Printed article 1962

box 173, folder 12

Blanshard, Brand. Letter 1974

box 173, folder 13

Brancatisano, Fortunato. Reprints 1952-1953

box 173, folder 14

Brandt, Richard B. Reprint 1952

box 173, folder 15

Brodbeck, May. Printed article, and typescript study, "Dewey's Metaphysics and Value Theory," 1949

box 173, folder 16

Bullert, Gary B. Typescript studies, "John Dewey and World War II: The Eclipse of Pragmatic Liberalism," "John Dewey on War and Fascism," and "John Dewey's Guild Socialism," and letters by Bullert and Paul Kurtz 1974-1987

box 173, folder 17

Burke, Kenneth. Printed reviews 1930-1934

box 173, folder 18

Cahn, Edmond. Mimeographed speech transcript, "John Dewey and the Law of a Free Society," 1959

box 174, folder 1

Center for Dewey Studies. Newsletters, brochures, and correspondence with Jo Ann Boydston and others 1966-1989

box 174, folder 2

Costello, H. T. Printed article 1920

box 174, folder 3

Deledalle, Gerard. Reprint, and correspondence 1951-1970


Dewey, John


Correspondence with Sidney Hook

box 174, folder 4-8


box 175, folder 1


box 175, folder 2

Correspondence with Arthur F. Bentley, Max Eastman, William Ernest Hocking, Horace Kallen, Pearl Kluger, George H. Mead, Reinhold Niebuhr, Max Otto, Frank Trager and others 1915-1950

box 175, folder 3

Poems, n.d. Includes correspondence 1971-1975



box 175, folder 4

Published. Galleys, mimeograph report, printed articles, and correspondence 1931-1987


Unpublished. Will, outline of "Logical Theory," syllabus of "Types of Philosophic Thought," holograph and typescript of "Pragmatism and the Validity of Intellectualism," mimeograph of "Condition Among the Poles in the United States" (with letter to E. M. House), and typescripts of lecture notes, untitled writings, "Apprehension and Understanding: Immediate Knowledge," "Comment on I Want to Be Like Stalin," "Experience and Nature in Review," "Operational Logic and Mathematics," and "The Present State and Role of Philosophy"

box 175, folder 5-7


box 176, folder 1-2


box 176, folder 3

Dewey, Roberta L. Correspondence 1946-1961

box 176, folder 4

Diggins, John Patrick. Printed article n.d.

box 176, folder 5

Downes, Chauncey B. Printed article n.d.

box 176, folder 6

Ducasse, C. J. Reprint 1952

box 176, folder 7

Dykhuizen, George. Reprint and printed article 1952

box 176, folder 8

Educational Theory. Printed articles 1977

box 176, folder 9

Eisele, J. Christopher. Printed article, memorandum, and letters 1975-1987

box 176, folder 10

Ezorsky, Gertrude. Printed article 1958

box 176, folder 11

Farrell, James T. Typewritten interview transcript, "Memories of John Dewey," 1965

box 176, folder 12

Federal Bureau of Investigation. Articles, reports, memoranda, and letter 1928-1982

box 176, folder 13

Feinberg, Walter. Printed articles 1972

box 176, folder 14

Felix, Wesley. Correspondence 1987-1988

box 176, folder 15

Feuer, Lewis S. Reprints, grant proposal, typescript copy of "Was John Dewey, as Franklin D. Roosevelt said, 'the Worst' of the Intellectuals?" and letters 1958-1977

box 176, folder 16

Fitch, Robert E. Reprint 1953

box 176, folder 17

Frankel, Charles. Reprint 1960

box 176, folder 18

Frost, Corinne C. Mimeographed speech transcript, "The Promethean Spirit," and correspondence 1958-1959

box 176, folder 19

Gale, Richard M. Printed articles 1959-1962

box 176, folder 20

Geiger, George R. Reprint 1955

box 176, folder 21

Gotesky, Rubin. Printed article n.d.

box 176, folder 22

Holmes, Robert. Printed article 1964

box 176, folder 23

Homberger, Conrad P. Reprint 1955

box 176, folder 24

Hutchins, Robert M. Printed article 1944


John Dewey Foundation

box 177, folder 1-2

General. By-laws, minutes, correspondence, fiscal reports, and grant proposals 1964-1984

box 177, folder 3-4

Legal documents. Correspondence, affidavits, briefs, and other material relating to the will of Roberta Dewey 1973-1976

box 177, folder 5

John Dewey Labor Research Fund. Correspondence 1939

box 177, folder 6

John Dewey Society. Brochure, and letters 1975-1978

box 177, folder 7

John Dewey Society of Japan. Letter 1959

box 177, folder 8

Journal of Philosophy. Issues 1960-1969

box 177, folder 9

Kahn, Sholom J. Reprint 1948

box 177, folder 10

Kallen, Horace. Printed review n.d.

box 177, folder 11

Kaminsky, Jack. Grant application, and reprint n.d.

box 177, folder 12

Kaplan, Abraham. Reprint 1954

box 177, folder 13

Karier, Clarence J. Printed articles 1972-1975

box 177, folder 14

Kasachkoff, Frances. Typescript study, "Some Remarks on Dewey's Theory of Truth," 1965

box 177, folder 15

Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy V. Correspondence and research proposal 1985-1986

box 177, folder 16

Kaufmann, Felix. Reprints, typescript studies, "Genesis of Belief and Validation of Beliefs," and "Some Tentative Suggestions for an Interpretation of Dewey's Logic," and letters 1940-1948

box 178, folder 1

Kelley, David. Correspondence 1984

box 178, folder 2

Kennedy, Gail. Mimeographed study, "The Role of Value Theory in Dewey's Philosophy of Education," typescript study, "Dewey's Logic and Theory of Knowledge," untitled typescript speech transcript, and letters 1971-1972

box 178, folder 3

Kimball, Bruce A. Printed article 1977

box 178, folder 4

Klyce, S. Circulars and letters 1915-1932

box 178, folder 5

Krikorian, Y. H. Correspondence 1943

box 178, folder 6

Lafferty, Theodore T. Printed article 1949

box 178, folder 7

Lamont, Corliss. Reprint and printed article 1959-1960

box 178, folder 8

League for Industrial Democracy. Printed copy of John Dewey at Ninety (pamphlet) 1949

box 178, folder 9

Levit, Martin. Printed article 1976

box 178, folder 10

Levitt, Morton. Correspondence 1954

box 178, folder 11

Library of America. Correspondence 1988-1989

box 178, folder 12

McCormack, Eric D. Correspondence and dissertation abstract 1957-1958

box 178, folder 13

McKenney, John L. Reprint 1959

box 178, folder 14

Margolis, Joseph. Printed article 1954

box 178, folder 15

Mayeroff, Milton. Reprint, and printed articles 1950-1964

box 178, folder 16

Meiklejohn, Alexander. Printed article, mimeographed article, "A Reply to John Dewey," typescript article, "The Issues in Education," and letter 1944-1945

box 178, folder 17

Murphy, Jay Wesley. Reprint n.d.

box 178, folder 18

Nagel, Ernest. Printed book chapter, and typescript copies of "The Judgment of Practise," and an introduction to Dewey's Logic n.d., 1983

box 178, folder 19

New Republic. Issue 1949

box 178, folder 20

Nielsen, Kai. Reprint 1960

box 178, folder 21

Nisbet, Lee. Research proposal and letters 1983-1987

box 178, folder 22

Novack, George. Printed monograph, Pragmatism versus Marxism: An Appraisal of John Dewey's Philosophy, and review 1975-1977

box 178, folder 23

Otto, Max. Printed speech transcript 1953

box 178, folder 24

Ou, Tsuin-chen. Reprint and letter 1961-1964

box 178, folder 25

Parsons, Howard L. Printed article 1961

box 178, folder 26

Pepper, Stephen C. Typescript study, "Dewey's Concept of the Problematic Situation," n.d.

box 178, folder 27

Phelps, Wallace. Printed review 1934

box 179, folder 1

Phillips, D. C. Reprint, printed article, and mimeographed copy of "Popper and Pragmatism: A Fantasy," 1971-1975

box 179, folder 2

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Issue 1944

box 179, folder 3

Piatt, Donald Ayres. Printed article 1955

box 179, folder 4

Price, Kingsley. Printed article n.d.

box 179, folder 5

Randall, John Herman, Jr. Reprint and printed article 1953-1959

box 179, folder 6

Ratner, Sidney. Reprint and letters 1951-1981

box 179, folder 7

Reck, Andrew J. Printed article 1961

box 179, folder 8

Religious Humanism. Issue 1967

box 179, folder 9

Rice, Daniel. Correspondence and grant proposal, Includes material relating to Reinhold Niebuhr 1986-1988.

box 179, folder 10

Rivista di Filosofia. Issue 1960

box 179, folder 11

Rorty, Richard. Correspondence, typescript copies of "Dewey's Metaphysics," and an introduction to Dewey's The Later Works (Vol. 8), and mimeographed copy of "Overcoming the Tradition: Heidegger and Dewey," 1974-1989

box 179, folder 12

Rosmer, Alfred. Printed article 1952

box 179, folder 13

Roth, Robert J. Correspondence 1960

box 179, folder 14

Russell, Bertrand. Untitled typescript, and printed article n.d., 1919

box 179, folder 15

Scheffler, Israel. Reprint, and letter 1954-1975

box 179, folder 16

Schilpp, Paul A. Letters 1938-1939

box 179, folder 17

Schneider, Herbert W. Letter 1938

box 179, folder 18

Schneider, Samuel. Reprint 1960

box 179, folder 19

Sleeper, Ralph W. Correspondence 1983-1989

box 179, folder 20

Smith, Evelyn Dewey. Letters 1952

box 179, folder 21

Smith, P. L. Correspondence 1977

box 179, folder 22

Southern Illinois University Press. Correspondence and pamphlets 1973-1984

box 179, folder 23

Suppes, Patrick. Printed article n.d.

box 179, folder 24

Szaniawski, Ignacy. Correspondence 1961

box 179, folder 25

Tanner, Daniel. Correspondence 1986-1988

box 179, folder 26

Tejera, V. Correspondence 1987

box 179, folder 27

Thayer, H. S. Grant proposal and letters 1976-1983

box 179, folder 28

Vescovini, G. Federici. Printed article 1961

box 179, folder 29

Vivas, Eliseo. Printed article 1947

box 179, folder 30

Wells, Guy F. Correspondence 1955-1957

box 179, folder 31

Welsh, Paul. Printed article 1954

box 179, folder 32

Welter, Rush. Printed article 1976

box 179, folder 33

Williams, Donald C. Reprint 1946

box 179, folder 34

Wilson, Edwin H. Reprint, and correspondence 1950

box 179, folder 35

Young, Stark. Printed review 1931


Affirmative Action Programs File 1952-1989

Scope and Contents note

Published and unpublished writings of others, correspondence, and other material relating to affirmative action programs, arranged alphabetically by author.


box 180, folder 1

Non-printed. Notes, leaflets, bibliography, memoranda, fragments of writings, television broadcast transcript, press releases, and correspondence with Howard Metzenbaum and others 1970-1989

box 180, folder 2

Printed. Leaflets, bulletins, and clippings 1965-1989

box 180, folder 3

Adelson, Joseph. Letters 1973

box 180, folder 4

The Alternative. Issue 1973

box 180, folder 5

American Association of University Professors. Council Committee on Discrimination. Printed report 1973

box 180, folder 6

American Enterprise Institute. Pamphlet 1975

box 180, folder 7

Analysis. Series of printed articles 1972-1975

box 180, folder 8

Anti-Defamation League. Bulletins, pamphlet, clipping, memorandum, and letter 1973-1974

box 180, folder 9

Aronson, Charles D. Correspondence 1964

box 180, folder 10

Association of American Colleges. Project on the Status and Education of Women. Bulletin, and report 1974

box 180, folder 11

Bakke vs. Regents of the University of California. Legal briefs, court decision, printed articles, and clippings 1976-1978

box 180, folder 12

Bart, Pauline B. Correspondence 1982

box 180, folder 13

Bell, Daniel. Letter 1975

box 180, folder 14

Black, Virginia. Reprint 1974

box 180, folder 15

Bluefarb, Sam. Letter 1975

box 180, folder 16

Bork, Robert. Printed article 1989

box 180, folder 17

Boxill, Bernard R. Printed article 1972

box 180, folder 18

Brecht, Arnold. Printed article n.d.

box 180, folder 19

Brooklyn College. Legal briefs and decisions, memoranda, and letters 1970-1974

box 180, folder 20

Brown, Daniel R. Letter 1973

box 180, folder 21

Bunzel, John H. Printed writings and letter 1972-1977

box 180, folder 22

Burns, Hobert W. Mimeographed speech transcript 1970

box 180, folder 23

Capaldi, Nicholas. Prospectus and outline for a study, "Federal Regulation of Higher Education," n.d.

box 180, folder 24

Cervase, John. Letters 1974

box 181, folder 1

Chronicle of Higher Education. Issue 1973

box 181, folder 2

Civil Rights Digest. Issue 1975

box 181, folder 3-4

Committee on Academic Nondiscrimination and Integrity. Memoranda, statements, transcripts of testimony by Abba P. Lerner and Miro M. Todorovich, typescript copy of "A Critical Survey of Affirmative Action," and correspondence with Fred Baumann, Abba P. Lerner, Seymour Martin Lipset and Miro M. Todorovich 1972-1979

box 181, folder 5

Coopersmith, Brant. Letter 1977

box 181, folder 6

Congressional Record. Printed excerpts 1972-1977

box 181, folder 7

De Funis vs. Odegaard. Legal briefs, court decisions, and clipping 1973-1974

box 181, folder 8

Detroit Police Officers Association vs. Young. Court decision 1978

box 181, folder 9

Dworkin, Ronald. Printed article 1977

box 181, folder 10

Ezorsky, Gertrude. Printed articles, and printed reply by Abigail L. Rosenthal 1974

box 181, folder 11

Flaherty, James T., and Kevin Sheard. Reprint, and letter 1974

box 181, folder 12

Flew, Antony. Printed copy of Education, Race and Revolution (pamphlet), and letter 1984

box 181, folder 13

Foreman, Paul B. Typescript study, "Race Confronts Universities," and letter 1968

box 181, folder 14

Frankel, Charles. Typescript speech transcript, "Government, Power, and the People of Delaware," 1973

box 181, folder 15

Freedom House. Typescript statements n.d.

box 181, folder 16

Fullerton, Gail P. Typescript speech transcript, "'Affirmative Action' and the Goals of Higher Education," 1973

box 181, folder 17

Fullinwider, Robert. Printed article 1981

box 181, folder 18

Gambino, Richard. Printed article, typescript study, "Ethnicity, 'New Pluralism,' and the Role of H.E.W.," and letter 1972-1973

box 181, folder 19

Gellhorn, Walter. Letter 1975

box 181, folder 20

Gittell, Marilyn. Printed article 1975

box 182, folder 1

Glickstein, Howard A. Letter 1974

box 182, folder 2

Goldman, Martin S. Letter 1973

box 182, folder 3

Goodman, Walter. Printed articles 1972-1974

box 182, folder 4

Graglia, Lino A. Letters 1976

box 182, folder 5

Green, Edith. Printed article, and letters 1972-1974

box 182, folder 6

Gross, Barry R. Printed writings, and letters 1975-1978

box 182, folder 7

Havender, William R. Printed articles, two typescript studies, "About Quotas," and "A Comment on Arthur Jensen's Critics," and letter 1972-1974

box 182, folder 8

Havighurst, Robert J. Reprint 1973

box 182, folder 9

Hayakawa, S. I. Notes, and mimeographed study, "Trying on New Definitions, New Terms," 1975.

Scope and Contents note

See also Audiovisual File
box 182, folder 10

Herrnstein, Richard. Mimeographed study, "I.Q.," 1971

box 182, folder 11

Hesburgh, Theodore M. Correspondence 1974

box 182, folder 12

International Council on the Future of the University. Newsletters 1974-1976

box 182, folder 13

Jackson, Maurice. Printed article 1973

box 182, folder 14

Keeler, Davis E. Mimeographed study, "Hiring Quotas," n.d.

box 182, folder 15

Kerr, Clark. Letter 1975

box 182, folder 16

Lester, Richard A. Reprints, printed article, transcript of testimony, two typescript studies, "The AAUP Salary Survey," and "The Fallacies of Numerical Goals," and letters 1975-1977

box 182, folder 17

Lundberg, George A. Mimeographed study, "The Survival of the Moralistic-Legalistic Orientation in Sociology," 1952

box 182, folder 18

Lyford, Joseph P. Reprint 1963

box 182, folder 19

McGill, William J. Typescript speech transcript 1973

box 182, folder 20

MacNeil-Lehrer Report (Television program). Mimeographed transcripts of two broadcasts, "Bakke Case," and "Blackout Looting," and correspondence with Robert MacNeil 1977

box 182, folder 21

Martin, Ben L. Printed article 1978

box 182, folder 22

Massachusetts, University of. Correspondence, printed article, and memorandum 1988

box 182, folder 23

Measure. Issues 1970-1980

box 182, folder 24

Mosk, Stanley. Letter 1980

box 182, folder 25

Moynihan, Daniel P. Printed article n.d.

box 182, folder 26

Nagel, Thomas. Printed articles 1973-1981

box 182, folder 27

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Mimeographed statement, "Affirmative Action," 1974

box 182, folder 28

National Endowment for the Humanities. Correspondence, reports, and clippings 1980-1981

box 182, folder 29

National Lawyers Guild. Memorandum with annotations by Hook 1989

box 182, folder 30

National Public Radio. Mimeographed transcript of a radio broadcast, "Affirmative Action," and correspondence 1977

box 182, folder 31

New Republic. Issue 1977

box 182, folder 32

New York, City University of. Minutes, memorandum, clippings, bulletin, and correspondence 1972-1989

box 182, folder 33

New York University. Serial issue 1974

box 182, folder 34

Newton, Lisa H. Printed article 1972

box 182, folder 35

Nisenbaum, Steven. Printed article 1973

box 182, folder 36

O'Hara, James G. Mimeographed speech transcript 1974

box 183, folder 1

O'Neil, Robert M. Printed article 1971

box 183, folder 2

Pence, Gregory E. Typescript studies, "The Pitfalls of Rawlsian Opportunity," and "The Scales of Justice and the Weight of Compensation," typescript dissertation, "A Critical Examination of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice," and letter 1974

box 183, folder 3

Purcell, Theodore V. Reprint, memorandum, and letter 1971-1974

box 183, folder 4

Rachman, David J. Reprint 1969

box 183, folder 5

Ramey, Estelle R. Printed article and correspondence 1973

box 183, folder 6

Rauh, Joseph L., Jr. Letter 1985

box 183, folder 7

Regulation. Series of printed articles 1978

box 183, folder 8

Riesman, David. Correspondence 1981-1982

box 183, folder 9

Roche, George C., III. Printed article 1973

box 183, folder 10

Schuwerk, Robert P. Printed article 1972

box 183, folder 11

Seabury, Paul. Galleys, and letter 1971-1972

box 183, folder 12

Seligman, Daniel. Printed article, and letter 1973

box 183, folder 13

Sherain, Howard. Printed article 1973

box 183, folder 14

Sherman, Malcolm J. Reprint, and letter 1973-1975

box 183, folder 15

Simon, Robert L. Reprint, printed articles, typescript study, "Statistical Justifications of Discrimination," and letter 1974-1976

box 183, folder 16

Smaldone, Joseph P. Letters 1973

box 183, folder 17

Social Democrats, U.S.A. Mimeographed resolution 1974

box 183, folder 18

Sowell, Thomas. Printed articles, reprint, pamphlet, galleys, and reviews 1972-1976

box 183, folder 19

Stanford University. Printed reports, clippings, and serial issues 1971-1988

box 183, folder 20

Trow, Martin. Typescript study, "Concepts of Affirmative Action: Thoughts on an Essay by Jack Bunzel," 1989

box 183, folder 21

United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Memoranda, printed matter, statistics, and correspondence 1971-1975

box 183, folder 22

Van den Haag, Ernest. Printed articles 1973-1976

box 183, folder 23

Weber vs. Kaiser. Legal briefs 1978

box 183, folder 24

Wicker, Tom. Printed article, and correspondence 1975

box 183, folder 25

Wisconsin vs. Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations. Legal brief 1977

box 183, folder 26

Wubnig, Judith. Printed article, and letter 1972

box 183, folder 27

Young Americans for Freedom. Printed report 1978


Audiovisual File 1953-1988

Scope and Contents note

Photographs, sound tape reels, sound cassettes, videocassettes, and a sound disc. See also: Addendum File.

Sound tape reels and sound cassettes

onsite digital, box 184

Untitled presentation by an unidentified speaker undated

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_tape_reel


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009047

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the Students for a Democratic Society and the Jean Jacques Rousseau Society.
onsite digital

Untitled reflections by an unidentified speaker undated

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_tape_reel


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009048

Scope and Contents note

A wide ranging, somewhat rambling, sound recording the speaker made for Sidney Hook in lieu of a letter.
onsite digital

Discussion with Sidney Hook and others in Japan circa 1959

Physical Description: 3.0 sound_tape_reels

Scope and Contents note

The men speak via translator with only the English segments in the recording. Hook asks Hasegawa about a number of topics about Japan and the Japanese people.


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009051
onsite digital

"Principles of Academic Freedom: The Situation at Berkeley," speech, Temple University 1965 April 3

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_tape_reel

Scope and Contents note

In the light of the situation at the University of California, Berkeley, Hook lectures about academic freedom and the problems it has generated on university campuses and hosting towns.


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009052
onsite digital

"The Nature of Liberal Civilization: A Discussion Between Sidney Hook and Bertrand Russell," British Broadcasting Corporation production 1953 September 25

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_tape_reel


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0000123_a01
onsite digital

"Is the Fifth Amendment of Our Constitution a Shield against Oppression or a Weapon for Subversion," radio broadcast, Jewish Community Forum 1955 March 13

Physical Description: 3.0 sound_tape_reels


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009054

Scope and Contents note

The question of the forum: Is the Fifth amendment to the Constitution a shield against suppression or a weapon for subversion?
Mr. Theodore Kaskoff - Chairman Philo Calhoun - Moderator
Roger Baldwin, former president of the American Civil Liberties Union, is the first speaker, discussing legal aspects of the amendment. Sidney Hook, professor at New York University, is the second speaker, discussing the ethical aspects of the amendment.
onsite digital

Jefferson Lecture Series by Sidney Hook, University of California, Berkeley 1961 March 9-16

Physical Description: 2.0 sound_tape_reels

Scope and Contents note

Part 1: Title: Intelligence and Human Rights Speaker: Sidney Hook Introduction by Edward W. Strong Remarks: Jefferson Lecture: The Paradoxes of Freedom #1 Recorded at: U.C. Berkeley Date: Mar. 9, 1961
In this talk, Hook examines the rights outlined in the U.S. Constitution, both as believed by Jefferson and by others.
Part 2: Title: Democracy and Judicial Review, Jefferson Lecture: The Paradoxes of Freedom #2 Speaker: Sidney Hook Remarks: About 15' of end of lecture not recorded. Recorded at: U. C. Berkeley Date: Mar. 14, 1961
Beginning by recalling that Jefferson identified himself as a democrat in an era of suspicion of democracy, Hook examines the intersection, perhaps antagonism, of judicial review and democracy. He then looks at various Founding Fathers' views on the topic, including Jefferson's dislike of judicial review.
Part 3: Title: Intelligence, Conscience and Revolution Speaker: Sidney Hook Remarks: Jefferson Lecture: The Paradoxes of Freedom #3 Recorded at: U.C. Berkeley Date: Mar. 16, 1961


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009055
onsite digital

"Freedom, Peace, and Prospects for Survival," speech, Monterey Peninsula College 1961 December 14

Physical Description: 2.0 sound_tape_reels


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009058

Scope and Contents note

Sidney Hook delivered this lecture at Monterey Peninsula College. He speaks about the threat of communism to freedom, both in the United States and abroad.
onsite digital

"The Symbols, Myths and Rationale of Revolution," speech, Central Washington State College 1967 April 19

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_tape_reel

Scope and Contents note

6th Annual Symposium Speaker: Dr. Sidney Hook Topic: "The Symbols, Myths and Rationale of Revolution" April 19, 1967 CWSC Campus
Originally recorded by: Audiovisual Department Central Wash. State College


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009059
onsite digital

Speech by Joseph Katz, "Why Students Revolt," 1969 October 14

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_tape_reel


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009061
onsite digital

80th birthday tribute 1982 October 29

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009045
onsite digital

"Speaking of Everything," radio interview with Howard Cosell 1987 June 14

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette
Language of Material: English.


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009049
onsite digital

Oral history interview with Norman Podhoretz 1988 October 25

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassettes
Language of Material: English.


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009050
onsite digital

New York University memorial service for Sidney Hook 1989 September 29

Physical Description: 2.0 sound_cassettes
Language of Material: English.

Scope and Contents note

A series of speakers at New York University remember and eulogize Sidney Hook.


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009053
onsite digital

Sidney Hook interviewed by Daniel Rice 1986 June 17

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_cassette
Language of Material: English.


Use copy reference number: 90003_a_0009063

Scope and Contents note

From the accessioned cassette sleeve: In researching for my book Reinhold Niebuhr and John Dewey: An American Odyssey (Albany, SUNY Press, 1973) Sidney Hook granted me this interview. On June 17, 1986. The first few seconds were not recorded. Follow-up questions of mine were answered by mail. Copies of my letter of August 14, 1986 and Professor Hook's August 27, 1986 reply are enclosed.
record cabinet

Sound disc. "Si J'avais une Faucille," produced by the Internationale de la Risistance, France 1983



box 185

"Visions of the Social Order," 1986

box 185

"On Being a Jew," television interview circa 1987-1988

box 185

"Hook Evaluates Liberalism," Firing Line 1987 July 24

box 185

U. S. Senate testimony by Leo Cherne, Alexandra Costa and others relating to Afghanistan 1987 October 9

box 185

Interview, television broadcast in Taiwan? circa 1988

box 185

Speech by S. I. Hayakawa relating to the organization U. S. English 1988


Photographs 1930-1987

Scope and Contents note

19 prints, 6 contact sheets, 15 postcards / 2 envelopes.
envelope A

6 contact sheets and 17 prints of Sidney Hook and others, circa 1930s-1987; 1 print of Herbert Solow, John MacDonald, Jean van Heijenoort and others in Mexico, 1938; 15 postcards (7 duplicates) of scenes of Korea and Lebanon, undated

envelope mB

1 print of Sidney Hook by Alfred Eisenstaedt 1956


Addendum File 1922-2002

Scope and Contents note

Addendum materials organized in 2007. Includes additional biographical information, correspondence, speeches and writings, lecture notes, subject files, audiovisual files, and oversize materials.

Oversize File 1942, undated

box 186, folder 1

Speeches and writings. "The Philosophy of American Pragmatism," undated

Scope and Contents note

Printed copies of Russian and Polish translations, published in U.S. Information Agency journals Amerika (Russian) and Ameryka (Polish),
box 186, folder 2

Photographs. Oversize photographs of Sidney Hook 1942, undated


Biographical File 1946-2002


Clippings and printed articles 1964-1988

box 187, folder 1

Clippings 1964-1969

box 187, folder 2

Printed article. Edward S. Shapiro, "The Sidney Hook-Corliss Lamont Letters," Continuity Fall 1988

box 187, folder 3

Communist opinion. Herbert Aptheker, "Communism and Truth: A Reply to Sidney Hook," Masses and Mainstream 1952

Scope and Contents note

Printed copy
box 187, folder 4

Family. Genealogical data and school reports 1946-1969

box 187, folder 5

Post-mortem commentary. New York University centennial conference on Sidney Hook and His Legacy in the Twentieth Century proceedings, obituary, and letters exchanged between Ernest B. Hook and John P. Diggins 1989-2002

box 187, folder 6

Stroke 1980

Scope and Contents note

Messages written in the hospital

Correspondence 1922-1989

box 187, folder 7

General 1941-1989

box 187, folder 8

Boorstin, Daniel 1970

box 187, folder 9

Buck, R. Creighton 1971

box 187, folder 10

Budenz, Louis Francis 1967

box 187, folder 11

Congress for Cultural Freedom 1964-1968

box 187, folder 12

Continuum (Justus George Lawler) 1963

box 187, folder 13

Decter, Midge undated

box 187, folder 14

Decter, Moshe 1956-1967

box 187, folder 15

Drachkovitch, Milorad M. 1968

box 187, folder 16

Gale, Richard M. 1967

box 187, folder 17

Grunbaum, Adolf 1984

box 187, folder 18

Hester, James M. 1968

box 187, folder 19-23

Hook, Ann 1930-1958

box 188, folder 1-4

Hook, Carrie 1922-1949

box 188, folder 5

Hook, John 1941-1966

box 188, folder 6

Hook, Susan 1961

box 188, folder 7

Jukes, Thomas H. 1966

box 188, folder 8

Kline, George L. 1965

box 188, folder 9

Knopfelmacher, Frank 1967

box 188, folder 10

Konvitz, Milton R. 1965

box 188, folder 11

Kristol, Irving 1968

box 188, folder 12

Kurtz, Paul 1968

box 188, folder 13

Labedz, Leopold 1968

box 188, folder 14

Lamont, Corliss 1968

box 188, folder 15

Lerner, Michael 1966

box 188, folder 16

Maitre, Joachim 1979

box 188, folder 17

Mendelowitz, Jeanette 1925-1926

box 188, folder 18

New York Times 1953-1971

box 188, folder 19

Nielson, Kai 1967

box 188, folder 20

Nomad, Max 1966

box 188, folder 21

Polisuk, Celia 1923-1925

box 188, folder 22

Pomerance, Is 1924

box 188, folder 23

Ross, Ralph G. 1968

box 188, folder 24

Schaffer, Mary 1924-1926

box 188, folder 25

Schwartz, Beulah 1924-1925

box 188, folder 26

Shepard, John D. 1968

box 188, folder 27

Silone, Ignazio 1951

box 188, folder 28

Silvers, Robert 1969

box 188, folder 29

Solow, Herbert undated

box 188, folder 30

Trilling, Lionel undated

box 188, folder 31

Wald, Alan 1974-1984

box 188, folder 32

Walter, Edward 1968

box 188, folder 33

Westbrook, Robert 1987

box 188, folder 34

Wolfe, Ella 1968

box 188, folder 35-36

Unidentified (Leonore, last name unknown) 1925-1927


Speeches and Writings 1925-1988

box 190, folder 1

"The Fifth Amendment: A Problem in Law and Morals," undated.

Scope and Contents note

Speech. Typescript
box 190, folder 2

Letter to the editor, New York Times undated.

Scope and Contents note

Relates to the Fifth Amendment. Typescript
box 190, folder 3

"New York as an Educational Center," undated.

Scope and Contents note

box 190, folder 4

Notes on philosophy 1925-1926.

Scope and Contents note

Holograph notebook

Towards the Understanding of Karl Marx 1933

box 190, folder 5

Book jackets

box 190, folder 5

Printed copy annotated by Leon Trotsky

folio Safe


Conditions Governing Access

May not be used without permission of the Archivist.
box 190, folder 6

Photocopy, with transcription and translation of annotations

box 190, folder 7

"A Systematic Philosophy, and Testament, by Mr. Russell," New York Times Jan. 2, 1949.

Scope and Contents note

Review of Bertrand Russell, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits. Holograph
box 190, folder 8

"Bread, Freedom and Businessmen," Fortune Sept. 1951.

Scope and Contents note

Printed copy of German translation, published in Monat, undated
box 190, folder 9

"Red Teachers Can't Claim Objectivity," Square Bulletin [Washington Square College, New York University] Dec. 17, 1952.

Scope and Contents note

Reply to Herbert Aptheker's comments on Hook's article "Communists Practice 'Educational Fraud.'" Printed copy, and printed copy of Aptheker's comments, 1952
box 190, folder 10

"Some Observations on the 'Report of the Special Committee on Faculty Responsibility toward Governmental Investigative Agencies' [of Washington Square College, New York University]," April 17, 1953.

Scope and Contents note

box 190, folder 11

Humanities Curriculum Seminar, Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, Chicago May 14-16, 1953.

Scope and Contents note

(seminar director). Workbook and notes
box 190, folder 12

Letter to the editor, New York Times 5/20/1957.

Scope and Contents note

(date written) Relates to comments on Hook's book Common Sense and the Fifth Amendment. Typescript
box 190, folder 13

"Prof. Hook and the Fifth Amendment," Frontier Aug. 1957.

Scope and Contents note

Letter to the editor relating to a review by John Caughey of Common Sense and the Fifth Amendment. Printed copy, and printed copy of Caughey's response, 1957
box 190, folder 14

The Paradoxes of Freedom 1962

Scope and Contents note

Galleys of review by Arnold S. Kaufman, undated
box 190, folder 15

Moral and Ethical Considerations in the Use of Mass Casualty Weapons, panel discussion, Washington, D.C. April 9, 1965.

Scope and Contents note

(panel member) Transcript of discussion
box 190, folder 16

Letter to the editor, New York Times Aug. 1965.

Scope and Contents note

(date written). Reply to letter to the editor by Haakon Chevalier regarding Hook's review of his book Oppenheimer. Typescript, typescript of Chevalier's letter, correspondence, and clipping, 1965
box 190, folder 17

Contemporary Philosophy 1968

Scope and Contents note

Pamphlet. Holograph (incomplete), typescript (incomplete), outline, contract, and correspondence, 1965
box 190, folder 18

Letter to the editor, Playboy Aug. 5, 1968.

Scope and Contents note

(date written) Relates to Playboy interview with William Sloane Coffin. Typescript, printed copy of Coffin interview, and correspondence, 1968
box 190, folder 19

In Defense of Academic Freedom 1971

Scope and Contents note

(editor). Letter, 1970
box 190, folder 20

"Lenin and the Communist International," Russian Review Jan. 1973.

Scope and Contents note

Review of Branko Lazitch and Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Lenin and the Comintern, Vol. I. Holograph
box 190, folder 21

"John Reed, the Romantic," New Republic Sept. 29, 1973.

Scope and Contents note

Review of Barbara Gelb, So Short a Time. Holograph
box 189, folder 1-8

Oral history interviews with Ernest B. Hook Dec. 1983.

Scope and Contents note

box 190, folder 22

"The Event-Making Man," The World and I Feb. 1988.

Scope and Contents note

Letter and contract, 1987

Lecture Notes undated

box 190, folder 23


box 190, folder 24


box 190, folder 25


box 190, folder 26


box 190, folder 27

Fifth Amendment

box 190, folder 28


box 190, folder 29


box 190, folder 30


box 190, folder 31


box 190, folder 32


box 190, folder 33



Subject File 1929-1986

box 191, folder 1

General. Printed miscellany 1933-1986

box 191, folder 2

Communism. Pamphlets 1929-1951.

Scope and Contents note

Includes On the Road to Bolshevization; Albert Verblin, The Struggle for Power; and anti-communist French pamphlets
box 191, folder 3

Einstein, Albert. Printed article 1949

box 191, folder 4

Political crimes and offenses-Soviet Union. Pamphlet. Friedrich Adler et al., The Moscow Trial and the Labour and Socialist International 1931

box 191, folder 5-6

United States. Constitution, Relates to the Fifth Amendment and legal status of American Communists. Speeches, clippings, printed articles, Congressional hearing transcripts, and judicial decisions 1953-1960

box 191, folder 7

World War, 1939-1945. Pamphlet. War Aims, Peace Terms, and the World after the War 1941


Audiovisual File 1929-1984

box 191, folder 8

Sound cassette 1984 August 4

Scope and Contents note

Recording of discussion between Sidney Hook and Theodore Draper.
box 191, folder 9

Caricatures depicting Sidney Hook undated

box 191, folder 10

Photographs depicting Sidney Hook circa 1929-1948

Scope and Contents note

and drawing of Dewey Commission hearings, 1937

Incremental Materials

Scope and Contents note

This addition to the collection has not yet been described. Please let the Hoover Institution Library & Archives know if you would like to see this material described. Contact us at hooverarchivesinfo@stanford.edu 

Sound recordings

Scope and Contents

Moderator: Prof. William Kunstler Produced by: Sidney Gaby
record cabinet

WNEW Counterpoint Program 1958 January 13

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_lacquer_disc

Scope and Contents

Moderator: Prof. William Kunstler Produced by: Sidney Gaby
record cabinet

State of the Nation 1954 November 4

Physical Description: 2.0 sound_lacquer_discs
record cabinet

State of the Nation 1955 May 24

Physical Description: 1.0 sound_lacquer_disc
box 192

Incremental Materials

box 193

Incremental Materials

box 194

Incremental Materials

box 195

Incremental Materials

box 196

Incremental Materials

box 197

Incremental Materials

box 198

Incremental Materials

box 199

Incremental Materials

box 200

Incremental materials


Incremental Materials 2022

box MC83

Video Recordings 1988

Physical Description: 4 VHS videocassettes
box 192, folder 1

Photograph from International Freedom Prize ceremony 1979

2 of 2 pages
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